Porcupine and the Dome, _ > ; South Porcupine, Nov. 9th. Special the United Church. Rev. J. A. Lyttle _to"rhe Advance. :# gâ€" .corsemonics.â€" Until Churches all over Canada, af all deâ€" '.hen tae ‘is resting at Hunkins ‘pominations; have been asked by the paviors. . International Missions Committee of | . The Misses Helenâ€"and Jean Dunbar. London (Enz) to assist in an effort|of Sundridge, are visiting their aunt, +~a haln missinnaries ‘ wha are! Mrs. J. Barron, of Crawford street. Many Mission Workers Now Btramded in Fo ‘pominations; have been asked by the International Missions Coammittse af London (Enz.) to assist in an effort to help those missionaries who are stranded in foreign lands. Those misâ€" s sions that have been {formerly supâ€" Env es â€" have been to ‘ the congrezation . â€".of Anglican Church and ‘énelosed, and gziven in t § p,mday will ‘be> sent by feedall for this purpos? took time off to hold a tea for this charity on Friday afternoon in the Mcâ€" Intosh Block. It was a most suscessâ€" ful and very charming tea. A long table <graced the centre of the room, and looked extremely ~niceâ€"a lace tablecloth and, silver candleabra with white candlesâ€"a silver tea service at cach endâ€"presided over by Mrs. Andâ€" ‘erson (sznior) and Mrs. Wm. McDowell and a silver bowl of bronze chrysanâ€" themums (donated) as the centréeâ€" iplece formed a most effective grouping Throngs of people cam> in during teaâ€"hour and were received hy Mrs. J.. A. Lyttle and Mrs. J. H. Evans ‘Those serving at the small tables were Myrs. ‘Gordon Brown, Mrs. Wm. Oxby, Mrs. Bruce Macdonald, Mrs. G. .Trueblood and Mrs. De Long also assisting were Ensure Delivery of Mail Overseas for Christmas @ympat.hy is cxtended ito Mr. and Mrs. Olarence Ward «af 58 Powall ave., in the death an Saturday «of their tbazy son, Keith, agod aight months. Ts is their only child. The funeral will take: plase on Monday at 2.00 pim. at Care should be taken in packaging Christmas gifts to be sent to men on Active Service, whether in (areat Britain, Iceland, or points in Canada. Letters from boys overseas received locally indicate that very ofter parcels are damâ€" aged when received. , The Rebskahs are putting on a cuchrs sparty next Friday vight in ‘the ‘ It is advisable to use heavy cardvoard boxes and stout cord when parcelling the gifts you want the boys to have for Christmas. The postal rate on gifts for soldiers is 12 cents per poundâ€"just half_ the â€"civilian rateâ€"and the maximum weight allowed is 11 pounds. A little extra preâ€" caution, such as using plenty of heavy paper and.binding the corners of the parcels securely, would ensure the gifts reaching their oveseas destination in good shape. . And, above all, early mailing of Christmas parcels is urged by the Post Office Department. least six weeks should be allowed from time of mailing.. Better to mail your parcels a week early than to have them arrive a day Mrs. Stitt, Mrs. O. McIntosh, Mrs. Coffey and Mrs. Kelly. The commitâ€" tee in charge are delighted with the success ‘of the tea and thank all whe helped in any way towards this worthy couse. | stranded in foreign lands. Those misâ€" sions that have been formerly supâ€" ported by the countries under Hmer’s (t.en'varann domination are left ds=: titute as no money for any pmepooe