M Fon-rteem‘ Monthâ€"Old Bum Flames. While Parents - Unable to Ga Into Blazing Building. Firemen Exper- ience Great Difficulty in Gowns to Some of 'Fire. Lay Lillian, {mu-teen months old daugh- terotMr. mam. GordonDrumnond. womedtodeomonaaturdeyotter- gettothecmldb'ecaueeotthetlama . The fire started at about four .o’clockintheaftemoon. Itureport-I edtohevefollowedanattémptbyw. Wmmdtollzhtaflredwetalabs With gasoline. The combination pro- duced an expansionâ€"an explosion Drummond ran to the. door and were - forced outside by the flames Mr. Drum- mond, unable to set back into the house because 0! the flames, made an eflorttogetinthewindowandget to the baby but that was not'ouocess- 11111. 4 â€The baby was in a 'cot.. near the door. When firemen arrived and ï¬nally got to her she was dead-anommy bum- ed about the whole body. They brought the body out and Coroner Dr. Minthom pronounced her dead. A11 alarm was put m immediately after the fire started and a truck set out for the address. A good deal of difï¬culty was experienced in getting the truck to the scene however, as entry to the tbwnslte can be made not (mm Cedar street, of Which it is the continu- atlon, but only from Pine Street, above. Finally a'hose was laid from Pine Street and a crowd of vant'mteers assist- edmdmltacrossthesoft, m’dist turf and bwktothehouse, whichis setattthemrotalot Themewas soon brough under control but! by that- time. the baby’s life-WM him by Eleven hundred feet-:01 hose were laid. As there are he water eomeetiohs in the townsite it was necessary to con- beef. with a hydrant on Pine Street. mwsetthombertetheï¬reone length or me was When. That. fan-4 ther delayed the arrival of the water Nothing in the home was saved. The ï¬rst explosion and flareup or names badly burned Mr. Dmmon am the hands His wife was not injured. National Orgamza ~ Quiz of Their Best. Beautiful Costumes, Attragtivé‘Musyé Opened on saturday on Saturday, when many 'rlmrnms people visited the booths which had been erected to display the products of the local vegetable and fruit mark- eters. The market will 'be open every Saturday morning. with fresh veget- ;ables to delight the heart of the local ghousewife. and to provide an appetiz- §lng meal for every meniber of the FarmerS’ Market to be Held Her'e’ Every Saiurday. Two dates well w0rth marking down on the callendar as extra special occas- sions are August 28th and 29th, these being the dates for the fifteenth an- nual Horticultural Show of the Tim- mins Horticultural Society. This year the annual exhibition is to be held in the McIntyre Community hall. This modern new hall will make a fitting erally recognized as one of the very best horticultural shows in the provin- ince. Dates Well Worth Keeping in Mind are Aug. 28th, 29th Tuesday, July 25, Tag Day for» the Wounded in china .Tuesday of next Week, July 25th, will be Tag Day in Tisdale Township E(South Porcupine and Sehumacher) to: the wounded civilians in China. The Tag Day is sponsored by the Friendswi China. The proceeds will to the Ghinese Red Cross who more than have their hands full in finding ways†and means and the necessary funds to care for all the many civilians who are ill and injured as a. result of Japan' s ruthless invasion of China ’ Market opened at tthe Curling Rink Thmk Men who Blew Safe at Ku‘kland Lake ' Are Now . 1n Tlmmms Police have information which leads .to the belief that the same expert. gang which used nitro-glycerine to blow a safe in Simpson’ 5 Store in Kirkland take a week ago today, made an at- tempt on a safe in the Ideal Hardware store in Timmins over the week-end. “vvv- The cracksmeri were believed to have been frightened away from their work by a patrolling eonstab’le ‘ ‘ L1- _ open at 4.36amxywterday‘ morning: 1961mm {on ,zme. 195.1913: M him ,to the belief that men hadbeenworklnlg on the safe, which. is located near the back door, ’just prior to his arrival. Fur- the-r investigation ,made later during the day led to the conviction that . the attempt was the work of the same gang; which blew the Kirkland ' strong "U â€5' Constable Peter Amlm found the back door of the Ideal Hard-ware store wVluccaJ police have been co-operatmg with Kirkland Lake department in an effort to apprehend the