The following announcement will be received with interest by many of the oldâ€"timers hnere who remember Harry Wilson, now resident in Windsor, manâ€" ager of that branch‘ of the C.G.E.â€"one of the early residents of South Porâ€" cupine:â€""Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wilson nhave the honour to announce the marâ€" riage of their daughter, Isabel Mary, to Mr. Nelson Burton Hills, on Saturâ€" day the fourth of April, 1942, at Riverâ€" side United Church, Riverside (Windâ€" soOr) Ont." f Mrs. Rolland Mulcahy Michael, who have been vi and Mrs. E. J. Rapvsey for month left on Saturday tc Mulcahy at Dartmouth, NS On Good Friday thirtyâ€"five new members were admitted to the church at a special service in the evenine. St. Joachim‘s Roman Catholic Easter observances were conducted by Father LaSalle, a feature being the music of the Children‘s Choir. In the United Church the Rev. J. A. Lyttle took the services. On Sunday morning the building was filled to overâ€" flowing. It was a baptismal service and special music was rendered‘ by ‘the combined junior and senior choirs, with Mrs, A. Stanlake as soloist, singâ€" ing "In the Temple." In the evening baptism was administered and special music was sung. The church was beautifully decorated for Easter with flowers and ferns. Kiwanians this Thursday will have as guest speaker, Mr. H. R. Rowe, of Timmins, who will speak on "Burma." Easter Day services were well atâ€" tended in South Porcupine the churches being filled to capacity at every service. Archdeacon Woodall conducted the three services in St. Paul‘s, the church being exceptionally beautiful with Faster flowersâ€"tulips, daffodils mauve and white sweetpeas being used for decoration. (This year the Easter lily was conspicuous by its absence in all the churches). Mr. S. Sky is leaving at the end of the week for Detroit where his eldest brother, Norman Sky, is seriously ill. Mr. N. Sky was at one time resident in South Poreupine. ‘The Women‘s Asscciation of the United Church met on Tuesday afterâ€" noon and decided to make their next moneyâ€"raising effort on April 28th (Tuesciay). They will serve another of their popular ‘"hot dinners" on this date in the church. Friends of Mrs. R. Mitchell, of Dome Extension, regret to hear that she has been i}! in hospital this week. ~Miss D. Wilkins is spending the week in Toeronto. Miss B. Shaw spent Easter in Kirkâ€" land Lake and will attend the O.CE. in Toronto before returning to South Porcupine. Sgt. Jordison of the R.C.A.F. is home on leave. ‘ Nearly three thousand people went through the Army Exhibition train on Friday while it was in South Porcuâ€" pine. And at that, many were disâ€" appointed after waiting in line for a chance to go through. ‘A bridge party was held on Monday in the Legion Hall under the auspices of the ladies of the Canadian Legin. All had a very nice time, a specially dainty lunch being served at conclusâ€" lion of cards. Prize winners were: 1, Mrs. Wm. Thomas, who won a footâ€" stool donated by Mrs. A. Ewing; 2, Mrs. Poppleton (silver rose bowl donated by Mrs. W. Hadden); and 3, Mrs. W. Freeman (cup and saucer donated by Mtrs. R. C. MitchellD. Victory Gardens Project for Season at South Porcupine Other News of South Poreuâ€" pine and the Dome. uest Sunda n Cana million. 8 help the Vi Will be in â€" conditions feet by 100, year by lo gardens. T pots offered cations are in for them will be mad a plot may C. P. Walke Bouth Poreupine, April The Advance»â€"Kiwanis two weeks ago to Mr. T. the State million PAG®E TWO advocate Lieut Y0U MIGHT AS, #ELL CHEW THE BES T ilread iw spent Easter in Kirkâ€" d will attend the O.CE. »fore returning to South rs. R. Mitchell, of Dome et to hear that she has pital this week. ns is spending the week s Asscciation of the met on Tuesday afterâ€" led to make their next effort on April 28th ey will serve another of "hot dinners" on this Mulcahy â€" and ave