Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 22 Jul 1943, 1, p. 4

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Law 1: 2:. m D 23%. m u U M m. .m w x'h. . u. w x a. w . {w .. . all Eyou th'at thp mm m such a big maria; 99,11.” . 9, A r‘ r?‘ 313 one place “where the gang all go" gand in this case it was a little handy store that brought two boys together Who might otherwise never have met.. :. . .The Air Men in question were Babe ’ iEVerard and Bob Campbell. . 3. .Bob gwas reading aloud a few sentences from ta. letter he had received from an uncle £91 his who is from Timmins and the ex- icemts he had chosen referred to Andy’ 8 «ruthe little store in question. . . .a place {the writer had frequented for years too, §Babe on hearing this immediately spoke mpandsoitmnketwooldtriends Ebeing united again which goes to show E 3M3. JMbChesneyofTImmtnais a one of the proudest mothers in when he saw a Iami‘liar face in this strange land. .It was that of - Joan Clemens, now nursing in Ber- ; . made but Iormerly of the North- _ ma. .Mr. and Mrs. Art Ryan were once of Tinnnins too but are now resident in Lachine, Que. . . Coincidence, don’t you think? . Speaking of reunions there was one in North AIrica too not so very long gago.1t seems that in every town there Our congratulations go to one of the loveliest brides to be seen and that was Marjorie Dalgamo on ‘Monday when she became married .. to Russell Bentley. Both of them , .2‘ me very well known here in Tim-p mine. . . .Marj in her wide circle of friends, and Russ in his wide cir- cle of friends: and. . . hockey fans. _ The day of the wedding was bright . and sunny (which is always a good sign) and'the bride looked radiant in her pastel dress, ~subt1ey blended with the flowers with .and about her” ”The couple are at present honeyniooning down smith for a time, after which Marjorie will be back with us. “only as hMrs Bent- icynow. Even though we were denied the priv- dledge of seing Miss: McLaughlin’s wed- ding we can well imagine how beautiful it must have been from the descrip. tions given to us in the Toronto papers . . . St. Michael’s Cathedral is mag- niflcient at any time but with its altar banked with exquisite wedding bou- quets, no setting could .be more ideal . . . {The Timmins High School was really very well represented too, for besides: the bride and groom, there was Third Ave. at Cedar Street TIMMINS ~ _ Wâ€" OPTOMETMST 0.. O 0...." .0 ”8.0."... O O . O O O :zzzzazzifizv?§§ Fun and Games. for All of ft it“! M the Further mention must be made in favour of the Intercollegiate Dance to be held toemorrow night at the McIntyre. . .It’s the seventh annual one held and if it is any- thing like the- ones of « other years and there is no reason ’ why it shouldn’t be, everyone will be pres- ent and having a. wonderful time ._. . . .If you haven’t as.- yet obtained ' your ticket there are still a‘few left and they will entitle you to a zowie of a time and haVing that assured there is nothing else but getting -dressed and coining. . . From then «in you’ll be right in the “spirit” at things - . , . The Red Cross rooms had seven brand new volunteers on Wednesday morn- ing, and every one of them working as diligently as though she had been at that very kind of work for years. . . . At twelve o’clock anyone might have wondered what all the little wee girls were doing coming out of the post office building, coming out quite reluc- tantly too, asking over their shoulders when it was they could come back a- gain” ..The most amazing part about it Was the fact that they were all such little girls, just between the' ages of nine and thirteen, and as they folded each compress they were both con- cientious and exact, and their enthus-. iasm in their w‘or-k seemed bOundless. 