To L Pnd ds MOOOOOOOOOOOOWMWMWWO ’a desolate future. rliâ€'t‘l’delld*’)lls Dl'ama l Herbert Marshall plays the weary _1* @ and suffering Morace. Teresa Wrigzht #1 ]h'ï¬ed INn ()()ldwyn § :i Alexandra and Richard Carlson as rg~. * , â€" lher young suitor are also featured. lhe !‘E{tle 14 Oxes i Patricia Collinge, Charles Dinigle, Dan * iDuryea, Carl Benton Reid and John V j 11 n Â¥*V Canad: o Ao 4s c 4234c lefld‘)llS Ul'ama lu Herbert;' Marshall plays the weary and suffering Morace. ‘Teresa Wright 9 Bd INn GOldwyn § iig; Alexandra and Richard Carlson as | her young suitor are also featured. [lttle Foxes i Patricia Collinge, Charles Dingle, Dan C C | Duryea, Carl Benton Reid and John T. Marriot+ reâ€"enact the roles they creatâ€" Davis in Her: Most | 4 e . n t i ns ith â€" Miss ellman writing the ])(-‘)lhng Role. screeny version of her own play, with e s | ‘__. | William _ Wyler directing and with nre‘‘s perhaps the moSt | Gresee Toland at ithe camera, ‘"The it clsaborate nroduction numbers, employing more dancers highlight the musical sequences The Chocolate Soldier," Mâ€"Gâ€"M‘s new musical ing@, Nelson Eddy and introducing the lovely ~~Avalitan onera star, Rise Stevens, to the â€"»n. In the sequence above Eddy and Miss Steâ€" ms at him, Horace has Colidly, Regina walchss :t‘:empt to get the meâ€" cave him. A few hours Regimna threatens Béen she will sand them to ey give her an intorest they are forced to conâ€" ndra refuses to go with + her new scene of will stay in the little ind lock for happiness paperman sweetheart. neo and uAnwanied, faces yill stay in ind look for pavperman re and unwar AI Ww € l 8 lMeginas I10VELY r. Alsxandra, inâ€" s with her father. eakling son Le2, ccess to Horace‘s a ‘"borrow" his ‘lell Regina they ) her fury. e thoft, but reâ€" al of it. To ksep he new" to her r he is making only the s.olen r them from her chare in the mill ) labour csiktonâ€" 1 her two broâ€" Put Hsrace, lil Ielman th SONGS, DANCES, COMEDY AND ROMANCE ul life of a e 190)‘s. In er charn‘ng rcthers and disillusioned nterifere wi‘th woman pi s Younsest Plouohman H He turned that his Ina aliz 1e most 1ias had en proâ€" 1y @iy midâ€" offered numan lovely Thrills, Adventure, Romance in Filim: at Cartier. This Week. CrTregg â€" _ dibâ€" JIC â€" GCAALITCILG, 4: Little Foxes‘ received expert Goldw production. ‘ Southern Beauty in Part of a Fearless Bandit Queen On Friday and Saturday of this wes Jan. 30th and 31st, the feature at m Carltier theatre is "Belle the mction picture presentation of a bandit queen. An added feature is "Her First Beau," with Jaqkie'Ccoper and June Withers. "Belle Starr‘, the Technicoiour fiim depicting the exploi‘s of the Sow‘hern beauty who became the bandit quegeen of the Ozarks, marked the first timse in years that 20th Centuryâ€"Fox studio heads gave their permission for a pr- ture to be shot in continuity, that is to say in the natural sequence of events It was Director Irving Cummings plea that, in order to do justics to the many intense emotional scenes in the the bit players, were on call during the entire shoocting and no sets were "killâ€" ed" until the picture was compleied. s*ory of the pe‘iticoat terror. the normâ€" al continuity should be followed in filming that production. Thus Randolgh Sco‘tt, Gene Tisrnsy (who plays Belle), Dang Andrews, John shepperd, Elizabeth Patterson, Chill Wills and the entire cast, right down to "Belle EStarr‘ cpens in Belle‘s home in Carthage, Missouri, and shows the dramatic developments immediately following the Civil War which influencâ€" ed an aristocratic Southern beauty to become history‘s most famous woman bandit. It also concentrates on Belle‘s t mance with and marriagze to Sam Sta guerilla leader and outlaw, whose ba nave competed. in plougmi matches but Melvin is the your est young man of all to mas the difficult art of competit ploughing. His parents attrib his success to the ease and si plicity of operation of his tract new musical cal comedy star and her ag the lovely directed by Royv Del Ruth rens, to the Theatre Sunday midnigh! and Miss Steâ€" Wednesday, February 2nc the Technicolour film J1vC€ she ; mem .