The hourâ€"old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Joseéeph Young, of the Redstone, died in Porcupine General Hospital on June 8th, and was buried from Hunkins runâ€" eral Parlors in Tisdale Cemetery on June 8th. The friends of Mrs. Lorne Callahan Mrs. Iris Fleming and son, Peter, and Master Douglas McInnis, of Torâ€" onto, are visiting at the home of Myrs. Fleming‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Naish of Tisdale Ave. day for T the home law, Mr. : Lakeview. The Rebekah Lodge is holding a bridge and euchre on June 18th (Frtâ€" day next week) in the Masonic Hall. They hope to see a big crowd. A lovely door prize (hand embroidered pillow cases) is being donated by Mrs. T. Farrell, and there will be other good prizes and lunch. Mrs. Ralph Harrison, of Commerclial Ave., is holidaving in St. Catherines for a time. The Knitting Club, of the Rebekahs, meets on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. H. Montrose on Rae Ave. Mrs. Gerald Rosebrugh, of Connaught Hill came hoine this week from Windâ€" sor, after having been away for three months. She is very much improvetc in health after recuperating from opâ€" eration while in Windsor. Mrs. H. Anderson spent a day in Kirkland Lake this week. visiting her son, Mr. Harvey Anderson, who s in Kirkland Lake Hospital for operation. Mr. George Kaufman leaves this weekâ€"end for Toronto where he reports for training with the R.C.A.FP. Miss Prancesca Cattarello, who :s employed at Fraserdale, spent a few days recently visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cattarello, of Bloor Ave. Mrs. Geralc Hlll came hcC sor after ha months. She in health aft eration while Farewell Party by Ladies of South Porcupine Legion left last week for a few weeks‘ vacaâ€" tion in his home in the West, visiting in Winnipeg and on the Pacific Coast. Mrs. Jason Cunningham left this week for her old home in Shawville, Que., where â€"she will stay until the end of July. left last week for a tion in his home in in Winnipeg and on Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. James Sowers, of Hoyle, on June 5th â€" son. Mr. Harry Anderson, of Main St., Frank Briden, of Hamilton, is spendâ€" ing two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archiece Briden of town. well party at the Legion Hall on Tuesâ€" day for Mrs. William Thomas (of Domw Ex.), one of their valued members, who will be leaving soon for Embro, near London. Nearly all members were present and the regrets of all were exâ€" pressed at losing Mrs. Thomas from their circle. A lovely banquet was served following a session of court whist, at which prizes were won by:â€" (1), Mrs. Martineau; and (2), Mrs. Poppleton. Mrs. Thomas was made the recipient of a very nice picture from the ladies, and expressed her thanks to all for their thoughfulness. Miss Marjorie Costain is visiting her parents at Dome Extension for two weeks. Miss Costain, who was formâ€" erly employed in the office of the Presâ€" ton East Dome, is now an inspector with the Inspection Board of the Unite: Kingdom and Canada and has been working at the Otisâ€"Fensom works in Hamilton. Pte. Freeman Anthony spent ‘the weekâ€"end with his mother on Rae Ave. from Camp Borden. News From South Porcupine, Dome and the District Other Items of Interest from South Porcupine and the Dome. South Porcupine, June 9th. Special to The Advance., Mtr. PAGE Two Only those orders paid for will be delivered. 50 cords white birch and 1000 cords jackpine available at present timet. 