'such patriotism is really worthy of men- tion and the little girls, working under the patient and generous: guidance of Mrs. J. McChesney and Mrs. Baxter werezâ€" Miss Madeleine Weir, Ida Bax- ter, Kathleen Phizacklea, Norma Bail- ey. Joanne Andrews. Betty McChesney, and Georgina Mullens. Here is something of interest, most especially if it turns out to be a nice day t'é-morrow, and it’ s for the lady golferg, .A field day. . . .It star-ts 1n the morning about ten o’clock and at noon .. luncheon ,will- be served” in e the 01W. {For great enthusiasts there June is traditionally the month for brides but this year July sems to . be of Conservatives outdolng its neighbour. . . .It’s not even a week hence that Miss Audrey Van Large Numbers Enjoy Event 388891 and Mr. Charles Belec will take I _ that an important step. July the 26m at Home of Mrs. W Lang 18. the date set. . .Gharles is employed don. at the Eldorado Mines, North WeSt Ter- ritories and after the wedding he will The Progressive Conservative Wo- return to his position accompanied by men’ 5 Association held a very Charming Audrey” gay isn’t that were they tea at the home of Mrs. W. Langdon, hove an- the. Meanties. . . .Wonder if i Kent AVG, Wednesday afternoon The Audrey wants any extra, travelling, 1‘90m8 W61_‘6_ very pretty _ Wit}! potted will be golfing in the afternoon too. Allmembers wishing to take part in the field day should notify the steward- ess at the clubhouse or else new? their names put on the list. for the occasion. Another bride of this month is Myrtle men whose an important day is a; week from this Saturday in St. Mathew’ 3 Church. ..Myrtle was honoured at a. grand shower last week with games, prizes and sing-songs, to say nothing of the beautiful comforter she received from her friends at the end of the evening.-. . .She is to marry Mr. James W.» Morrow and we wish them both luck and happiness. 7... > um bride is the form- .- M9 6mm: Burl -’mdhemmme women’s W or the Mill. ..She ‘wone the mm white, and was at- W by three bridesmaids, and two flower title” ...Mrs Marines- w. the man a mother, was the We}! the coniplete deteus last week, including 9. samme of the materials or all the gowns” Not to mention a large piece of wedding cake sent over by the cou- pie” . . and which can be vouched for by yours truly... . .smoerest Just a nttle reminder to the members of the Ladies’ Guild of St. Matthew’s Church that there is congratulations are in 'Order. for the groom on his good Jortune. and the but of wishes are extended to the bride. . The Progressive Conservative Wo- men’s Association held a very charming tea at the home of Mrs. W. I,angdon, Kent Ave., Wednesday afternoon. The rooms were very pretty with potted plants and huge vases of mixed gar- den bouquets. Mrs. Langdon received the guests who were out in quite large numbers, and ~Mrs. S. Crews was the collector .at the door. Tea and a de- lightful lunch were served and the com- mittee in charge of the kitchen and the serving of the. guests included Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. J. Ormston, and Mrs. Backhousue. Mrs. Dr. Neelands and Mrs. J. Therriault poured tea. Among those present were: Mrs. Munro, Mrs. Forsley, Mrs; Parnell, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. MoClinto'n; Mrs. J. Smith, .Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. B. Sutherland, Mrs. W. H. Prit- chard, Mrs. G. H. F. Adams, Mrs. E. 0rmston,~ Mrs. Hogarth, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Ecclestone, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Cain, Mrs. Mrs. Puke, Mrs. H. Shook, Mrs. Kennie, Mrs. Har- dy, Miss Taylor, Miss Cullen, Mrs. J. Beattie, Mrs. E. L. Giblin,«and Mrs. J. P. Kirkland, of Coniaurrn. Miss Helen Andruchuck. the Guest of Honour at Lovely . Miscellaneous Shower. der Timmins Couple, “m Miss R. McDonald and Air_ craftsman E Cavanagh, are Married. ~ Surprise Shower Held. for August ’ Bride on Sunday A' miscellaneous shower feted the future bride, Miss Helen Andruchuk, last Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. G. Varteniuk. The August bride was completely taken by surprise’ at the gathering and was more surprised when the lovely gifts were brought in to her. A very pleasant evening was spent by everyone, both at playing dif- ferent . kinds of games and at playing bridge and rummy. - Charming Tea by Womens Association of Con‘Servatives Among those present were :â€" Mrs. D. Stanutz, Mrs. A. Puscas, Mrs. G. Bent- ley, Mrs. N. Stanutz, Mrs. G. Spoiala, Mrs. P. Ursaki, Mrs. V. Ermie‘, Mrs. J. Onica, Mrs. G. Varteniuk, Misses Mae» West, Elsie Ursulak, Vera Stanutz, El- izabeth Romiscon, Laura Varteniuk. Lovely Wedding in Hamilton of Great ' hwy“) Many St. John’s Rectory in Hamilton was the scene of a pretty summer wedding on Saturday, July 17th at 12:15 pm” when Katherine Ruth McDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mc- Donald, John Ave., Timmins, became the bride. of Aircraftsman Earl ‘W. Cavanagh, son- ‘of Mr. Melvin Gavan- sigh, of Windsor, and the late Mrs. Gav- anagh. Father Thomas B. Traynor of- flciated. A popular your): bride-to-be whois having much entertaining done in her behalf is was Helen Andruehuck who iotohemarriedonAumstmdtoPo Bill West at the Presbyterian Church. There have been two grand showers in herbeholrthismehatthehomes of Mrs. G. Vartenuik and mm JLCowan. where everyone had a grand tune and the guest of honour received my love- Our congratulations so out to Ruth McDonald and Earl Gavanagh who on fiaturday last In St. Johns Rectory, Hamilton, became Mr. and Mrs. . . Both were popular young residents of the North for many years and have a wide circle of friends here.. ..We hope they both (comebaokandseeusagalnlnthe near future. ' , Lw 9d) ‘10! w 6m Ave. The Presbyterian Church 111 Canada MACKAY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (hector: Rev. Canon mimic, EA” LI! 11.00 sumâ€"Morning Prayer 3.00 pm.-‘-Stmday School 4.15 pans-Baptisms ‘ 7.00 pm.-â€"Even1ng'. Prayer Holy Communion on ist Sunday of month at 11 a.m., on 2nd and 5th Sun-i da'ys at 8.30 a.m.; and on, 3rd Sunday . Christian Society Oddlofluws' m Bum Strut?! m SUNDAY. JULY 25111.19}: , Z} “TRUTH? ' ' Golden Text: “It is the Spirit that beareth within because the spirit 1: truth. ” ( I John 5: 6) 9. 45 um .â€"8unday School 11.00 am.â€"â€"8unday Service Christian Science Ream; Room. Mc- Gmnis Block, 13 Pine 8%. North. Open every many. 12 noon‘to 5 pm. Fri- day evening 7.90 to 9.39 pm. 113 ELM STREET SOUTH Minister: Rev. Dr. Geo, Aitken, ThJ). 11.00 _a.m.â€"â€"Morning Wbrship’ 7.00 pm.â€"Even1ng Worship. ,SUNDAY SCHOOLâ€"10.00 am. South, Porcupine. Ont. BLOOI} AVENUE. REV. J. C. THOMPSON 11.00 am.