PAGE BTIZX :f Ottaiwa, June 8â€"If the British Govâ€" Prument desires itâ€"and conversations to determine that fact are proceeidngâ€" ;he automotive industry of the Dominâ€" fon can be swung intc high gear imâ€" mediately to replenish in vast quantiâ€" es, the supplies of mecahnized transâ€" port lost by }he British Expeditionary fForce in the recent battle in Flanders. Motor Industries Doing Great Work in Canada‘s Part in War Turning Out Large Quantiâ€" ijes of Supplies and Equipâ€" ment. :f Ottaiwa, June 8â€"If the British Govâ€"| Torontoâ€"Mr. Justice W. E. Middleâ€" ?mment desires itâ€"and conversations| ton of the Ontario Supreme Court reâ€" to determine that fact are proceeidngâ€"â€"'served judgment Saturday on an appliâ€" ';he automotive industry of the Dominâ€"| cation by bendholders for a court order fon can be swung intc high gear imâ€"| to sell the assets of Abitibi Power and mediately to replenish in vast quantiâ€" | Paper Company, shown on the balance es, the supplies of mecahnized transâ€"|sheet at more than $121,000,000. But port lost by }he British Expeditionary | the judge promised he would announce orce in the recent battle in Flanders.|his decision "shortly." It was stated today by the Honourâ€"| The Montreal Trust Company, acting 4ï¬â€˜ble C. D. Howe, Minister of Munitions ! for first mortgage bondholders, sought | Aand Supply that the motor car industry | the sale in the latest of a long series of f Canada is already tocled up sufli-:moves by Abitibi investors to recover g‘ently to turn out 60,000 pieces of miliâ€" j on their investment. ary mechanized equipment a yeat.| Preferred and common shareholders This production can be substantially ‘and unsecured creditors of the comâ€" mereased . !pany joined the Provincial Government % The potentialities of the Canadian|in opposing the application, asserting automotive industry to produce on ‘ the present is no time to attempt a huge scale are indicated by the fact / fiancial undertaking of such magniâ€" that since the first of April some 7,000 | tude. picces of motorized equipment for the rmed forces of Canada have been manufactured and delivered by the| Ford and General Motors companies | alone. The Provincte‘s representative, C. R. Magone of the Attorneyâ€"General‘s Deâ€" partment, said the Government agreeâ€" ment giving Abitibi the right to cut ‘iwmwhar in tha Drraarrinan «rac cunhniort thn * Althouzh it is not possible, for reaâ€" sons already made public, for the autoâ€" mative industry of Canada to manuâ€" facture tanks and heavy armoured fi:;htlng equipment of that kind at the present time, the production of gun earriers, trucks, and other vehicles pecesary to support the Infantry, is possible on a large scale. * In the meantime, on Canadian acâ€" gount, it was announced today that work has already begun on another fnajor motor vehicle order that will imvolve an expenditure of some $13,000,â€" The chassis and engines are beâ€" nz produced by Ford and General Motors. while other companies are enâ€" g‘aged in working on the wheels and res. Epecifications for the special bodies involved in the order are being prepared. RADIO REPAIR 5 What are yvou doing now, old boy?" , all Abitibi bondholders. Running a grocery business." The bondhoiders‘ claim now amounts Making a success of it." to about $72,000,000, including interest Yes, in a small weigh."