3000 cords green white birch and 3000 cords green mixed wood now being cut will be dry and available after freezeâ€"up, This is all good clean body wood. WOOD for S ALE Orders will be taken for the sale of birch, mixed wood and slabs at the Township Office in schumacher or South Porcupoine. DROP TN FOR A of his ind M Birch at $11.00 per 4 foot cord Mixed at $10,.00 per 4 foot cord Roderick left on Tuesâ€" after a week‘s visit at brother and sisterâ€"iaâ€" Harold Roderick, of Legion held a fareâ€" Lorne Callahan Mr. A. Tipper, Assessor for Township of Teck was a visitor at Tisdale office on Wednesday, discussing assessment matâ€" ters in connection with the forthcoming Pte. Ed. Nikkanen, of turned to his post on spending the weekâ€"end w on Bloor Ave. Pte. S. J. Chevrier, of Camp Borden left on Tuesday after spending weekâ€" end leave at his home at Dome Ex. Born â€" To 1 Raineiz, of 120 S ter, on June 6th Hospital. Born â€" To M of 7 Burke St., â€" a daughter â€" Hospital. Born â€" To Mr. tyl, of 12 Evans St. in Porcupine Gene Miss Elsie McCaw, who has been holiâ€" daying in South Porcupine, léaves this week for Hamilton. Miss McCaw wou! like us to tell her friends, that she will now be known as Miss MQ%,MVf' Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bonnett, of Bigâ€" gar, Saskatchewan, and son, Alvin, have been visiting in South Porcupine for the past two weeks with their daugnâ€" terâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs. Fred Bonnett. Pté. Fred Bonnett was able to come Up from his station and visit his paren«s while they were here. They are leayâ€" ing on Saturday for their home in the West and are taking Mrs. Fred Bonâ€" nett and baby back with them. R1isO0 leaving on Saturday for Biggar, Saskâ€" atchewan, for holiday, will be Mrs. Viola Blaikic and Mrsg. Bill Zenick. The following item taken Irom iASL Monday‘s Toronto "Star" will be of interest to many in the Porcupine Camp. "Jim" Morgan is one of the twin boys born to Mr. and Mrs. Charâ€" jles B. Morgan in South Porcupine twentyâ€"six years ago. His twin broâ€" ther, George, was married late last year and is now serving as an officer in the Army overseas. Both vere working at mines in the Camp before the outbreak of war. The family left to reside in Toronto some years A§o. Here is The Star‘s item:â€" "Morgan â€" Young." â€" On Saturday. June 5thn, 1943,~ in St. George‘s United Churen (‘Toronto), by the Revd. Dr. Willard Brewing, Elizabeth (Betty) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Young, to Sergeant James Henry Morgan, RXO. C., son of Mr. Charles B. Morgan and the late Mrs. Morgan." The whist Tournament sponsored by the Ladies‘ Auxiliary of the Legion, and running each Monday evening for the past six weeks, came to a conclusion on i4«‘ Mrâ€"> Chevrier, of The whist Tournament sponsored by the Ladies‘ Auxiliary of the Legion, and running each Monday evening for the past six weeks, came to a conclusion on Monday last. Mr. Ed. Chevrier, of Dome Ex., has been in charge of tne tournament which has been quite a success. Winners of the whist on monâ€" day were: (1), Mrs. Len. Smith; (2), Mrs. B. Webb; and (3) Mrs. Bonnett. Winners of the tournament were: (1), Mrs. Len Smith; (2) Mrs. James Sharp; and (3), Mrs. J. Johnston. wish her a speedy rec( eration in Porcupine G on Friday last. A Volga Boatman of Toâ€"day. S. Shilov, of the V olga Flotilla, Defender of Stalingrad. Men of the Voiga Fleetâ€"many of them old tugboat skippers, fishermen, etc..â€"have distinguished themselves in the battle of Stalingrad. They fought beside the Red Army 6n land. They brought supplies through mineâ€"infested water to Stalingrad by barge and every kind of riverâ€"craft, braving enemy fire from the Volga banks and in constant danger of air attack. Photo shows: Red Navy guns Commander 8, Shilov of the Volga flotilla. In the fighting for Stalingrad his gun counted among its sucâ€" cesses, the destruction cf a large grou»n ¢f German automatic ridemen, two enemy blockhouses and a gun crew.