f. Three 61 Tile-e Were in the Pol-cu Area. Both Ton- : : g mo and Value of Production in Ontario This ’ Your Dept. of Mines Gives Detailed Figures. PATRICIA PORTION u(8) â€" Berens River, Calm-31 Patricia, Cochenour W11- 13.118, 11333.33, McKenzie Red Lake, Mc.‘ Mrmac Red Lake Madsen (Red Lake, Pickle crow. . Monty; Output of Ontario Gold Mines 1942 - 1943 1942â€"4’3111: s Isaâ€"Value $ SUDBUCRY (1-) â€" Jerome. THUNDER. DAY (5) â€"- “Hard Rock, Mitch, Little Long Lac, M‘acLeod-Oock- shut‘b, Magnet. .- ' Kirkland Lake Gold, Lake Shore, Mac- 355a,:8y1vani'beflreck-Hug‘hes, Toburn, Upper :Caiudag wright-Hargreaves. LARGER. LAKE (3) -â€" Chesterville, Kerr-Addison, Omega. MA’DAGEEWAEN (23) â€"--. Mataohewan Oo'niaurum,‘ Demite, Dome, Haanor, ‘Hollinger; McIntyre, tPaymaster, Pam- our, Preston East Dome, Ross. POROUPEFNE (.14) â€"- Aunor, Bone'tal, Broulam quu-mng, Buffalo Ankeri’oe, age production record for the month in pom mgr quesflon Kim a tonnase of 201156 tons A-unor ..................................... L ..... 1,451,211 milled 5.301 ounces 90m 945 ounces Bonetal (Broulasn mm) ............. 122,535 811%? and a Value of $200510 Broulan ...... . ...................................... 911,155 Since the Whining 0f ‘the year 8181“ 31111515 Ankente ........................ 1.1159 100 mills 0935“ to operate These were Contaumm .................................... 929.289 Nï¬VbOb Monet“ and Hoyle (the latter Delnlte .................... . ........................ 556.510 0“ mommf’flre"mP°mupme?Yam Dome .................. 4,356,597 1“ Lander Lake: Reï¬nery. in W' Haflnor ............................................ 1,122,053 Jerome. in Matachwan: 1170111. in Pat- Homager ........................................ 5.4115. 551 “cm and Wendigo, in K9110? 3- Hoyle ................................................ 369,008 m '13 interesting to note that the 42 McIntyre-Porcupine ................ 5 £29343 mills still in Operation are only 'Dm- Moneta ............................................ 227.173 (Wing at 63 % 0f capacitya This may Naybob ............................................ 25,452 be explained in part by the fact that Pamour ............................................ 1.60fl.267_ “erase monthly mloymem ï¬gures at Paymaster Cons. ......................... 555595 the 801d mines dropped fr cm 17350 ‘0†Preston East: Dome .................... 1.594.995 the ï¬rst Bight months “I 1942' .to 12" Ross (Hollmger) ........................ 454.653 551 for be mumparable period of 1943 Total ........................................ 30,321. 137 Employment. ï¬gures show a. gradual KIRKLAND LAKE AREA lowering Wenâ€. Bidgood ....................................... 434,135 Ontario prodmmg gold mines by ï¬elds for the mdnth of September fol- «ï¬ber, 1935. During the month the can ' mills t‘rea'ted 604,682 tons of are as ,‘again‘st "99.70! i nSeptenmer, 1942. Beth gold recovery and value of bullion were dawn' 24.%. There were 57 mines operating in September 1942 and only 42 in September 1943. The daily aver- Wmmmgmmwna mmmmnemthsotm «Incas silver, valued at 070.1188, M. m represents a drop or 23.8% 1:; are milled 22.7% in gold recovered, 265% ll: silver recovend, and 22.7% in value. hut me gold industry shows no in- cllnsflon to stop its recession, is well indicated by statistbs covering the month of September. These show a new low production value since Beet- (9) -â€" BidsOOd, T W. m (Farewell party) ........ WW Chest ................ mun-conning Club .................... : 29.00 During the month of October. 235,500 cigarettes were sent overseas at a. cost of $776.40. Also there were 6.000 cigaret- tee sentto prismers-of-war. This showe- the good work being done by the Tim- mlns Legion and Community Fag Fund. of which H. M. Moore, Box 250. Tim- mins, is the secretary. Any wishing to contribute to this fund should send their donations to Mr. Moore at the above address. Any and all donations" are acknowledged through the local newspapers. m the month of October the follows donations are gratemllyt Community Fag Fund Ac- knowledges More Gengrâ€" _ ous Donations. 235,500 Cigarettes Sent Overseas Last Month’ from Timmins PATRICIA PORTION Berens River ........................ Central Patricia. ................ Cochenour Willans ........ Hasgga ....... J ............................ Madsen Red Lake ............. McKenzie Red Lake ......... McMarmac Red Lake ........ Pickle Crow. ........................... THUNBER BAY DISTRICT Hard Rock ................................... Leitch ..................... z ...................... Little Long Lac ..... . ................... MaxmeOd-Oocksbutt ................ . .. GUDBURY DISTRICT Jerome Total ........... J .................. ALGOMA DISTRICT Regnery Metals ............. Upper Canada ........ ‘ ........................ 902,888 Wright-Hargreaves ................ 3, 438 ,q’aa Total ........................................ 13, 784. 405 L'ARDER LAKE AREA Chesterville .................................... 673,898 Kerr Addison ..................... . ........... 3,889, 0% Omega. .................. ...................... 471,865 Bidgood A-unor .............................. (Bdnetal (Broulan mill) Broulan 7.... ........................ Buffalo Ankerite ........... Pameur ............................................ 1,601,267 Paymaster Cons. ......................... 855,996 Preston East: Dome ............ ; ....... .1 .694,m6 Ross (Hemmer) ........................ 454,653 Sylvanite ...... Tack-Hughes Tobu-rn ., ........ TOTAL FOR ONTARIO Jan. to June 53,896,532 42,616,963 J-uly ................ 8,934,878 8.332.121 August, ............ 8,0483!» 6,392,243 September 7,970,473 6,015,800 GRAND TOTAL 79.498092 613069690 Production, First Nine Months, 1943 Total Value} September 281,†166,863: Total ...... 2mm 1mm; mam ommmo (unma- es Mama, Thunder Bay, Patricia. and Kama and Rainy Rivet mm). Jan. to June 310,“,403 7,363, 082 July ......... , ...... ,1,808,480 1,039†August ............ 3,001,464 1,048,338! September 11,423,673 manna Total ................ 15,503,049 10,403,112 Jim. to June 14â€,†13,013â€? My ................ 2mm 1mm mam ............ 2.43.9“ a-mm September 2,443,140 1.888.249 Tdtal ............ 213514338 :18â€, 0" MATWNâ€" WY Jan. to June $1,761†3,107.1†July ................ 313.85 â€1511' 13,013â€? 1mm mama. 1mm assume ...... 494,150 1,196,287 17,463 5,970,010 1.691345 .. 518.7% 4,403,010 1,148,892 646,510. 4,356, 897 1,122,w3 3.445.561 1,451,211 122.535 911,156 1,459,100 714M 101,624 719,332 110,332 937,136 McIntyre Porcupine Mine Earnlngs for Quarter rent ï¬scal year, was approximately $25,000 lower than in the preceding three months, costs were reduced by approximately the seine amount, an interim statement discloses. Net (pro; flts, aflte’r depreciation and taxes, were :Whlle gross income of McIntyre Par- cupine Mines Limited for the three months ended September 30th, .1943, the second-quarter of the company's cur- cologne, body powder and sachet. Thus Heigh‘Ho, Heigh Ho!. -. . .it’s back to school -'-they‘ve gone ._ back to†their books and casual looks. For schoOl has stanted in earnest for the sweet young things. , 'I'his'T'iear the No. .1 Beauties have a much more down-to-eart-h feeling a- bout life and yearning. This year’s sdhoolg‘dfls are choosing courses to ï¬t them for particular careers. Their free tinge is devoted to volunteer jwork â€" Red Cross and aiding the USO. The girls like fun and dates just as much as they ever did, but they have now gotten their values Straight and strong! . K ,' » “Where does perfume ï¬t into this picture?" you may be asking yourself. Well, here is the story. . Perfume is not considered frivolous when it is used wisely. It isthe con- sensus of the school group that .per- fumes is necessary ‘to them -- .but only one fragrance a semester. No more whims of a dozen bottles â€"â€" that money is going into (bonds. The girls select one lovely, suitable fragrance and then tie up their hath aids with it. Perfume, 850831 FOR A SWEETIE! A natural 'fohthe flung-{thinly is Wood- hueâ€"a casual fragrance which clings Spchet ‘mayrbe;a',ppu'ed‘at perfume One Scent a Semester is N 0W Order for School Girls --~~ --.'.;070 03. .7 a" a" 'm ‘79 ‘ “Tailored†Fragrances Favored For example one of the favorite school fragrances 1s a “woodsy’.’ one, mixed especially to go with weeds and col- [lege clothes. It has a deep, pungent scent and the girls like 1t because it is in tune with their clothes and the 3 times. They like to use the “ensemble†; mentioned above, fragraneed W1th this | lovely odeur, because by seeming their Lclothes With the sachet. their skin with I the bath accessories; and their person- ality With the perfume itself, they ape pear gently feminine and sweet. This 1 particular perfume clings to clothes like , a sWeé‘tyo young thing to a Lieutenant jg! Which is particularly gratifying. So one pet fragrance gets the vote, and‘ When that fragrance is done up in tailored ï¬xings even to a real walnut ‘ .bOttle tap and real leather package . trimmings, it has greater appeal. If . you' are thinking about Christmas gifts this early, as you should jot down a memo to get fragrant aids for the girl . who is at school. (Released by The Bell Syndicate, :Inc.) St. Mary’s“ JouméléArgus; You can still buy trouble without ration stamps. , Total imam tonne 1313. months end- ed September 30th amounted to 4.1.10,- am, as against. $4,690,54911n the corres- ponding period of 19.42, the report shows.