â€"â€"â€" Mrs. A. Borland, Jr., 16 Balsam south, siwas hnhoscess to the Arbutus Chnapter £ knitting group on Monday evening. was a large attendance, and after a busiy evening of knitting, Mrs. A. Borland, assisted by Miss Maimile Borâ€" and Mrs. Borland, Sr., served a g@elicious lunch. . . The next meeting will take place on Monday, April 5th, a:* the home of Mrs. Tomlinson, 43 Seventn avenue, if We can see the As it breaks through the grey We‘re richer far than sightiess Who know not night from da If we have eves to see (:0d‘s Db And ears to hear their song We‘ve much indeed to thank Him for When all is said and done. Rudolf Stewart, of Kingsto: writes this little poem, "Whetr Said", a few lines of wisdom, « § thanks to God our sight, | our other gifts that makes t appreciate all the beaiities Meéembers of the Graduating class of 1942, pupils of Timmins High School, and staff, enjoyed!a gay evening on Friâ€" day evening, the occasion being the anâ€" nual High School graduating dance, held in the Auditorium of the High School. . . . ; Girls wore their lovelilest gowns, in pastels, prin‘s, net, sheers, all making lovely pictures against a background of coloured light,. . . .Soft couches were scattered around the hail for the comfort of the guests. . . . .A grand march was held as a climax of a delightful evening, and lunch brougnt it to a close, the evening being voted as one of the best ever held, A great big welcome home to Mr. and and Mrs. Matt Gooding, who returned last Saturday to spend a few weeks in bown. . . Mrs. Gooding is the former Miss Patricia King, whom you all know and she and her husband are visilting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. hing, 113 Maple south. . Patricia and Matt had been residing at Mackenize, British Chrana, for the past year and a haif, and some of the tales that they had to tell of life there woere most interesting . Pat toid us of the animal life, of alligators, snakes, fish, some that would almost make you shudder, and of the beauty of the flowers, of the scenery, that made you jus;t hold your breath. . . We could go into much more detail of some of the stories Pat and Matt relatâ€" ed to us, but as it is, they have su»â€" mitted to The Advance of a copy of a typical Negro wedding that took place at Georgetown, British Guiana, as writâ€" ten by a Negro reporter, for the paper . .It appears elsewhere in today‘s isâ€" Congratulatins to Milis, of 254 Tamarack street, who was the winner of the chest of silver given by the B‘nai B‘rith as a bingo prize at the Synagogue. . . . . The person winning two weeks in a row at the bingo, is entitled to the special prize of ‘the silver, along with the other prize donated for winning the sweepsiake. . . Mrs. Mills was the lucky lady, she being the recipient of a chest containing a silver tea service, teaspoons and butter knives all neatly contained in the Members of the Home I reminded that the first m this month will be held : nmoon, (Thursday), at the Army Hall, and all forth, instead of Wednesd they were originally held this date in mind, ladies. Meéembers of the Ladies‘ Guild of B6t. Matthew‘s Anglican church are reminded of their regular work meeting which is to be held on Friâ€" day evening, April 2nd, at the homs of Mrs. H. Gridley, 22 Columbus avenue. . .To mention some of the fine work that the Guild has been doing, over the weekâ€"end, the memâ€" bers packed a large box of warm elothing and useful articles, at the home of Canon R. S. Cushing, ana will be sending to it to the Russfan Relief Pund in a few days. . Each member is doing her bit to help and all should be complimented on their fine work. JEWELLER â€" OPTOMETRIST Third Ave. at Cedar Street The Patroitic Association, of