Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 9 Jun 1941, 1, p. 8

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WTH'E"LOCALUTHEAIREH M000OOOOOOOO 900000“... 4?? ”00m0““0“0”9”000” ‘ ‘ . Cartier H’H‘dilff‘ Sunday midnight to LaYOIyll LOO Stars Thursday. Jiiiw 9th to 12m. Sinco her 0 ° 9" F'l (Mint. she .‘y'lfkldily improvpd in 'her I m “Vf‘ ,’ . In ”2.1an! (fruit so tlmi recognition camc to her Her disc Carolyn i tive. Mr. Cq traveling. Mr usually acccm Friends of long xtnnding of the Cbp‘ps are Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Barham Mr. Barham ix an Ohio theatre exe- clltive. When Barnum mot Carolyn he‘Waé dazzled by her poise. person- MR}! and a}: -.-pea1'an(e. He asked for a c’dlorEd pho og1apl1 of the youngster which he plomp lv mailed to Y. Frank FTéeman. vice-1119131111111 of Paramount. Fréeman was so inmressed by the photographs and Barham’s glowing praise that he innuediately invi'ed the Copps to come to Hollywood in order that a screcxn zest. could b3 arranged. The test spoke for itself. Romantic (Tummly at the Palace 'i hi5: Week. In “Virginia" Caro the second time with and Fred Mac'Mun'a she becomes a swvet. able little actress. H mount. film was “HO! tastic career i it began. After fans color romanti the Palace Lh day. June 9t} doubt that ti acclaimed th child on me Some Highlights in Paulotto’s Goddard's Climb 1" Fame PAGE EIGHT protege ‘ screen (1 Paulettv movie st! co-starri James E “Pot 0‘ Starring: Now in the edy \Vith Music, “1 9:00.060000 O9COOO00999900.000909099900090.ngsz Timmins l’ulivc Charge 1 W0 (Tar Drivers 'l‘hursday One (wh:l!‘_.l-'_'(’(l With Drunk Drivinv‘ and the Other \Vith 1):”);11'1'011141 Driving. First. A being (1 court I invest":- Theodo facing ‘ a week Th? ('1 follow'ms‘. Av-mw that Nun o! 3 am that Mr: Pusmmt thn srrn been drn the char alter No that 912 Charges men. Clinch tvcnue. chum: One of t in; and without MarDom! have mm- of Pine Sir being mm! wheel be c Fad G 0] (l DU 1‘ Fred MacMurray appears quite upset as he grips Madeleine Car- roll‘s shoulder“ in a uramatic scene in Paramount’s Technicolor romance. “Vininiu.” at the Palace Theatre Monday and Tuesday. June 9th and 10m. amazing pa 'al‘ret dc it FRED MachfRRAY IN ANGRY MOOD mm m "11 arm .hed mp vas p1 laugh Mrs. Tracy Ba 1 Ohio theatre u'hmn mat C: v her poise, p1 ncdv Manda l 10th. a! "white Goddard. a Chaplin. mad-e her Odi’l‘ll Times." Now is a glamourous wn right. currently James Stewart in :omedy With music. xich comes to the [‘1' and more cap- ier previous Para- :lcymoon in Bali." of her quite fan- manner in which I) raig m is teamed for Madeline Carroll ' and each time quite IT nnld. C?) First, 1.x faring two I‘immms police. dangerous driv- driving a car 1'1 )unt’s Techni- “Virginia” at lay and Tues- 11' and ll and Carolyn and we of Mr. and steel execu- :e a bit. of h against both he comer Avenue and on his car m ‘P (f otm 8.. I'E 1arg9 of will be martest Tl idental The 1V6 1 Doli DO! 1111 )ll lai Moi OH 1"!" aid 1'7 )n EU ll Cartier theatre Sunday midnight to Thursday. Juhe9th to 12th. Since her debut. she steadily. improved in “her craft. so that recognition came to her as an actr";;s whose ability was proved bya sucu ssion of important roles Paulette was eighteen when she first tried Hollywood. Sh'e succeeded 'in landing a good congraet w h the 1P] Roach Studio but a ‘y’ear la e“1 she ac- eept'éd a bit. in Eddie Cantor’s “The Kid from Spain.” It was on this lot that she was introduCed to Chaplin. who realized immediately that he had found the little” street. gamin in “Mod- erh Times." When Chaplin put “The Great Dictator." his current hit. into production. Paulette X'Ptlll'lléd to the. Chaplin Studios. Before that. she had become a full fledged star in such hits 5 “The Young in Heart." “The W‘om- en." "Dramatic School," “The Cat and the Canary” and “Ghost Breakers." Miss Goddard‘s hair is a deep and lus’rous brown. She is five feet .four inches. weighs 110 pounds and is ex;- tremely fond of sports. She plays a good game of tennis and golf swims, walks and sails. Shes an ardent sim- worshipper‘and loves to be tanned the year ’1'0und’. Toronto Tetegram:â€"â€"Job had pa- tience but we bet.he never tried to act polite while suffering from a split- ting headache. '- . H. ...1 Sixth Avenue. Damage was caused to the fence amounting to about $70. From there MacDonald is .said to have backed his_ car out onto the road and then gone ahead again to crash intoanother fence at 49 Sixth Avenue. From there MacDonald .backed the car out. onto the roadoand left the scene. The car license number was‘ taken down by-a member of the Ontario Vol- unteer Constabulary and given to the police. Police checked .up to. see who the car belonged to and then with as- sistance of the Schumacher police they located the car at Gold Centre on the other side of Schumacher and placed the man under arrest. MacDonald was released on bail the same night. CARTIER MARCH of TIME Extra .' Honouring the gradUate nurses of St. Mary's Hospital. Class 1941. about two 'hundred couples gathered at the Por- 'cupine Badminton Club on Friday evening to enjoy an event that marks the beginning of a new life for the graduates. Well arranged and carried out. the annual ball was autstanding in that the members of the gradua- ting class were attired in pure white. with the colourful summer frocks of their friends forming a pleasant back- : ground. 3 About 200 Couples ; at Annual Ball of l G raduate Nurses Among those who attended were: Mr. :and Mrng,.q. {Bur $3,111. Mrapq MraflcoyaN. CIifton'l‘.’-Mi‘2 and MrSJKpQ Adamson. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Byck, Mr. and Mxé'é ‘Albin'ef ‘Mr'. ‘a'h‘d "Mrs. ‘H. Hamilton. Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Porter. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. J. MoCurdie. Mr. and Mrs. E. Martin. Mr. and Mrs, Edward Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bender. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Handley. Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Manotte. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Landrevillo. Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Cauley. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Black. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Alton. Dr. and Mrs. G. S, McKechniv. Mr. and Mrs. i}. Cle- mens. Mr. and Mrs. Dolph MacFadden. Mr. and Mrs. Corcoran. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Les Mackio. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. 'Sinclair. Mr.- and Mrs. J.‘ A. Cousineau. Mr. and Mrs. Philion. Mr.-and Mrs. A. P- Dooley. Mr; and Mrs. Batson. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Handley. Mr. 'and Mrs. W. Leddy. Mr.‘ and Mrs. Ivan Foyle. Mr. and Mrs. M.‘ G. Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. W. F; Brown. Dr. and 'Mrs; J. E. Lewis. On behalf of the doctors of St. Marys Hospital, Dr. Graeme S. McKechnie presented each graduate with a nurs- ing handbook. bound in leather. and was assisted in this by Miss. Helen ThrasherRN. The beautiful corsages worn by the graduates were a gift of Dr. W. D. fRobson. who has made this gift to each graduating class during the past‘years. -'I‘he graduates 'and their escorts..â€" Misses Mary Donovan. Margaret 'Kra- maruk. Joan Cler‘nens. Carmel-Kiwan- Marjbrie Pbppleton, Frances Doneny, agh‘. Gladys Belahger. May McQuarrie, Kay Vienotte, Margaret Bell, Jessie Macfsaao. and Olive Cameron . ~ Miss Iris Tilley and Mi‘. Clifford La- franier; Miss Jacqueline Game" and Mr. Gordon Smith; Miss Patricia King and Mr, Matt Godding: Miss Eileen Car- riere and Mr. Pep Schlievert of Kirk- land Lake: Miss Marian Sheridan and Mr. Peter Maddock: Miss Margaret Bell and Mr. Allan Shaddick: Miss Jes- sie Bell and Mr. Alex Bell; Miss Jean McChesney and Mr. Louis Doiron: Miss Blanid Evans and Mr. Jim Cran- ney; Miss Agnes Evans and Mr. Matt Mulcahy; Miss Zita Callon and Mr. Greg. Evans; Miss Blanche Donald and Mr, Hal Johnson; Miss Margaret Clut- chey and Mr. Tom Moore: Miss Peggy Shaw and Mr. Johnny Mortenson; Miss Elsie Sheridan and Mr. Clarence Henry Kelneck and his orchestra supplied the modern dance music. with vocal numbers by Evelyn Clarke. George Essery and Joe Mitchell. Spec- ial features were a nurses’ dance. dur- ing which only graduates and their partners were allowed to dance; a Paul Jones that brought about new friend- ships; a “disease” dance. which re- quired each gentleman to find his partner by finding the person whose card'bore the name of the same di- sease as his own card; and a black-out dance. during which sirens moaned and ’planes droned, while “bombs” fell out of the sky (the bombs were gayly coloured balloonS). Delightful Social Event En- joyed on Friday Night, “ Face on Bestin” Also Playing Wednesday French Feature m Poacurmt ADVANCE. TIMMINS, ONTARIO Members and friends of the Timh‘ mins United Church Choii weie pre‘-' .sent on Friday evening at the annual banqupt in t‘51.e bisement of the chuich. with”Mr. J, Waterman as chairman. "The long banquet tableswerecentred with summer flowers and plants. with small silk Union Jacks on either side. Compliments for the arrangement of the tables went to Mrs. D. Coombs. Mrs. W. Jarcline. Mrs. H. McCulloch. and Mrs. W, Whitehead. and live girls from the C. G. I. T. were responsible. for the fine service. __ Villeneuve; Miss Leona Boileau and Sergeant C. N. K. Kirk; Miss Margaret Kramaruk and Mr. Mel Renaud; Miss Annie Kramaruk and Mr. Nels Avery: Miss Rose’ Kramaruk and Mr. Bill Kunka; Mus Evelyn Brightwell and Mr. Art Adamson; Miss Irene O‘- Rourke and Mr. Micky 'lurcotte; Miss Leona Foley and Mr. Lorne Lavallee of Iroquos Fails; Miss Olive Miller and Mr. Arnold Downey; Miss Kay Gre- gory; and Mr. Hal Chenier; Miss Sonja ;Donchuk and Mr. Jimmy Ogilvie; Miss Olive Cameron and "Mr. Jim Brewer: :Miss Mary Curtis and Mr. Leo Riche: 5 Miss Jean Keon and Mr. Alfred Adam: Miss Nancy Bennett and Mr. Frank ‘Melghan; Miss May McMann and Mr, Steve Finnucane; Miss Laura Keon 3 and Mr. Don Hardy; Miss Mary Finnu- cane and Mr. Ken Doherty; Miss Do- !rothy Cadman and Mr. Tony Sweeney; ‘Miss May Cadman and Mr. Stan Sel- lar; Miss Grace Yuill and Mr. Dick Garrow; Miss Ruth Jenkins and Mr. Joe