Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 8 Jul 1940, 1, p. 3

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caam McGlynn (a. 2 yrs) : Grade 2 t6 Grade aâ€"Antaya. Paul- '3'“: *. lamalre. Bobby Desorme‘aux, Cletus “- AA :A Ootnamv, Mary Hogan. Gerald much, A Lola Fox: Zénon Plerkmkl. mar; Anderchuk, Benny; Mousse“. Murray; Morin. Rhea; Ream. V31" mica; Fallon. Frances: .ae’ntfle. Ron-r. nie; ”canteen, We; ~ Saucy. 30â€"»: ward; Demuynck. Joseph; ,o'rool Ten-1 Promotion List of Holy Family School Gordan; Lynch; Jimmy; Martan, John; Scully. June; Seubert, Paul; Tierney, Betty; Tiei-néyi‘ Garry; Vamant, Myr- na: Wolfé, Anne; Yuskow. Frank. To Senior Primerâ€" Brim, Edward; ,Desley, Lawrence; Huxley Bobby; Lan- dens. Jim Donghan. Catherine; Mate, Jeni‘xfe 4-?" 'ann, Henry. . Grade 2 ('4) Grade 3â€"Mchael, Wads- worth; Bobby Van Russel, Helen Pepin, Diane Lloyd, Carl O'Gorman, Dan 00:. Gisele Floreault, Doreen Quidon Ma- Robert; Matut.Jgsaph;Vam”1t. Kenneth; Wehrle,’ finnal'd; White. M!!- Grade 3 to Grgde 4â€"Beauneu. 09â€" one , Burke, Margaret: Briere. Bebty' 001e, Margaret; Con, Eleanor; From; 1011. Roy; (38111... ‘ Hedican, Gerald: Kuwait; Keith. 1100161? 10- ~ andNoflthRa‘m’ ; Daley, _'theasesorfaurandfourteen ' _ ' by three adults. Theseuethenrstgroupofmmnz- lfsh children whose exodus to a place or safety was arranged several weeks age by the heads or sister coxnpanies of a treat. industrial organization in Can-- sdaandmnzjand. Theymnvtapm o! the general mavement of children whichwill takeplacelaterinJulyun- der the Government plan. - These 15 boys and 12 girls will go directlytothehomeoer. sndM-rs. Wallace 3.. Campbell in W1ndson9n‘t. First English Children ' ' to Arrive in the Dominion Mr. W1. Whole head of ~the Canadian Ford organization, arranged the moirement of these children to a place of safety in Canada several weeks ago, in cooperatiOn with- Lord Perry, head of the Ford company, in England. ’ g " “Mr. and Mrs. Campbell have thrown open their. own home in Windaor to care for the children. on» arrival. An entire floor has been converted into a dormitory and Mr. Campbell has made himself personally reepundblei for all Canadian ’ expenses until the children are placed in their new homes. Mines of members of the Ford- organization in Windsor are taking the little war guests into their homes. In addition to“ the first. group of ‘ 2'7 chil- dren. Mr..and Mrs. Campbell will also care for and place another - 100 children Who will. arrive later on under the Same arrangement. List. of: Promotions «at. Stg\;d10hll’..sj School Dunin. Jerome; Dumop, Margaret; Murray, Kathleen, O’Grady, Helen; Pare, Lucien; Stanza. Annie; Tokat, Madeline;- Witd, Jackllne. Promoted from Grade 3 to Grade 4-â€" Anfirechek Loraine; Andrechek, Ray- mond Beiulieu. Henry; Brennan. mutated frbm Grade 2 to Grade 3- ndesld. Phyllis; Beaulieu, Kenneth; B Dominion "people. My sister writes that Gabrielle Kam- ada. Wendy glanarmy. When theGe’rmansoccu- L; -- Yams My 3919' 1. British and French pied Ostend and approached La Paulie, most of the inhabitants fled from the bombardment, and many houses be- oan‘m ruins. Gabfielle remained in La Panne. When Germans occupied the little tOwn the officers tamed her to open the hotel. . . While the Germans recovered from battles and belebrat¢d their victories, Gabrielle had to play their hostess. During the nights Gabrielle and a few other patriotic women from Le. Panne fiandaeed and clothed English soldiers Germans: 03 British 'dnd Frenéh Escape and Was Shot by . We regard this to be our simple duty'as a Canadian in- stitution, one of the industrial rescurces of the Dominion. The 8,400 emp10yees in our plants aswell as our Wide- spread $1.331?1'.3‘1d service, OrganiZation ’from'coast to~ coast are-(:3 .