â€"Morn1ng Service Evening Serviceâ€" 7.00 pm. . - SUNDAY SCHOOL” 10.00 am.â€"For an 12 years and over. 11.00 a..m.â€"-Dome Sunday School; 2.00 panâ€"For all below 12 years .. _ Church BANK OF COWBOE BLDG. \ Captain Mitchell, CA. Assistant Minister St Matthew’ 8 10.00 am.â€"-Sunday School 11.00 sunâ€"Morning Prayer St. Paul’s Church I South Porcupine, Ont. Von. J. E. Wanda", DMD, Minister Sunday Service- 10.00 am .â€"â€"Sunday School 10.15 am. â€"Jumor Bible Club 11. 00 am r-Morning Prayer 7 pm râ€"Evening Prayer Holy Communion on lst My at 11 am. . ' 2nd and 4th Sunday at 8 am. 3rd and 5th Sunday at 7 on. ,u H. The Salvation Ami? " CAPT. and MRS. DOUGLAS éuURCH Services Sundayâ€"11 a. m. and '2 .00 p. :11. Wed. 2. 30â€"Home League Thurs. 8. 00 p .m .â€"_-Public Meeting Your are invited to afte1:0 these Gospel Services. : ,. REY. B. GILMOUR-SMITB, BA. 11.00 am.â€"Moming Worship South Porcupine. Ont. (Missoun Synod) Rev. E. Roth. Pastor Divine Service at 8:30 pm. in the Anglican Church. South Porcupine. All are welcome. menu, Mommy * Unitgd Church m W.H.mm mm; WWW-10.45 . ED. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9.45 am. for 8 and under. 12.15 pm. for 9 and over. Sunday School for all departments at 9 .45 am. m: 1'5 I“ W'. ll. mum 3:1 mm Worship-10.45 Numbâ€"vmpm' snagscnoa’ Sunday School for an depart!!! ‘LA‘QA_‘ B’nai Israel Synagogue St. Luke’s Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Matthew’s Church Schumacher Anglican ' Cedar Street 'Nortfi ISRAEL II. HALPERN, Rabbi W. LINDER, Cantor ' 106 Mummy Street 8. United Church Yon Are Welcome Second ShoWer This Week 'in Honour of Miss H. Andruch’uck Last evening, the home of Mrs. Jas, Cowan was the scene of another shower in honour of Miss Helen Andruchuck. It was? held by the. joint hostesses, Misses Laura Vartenuik and Mae West. These were many guests present and the evening was Spent hilariously with games of all sorts. They began with a nice quiet guessing game like “Who am I,” and then brogressed to bingo, but after that things were harder to control especially When the guests were WWW“ YOUI ESTATE IS "hm HY LIFE INSURANCE WHICH m BANK Am My; tub-m ' branch I! To Eaciiitate the fair distribution of coal and coke supplies as they became available, accurate information as fa the cauntry’ s ’ iuel requirements is necessary. COMMENCING N oucs , ‘ EVERY usmor Read ”'3” 49¢"; carefviiy ; . This Ordéiriapplfeis‘ to all 'fi'ersdngflanaiiag topurdi‘asaidiu' Am13”m¢1y anthracite (hard )=~ coal, low volatile bituminous; coal,‘ 611%,, d: coke? for heating any premis'e: it: Ontario 95 Quebec. 1 9 « . Forms will he available from all dealers‘uinwthc 'nearéfu'mgg, Aftér Completion the form must be‘leffg with the dealer from who’m’ you atopjaoogng go?putcl_1ase.- ”mm “W3 ““‘bemdetmr panama flashersgdt‘ini . , y y « 75‘ mm“ d” ‘m’mmww W. m ' _.:em '5. How much Class A fool I: new on hand for use In the prank"! Quantity on “and ......................................... .. Kind on Huad.... ... ... ...... ..... ......, ,6}, 3"”. you any miéancoued orders for Class A foil for on... "W!” m 69am? (Aaswdr; yes or NO). "'7 "NZ“ “a! 7. I Do you card. 50 16k. 25% of yqor coal haul nqulumoan for "at our oadln ha I . . _ Ia ljtgip voicing bituminous coal? (Angular .YES or 80):; .. r y 9' . . ;'§ 19“ :3; : , J Mir Jul! 1b. chow “magnum .9" mad! Clio: A we! thaa 15¢ mutiny tamarind lg? 11:. (End? if _ If. you agree-1 Ioitok’e 25% of your cool fuei