Millette; Miss Ethel Hursley and Him. Leo Giroux; Miss Annette Desjar- 'dins and Mr. Maurice Vllleneuve; Miss Marcia Clemens and Mr. Martin Mc- Hugh; Miss Vera Swain and Mr, Court- !ney Drew; Miss Bernice MacNamara I and Mr. Joe Murphy; Miss Yvonne Vil- leneuve and Mr. Ed Provost; Miss Rac- hel Gauthier and Mr. Ted Owen; Miss Lorraine Charron and Mr. Earl Doherty; Miss Violet Larose and Mr. Leo Larose; Miss K. Thomson and Mr. Bill Myers; Miss Gracie Little and Mr. Art Muter; Miss Rose Carlin and Mr. Jack Burgoyne; Miss Gladys Belanger and Aldege Bastien; Miss Blanche Caron and Rudy Laurin; Miss Marion Lawlor and Dr. C. E. Irvine; ,Miss Joan Clemens and Mr. Joe Sullivan. The toast “To the-Choir.” was pro- posed by Mr. Geo, S. Drew, with re- sponse by >Mrs W. Roberts; “To the Congregation’hbyMr. .W. Tansley and Mrs. J. Waterman: ‘fto~the Members who Attended Seventyâ€" five per gent and aggr du1ing the Season” by Miss Ella Mae White lesponded to by M13. K. Qamb1idge.a,nd “To the Guest's” by MILLW... Thomson plestdent of the cboirrgwith, lesponse by ,M15.W ,M. Mustafl. 1 ' 'Solo selections were given by Mrs. Randolph. of Schumacher: Mr. Chas. Roberts and Mr. Ron Jones. with Mrs, J. Huxley and Miss Elle. Mae White as accompanists. The banquet closed \i'ith :‘O Canada”; after a very deliâ€" cious supperhad been enjoyed. M1.Wat.eima11 pioposed the toast! “The the King" which was iesponded I to by the National Anthem. and in his; welcoming address. mentioned how for- tunate Canadians were to be able to sit, down to enjoy a banquet without fear of bombs dropping from overhead. Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Potter Annual Banquet. of United Church Choir Swastika. Juno 7â€"4Mr. and Mrs. Edi Potter celebrated their 20th weddingi anniversary on Saturday. May 31. and! in honor of this occasion a number of ‘ Mrs. Potter's relatives and immediate. friends tendered the couple a turkey: dinner as a great surprise, which was: Those present at the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Potter. Mr. and Mrs. F. Conneily and son. Bobby. of Engla- hart. Mr. and Mrs. J. McLeilan and son Fred of 'I‘immins. Miss Lang and Mr. Harrison also. of Timmins. Mrs. Begley of Matheson. Mrs. Geo. Speck- lan and Miss Mary Smith, of Swastika. Mr. Thomas Hall and Mr. William Preston. both of Swastika. Mr. and tifully iced and decorated. Mr. J. McLellan of 'l‘immins pro- posed the toast to the couple and Mr. Potter responded. At conclusion of the dinner another surprise awaited the couple when Mrs. J. McLellan presented them with a lovely Royal Albert tea pot in Wild Rose design and several pieces of the blue Mikado. Twelve were seated at the large din- ning room table. centred by a bouquet of 20 mama and rose tulips and the large three storey birthday cake beau- held on Sunday evening nt 6.30 pm. at the Pot-tex- home. A. VERCIVAL ALL “’ORK DONE BY EXPERTS PHONE 1675 Movie-Memory Contest CAN you NAME THESE STARS? - 10 FREE mmma PASSES RULES _ Government Licensed Fumigator Fourth Ave. Opp. To'wn Hall Winners of Last Monday’s Theatre Contest The first [he correct answers opened were received fromâ€"â€" The mnnerz; are asked to call at The Advance office any day before 6.0!) p.111. when they will receive 4wo theatre passes each. SEE THE NEWEST STYLES at the “LIVE THOMSON SHUI’I’I SINCLAIR THE VALET '7 CEDAR ST. SOl’TH Correct Answers For Last. Monday’s Contest lilJiASUR I‘UWPII.L. name in A. Vermval ad. HARRY ( ARY. name in Sinclair The Valet ad BEA'HEH‘IZ [‘lL-‘Nffll‘JR. 1‘73“ Snrure Street South N. W”! I13. (32-: ('rawford Street. South Porcupine MIN. II. (HANSON. 