“fi‘i; 53'" 7 e ; .323 mm: halides- iqulezalarget T3 l 8??o‘§¥ 6*finffi‘fiflfv1fiual, family or compariyhas a majority control of- our shares. For these reasons, asiae‘from one-deep feeling of loyalty to the Empire and its high-purposes, it is fitting that Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited should give whole- -hearte'd support-to. the national, war efiort. ' ' ”From the very beginning this hasheen our course. Even before war was-declared, .in co-operatidn with officers of the Department of,National-- Defence, we laid in 'our__ plant the. groundWork of-military production. Since" conflict became a reality “We have. given war orders precedence over everything el'S'e.5MOre than fifty per cent of our pro- ductiOn is in vehicles for military use ”and this percentage -is increasing rapidly. ‘ ' - ” ‘ ‘ . o A 9,_AL_,I__02 nnn ‘u-'â€"v-- -â€" â€" â€"'â€"J v We are now engaged in supplying approximately 3 5,000 motorized vehiclesof many types, of which 10,000 are for the Canadian government and 25,000 {or other Empire governments. ‘ _ 4 _ We are constructing at our own expense a $700,000 Statement in Parliament by the Hon. C. D.” Howel Ministerof Munitions and -$upply Z, _, f . _ ‘ “The president of the Canadian Company has shown perhaps as keen a desire to assist in Canada’s war efl'ortassanygcigiazmpf this Dominion has done. His corporation’since'th‘e outbreak'of the War has done and is doing very important Workjfgf‘cig‘gfi war efi'ort, in the way of building motor transports and Universal carriers. The company has placed itself entirely injhfe hands of the government as to the terms of the contract which it has had. .. , . a V ~, p. w . . . . “A contract, providing for a fixed price as low as we could find any basis for asking, wasworked out; an overriding. provisiOn was inserted that the books of the company would be audited and if the stipulated price produced a profit nmré -'tlla'n ‘a very-low percentage indeed, that pricewould be scaled down accordingly. In other words, the work of the FOrd MotorQ,CompiGY‘6f Cindi“, its attitude toward the War, and its ability to assist in Canada’s war efl'ort, have been so far as I have been able’to‘ observe, ‘byyond qutamenf. in SenaIe by. Senator RaouI Dandurand, GoVernmenI Leader «1 Ike 5011an "Ford Motor Company of Canada is doingits utmost to serve the taterests of the country. the War Supply Bond and the Gmétn. Statement in the Senate by Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen, Conservative Leonor In ml NM!!! .. t «Theyflord dealers in Canada) arenumbered in the hundreds. And the number of employees of the.” Chalets it ”“7“?!“- The ramificatipns are tremendous, For all the. purposes concerning us, the Company is a Canadian Concern, and I can add to,“ gun:- ance given by the honhnrable leader of the House my' own feeling that there are no better Canadians than thoig'n'tthéhénd of the Ford Motor Company of Canada and throughout that Company’s organization. They will assist us to the utmottin mum: Early in the we: the Ford Motor Company of Military use Being mono Csn'sds, L' seamed Iteetrstntn uses an womfl: 01.“, and < 3 c” by Ford Motor Conway of, Canada ”ind“ for M10 W W 3M inch classes The Comps is ensued in manufacturing have been ennd when ,1“ .M 3° . 017343“ 35,000 motorized vehicles for£snsdisn and over- course with . sees sentiments. They include light two-wheel and 1 £2 1‘3““! 13’; “ * ”’4‘ ' -~ driye trucks, knows as am. ., which see used Io: All m’umcm ”4 ~__ 1 u -- " * carrying light stores, personnel or wireless sets; byloed " ' ' ‘ ‘ ts-ctvt. units, used to mum heme: igsds, Woman’s/Anxiliary mm: Sonic. I C.... I‘_ ___L.4 “A contract, providingfor a fixed price as low as we could find any basis for asking, was inserted that the books of the company would be audited and if the stipulated price percentage indeed, that pricewould be scaled down accordingly. In other words, the wo its attitude toward the War, and its ability to assist in Canada’s war efl'ort, have been so f: criticism? ment.’8 united in marriage at a dauble cere- f f ed Last Week After I queymoon at Niagara The farmer we: Wimufret Parnell wore a charming floor-length gown of bridal satin,«1"aeh10ned with leg 0’ mut- ton sleeves, taperingfio points over the: wrists, a, sweetheart