Infelise, Teresa; Irving, Gladys; Isaacson, Ernest. Jackson, Patricia; Jeffrey, Joseph; Jenkins, Betty; Johnston, Lillian:; Joliâ€" vet, Wilbrod; Jon»s, John; Jordan, Beatrice. Kalka, Lucy:; Kaulbeck, Josephinge; King, John; King, Lyle:; Knight, Earl; Knott, June: Krakana, Helen; Kyle, Laakso, Raymond; L‘Abbe, Carmelle; Lacombe, Harry; Lacroix, Therese; Laâ€" croix, Jeannette;~ Lalonde, Theresa; Langdon, Kenneth; Lauzon, Jeannette; Lavigne, Maurice; Lavoie, Roland; Lawlor, Ronald; Leblanc, Geraldine; Lefebvre, Lucille; Legassey, Vincent; Lejambe, Therese (hon); Lejambe, Colâ€" leen; Lemieux, Louise; Lemire, Rita; Leonard, Lorraine:; Letho, Helvi; Leâ€" veillee, Jeannette; Leveillee, Yvonne; Levert, Laurent; Lillie, â€" Margaret; Longmore, Shirley; Lucciantonio, Catâ€" herine: Lucciantonio, Valentino. MacGillivray, Margaret; Mackey, Gerald; MacRae, Douglas; Mageau, Margaret; Magnan, Simon; Mainville, Halperin, Judith; Hartley, Harold: Haystead, Corinne; Haystead, Ruth: Heikkinen, Bertha; Heinonen, Vera; Higgins, Theresa; Hocking, Doreen; Hocking, William; Hoff, Eva; Holmes Helen: Honey, Donald; Hopkins, Neil: Hubert, Wallace. MacGillivray, Margaret; Mackey Gerald; MacRae, Douglas; Mageau Margaret:; Magnan, Simon; Mainville Riia: Maleski, Susi; Mallette, Gilberte Marcontonio, Lisa; Marcassa, Albina Marcil, Robert; Marsh, Jacqueline Maruschuk,. Pearl; Mathe, Roland: Mattson, Lorraine: Matymich, George; Maxwell, Mary; ‘ May, Calvin; Mcâ€" Alendin, Gloria©® McAlinden, Albert; McArthur, ~Ruth; McColeman, . Phylâ€" lis; McCourt, Philippe; McDonald ty; McKey, Verna; McLellan, Rene; McKinnon, Wilbert; McMillan, Alex;: McMillian Alexia; Mechan, Marjorie; Menard, Dora; Menard, Yolande; Meâ€" near, Mayzeli: Meredith William; Micâ€" halak, Virginia; Middleton, Richard; Miller, Lawrence; Millette, Rita; Milâ€" lette, Robert:; Milne, Kathleen; Moisâ€" ley, Jane; Monette, Maurice; Montgomâ€" ery, Lois; Morandin, Guido; Mores Bruno; Morgan, Evelyn; Morin, Elizaâ€" beth: Morin, Jeannine; Moro, Norma: Morrissetts, Noe CGilles; Moyle, Leonâ€" ard; Moyle,. Richard; Munroe, Iris: Muranska, Annie. Nadon, Fleurette; Nagy, Margaret: Nastasuk, Alex; Niemi, Veikko; Nolan Betty; Novotna, Annie; Nurse, Leoâ€" nard. Ogilvie, Geraldine; Olson, Doris; Orâ€" land, Helen:; Orvakin, Lukac; Ostrowâ€" ski, Stanley; Otto, Howard. Pacione, Italy; Paquette, Jean Paul Pare, Marcel; Partridge, Sarah; Passaâ€" nen, Leonard; Paterson, Beth; Patter: son, Eileen; Pearson, Florence; Perrier Germaine (hon). Perron, Regent; Phi: lippon, Louisianec; Piekarski, William: Pineault, Jean; Pilgrim, Alice; Pilon Liliane: Pilon, Roger; Pitre, Fernand Pitre, Lily; Podolan, Mary; Pogachar Timmins, Iroquois Fall 8. Poreupine sSschumacher H. S. Exam. Results MONDAY,. JULY 14TH, 1941 Notice of Intention to Open and Construct Lanes CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TIMMINS TAKE NOTICE THATâ€" *1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Timmins intends to open and construct as a local improvement the following lanes: (b) A LANE between Maple Street and Birch Street and South of Fifth Avenue being composed of the South 12 feet of Lots 215â€" 216â€"217â€"218â€"283â€"284â€"285 and 286 according to Plan Mâ€"30 Sudbury. Municipal Boar and any owner of this notice f undertaken. {a) A LANE between Maple Street and Birch Street north of Fourth Avenue being composed of the North 12 feet of Lots 223â€"224â€" 2%â€"226â€"275 and 276 according to Plan Mâ€"30 Sudbury and of the North ten feet of Lots 277 and 278 according to Plan Mâ€"30 Sudbury. insta U but i jeoti > 1( A LANE fifteen feet in width t ) and composed of the East â€" crording to Plan Mâ€"30 Sudbur; }â€"281 and 282 according to PI cation will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said work wner may within twentyâ€"one days after the first publication tice file with the Board his objection to the said work being tie; Nagy, Margaret: Niemi, Veikko:; Nolan Annic: Nurse, Leoâ€" imated cos vÂ¥ the Corp Timmins, Ontario, July l14th, 1941 soard may approve of the said work being undertaken, ig so it may appoint a time and place when‘ any obâ€" said work will be considered. 