soldier (Henry Ford), and John Buli (George Fera), With Paul Pearce as chairman the following programme was given:â€" Opening chorus, "O God Our Help In Ages Past." Chairman‘s spseech. Saluteâ€"to England, Centre of our Empire, (Chairman led the Saluteo). Assembly saluted with words "To England." Chorus sang. ‘Land of Hope . ani Glory," ang "There‘ll Always Be An England." Storyâ€" given by i P.INE N. PHONE 212 A â€"REGISTERED OPTMOETRIST Alwayvs in Attendance May be Arranged at no Extra Cost time. GUARD thom carefully. HAVE them â€" examined now at L. HALPERIN and a tals platform (Carmella presentativ moand â€" Sa nurses (Na Lellan},., â€" : In â€"th School wt at the s 4 p.m., fAlt by the p eity Oof° 4 children ONE Pair to Last a Lifeâ€" Miss I. Smi story of St. G tableau. ave a pire D; gave speech Mary 1 Britain isnn Gt morrow ada." lila".=‘" preced Story navy, blue and g being accented | form. The Dame §S2) CGeorge‘s Day pr noon from 3 to Mildred Mitch Bible selections Beard and the I fore the Nation and the Salute t Chorus renditi One speaker likened Mr. Churchiil to the St. George of modern England. Patriotic songs were interspersed with the spssches, and the National Anthem concludeq the programmo. A special feature of this occasion was the first appearance of the School Cadets in uniform (100 p.c. of the boys) and they looked very smart indeedâ€" navyy, blue and gold, the school colours, being accented in the regulation uniâ€" In the morninz the High School had a «pecial programme of observance at which Captain L M. Marshall, M.G , addressed <the school in the auditorium. The orchestra opened the proceedâ€" ings with "O Canada," followed by Mr. C. Kemsliey‘s remarks as chairman. Mr,. Percy Andrews conveyed the greetâ€" ings of the Porceupine Branch of the Canadian Legion, and Mrs. C. Litbby spoke for the Ladies‘ Auxiliary of the Legion. Each took St. George as the topic, and the dragon of the menacing dictators as a smile. Celebrated at Schools at South Porcupine St. George‘s Day Well nad a «pecial at which Cap addressed <}ys Interesting Programmes Presented at 8. P. High and Pubâ€" lic Schools. Also at the Dome. Social and Other Events. Other News from South Porcupine and the Dome. well ar Wedne News From South Porcupine, Dome and the District mmsnenn on N3 is esn on ons _l:recious E YIE 5 B A True Tonic Invaluable at this season because it mupplies the Vitamin B, and mineral substances so necessary to improve the quality of the blood and help the nerves. Tor better appetite, better digestion, better sleep and for better health use Iir. Chase‘s Nerve Food. for Blood and Nerves Credit Terms Nadvt "St. George and the Dragomm Norman Harper. 16 10tatior of â€" MiI p€ LC leau was presenteg on the of the Empireâ€"Britaan‘a Didone), surrounded by reâ€" es of the Air Force (Rayâ€" ‘ajarvi and John Sliz, dyne Smith and Peggy Mcâ€" ailor (Norman â€"Whitton), nry Ford), and John Buli South Porcupine Public re privileged to be present al observance from 3 to vere impressed very much tic sincerity and simpliâ€" proceedings. The oiger lered in the auditorium, itchell acted as chairman ons were read by Lynn 12 Lord‘s Prayer said, beâ€" tional Anthem was sung te to the Flag given. iditions of ‘"Rul»> Britanâ€" 1 Always Be An England" ading by Jackige Jay, "The George." Jack McGinn ion from the King‘s Emâ€" ech, and Marion Mitchell ions from the famous Mr. Winston Churchill School had a special St. programme in the afierâ€" ‘cited "The Flag of 1 chorus sang "Britâ€" Land of Glad Toâ€" the ‘final "O Canâ€" Day was celebrated our three schools on lass illustrated the angq the Dragon, in Mr. and Mrs. M. Vernéer returned on Sunday from Toronto after attending ithe funeral of Mr. S. Busovetskyâ€"Mrs. Verner‘s braother. Friends of Mr. J cupine, will regret t quite ill in Porecupin« Privates Edwin Brown,| W. Turner raturned to Po Wednesday., after two wee Little Arlene Truant, da Mr. and Mrs. L. Truant,. of