W t A. Convention of Held o sonth In the at South Porcupm e a Deleg ates from South. Porcupine, Timmins, Cochratte, Iroâ€" quois Falls, Chapleau, Sehumaeher, Monteith, Ansonâ€" ville, Among Those Present. Mrs. Bowlby Guest Speakâ€" er Yeste:rday. Other News of South Poreupine anid the Bouth Porcupine, June 12â€"(Speécthal to The Advance)â€"The Wormmen‘s Auxâ€" lHary anntual convention of the Diocese of Moosoneé is in session this Wednesâ€" day and Thursday in South Porcupine at the Parish hall. Delegates signing the roll on Wedâ€" nesday are:â€"President, Mrs. W. H. Johns, South Porcupine; viceâ€"president, tary, Mrs. A. H. Cooke, Schumacher; Mrs. M. McKnight, Cochrane; Mrs. Hlackburn, Cochrane; Mrs. Plummer, Monteéith; Mrs. Millar, Monteith; Mrs. P. A. Critchley Monteith; Mrs. Laforâ€" tune, Ansonville; Mrs. J. H.. Smith, South Porcupine; Mrs. Florence Stenâ€" son; Ansonville: Mrs. A. M. Ivy, Cochâ€" rane; Mrs. McCauley, Cochrane; Mrs. F. Nickle, Chapleau; Mrs. Maiud Bowlâ€" by, TPoronto; Mrs. Anne Collings, Chaâ€" Bession opened on Wednesday mornâ€" ing at 10.30 by Archdeacon Wmdq)l._ Mrs. Brewer, Iroquois Falls; second viceâ€"president, Mrs. Wm. Pritchard, Timmins: treasturer, Mrs. Wm. Fairâ€" hurst, South Porcupine; Docas secreâ€" pleau:; Mrs. B. H. Harper, So6uth Porâ€" cupine; Mrs. Draper, South Porcupine; MtFs. K. Kilborn, SchumaAcher. Mrs. M. Bowlby was guest speasker on Wednesday afternoon. She gave a most interesting account of the Indian Residential Sehools in the diocese Wwhich are controlled by the Church of England. She herself Has lTately been retired from active work as Superinâ€" tendent of the Indi'm Sehool at Cltaâ€" pleau. L4 6 o on uts se h Her flnal oomment was a â€"note of thanks for the way in which the branches of the W.A. have helped this school in clothing and other neceséities Amtmg the students who have madeé good from this school aré pwblic school teacher, a hospital nurse, and an ordained clergyman now doing good work among his native people at East Mains on FPractory river. io. iestsc l ie The schools effort in making better citizens is praiseworthy and is ‘showing its effect among the native populauon After the address which was well received, Mrs. Bowlby was made the recipient of a Life Membership in the Dominion Board of the Women‘s Auxâ€" iHary, the pin being pinned on by Mrs. McKnight after a speech by Mrs. Johns. yÂ¥X 'Mrs Bowlhy acknowledge the â€"gift with surprise and gratitude. the afternoon sessionâ€"all officers and delegates were entertainâ€" ed at a buffet supper atâ€" the home of Mrs. F. C. Evans on Connaught Hill. Bession finishes on Thursday afterâ€" noon, Rev. Williston of the Eastern Moosonee Mission will be guest speak- eér on Thursday. ds CA t b P oW e Et en nCt Rev. H. M. Alexander of Blackville, Nova Scotia, was a visitor in town on Tuesday at â€" Archdeacon . Woodal]‘s home. Rev. Alexander was student at Monteith some years ago. â€"Mrs, Andrews, of Ottawa, is visiting at the home of her son, Mr. Wm. Arrâ€" drews, of Dome Extension. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Haase and baby girl, accompanied by Misses Gwen Beâ€" bee and Lily Boyko motored to Charlâ€" ton last weekâ€"end. ' Mrs. Williams and daughter, Beverâ€" ley, Copper Cliff. are visiting the former‘s mother, Mrs. W.. H. Gréen, of Ceoll avenue. a oY3 Mr and Mrs. A. Stringer, of Rae Ave., accompanied by daughter, Jean, and baby son, Albert, leave on Thursâ€" asy morning by car for two weeks‘ holiday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Honer have returned from Toronto bringing Miss Marjorie Jamileson, recent graduate of the Woâ€" men‘s Collége Hospital, home with them for a short visit. Mr. Bill Hon« er left last week for Halifax. Mris. F. H. Hall and Mrs. I. Cameron returned on Tuesday from holiday in Toronto. # !| 'il ~Mr. Ross Monahan returned on Monâ€" Private Lewis Pyke, of Camp Borden, was on leave in «tewn last weekâ€"end. Mrs. Peter Roberts, of Strachan ave., is on holiday in Virginiatown, Ont. of day from Matheson after nttending the funeral of his father, Mr. Ed Monahan, pioneer. resident of Matheson. The late B atic s Mr. Monahan lived there since 1907 having come north from WalkerSon. Sympathy is extended to the family. ‘ ‘The ladies of our Firtmish communâ€" ‘ity living north of Rae Avenmue staged a tea and sale of home baking in the Masonic hall on Tuésday afternoon in the Finnish Aid interests. As a reâ€" sult over forty dollars was added to the amount to be forwarded to the Pmnish Consul for refief in Finland. Mrs. C. Libby and Mrs., E. Stanlake are leaving next Sunday to attend the Rebekah Assembly in Taronto, being held next Monday, Tuesday and Wedaâ€" nesday in the King Edw‘ard Hoeel Mrs Stanlake will ofï¬clally represent Ssouth Poreupine lodge, and Mrs‘ Libby, who is secretary of this lodge,, wm .attend Messrs. Basil Libby and B. Richardâ€" ison left for Kingston on Tuesday havâ€" ing received their call to the Royal Canadian Navy. Mr. G. Trueblood conducted service on Sunday morning in the United Church at Golden City. While in Toronto A. Eyttle took services at two of his old chargm Mrs. Clay and baby, of Rae Avenue, left on Wednesday for vacation . in Hamilton. n the speéia} R.ebekah school for secreâ€" taries. Afternoon Tea and Sale __ by the Schumacher C.W .L. Mrs. Robert Pritchard, of Toronto, late of Buffaloâ€"Ankerite is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stark, of Connaught Hill. Mr. Frank James, of Aurora, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Farren, of Connaught Hill. Mrs Smith, of Stratford, is visiting her son, Mr. Stan Smith, of Golden Avenue, until July. / Miss Pearl Saxes, of Montzeal, is a visitor at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Saxe, of Porcupine. UVAAA Y â€" AZAL V . MCM EC MR se M M eB C 0 Golden City, are visiting in North Bay Pte. Albert Plouffe, of Porcupine, is visiting his home from Camp Borden. Mr. Lyle Cameron, of" Shiawville, is a visitor in. town.. â€" tMr Clarence McCaffrey left this week for Ottawa for a month. -;at- Wexford United Church and the church at Birchcliff Heights. ‘The Advanceyâ€"The Catholice Woâ€" men‘s League of St. Alphonsus Parish Church held a very successful afterâ€" noon tea and sale of home baking at the home of Mrs. M. Ferguson, Second Ave., on Wednesday afternoon, June IIth. Mrs. John Griffiths, president of the League, assisted by Mrs. Ferâ€" guson, received the guests. Mrs. James Scullion was convener for the tes. The large tem table was very attractive with its lace cloth and the centre piece a silver basket filled with spring flowâ€" ers. ‘A silver tea service was at each end of the table. Mrs. Frank Furlong and Mrs. John