Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 7 Jul 1941, 1, p. 7

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Hollinger Bombers Win 10â€" Victory at Kirkland Lake Over Wrightâ€"Hargreaves Evenlyâ€"Contested Exbibition T.B.L. Game for the Ennis Cup Played at the Lake Shore Town on Saturday. Hollinger Picks ug Five Runs in the Third Innings. Kirkland TL Bombers defs by score o T.B.L, Ennis C In the wi picked up £i ning and w Wrizghtâ€"Har to the shower to display hi the local pla in finding (} drawn by Ma two out in t who went in mound for t} was credited Veteran for the D hits as Ay ‘There was tween the t seemed bettc the situation on bases, ing through Score by innin Hollinger Wright Harg Batteries: Avet tean: Rcach and Sudbury Star:â€"A reformed bank rdbber, appearing in the West, has atâ€" tained the ripe age of 84. He ascribes it to turning in the nick of time to lecturing and giving up other forms 0f crime. Toâ€"Night, Tues. and Wed. 8.00 to 10.060 p.m. ADMISSTIONâ€"30¢ Wed Afternoon Skating ‘39 NASH 775. 1‘40 FORD 975. OLDS. 525. ‘33 DODGE 340. 1 ‘35 FORD 350. [ ‘37 PLYMOUTH 775. ‘37 DODGE 775. [‘30 CHEV. 100. 1‘37 CHEY. 550. MOTOR SALES LIMITED Roller ADMISSIONâ€"25¢ N1 to 4 p.m, S§Cdan Seqd: Sedan 105 000 220â€"10 120 010 110â€" 8 oupe RISE ! Terms To Suit Your Convenience TY Says Soviet is Not as Red as United States of America Speed These Days is Speed. Picture Writing. And So On. Reds We don‘t think that it is quite fair to refer to the Soviet State as "Red" Russia, because the Soviet State actuâ€" ally is not as red as the United States. Take last year, the US. went inlo the red to the tune of $5,167,678471, and the Soviet State couldn‘t be that red because it daoesn‘t know there is that much money. Preaching and Practising The telephone ccmpany has run big advertisement, asking patrons to answer their phones promptly and save time. A couple of times recently we have called a number, and each time after about ten rings, the operator has cut in and said: "That number has been changed to â€"â€"" The Great Lakes It must be great to be on a Great Lakes boat. We have a letter stating that a lad went to work on a boat for a dollat a day forâ€" which he worked 20. hours a day and the remaining four he siept on a hardwood bench. ‘"He was taught to scoop ice cream to leave a hollow conitre, cut wieners in half for hot dogs and change price tags on Souâ€" venirs when a good buying crowd was on the boat." Ma-y:be the company should read its own advertisments, or something. Picture Writing A little folder is put out, presumably by the Government, to show how trainâ€" M £Tn lin iz in his column in The Torâ€" legram, Thomas Richard Henry ething to say on a lot of subâ€" jere are some of the current r 10St DCIC back home Moscow 11 Coach Sedan Sedan Coach days, befor of fact the Russian rel is just getting oui ind the German blitzâ€" start on them on the sSpeed a dizzy pace. ire started, and carâ€" ;s, they are likely to fore the ambassadors ALL CARS REâ€"CONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED ing is carried out under the Nationai sources Mcbilization Act. Only .there must have been Ssome confusion in the minds of the Govâ€" ernment department as to whether the embryo trainees would be able to read or notâ€"or maybe the Government i3 trying to bring back the Indian sysâ€" tem of picture writing. In any event, all phases of military (4â€"Door Sedan) (4â€"Door Sedan) cottage on the shore of a treeâ€"lined lake with opporâ€" tunities for fishing, boating, swimming and other warmâ€" weather recreation provides the kind of summer holiday which is essentially Canadian. But life in a cottage sometimes means a lot of work owing to the lack of city conveniences, which is the reason for the great popularity of such resorts as Devil‘s Gap and French River where visitors live in cottages which are as well serâ€" viced as hotel suites. The simple life, with all the informality and ease which the expression implies, is the watchâ€" word at these two famous