the Arbutus Chapter Order of the Fastâ€" ern Star, are holding a bingo on At the present low rates you should be fully prote« The new form of policy for household furm covers, fire, burglary, theft and travel risks. Le quote you rates. SULLIVAN NEWTON 8484 *4 * * 4 * * TIMMINS TIMMIXNS, ONTARIO 4 We Also Sell War Risk Insurance g * 5 4 5 4 5 i5 4 tb T5 i hnat makes us aot (Est. 1912) INSURANCE â€" REAL ESTATE Hindson, Jack Tyrr Norma Andrighetti, David Williams, Ma Eleanor Burke, War Barbara The eve Executive and General Meetings of Ladies‘ Auxtlia The Hom Moneta Dis fens>s Comn Weekly Whist Drive Comfort Fund Te:s ducted. Ineée LAdl weekly whis ing at followitr Ladie Bcurge!l was a vet and the | for the v TMTS,., It. Margart tis, Mrs. B. Richa son, Mrs. J. Baxt Mrs. W. Devine, . C. MclLaren, Mrs!. Mrs. C. W. Penn Mrs. E. Tilley, Mi I". Hinds, Mrs. C. lamy, Mrs. L. Nich The executive m Auxiliary will be t ing at the Legion meeting on Mond i Honaur 0| Cadet John Platt Enjoyable Stag Friends Gather to Wish Good Luck to Popular Hollinger Employvee. C Mout Ihne chubert‘s Chor held on Monda Radio Station, p.IMâ€"â€". ... All ar On We comfor ‘THC 1f 6of a bI near fut Hardy t McG y. Mr: 11 M1 On the id il Parneil; 21 Whiteman fully protected. hold furniture I risks. Let us 11 rdca 1E 1A M \A ®street North M D1 Ormâ€" Pioneer Resident of Schumacher Called by Death Mr. Milton, Connaught, Goes to Muskoka Church im Daniels Passes Away This Week at London, Ont. ‘njoyable Showerâ€"Party Held at Dome Extension 2. Friday. 1930 hours, K Club Hall. Administration, P. T. and Drill Part TIâ€"Personnel â€"AIR CADET OFFICERSâ€"Nil â€"AIR CADETSâ€"Nil â€"PERSONNEL OTHER THAN AIR LDETSâ€"NIL Molsiey, €.0, NO. 1U, linmnmINS . ‘ Club Squadron Part 1Iâ€"Administration WEEK OF APRIL 5th to 9th WEEK OF MARCH 29 to APRL WEEK OF MARCH 22 to 26 WEEKLY ROUTINE ORDERS sued by A.C. Flight Lieutenant P. {oisley, C.O. No. 10, Timmins Boys Porcupine, March 31st. Special \dvance. 1A Y enjoyable showerâ€"party was ‘uesday evening at the home \. McGinn, Dome Extension, of honour being Mrs. J. Lone. ‘hist proved lots of fun and e won by: (1), Mrs. J. Sharp; Juniors) sday, 1930 hrs., K Club Hall A. Woodbury, A.CF.O., Adjt. for C. O H 1930 hours MciIntyre Gym March 3list Knots and Splices First Aid 900 hrs.. K Club Hall It Tuesday when word the death of Mr. Jim Ave. Mr. Daniels left ‘eceive treatment at the ra FHospital, London, ncer resident of Schuâ€" 0st twenty years his mss as a great shock to s. He was a native of d, where his wife and and to them sympathy their sad bereavement. mad> in London, Ontâ€" ents will be under the Canadian Legion n raper, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. ‘s. J. McGinn, Mrs. Roy Drynan, Mrs. Goodfelâ€" Varker, Mrs. J. Baxter, Mrs. A. Clay, Mrs. V. Baker, Mrs. A. McGinn, 1. and the guest of honâ€" on to McIntyre for ind P. T. â€" Saving coffee i: 1e old bean. Keats; (3), MYrS. J. Mrs. Roy Andrews. re brought by the and Mrs. C. Pierce but sent gifts. yeek irch 31st. Special » AÂ¥E Moore e evening y Manette, K. Knell, P . Greene, J h, E. Schotes 8. Wheeler itchard. W it K Club Hal ted Chu Special to nted in a Mrs. Lone kle r Utâ€" is leaving King D. 11 s ha nmus=~ VJ >s ch t Christian Science Society Minister : REV. W. M. MUSTARD, M.A., B.D 10.45 a m.â€"Morning Worship 700 p.m.â€"Evening Worship Christian Scilence Reading Room, Mcâ€" Ginnis Block, 18 Pine St. North, Open every weekday, 12 noon to 5 pm. Friâ€" day evening 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. Oddfellows‘ Hall, Spruce Street Northk sUNDAY, APRIL 4TH, 1943 "UNREALITY®" 945 am.â€"Sunday School 11,00 a.m. â€"Sunday Service Golden Textâ€""What is the chaff tC 100 Mountjoy Street 8. Minister REV. E. GILMOURâ€"SMITH, B.A. 11,00 a.m.