ford, celebrated her fourth b Wednesday, by having a rea party to which a number of friends were invited. Archdeacon Wosdall is in Toronto this week attending an executive moetâ€" ing of the MSCC. He is expecied back by Sunday. There is still time for hostesses to come forward and help with the Telsâ€" phone Bridge to be held next Mondsasy night in aid of the South Porcupine Fund for England‘s bombed victims. This will be held under the auspices of the Girl Guides Association and any wishing to help in any way will be welcomed. Messrs F. C. Evans, Smith and P. Murphy ar since Monday attending c ship business. Mrs. Tom Farrell, accompanied by Mr. Jim Baker and Miss Pearl Baker, leave on Thursday by car for Shawâ€" ville where they will stay for a few days. Mrs. Parrell will visit her eldâ€" erly mother who has been ill. Mrs. George Woods, of Deme Extenmâ€" sion, leaves on Thursday for Toronto for. medical attention. Accompanying her will be her son, George, and daughter, Mrs. H. Tripp. Mrs. William Hall and son, Chx;i:,tn- pher, leave on Friday for Niagara Palls pher, Meave on ‘IE‘ridGa@ay Nlagalra ralls to join Mr. Hall, and will make their residence in that place in the futurs. suests spent a pleasant time, euchre being the form of entertainment. Prize winners at cards were:â€"1, Muis. McPhail; 2, Mrs. Mitchell; 3, Mrs. H. Blood. Consolation went to Myrs. Peterson. The hostess was made the recipient of a number of nice gifts. A very dainty lunch was served at the conclusion of cards. car in Iront Of Nnis Nnome, and siipped on the icy road, falling and breaking his leg in two places. Mrs. J. Johnsson, of Main street enâ€" tertained on Tuesday evening in honâ€" our of her birthday. Twentyâ€"four euests spent a pleasant time, euchire Friends of Mr. Ben Curtis, of Dome Extiension, will regret to learn that lhie is a patient in Porecupins General Hosâ€" pital. On Monday night after returiâ€" ing from Cochrane where he was caliâ€" ed for jury duty he stepped out of a car in front of his home, and slipped on the icy road, fallinz and breaking his leg in two places. Misses Mary Beattie, Kathleen P core and Valerie Bessette returned 0 Monday, after the Easter vacation 1 St. Jossph‘s College, North Bay. Mrs. Scotty Walker, of town, is leay ing on Thursday for Montreal, whet she will spend an extended vacation. Father Roberge is to be guest speakâ€" er at the Kiwanis dinner on Thursâ€" day. He will speak on "The East." Misses Mary Beattie, Kathleen Peâ€" core and Valerie Bessette returned on Monday. after the Easter vacation to A happy event of the vacation week took place on Friday afternoon wh n Mrs. Walter Jenks entertained a numâ€" ber of her former pupils at her homs on McDougall Avenue. A buffet supâ€" per was served from a table upon which spring fowers were centred and green candles placed. The evening was pleasantly sp>nt in games and conâ€" tests. Prizecs were won by Freda Hepâ€" burn and Joyce Robinson. The youthâ€" ful guests included Misses Fay Atcheâ€" son, Lois Johnton, Beulah Moore, Joveso Robinson, Doris Johnston, Noregn Ledingham, all of Connaught, Jean Murrell of the Redstone, Barbara Anne angq Freda Hepourn, of town. This week we can echo with the old poetâ€"‘"Winter lingering, chills the lay of May". But it has not chilled no: stilleq ithe spring noises made by th« robins and sparrows and crows, anC in fit a friend tells us she heard the first frog song on Monday! horus, "I Am A Canadian," "Carry On", ‘‘Wish Me Luck," by the followâ€" ing boys: James LytJle, John Dyrcan. John Unnlak, Raymond Williams, Oliâ€" ver Heikkila, Gerald Rosebrugh and Walter Pavlica. A vote of thanks given and secondec by two bovys from Miss Walker‘s room with "God Save the King" brought the ceremonies to an end. Piano solo, by Ann Gecan. Recitation, "Why Should We P For England," splendidly given by Antilla, Aida Mezzacato, and No White. Violin selections by Eila Gillilla, Antilla, and Hilda