Smith pdured tea. Mrs. C. Barron attended the tex tables. Mis. W. Mansfield was in charge of the Kitchen. The home bakimg table had a nice selection of cakes to choose from. Mrs. Ciordon Byres was in charge of this table. ‘The day being fine a large number attended and enâ€" Competitions for Victory Loan at Schumacher P. S. Winners in the Various Events Announced. joyed afternoon tea. To encourige the children to think about the Victory Loan campaign that is in progress at the present time, the Schumacher Public Schoo Board ofâ€" ferea prizes of War Savih@s Stamps for competitions that‘ would rouse inâ€" terest and notice.. Bach teacher f@râ€" ranged the form of the competition and made his or her own selections. The following are the results, showihg the various rooms, the competitions and the winners:â€" Room 9. Grade 3â€"Oral composition on Victory Loanâ€"Iist, Paribec; and, Maureen ©~Lahay; 3rd, Donald Cowden. s Room 11, Grada 3â€"Posterâ€"ist, Shh'- ley Dawson: 2nd, Anne Hawley; 3rd, Schumacher, June 11â€"(Special to Davis and Roy Merrith, of K PUTIONE t tea. Mrs. ables. Mis. ge of the | table had | to choose Was in day being ies Bangquet of Football Club Auxiliary at Schumacher Other News from Sehumaâ€" Mrs. K. Skaviem, Mcintyre Property, ‘ accompanied by MtS. Hume Douglas, gttended the graduation ecremony at the Univertity of FToronto. _ * _i as eherandDistflct Schumacher, © m t1=â€"(Spectal to The Advence»â€"The We mn migl banaguet on Monday evening. PThe ladies enjoyed defictous towkey d ner served in the latg« new dining room atâ€" theâ€" Duffodil. After the difnâ€" ner they left by car for Timmins, little guest had pilece ‘birthday cake. Mrs. G. Gatehouse .and her daughâ€" ter, Anita, of Winnipeg, gre visiting Mrs. Gatehouse‘s sister, Mrs. Elmer where they ‘aftended the Palace ‘theaâ€" tre and enjoyed the showtng of the picture "Virginia." . Mr. and Mts. E. C. Hillier returned to North on Friday after spendâ€" ing two or. threeâ€"days visiting â€"Mrs. Hillier‘s sisters, Mrs. Cripps and ‘Mrs. Albért. Miller. ako visited ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willam Olton, Mr. and Mrs. Hiltier were accompanied on their return trip by Allan Cripps, Second Ave. The Ladies‘ Guild of the Anglican Church held their meeting. last Tuesâ€" day at the home of Mrs. Percy Harvey, Gold Centre: There was a good. atâ€" tendance. Business was discussed and the ladies decided to carry on duting the summer months. After the bus*- mm P EC ness the hostess served a tasty lunch., After lunch a social period was enâ€" joyed. Moran, Second Ave. Mrs. Rodgers, of London, Ontario, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Webber, Fitst Ave. | | ' Mrs. Woods, Second Ave., left this week for a hnoliday in Toronto. MrF. and MyrS. Alex Weish, Fowith Ave., celebratea thett wedding anmiverâ€" sary on Saturday evÂ¥ening. number of triends called to wish the conple much happiness. A very pleasant eveâ€" ning was enjoyed with sthging and dancthg. During the everring # delictâ€" ous lunek was served. Mr. and Mrs. Weish recéived many lovely gifts. Mrs. Alex Welish, Fourth Ave., thâ€" tertained Weanesday afternoon in honâ€" our of her daugnter, Margaret, who was celébrating her sixth birthday. _A ber of Margar-t s friends attended and a happy time was enjoyed. Mrs. Welish served a nice Tunch and each on MB t