â€"Morning Worship. 7.00 pm.â€"Evening Worship Mr. Smith will preach. Sunday School: 9.45 a.m. for 9â€"11 year 12.15â€"for 12 years and over, 2.00â€"for 8 years and under, Canada MACKAY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11} ELM STREET SOUTH Minister: Rev. Dr. Gen. Aitken, Th.D. 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Worship 7.00 p.m.â€"Evening Worship. The Presbyterian Church in Holy Communion on ist Sunday of month, at 11 a.m., on 3rd Sunday, at 7 pm.; and on the 5th Sunday and Festivals at 8.30 a.m. Sunday School 2.15 pm.â€"for all 12 and . 230 pm.â€"for all under 1: United Church South Porcupine, Ont. BLOOR AVENUE, REV. J. C. THOMPSON 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Service Evening Serviceâ€" 7.00 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10.00 am.â€"For all 12 years and over 11.00 am.â€"Dome Sunday School 2.00 pm.â€"For all below 12 years South Porcupine, Ont. Ven. J. E. Woodall, D.D., Minister Sunday Services 10.00 a.m.â€"Sunday School 10.15 a.m.â€"Junior Bible Class 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer Holy Communion on ist Sunday at 11 Church McINTÂ¥RE AUDITORIUM Captain Mitcheli, C.A. Assistant Minister St Matthew‘s Timmins. 10.00 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer The Salvation Army CAPT. and MRS. DOUGLAS CHURCH Services Sundayâ€"11 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. Wed. 2.30â€"Home League Thurs. 8.00 pm.â€"Public Meeting Your are invited to attend these Gospel Services. St. Matthew‘s Churecb Kector: Rev Canon C:isning. B A. Minister: Rev. Lors W. Carlson, B.A. Morning Worshipâ€"Schumacher 11 a.m. Afternoon Serviceâ€"Delnite 2.30 p.m. Evening Serviceâ€"Golden Cityâ€"7.00 p.m. sUNDAY SCHOOL Golden Cityâ€"11 a.m. Delniteâ€"1.30 p.m. Schumacherâ€"2.00 p.m. Come to our friendly, inspirational Inda and 4th Sunday at 8 a.m 3ra and 5th Sunday at 7 p.m. Baptisms and Marriages by arrangeâ€" ment. St. Luke‘s Evangehen‘ Lntboran South Porcupine. Ont (Missourt Synod> tev. E. Rot*® Pastor Divine Service at 8:30 pm in the Anglican Church South Porcupine. All gre Mountjoy United Church "What good is that? things like that. Didn chap to say a few words "Yes" was the print those eithe: see that Schnmacher AND Porcupine United Church The r2; et the inte Church Directory 'Schedul'e for Red First United Church Cross Workrooms ‘The repot B‘nai Isracel Synagogue wheat SUNDAY SCHOOLâ€"10.00 a.m We Schumacher Anglican Cedar Street North ISRAEL T. HALPERN, Rabbi W. LINDER, Cantor rinitv United Chureb St. Paul‘s Church COULD NOT USE IT t utm APtâ€" MWejecurm Timmins limped in he news e 111 in ky We can‘t prin a pair of black it Sunday d vou for Month of April McC Chnurch. Monday, Mrs. A Tuesda of Harm Wedne: Harkne Club. Frida Mrs. V Tuesday of Harmo Wednes T INn â€" and Mrs. Robert Pupich, 42 FPirst aveâ€" nuge, at Et. Mary‘s Hospital â€" a son (Edward Robert). Born â€" on Feb. 2%‘h, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Veino, 110 Hollinger Lane â€" a daughter (Mary Jean Rose). RBorn â€" on Feb. 28th, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grigas, 64 Patricia Blyvd., at St. Mary‘s hospital â€" a daughter (Genovaite). Born â€" on March 13th, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Neville, 67 Fourth ave., at St. Mary‘s â€" a son (Allan Wayne). Born â€" on Mar. 13th, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Intibar, 211 Birch N., â€" son (Jichn George). Born â€" on Mar. 19th, 1943, to Mr. Born â€" on Mar. 19th, 1943, to MI and Mrs. Paul Patry, 12 Windsor ave nue, at St. Mary‘s hospital â€" a daugnhn ter (Mary Florence Paulette.) Born â€" on Mar. 24ith, 1943, to M Partiy and Presentation to Honour Ted Finchen and M Middl2 home of Mrs. Pine St. South, honour Mr. Te linger Office sl ture for Lach will be station! In the cour Finchen was } set of militar blue, along wit many friends. Mr. Finchen chine where ht Born and Mi ind Mrs. Ri 2CEA Elm S Monday, Ap Born id M dar Hundreds of women enlist in "Nutrition for Victory" Drive . . . bring health and stamina to families ... especially war workers ! 