9.10 Hemlock Strect‘ MIN. .I. KENNEDY. 71 Tamarack Street MR5. L. W. Bl:1‘( K. 203 Birch .81th North. JackieCooper and ‘Eddie Bracken i'n’ “LIFE WITH HENRY” ‘ " r y " A (ldcd Shorts "m ' "9"" WW" ( olourml ( .i'rtoun Wilson - Caiolyn [eé tdunfb W‘. I I‘ll) N’OCH'I'N Nl“vsreel Latest War News COMING WEDNESDAY Death 0f “’ifc of Formcr Principal South End HS. South Porcupine. June 7tliâ€"-i8p2clai to The Advancer-Word was received by your correspondent on Friday that Mrs. Franklin 3. Clarke of Windsor. wife of a former principal of South Porcupine High School passed away on Thursday. Mrs. Clarke lived in South Porctnpine about ten years ago. afterward moving to Timmlns where for two years Mr, Clarke was a teach- er in the Timmin; High School. From Timmins Mr. and Mrs. Clarke retired to Windsor where they have since lived. Some of the older residents here will remember the late Mrs. Clarke with kindly affection as she endeared her- Mrs. Ed Orser. of Kirkland spent the evening and those who were unable to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Oonneuy. of Timmins. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Potter of Mathescm. Mr. and Mrs. Balloid 0t Porquis. Mrs. VonCIeaf. ’ ' ' . .1 *‘ .2; looonuooooomomoouooq Balsam St. N. Phone 417 I MOOOO“WMWO Today ”8" Tues. SALE PRICES STYLE SHOPPE FURRIERS Films left at our studio before 9.30 are ready the same evening at 6.00. It pays to get the better-kind of - work. Read the Advertisements. Find the correct names 0 pictured here. Send your answer to The Advance addressed Movie-Memory Contest heforo 9 p. m. Saturday stating the (s'nrrmt names and the advertise- ments in which they appear. Each Winner Will Receive Two Theatre Passes wneIâ€"{ionswering write out the full name of the two stars pictured here. Winners announced next Monday. Cor. Pine and Fourth Ave. DEVELOPING [Your Last Chance TO BUY FURS ROYAL STUDIO PALACE A, TOMKINSON E. DUROCHER 10 CEDAR STREET N. Expert Work fistti of the stars Viking Electric - Phone 590 â€"- An announcement in Friday's CHM md Mail gives the Iollowinc:-â€"â€" “Clark. ~Mary Sprague. passed away on Thursday. June 5th, at Vindsor. Ont: beloved wife of F‘raukfin 8. Chris. and dear mother of Bernice and Dor- othy. Funeral at Windsor on Sutur- day." Production at home Mines Was $661,807 During May self to us all during her shy maul us. Our sympathies are offend to her 90!- rowing husband and daughters. Globe and Mailffi-lt may be that Rude]! Boss. is engaged now in writing what. should also be. a best seller: Mem Dekampt." 7 Dome Mines Limit-ed last week re- ported its production of gold for May as $661.80? from 53.400 tons milled during the month. This compared with 8601.835 for April. 1941. and 3661.091 for May. 1940. See Our Selection of the Newest Gowns for Sum- mer Evening Wear. 15 Pine Street South 18 Pine St. S PHONE 321 Olive Thompson Shoppe Cor. Spruct St. 05 Third Ave. Clean Rooms The King Edward Hotel Day or Week PLIIMBING -- HEATING Free Estimates on Request L. B. ROY Very Reasonable Rates See Our New Line of GmsoN FURNACES HARDWARE MONDAY. JUNE 9111.)“: Quiet Atmosphere Reasonable Prices R. TIMMINS TIMMINB Phone 946 Timmins

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