1 882. eet in width to join the lanes described in (a) of the East 7% feet of Lots 219â€"220â€"221 and Mâ€"30 Sudburyvy and the West 74 feet of Lots the work is $5,500.00, of which $157.25 is The estimated cost per foot frontage it is to be paid in ten equal annual annual rate per foot frontage is $0.646. Ramsay, William:; Raymond, Helene; Read, Mabel; Rhude, Patricia; Ricâ€" hards, Helen:; Richards, Norma; Ricâ€" hards, William; Rickard, Leslic; Rigg, Gladys; Rinn, Elizabeth; Robertson, Donalda; Robinson, Graydon, Rocheâ€" fort Helene: Rondeau, Lincoln; Rose, Christine; Ross, Beth; Ross, Gloria; Rothwell, Kathleen; Rousseau, Helene; Roy, Edgar; Roy, Evelyn; Rusenstrom, !Weldon; Russell, Helen; Ryan, Jcohn. | _ Sargalis, Ruth; Saudino, Ida; Schâ€" melzle, Elzina; Scripnick, Henri; Seâ€" guin, Laurenza; Seguin, Jean; Shaw, Allan: Shermet, Walter; Shields, Perâ€" lcy; Simmers, Sidney; Simpson, Marâ€" jorie; Simpson, Arleen; Simpson, Wilâ€" lomay: Sinardo, Florence; Skeba, Walâ€" | ter; Skehan, Hubert; Sloma, Dina; ‘Spada, Nino:; Spasuk, Olga; Spencer, Armand; Springham, Constance; St. Amour, Lucienne; Stefanich, George; !Stcvcns, Jean; Stewart, Francis; Stickâ€" ley, Aileen:; Sunego, Wandelin; Susterâ€" I Wallingford,, Annette; Webber, June; Whaley, Bernice; Whissel, Roland; Whitford, Frank; Whitlock, Beatrice; Wilkinson, Myra; Williams, Betty; Wilâ€" lison, Ruth; Wizinski, Mary; Won, Maâ€" bel; Wood, Bonita. Young, Mavis Zamin, Joseph. Briski, Zdenka Clancy, Paul Ketko, Paul Sloggett, Clifford Cornell, Margaret McChesney, Myrtle Taillefer, Theodora; Talevi, Lena; Taylor, James; Taylor, Willard; Tremâ€" blay, Coletle; Tent, Eugenie; Theriault, Alcide:; Thomas, Doreen; . Thomson, Bernice: Thomson, Mary; Toffanello, Aurora; Torn, Oliver; Trebilcock, Doâ€" rothy; Treff, Albert; Tripp, Audrey; Tripp, Olive; Troyer, Gloria. Vacchino, Rose; Vaillancourt, Patricia; Varin, Murella; Valko, Velma; Villars, Paul. IROQUOIS FALLS CENTRE Barr, Hazel Joyce; Beagan, Melvin; Beauchemin, Marguerite; Bedard, Anâ€" ita: Bonk, Walter; Boucher, Clatre; Burdeyney, Clifford; Burton, William. Campbell, Alan; Charlebois, Conâ€" stance: Charlebois, Noel; Chepelski, Arthur; Coutu, Valencienne; Crumb, Richard. Elecko, Victoria; Elliot, Graham; Elâ€" lot, Mavis; Elliot, Robert; Ethier, Ferâ€" 1ande: Ethier, Gilles. Gamble, Helen L.; Gauvin, Huguette; tiroux, Blanche:; Gleiberman, Norman; Foodfellow, Lester; Grummett, Juanâ€" ta: Grummett, Lorraine. Holfyard, Kenneth; Hopkins, Ricâ€" hard; Huard, Bernadette; Hurdman, Margaret. Ingleby, Helen Jack, Walter; Jones, Horace; JonesS, Mrytle. Kant, June; Kishbaugh, Robert; Llotz, Michael. Madeline: Poirier, Laucienne; Politras, Albert; Pope, Dennis; Poulin, Remi; Poulin, Therese; Portelance, Mary; Power, Catherine. Theresa; Proulx, Syivio: Quesnel, Laura; Quesnel, Lorâ€" ing; Quinn, Ann. sich, Angela; Suzack, Mildred; Sveinye Augenys: Svelnys, Ringandas; Swain Desmond: Sween, John. Lambert, Leo; Larose, Aurele; Lavoie, Marcial; Leroux, Maurice; Leroux, Roâ€" ert: Lortie Henri; Ludwig, Goldie. Maher, Pearl; Manzuk, Stella; Masâ€" iotte, Jean ~Mare; Mitchell, Robert; Moncion, Honore; Mongeon, Eric; Monâ€" reon, Jacqueline; Morin, Cecile; Mousâ€" ‘eau, Rita; Mullens, Beulah. Novos. Harold. Ollivier, Dorothy O‘Mara, Mildred