10THERS MOBILIZE TO BRING sEALTH TO FAMILIES! n Mal H 1i Mal i1 Dubisct Claude ar. 24th, 1943, to Mr. Brunstte, §4% Balsgam thur Harold William). [ar. 19th, 1943, to Mr. d MacDonald Rowden, ith, at St. Mary‘s hosâ€" tor (Judy Loreéda). arch 18th, 1943, to Mr. s G2rvais, 354'Pine N. i Omer Francis). arch Sith, 1943, to Mr. n Saturd Finchen Quebt ith th 19th, 194", to Mr. Ross Forsyth, 108 iter (Marion Janâ€" 21 M1 im Stevens t, 1943, to Mr. 11 Commercial ene. sA C M 1 ithered at the [acKenzie, 217 lay evening, to i, of the Holâ€" to his deparâ€" ec, where he e RCAF. evening Mr. with a lovely in Airâ€"Porce M 101 14 n _ Several Hundred Local Men Overseas Say Thanks for Fags i3, to Mr. Another List of Names of Pss _ ‘Those Acknowledging Reâ€"« â€"â€" L SOIl € ceipt of Cigarettes, n 1C Women Group. of Ste. Allen‘s Women for duty M 1 M1T Mary f hi D His Monour Rene A. Danis, Mondar, the Ix THE DMISTRICT COUPRT OF THE MSTRICT OF OCHRANE ind day of March, A.D., 1943 BETWEEN â€" showing UTh the Plainti the Clerk « Ontario on Mav, 1943. Ent‘d D.C.O.B. Folio 196, March 22nd, 1943 "G.w." The Plaintiff and delivered Defendant. And the Pla is now due the 943 8A p€ 1¢ Since the beginning of the year The Community Fag Pund of Timmins has published the names of several hunâ€" dreds of local men serving with the armed forces overseas, expressing the thanks and appreciation of these men for the cigarettes sent them through the fag fund. °K. Harrison,> H. C Smith,, Pte. A. B. Johnston, Sgt. C. W Lowe, Pte. G. Keeney, Spr.} T. E. Jones, L. Cpl. H. Koen, Cpl. R. Quigg, Cpl J. S. Munro, Spr. J. A. Brazeau, Cpl. A The next meeting of the Community Fag Fund Committee will be held on Monday, April 12th, at 4.30 p.m. in the Legion hall. G. Hawes, Gnr. A. Smith, Spr. J. Macâ€" Neil, Gnrt. . Luff, Pte W. T. Phillips, Pte. A. L. Smith, Spr. K. Blow, Spr.. J. Doucette, Spr. F. Roberts, L.â€"Cpl. P. Wall, Spr. P. McNulty, L.â€"Cpl. W J. Harris, Spr. E. Massicotte, Spr. A. Butâ€" terficld,; T‘pr. H. V. Richardson, Pte. F. G. McGlashan, Pte. R. Warner, Lieut. H. A. Park, C S.M. B. Martin, Tpr. L. Duff, Gnr.â€"C. Miller, Spr. O. Groulx, Pte. B. Thrasher, Pte. S. Bilinski, Pte. C. Milton, Pte. L. Landriault, Pte. F. Trembley, Fus. J. H. Giguerre, Cpl. A. Chisholm, Pte. W. A. Mason, Pte. W. Bowie, Cpl. E. Arundell, Cajt. L. Charâ€" lebois, Sgt. W. Pennington, Pte. A. R. Knott, P.O T. Richards, LAC. Patâ€" terson, Pte. A. C. Boden, Dvr. G. Golem P.te. E. E. Miller, Pte. A. Maxwell, Sgt. J. Moir, Sig. R. J. Couture, Gnr. E. Schâ€" vwandt, Pte. L Keeney, Gnr. A. Steele, Gnr. L. Dolan, Sgt. J. Byrom, Spr. D. Daigle, Spr. R. Morin, Pte. B. Gibbs, Spr. R. E. Caswell Pte. W. Martin, Pte. A. A McDonald, Pte. R. P. Burnet, C. S.M. M. Cazabon, Pte. J. E. Vallier, Tpr. J. B. Lacourse, Tpr. K. Singleton, Tpr. K. G. Parsons, Cpl. G. Roberts, Cpl. D M. Allan, Sgt. A. Kidd, Tpr. F. Fowler, Spr. J. W. Torrie, Spr. Pat Carroll, Spr. G. Morris, Spr. E. Larson, Spr_ C. E. Kellow, Spr. W. Chalifoux, Spr. P. Ojaâ€" nen, Spr. G. R. Cudmore, Spr. A. Orr, Spr. M. G. Corbeil, Spr. D. Curtis, Gnr. W Jones, L.