Harry (piano Recitationâ€"Beautifully given by Hot. , Beulah Moor Johnston, of Redstone, . Mason, of P ) learn that he General hospl are in Co ‘th birthday on i real birthday r of her small daughnt ~f 120 f . Joyese and t Arthur on ts‘ furlough. F. Maxwoll W I by Li Nor‘t T fuseq to be put out of the lobby of a hotel, and that his arm had been "twisted" by Leone in the process of compelling him to go. Complainan: stated that he was waiting in thâ€" lobby for a friend. and he had a right to wait in a pqublic place. Defendant contended that Poss was talking "loudâ€" lv‘" in the lobby, and denied assault. P. Taakala will serve a tenâ€"day senâ€" tenc»> and be prohibiled from driving for six months for driving a borrowed car while in an intoxicated condition. Carson and Nenonen paid fines for Canie, Shephard, Adams and Thomas were fined for having improper markâ€" ers on thir cars, and Duchek, Klovanâ€" civich, and Bond paid for not having proper lights. H. Leblanc, faced with a charge of driving without proper markers pleadâ€" ed not guilty. His statement that he had sold the car implicated with 1940 markers still on, to the Timmins Garage, and had got another car he had dgriven for some time, convinced the magistrate, who gismissed E. Kykas will answer next week to a charge of dangerous driving. C. Shylock paid $10 and costs for inaecent exposure. An assault case brought by E. Foss against E. Leone was dismissed after witnesses were called. The charge alleged that Foss had reâ€" fuseq to be put out of the lobby of a hotel, and that his arm had been For speeding, F. Bruchere pleaied not guilty. As witness being sick was not present the case was adjourned one week. P. Pors, and Hendrick Kerkaby reâ€" newed their tail in the case of the circumstances leading to the death of J. Enstrom. Five members of the South Porcuâ€" pine C.G.IL.T. will represent this branch at the District Conference of the C.G. T. to be held this weekâ€"end in Kirkâ€" land Lake. In charge of their leadr, Miss Jean Jordison, they will mosor down on Friday. Those attending are: Annie Kelly, Isabel Hepburn, Sirrita Olki. Audrey Miller and Ellen Maiis. Police Court Adjournments were granted in the case of G. Arthur (vagrancy), the Crown asking a week‘s remand. Fines for illegal parking were paid by Horner, Reid, Levinson, Shateux and Morin. at the Parish hall next Tuesday. Inâ€" vitation is to be to Timmins members to atijend. Bornâ€"On April 21st, in Porecupine General hospital, a daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. William Cook, of Dome Exâ€" tension. Mr. YÂ¥von Lorraine, First Ave., has returneg from a holiday at his home in Buckingham, Quebec. Mrs. Ed. Willan, Third Ave., entorâ€" tained a number of friends last Thursâ€" At ithe weskly A.Y.P.A. meeting on Tuesday plans were made for holding the election of District Council officers Mr. Arthur Byrne, of the MciIntyre Staff House, has relurned this week from an exended hoiday at Nassau and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stokes, of Swastika, aÂ¥l snded the Ice Carnival at the Mcâ€" Inilyre Arena ang were the guests durâ€" ing the weekâ€"end of Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair MacMillan, Lake Side Drive. Mr. Ronald Sanderson left Priday by car for Toronto. He was accomâ€" panied on the trip by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans, First Ave., and Miss Beity Ostrosser,. Timmins. Mrs. Frank O‘Tonnell, of Larder Lake, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Cooper, Lake Side Drive. She also attended the Ice Carnival at the McIntvre arena. Mr. T. Morrison, of the McInilyrse Saftft House, left this week for Toronto where he will visit his parents prior to joining the Royval Canadian Air Force. Mr. and Mrs. McCartney and little son, Harold, of Swastika, were guests of Dr. ang Mrs. Wesion, Pourth Ave. during the weekâ€"end. Pie. Sam Hill, of the Grey and Simâ€" cos Regiment, stationed