reqq’irenaenfs fame-your ending June I, 1944,in"high voioiil'e' bituminous cool; you $01.! gudefiygry of the remaining 75% in Class A'fuei. If you do nof‘ogree, sodogthiyyop can only get delivoi'y ofholf your'requiremenis of-VC’a'ss A fuel. - - ' NOTICE TO‘ CONSUMERS: For IIn plll'pOjOO 6I IIII6 I,6rnI 'ICI666 A I66I'_’ mqnns 6nIIIrncII6 (II'grd) coal (largu "Ian buck. wII66I). low “Milo bIIoinI'nnus c66I (excluding run 666 and 6cr66'nIn’), MW and We 0666th III6 I666II6n 6nd kInd 6f pr6InI666 In which III6 Clo” :A Io'lI I6 I6 56 36IIV6I6II. Mark By III6 I6II6r X III6 Idnd' 6r kinds 6I 6qupnIonI In wIIIcII III6 666 A I66I I6 I6 66 burnod: â€" HoI W6I6r 6r 9611:6368“ Furnnu - I-InI Air Fornnco - 66klng, SI6V6 â€"' H66IIng 'SI6V6 - Jack“ H6_6I6r. ' ’ ' I ' ‘ I ' To III6 be" of your knowledge how much CI666 A I66I was born“! In III666 prolnI666 Iroin Jan I, 1942 I6 Jon I, I943? . . V ' "" If you glid ndt-usc-koald'uri the y'eur‘eugia ' "' f ' . -.-.. .. .. . -- .. , ._ Blane 41943 0 m ,;. 8%Q‘m9W1-mféfmflwflggmtYourghetting‘e’qui ,‘ 'ent a33’gizbné't 2;: f I. T‘ ., '0 Q C pgemns'g‘g'tagnabl‘egou; con? design-'30 'qstimate ypm' needs. , .. ?'I: A. Consumers $110 on only high volatile bituminous coal. B. Consumer-s of anthticite coal” in the size; known is book- when: on smaller; or of low volatile bmunous screening: at mn-of-mine can. 0. _. of cod and coke used in the business of Sakin5 a t”one“.ap,oooooonyuoflpouu’gcuoobnou“'0..." You “to 12 “0:60th W of Quantity Burnod.......... mot 1932. In memory's guden we walk with her. and thmkofmedaysflntuledtobe. Sometimes we pause to rest awhile, . It’s then dear Mother we see then smile, Formmemoryweseeherjustthe For deep in our hearts she is living yet, We loved her too dearly to ever" f61‘- get. From her. loving children -- Beatrice. Evelyn, Hetty, Thima and son William. Dome Mines. meat. rm W. Apply?» 1" so am North. 7.31 As long as we live we shall mum-‘9‘ all trying 'to tear a picture of a cow out of paper -- 1n the dark. Bet the resmts were outrageous! Miss Andruchuck received a bevy of lovely gifts from all of her friends pre-a sent. A delightful lunch was served and everyone had a most enjoyable evening. The guests included: -- Mrs. Nelson Avery, Mrs. Carlo Cattarello Mrs. James Heath, Mrs. Fred Laten- talne, Mrs. Fred Vllleneuve, Mrs. Dallas 'Wilson, Mrs. J. Shushkelvlch, Mrs. Wm. Kunka, Mrs. Basil Darling, Mrs. Ham Bobble, Mrs. H. L. Hardy, and Misses Margaret Kramaruk, Jean Cowan, Mae West, Laura Vartenluk, Elizabeth Rm mlscon, Helen Andruchuck (guest of honour). Mrs. Wm. Zurby, unable to attend, sent a gift. Try The Advance Want Advertisements (ALSO uniqumss') HIGH-GRADE IN MEMORIAM flotsam '3! Cglgwmgr. i'nm 2f |. "umf..i.J'."“.n.m.4...."..'§”%.m;m- *Oééugfi‘. z .= .1. -- --( (v \ l v‘f'C-U'o Kim! Bum“. WANTEDâ€"Boarding Homes for Child» ren of School Age. Apply to Child - ren’s Aid Society. Room 4, Municipal J. V. BONHOMME -- It you have pro- perty for sale, list them With us for results. Tire, Auto Insurance at re- duced rates. J. V. Wine, 19mm 813., South, Phona2250. *7 ‘ Io A worm rm msmnox (m 35¢) I560 A WORD PER INSIR’I‘ION IF CHARGED (m 35¢) A“ W Adm-um m be paid before Insertion to obtain these sources are wholly at adver- tiser's risk. . 99"! "JG. The Advance will not. bu respon- sible for arson occurring in tele-. phoned advertisements, or an a re- sult of copy not carefully, legibly MISCELLANEOUS Phone 26 WANTED ~16-4l

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