Mrs. Jolin Roagers ahd John, JIr., of Fourth Ave., «1e tomorrow for « holiday at Wintipeg. . enb o ie ie O ‘ §« Pte. Eddie LeBriim, of the RCE., has been visitmg st Hhis homeé, Foutth durimg the past week. - Mr. P. E. Cooper, Lake Side Drive accompanied by his datighter anid sonâ€" inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank O‘Conell, Larder Lake, attended the gradvuatioh s â€" Wirs. Harry Leng, Lake Side Drive, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. F, Howman, left by car Tuesday for a hioliday in Toronto. _ Mr. and Mrs. ‘Ton: MacRKeiwic, reâ€" turned Sunday from Luektiow where ceremony at TForonito University, of Mr. Cooper‘s daughter, Miss Marion and death of Mr. MaeKenzie‘s father. #frs. Clarence who has begn visittig her mothér, Mrs. J. V. Angtlgâ€" . Aerd 5 Te Mi' Ge‘)c flé‘#ï¬ef Mfly RG-* turn Later to Help With the 'Seareh. non, Second Ave., réturned this weék to her home at Bellie Terre. Mrs. Anâ€" grignon accompanied her daughter back to Bele TFerre and will} spend few weeks visiting her family there. were callea owing to the had pilece of:the large f«the large | of money anca also 1 her daughâ€" } prietor, M gre vts‘tï¬ing a persong Mrs, Elmer | ‘siiver© cig: U at of money from the Fire Department, and dlso from the garage boys, the proâ€" prictor, Mr.: Mike Cybulskt giving him ‘a personal present in the form d a ‘silver© cigarette Bghter. ‘All expréssed regret at his going, although recognizâ€" ing the good that he can do for Mis ‘country in this particular way. : [ on Wednesaay the Fire Brigade took + l _ _ 'pine fashion. The staff of the South End Garage was present as well as the Chicef and the boys of the bHâ€" gade. Rowasmesenttedw!th a purse 2 omm o se io k c d ‘"â€" South .Porcupine, June 11â€"(Special }to The Advaniceyâ€"Mr. W. Thomypson ’left on Wednesday for Toronto where he will join the air force in the meâ€" chanical segtion. i mmmuzmaâ€"m Gerald MacDonald, Mis. Wili Godetiog, Mrs. HBob Moore, Mis# Morcthce Difion, MiBt Marguerite Stmith, mmm dra Bugeras, Miss Jean pugera, Miss lvy Calveriey, the hostess, Miss Muriel Phiflips, and the guest of honour, Miss Meta Moore. . Rousing Sendâ€"off for Air Force Recruit at South Porcupine Mrs George Vaughan was unaable ta attend but sent a gift. Mr. Thompson is a member of the South Porcupine Fire Dept. as well as being on the mechanies‘ staff of the South Efd Garage. He is known all over town as being a véry fine chap and a good citizen. ‘The â€"fire department could not see him go ‘without staging a party for him, so on Tuesday evening in rooms above the firé he was giv.en a sendâ€"off party in true South P_qrcu- ) t 2 2001000 130 5 o P B t qo ie d S mt C +1 U him to the station on the fire truck «hnd gave him a rousing sendâ€"off. This is the second member of the departâ€" ment to join His Majesty‘s forces. Girl Guide Association .. Has Successful Season South Porcupine, June 11â€"(Special to The Advance) â€"Theée } ast meeting. of the segson of the Association berind the local Girl Guides was held on Tuesday afternoon. The accounts for‘ the year were stated. and glIl business Girl Guide Camp was discussed and a statement will be made later conâ€" cerning this. The leflers gare amnous dhrr â€"â€" M m s that a different sue be obtained for camp this year, and arungemerfls gre pending. â€" . This has been