at Camp den, was a weekâ€"end visitor at his home on Ave. Mecetings of Clubs and Other Groups at Schumacher Mrs. Morgan and daughter, Frankie, left this week for Port Arthur where she will join her husband, Major W. P. Morgan, of the Algonquin Regiment. Mrs. James Kent, Second Ave., is visiting in Toronto. The Schumacher "Happy Gang" Card Club met on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. J. Smith, Second Ave. Five hundred was playeq and the prize winners were:â€"1lst, Mrs. Roy Hazelwood; 2nd, Mrs. Lenchuk: 3rd, Mrs. G. BRalfour. After the cards the hostess served a tasy lunch. After lunch a social evening was enjoyed. Mrs. R. V. Weston, Fourh Ave., has returned from a holiday in Toronto. Schumacher, April 23â€"(Special to The Advance) â€" The Twontyâ€"fivers Bridge Club met on Thursday evening at the hcome of Mrs. Roberi Gorie, 6 John Ave., Timmins. Bridge was playâ€" ed and the prize winners were:â€"1Ist, Mrs. Frank Warre; 2nd, Miss Dorothy Armsirong. After the cards a social time was enjoyed. During the evenâ€" ing the hos«tess served a delicious lunch. Other News of Schumacher and District. WA nonâ€"stopper also paid fin Schumacher High â€"~ School Observes _ St. George‘s Day PORCUPINE ADVANCE TTMNMITNS, ONTARIO i â€" Schumather, April 23â€"(Special to The George‘s Day was ‘observed by the teachers and students ;a‘t Sschuumacher High School. At ten | o‘clock a service wag Beld in the audiâ€" Mr. D. E. Kezley was chairâ€" man. The service opened with the sinzing of "God Save the King," and "Land of Hop» and Glory." The Rev. chestra, under the directicon of Mr. F. D. Roy gave several selections. The Rev. Father Marindals also gave a short address, which was fciâ€" lowed by the singing of ‘There‘ll Alâ€" ways be an England." Mr. Longmore, Timmins, also addressed the udents. The singing of. the â€" ‘"‘Maple ILeafl" brought the service to a cloce. wh Schumacher, April 23â€"(Special to The Advance)â€"A surprise party was held last Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Jean Mullen, 111 Laidlaw street, Timmins, in honour of Miss Loreita Kutchaw, bookkeeper at the Feldmans Store, First Ave., and who was leaving ithis week for Ottawa where she has accepus2d a position with the Department of Agriculture. A nice social evening was enjoyed with games and community singing. During the evening the guest of honour was presented with a lovely ‘"aeropack." A card with Jhe name of each guest was attached to the case. During the ing a delicious lunch was served. The following ladies attended:â€"Misses Flo Jamieson, Anne Jaksic, Alex Bugera, Jean Bugera, Mary Vrbanic, Evelyn Holmes, May Fowler, Meta Moore, Jeanie Maxim, Elsie Sullivan, Doris McDonald, Margaret Bellrose, Mrs. Reta Markle: the hos‘ess, Mrs. Jean Mullen, and the guest of honour, Miss Lore#tta Kutchaw. Surprise Party at Schumacher Friday Evening Bornâ€"April 24th, at the Porcupine General hospital, to M#. and NMrs. Dave Baker (nee Daisy Hunter) First Ave., Schumacherâ€"a daughter. Sutherland, Violet Izatt, Joyce Kens, Gail Urqguhart, Eleanor Mair, Alex Mair, Ronnie Wallace, Alfred Rickâ€" ard, Kenneth Rickard, Billy Searie, Sandy Hunter, the.guest of honour, Isabelle Mair. Glort@a=Pecanic and. Jimmyâ€"Connell â€"were unable to att-é'nl the party. P The Schumacher Itallan Group imet lass night at the â€"home â€"of Mr. Jaci: Turissini, Second <Ave. Mr. Turissini was appointed chairman of ithe supper committee and Mr. Clifford Reardon was appointed chairman of the birso committee. The ~Italian spagzhe‘ti supper and bingo is to be held Wednesâ€" day, April 30th, in St. Alpaonsus Parâ€" ish hall from five oclock. Valuable prizes will be given for bingo, and thers will be two door prizes. Final plans were discusseq and completed for the event. Mrs. Alex Mair, Seeond Ave., en‘t»râ€" ‘j1iined on Friday arseriizson, at one thirty p.m. in honour of her daughter, Isabelle, who was celebrating her third birthday. A number