may be sent out of these â€"countries Ecuth â€" Porcupine i: responding. enclosed, and ziven in to church on Bunday will be sent by Archdeacon Veedall for this purpos?. ~The United â€"Church, in spite of the herculean efforts it is making towards a most nesessary new clhurch in town, Many people will be sending gifts to civilian friends overseas this Christmas. ~Bimilar precautions should be taken in packaging and mailing. A seale of postal rates on parcels for civilians appears elsewhenre in this paper. ate. Keep Him Smiling This Christmas. â€" ine _ is responding.! Miss M. Lynch, Miss R. Donlevy and distributea ‘Miss McFadden, of ‘the Public Echool 2 been ation eof Bt. Pau}‘s Staff spent the ftong weekâ€"end in Kirkâ€" ch and. the sum ‘land Lake. iÂ¥en in to church on| Friends ofâ€" Mr. Crawford ESmythe © sent by Archdeacon | Will be sorry to learn he is i!1 in Porâ€" ; purpos®. g cupine General hospital. hurch, in spite of the' Mrs: Eruce MacDonald is: visiting ; it is makinz towards Phis weekâ€"end at the home of her parâ€" in tai, { ents in Islington. +ssn [ Students might at ithe MHigh $choo i a «on Friday was marnked ‘by ithe first deâ€" the ‘bate <of the season. Kapuskasing reâ€" preseuted jby Cigabrialle Mubeis anc and . Sacquatine Cote affinmned that "Educaâ€" ive., ition promotes: happiness," the negative aby side being takeh by Eathleen Connelly Phis and Florance Shanp. â€" Judges were Mrs. will Fred Mason, Mr. F. ‘C. Evansâ€"and Mr. .\at Don Gimpson. â€" Points were excellently The men of the United C:=urch are certainly doing their share towards makinz the basement of the .new church buflding ready for use. "Bees" of workers have been givinz their time nishtly to the work and next week the furnace is to be installed.. Nor ‘have the ladics of the church been backward either, as they have kept the men going with hot coffee and lunches: after the "bees." «On Wednesday Mrs Libby and Mrs. Burton served; on Thursday Mrs. Oxby and and Frida; Mrs. Kolly and Mrs. Jordison. "The choir of the United Church is ‘busy these days praztising for a Minâ€" strel Show which they intend to proâ€" duce posstbly ‘by the m-ijddle of Decemâ€" TPhe CGIT. were entertained or Mcnday ‘by Miss Jean Macdonald, o‘ Timmins, «who taught them paint Father Roberge, of the R. C..church, €pent two days in Kirklnand Lake this Miss B. M. C. Shaw spent the weekâ€" end visiting in Kirkland Lake.: ber Miss Valerie Bessotte spent ths weskâ€" end visiting her partnts, from North KHKomsby, only soan .of Mrs. Hornsoy and the Frank MHornsby. The marriage to take iplace Nov. l6th, at Bt.. Mary‘s Church, Toronto. Mrs. Thempson lived for some time on ~Golden Ave Eouth Porsuzsins and left about a year ago to live in thse A sorial cvoninz will be held in the Legicn Hall on Tuwesday by the Lacdic of the Ifgitn after their regular kusingss Friends of Mrs.