â€"(USS.R. Official phctograph.) PAT H. MURPHY To . and Mt Timmins eral Hospital. ‘. and Mrs. Stanley achan Ave., a daugnâ€" n Porcupine Generai eéem taken from iAStL "Star‘ will be Oof in the Porcupine organ is one of the Mr. and Mrs. Charâ€" n South Porcupine ago. His twin broâ€" Brampton ine on June ipine Ger i hniSs p after C i1 Hospi 1, 2 son il e MI Petty Officer Carl Hortis, R.CN.VR. of Porcupine, left on Monday for duty after spending leave with his wife and parents at Golden City. Mrs. Shirley Doherty left this week to spend some time visiting her sister, ! Mrs. Jos. Taman, at Smiths Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lindsay, of Hailnor, are leaving on Thursday. Mr. Lindsay will report in Toronto for Air Force duty, and Mrs. Lindsay and son will travel to Noranda where they will reside in future with her parents. Mrs. Staples, of Noranda, is visiting her motherâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs. Staples, 0~ Hallnor, The annual convention of the Woâ€" man‘s Auxiliary of the Church of Engâ€" land is being held on Wednesday and Thursday this week in Iroquolis Falls. Leaving from S. Porcupine to attend were Mrs. W. H. Johns (President; Mrs. Woodall (viceâ€"president), and Mrs. Wm. Fairhurst (Treasurer). Mr. and Mrs. Steeves left this week for Aylmer where they will attend the ! "Wing Parade" of the R.C.A.F. Priday. | Their son, Wilfred Moore, will receive his "Wings" as a graduate Sgtâ€"Pilot, ‘and Mrs. Moore and her husband wil | return with them. Mrs. Arnett, of Englehart, visited her parents, Argchdeacon and Mrs. Woodâ€" ‘ all, one day this week. Mrs. Roy Lessor, Miss Sirkka Olki Mrs. Gerald Stringer was guest Of | given by the honour at a weiner roast held at Golâ€" |the truck dri den City on Monday evening. The ocâ€" | sulted in the casion was Mrs. Stringer‘s blrthday’ Wm. Rober and the guests presented her wrn a|costs and wa group gift during the evening. All had | licence for 30 a wonderful time. and finished up with ing to remai ed for nine months overseas before his discharge from the Service. The Victory Gardens of the Kiwants are now a hive of industry. Every lot (176 in all) has been taken up and is now in procéss of seeding. 100 bags of Chippewa potatoes were purchasea by the Kiwanis Club and sold through them to the garden holders, If the weather prove propitious these Victory Gardens should be one of the ‘show places‘ of town in the near future. After having planted an apple tree four years ago in her garden, Mrs. m. Smith is this spring being rewarded by appleâ€"blossoms â€" five clusters â€" which she hopes may develop into apples later. John Capyk, of the R.C.A.F., is spendâ€" ing some time with his parents in town. ,st John Levesque, who spent two ih§ in S. Porcupine, and attended ‘r.;.'fsf!;'s; _'ng of her daughter, Violet, tm enc _ ez ces 2 o s N l oL se 400 io To N Ek Mr. Victor James, of Port Credit, is up at Preston Kast Dome on a visit. He will be taking Mrs. James ana daughters down early next week to reside there in future. Emmett Cunningham, of the RC.A. F., spent the weekâ€"end with his parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham. from Windsor. Pte. Len. Mahon, of Brampton, is visiting his parents and wife for short leave. Russel Dillon, who has received his discharge from the RCAFP., has reâ€" turned from Ottawa. Sgt. Dillon servâ€" Signalman William Murphy, of Kingâ€" ston, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Murphy, of the Dome Mines. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Eli Korri,, of 177 Huot St., S. Porcupine a daughâ€" ter, on June 4th in Porcupine General Hospital. The Catholie Women‘s League invite all bridge players to a special party on Friday (tomorrow) night in the Parish Hall. There will be good prizes â€" A lunch â€" and the blankets upon which tickets have been sold will be drawn for. Miss Morgan, Superintendent of the Porcupine General Hospital, reports 65 bath towels and 16 face cloths to date from the towel shower held a few weeks back. All contributions, however, are not yet received. meeting of the Association of Assessâ€" ment Officers, to be held in Toronto on June 17th and 18th. éCame Mrs. Kesnesky last week, is week for her home near Renâ€" C. G, 1. T. Conduct Service at Church at Schumacher Miss Norbertine Ferrigan;.,, and the guest of honour, Mrs. G. Stringer. Miss Lily Boyko, who has jJust sucâ€" cessfully completed her year at Torâ€" onto Normal School, and has been apâ€" pointed on the staff of Toronto Schools is home for a short time visiting her s home fI0r a short time visiting hner mother. ; Mr. Donald Frood returned this week from two months