Juellet, Roland:; Owen, Douglas J. Pacicco, Eva:; Pelletier, Therese; Porâ€" er, Delores; Powers, Owen; Proulx, Denis. Racicot, Patricia; Reynolds, Harold, 1+ Roach, Helen; Roussi, Leonard; iowe, Norma. David, Mariette; Davidson, John; Dowe, Madeleine; Doyle, Dorothy; Duke, Jeannine. sarmiento, Lornie; Scott, Edna Mary, scully, Catherine; Semenuk, John; thea, Pearl; Sloan, Patricia; Smith, {arilyn; Spence, Bernard; Stack, Franâ€" is: St. Jean, Donald. Tremblay, Pierette; Turner, Elizaâ€" seth. | Fahey, Hope; Flageole, Rita; Fonâ€" aine, Denis; Foy, John; French, Rita. All Mâ€"30 Sudbury A. L. SH A W , Clerk Clarke lyn Annie Rechetnyk, Zonie Rechetnyk Nadyne Smith, Joan Somerville. John Ursulak. Helen Vidlin. Raymond Williams. Minnic Zabiak. Taimi Ditch, Wilfred Dupont. Thomas Flood Elizabeth Hiltunen. Signa Jarvi, Sirkka Jarvi. Mirelle Landreville. Gladys Malmstedt. Enid Pierce, Robert Pierce, Armand Rotondo Laura Rotondo, Arâ€" nold Rozon. Eila Santaharju, Irene Scott. Eila Tuuttila. John Anderson. Richard Barnes, Lynn Beard. Louis Campagnola, Mary Countryâ€" man, Ada Curtis. Evelyn Jay, John Jay, Doris Kellow Beulah Lang Wilma Mawhiney, James McDonnell Marion Mitchell, Mildred Mitchell. Mary Richmond Teresa Smith Elwyn Tripp Allan Webb Stanley Zoschke. David Parker Irja Hannula. Jean Williams Exchang>: The late Mme. Curie was the only woman to receive two Nobel prizes, being honored in the fields of both physics and chemistry. soOUTH PORCUPINE CENTEE Joyce Allen. Ann Barilko George Dubinsky *Vida Flainek. Ann Gecan Frank Hawes, Harold Henry, Barbzu‘a Ann Hepburn. Francis Karpuik, Jennie Karpiuk, Ero Ketola. Roy McKay, John McLellan, Peéeggy McLellan. Paul Pearce. Hllkka Salonen, Mary Skrabyk, Anâ€" drew Sliz. Flora Turner Nellie Wastuk, Priscilla White. Helen Andsten, Stanley Barabas, Jenâ€" nie Charlinsky, Leslie Costello, Paul Croteau. Elizabeth Deacon, Carmela Didone, Ellen Disher, John Dyrezon. Elaine Emdin, Nobertine Ferrigan, Mary Harper, Hilda Harry. Thomas Jokinen Katie Kalinosky, Shirley Knutson. James Lyttle Gloria Manary, Mary Merlo. Neilo Oksonen, Hilkka Olki, Eila Olâ€" lil Valiquette, Joyce; Vanier, Daniel; Vlad, Orest. Whiting, Phyllis; Wilson, Larry Young, Betty. Labine, Antoinette; Larivee, Beatâ€" Lupien Tinney Gratton, Ansonine CONNAUGHT CENTRE Fay Aitchison. Lois Johnston Murray White. MONTEITH â€" CENTRE ‘. ‘Thelma B.; Critchley, Eveâ€" FPlorence, Lupien, M Hilliard; Tyers, Eric. aC 8. P. Fire Brigade Stage Farewell Party for Member _South Porcupine, July 12th. Special to The Advance. Mr. Ted Thompson, youngest and newest member of the South Porcuâ€" pine Fire Brigade, is leaving toâ€"day for New Liskeard, preparatory to joining the Army in the Ordnance Corps. ~ This is the third member of our local brigade to join the fighting forces. He is the younger son of Mr. Fred Thompâ€" son, of New Liskeard. On Friday evening the boys staged a farewell party to him at the rooms above the fire hall. Pleasing Church Tea and Organ Recital at South Poreupine great attraction being the musical acâ€" companiment to the supper. Mr. Edâ€" wards of Toronto, playng the newlyâ€" installed Hammond organ all through the meal. His recital ranged from popular airs and songs to the classics and opera. He is a master of the orâ€" gan and his rendition of each item was perfect in its own way. The monu.was delicious, all homeâ€" made and baked adjuncts to a cold supper being thoroughly appreciated by all. Ladies® Guild of the 8. P. United. Churech Sponsor Notable Event. ner, Mrs. James Cunningham, Mrs. Leslie Horner,, Mrs. Ivan Horner, Mrs. Quantrelle, Mrs. Borden Blood, Mrs Pete Smith, Miss Alice Robertson, Mrs. E. Stanlake, Mrs. Gordon Brown, Miss Margaret Burton, Miss Elsa MacDonell. In