â€" Onimctte will <b> soyâ€" wy to flearn she isâ€"quite sick in hosbital Frignds .of Mrs..O. B.. Thompson (Mrs. Lissa ‘Thompsomw) will regret t3 learn that word has ‘sesn reogived of her sudgan death after opsration. She «died ion Friday Noversber ist, and was burisd on Mancday, Novembar d4th, at Tueson Arizona. Miss Jean MacPhail, of Kapuskasing was the guest of Miss Lucas of the Migh School Staff over the Bouth Porcupine, Nov. $th. wal to The Advance. Next Thursday atm;noon and cvenâ€" ing ladies of the Legion will ‘be busy Christmas gift boxes for over seas to the nineteen beys â€"of South Porcupine and district who areâ€" on a:â€" tive service. Mrs. B. Curtis who is in charge of the ladies, tells us that she has reécéived one lovely fru‘t cake from local lady to be . ci:t and packed in the parcels. Anyâ€"lady wishing to conâ€" tribute anything â€" fruit .cake or any other home lainty that will travel well and that will also remind tn?> boys .of hcme, will beâ€"gratEffully thankâ€" ed and her cantribution sent eithf@r to an individual soldier (in this group) or will be diyvided up amongâ€"them all. Th> Legion Hall. will be. cpan on Thursday for any contribution of this natur2. Pn S eC ce nï¬ en oc es dn has 18 months in th° year But that t:han double it 'we k is a long time to wait for Santa Cldus. winter. I o m ’bbe given by ‘both sides. Kapuskasing beâ€" inz adjudged the winners.. At Kapusâ€" ‘kasing ‘the South Porcupine school was represented by ‘Jean String?r and Joan Maxwallâ€"Smith. The affirmative side was taken ‘by South Porcupine bu ~t Kapuskasing the home team (nogaâ€" tive) were adgjudged the winners. _ Mtr.and Mrs. â€"Fred Latorest announc> the engagem snt â€"of their third daughtar Gertrude : to ~Francis Hops Other News from < e o. .0. .0. .0. ,% 4 0. .A _a. :o e _A __t~_a _a o. o a _0 o_ _a _% i 4 o * ; . ?;0:?000000’0003000 600"00.000000‘000000000‘00‘0000000000009 000000‘00 0001000?000%’"033 # i# . , *~ ~ o Porcupine and the Dome. FOR OVERSEAS We have many worthwhile gifts that will delight the hearts of your friends.overseas. Choosé your gift now during ourâ€" ' 15â€"Bâ€"PINE ST. SOUTH _~ T MMMINS Should Be Mailed Without Delay to Ensure Delivery for Christmas Alysia Shop omplete Stock from our fa cable last nat her| â€" L4 . this" § ! M night telling her t hfl' e uye. ‘ * ‘And this is true; Nations will honou e radio on the special BBC. broad.| South Porcupine, Nov..9th. Specia) ) 3 ‘cast. She is very excited over it as she to The. Advance. â€" : ;“wk, ;:1 ’;;r g?:zs estet th?, whns. |hen‘t hserd har mother‘s voice for 8 ° Remembrance Day was honoured on m;gemen of t:: E;npire m"mmh She thinks this is great, Friday in our schoc‘!s as Monday iS 2 ns nople Flag‘s unfolded ; aving seen any quite like this general holiday. Archâ€"deacon Woodall) _ mmns tion‘s roar from Britain‘s ShOre i o h css s ein en mt 1. i night. Nov. 7th. to ‘reâ€"arganiie far Rad ~Cro«s Wark for the mmmmwtne | George who hos had charge :of the mmm «istnict sincs last November, reaigned, :and the ladies present appoinried ‘Mirs. Iaane as the ‘convener «<fâ€" mrk |\~ EKnitted articles for .our .sailorsâ€"} ~scarves, helmets, seamen‘s stochings, and halfâ€"mittsâ€"are irgently needed.. Mr. Lane would like all ladies to «affer; their servises; please do not walt ‘be Ladies who can sew may take their work home. l | ‘Mrs. Bannerman» wishes to thank all . . the ladies who have helpad her and "hoped that the Red â€"Gross work in, Red Crossatfldden to ‘The Advance. ;\ ns A meetingfwasheldm thea!nflc S:hool ‘at Golden Gity n Thuradeay nisht. Nov.. :to r-mm jfar Bad Cro«s Wark for the winter in Poreupine for Winter Activity The happiest little girl in town toâ€" day is Margaret McGregor, our little ‘The foltowing is "a list: of ‘the worlk: turned in by this band of workers to the Eastern‘ Porsupine Branch at S.; Porcupine: ~ _ f 290 stuits men‘s pyjamas. 