~â€"Montreal‘dating from June 1, 1982, when the C. company defaulted on a mortgage inâ€" FLOOR POLISHEERS AND VACUUM CLEANERS FOR RENXT * the smart Sanday Midniters s ‘ill be comâ€" y far the hicles emâ€" ire already to the 10 CEDAR STREET NORTH r| _ This notice of cancellation has been 1| | given by the Government, and if the _ |agreement does finally die and is not .. replaced by a new setup satisfactory ;) to Ontario, Abitibi will be left with . |only two timber limits instead of its q | present seven, Magone told the court. al He stressed that he had been inâ€" g ‘ structed by the Government ‘"not to make any threat or promise," but ie ; merely to suggest to the judge that the d 'case be adjourned to give all interested 1iâ€" parties a further chance to reach a | ie mutually acceptable arrangement. Decision on Abitibt Paper Co. Expected to be Made Shortly Preferred and common shareholders and unsecured creditors of the comâ€" pany joined the Provincial Government in opposing the application, asserting the present is no time to attempt a fiancial undertaking of such magniâ€" tude. Some Shareholders and Creâ€" ditors and Provinceial Govâ€" ernment Opposed to Sale. | W. N. Tilley of Toronto, one of ‘several counsel for the Montreal Trust |Company, said those seeking sale of ; the assets represent about 60 per cent of all Abitibi bondholders. The bondhoiders‘ claim now amounts to about $72,000,000, including interest The Provincte‘s representative, C. R. Magone of the Attorneyâ€"General‘s Deâ€" partment, said the Government agreeâ€" ment giving Abitibi the right to cut timber in the Province was subject to cancellation, Runving 90 Per Cent Capacity Magone said the agreement was ed June 24, 1937, and renewed March 9, 1939, with the specific stipulation that if the company had not been taken out of receivership by April 1, 1940, the Province could rescind the pact by givâ€" ing six months‘ notice to the Abitibi receiver. Phone 590 Get rid of those annoyâ€" ing noists, Be certain your radio is performâ€" ing correctly, All work guaranteed. Youthful Actress Plays Romantic Part at Cartier Theatre After a sixteenâ€"month absence from the screen, Nova Pilbeam, playing her first adult and romantic role in "The Girl Was Young", Gaumont production to be at the Cartier theatre Sunday midnight, Monday and Tuesday, June l7th and 18th, has at last obtained a role in which she is neither threatened with nor overcome by tragedy. In "Little Friend," her first pictuer. she was called upon to attempt suicide. In ‘"The Man Who Knew Too Muck" she was kidnapped and menaced with death. As the unfortunate Jane Grey in ‘"Nine Days A Queen", she ended a short life on the execution block on Tower Hill. Her role in the new Hitchcock film is a gay one. As the daughter of a police chief, she assists a young man, suspected of murder, in eluding the policeâ€"an unfilial bit of behavior that leads to numerous and exciting advenâ€" tures, Pleasing and Interesting Story on Sereen Next Week. The masculine lead is played by Derâ€" rick De Marney, well known on the Pritish stage; and an old favourite, Percy Marmont, has an important role. A large part of "The Girl Was Young" was taken on location, the outâ€" door sequences centering around the rocky seaside country, where the locaâ€" tion crew worked for more than a month. Confiscation of all enemy wealth and property. Seizure of offensive weapons or amâ€" munition in the possession of aliens. Urges Internment The motions read as follows: "That this Council being gravely concerned with the increasing possibilâ€" ity of the spread of subversive doctrines in Canada, thereby adding to the alâ€" ready tremendous poril in which our ;ycloved Empire stands toâ€"day, and beâ€" ing desirous that our Dominion be spared devastation and the horrors of enemy fifthâ€"column sabotage, do memâ€" orialize the Government of Canada to require at once, the registration of all aliens in Canada, and the internment, for the duration of the war, of enemy aliens or persons known to hold subâ€" versive opinions against our Empire, and urge further that all enemy wealth and property in Canada be confiscated immediately and held