the kitchen, with Mrs. H. Burton as convener, were Mrs. Jordison, Mrs. K. Farrell, Mrs. Clement, Mrs. Melville, Mrs. B. W2b5b, Mrs: Telford, Mrs. Whitâ€" ton and Mrs. G. Hale. Cutting and supervising pies (which were delicious) were Mrs. W. Deacon and Mrs. H. Blood. Ticket committee was composed ol Mr. F. H. Hall, Mr. W. Honer and Mr. . Crozietr. After the supper a formal concert le¢ in Hale ("Sing Me To S pplauded for their items {tr Bruce Macdonald who has a id bass yoice, sang ‘*‘Off to Philâ€" ia‘" and "Father O‘Flynn." Tom Jones (tenor) sonfi "Wherâ€" i Walk" and "If I Might Come 1," in fine voice and Miss Kathâ€" iale ("Sing Me To Sleep") were The versatiliy of Mr. Edwards (and the organ) was shown in the following numbers, each beixig different in type and style:â€" . Overtureâ€"*""Beautiful Galatea." "Showboat." "Slavonic Rhapsody."‘ s‘The Opera Mirror."‘ ; Handel‘s "Largo." . "Mademoiselle Modiste." . ‘"Andante‘"‘ from Becthoven‘s Fifth Symphony. 8. Schubert‘s "Ave Maria.‘" 9. ‘"‘The Lost Chord." Mrs. Stanlake again sang (by reâ€" quest) ‘"The Lilac Tree," accompanied by Mr. Edwards on the organ,. o on so no râ€" Mr.. and Mrs. Percy Wilson were honoured at a surprise farewell party on Wednesday, July 2nd, given by Mr. and Mrs. . Draper and held at the home of Mrs. George Sutton. Games were the form of entertainment durâ€" ing the evening, prizes going to Mrs. P. Wilson and Mrs. G. Draper. A purse containing money was handed to the surprised guests by Mrs. Draper and a farewell address was read by Mrs. W. Gannon on behalf of all the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson responded fittingâ€" ly to the speech and thanked all for the kindly thoughts and gift. A deâ€" lightful lunch followed the hostess beâ€" ing assisted by Mrs. George Sutton and Mrs. James Shaver. Guests at the parâ€" ty included Mr. and Mrs. James Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grondin, Mr. and Mrs. Mairs, Mrs. Thos. Farrell," Mrs. Bert Cunningham, Mrs. Wm. Gannon, Lawrence Grant, Mr. and Mrs. George Sutton and the host and hostess Mr. and Mrs. G. Draper. _ Those unable to attend, but who contributed vo the gift were Mr. Bert, Cunningham, Mr. Tom Farrell, Mr. W. Gannon, Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Huot, Mrs. DeLong, Mr. and Mrs. Knechtel, Mr. and Mrs. Jason Cunningham. A surprise party in honour of Miss Ethel Elliott, chief operator at the Northern Telephone exchange, was held on Friday evening at the.home of Miss Doris Hamilton. Miss Elliott, who has been operating in South Porecupine for the past eighteen months, is leaving on Wednesday for her home at Clear Lake near Bracebridge to prepare for her forthcoming marriage. The surprise party was attended by all the office staff and some exâ€"operators of the Exâ€" change with one or two guests, and cach person brought a cup and saucer to present to the brideâ€"toâ€"be. Some Surprise Parties Held Last Week at south Porcupine Other News from Sorth Porâ€" cupine and the Dome. The previous songs were accompanâ€" ied by Mr. George Hale on the church piano. very beautiful china was given, no two cifts being aike. The hostess assisted by her mothéer, Mrs. Hamilton served a very delightful lunch after the guests had spent an evening of entertainment at cards. Those present were:â€"Mrs. jack Wilder, Miss Lily Brown, Mrs. N. McCann, Miss Etta Munro, Miss Lillian Kaufman, Miss Irene Disher,° Miss Shirley Ewing, Miss N. Christie, Miss Vivian Miller, Mrs. Bladeow, Miss Elâ€" liott the guest of honour, and the hosâ€" tesses Mrs. and Miss Hamilton. Miss Rhoda Allen and Evelyn Clark were not able to be present but sent gifts. This affair was also made the occaâ€" sion of another presentation to Miss Elliott, a beautiful silver tea serviceâ€" gift of the office staff, including Mr, J. Wilder and Mr. T. Thompsonâ€"being given to the brideâ€"toâ€"be as a combinaâ€" tion fareweli and wedding gift. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kimberley and son, David, who have been visiting their son, Mr. A. S. Kimberley and Mr. and Mrs, M. Luc kerite are on holiday â€" Parry Sound district. South Porcupine, July 12th. Special) to The Advance. cach person brought 2 to present to the bri very beautiful china w cifts being aike. The ite, i@1t U Beamsville thei Mrs From left to right:â€"Mr. Edward Reed, Welland, groomsman; Mr. Edgar Reed and bride (formerly Miss Patricia MHolland):; and the bridesmaid, Miss Mildred Pond, cousin of the bride. Gne of the pretty wedding events of the month was that of Mr. Edgar Reed and Miss: Patricia Holland at st. Matthew‘s Church on Friday afternoon. Mrs. G. Helime thi o made LIhe OCcCcaâ€" sentation to Miss ilver tea servictceâ€" aff, including Mr. Thompsonâ€"being â€"be as a combinaâ€" danugerkter, Mrs uffaloâ€"Ankerâ€" heir home in e, of the Anâ€" week in the 0. Bowes, returned from vacation this weok. Miss Fern Helmer, of Madawaska is visiting her brothers, Donald and Arâ€" den Helmnmer, for a time. Mr. Norman Graber resigned from he Municipal Police force to join the Military Police and left on Friday to spend a short hcuiiday at his home near Chalk River. moved from town to reside at Preston East Dome. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Pierce and Donâ€" ald of Bloor avenue, accompanied by Mrs. Emerson Bowes and children left by car on Saturday for two weeks holiâ€" day in Shawville. Mr. and Mrs. George Burch, of Prosâ€" ton East Dome, left on Saturday for holiday in the Muskoka district. Mr. and Mrs. A. Briden are now reâ€" siding on Bloor avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wilson and baby, of William avenue lef last Saturday by car for Montreal where they will in future reside. They will be greatly missed by their numerous friends here who all join in wishing them he best luck in their new home. Mrs. Thos Wilson left on Sunday for holiday in Toronto and other points, joining Mr. Wilson, of the Home Guards in Toronto. Miss Margaret Nelson, who has been visiting Mrs. Bawtenheimer, left for her home in Toronto on Friday. Pte. Fitzpatrick is on leave from Camp at Petewawa visting friends in town over the weekâ€"end. Mr. and Mrs. Marina Piccin have moved from town to reside at Preston Miss Betty Compton, of Toronto is visiting friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Bond and two daughâ€" ters, of Toronto, returned home on Priâ€" day after visiting Mrs. Bond‘s mother, Mrs. 8. Jones, of Commercial aveniA. Mrs. W. McDowell and Miss Betty Cauch are on holiday in ‘Toronto, Trenton and othér points. Bornâ€"On July lith at Porcupine General hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Ricâ€" hard Chowns, of 275 Tamarack street Timminsâ€"a daughter. Pte Robert P'uvrnis, trainee at North Bay, is spending the weekâ€"end at his home. Mr. Reg. Vaughan left on Saturday by. car to spend two weeks‘ vacation visiting his brother in Hamilton. The Legion â€"Auxiliary ladies are planning a picnic to be held soon, place and date will be given later. Miss Nina Ellerton left on Friday spend a vacation in Englehart. f Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Smith are spendâ€" ing the weekâ€"end with a party of friends at Sesekinika. Mr. and Mrs. ‘Chick‘ Abrams with Mr. and Mrs. S. Knectel left on Saturâ€" day for holiday in the Ottawa Valley. se Te En Mr. Ed. Harrison left on Friday for Owen Sound, called by the illness of his brother who lives in that town, Miss Josephine