neckline and fitted who had amped from the slaughter of Dunkerque. , nd‘ sent them. in small boats to ‘ and. warlefleh Kampen and her friends had to work hard all day for the Germans; at night they walked 31mg the beach looking out for English or French soldiers; La. Panne kerque._ At last. the Gpnmans féund‘ out about Gabrielle Kantpen- through a traitor, and she was shot by the Ger- mans without. trial on, June 4. New York, Me .21. This Company is in; then war to ltbefull limit of its ~resources. U iztil the Britisb Empire 1"- Victorious, until tbe‘battle for freedom'of nations avzdlibe‘rty‘of I people: is won, we have pledged ' all .tbe vast manufacturing" facilitie; of . ’ :5“? Cd’i .diaiz.;’a F‘ '1 "49"”“45 ,4flilidted../Céfiipdrlies to we sex-biog af'tbe, Emglre . Hon. Arthur Meighen, Coriservafive‘ Lpadpr in tho$ongn Typos of Motorized Vi’chiclos for _ Military ' Icing Made by Ford Moe Gummy of Canada Th: Company is engaged in manufacturing 35,006 motorind vehicles foerndun and over: and smite slippers Ker meet was mmmmmwuam» madsnpotmesandfem. smmmmtomhh, ' m second bride. who was given in mass-team at: a mans maniacs by her tamer, was mummy was caught in was moss-s not mess staredmabndslsownofemmoidered were mute and she named an an 1mm net over satin. with white veil bouquet of pug pun: main and baby: and W, and carried a bouquet ’bregth {030933111105 Shemattendedbyher. m c Oanun attended us an all WW «111mm net cloves mmmmmmw a C [r ! ulster M1113 Elizabeth Renmk. as bridesmaid. wearing a gown of aqua, marine satin. fashioned on timid lines and carried abouquet of roses and fern. Mr. Jim Potyok was the groomsman. A wedding dinner in honour of both couples was held at the home of~Mr. and Mrs. Hancock, and took the form or "a, family re-union. The Notre DamefdesLOurdes. Roman Catholic Church was the scene of a very lovely summer weddir; this (Monday) morning at 8.30 dd when the Rev. Fr; Therriault united In mar- iage Miss Therese (Terry) Pilon, N otre' Dame Church the Scene. of ' Pretty - Summer Wedding Miss Marie Therese Pilon and Mr. Rene Cantin Mar- med. plant addition to provide facilitiesfoif‘the buddingof v Universal machine gun carriers Of wlnchwe "Haye'under. taken to deliver fifty a weekto the _Cafiadiani‘ov§rnment as soon. as production can be started; This tigditioh'fi‘iell" also enable us to increase prodpct‘ion'vof-fotfliér”t"yspe$7b£ military vehicles. Our afiiliated camp’anies._.~'w'i§li.plantsin South Africa, Australia-,TNew Zealand,-India ‘ind‘fMalay‘a‘ are similarly engaged in Emfiiré’ser‘v'iée.~ . ‘ ' . - . t V f ‘. C ,- I: t :; '(;-_ ..-- ---_______, WC. 0. ‘ . . . . . V. ’ Beyond our manufacturing facilities we-.-hiVe..~b§Ieh:mra tunately abJe, to contribute skilledlman-poWergvff-Emtfi (9111' Canadian and overseas organization, engifie,‘firs>intl then with specialitraining in transport and, Otherline‘s are“ rendering valuable service. ' I ‘ W ,, r -. . a n .g C .L'a- eAHALAM- Maior adjustments in our business have ibéeginécessag through. lossof export trade and because of domestic 13.3.11: tion. We. have made these adjustments cheerfully.0nt0he concern now is the successful prosecution.of_t1iis We; so that people of all nations may again" bé"ablé';t_§'.vgork in freedom and peace. A7 A / , 0' bouquet were white. of pale pink'rooea und was pausht in tulle * to mush. A shoulder-lens”! veil ox mm m. her m and she curled um groomsman. ‘ momma -sta‘r:-- We more recent. roses. She was assisted by“ the N!“ mother, who wore a navy blue smit- length dress; yith 'whthe Wes, and a. Corsage 0! mass. _ , . - The bride and groom left. this uter- FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, -.LlMITED personneI, u anti-tank m WI; vi“: dunk cutie“, etc. ._, 30-min. foam-wheel : 1“,. and as loud cutie“; three-con fob: tM g _ ”6:153: £9: Ifnvy Imdl, for workday. for, w; _ .bq mot, ctc.;£our-1‘th«Idd¥¢.M , ” “ hm! artillery, :3 ”II as ”thad a _ _ pasmgercusmdntfion ‘ ‘ ’ . . tad panned In: my ......

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