qmve sueeesswl yeat for the Association which stands beâ€" hind the Girt Guides for direction and assistance when necessary. No special efforts were gttempted to taise funds this year beyond a te}ephane bï¬dge _0 0# RQL P NP 0C t.; send a girl to camp last stnnger, and to pay a share of the ground rent of: camp. The fees and a few donations, with the procegeds of the briage, enabled the Association to make a donation of $66 to the loed} Bombed Victims‘ Fund; i(. ï¬Ã©sséttE, secretaryâ€"treasurer; and Mrs. F. C. Evans, Mrs. Maxwell Smith, Miss B. M. C. Shaw, Mrs. J. Dogue, Mrs. Cumming, Mrs. R. P. Smith, Mrs Wedding at St. Church st June 11â€"(Sphcial to tThe Advarice}â€"A Etiet but pretty wedâ€" The ladies of the Association are:â€" Rapsey and Mrs. Harry Martin. (iiil!rxor-) viée-'mafldent; Nrs. at E. Sayers, Mrs. W. Warne, Mrs. S. Urc Davidson, Mrs. D. La Armstrong, Miss Jo guest of nonour, Mis hostess, Mrs. MeGice. The following ladie ‘ gttend but sent gif â€"and iss AI emierlabmnem. Ns S. Sky wohn first treiish tray), Mrs. Wi. ‘Thomas, Tthe peirty was a very yoily one, all mmm clothes, and brjigâ€" Dear Sir:â€"IL acknowledge receipt through Lloyd‘s Bank Ltd., of £225, be» ing a further contribution of your Fund in aid of my Nationad Air Raid Disâ€" tress Fund. B 1t gives me great pleasure in recordâ€" ing once again my deep appreciation of the sustained interest in, and conâ€" tinued support which you are all afâ€" fording our air raid victims. . The many tokens of friendship which we are recéiving in this hour of need are : most encouraging and not the least of this help is that given so generously by the people of South Porcuping, .. _ _( shall be glad if you will kindly renew my thanks to all contributors ‘Towel Shower in Honour Brideâ€"toâ€"be ~Prres were donated by Mrs. Montâ€" Â¥ose, Mits. Preeman and Mrs. Anthony. arrangeda, "towel showe?r" in honour of Miss Gladys Cooke. Bridge was playâ€" ed ana the prize winners were:â€"1st, Mrs. Fred Davidson; 2nd, Mrs. D. at Schumacher The Advance»â€"Mrs. Gilbert McGee, Fourth Ave., was hnostess at a nicely After the caras the guest of honour was presented with a hamper of lovely towels. ‘The nostess served a delitious lunch and a very happy time was enâ€" joyed. The following ladies attended: Mrs. E. Thompson, Mrs. T. Leck, Mrs. E. Sayers, Mrs. W. Mair, Mrs. F. Warne, Mrs. S. Urquhart,. Mrs. F. Davidson, Mrs. D. Lamb, Miss Dorothy Armstronig, Miss Joan Huxley, the guest of honour, Miss Cooke, and the â€" The following ladies were unable to sttend but sent gifts:â€"Mrs. George Vaughan, and Miss Marguerite Smith, Lord Mayor Acknowledges Gift from S$. Poreupine South Porcupine, June 11â€"(Special to The Advance)â€"The following letter in ac}mowledgement of the donation of £225 (a more recent £160 was sent last week)» sent to the Lord Mayor of London from . the South,. Poreupine Fund for the bombed victims of Britain has been received by Mr. F. E. Cooper, treasurer of the fund. theflr devot,ion and loyalty To ourt later® / . gand Mrs. Stanlake of ther Hsts wil be published in coming kawes of The Advants. Do your bes to hetp bring this year‘s total to the amcunt of the last campaign, though the new neéds of the work, some ot them due to war, suggest even inâ€" creased an@ axtended suppor: to meeu the new demands. ‘ J. R. Riwnette; Sam Bucovetsky Lftd.; Percy