been visiting Ranvsey for the Saturday to join ly â€"to Mr. S. Sky, Mr. r Mr. 8. Gardner. In Kiwanis slogan is one gardens for victory the government) and objective is halfâ€"aâ€" housand people went y Exhibition train on was in South Porcuâ€" many were disâ€" waiting in line for a ugch. W i eagerly taken up last sidents as allotment ar there will be 100 ultivation and appliâ€" y beginning to come urely nominal charge | any who would like ‘â€"~to Mr. 8. Sky, Mr. | experts who w ens project whi here as soon to Club listened A. Douglas, of Hanlar â€" af tss Mr past No â€" y / @UHLiIGLICS mMYy Nnot impress you, but it is the only volunâ€" tary organization for nursing the sick in their hemes, and judging by results in the many centres in Canada where it has now become firmly established, it will grew here too, and prove to be one of the most worthâ€"while projects this community could sponsor. "May I take this opportunity of exâ€" pressing my appreciation to Miss Wright, my coâ€"worker, for her loyal support since coming here in Septemâ€" ber. Miss Wright and I both join in extending cur thanks to the Board members, to the doectors, to Miss Greenaway nurse in charge of Timâ€" mins Branch for helpful suggestions when this Branch opened, also to Naâ€" tional Office for guidance and superâ€" vision. 11. "Inspection." "Since September, 925 visits been made to 116 patients in dis 29 home confinements have beer tended. 666 free visits. "Our aim is the "prevention of eases and the maintenance of he; "The Victorian Order is a new vice here and the statistics may impress you, but it is the only v( tary organization for nursing the in their hemes, and judging by re in the many centres in Canada w it has now become firmly establi area. (Last part of jourr made on skiis). 5. Mother home from 6. Many homes visited 7. V.O.N. car stuck in ance given by farmer. 8. A visit to weigh bal visits made since Sep charge). 190. School Nursingâ€"51 visits made to | homes of school pupxls since January ‘ 11. "Insnectinn " i Review THlustrate tures Taken at her and South "Pictures taken in Schumacher, Seuth Porcupine, Porcupine and rural areas are to be now shownâ€"iwe hops they will convey to vou some idea of the work carried on in this district." Rev. J. A. Lyttle assisted in showing slides. to medical tember. r»Never was thetr prevention of illnc ours, than now. éest in first" aid shows that we ; aware of the dan zens both young ting themselves t encies. We are hb conscious. Report of Victorian Order of Nurses at South Porcupine ber that ther Board makin work possibl: the work is only continue vice? The repo: Ordé e pa Fridavy ni as reporte in the Tisdale memnmbe want to is tion .to g0« wants to k Going into always assu nut friend. We of direct se to best | nurse‘s turn the or Lt POLT ‘"From Sep fear a total o 70 patient Mis: uth Pore! Advanc rt of Mis T Nurses are IOr ibsence patien dis here i: ) the ured NeRosa Halifax Mrs.. H¢ vISIIT TC part of at â€"yourâ€"service bath." CNnere a greater need Ior [ illness in this Canada of ow. ‘The increased interâ€" aid classes everywhere we are becoming mors : dangers, and many citiâ€" ung and old, are now fitâ€" ves to meet these emergâ€" ire becoming more health nbl )â€"The following is th s Kain on the Victoria work in Tisdale Town ed to the annual meetin e township council roor cupine qn March 26th:â€" F * to ~the â€"ond ; of ‘th 16 hC mber, 925 visits. have 116 patients in district irmer, weigh babyâ€"(182 su ince September: hi O m am ho uck in snow, assis maVv idjust an food. M n CoGd ilth welcome. considered but. ‘top neipiluil suggestions opened, also to Naâ€" uidance and superâ€" ‘â€"114 visits made l cases since Sepâ€" visit patient ourney m hospital idered a family @:s, have the joy too, we rememâ€" al and interested mmunity Health u, who support challenge to not 10 id by: Pic . Schumae Porcupine have been atâ€" 11 fully N 6 n had to be Kain Canadiar i HMalifax® v for Otâ€" on ibmi 16 [ mAC elst iven disâ€" A t ab Miss Helen Sweezey, of North Bay, is spending the Easter holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cooke, Mcâ€" Intyre Property, First Ave. Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong, of Kirkland Lake, spent the Easter weekâ€" end visiting Mrs. Armstrong‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cooke, McIntyre Property, First Ave. t Tom Moore, of the Royval Canadian Air Force, stationed at Galt, spent the Easter holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore, First Ave. Mr.~and Mrs. W. K. Wylie are spendâ€" ing the Easter holidays with Mrs. Wylie‘s parents at Brantford. Mrs. Wesley Douglas, of Napanee, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Jim Prenâ€" tice, Second Ave. Mrs. Douglas was called here owing to the illness o her father., Mr. N. Kennedy. Mrs. Dan Fraser, Lakeside Drive, is visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. Lenchuk, Cedar St., left this week for a holiday at Hamilton. Miss Agnes Coléeman, of the Public School staff, visited with her sister at Porquis Junction, prior to going on to Forrester Falls where she spent the Easter vacation with her parents. Miss Lois Abrams, of the Public Echol staff, is spending the Easter vacation at her home in Kirkland Lake., Miss. Smail is spending the Easter vacation at her home in Cache Bay. Miss Smail is on the Public School ‘chair. Business was discussed and l‘rurther arrangements were made for the afternoon tea, sale of home baking and apron sale to be held Tuesday, | April 14th, in the store recently vacatâ€" t ed by the Workers‘ Coâ€"op. at the cornâ€" er of Pine and First Ave. The ladies ‘ have been working hard for some time to make this a very successful event so an. invitation is extended to all to | come and enjoy afternoon tea. After |the business session a dainty lunch | was served by the hostess. | Myrs. lex Welsh and children left iTuesday‘on the Northland for Toronto where they will join Mr. Welsh who ’ has accepted a position there. A large { number of friends gathered at the staâ€" i tion to extend their best wishes to her | in her new home, |__Mrs. John O‘Leary, Second Ave., enâ€" | tertained at a farewell dinner party | Sunday evening in honour of her | sisterâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs. John Scullion, and | family, and Mrs. Alex Welsh and famâ€" |ily.. Fifteen guests attended and a deâ€" es : . l licious dinner was served qy the hosâ€" ! tess. 4 Giobé and Mailâ€"It is a strange situâ€" ation that finds millions of people scrapping and innumerable nonâ€"comâ€" batants collecting scrap. Special Easter Services Held at Schumacher its decorations for the occasion, the artistic work being done by the Young Married Couples‘ Group, under the direction of Mr, H. Waddell. ‘The Reyv, N. A. Healey gave a very inspiring message on "The First Easter Sunrise." Special Easter anthems were given by the choir, "He is Not Here" and "Jesus Thou Joy of Man‘s Desire." A s0l0, "The Holy City" was well sung by Mr. Collin Watkins. Mrs. James Huxley accompaniled at the organ. The TTQO. Class were in charge of the evening service and presented the religious drama, "For He Had Great Possessâ€" ions." The cast included Stan Sellars, Ivy Calverley, Janet Malkin, Bob B3yce, Leon TIkonen, Jack Plowers, Bill Welt, Doreen Willis, Ruby Nelson, Isabel Flowers, all of whren deserve the greatest credit for u.2 very capable performance and the talented way in which each took his or her part. The event was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The Schumacher ‘Happy Gang‘" card club met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs, Whitson, Third Ave. Five hundred was played and the prize winâ€" ners were:â€"1st, Mrs. J. Speigelhalter; 2nd, Mrs. Roy Hazelwood; 3rd, Mrs. Whitson. After the cards the hostess served a delicious lunch. After lunch a social period was enjoyed. The Schumacher Ladies‘ Guild of the Anglican Church held their meeting last Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Alex Dunbabin, Fourth Ave. The president, Mrs. Ben Davis, was in the T ht Margaret Scullion was the recipient i a lovely gold locket and chain as a )arting gift from the students in her ‘lass at Schumacher Public School this )ther Items of Interest from Schumacher and District. @1 imacher, April 8 Advance»â€"Easte1 eda in ‘Trinity The church WA â€" .