in escrow pendâ€" ing the conclusion of the war, and that Asks Interment of All Alien Enemies Seizure of Weapons cil to send on to Ottawa for the necesâ€" sary legislation. The following are the proposals of Alderman Innes:â€" Registration of all aliens in Canadsa. Internment for the duration of the war of enemy aliens and those holding sulbversive views. Requests Presented to Toâ€" ronto Council by Alderâ€" man. Alderman Innes of the Toronto city council this week presented a list of measures which he requested the counâ€" a thorcugh investigation be made by the proper Federal authorities into the Tilley said the Abitibi mills now are running at more than 90 per cent of capacity and that this would be an ideal time for selling the assets. terest payment UNIVERSAL NEWS "COMMUNITY sING" Starringâ€"ANNA MAY WONG, J. C. NAISH and ERIC BLORT AL®O Starringâ€"VIRGINIA WEIDLER and GUY KIBBEE ANOTHER BIG FOTOâ€"NITEâ€" Who will sell their Photoâ€" graph for $125.00 starringâ€"JACKIE COOPER and F. BARTHOLOMEW SHORTâ€""HAVE YOU MET YVETTE"â€"Band ANOTHER BIJIG FOTOâ€"NITEâ€"Wha will sell their Foto for Sum Offered. ast Showing Toâ€"Nightâ€"Thurs., June 13th Double Feature Programme "SECRET OF DR. KILDARE" Sunday Midnight, Monday and Tuesday, June 16th, 17th and 18th "DARK COMMAND" {‘rrfday. Friday Midnight and Saturday June 14th and 15th Starringâ€"â€"EDDIE CANTOR AND RITA JOHNSON SHORTS Starringâ€"JOHN WAYNE, CLAIRE TREVOR and wW. PIDGEON SHORTS Starringâ€"LEW AYRES and L. BARRYMORE ALSO w_â€"__â€"_‘ NQOTICEâ€"On Double Feature Programmes coming to our theatres, we request our patrons to attend the $.00 p.m. to see entire performance. "FORTY LITTLE MOTHERS" PALACE "BAD LiTTLE ANGEL NEW S POPEYE CARTOON "TOMORROW‘s sSTARS"â€"Sport "TWO BRIGHT BOYS THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TTIMMINS, ONTARIO activities of all persons of German or other enemy racial origin who have become naturalized within the past ten years, or, for such other period as may be deemed necessary by the Governâ€" ment of Canada." Wants Arms Scized "That this council respectfully petiâ€" tion the Federal Government to amend the Criminal Code of Canada to proâ€" vide that during the period when Canâ€" ada is at war, no aliens shall be petrâ€" mitted to be in possession of . any offensive weapons or ammunition, with the exception that during the period in which game is permitted to be taken in any particular province, the Provinâ€" cial Government of such province be authorized to issue to approved aliens a special permit for the possession during such period only, of an offensive weapon to be used by the said alien for hunting purposes only in the particular province affected." Salvation Army Looks After Soldiers at Trenton The follewing is an editorial article from last week‘s issue of The Quinte Sun, of Trenton, Ont., and is one more illustration of the prompt and effective way the Salvaticn Army Red Shield looks after the care, comfort and hapâ€" piness of the soldiers both here and overseas‘:â€" "Three rousing cheers for The Salâ€" vation Army for its establishment here of a recreational centre for men of His Majesty‘s Forces serving o training in this district! "This establishment will be welcomâ€" ed by the citizenry for two reasons at least. The first reason is the impulse which emanates from every Canadian heart to do the utmost for the men who serve, that their faith in Canada, her people and their ideals, may be held high and unshakeable. The second, less emotional but very practical, is that men of the Services may have a rendevouz which will serve the purâ€" poses of a club where they may meet In sight of the Pyramids an Indian soldier of the Britisch Forces in Egypt sounds his bugle, and once again the desert hears a call to