spent visiting relaâ€" tives in Guelph and Sault Ste. Marie. Police Court â€" Thomas Moreau charged â€" with apâ€" propriating $184 from D. A. McNelll, garage proprietor, of Schumacher, was sentenced to 3 months hard labour. Six Arunks â€" one second offence â€" paid the usual, The second offender leave toâ€"day (Thursday) for Toronto and Fort Erie where the_v'will, take up residence. The best ; of their many friends go with them to their new home. *Â¥ 11 t Mr. Glyn Thomas Fourth Ave., left Monday for the R.CA.F./‘Station at Lachine, Quebec. Mrs. W. Robson and daughter, Nellie and Mrs. Tall Bevan and son, David, ty. There was a good attendance of members and a nice social time was enâ€" joyed. During the afternoon the hostâ€" ess served a dainty lunch. The ciubp will meet this Saturday at the home of Miss Lalia Webbar, Third Ave. Mrs. H. Leng, McIntyre Property, reâ€" turned Wednesday morning from Torâ€" onto, where she attended the United Church Conference. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kellar and son, Robbie, left last week for Sault Ste. Marie, where they will take up resiâ€" dence. Mr. Kellar will go on to Toronto where he will report to the RC.AF. Station. y Mr. Danny Wilkes, of Kirkland Lake is visiting his sisters, Mrs. C..C. Wood Second Ave, and Mrs. J. Colqguhoun Fourth Ave. Mr. J. Connell, Second:; Ave., left Monday evening on the Northland for Hamilton where he has accepted a posiâ€" tion. Born and M Ave. â€" The ‘"Percy‘" Red Cross knitting club met Saturday afternoon at the nome of Miss Isobel Flowers, Coniaurum Properâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, of Toronto, are visiting their daughterâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs. H. B. Douglas and littie son at the home of Mrs. Douglas‘ father, Mr. 3. Wookey, MciIntyre Property. _ to be held Friday afternown in tame church hall from 3 to 530 The following ladies were appointed to take charge of the various tables:â€" The Bake table, Mrs. George Shippam ; the flowers, and plant tables, Mrs. Jack Gannon; the children‘s clothing, Mrs. Killens; the tea tables, Mrs. Stan Kitâ€" chen; the kitchen, Mrs. W, Wills and Mrs. Fred Webbar; the advertising, Mrs. J. G. Malkin. Mrs. James Huxâ€" ley, the church organist, will play durâ€" ing the afternoon. Everyone is inâ€" vited to attend and enjoy an afternoon cup of tea. The meeting, closed with the repeating of the benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Glyn Thomas, Fourt*: Ave., spent a few days last week visitâ€" ing at North Bay. ACl1 Bob Heath. R.C.A.F., stationed at Mountain View, spent a few days visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heath, Third Ave. CAIISIOpNer. Rev. Lors Carlson, who has been atâ€" tending the United Church Conference in Toronto, will conduct the service of worship, ZSunday, June 13th in Trinity United Church. The Women‘s Association of Trinity United Church held their meetlng last Wednesday evening in the church hall. The president, Mrs. P. A. Boyce, was in the choir. Mrs. Killens, the secretâ€" ary, read the minutes of the previous meeting and they were adopted Mrs. Argue gave the treasurer‘s report which was also adopted. The prgceeds from the travelling baskets werge 87.. Mrs. Stan Kitchen moved and Mrs..D. Argue seconded that $5.00 be ed to the Canadian Institute for the Blmd Plans were also discussed for thejafternoon tea. sale of home baking, aprons and children‘s clothing, flowers and plants, NaSs Other Items of Interest from Schumacher and disâ€" trict. ist Sunday the service in Trinity ed Church was conducted by the adian CGirlsâ€"inâ€"Training. Miss Helen ig president of the CG,I.T. group, pied the pulpit. Taking part in service were Bebe Leck, Effie Monâ€" in, Betty Killens, Shirley Kyle and cy Robson. The CG.LT, choir + several numbers. A lovely solo UmaAcF Advand everal numbers. A lovely solo ven by Betty Gilbert, accomâ€" at the organ by Miss Kathleen phe Thursday, June 3rd,,to Mr. Leonard Staples, ’GQA Second 21 th, Special social Evening in Honour of Mrs. Robson. Schumacher