Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 13 Jul 1939, 1, p. 4

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5E»; "9h . ”I b. if.» iaiis "I § . 33w Egg 3; 1m 'bé‘ 1 9.4 3? ’5': n: elm SHERIFF’S SALE OF: _ LANDS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS, issued out of the Distriét Court of the District of Cochrane, to me directed, against the goods and chattels, lands and tene- merits of Steve Terebass, in an action in; which Alfred Caron is the plaintiff and ,Steve Tambass is the defendant, I have seized and taken in execution end will ofl'er for sale by public auction, at the crime or E. c. Brewer, Limited, in the Gordon Block, Pine Street Tim- 'mins on Wednesday the 9th day of mt. AD.1939,et the hour of 10.00 o’clock in the iorenoon, all the right, title, and equity of redemption of the mild defendant, Steve Terabass, in, to mp“: 01 the following described ’- end tenements; VIZâ€"The said land is entered in Paul ML in the Register for South ;M.rohrene and is described as fol- and Ill the many good friends “who wee so kind in their recent bereave- mam. through the death of husband and -;father also those Who sent floral minutes and cards of sympathy. -â€"55 Province of Ontario, granted by the Damn as Mining Land, namely; Mining Claim P. 11643. (3) The said land is entered in Par- eel m in the Refitster for South East ‘Wuhrane and is described as follows; SIM in the Township of Ogden, m M District of Cochrane and Province 6! Ontario, granted by the Crown as Mining Land namely. Mining Claim P. 11942. (3) The said land is entered in Par- col 4063 in the Register for South East We and is described as follows; Situate in the Township of Ogden, 1n the district of Cochranq and Province 9! Ontario, granted by the Crown as Mining Land, namely; Mining Claim P. 10004. Hrs. Ralph Elston and family wish to thank the doctors and nurses of both Tlmmins and Toronto hospitals, flf‘fiiwate in the Township of Oz- dam. 1n the Dtstrict of Cochrane and *“i‘at. Cumulus Wm'rhey ' or hnpmvementshy about our Wt tea. ~ ;. :1 m St. North mrm Property with Us. sultan sea Diver from a full 313- ter of Oh. Laurel Brae's Lifeguard. flu. V. W. Bladen, Klngfldge Ken- v 3750 Cash . MOO monthly No Interest «um-4m and 5 room: my» mm mm 39's..» Mmcmmmmkm laminae Real Estate. Mortgages m CARD OF THANKS FOR, SALE JOHN D. MACKAY, Sharla. District of Oochrane. Inland! $25.00 monthly 3’s Office, FOR SALE ~53-54-55p Stine! even «fl.‘ 1118 168 216 $1.068 Other Ask Big Attendance at Kiwanis Barbecue If You yon PERSONAL. nuns . AND. . FOR ANY USEFUL PURPOSE Apply to Nearest Branch of THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ' The Kiwanis Barbecue, which will take place on Wednesday, August 9, at the Buffalo Ankerite property, was the main subject of discussion at the re- gular meeting on Monday afternoon. R. P. Kinkel, chairman of the bar- becue comittee, spoke. He told of the plans and ‘arrangunents being made for the Bavbecue. It promised, he said to be one or the most interesting afiairs '0! the yealf. . Personal Service Requires Attendance at Meetings, , Says Percy M’oisley. Btarting time was set at three o’clock It. would carry on until an indefinite hour. All kinds of sports. including amasterotceremomesweretobepart o! the We. Regular and pans- tual attendance was asked by George Ross, Scotty Wilson and W. 0. Land- don, members of the attendance Com- Abrlettalkonceortwlceaweek totheboysoftheKi'wmfisOanmwould not only be inspirational :but also in- formatlve, said Dr. L. Honey. The com- mittee oonslsttngof the President and vice-president and other " Kiwamans who would speak during the year” would be able to give much valuable help to the boys who wens- attending the chm. mom. lt was deemed: that W WI of the Kiwanis Club would give these talks. Two 4-room houses on 1 lot. Rex- emne no a month, price $1, 900. Only $400 Downâ€"$35. 