Canaâ€" dian Pacific resorts. Mother is relieved of the cooking, daughter of the dishâ€"washing and sonny of the lawnâ€"mowing, while father Sedan French River and Devil‘s Gap Lure Visitors PHONE 1115 THCE PORCUPINF ADVANCE, TTIMMINS, ONTARIO training are depicted in 24 cartoons. On second thought, maybe the reaâ€" son for these cartoons is that the govâ€" ernment had a cartoonist friend who rated a governmentjob. Gas Masks For Horses The U.S. chief of cavalry wanted gas masks for his horses and mules. A Congressional committee turned down the appropriation. "Questionable economy," jJibes a newspaper. We don‘t think the committee was thinking of economy at all. It was considering the feelings ana hardships of the men who chaperon the horses. ) Trying to coax a horse to shove his head in a gas mask would be the last straw for the "skinners‘" whose lanâ€" guage already shows that horses ana mlules can create great heights of exâ€" asperation â€" without having to be taught to put on a gas mask. ( The Worst Of It A little British war guest disappearâ€" ed from his usual haunts along our dresses in his oldest and most comfortable clothes to pursue his own peculiar ideas. of summer life. There is a strong family reâ€" semblance between Devil‘s Gap Lodge, near Kenora, and French River Chalet Bungalow Camp, on the Canadian Pacific Torontoâ€" Sudbury ‘ line. In a beautiful section of lakes and forests, they offer endless possibilities for reâ€" creation. No part of Canada has better â€"fishing, and there . aro facilities for golf and similar sports. Great expanses of water and wooded country make exploring a pleasure, by canoe, motorboat, automobile, horge or guage mules aspers? taugh explorin motorbo on foot. Individual bungalows or cotâ€" tages, selfâ€"contained and cosily furnished, have electric lights, running water and maid service. A little ed from street. When he reappearesd we asked him where he had been. "I had the measles," he replied. "And the worst of it was," he conâ€" ‘inued, after some hesitation "the worst of it was. that they were German measles." | Understatm®nt One of the prize understatements of the year comes from the pen of the perpetrator of the "Printed Word." He writes, "Personally we can view without alarm an ankle in silk, wool or cottonâ€"â€"" ; Anybody. who can speak so positiveâ€" iy as to how he views silkâ€"clad ankles has ceriainly been scerutinizing them with keen. appreciation, rather than viewing them with alarm. Preparedness Three maidens sauntered down Bay street, their faces beclouded behind unâ€" sightly, if <fashionable, sun glasses. sightly, if <fashionable, sun glasses. Approaching them was a smart young lieutenant in the uniform of the Govâ€" ernorâ€"General‘s Horse Guards. Suaâ€" denly aware of his fascinating presence one maid, then another and another whipped off her glasses for a closer acâ€" miring scrutiny. He passed withour a glance and with sighs of longing they sought refuge again behind therr New Name _ Some time ago there was some disâ€" cussion as to what to call the young men who took military training as the result of a somewhat pressing invitaâ€" tion on the part of the GovernmeeL. "Conscripts," "traineeg," "raftees," etc., were all considered, but a local newsâ€" paper has apparently decided on a brand new name. It is short and has a sort of brisk sound, although we conféess we don‘t knowiexactly what it means. OU ‘la: Speaking of these men it says: "When he new atches are in camp." We hope the "atches" all turn out o be good soldiers. Gold Sovereign We have in our possession a gold The central chalet or lodge is the nerve centre of the community because it is there that visitors have their meals and enjoy danâ€" cing and other amusements in tho evenings. Althougsh theroe are amuseâ€" ments for every member of the family, the most popular sport at these resorts is fishing. That is because the fishing is so good. Pickerel, pike, sturgeon, plus those secrappiest gameâ€"fish of the Canadian waterâ€"world, the musâ€" calunge