( Sunday unday WA d Church its utmos lad to 1Q lovely THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TTIMMIN®S, ONTARIO AS The annual meeting of the Senior Catholic Women‘s League met on Tuesâ€" day evening in the vestry of St,. Joaâ€" chim‘s Church. Reports of the year‘s work were hand2da in by the conveners of the different committees and the treasurer (Mrs. J. Cunningham) reportâ€" ed a good financial year. The Socia Service report, also given by Mrs. Cunâ€" ningham, reflects much credit upon this band of workers who have done many kindly acts during year Clothing has been distributed to needy families: house calls on members of the parish have been made; patients in hospital have been visited and cheered; and cigarettes taken to a sick soldier patients.. Two members nave taken charge of infants during a mother‘s illness, and other deeds of a like kindâ€" ly nature performed. not only to those of their own creed, but wherever occa_ sion has demanded it. These ladies have a splendid Red Cross record to their credit (report handed in by Miss A. Sullivan)â€"knitting for Red Cross (report by Mrs. D. A. McLellan). Other reports were given by Mrs. Tokar (Magazine and Literature conyvener)] Mrs. C. Kavanagh (ntembership), and Mrs. LeRoy (publicity). Three new members joined the C. W. L, at this meeting. Election of officers resulted South Porcupine, April 8th Special to The Advance. (Other Items of «Interest from South Poreupine and the Dome. senior C. W. L. at South Porcupine <lects Officers United Movers Timmins, Ont Dear Sirs: Our furniture was transferred from Noranda, Que., to Drayton, Ont.., in perfect condition and not one piece of or crystal was broken. Very truly yours, Former South Porcupine Airman Reported Missing I have great pleasure ing the United Movers ceived at geant Wi Franklin expl Just a Few of the Testimonials for the United Movers The men were most obliging, and in my estimation experts at the work. Please extend to them my compliments and if at any time I have the opporâ€" tunity to send business your way, I shall be very pleased to do so. Thanking you again, Yours truly, Cecilia T. Tellison, United Movers, Timmins, Ontario Dear Mr. Jenson: I am so pleased with the servics rendered by the members of your comâ€" pany, during the moving of my furniâ€" ture from Noranda to Montreal, that I wish to express to you my sincere appreciation of same. fhre,. Characteristicaily hne said nothiing of his own wounds until his plane was safely home. South Porcupine hailed Sgt, Prankâ€" lin as its first air hero; while not a native son, five vears residence here gained him numerous friends, and he was most popular. United Movers Timmins, Ont. Dear SIir:â€"â€" He was emploved underground a: Dome from April, 1935, until June, 1940, when he enlisted in the R.C.AF. and has been serving overseas since last spring. United Movers, 3 Kirby Avenue, Timmins, Ontario Dear Sir: Thank you for the very efficient manner in which you packed and transported my furniture. The only thing damaged was the base of the stove. I understand that you will recâ€" tify this as soon as possible. Yours truly, Received my shipment of Household Effects and have just completed unâ€" packing same. Everything arrived in first class condition. Enclosed you will find a cheque for $50.00. . Please distribute amongst Crater and Packer as my appreciation on good service. My belief is that there is none better in your class of work than United Movers. South Porcupine, April Thanking you 11 whiic dav ha Dunstun on Tyne, England May 17, 1938 you, L remain, Yours very truly, D. 5. McCarly 26 Dentonia Park Avenue, Toronto, Ontar:o June 7, 1941 his daring voung a ich were dramatised v broadcast, are sin he may eventually be admitting that he is i1 official confirmati nA finality. pleasure in recommend E. J. Mason. 