all free men EGYPT AGAIN HEARS EMPMRE‘S BUGLE Thursday and Friday, June 13th and 14th PRANK MORGAN, BILLIE BURKE, ANN RUTHERFORD in Saturday, Sunday Midnight (12.15 a.m.) and Tuesday and Wednesday, June 18th and 19th DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAMME ADDED SHORTS "Swing Hotel"â€"a Mentone Musical REVIVAL NIGHTâ€"FRIDAY. JUNE 14TH, at 940 P.M. JAS. CAGNEY and GEO. RAFT in Episode "NANCY DREW and the HIDDEN STAIRCASE" ADDED sSHORTs ALI/S FAIR AT THE FAIR"â€"a Coloured Cartoon REVIVALâ€"Tyrone Power and Alice Faye in ADDED sSHORT LIGHTS ACTION LUCAS"â€"a Musical Novelty GENE AUTRY and SMILEY BRUNETTE in ADDED sHORTS WIHAT‘s ALL THE SHOOTING"â€"a Cartoon PARAMOUNT NEWS le No. 14â€"of the Serialâ€""DICK TRACY‘s Gâ€"MEN SECOND FEATURE BONITA GRANVILLE and JOHN in DONALD wWOODs and LOUISE PLATT in their friends and make new ones, and where, under proper auspices and cirâ€" cumstances, they may enjoy a game of cads, a chat, a dance, a cup of tea, a bit of radio music, a news broadcast, or a piano sing song; or where they may read, or write the folks back home. "There has been need for these facilities in town, a need that has beâ€" come accentuated with the growth of the Air Forces here, and The Salvation Army has taken a timely and important step in locating and fitting quarters. Citizens who help provide furnishings and conveniences for the centre will share in the glory of the achievement. Monday, June 15th, 16th, 17th "The Sun suggests that citizens who have spare magazines, spare articles of furniture which can be used, and especially a spare piano, will confer a much appreciated favour upon the ‘"‘troops"‘, if these spare articles be contributed cor loaned to the centre. Capt. Hewitt, the officer in charge, will be thankful if their good and kindly intentions be telephoned him." Thought That Sudbury Man Was Slightly Intoxicated There was an odd scene in Sudbury, the other day. One of the smelter employees was charged with being drunk, but he earnestly denied the charge. He said in effect that he was not drunk, could not be drunk, as he had only imbibed five bottles of beer. Two constables, on the other hand, seemed to be very certain that the accused was very spiflicated. They said they found him at the rear of a blacksmith shop shortly after six o‘clock in the morning. He was clad only in his underwear, wearing only one shoe and one sock, attempting to get into a shed through an opening only four inches in width. His pants were hanging on a post and his shirt was nearby. It was pouring rain At the time. tell me you wWere simply hanging your clothes out to dry," commented Magistrate McKesâ€" sock after the accused had explained "Alexander‘s Ragtime Band" "GHOST COMES HOME" t 6 GAUCHO SERENADE" "FORGOTTEN GIRLS "EACH DAWN I DIFE" "NIGHT OF NIGHTS * #*% * ** Eddie Cantor Back to Palace Theatre With Many Laughs Fddie Cantor, after an absence of two years, comes back to the screen and will be seen at the Palace theatre Friday, Priday midnight and Saturday this week, June 1l4th and 15th, in "The Story of FORTY LITTLE MOTHERS" as a new Eddie Cantor, The Cantor so long identified with a chorus of a hundred girls in scantics and armed with an abundant supply of gag comedy will be missing in his place will be an actor portraying a real huâ€" man being and, according to reports, derivting from it more laughs to the minute than he ever received in his life. In ‘"The Story of Forty Little Mothers," Friday and Saturday This Week. "The Story. of FORTY LITTLE MOTHERS" is based upon the French comedy, "Monsieur Petict," and is the story of a timid college professor who inherits a baby and more than his share of trouble when he attempts to conceal it in a girls‘ boarding school. The girls, unaware of the