PARYT AVA ter, M 1 ront All tic, C end t JC in left Th sible phont sult : writte these tiser‘s place paid Y ou‘ll the fine fer N ¢ M. CG. SULLIVAN lc A WORn PER TINSERTION (minimum 25¢) 6c A WOKRD PER TNSERTION IF CHARGED (Minimum 35¢) 1 Classified Advertising must be id before insertion to obtain cash rate. Oe Dorupine Adbanoe CLASSIFIED ADS i §| THE POKCUPINE ADVANCE BUILDING . Phone 26 OFFICE For RENT FOPR RENT Phone 129 and WOQOn ind â€" CABRTAGE ite the quality and we offer. 1 Toronto 11 not be respon eccurring in tele \PARTMENT FOR to four rooms. Reâ€" ed. Apply to 58 Phone 1437, or call â€"44tf ahan, of Toronto has been in Toâ€" isiting her mother of Toronto, was town this week. town this week AP} egat their~ daughter enrge Alexander and Mrs. Alexâ€" Niagaraâ€"onâ€"theâ€" to take 11 1i â€"returned this ronto and other fully, legibly urring from ly at adverâ€" ng her daughâ€" Wednesday to Hamilton. hne rs, of Malarâ€" t the weekâ€" NTâ€"Modern ; suitable ly 282 Tamâ€" 44 â€"45 n« announ tended visit leayving toâ€" n Bert, at retary of in North e district Legion. yvill leave arents in aughter, week‘s| atmr Mtr A rthrr Mr. and Mrs. G. McAuley an Terry, and Mrs. G. McGrath ar of Timmins, were guests of re and friends at Charlton récently Dan Howley, former manager of the Toronto Maple Leafs baseball team, was a visitor in Timmins this week. He took in the ball game at the McIntyre yesterday afternoon. Mr. Joe Aho, who has been in Otâ€" tawa for the past few months, has been spending a few days at his home in town before leaving for Toronto, where he will join the RC.AF. Mr. Lee Lawry, for some time aA ledgerkeeper at the Bank of Nova Scotia, left this week for Toronto, where he will report at the recruiting depot of Military District No. 2 of Canadian Active Army. Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Moisley and youngest daughter are in the south ; Mr. Moisley attending a druggists‘ convention in Toronto and Mrs. Moisâ€" ley and little girl going on to Fenwick, Ont., for a visit at Mrs. Moisley‘s old home Wireless Operator Cpl. K. N. Brownâ€" ell, of Halifax, who was one of the crew here on Tuesday with the Vicâ€" tory Torch bomber, is understood to have been a former resident of Timâ€" mins, living on Maple street south. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cooke, Schuâ€" macher, Ont., announce the engageâ€" ment of their daughter, Gladys Madeâ€" line, to Mr. John Armstrong, of Kirkâ€" land Lake, son of Mrs. F. A. Arimâ€" strong, of New York, the marriage to take place on June 21st, at Trinity United Church, Schumacher, at 2.30 few weeks Among those passing the third and final year in law as announced by Osgoode Hall, J. F. Lake‘s name was well up on the list. He will be called to the bar in the course of the next UÂ¥ Yos THE CANADIAN BANK OF GOMMERCE $108 $300 One Year to Repay Apply to Megarart Branch af BUY VICTORY BONDS! $ 55. 47 $ $100.96 $ $280.94 $ $505.54 ¢ Other Amounts at Low Rates McAuley and son, McGrath and son, guests of relatives That is a question every Canadian should ask toâ€"day. You are asked to buy Victory Bonds to speed the day of victory for our fighting forces. Under our way of life, your investment in Victory Bonds is voluntary. Under totalitarian methods, there would be no such freedom. Have you done enough? Think of what our men and women are doing, in the army, the navy, the air force and the nursing service. They have offered all, even life itself, to fight for our freedom from brutal aggression. LEND your money on the safest sécurityâ€"the Dominion of Canada itself. Buy all the bonds you can for cash, then sign up for more on the instalment plan. HOW MUCH IS3 Help Finish the Job DeSantis Porcupine â€"â€"Mines Ltd. â€"â€" Seeking for Coâ€"Operation of All the Prospectors Mrs. MacMillan, of Toronto, one of the cxecutive of the Ontario Prospecâ€" tors and Developers Association, and wife of the president of the Associaâ€" tion, is in Timmins this week and has been endsavouring to get ways and means for a