Cecconi is on holiday n Gnudhurvy‘: Bruno is holidaying in Miss Josephine Cecconi in Sudbury; Bruno is _ Ottawa. . nett ‘The Orangemen O tNC _ parading to church (United) on Sunâ€" day evening. Around fifty are Ccxâ€" Funeral of the Late Steve M. Boyko at South Poreupine pected. Born â€"To Mr. and Myrs. Harry Houghton in Porcupine General hospiâ€" tal, on July 10thâ€"a daughter,. South Porcupine, July 12th. Speciai to The Advance The funeral of Steve M. Boyko, which was held on Friday at 4.30 p.m. was attended by a large number of friends and sympathizers, many of whom came in from Timmins and schumacher the deceased beingâ€"wellâ€" known in Camp after eighteen years residence here. The Rev. J. A. Lyttle conducted a simple service at Hunkin‘s funeral parlors, before the cortege left for Tisâ€" dale cemetery where interment took place. Pallbearers were all old friends of the late Mr. Boyko:â€"Messrs Carl Yankavay Jim Tapoiny, Murphy Carâ€" tonick, Metro Slogogian, Jacque Shewâ€" chuk, Nick Moros. Plowers were sent from The Family (pillow), Mr. and Mrs, CoOtt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Perissini, Mr. and Myrs. Kumâ€" mu, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gernecki and Olga Mr. Adam Yysogland, and Tony; Dora and Ernie Pelkie and Miss V. Dillon. South Porcupine, July 12th. Special to The Advance. A call came in on Friday to Mr. Hunâ€" kin, the undertaker, to go to Wicks Lumber Camp on the Redstone. A Finnish man named August Surenen, aged probably around 50, suddenly from a heart attack. Dr. Atkinson atâ€" tended and the body is at Hunkin‘s Funeral Parlors awaiting burial. Funâ€" eral arrangements have not yet been completed. Cards of sympathy were receive fromâ€"Eileen McCool, Mr. and Mrs. ( Sparks, Mrs. A. E. Starling, Mrs. Fre! man and Cyril and Mrs. Quesnel. August Siirenen Dies of Seizure at Lumber Camp pPorcupine General Rcbâ€"It says here in the paper th; in Africa a single spearhead will ofte purchase a wife, Carrieâ€"â€"That‘s nothing. I know < plenty of instances in this countr where a bonchead got oneâ€"Exchang ay of the District are 12th. Special tOo Mrs. Gordon Sparks Guest of Honour at Lovely Party Mrs. Gordon Sparks honour at a very livelj day evening at the hon ald Dorey, on Commer The house was pretl] peonies and garden f guest of honour was many dainty gifts. Bi South Porcupine, July 12th. Special to The Advance. ' during ie eveming, MVPS, DBIlli .UMUARZ gaining first prize. The hostess sorved a delightf{ul lunch after the gifts were presented. Guests present wore: Mrs, Margerâ€" rison, Mrs. Al. Taylor, Mrs. Bill Mak,, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. C Greenacre, Mrs. Peter Smith, Mrs. Beauchamp, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Wm. Burke (Timmins), Mrs, W. Andrews, (Dome Extension), Mrs. Ed Syvret, Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Edâ€" ie Evans. Miss Olga Gernecki, Miss Betty Sharp and Miss Barbara Aubert. Navy League to Appeal for Another $200,000 This Year Representative to be in Timâ€" mins Shortly forâ€" This Work. A representative of the Navy League of Canada is to be in Timmins at an early date in connection with the League‘s present campaign to secure an additional $200,000 to carry on its work. especially for the merehant marâ€" ine. ‘The Navy League has always mad2 a strong popular appeal to the people of Timmins and district because the people here are well informed of the ‘great work carried on by this orâ€" ganization for the men of the merâ€" chant marine. Indeed, it is not too much to savy that in addition to:its educational and other general work for the navy and for sailors, the Navy League of Canada has done more for the men of the merchant