-‘; in ed ( Hailed ful pictu and ries mul wh sir Weqario O Dame May W ce P stt it PA BP ns P al l l : T wenty Years Ago +s A Awanaa W\r‘nfl Ti would ext he> ha McInn iripping Mystery Romance at the Broadway Theatre e} CGHn nuI 1C Da L neC " will be at the Broadway rsday,. Friday and Saturday . Jan. 29th, 30 h and 31st. directed the film, ves abcut the misdeeds of adven.urer and ‘the fears ns cf the woman he marâ€" belisc?f that he intends to leads to ‘the stirring climax cual offering, which is basâ€" ovel by Frances Hes. 1 RKO Radio cast include: Hardwicke, Nigsol Bruce, P P t PPA P P P it lA L esP l P l 4 11 H c the same time as the and then the two of ealt with at the stime t also referred to the ea by Tisdale for a m +o supply the whole c-%gan was the repreâ€" ale in the maitter and wved the mayor. Dr. . Maorgzan to learn the i the mines on the ins would have to enâ€" ain service, the maycer possible that this lvfied moss eccnomicâ€" xvi‘h the icwnship and ded a suitable agreeâ€" bl2,. If the mines enâ€" in they could buy the ild solve the finanting, (0 mse‘ing of the town e Burn:‘ birthday in J. A. McIinnis, tion of the teleâ€" psinted oult that r‘s council had said C um franchise would until the service had H> added that there ilble improvement in Ie called attention to m the townrfiip of fTect that is might be and townchip to go take over the light rvics and run them icss under a commisâ€" L. 8. Newton did not xas in financial conâ€" r the mat‘er. Counâ€" n sugzgzested that the simioly Iccking for for buying any busiâ€" 2. After frrther disâ€" or‘ advi>d thiat the ise ‘be renewed for a four vears, so that it Em ql. (p ,,, m y o cke, Nigol Bru ind Isabel Jeans year, *"Suspicion‘ nt and Joan Fon mystery romant i countryside set iz to those who riining. about the nsow that twenty . sugzestion tha‘ and the tciwnâ€" ‘er *the telephone . as a municipal a membership of 0 from Tinunins odgtes going over mnC XI, WAaASsS mos; reckless THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TTMMINS, ONTARTO .2 uspenseâ€" by swwecial train for the institution °c the new lodge. The ceremonics wer under the direction of Grand Maste MHamilton, of Fort William, assiste by Grand Secretary Brooks, of Toronk and Dis.rict Deputy Grand Masts Forbe=, of Matheson. Ma rane, South Porcupine a: each had degree teams | the evening was a notable ( out. On accoun* of the the T. N. 0. the Grand unable to reach Iroquois 3 a.m. on Tuesday mornir® work of the Order, the â€" ‘he gues.s at a banguet Ab‘tibi Power and Papeor ( The Advance twenty ye "The classes in mining i with the evening ccurses sshool here opened last‘r initial at.endance of 0. ance was a record one fo night, specvial interest be by the fact that the opf was one by ‘A.â€"F. Brig manager of ‘he Holl‘nger a.tending fcund themsel paid, indesd, for their att addre:is was of value. Mr. Prigh:m ga. the history of anc educsas®icn among im‘ners. held the very clossst att and was both informative and much appreciated." Much ssace was giv ago in The Advance played here by Now N.OMH.A. series. Liske with the idea T‘hat Ti easy pickirgs, but a game T:mmins won 7 mrore scarcely represen the Monday game the ie after thirty minutes Those on the Timmins team in for special praiss wers I Curry, Frank McGuire, Don Farker and Brennan. In th game Frank McGuire was d sponsible for four of the scored. Thrse of the Satur were scored by Frank and he ed in olher scores Porcwpineâ€"Ecully, goal; M McCurry, defence; Camphbell, and _ BPrennan, forwards; Kelly, spares,; The gamse 01 had the same lineâ€"up, with : tion cf Cosser being in 2zoal, er being on in place of being injured in a collision | game ccmmenced. The feat Monday night game was th able comeback sâ€"aged by Lisk their decisive defeat in the game. New â€"Liskeardâ€"EIlli Eplett and Hogs, defence; ‘ W.