criminals and some sueeess. is believed to have been had by the two departments. {Police here make an urgent request to all merbhants and businessmen to make certain before leaving at night. that their business establismnents are made secure; They ask that a night light be platted-in the vicinity of the safe toas- sist patrolll-ng conStables in their efforts to do their duty. Pete Spence’ s Canoe Trip Delayed by Rain and Storms Att'émp't to Catch Men. Alleged to Have Been Driv: 'ing: Wit-h Four - in (Front. Seat and? One Dislocated What police cthider to be the ulti- mate in foolhm'dy driving was the case of J. Mair, Connor House, Schumacher, charged over the week-eï¬d With (buying his car with four persons in the front seat. Mair is alleged to not only have had four in the front seat but to have also been driVing with one arm" The other arm, police said, was in a sling. It had been dislocated and was useless. -- Tom COOper, 106 Oak Street, Tim- mins, was charged with reckless dirving. He is alleged to have zig-aagged his car down Third and Wilson Avenues, nearly striking the poliee squad and three other automobiles and narrowly mis‘sing several sxnall boys on the side Of the street. 7 "Several speeding charges were laid. Two of the oernses are reported to have occurred on the Hollinger flats. One driver was travelling 60 miles an hour, another speeding between 65 and 70 miles an haur. ‘ Moir will appear before Magistrate G'ould in pdlic'e court tomorrow after- Tmmuas (30.111310 Married at Iroquois Falls Saturday noon . The United Church at Iroquois Falls was she scene 0 f a quiet wedding on Saturday, July 15th, when the Rev. Dr. R. S. baidlaw’ united in marriage, 1 Mildred Doreen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. GeOrge Ross, of 58 Balsam street north, and Mr. William Twaddle, son- ?of W and Mrs. Thomas M. Twaddle,- oi 1'02 Birch Street South. Both the bride and mom are well-known and popular in Timmins and district, the groom being active in sports and other circles in the district for many years Attended by the sister or ithe gram, Miss Marion MacEwan Twaddle, the bride was charming in a street- length dress 01' blue chiffon, with white accessories and a some of raid roses. The bridesmaid chose for. the occas- ion a powder blue sheer track, with white accessories and a some at Miss Mildred. Doreen Ross , and Mr. Wm. Muir Twad' .‘dle Wedded. .. ' ‘ reception was held at the summer home at the W’s parents at Wm ; - C‘Tvn- ’ ... '-..r" g .. aw,- .__ nt-iwr‘: ,x-fu .33 w ' fl , ‘waga‘ï¬il ~23 in Alexander T. ‘Boyd, of W To Form Section of LegiOn for the Ex-Imperials Here All Imperial Ex~SerVicemen Asked to Attend Meeting Wednesday Night. 1. A meeting of Ex-Imperials was held 3 in the Legion Hall on July 13th to dis- cuss the formation of an Imperial Sec- tion or the Canadian Legion. ‘ ~ ~ *~ ‘ «Camembwm lamy,‘ chamnan, and W. W. Wilkinson it was decided to form a. sectiOn, and a cordial invitation was issued to all Imperial Ex-SerVIcemen to attend a meeting ' to be held on Wednesday, July 19,4 at 8 pm; in the Legion Hall to ' further discuss the problems per; taming to the Ex~ImperiaL One of [the interesting and humor- ous? touches at the ’Li’l’i‘ns Summer Frolic we; the, awarding of a. surprise prize. Mr. J. L. House was the win- ner of this surprise prize, which turned out to be a very happy and pleasing little porker. In the front of the picture Lion Scotty MacLeOd is holding the little pig, next to him is Stan Fowler, _ chairman of the committee in charge, then Mrs. Holtze and Mr. Holtze the winner of the prize. ‘ Lions Summer Frolic Again Is Pleasing Success ‘The Riverside Pavilion was the scene of a successful. and delightful event on Friday evening, when the Lion’s Club held _lts annual summer frolic. Music for the occasion was supplied by the popular band of Ern- est Manero and His Northern North- ern Gentlemen, and a large number were present to enjoy the event and itake adVantage of a. cool evening to [dance and make merry. Spenial Prize Dances Add to the Interest a During the evening, special prize dances were held, and prizes present- ed, and the dancers enjbyed the/noise- makers“ and ., other hoVelties. In the report or the last meeting of the Kirkland Lak’e Kim Club es published In The Northern News, there 18 the 10mm Will! of 10681 11;“ or» the cm» that Successful Cam, idatjes in Town and District Pupils Passing in Timmins, Schumacher; Cochrane and 3am Schools in the District. List Includes mo Passed on Recommendations of Teachers and Those Passing the Departments] Exams. Weather “Fair and Warmer" Weather during the past few days has i been considerably cooler.