marine then any other organization in this Dominâ€" ion. Indeed, in many cases the Navy League is the only society or group givâ€" ing any form of extended help to«the men of the merchant marine. Ssome weeks ago Capt. G. FP. Morris was in town representing the British Sailors Society, the oldest sailors soâ€" ciety in the world doing work similar to that of the Navy League on a wide seale that touches life for the sailors on the seven seas. Capt. Morris was for years with the Navy League of Canada and was a regular visitor to Tiuinmins. On <this latest visit, howâ€" ever, he was careful to explain that he was now with the older sailors‘ soâ€" ciety and that his collections were for the British Sailors‘ Society. Because of this explanation no one who gave to Capt. Morris should think that they have contributed to the Navy League this year. They certainly gave to a worthy cause, but there is still the to LApPL, MOITIS SNOUIU UA LLIdL , have contributed to the Navy League this year. They certainly gave to a worthy cause, but there is still the Navy League to maintain, as the Navy League is doing a wonderful work. When the new representative of the Navy League makes his call at an early date, all should not only give him the most cordial welcome, but also should make their usual contributions should make their usu as generous as possible very great. ®% very great. * In a letter from Col. A. E. Kirkpatâ€" rick, chairman of the war service board of .th> Navy League of Canada, the following reference to the present drive for additional funds is made:â€"â€" "The Navy League of Canada has undertaken a tremendous task at the various ports on the Pacific and Atâ€" lantic coasts and two very large places are in the course of erection at the pressnt time in order that sleeping accommodation, recreational, canteen and other facilities be provided for the merchant sailors who are on shore leave from day to day. More and more the merchant navy is taking a very high place in the "Battle of the Atâ€" lantic,‘"‘ and it is not an uncommon thing for the men of the Royal Navy to say "the merchant navy is our first line of «‘sfence, for the merchant navy zives us the tools, the ammunition and the supplies with which to fight the battles of the Empire, and without the merchant navy the war would be over," The work of the Navy League has zrown to such an extent that it is now necessary to make an extraordinary appeal for an additional $200,000 for this year, and, therefore, we urge every possible subscriber to give all that he or she is able to give at this time. Your contribution will give a real imâ€" petus to the morale of those men on whom we all depend so much. and who daevnend so greatly on us all." Ab We under variot lantic WC Dogs Liable to be Shot at Sight in Harley Twp. Mrs. Gordon Sparks was guest of nour at a very lively party on Friâ€" y evening at the home of Mrs. Gerâ€" i1 Dorey, on Commercial Avenue. The house was prettily adorned with onies and garden flowers and the est of honour was showered with iny dainty gifts. Bingo was played ring the evening, Mrs. Bill Maki t LI imnpC T‘immin In Canadian summer reâ€" is« will be greeted with certainly defiance. mmins think that the e are pretty "tough" in running at large or dogs Here, however, the ppens to dogs at large ies to be impounded and posed for the release of ught, or a fine imposed for allowing the animal As for dogs without is for GoOgs wilnouLt > same procedure is ownship of Harley, the authorities are in that. Recently ogs killed practicalâ€" f sheep at the farm in that township. ; have given official zs in the township at once, and that about without the liable to be shot on Mussolini comâ€" Italy mu‘t not 215 the need is