24 Hospital gowns 8 pnaumonia jackets 5 surgeon‘s gowns 15 prs. wristlets 11 ‘sleeviess ‘swonters: 1 pair half mitts ces 8 scarves _ 4 ‘"3 pairs socks ; § 8 @' 297 surgeon‘s towels Out of the above the: Fimlish eladies, have »knitted 18 pairs anmy sooks, 4 pairs wristlets and 3 sleevaless smbersi Mrs. Lane, the new ccmvenor, hopes, that the ladies will continte the good work and ‘that mamy mave *Wtfllg make ‘an extra éffort to â€"do what they: can for the Red Cross. P w c isouth cran I Send Your Photo to Your Loved Ones Overseas . _4 1 i“t*-;‘ ied s Ved i â€"*"*O God ou [ sung ‘before. ‘Thttls speech I spegker â€" M ‘I?a 'his'“cor ’l "There‘ll .always beâ€" an England, ‘ sung «by all, was given a sesond l verse:=â€" : l‘Thavel awlways be an Empircâ€" / An ifimpite of tire fraeâ€" _ An Empivre strang to «drive out wrong, H[‘o guard and rule the <sea. â€" With every order of photographs amounting to $5.00 or more Be to take advantage of this Christmas special . . . you may make an appcintment ‘by day or night. ‘ TT y h ' T mm "O God our nelp in ag*s past" was sung ‘before Mary Harper in a neat Tittlse flpeech introduced the guest spegker â€" Mr. R, 8. Dyce, of the Dome CC mds ie ul7 " o ‘hisâ€""cordigl and ï¬attering†introâ€"" duction . Mr. _ Dye r..spond“d with' thanks. He spoke of Remembr ancef May, and said that while we note it as comtmemorating the close of the now, we in meveiwing the meaning and . signifi¢cance of it, get a cltaner undet-‘! standing of the brave deeds done by | our saldiers and ‘honour the morals and traflit:ions we all cherish waich th'\yl ï¬hely exempliified. I Be qpoke in simple language of the, #ignificance of the pappyâ€"the symbol of .. aleepâ€"and +quoted ‘‘in Planders, Fislds".; then tald of the returned soldâ€". .iexs and the nead .of supporting their; Poppies made by the Vetcer a.ftl sheps arxre sold an Remembrance Day. and the money obtained helps to supâ€". 4 port â€"them. His message to the ch.ild-l ren was "‘Take the torch of liberty and, Miss Shaw in the absence of Father Roberge led the devotional period. freedoam forward". Paul Pearte, s2¢â€" ended by Andy Sliz propcesed a voteo of thanks to Mr. Dye, whitch was givâ€" en heartily by .all present. FREE Chistmas SPECIAL 8"x10" ENLARGEMENT FREE! E. BAUMAN Our Special $12,00 carries a £00 years guarantec. 3 _ Offers Ideal Gifts for OQverseas $4.25 to $12.00 â€" SPECIMAXL MHMIATARY Pen and Pencil Sets In Genuine Leather Case $5.00 Your picsture the most personal gift there is, will delight your friends lnd relatives .overseas. Make your appointment mnow to be suve of gettimng your pictures in time for Christmas delivery antee. _ C | 11 to 15 lbs. 2,50 16 to 20 lbs. ........ :. 3.00 e l (Maximum weight 20 pounds) aims m i THIRD AVE. .Death Last Week of ! ‘Mrs, F. E. 