general coâ€"operation of the prospectors for their own welfare and the benefit of the country. Prosâ€" pecting has declined to such a degres as to be alarming, and there is general belief that many of the reasons for this could be removed with all prosâ€" pectors working together and presentâ€" ing a solid front on vital questions. Mrs. MacMillan hopes to have branches of the association at all mining centres, with all working through the associaâ€" tion to better conditions., Joseph Sullivan, Timmins, Honoured at Graduation (Experimental Farms News) The main objects in mowing a lawn are to improve its appearance and at the same time to encourage a dense, healthy turf. Many lawn owners not only fail to achieve these objects but also succeed in ruining their lawns by faulty mowing, states J. H. Boyce, Division of Forage Plants, Dominion Experimental Farms Service. Height of cut is one of the most imâ€" portant considerations in mowing. The common lawn grasses will not with â€" stand very closs mowing. Even when maintained at moderately short heights ordinary lawn grasses suffer because of the continual defoliation and beâ€" cause the roots, which tend to mainâ€" tain a balance with the amount of top growth, become restricted to the top few inches of soil, thus limiting their feeding range for plant food and moisâ€" ture, and consequently reducing the ability of the turf to compete with weeds and to withstand heat and drought. If the grass is permitted to grow too long, on the other hand, a spindly growth is produced and a thin, Importance of Proper Mowing of Lawn Maimntenance ture, and consequently reducing the In continental Europe, troops are in ability of the turf to compete with the ranks of sweated labour. On the weeds and to withstand heat and drought. If the grass is permitted to grow too long, on the other hand, a spindly growth is produced and a thin, open sward results. It is recommended that ordinary basis of current exchange,. a Nazl trooper gets something less than $7 per month. An Italian infantryman gives his services for $1.70 a month and the French soldier gets 50 cenis per month. But in Turkey, the scale THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO lawns never be cut to a height of less . than one inch. A height of 1‘4 to 2 inches is much to be preferred in most cases. This height encourages a dense, healthy turf, providing other maintenâ€" ance practices are correct, and at the same time permits sufficient top and root growth to «allow the leaves and roots to function properly. lligherl mowing is particularly important in shady locations where decreased sunâ€" light makes a larger amount of follâ€" age desirable and on terraces whers increased leafage and deeper root sysâ€" tems help to control soil erosion. ‘The above _ recommendations _ concerning height of cut do not apply to bent grass lawns which require very close mowing and other special maintenâ€" ance practices. In order to secure best results, a reâ€" gular mowing programme imust be folâ€" lowed based on the amount of being produced rather than on a time schedule, as is so frequently the case, It is suggested that the grass be allow-{ ed to make not more than one inc:i of new growth between mowings. Thus mowing may be necessary twice or even three times a week during the sprlng,‘ but may not be necessary oftener than once every ten days or two weeks durâ€" ing the warm months. In the fall it is recommended thai mowing be concluded at a time which will allow the grass to attain a height of 2 to 3 inches before growth ceases. In the spring it is desirable to permIt the grass to make some new growt(h before mowing is started. This will permit the new roots which are being formed at this time to become well established. It is important that the mower be kept sharp at all times. Most lawn mowers, as a rule are set to cut too low. ~The height of cut can be adjusted by raising or lowering the rollers. Canagdian soldiers get a basic | $40 per month. United Stales ai get a basic pay of $31 