45856 Hampton, Ave. Montreal, Aug. 15 19897 Drayton, Ontario, September 11, 1941 Vera L. Hendry Special gathering of membe cluding many from made the recipient of a gift of cut glas:s A sncial evening to clous lunch was s Ewing, convener) which supplies boxes containing socks and other luxuries to men from South Porcupine serving overseas, has received a welcome gift of $22 from a band of local Finnish woâ€" men (presented by Mrs. Felix Huhta) to be used by the Fund for mailing parcels, etec. Public thanks is hereby exnressed for the timelyv gift. All who The Eastern Star Chapt ted at their regular mee Deputy Grand Matron, MJ den, of Kapuskasing. . clous â€" tuili! Blood, wot expressed for the timely gift. All who} 0 L.2 would like to knit socks or other artiâ€" :;ume ._mact cles for boys serving overseas, will be 30 in C gladly given wool for the same if ap. | NOUNCEmn plication is made to Mrs. A. Ewingg, ber will be Bruce avenue. hese articles may be‘qu'est' a fu specially designated for any particular| import soldier, sailor or airman, and will be| sent with the next shipment of parcels| _ PAYLIGI o the boys. | Pte. Bannerman, of the Canadian| Indicatio Engineers, stationed at Petawawa, is | Were carryi home on furlough, visiting his parents,| France tod; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bannerman, of Porâ€"| the Paris r cupine. o‘clock thi: Mrs. Georgg@ Heimer,, and her father | tions alway Mr. Pirie, who has been visiting her|ish bomber for some week, left on Sunday for a short visit to Shawville, Pte. Harold| _ Sudbury Helmer with his wife and baby also left MacArthur on Sunday for Toronito, where Mrs. H. out on top Helmer is now residing. dent, 1. LGalnli Mrs. D. A. McLella Huot, 3rd vice, Mrs retary, Mrs. N. Sulli . Cunningham. The Eastern Star Pte. Pat Cunnmningham, from Brantâ€" ford, spent the Easter holiday at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham. Bornâ€"to Mr. and Mrs. Klobucker, of 318 Cedar St., Timminsâ€"a sonâ€"on April 7th, in Porcupine General hospiâ€" tal. Phyllis Cahill from Pembroke Conâ€" vent and her brother, Kevin, from St. Patrick‘s College, Ottawa are spending the Easter vacation with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cahill. Toronto Visitor is Guest at Auxiltary Comfort Fund Tea Special guests at the comfort fund afternoon tea on Wednesday were Mrs. Richardson, of Branch 65 Toronto, and her Timmins hostess, Mrs. J. E. Gurâ€" ""'""0""""""""""""dâ€" Mrs. Richardson Says That Legion Hall is: a Fine Building. Nine and oneâ€"half tables of whist were played at the weekly whist drive held by the Ladies‘ Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion on Tuesday eveâ€" ning in the Legion Hall. Another in the series of tournament whist, winâ€" ners were as follows: Ladies, 1st, Mrs. Beaulne, 2nd, Mrs. M. Greve, 3rd, Mrs. Meakin; Gentlemen: ist, Mr. Gee, 2nd, Mrs. Bretell, and 3rd, Mr. W. Rowe. * P AP P AL P L P L PP FURNITURE SALE ood, worthy Soldiet :0“0990000000MOOOOOWO'“0“000“000““0“0“00000“00000000000000000007 ALL FINE FURNITURE During Our Big SPRING 20% OFF ROADS : wing | Overloading Will Not Be Allowed it1 HALFâ€"LOADING REGULATIONS AS OUTLINED IN THE HICGCHWAYS TRAFFIC ACT ARE NOW IN FORCE ron arcting as hostess. "comfort Fund (Mrs. which supplies boxes ind other luxuries to """""'"""'-’"'~""’ mm irin, rom wC Frost action during the Spring months causes road bedfs% to get soft and readily subject to damage from traffic. Traffic Officers will be on duty in this District to check loads. Your coâ€"operation to prevent unlawful and unnecâ€" essary abuse of roads is earnestly solicited. Division Engineer, Department of Highways, Ontario. Penalty for overloading is a fine or imprisonment, or both. Permits may also be suspended. The abuse of roads by a few, causes great inconâ€" venience to many. District ecoâ€"operation in the proâ€" tection of the roads will result in District benefit. ter were visitâ€" ‘ting by their ‘s. Grace Holâ€" A â€" very large eeted her in ins. She was g the evening i the Chapter. 