A. Boyce, Schumacher; . W. Banning; Ireneâ€" P. F. Brenmer; J. P. Burks; N. Blahey *.sâ€" Canadian Industries Limited; Janm»‘s. Catterello, South Porcupine; D. Caiâ€" tarello, South Poreupine; Chas. E. Cook, South Poreupine;, Mr. and D. Cuthell; Mrs. J. Cost.atn. South Porcupine; Joseph Cunliffe. ' Chas. Pierce Realty Co. Ltd. Dominion Bank; Dome Mines, South Porcupine; E. A. F. Day; Geo. Drew; Robert E. me swch Porewâ€" pine. = H. Egan. Stanley G. Fowler. Grand Hotel; Grand Cafe; FP. D. Greenwood. Lesliec G. Hall, Schumacher; M. Hobâ€" Co. Moisley Ball; Moneta Porcupineé Mines Limited:; Mike‘s Grocery; AÂ¥x Milicr:; Reverend Father Martindale, Schum@ther; 4. Masciok; Mrs. Frank Maki, South Porcupine; A. H. Munroe; Marshallâ€"Ecclestone Limited; McDowâ€" el} Motors; McIntyre Poreupine Mines; Dr. C. R. Machean, Schumacher; T. A. MacDonald; Mrs. R. S. McMilan, South Poreuptne. son: H. W. Heine; Porcupine Hardware, South Porcwâ€" pine; C.â€"F,. Priehbe; Poreupine Credit Corporation Limited. I. Rosner; G. N. Ross; Mabel Richâ€" ardsons A. A. Rose; James Radcliffe, South Porcupine, peéople and I feel sure that the knowâ€" ledge that they are helping to sustain the fortitude and patience of our peoâ€" ple will afford them a greater measure of thanks than anything I can add. _ Your etc., ; â€" Geo. H. “Wilkinsom Lord ’Mayor. J. 6. Jowsey La Federation Des Femmes Cana- diennes Francaises.. Sullivan Newton: Smith Elston; Joe Sloma; George E. Saytch, Waâ€" waitin Falls; Fred Stock; IMiss BertaaA Orville Atkins; C. E. Anderson, Paâ€" L. Halperin. Northern Peat Co. Ltd.; William Nicâ€" (Continued from Page One) Y. Heine:; William Hass. ._F. Lawry; D. Laprairle EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT orcupine | ry; [ rtindale, s. Frant Munroe; McDowâ€" | e Mines: McEINTYRE GYMNASIUM Presentation to Miss V. Foster, South Porenpine Walsh: M. E. Woodâ€" bury; Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wilson; Buth Wilson; A. E. Wicks. South Porcupine, June llt.h Special to The Advance. , | ‘ on Tuesday afternoon in tl‘w Assemâ€" bly hall of the. .High School, the staff and students presentation to Miss Vivien Foster who is leaving at the end of the term to be married, ‘Miss Wilkins spoke for the staff, and Kathieen on.. behalf of the ‘students, expressing regret. at losing ‘Miss Foster who has been on the stdfl for the past three years and wishing ‘her all happiness in her new venture. K silver tray was presented and Miss Foster feelingly expressed thanks for the good wishes attending the lovely gift. Lieutenant H.. Langdon On Service at Camp Borden Dance to the Sparkling rhyvthm of The "Mac‘"‘ Ambassadars :â€":+ ADMISSFHON :â€":; $1.00 Couple ~â€"Ladies 10¢ After spending: day‘s , holday at the home of his Mr tnd Mrs. W, O. Langdon, 31 Kent avenue, Lieut. Herbert Langdon, who recently graduated from the Royal, Military College at Kingston, was. called last week to the R. C. R. and is new on service at Camp Borden. Try the Advance. Want Advertisements E. L. | George Webber, Schumacher; J. A. BeaLty Bargams ="" \9.50 ----------------- Locomotive Cabingt Model 1 9 50 Wasther‘ Coffie!d . n Aaflh: ‘mâ€" 29.00 Model..=......... , One Beatty Porcelain Tub m'ds Two Years old, Saving you $30.00 ... oo 209.090 Copper Tub .. 6 Â¥ PHONE 391 332 Third Avenie Timnviass Beatty Factory Branch se @ %\/\ N “~z./