The death occurred on June 4th a* his home at 71 Cecil avenue, of George Finan, at thgq age of 62 years. Mr. Finan, who has resided with his family in South Porcupine for some South Porcupins, June 9th to The Advance. George Finan Passes Away at South Porcupine Interment This Week at Leitchfield, Quebec. Mrs. George Burns and son, Keith, were guests at a surprise shower held at the some of Mrs. Fred Tokar. Mrs. Burns was presented with a white crib and crib set. After the presentation, bingo was played, Mrs. Roch winning ist prize, Mrs. Boyko, 2nd; Mrs. Roch srd; Mrs. Pecore 4th; Mrs. Briden 5th Mrs. Roch 6th; Mrs. Boyko 7th; Mts. Anthony 8th. Others present at the shower were: Mrs. Brown; Mrs. Dalpe; Mrs. Scott and son,‘Jimmy; Mrs. Mc~ Alphine; Mrs. LeRoy and son, Kenny and Mrs. Toker hostess. Miss Lilly Brown was sorry she could not be preéâ€" sent. A lovely afternoon was enjoyed by all and Mrs. Burns thanked her many friends for the lovely gift. Surprise Shower at South Porcupine Home This Week South Porcupine, June 9th. Special to The Advance. Credit for this must be givéen to the Secretary, ‘Mrs. Frank Huggins, who has made up and sent in reports reguâ€" larly of the monthly meetings. ° 4. is most gratifying to learn from Mrs. Hogarth that the reports stnt in from South Porcuping to Headquarters in North Bay and Ottawa received faâ€" vourable comment from the District Chairman at the mseting, who said that they werae the best sent in from any local committee in thé North. Guest speaker was Mrs. Hogarth, of Timmins, who gave an outline of the recent megeting in North Bay at which she was a delegate. She appeared pleased with the work done in South Forcupine and listened to the queries from the members and their suggestions and comments with interest. Mr. Fred Noon, of Timmins, was also present. Committee of W.P. and T. Beard Meets at South Porcupine A meeting of the local committee of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board was held on Monday evening at the lhome of the chairman, Mrs. M. Smith. Mrs. Hogarth, of Timmins, Guest Speakel at Meeting. South Porcupine, June 9th. Special to The Advance. Monday evening Mrs. Frank McWhinâ€" nie and Mrs. Art Robson were hostesâ€" ses at a nicely arranged party held at the home of Mrs. McWhinnie, Second Ave., in honor of Mrs. W. Robson, 4th Ave., who is leaving this week tror a holiday in Toronto, prior to going on to Halifax to join her husband who *3 in the Royal Canadian Navy. A nitce social time was enjoyed. Whist was played and the winners of the nitce prizes were:â€" lst, Mrs. W. Robson; Z2nd, Mrs. James Scullion; 3rd, Mrs. James Stirrat. After the cards Mrs, McWhinnie, on behalf of the company, presented Mrs. Robson with a lovely handbag, a pair of silk stockings and a pair of gloves. Mrs. Robson thanked the ladies for the lovely gifts.. A dainty lunch was servâ€" ed and a social period was enjoyed. The following ladies attended :â€" Mrs. Reg., Stewart, Mrs. Ted Duxfiecld, Mrs. Bill Hazelwood, Mrs. James Fowler, Mrs. Jerry Harris, Mrs. Harry Dobson, Mrs. Victor Phillips, Mrs. Peter Hunâ€" ter, Mrs. James Scullion, Mrs. Bill Boyd, Mrs, Jack Matthew, Mrs. Tom Johnâ€" ston, Mrs. James Stirrat, Mrs. Ellis, the guest Qf honor( Mrs. Robson) and the hostesses, Mrs. McWhinnie and Mrs. Art Robson. Unable to attend, but donating to the gifts, were Mrs. Joe Montigney, Mrs. James MacKenzie, and Mrs. Ted Jones. Sunday Advance. al Special years past, had been ill for several months. Mrs. Hall, in speaking to the gatherâ€" ing, expressed the regret of all in the impending departure of the two memâ€" bers and gave an account of the work done by the groups since January. Opening with that never to be forâ€" gotten message of our King, "Put into your task whatever it may be, all the courage and purpose of which you are capable! Keep your hearts proud and your resolve unshaken. Let us go forâ€" ward to that task as one manâ€"a smile on cur lips and our heads held high and with God‘s help we shall not fail" "That is religton" said the speaker "and would