00 a Month Real Estateâ€"Insurance 21 God“ St. N. Phon COAL OF ALL KINDS Sullivan Transfer :01 many Street Tlmmins $200 and Up $25 cashâ€"$10 a Month NO INTEREST Pl ’- DOYLE 'T Monthly Deposits Profldé for Repayment. PERSONAL LOANS LOTS FOR SALE WOOD FOR BALI; 31.00036 3.39 ; Amounts Ant Proportion“: Low" USED AUTO mum's§ NEW Srn’n'ms ANDGLASS ' FINANCIAL . BARGAIN s 157.36 ' You Phone 1330 Wt: 01 George Boychuk. in an notion in whtéh Donna's ”outed is the W and George noychuk is the meant, I have m end taken mammandwmoaertorsaleby public auction, at the ofltoe of E. C. Brewer Limited. in the Gordon Block, Pine Street, Timmlns on Wednesday the 9th day of August, 1939, at the hour of 11.00 o’clock in the forenoon, all the right, ' title, interest and equity of re- demption of the said defendant, George Boychuk, in, to and out of the follow~ ins described lands and tenements. (1),The said land is entered in Par- cel 987 in the Register for Whitney and Tisdaie and is described as follows. Situate in the Town of Timmins 1n the District of Cochrane and Province of Ontario, namely, . The surface ' rights of Lot Number Onehundred and :Seve’nty Five (175). as shown on Plan M430 (Sudbury), flow deposited in the Office of Land Titles at Cochrane Vince of Ontario, nathely, The Surface rights of Lot Numoer One Hundred and Seventy Nine, (179), as shown on Plan M-30 (Sudbury), now deposited in the Office of Land Titles at Cochrane. _ Dated at Cochrane this lst day of May, AD 1939. JOHN D. MACKAY Sheriff, District of Cochrane - '(2) The said land‘is entered. in Par- cel 1.566 in the Register of Whitney and Ttsdale and is described as follows:â€" Situate in the Town or Timmins in -55,57-59-61 ‘I 0:? o 0 0.0000000000000000... fi$§°WW§°fiMMWWNWrWWWWrr§°§ “A political and military measure” was the excuse by Premier Mussolini for clearing all foreigners out of Bol- zano province. The measure, he said was directed against “Anti-F'aeism: ' Action was said to have been pre- cipitated because of the action of some of the people in the province against Fascism. Possibly some person in 30% mo read something from a democratic country and wondered why his lot was not as easy.. In any event Mussolini is conducting a purge of undesirable elementsâ€"that is elements incompat- able with regimentation. Government Licensed Will open a class for train- a ing September 4th,1939. Partlcula on requeSt. Phone 134 56 Mountjoy St. S Timmins School of Hair Dressing 4 56 Mountjoy St. S. Timmins, Ontario Capt. 1'. Butler, 0.8. Assistant Minister. St. Matthew's Tlmmlm. no. 00 am .-8undny School 11.00 am .â€"Momlng Payer Major and Mn. J. (96thde Officer: In Gnu-lb. Sundayâ€"11.00 a. 1:: Film Me‘etihg. Sundayâ€"2.30 p. nutâ€"Sunday school. punchyâ€"7.00 pm.â€"Greac Salvation Meeting. Mondayâ€"7 .00 pm .â€"-Oorps Cadets. ‘ Tuesdayâ€"7. 00 pm .â€"-Young People! Oddfem'ms’ V Hall, Spruce Street North ' SUNDAY. JULY 16th . Subjectâ€"“LIFE" The Golden Text is: “Seek .ngd, and not evil, that ye may live::: and so the Lord, the God of hosts, ‘shall' be with you as ye have spaken." ‘ (Amos 5: ‘4) “ Sunday Serviceâ€"11 am. - ' Sunday Schoolâ€"9.45 am. Wed. Evening Meetingâ€"8.00 pm. Meeting. Tuesdayâ€"8.00 pm.â€"Solders and Ad- herents. mursdayâ€"B .00 pm .--Publlc Meeting. Strangers Welcome. Come um! Worship 12 years. 11 .00 am .â€"Dome Mines Sunday School 11.00 a. m râ€"Monung Service and Young Rev. A. I. Hemonen, Minister - Res. 20 Elm St. North Phone l982-W 2. 00 pm .