existence of the baby, attempt to have Cantor fired because he is not as handsome as his predecessor. When they find the b‘aby. they become little mothers and go on strike when the mistress of the school attempts to discharge him. The story is an intensely human one, mingling comedy and pathos. Reviewâ€" ers have declared it to be Cantor‘s best effort on the scréen. Judith Anderson, the distinguished Broadway stage star, heads the supâ€" porting cast which also features Ralph Morgan, Rita Johnson, Bonita Granâ€" ville and Diana Lewis. Nydia Westman fills a comedy role, and forty of Hollyâ€" wood‘s most attractive starlets play the "little mothers," headed by Margaret Early, Martha O‘Driscoll, Charlotte Munier and Louise Seidel. The infant of the story is played by eightâ€"monthsâ€" old Baby Quintanilla, hailled as the greatest baby "find" to be discovered by Hollywood in many years. "The Story of FPORTY LITTLE MOTHERS" was directed by Busby Berkeley of "Babies in Arms" fame, and was produced by Harry Rap{f. that he removed his wearing apparel because it was wet. Possibly the acâ€" cused feels that there is no more Briâ€" tish justice in the world. for he was fined $10 and costs for being drunk, despite the fact that the police did not have hardly anything on him when they arrested him. a l w _ * _%. (%_ _4 (%. 9. (v +t :+ it t :t :t / e o o n o L PV LE ELC q O....s-.‘ ..00: wa, Â¥*,** ,** , »a O" O.‘O’.O'.Oz ... 6..".. 0'.00.0’...00’0 00.0 '0‘ 0'..._. 0‘.’0 00 * .x 0..0.. ..0 , **, .Q.... ....’..'. .... ... O'............‘ #Â¥. .%,. _%. ¢. ®._@ _# + +, QpolasInetoatactoctactaataote efactactectecte stoataatacatoctactaectactoctnctaectoctaect o #. .%,. .%, .%,. .* Mascioli Theatre, Schumacher LAST SHOWING TOâ€"NIGHMTâ€"THURSDAY, JUNE 13TH "JOHNNY APOLLO®" WEDNESDAY AND THUNSDAY, JUNE 19th and 20th Starringâ€"ALBERT DEKKER and JANICE LOGAN ADDEDâ€" SHORTS AND NEWS Starringâ€"VIRGINIA WEIDLER and GUY KIBBEK SHORTâ€"COLOURED CARTOON NEW EMPIRE sUNDAY MIDNIGHT, MONDAY AND TUESDAY, JUNE 16th, 17th and 18th DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAMME Wednesday and Thursday, June 19th and 20th "MIRACLES FOR SALE" Starringâ€"EDDIE CANTOR and RITA JOHNSON SHORTSâ€"CARTOON, SPORT and NEWS FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JUNE 14th and 15th Last Showing Toâ€"Nightâ€"Thurs., June 13th "FAST AND FURIOUS" Starringâ€"FRANCHOT TONE, ANN SOUTHERN AND RUTH HUSSEY COLOR PARADEâ€"‘"MECHANIX JTLLUSTRATED® SERIALâ€""SCOUTS TO THE RKESCUE"â€"â€"No. 9 Adults .:..;.:;..:.:.., 2D0¢ Children.;...::;.»..; 10c Starringâ€"LEW AYRES and L. BARRYMORE ALSO Friday and Saturday, June 14th and 15th "Uâ€"BOA‘T 29" Sunday Midnight, Monday and Tuesday, June 16th, l7th and 18th "ANOTHER THIN MAN‘ "COMMUNITY PRICES" EVERY DAY AT THE NEW EMPIRE THEATRE, MATINEE EV Starringâ€"CONRAD VEIDT, VALERIE HOBSON and SEBASTIAN SHAW Color Musical â€"‘RIDE COWBOY RIDE®" Starringâ€"ROBERT YOUNG, FLORENCE RICE, and LEE BOWMAN Shortâ€""GOING PLACES" Serialâ€""SsSCOUTS TO THE RESCUE"â€"No,. 10 Starringâ€"WILLIAM POWELL, MYRNA LOY and C,., AUBREY SMITH sportâ€""WATCH YOUR STEP" Looney Toon Cartoonâ€""PORKY‘S HOTEL" Theatre not later than He was driving his car in the blackâ€" out the other night, when a bloke stepped oif the pavement right in front He jammed on all the brakes, but it was no good. The mudguard knocked him about five vards HMe thought he might be very seriousâ€" ly hurt, and his relauves ought to be told . so he said, "Are you married?" "No." he moaned. "Up to now this is the worst thing that‘s ever happened to me."~â€"Passing Hour. He got out and found him lying in the gutter, moaning and groaning. TLL WIN â€" YOU. : PRAISE THUREDAY, JUNE 13TH, 1940 Adults ......;,.:::.. 2D¢ Children .....:;:,, 15¢ FOR YOUR TASTY BREAD" WORsE YET