‘ Lowest temperature was on Friday and Satur- day nights when the mercury fell to 44 degrees. During the next few days, said the weatherman this _ meming, the weather will be “fair and a little war- L'owest Temperatures on . Friday When Mercury Dropped to 44 Degrees at ‘ 'Night. Maximum afï¬d minhrium tempera.- tures have been as follows: Thursday, maximum, 82, minimum, 55; , Friday, 52 and“; Saturday, 53 and 44; Sunday, 65. and 45. Last night’s minï¬num was 50 and at. eight o’clock this morning the tentperature was 54 degrees. Wedding at St. Matthew’s Church Saturday Afternoon A, quiet wedding took place at the St. .Matihew’s ' Anglican Churcrf on Sta-urday afternoon at 3 o’clock when the Rev. Candn R. S.'-Cuslng united in/marridge Miss Hazel Kathleen Rod- gers‘ and Mr. Warren Davide Chapman. The bride and groom were attended Miss 9W; Cede and Mr. Edward Gunningham. .unad ‘SWoops Down on Houses Sunday Lav Chargesgf. Selling. The death occurred at St. Mary’s Hospital of Baby Thomas Burns, nine- months-old sOn of Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Burns of 121 Second avenue, Schumacher, on Sunday afternoon. Funeral services Win be held from Chenler’s Funeral Parlour this (Mon- day) afternoon at. 2 o’clock to St. A1- phonsus Church, _ Schumacher. Baby Thomas Burns Diw At Hospital on Saturday Ram fell on Thursday to the depth of .30 mcï¬'es and on Friday to .18 inches. Police Climax Weeks of Preparation With Series of Raids . late on Sunday, Mrs. Violet Jiaclin- and Marlin Drew, nen Charged With Selling; Alleged Drunk Driver Ar" Thelmï¬hintheleflesatopenair Pleasing Band... Concert , ; " Citizens Band .': ‘ . ' “an... - rested. The following is the list of swoon-ml candldnï¬es at the High School mm examinations for Timmms, 8:2th and other centres. The list include: In candidates who were passed on their teacher’s recommendetion; as well as those passing 'the Departmental Exam- inations. 'The certiï¬cates of the suc- cessful candidates and: the m'arkS' or those who were unsuccessful will be sent outinthecourseor the nextweek.‘ Biroh St. Public School Barkell,Donald;Bie11k,Geome; 3m 2181:, John , Brown. Doris; Oirriok, Nick; Garrick, Nora; Carver, Weldon; Craig, ,Aélfred; Graig. John; Cole, mete; Couch, Derek; Ounlifle, Joseph; Done-V 'son, Helen; Bade, Everflh Ewonmk. George Portals, Mary; Gauthier, Mm- iel; George, Leonard; Gi'aister, Stanley; lGray, Margaret; Harjunpaa, Maire; lHarrison, George; Harowe, George.- tI-Iursley, Harold; Johnson, Lawrence . Kapitan Mike; Kaulbeck, Murray; Koi- " ri, Helen; Kriak, Clara; Kriak, Marger- let; Lat-ham, Marguerite; Leach, Knol- Branis; Wadi, Annie; MacMiuan, Janet; Melville, Josephine; Morrison. Eva; Morrison, Catherine; Olson, Ooh- leen; Ostrosky, Annie; Parker, Howard; Pinciiis, Dan; Rhyno, Alice; Robehuk. Mary; Rumpel, Martin, Rysak, ; Sargalis, Wallace; Suave, «Audrey, T George; erke, Joseph; Smrke, Milan; Stanutz, Helen; S‘evens, Hazel; wew- . aft, Denice; Bynos, Helen; Mina, John; Tnévethan, Basil; mime, syl- 7 ' via; Walno, Fred; Webster, Margaret; Wilkins, Thomas; Wilson, Jack; Woolen Arthur; Yetee, ,5â€. anby, Walter... le; Butkovloh,V101et,Gwdman,fAllce;- Carroll, Teddy; Carson, Jean; Oaswell. Gerald; Chalmers, Gatherlne; .0113!- mersJack;Gh1nn,Margaret; (march. IRoss; Code, Glenn; Cohen, Stanley; ',Gourt Stanley; Curtis, Elizabeth; W- ld Howard; Del Monte, Ida; De Luca. Adone; D1 Sano, Filberto; Drew, mitt; Ellis, Thelma; Fisher, Jenet; Flehman. Maris; Gardmer, Wilma; Glampaola. (Continued on Page FiVe) ' ‘4' '_. :J'of" ‘1‘! Barflko Eddie; Beaumont, Vida; Blahey, Jean; Bobiy, Jemï¬e; Booker, Richard; Boyd; Mary; Brown, Mary; Butokovich, Gpld- ‘ am:- ' waned- Ponce attmtton was attracted to Gr-enter When!» tafledto stop his auto- mobile at a m Sign." He than is re- portedtohme madeetm'n'eomxfletely