1 and a deliâ€" WMrs. Alice i viceâ€"Mrs. J avanagh ; se« reasurer, Mrs resident Mrs nell. Mrs. RKichardadson greatliy admirâ€" ed the Legion hall, with its new colout scheme and finish, and complimented the local branch on having such a fine place in which to moeet. Members present included: Mrs. W A. Devine, Mtrs. R. Mrs. M. Mcâ€" Garry, Mrs. J. Precious, Mrs. T. Gay Mrs. E. Roy, Mrs. E. Ketley, Mrs. A. Cannell, Mrs. M. MeLennan. Mrs. R. M. Smith, Mrs. A. Bor W. Mackey, Mrs. E. Ch Tillévy, Mrs. W. Rowe, M Mrs. W. Johnson, Mrs. | J. E. Brown, Miss Helen A. Borland, Sr., Miss M L. Nicholson, Miss V. M Locke, Miss Doarothy De Elizabeth Borland. CÂ¥ * ; 11128 schubert Choral to Resume |;. ?ractice on Monday Evening | t« Indications were that the R. A. F. were carrying out a daylight raid over France today as it was announced that the Paris radio went off the air at nine o‘clock this morning. The radio staâ€" tions always go off the air when Britâ€" ish bombers are reported near. After the Eastergryâ€"off, members of the Schubert Choral Society will reâ€" sume practice on Monday evening at 730 in CKGB studio. Special anâ€" nouncements of interest to every memâ€" ber will be made and the executive reâ€" quest a full turnout of members for this important meeting. sudbury Starâ€"And may General MacArthur go down under and come PLUMBING and HEATING DAYLIGHT RAID OVER FRAXNXCE 88 Bruce Avenue 39 Bruce Avenue, South Porcupine Gasoline, Grease and Oils, Guttaâ€" Percha Tires and Tubes, Prestâ€"Oâ€" Lite Batteries Cars Washed and Simonized C,. LANDON and T. E. CAHILL Cor. Golden Moore, S. Porcupine e TIMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS ATLAS TIRES and BATTERIES Agzents for Me~DOWELL MOTORS LTD. Ford and Mercury Cars and Trucks 146 Dome Avenue Plumbing and Heating Complete Furnace Work South End Garage SERVICE STATIONS Repairs to All Makes of Cars 24 Hour Service South Porcupine Directory H. J. Thompson Shell Service Station me Avenue Phone 363 PORCUPINE Nap Hout DRUGGISTS south Porcupine Miss Helen Borland, Sr., Miss M. Hellens, , Miss V. Mackey, Mi Darothy Devine, and rland. Proprietors ve, Miss M. B Myrs. F. Curti Phone 55 and Mrs Mrs Mrs During the has been ma; the North, A seldom missed his large ter any reason, â€" when illâ€"healt of his duties. is off his cir had a bad â€"«co and apparen Magistrate Atkinson Absent Through Hiness Porcupine Hardware _ and Furniture enough to keep him If rounds this week. He on his regular rounds will sincerely wish him speedy return to healt his "patients" joining he enjoys the regarc fairness and integrity IRVIN ROSNER, R.0. Anderson‘s Grocery Midland Coal or Canmore Briquettes Frank Sgro Sons Tobaccos and Confectionery Fresh Vegetables PHONE 184 FREE DELIVERY 181 Moore Street, South Porcupine Phone 169â€"J 158 Main St. Builders‘ Supplies Home Furnishings Phone 84 BIRD‘S EYE BRAND FROSTED FOOoOns Special Peas and Corn on Cob Red Ribbon Brand Baby Beef FOR SERVICE and QUALITY BUCOVETSKY BLDPG. 21 Third Ave. Timmins EYESIGHT SPECIALIST For Appointment Phone 1877 Economy Store Choice Groceries and Meats THURSDAY. APRIL OTH, 18942 EYES EXAMINED QLASSES FITTED COAL and WOOD F. Landreville (prop.) magist M ag 4A °Y A South Porcupine ind 11 18 by ew c renteod week due t GOTDEN CITY Refrigcrators Radios 8. Porcupine Phone 162 time, 1 rememt dischat woever. 18