â€"Sgt. S. R. Solway, Cpl. G. McGill, Pte. A. M. Gerivity, Spr. Dunâ€" can, Spr. B. McDonald, Spr.. A. Saloâ€" mone. A. Robitaille, Spr. P. Mcâ€" Letters and cards of thanks for cigarâ€" ettes sent were received during the past two weeks from the following: W Jones, L McGill, Pte. can, Spr. B mone, Epr. Sponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) in the interests of nutrition and health as an aid to Victory the said Writ. . AND TT IS FPURTHER t the Defendant J. B. er an Appearance to th Summons and file an ai has a good defence on wing the nature of his _ Plaintiff‘s claim in t} _ Clerk of this Court a tario on or before the IT IS ORDERED Defendant J. B. M 1uimmot this Or eon en 1 imited n the Por published med good ue the sum of $229.06. CALDBICK YATES Solicitors, Etce., ‘Timmins, Ont. ritional statements in "Eatâ€"toâ€"W orkâ€"toâ€"Win" are acceptable ion Services, Department of Pensions and National Health, Ottau a, for the Canadian FKutrition Programm¢.) +C and I. B â€"Morich ORDER applicati intiff claims that the sum of $229.06. s claim is for goods solc by the Plaintiff to the the Solicitor 1 pon reading the heriff â€" Mackay You too, can play an important part in this vital national need. Health and stamina are needed now for Victory .. . always for full happiness. Government surveys reveal that even those who can afford the best are often illâ€"fed, according to the standards of irue nutrition. Here is an opportunity of learning an easy and interesting way to irqprove your family‘s health, througL better nutrition ... an opportunity of getting your copy of the booklet "Eatâ€"toâ€"Workâ€"toâ€"Win". at absolutely xo cost. / So don‘t delay! FREE copy NOW it t day of A Advance Nt affi he offi Defendant Morich . said W idavit th the mer he W publi PlaintiHt chra Send for your §()bseryes Silver Wedding Event at Schumacher RICHARDS â€" In ever iiving men of Thomas Host Richards, who fel sleep so suddonly on March 31St, 1 We mourn for him, and he with be reason Might mourn for us instead. There is no sorrow, sin or wintry S2; or those we call the dead. Loving Wife Ruth and Billy FOR RENT Apply at 99 T NMANTED, by the Childrens Aid So«â€" ciéty, families willing to give homes on a boarding basis to Protestant children 10 to 14 years of age. If intere=ted, phone 855, or call at Room 4 o Munivinal Building, Timmins. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. V. Lane and boys, of South Porcupine, wish to thank the many friends for their kind expressions of sympathy received during their rsâ€" cent bereavemetnit. Mr. and Mrs. J. G Married Twenty Years. Phail, Spr. E. St. Cyr, L.â€"Cpl. M. J Hunt, Pte. L. Veinette, Pte. R. Goulet, L.â€"Cpli. D. Carlin, Pte. T..G. Lazenby, L.A C B.. A..â€"Thompson, :Cpl.. K.; Galâ€" lagher, Cpl. R. R. Calverly, LA.C. S. E. lagher, Cpl Guindon. brated their Saturday, M Harris were : The Advance will not be responâ€" sible for errors occurring in teleâ€" phoned advertisements, or as a Treâ€" sult of copy not carefully, legibly written. Mistakes occurring from these sources are wholly at adverâ€" viser‘s risk. ig0O;: And 1rg All â€" paid "She mu ind Mail. on a boarding basis to children 10 to 14 years intere=ted, phone 855, or Schumac 12 Advan VHMURSDAY, APRIL 181 Ee RDorcmpinse ARobaneo CLASSIFIED ADS 19] Ha:l Municipal Buildi CARD OF THANKS MISCELLANEOUS A WORD PER INSERTION (minimum 25¢) A WORD PER INSERTION IF CHARGED (Minimum 35¢) Classifiecd Advertising must be before insertion to obtain cash rate. se Advance will not be responâ€" Loving Wife RA Phone 26 IN MEMORIA M DROP? TN FOR A ilation victure of 1y In ever living memory t Richards, who fell aâ€" ly on March 31st, 1941. aim, and he with besier A V d in Toronto Mitchell, of omed â€" apartment C h 10 â€" 11 â€" 12 . 13P Ir. and Mrs. J. Ave., who ceieâ€" ling anniversary Mr."and Mrs. Toronto 25 years ell, ‘of Old St. and Mrs. Harris of Schumacher of who 1 e ir fiancee?" 16 Harris Special to Glob 1359