of Isabelle‘s little friends attended and a very time was enjoyed. To start off the party a large imnitation cake with strings attached to it was the cenireâ€" piece on the table. Each little guest picked a string and all pulled Jfogether the cake iwent off with a bang and at the end of each string, each little gu~>st foung a paper hat and a novelty. Mrs. T. Searle assissed the hostess in servâ€" ing the lunch. After lunch games were played and the little guests presented the guest of honour ‘with gifts. The guests atâ€" tended:â€"Ida May Sutherland, Mary Iday evening. Whist was played and ‘ the prize winners were: 18st, Mrs. James | Scullion; 2nd, Mrs. Art Robson:; lucky nurm‘cer, Mrs. James Philliban. After the cards the host*ss served a delizsious lunch. Mrs. Sherry, Timmins, poured tea and Mrs. James Scullion poured coffee. After lunch a social time was enjoyved . 1 _ Mrs. Constance Samue 710 Mrs. Fennell, Blahey‘s Apt., First Ave., was called to Iroquois Falls this week owing o the death of her broâ€" ‘her, Mr. Pat Cannon. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Byers, accomâ€" panied by Mrs. Byers‘ mother, Mrs. Gannon, motored last Sunday to Iroâ€" quois Falls to aitend the funeral of Mrs. Gannon‘s nephsew, Mr. Pat Ganâ€" non. Bornâ€"Wednesday, April l6th, io Mr. and Mrs. Russel Fairbrother, Gold Centreâ€"a daughter (Nancy Jean)‘. Aircraftsman Dick Calveriey of the RCA.F., Manning Posl, Toronto, spent the weekâ€"end visiting at his home on Second Ave, Mr. Douglas Kitchen, PFirst Ave syemt the weekâ€"end at North Bayv. Mrs. Constance Wilson Samuel, guest artis‘e at the skating carnival, was the gviest of Dr. and Mrs. Robson. Mrs. J. S. Kilchen, First Ave., was hostess last Wednesday evening to Miss Wrignt and ‘her singing class. The guest artists for the evening were Miss Dodge,. and the Rev. F. J. Baine, who gave several violin selections. The Rev. P. J. Baine also gave a very inâ€" teresting talk on "Opera." During tae evening the hosteoss served a delicious lunch. Mr. Peter McCrodan, student at Toâ€" ronto Universiy, arrived in town to spend wJhie sumimer vacation. _of "God Save the King," and of Hop» and Glory." The Rev. aine gave a short address, after the hymn "O God cur Help in act" was sung. Tt# Orâ€" Attractive Wedding at New United Church at "S. Porcupine Yesterday 1 g ,! | 4 ‘Two bridesmaid attended her. The first, Miss Bethea Londry, sister of the groom, lookeqa very charming in a gown of pale aqua chiffon, floorâ€"lengtn, made on full lines, with short full sleeves, and Gdraped waistline, the bodice being embroidered in pale pink design. Her ‘tiny hat of aqua blue had a emall cluster of pale pink roses, and she wore long pale pink gloves, and silver shoes. She carried a sheal of pink roses and fern. The second bridesmaid was Miss Penelope Luxton, who was charming in a gown of roâ€" mance blue sheer, fioor lengzth, with short bolero of quilued sheer, and tiny hat of the same shade of blue. She wore white accessories and carried a sheaf of pink roses ang fern. Mts. A. Luxton, momher of the bride, wore a navy tailoreq suit with ravy azccessories and a corsage of mauve sweetpeas. Mrs. A. Londry, mother »f the groom, wore a suit of navy sheer and a corsage of roses. Miss Jean Jordison played the weadâ€" ing march and Miss Teena Yorke sang, Mr. Roy Lessor supported the grocm as best man, and Messrs Richard Knifton and, Ed. Harjula acted as ushners. The pretsy bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was gowned in a simple bridal dress of whits chifâ€" fon sheer, floor lengthâ€"the simple bedice of hblistered sheer with peter pan collar; she carried a white prayâ€" €r book (gift of her sister) from which white velvet streamers, with pink roseâ€" buds attached, hung. Her veil of emâ€" broidered net was of fingerâ€"tip length and this caught to the head with a wreath of tiny roses and white heather. Gwendolyn Royne Luxson, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfreq Luxâ€" ton, of Main £t., South Porcupine, became iwhe bride of Maurice Arthur Londry, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Auâ€" gdrey Londry, of Thornton, formerly of South Porcupine. The edifice was gecorated with potted plan‘s and ferns for the occasion and Rev. J. A. Lyttle performed the weddâ€" ing ceremony. Miss Gwendolyn Boyne Luxton and Mr. Maurice Arthur Londry United in Marriage. Church Adorned for the Occasion with Plants and Ferns. Luncheon at the Kiâ€" wanis Hall After the Event. South Porecupine, April 23â€"(Special to The very pretty and simple wedding took place on Wedne:sâ€" day afterncon at 2.30 in the new Unitâ€" ed Churchâ€"the firs» marriags to be held in the new building, which was filled to capacity with friends of both parties. Try the Advance Want Advertisements As the marriage was the first to be solemnized in the new church a gift of a handsome bible was presented to the newlyâ€"wedded pair after the cereâ€" mony, on ‘behalf of the church, t presentation being made by Mrs. Libby, President of the Ladies‘ Guild. Prior t her marriage the bride was entertained by Mrs. Ralph Knifton, of Commercial Ave., South Porcupine, and her sister, Miss Penelope Luxton. Gifts included â€" Groom to bride â€"â€" wristwatch; to bridesmaidsâ€"compacts; to best man, gold tie clip; to soloist and organist, war savings stamps. The happy pair were the recipients of many handsome gifts, including a silver tea service from Macdonald‘s Beverage Company, and a set of caryâ€" ers from the bridegroom‘s fellow emâ€" ployces at Macdonald‘s Works. Outâ€"ofâ€"town guests at the wedding woere: Mrs. Londry and Miss B. Loniry who leave on Thursday for Thornton; Mrs. S. Hunter (bride‘s sister), of Norâ€" anda; Miss R. Wile, of Rouyn: and numbers of friends from Timmins and Schumacher. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Londry left later by car for Kirkland Lake after which the young couple will go on by train to points in Southern Ontario for honsymoon. The bride‘s travellirg suit was of navy crepe with navy coat and small spring hat. Afser the ceremony a luncheon was held in the Kiwanis hall, the briae‘s table being decorated with roses, the many guests having a buffet lunch, tea being poured by Mrs. Charles Jamiâ€" son (aunt of the bride) and Mrs. C. Brigzs, of Timmins. "Because," during the signing of the register, ts DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT CA N A DJ A N 8 C HO0 0 L 8 McINTYRE GYMNASIUM I za :â€": ADMISSION :â€"; $1.00 Couple _ Ladies 10c¢ Schumacher C.W.L. Holds Successful Tea and Bake Sale Sclmunacher, April 23â€"(Special to Th Advance)â€"The Catholic Women‘s League of St. Alphonsus Parish Church held a very successful afternoon tea and sale of home baking yesterday af.¥®Krnoon at the home of Mrs. A|â€" phonse Fournier, First Ave. Mrs. J. Griffiths, president of the league, and Mrs. Alphonse Fournier received the guests, The large table in the dining room was very attractive with a large lace cloth. The centrspieese on the ktable was a large vase filed with vbink carnations, snapdragons and green ferns. A silver tea service was at each end of the table. Mrs. James Dillon and Mrs, M. MoGuire poured tea. The convener for the tea table was Mrs. Ed. Robinson, assisteq by Myrs. Barron. The bake sable had a lovely selection of cakes to choose from and was soon sold out. Mrs. Bill Mansfield and Mrs. C. Wilson had charge of the bake table. Mrs. J. V. Angrignon was kitch*@n conâ€" vener. Mrs. T. Johnston was treasurâ€" er. Mrs. James Scullion was convener for the tea. Despite the pbad weather a large number of ladies adtended and enjoyeda afternoon t*a. Walter Jackiniski‘s 10â€"piece Band The RAF. are again reported to have bembed the Germanâ€"held port of Brest on the coast of France, last night. Th .two Nazi batileships Gneisnau and Scharnhorst are still sheltered there. BREST BOMBED AGAIN AY, APRIL MTH, 1941