â€" Burns and Kpence, Robortson and A. Burhs, spa That London man who was fh and jailed for snoring in an airâ€"r shelter will doubtless restrain him in the future. It is quite possible refrain from snoring even in the ds est slumber if one conscientiously awake to do it.â€"Sudbury Star. sttAAA P A â€"AAL LA L L L P AP P LA PC PA FOTOâ€"NITE TOâ€"NITE 25(990 Academy Award Wi FINED FOR SNORING THE BEST ACTRESS OF 1941 . STARTING SUNDAY MIDNITE Bette Davis in t P PA AAL AL AL L PP L PP l " "d-"lnm'm""'" ip c o m Adult Eve. Prices + \ 4 $ \ ward Winnerâ€"Joan Fontaine for her performance in "Suspicion" 11 M a Hi 1€ 11 31 mp=so ‘ward ‘e th Xf th mark afte la fined «t """""""'""'l""""'- 12 %{‘ united by the master-director } ce! 3 of suspenseful roman Record High Assets Shown in Report of Bank of Nova Scotia Easy Liquid Position The liquid position of Bank conâ€" tinues s‘trong, as in past years. Cash assets represent 12.51% and immediateâ€" ly available assets, consisting of cash, cheques, of o.her Panks and balances due from other Banks in and cut of Canada, representing 23.44% of toâ€"al ligbilities to the public. Quick assoe‘s, made up of, cash and the immediately available ilems as s‘tove, togsther with inves.ment acâ€" counst and call and short loans against stocks ard bonds, amount to $216,528,â€" 965, whicth is 63.10% of total liabilities to the public. The total of inves‘ments is $182,116,â€" 215 eccmpared with $131,/117,218 â€" Doâ€" minion and Provincial Government Securities maturing within two years tolal $50,907,187, an increase of $1,536,â€" 148â€"Dominion and Provincial Governâ€" ment securities of longer term to‘al $58,526,070, practically the same as a year ago. Municipal and other spcuriâ€" ties of $22,682057 show a small reâ€" Both Deposits and Loans Show â€" Substantial _ Inâ€" Commercial Loans Are Up Current loans in Canada, amounting to â€"$106,195,902, show an increase of $12,856,886, and current loans elsewhere are reduced $843,312, making a net inâ€" crease in such loans of roughly $12,000,â€" 000. citiscs and municipalities are down apâ€" prcmixately $1,000,000. (Call and short loans secured by stocks and bonds are reduced $1415917, and â€"now itotal p$14loM17/, and now _ $3,970,255. Deposits Higher Than a Year Ago Deposits show an increase for the year, althouzh heavy withdrawals were made by depositors for investment in the Viciory Loan. Deposits other than ircm Banks tctal $297,071,331, an inâ€" crease of $27,931,667, in the year. O{ this increase over $3,000,000 is in deâ€" posits of the Dominion and Provincial Governments:; over $21,000,000 in deâ€" AMERICAN | | cases, Loans to Provincial Governmen‘s by the Bark in the prosen. necy, including the financing of lial expansion and the providing ierous other services so necesâ€" the war effont. Assets Show Record Total Bank‘s resources at the close of ancial year are shown at the a hizh figure of $380,393,282, an 2 of $51,710,551 over the preâ€" hundred and tenth f the Bank of Nova rhber 31:%, 1941, show ‘ically all headirgs. 1 to the sharsholde Photo (tax included) 40c d tenth annual of Nova Scotia 41, shows gains adirgs. To the i@areholders, the ‘he active part in the prosen‘ he financing of id the providing # A . Mr. Murray took up a number of Inâ€"| schoot matters with the students at Assembly last Friday morning. He commented on the number of lates and ial said that students should be at school otia five or ten minutes before nine and in ains the class; roomm by the two minute bell. the Mr. Murray also talked about school the selfâ€"government saying that we shoud ,flret learn to govern ourselves before |takmg into our hands the right to B of govern the school. ding He announced that the girls; tbasâ€" cesâ€" ketoall team was going to Cochrane to play the first game of this seriesi In the boys‘ game that took place in a af| Kirkland Lake, (Mir. Rapsey exporiâ€" mented with different types of