dollars. A England, the famous Tommie roughly 80 cents a day. Ottawaâ€"Therse‘s an old song sung by soldiers to the effect they‘ll never get rich in the army. But their chances are best if they wear a Canadian uniâ€" form. The department of national deâ€" fence has statistics to show Dominion troops are the best paid in the world Canadian soldiers get a basic pay of $40 per month. United Stailes soldiers cet a hasice nav of %31 dollars.. And, in Mowing is one part of lawn maintenâ€" ance which can be carefully controlled by the lawn owner, and since it has so much to do with the beauty, density and health of the turf, every attempt should be mads to follow the desirable practices. ‘anadian Army Men the Best Paid in the World at (is still lower. A fighting man there gets the equivalent of a nickel every | 30 days. "ITron Horse" of New York Yankees Was Very Popuâ€" lar. Bodv Cremated. Funeral Services for Lou Gehrig Held in New York Funeral services were held yesterâ€" day for Lou Gehrig in the same semiâ€" privacy in which the great first baseâ€" man of New York Yankees battled disease for two years. From many parts of the country messages of condolence poured into (Giehrig‘s home and the offices of thel hall club. Baseball notables arranged , to be there for the last rites and fans | who never had been closer to him than the bleachers of Yankee Stadium filed past his bier for one final look: at the unforgettable ‘ITron Horse," whoi plaved 2,130 consecutive games in fourâ€" teen yvears. : ' A minute of silence in Gehrig‘s meâ€" ] mory was observed at the National League games at the Polo Grounds and Ebhbets Field., and flags on public buildâ€" ings throughout New â€"York City were lowered to halfâ€"staff at the direcitfon of Mayor La Guardia. Hundreds Pass Casket Mourning was so general that arâ€" rangements were made for the public to view the body Tuesday afternoon and night instead of limiting this privilege to intimate friends. During the hours the casket was open, first at the Church of the Divine Paternity in Upper Manhattan and later at Christ Episcopal Church in the RiverZ dale section of the Bronx, hundreds of persons passed through. ( They included residents~ of the neighbourhood, policemen, labourers, men and women from all walks of life, PAMOUR PORCUPINE MINES Ltd. BUY VICTORY BONDS! Part to Hasten Victory and Peace Day by day the hearithstones of Canada are protected hy a wall of Britain‘s guns, ships and planes in the hands of men whose high morale commands the admiration of the world wherever there is civilization. Day by day this wall ITIUbt be bolster edâ€"rebuilt. More ships â€" munitions of war â€" food â€" must go to Britain in everâ€"increasing measure â€" a great surplus to permit a British offensive â€" vicâ€" tory â€"peace! War weapons must be bought with money â€"your money. Thanks to the workings of democracy you have money. It is good money. It will buy the essentials to victory. Lét Canada use some of your savings for a while! Invest now in priceless, unthreatened security for your home and all that you hold dear. Let‘s bring the enemy to his knees â€" soon ! | i °* «* *# Invest toâ€"day. Help Finish the Job and nine boys fumbling baseball caps' and gloves in awkward hands as t.hey| looked for the last time on an old hero.. Thev were members of a class baseâ€"} ball teant at the High School of Comâ€" merce where Gehrig himself began his sports career. Try The Advance wanw ads SPACE DONATED BY Drink Plenty of Timmins Dairy Milk Milk is oane of the most healthful foods known to science. Timmins DBairv Milk from tuberculin tested herds is even better! It‘s rich in vitamins and in other elements vital to human health. i Tom had just put one over on Jim. ‘The latter, out to even things, leaned ‘ across the table to ask, with a grin: "Do you know that of the 50,000 people in this town, thresâ€"fourths are clergymen?" "Rot!" snapped Tom. "It‘s true. The Rev. Mr. Fourth and his two parson sons!‘"â€"â€"Exchange. THURSDAY, JUONE 3TH, 1841 JUST TIMAGINE