and the smallâ€"mouth black bass are found in abundanâ€" ce. Both districts have produced record fish, the most outstanding of which was the sixty and oneâ€" half pound muscalunge caught by J. J. Coleman, of Evansville, Indiana, in Fagle Lake, east of Devil‘s Gap, in 1939. That one holds the world‘s record. possession Pope, Esq Only two minor charges were laid by‘the Timmins police over the weekâ€" end. Both culprits were charged with offences yvesterday and will face Maâ€" gistrate Gould in police court here toâ€" morrow. And now., having acted as â€" middleâ€" man for quite a few articles, we find we cannot dispose of any more, as it sometimes leads to complications. We will be more than glad to pass along any money to the Pund, but cannot handle articles of commerce. Incidentally, anybody who has clothes for the British War Victims can Police Lay Two Minor Charges Early Yesterd: Harold K. Brown Schumacher, will careless driving in get them to their destination by callâ€" ing the head office of the Western Assurance Company. The company has an organization that has sen: 10,300 pounds (20,000 articles) ot clothing to the bombed areas of Engâ€" land. Harold K. Brown, 74 Fourth avenue, Schumacher, will face a charge of careless driving in tomorrow‘s court. He is said by police to have been zigâ€" zagging on one of the streets of Timâ€" mins early Sunday morning. He was driving his own car. Johnny Jedora, 134 Golden avenue, Souht Porcupine, will appear to anâ€" swer a charge of making unnecessary noise, laid under the Highway Traffic Act. Jedora is said to have been parkâ€" ed on Elm street north, tooting the horn of his car unnecessarily. He was apnrehended at 12.15 am. yesterday apprehended morning. I would I were beneath a tree, Aâ€"sleeping in the shade, With all the bills I‘ve got to pf Paid! I would I were beside a sea, Or sailing in a boat, With all the things I‘ve got to wri Wrote! I would I were on yonder hill, Aâ€"basking in the sun, With all the things I‘ve got to do Done! "THE THREE WOULDS" â€"Calvgary Herald Macmen Come Through With Victory Over Toburn in Tenâ€"Innings Game Saturday Toburn Gained a 3 to 1 Lead Before the End of the Fifth Innings. â€" From the Sixth Innings Till the Tentk Neithâ€" er Side Scored. â€" Visitors Lost Out in the Tenth. In the first inning Donald and Rudei, of Toburn, while Richardson brought in the only run for McIntyre. The Toburn crew strengthened their lead in the second inning when Crameor brought in a run. Tcbhurn had their 3â€"1 lead until the end of the fifth inâ€" ning. In the sixth inning Richardson sent a single to the left field. KHe gained second on a passed ball to Crameor and was then sent home by a two base hit from Wilson. Wilson was sent home from second by a single batted out by Zachary. Both teams played hard but fruitâ€" lessly until the tenth inning. In the tenth Rice, of Toburn, brought in a run to give the Toburn crew a lead of 4â€"3 at the end of the first half of the tenth. The Macs then had their lasi and only chance to win. And win they did. Eawards came to bat and knocked a single to the left field. Webker fanned. But Richardson hit a beautiful twoâ€" base hit to the centre field. The Macâ€" men now had a man on 2nd and 3rd base. The score was 4â€"3 for Toburn. The Macs had two men left to hit. Dunn was next at bat. He hit a single to centre to bring in both Edâ€" wards and Richardson. The secore with two men vet to bat, if they had been needed, was 5â€"4 for the Macmen. The score by innings: ‘TTobpurn..‘;....;.. .... 210 000 000 iâ€"4 11 2 McIntyre .......... 100 002 000 2â€"5 Al1 2 Patteriecs: McShane, Churchill and Cooke; Buzziler and Cramer. Toburnâ€" AB R HPO A LDonald;c2p 5 0. ax 3 â€"0 RUdel;®099: .:. Ei. y : el }~Q0 t c3 Hillthan, Cf 31 °2 FMHCREEAD_ o t 2 12 _0 1f 5.00 . 2: 0 StGOYIHGC; TL 3 :0 â€"2. 3. .0 Clarke® ... 