plays. Mr. Murray said the boys"® senior games are cut too short in the N.OSS.A. League. The boys play only 4 games and if they win their group, they play two more with the winners. Down south the teams have about a dozen exhibition games before their lengthy schedules. Friday night the auction sale was again sponsored by the school. _ All unclaimed lost articles turned into the school "Lost" Department were put up for sale. Following Mr. Murray‘s remarks Rita Prest gave a splendid talk on current even‘ts. Her subject was *"Canada‘s even‘s. Her subject was *"*Canada‘s Forgotten Back Door," ie. Hudson Straits. She pointed out the danger of an unexpected attack through these straits in an attempt to immobilize our army and air force by bombing Torâ€" ono, Ottawa, or Winnipeg. Asspmbly closed with a sing song and the National Anihem. BOYS‘ SPORTS The Interform Basketball team is rolling off with plenty of excitement for the boys of each class. Many of you may have heard about the Kirkland Lake team winning over us by a single point. Ithink that game was as good as; cours. In the first half the score was 17â€"21 for Timmins. Alâ€" though it ended up 40â€"41 for Kirkland we certainly gave them a good fight. You must remember that these games the senior boys played with Kirkland si2nior ‘boys were only exhibition games. We are to meet them in the finals if we win our group. posits by the public (nonâ€"interes} bearing); and almos; $3,000,000 in inâ€" terestâ€"bearing deposnsz from the public. * .. *# # # # .0 * “.“.“ 00:“.“.“.“ * °% *. .* 0‘.0 *4 *# + #* + # #* i. .*, * '00.00' .0 # *# .. # # *4 # # #4 * it /% .00.00. *# # #4 *# + #* *# + #4 # # *#* * + #4 *# # #* # *#* *# + #4# *# 4 *4 *# + * *4 .0 # ’0 “. #. * .“.00’ *#+ # .0 * t :t :t (%. it ‘%t *4 * .“.0 % .“ .“ .“ Aats * 4 *..* “.“. #@ #. / 0..0 *ve The parallel ‘bars were brough Sunday Midnight, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, February 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Thursday, Thursday Midnight, Friday and Saturday, February, 5th, 6th 7th ALSOâ€"Traveltalk in Colour ‘omplete Shows Start at 2.30, 6.50 and 8.50 p.m. GARY COOPER, WALTER BRENNAN and JOAN LESLIE in 6L Thevy Died With Their Boots On" Starringâ€"ERROL FLYNXN and OLIVIA DEMHAVILAND xXEW s OF THE WORLD HELD OVER BALANCE OF WEEK By Popular Demand Friday Night‘s Revivalâ€""IRENE Starring Anna Neagle "The Chocolate Soldier NELSON EDDY and RISE STEVENS® in (Also Playving Midnight Toâ€"Night) "Sergeant York" out the girls‘ team at Cochrane. The ecoach and teacher, Miss Gallagher ACc companied them. to exercise up the boys muscles are hoping to start up the army ( $0011. â€"â€"CAIl Re The same evening they met the Senâ€" lor Girls‘ Basketball team from Cochâ€" rane on the baskeball floor. The game proved to be a good on*, with both teams showing great sportsmanship. ‘The playing on both sides was excelâ€" lent but the most outstanding players were: Lillian De Marco, of Timmins, and the guards on the T. H. V. S. team. Our girls came out on top wi.h a spore of 22â€"3. The team and espeâ€" clally the guards, did very well. â€"â€"Winn. Sinclair GIRLS® SPORTS At 2 o‘clock Friday afternoon the Senior High School‘s Girls‘® Basketball team left Timmins to do ba‘tle with ANNUAL SLEIGH RIDE The students of the Commercial and Technical Departments are holding their annual sleigh ride on Friday nigh: January 30th, to be followed by games, dancing and refreshments at the T. H. and V. S. A good time is anticipated. "Ask him yourself, dear," was mothâ€" er‘s reply. "You are getting married in a montlh‘s time, and you must have some practice."â€"Exchange. + The bright young thing came into the room and smiled at her mother. ‘"Mother," she said. "I must have some money for a new dress, Will you ask daddy for it?" INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE OFFICE O‘Hearn Building PINE ST. N. TIM N O T C E J. J. McKay Moved Phone 1135 W S * 4# »f the World TIMMINS 30¢ 18¢ We