bring about the motto of our Women‘s Associationâ€"*the Golden Ruleâ€"quicker th: i anything else. Betâ€" ter results would follow. With tolerant, kindly criticism we can do much unitedâ€" ly for God and our ‘Church." After a business period, a social evenâ€" ing followed with Mrs. Libby playing for hymns and songs. Lunch provided by monthly leaders of groups and two members, was enjoyed ‘and a getâ€"toâ€" gether of members who collectively and The deceased was born at Thorne, Quebec. and leaves to survive him, his widow, Mrs, Eliza Finan, four sons, Edwin (private in the army stationed in Cornwall), Mervyn (of Leitchfield), Gilbert and Wilburn,. at home. Three daughters are left: Mrs. Dan Brown (Winifred), of Hamilton, Mrs. Howard, (Muriel), of South Porcupine, ana (Muriel), of South Porcupine, anda Wilma at The deceased was accompanied by his family to the funeral at Leitchfield. The family are expected back on Thursday. Much sympathy is extended to the iamily from friends in town. (A full account of the funeral will be published in next week‘s "Advance") Honour Shown to Mrs. Thos. Kelly and Mrs. W. Thomas at South Porcupine. Farewell Party by Women‘s Association Groups This was a special occasion, it being announced that a "goodbye" was being said to Mrs. Thomas Kelly and Mrs. Wm. Thomas who both are leaving shortly to take up residence elsewhere â€"Mrs. Kelly and family in Toronto, and Mrs. Thomas and family in Embro. Forty dadies were present. Mrs. F. H. Hall, who was the original planner of the group movement within the Asâ€" sociation, took the chair at the meetâ€" ing which opened with the hym§y "Blest be the tie that binds." Suth Porcupine, June 9th. Special to The Advance.. A mesting of the combined monthly "groups" of the ladies of the Women‘s Association of the United Church took place on Monday, June 7th. Oddfellows‘ Hall, Timmins A General Meeting of the above Association will be held in the "onsrvatives and all other interested citizens are invited to attend. Prominent Speakers from Outside Points will Address the Meeting Friday Evening, June 11 Meeting of Provincial Conservative Association F, H. BAILEY, Acting Secretary, Timmins Association. at 5 p.m. Shower Given in Honour of Bride at 8. Porecupine Mrs. Arnold Hawkins (nee Miss Lilâ€" lhan Ross) was guest of honour on Friâ€" day evening at a wedding shower held at the home of Mrs. W. C. Boyd on Moore street. The arrang@ments were in the hands of the lady staff of the Municipal offices and a group gift of a lovely cheâ€" nille bedspread was made by them to the bride. Mrs. Boyd had decorated her home fitting with pink and white streamers and lovely Spring flowers for the occaâ€" sicn and numerous gifts from the guests were also presented to the guest of honour. The following poem by . Douglas Malâ€" loch was recited, and the last vorse is printed (by request>» "Whoever makes a garden has oh! so many friendsâ€" The glogy the morningâ€"the dew when daylight endsâ€"â€" The wind, the rain and sunshine, the dew and fertile sod Oh! he who makes a garden works hand in hand with God!" separately bade Godâ€"speed,to the two special guests followed. "Unto the hills above" was a hymn that was sung by all and the "Mizpah" was repeated. Mrs. Hall thanked afl present for their coâ€"operation, and stated that a Church Fair in the Fall is an object to be worked for. A delightful lunch was served later in the evening. Bridge was the entmtamment proâ€" vided. Guests present included. the office staffâ€"Mrs. M. Deacon, Miss Mabel Pace, Mrs. Jack Wilder, Mrs. Sally Sheppard and Mrs. Gwenâ€"Stratford (Schumacher), Mrs. I. Beaudoin, Mrs. Helen Ferguson, Mrs. Ivy Cameron, Mrs. Winnie Millar, Miss Pearle Kennedy, Miss Arlie Wright, Miss Bsetty Couchs, Miss Lon Wing (Schumacher). Unable to attend but contributing to the gift were Miss Essie Kain and Miss Jean Gallai. Irvin Rosner, R. 0. For Appointment Phone 1877 BLJCOVETSKY BLDG. 21 Third Ave.: Timmins EYES EXAMINED CGLASSES FITTED EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Scientific Accuracy With by