‘ Total' costs including develop- ment were $2,648,234.as compared {with $3,173, 566, and net proï¬ts $1,,461 89"! or $11.83 per share as against $1 516,983 or $1.90 per share. they can have a lovely aura, consistent with _thgir sdhool personality. equivalent to 92c .per share, as against an: pér share in the June period. t “‘3.“ G {I the gmcery stores are closed for the of bread therein. Add milk, to which beaten egg, seat and pepper has been added. It cheese is to Foe slices, in- corporate it between the slices of bread; it grated, stir into the mixture, after the milk has been absorbed by the breed and the wholedish is a sort of soft mush. Bake in a moderate oven for 25 minutes. Mustard, curry pow- der minced onion â€" in fact almost any seasoning you can think of can be added to this basic recipe successfully. Lamb Cutlets I1 tablespoon milk Bread crumbs Trim fat off meat and cut into slices about 1/9 inch thick. Flatten with a rolling {pin or the lblade of a heavy- knife. Mix vinegar, oil, .salt pepper and paprika, add minced onion and soak the meat therein for 3 or 4 hours, Keep basting occasionally. When ready to cook, dip into egg beaten with milk, then into crumbs and fry in hot fat until golden brown. Serve with the dressing in which the meat soaked. North Bay_ Nugget: A good radio on- nouncer ‘is one who can tell the things you read in the newspaper in such an excited voice that you think it is new, or exclusive. Here is a simple recipe which. will feed tour: ' . Recipe for “English Mon? key.†AlsoMenu for Day Lunch English monkey . Apple and celery salad . Bread Butter Dates and peanut butter on crackers You may add sour cream or chopped fresh cucumber, if desired. The following is a menu for a. day:â€" Breakfast 2 lbs. lambs neck 2 tablespoons salad oil 1 tablespoon vinegar 1/.» teaspoon salt ‘ Pinch black pepper My teaspoon paprika ‘ Lamb. cutlets. Whipped squash Carrots and cauliflower platter Bread Butter Cottage cheese and currant jelly Milk Coffee Grapefruit juice Grilled Bacon and potatoes Bread Butter Milk Coffee The Princess Mice Club has begun the new season with two very success- tul meetings to its credit. me ï¬rst meeting was held at the home of Mrs. F.Woodburyandtherewereaold and new members present. Club Plans to Hold a Tele- phone Party This Month. Mm. J. M. Thomson, president, presided. The annual and ï¬nancial reports of the club were presented by the secretary, who then distributed the attractive Club pine. After the dis- posal or several other items of business, the election of new omcers took place. The following is the new executive of the year 1943-41944: Two Very Successful Meetings Held by ; Princess Alice Club mat. Mamâ€"aM( Elan Hemmkeeves). Bomâ€"OnchobgrD, manom. unawaJ.R.Onldwell. DemiteMmes. at St. Mary's Hospital -â€" a son (John. mules). at... u. at. Inn’s Hospital â€" Q son (mantel Wane). Bomâ€"OnOcmberm. 199.com. Four Bï¬rth: ., -‘ at Timmï¬n: This W1 â€â€™1 Begin:- Iguana. lea mm (OohnAndre) Bomâ€" mmmmww. Hon. Pres. -â€" Mrs. J1 M. Barr) Pres. Mrs. Q. R. Rennie Vice-Pres. â€"â€" Mrs. E. -W. Ritzel How N193 Milk Production and lowerFeed Costs I Records of dairymen prove beyond a doubt that when cows are fed "Miracle" Dairy Feed, or a ration containing "Miracle" Dairy Feed Supplement, milk production goesup as high as 25%,with feed costs down 20%. You'll make more proï¬ts from the day you start your herd on "Miracle?! Feeds.‘ NOTE: If your feed man is temporarily out of ."Miracle" Feeds please remember he is doing . _ everything he can to meet your needs. hm The president then carifled the sys- tem to be used at the Clinic, to the sat- isfaction of all those present. ' There being no further business, tea was served by the hostess and an en- joyable social half hour was spent by Globe and Mail: Mothers in theCar- tier Federal riding of Montreal cannot explain why some of their young Child- ren’s name appear on the voters’ list, and are recorded as engaged in various industries. That is for the investiga- tors to discover. There doesn’t seem tohave been any collusion in the homes Pints were made for e. whey-raisins event in the form at a Telephone Party. The proceeds are to be used for the many social service activities. There are to be two Five Dollar War Sewing par-by is November 30th. Mrs. W. Al- exander is the convenor of this project. - The secretary then read two letters of thanks for domtions. of $25.00 and $50.00 respectively. to the Chinese Re- lief and the Children' s Aid. Mrs. Ken- nie next expressed the regret or the mmâ€"mmnm _mmom..m.w.n. mmmmmmw ~m0. 0.511311.