'l‘hmnpsoni i|~. Routh: Rercupine, Nov. $th. | to The Advance. | i An Empire built by Britons. | From every land and clime | An Bmpirs built on Truth and Right To stand the test of time. What are you going to do Fcr Freedom and Justice toc? Fight for the Right With all your might * Britons aris? And this is true; Nations wm honour Mrs. Hazol Thompson has been ill for the past four yoars but thouzh mCt well, the Dominion Fire Chicfs Convention in Brantiord last Augitst.: Aince then she has been in ‘hogpital in Now Liskeard. She died at her heme on ‘Timrsday cvening, and: the funseral ‘takes place on Eunday. from the United Church in New Lisâ€" keard at 2.30 D. 8. T., fallowing .A. spenial service by the Ladies «of the. Fastern Star of which .arder, she was dNAAlide 4 o MAdo _A o# Pupsley, viceâ€"bresicent. Go: y3 ; 1 ~â€"Â¥. K. Hall, treasurer ':I‘hgh ;d CSb s fiot. Spe.ial._. Directorsâ€"C. 6. Anderson, J. Fraser; zwmands “;ï¬Ã©s;um Farcupine aff‘er':'T‘ E. Cgahill; W. S Gardiner; Dr. A. their syimpathy to Mr. Fred Thompson \?in : gï¬fx\:; g;. ::v (s}. \Somer ‘tof the Northtrn Telephone Co.) and: M 'I‘ Niulchhy + . W. G. ‘Woods; his sons, Verdun and Ted, in the JOSS. 3 . s Committee in char2> . of elections just sustained â€"of a loving wife _ _ s s P Walker El Shipping dates are uncertain this year due to the necessity of merchant ships travelling in convoy. â€" On best information we are advised that parcels deâ€" signed for Overseas should be mailed AT LEAST SIX WEEKS IN ADVANCE OF CHRISTMAS! "Better still, they tell us, "mail all gifts for Great Britain, Icelandl, Newfoundland and Bermuda, right now." Parcels for ClVlhans .......... 3. > IDs. 09. ie 42¢ 5 1D8..:.....: . 5ol 96c 11 to 15 2.50 The1 ef01e to make sure that g“lfts to the boys on active service, or g'lfts for friends in the Old Country, arrive in time for Chistmas, you are ua'g.ed to buyâ€"-â€"packdgeâ€"dnd mail right away. arcels for Soldiers ....... imï¬ per 1+ (Maximum weight 11 pounds) Cireat Britain Only EST . 1°8 3 2 â€" BANKING SERVECES which you most £ nequen'll y use ancâ€"â€" SAVINGS ACCOUNTSâ€"for real savings and investment funds. â€" CHECKING ACCOUNTSâ€"for mwr.enm business or perâ€" sonal tnansactions. - SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXESâ€"for yeour mvuml.wq and valued lom-â€"Bumess ar Personal. ~~> MONEY GORDERS -â€"DRAFTS-â€"TAVELLfRS’ CHEQUES LETTERS â€"OF CR.GBITâ€"MVESTM!‘S a(uaï¬tvlwepmg anad exchanges). Know Your Bantkâ€"â€"it can Mp Y04, _ v Postal Rates Apply On Parcels to Soldiers OVER A CENTURY OFP B ANKPNG EXPERIENCE rantiord l@ast Aa valued member. has been in‘ Members of the S. Porcupine Fire She died at Department â€" Chief MaxwellSmith, cvening, and W. G. Skinner, J. Wilder (Bill Thompâ€" on â€" Cunday. son and Jos. Millerâ€"are leaving by car in New Lisâ€" to attend the funeral. ;. to The Advance. South Porcupine Kiwanis Club held its annual meeting on 1 jursday novâ€" ember "th. â€" Mr. Wallet E. Honer, President ocâ€" cupied the chair. Milas Clark, chairâ€" man of Public Affairs Committee, reâ€" ported that the Club was invited to coâ€"operate with the Canadian Legion on ‘the celebration .of Remembranc? may, Nov. 1lith, at the Service to be ‘held in the "‘The nanual «clection resultsd as jolâ€" lows:â€" Officers elected for 1“1 ®.C. Brans, President by acclanaâ€" Committee in of electians was composed of:â€"C. P. Walker; ‘Eli Cantor; W. G.. Woods. DD. J. A Wilder and E. A. J. MCKittiick, MD the funeral. GChief .Smith will represent the Doâ€" miniaon Associatian of Fire Chiets at South Porcupine, Ncv..9th, Spscial .............. per lb. 12¢ straight 3 Ibk. css 10 lhs. ................. 1.80 ......................... one 1b. 24c