2..:....za.. EoA 40. :0 0( 4 The Macmen came through with a ictory in the tenth inning on Saturâ€" ay at the MciIntyre Ball Park. The defeated the Tchurn crew Cramer, C Buzziler, p Successful[Programme Boxing and Weightâ€"Lifting Auspices of the T. P. A. A. A. Totals . ....... McIntyreâ€" Quimet, 3b .. Event at the Ball Park on Friday Night. Ten Snappy Bouts of Clever Boxing. Four Men Present Exhibition of Weightâ€"Lifting. T.P.A.A.A. Invites Boys Interested. The ten boys figured in five snappy bouts of boxing whils the four men provided a thrilling and pleasing show of weight lifting, for a fine group o1 people. The final bout of the evening was between Maurice Lavigne and Jim Corâ€" bet. Both fighters were aggressive throughout, and for this reason there was much trading of punches. In eatn round the fighters came in quickly with rights and lefis. Lavigne proved to be a little more subtle than his opponent and was given the nod by the judges. Nels Thrasher and Don McPhail mixed in the semiâ€"final 85 pound bout. In the first round both boys gave a fine exhibition of footâ€"work and leathâ€" er throwing. The second and third rounds were dominated by their hard swinging of rights and lefts. In the third McPhail came in with a stunning rizht to the head. Thrasher retaliafeq Ten bovs and four men took part in the TP.AAA. entertainment Friday night in the Hollinger Ball Park. YOU MIGHT AS WELL CHEW THE BEST 42 4 11 28 13 AB R HPO A tenth along defeat for but fruitâ€" g. â€" In the jught in a Â¥ a lead of half of the Richardson, ss Runn, of Wilson, rf Zachary, 1b Thayer, If ...... Kossick, Th McShane, p Cooke, c xChurchill, p xxWebber .. xxxEdwards Totals i 90 â€"5 LL 30 *T â€"Churchill mok M~Smne place n.t second. Warning is Issued to Cyclists Using Sidewalk temth. xxxâ€"Edwards batted foar Cooke in tenth. Frrorsâ€"Richardson, Zachary, Clarke, Rudel. Firs; base on ballsâ€"Off Mcâ€" Shane 1; Churchill 1; Buzziler 1. Twoâ€" base hitsâ€"Richardson, Rice Wilson. struck outâ€"Byv Churchill 6; Cramer 3. Runs batted inâ€"Zachary; Dunn 3 Wilson: Richardson; Rice 2; Stoyne. Stolen ‘baseâ€"Rice. Passed balls â€"PRuzziler 3. Left on baseâ€"Toburn 7; MciIintyvre 4. Wild pitchâ€"Buzzler. Umâ€" A warning was issued this morning by Leo. H. Gagnon, Chief of Police, in regard to young fellows riding their bicyvcles on the sidewalk. There have been a large number of complaints lately in this respect and the police are determined to put a stop to this dangerous practice. It was pointed out that any young fellow caught riding a bicycle on the sidewalk can be charged with the of â€" fence and the bicycle can be taken by the police. It was also pointed out that it is not necessary to ride on the sidewalk now because the roads are in fine condition. . Any of the young men or young girls who are continuing the practice of driving on the sidewalk instead of the road would do well to heed the police warning before their bicycles are taken away from them. 3ivre Tin Txchange:â€"Ho, hum! Many a pedesâ€" trian has experienced that runâ€"down fecling. with a terrific left to the midriff. Pacn finished the round off in a fine manâ€" ner and good sporismanship prevailed throughout. Thrasher was acclaimed winner. The T.P.AAA.‘s hardâ€"hitting little men are Popeye Gauthier and Murâ€" dock McPhail. McPhail was given the nod in a fine exhibition of boxing,. Gordon Morrison and Jim Monk gave a snappy exhibition of boxing. Mons« was the victor in this fight. W. Scott and Sinclair battled to a draw in the 40 pound class, The four weight lifters were: > S. Kjillstrom, Harold Browne, Ted Cunâ€" ningham and Al Jackson. These men showed the people how to lift weighits and Albert Ansara, their instructor, told of the advantages derived from different ways and forms of lifting. The TP.AAA. invite any and all boys interested in weight lifting, boxâ€" ing or wrestling to g@ in touch with a policeman or any T.P.A.A.A. instrucâ€" i: Richardson; Rice 2; Donald; > Stolen baseâ€"Rice. Passed balls ziler 3. Left on baseâ€"Toburn 7; yre 4. Wild pitchâ€"Buzzler. Uimâ€" â€"Hachie (plate; Hackett (bases). of gameâ€"1 hour, 45 minutes. jer batted Ouimet in

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