â€"'Iogether with the Timmins Finnish Congregation Public Wor- ship or Song Service at Church Camp, Vilpola, Mononald Lake, or Cottage Prayer Meeting in Fin- nish-speaking homes of the Por- cupine Camp and District. A Cordial Welcome to All . Lutheran Church South Porcupine, Ont. (Missouri Synod) Rev. W. H. Heinze, Pastor Services every Sunday at 8. 30 pm.1’n the Anglican Church. corner of Main and Commercial. South Porcupine, .- Ont. ; BLOOR AVENUE. Rev. James A. Lyttle, Ministér 9 .45 am .â€"Sunday School for all above; | Wbrshippers’ League. - ‘ 2. 30 pm .â€"_-Sunday School for all be- low 12 years. '7 .00 pm .--Evenlng Service. All Are Cordiauy Welcome ‘8‘", V. ‘. .. St. Luke’s Evangelical BAMBI]. BALL. um AVE. ' ChriSfian Science Society wan " " tapas-Ii * 15. ‘ - -'.'_‘ Ad South Porcupine Finnish United Church Trinity United Church The Salvatioiiifirmy United Church M'Yeiufm flu .- gV. 0.‘ N. Work Here Changes in Ducal} Staff of ‘ .NursesandOtherV.0. N. p Ngtee. . . nines. This cheque purchased a V. O. N. ha: hilly equipped, which is a very m W Order of Nurses, Tun- m m gratefully accept- the mmie donations for 1989 received 1 mm and complete set 0: baby thing to equip it, an anonymous Wémfen’s ’League. 0200 from the ‘Hadassah Chapter of JeWish Ladies. 2.00 from Arbustus Chapter Eastern $2.00. from Ladies of the Moose. ,3100 from French Ladies. - ; 2.00 'from Catholic ’Wo'men’s League. . The total of $16.00 from these eight interested ladies organizations was .spent in purchase or material ,for ap- rons, bags and towels, which materials were mo made up by these ladies or- ganizations for the purpose of equipp- ing the third nurse, Miss Joanneson, who assumed duty in March. Mrs. Conway and- Mrs. N. Perrau'lt did the cutting of material; Mrs. Dor- way did the purchasing and Mrs. Der- way and Mrs. A. F. Carriere the dis- tributing to the different organizations. A small cash donation was also re- ceiVed from the Goldfields Dry Goods ’Store and a donation of 17 aprons made and donated by Mrs. J. Gurnell. The latter two came in late 1938, and so were not included in 1938 donations. Corner Elm and Sixth Avenue Rev. A. I. Hemonen, Minister 888. 20 Elm St. North Phone 19824? From June 25th to August 27th incl 2.00 pm .â€"Worship or Song Service at ' Church Camp, Vilpola, McDonald ‘ Lhke; or Cottage Prayer Meetings = in Finnish-speaking homes of the ' ' Porcupine Camp and District. 6.30 p'.m.-Commun1cants’ Class in 7.00 pm.â€"-Evening Service m Church Friday-+7 pm.â€"-â€"Y.P.S. South Porcupine, Ont. Ven. J. E. Woodall, D.D., Minister Sunday Service: --M-. 10.00, am .â€"Sunday School 10.15 am.â€"Junior Bible Class 1'1.00.am.â€"Mom1ng Prayer 7. pm.â€"Even1ng Prayer Holy Communion on 1st Sunday at 11 2nd and 4th Sunday at 8 am. 3rd and 5th Sunday at 7 pm. Baptisms and Marriages by arrange- menu: of $28.85 from La Femmes 1 quilt from the Catholic Women's 32.00 from Ladles’ Md 6: the United $2.00 from Fireside Club of United 1 chimera layette from Jr. Catholic Finnish United Church Timmins A ‘ cordial Welcome to All St. Paul’s Church miuappmfluonduum ml «flatworm-.Anwn. ma. nuns- and Mmumm tad decorating the mutual float. 1:" he paradeheldudmd. muoném-u Md‘o! mm mm mm. v Mrs. Sheppard and the Hill-Oink Francis 00. for their generous m. tence which made possible mie- nppro- priate and mum float. The committee are greedy apprecia- tive of the grant received train the Town or Timmim. whereby this splen- did V. o. N. service is expended to cope with the mm population and needs. ' . loss of the kindly and eflicient Miss Eva Sherritt from its stair. Their very. wishes for her future happinm will follow Miss Sherritt in the new voca- tion she has chosen, that of home maker. for she will become the bride of Mr. Russell Rennie. or Kemptville, Ontario, on August lat. Miss Edith Richardson, of St. Cath- arines, has been sent to fill this va- cancy on the local staff. ‘ ~ An event to raise funds for. the maintenance of the three full-fume V. 0. Nu. nurses, is being planned for the autumn. (Bralqrne ................................ {Broulan Porcupine ......... Bufl'alo Ankerite .............. Canadian Malarite ............. oooooooooooo [Bldgood‘ . Hudson Bay ................... International Nickel Kerr ‘ Addison ............. Kirkland Lake ............. Latch , ............................ Lake Shore ................. Little Long. Lac ‘ ......... Manned. Cockshut ....... McIntyre ..................................... McKenzie Red Lake ................ 'Naybob Nipissing O'Brien . Paymaster Pickle Grow Pioneer ........ Premier ........ San Antonio {To-day’s Stocks j Listed ....... V 110 .............. €111.85 i... ......... '..12.00 ..'..1.14 ..... 1:66 "16% ...... 1 7 the 4.35 2.40 .33 {it ' Gravenhmt mundane Matdfiet Com- mitted on Hindaughter charge. ;; Manhunt. July Nut mon- ,m.whouvohhhomeaddmin “Where mama. in tin pre- liminary hearing of Than» R. Morris, «www.maehargeotum- slaughterarisincwtotthedeamot 1!. Leonard Palmer. or “route in a traffic accident on June 80th on No. 11 highway. Palmer was neaer dec- apitated when the car which he was driving. and from which he was flung by the force of the impact. rolled ov- er on him. crushing his head between the pavement and the redhot muffler. , After Mr. 'Goldman, Toronto, the gowner oi' the car driven by Palmer, {and Dr. Fisher had given evidence, Jack MacDonald was euled to the stand. “Traffic was heavy." he told the court. “Suddenly, below Brace- brldge, I saw a northbound car strad- dle the pavement and then head for us. The crash ,oame. When the cm stopped rolling over and over, I found Iwasallrisht. SowasGoldman. We started loolunc for. Palmer. I looked underneath the running board. I grabbed it and pulled . him out. One 1001: at his head Was enough to tell me that he was dead. I covered him up n . The witness told the crown attorn- ey that he saw Morris the driver of the other car. “He was very much in- toxleated, “MacDonald told the court “I smelled his breath. He told me he lhad hit nothing. ” This evidence was ideter corroborated by other witnesses. EConstable Len Hill, of Gravenhurst, E:said â€"- “I told Morris that a man had been killed. He took it as a joke and laughed. He was very much intoxicat- mess in Timmins was a. prosperous one. MacDoneld refused to answer, protesting that all this referred to , his private affairs and had nothing to do with - the trial. ‘ “You will answer all the questions put to you,” Magistrate Thomas told the witness, adding that he had no sympathy with hitch-hikers it they could pay their tare. Finding that ,MacDOnaid had hitch‘lhixed to Grav- enhurst for the trial. the Magistrate isuggested that he should not be paid Ethe travelling allowance for witnesses. { To this. the drown Attorney objected, suggesting that the v‘vay Crown witnes- ses travelled was no concern of the court. MacDonald was paid the allow- fiance. " After the witnesses had been heard the Magistrate committed Morris for trial, -the accused being' held in cus- tody pending the setting of ball by a Judse ' ' ' . R. M. Best, K ..,C for the defence, suggested that Mashhad had hitch- hiked while he had money to pay his fare. He asked MacDonald if his busa- 'memt Gordon ......... ‘ .............. Sullivan Comondated ........... 1.18 4.20 ....81 .2220 3.15

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