river They were in a canoe, and were following the left bank of the river, inst near the bend above the .- . . A. Hubert’s motor boat pass- I' Stliem and the swell from the motor t upset the canoe. The lads turn- I. She canoe to meet the wave, and ' 'I rily might have ridden it out ely The swell in this case how- " »'§'proved too strong, the result be- } ‘thet the canoe was upset in a ,_ kling and the three occupants View thrown into the river. Mr. Hu- 3 ' hart noted the danger of the canoe and * promptly swung around and assisted tho (three men out of the water. None (if that: were any the worse for the dent. except that they had two [ for the evening, this last one J . pith their clothes on. Also, all of the 7 ggnoelsts lost their bathing suite. 7 . While this incident thus passed off ‘ . ï¬t any serious results, it should noted a a warning to motor boat fji vets and canoeists alike to avoid . edanger from the swells from pass- motor boats. }» The regular meeting of the town ,' . - council was held ten years ago with Acting Mayor Councillor A. G. Carson the chair and Councillors H. Char- I hols. P Dougall, R. Richardson. H. Won and ..C P. Ramsay present. Oné 5* .. Q! the chief matters to be considered ' ~ the granting of a site for use by . ,_ government for housing the equip- .. t or the mine rescue work station " he established by the Ontario De- ?III went of Mines, following recom-s , i: . .. tions ‘of the royal commission i» t enquired into the Holiinger dis--1 of 1938 and the suggestions made i the femur chief inspector or min-i m T Sutherland, then Deputy! M. . olmnes. Eachminingcamp: to have one of these rescue sta- .. where suitable equipment would stored and where men would be- thow tguse thisequipment and to do in case at mine accidents. was deemed that there would be†boxes 6:. equipment stored here. We; to rush the appliances ,. f-ï¬ mine where they night he need- le desimd to have the station r. hast m on the ' muons t present. safe. than mung men -,II§M Am accident occurred ten years ago on the Mattagemi river that mfght ' . have had fatal results, and the boat owners and those using can- ' 4 on the irver to take all reasonable ' {cautions to Hold similar danger “t present. It is al'ways better to be sate. than sorry. or drowned. Three young men. Messrs. A. Nelson, F. El- phick and G.Wa111ngford were return- ' from having“ 9. swim farther up the ‘Au‘A nut, FRIDAY and SATURDAY -- JULY 14th and 15th w..â€" _-_. w. V v vâ€"w " -â€" A great writets greatest story! Don’t miss it. SHORTSâ€"A NIGHT AT THE MOVIES and NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE in question for the mine‘ rescue work.‘ The Advance" ten years ago: “The contention of The Advance for years had been that the lumbermen and others could use the river with- out tying up traffic for the settlers and those using the river. The exper-_ ience this year has proven this conq tention to be correct. Not only have the usual number of drives been brought down the river" this year. but the work is being accomplished three or four Weeks ahead of the normal schedule, and' still further addition of '1,3000,000 pulpwood logs were safely and effectively transported by the riv- er route. The achievementâ€"and it is an achievement -â€"was accomplished without the river being blocked for traffic enough for anyone to voice an objection. Other years, settlers and others have suffered seribusly from the blocking of the river .while the dri- ves were being brought down, and there was naturally strong objecnon raised. Eaiily this year; ,Major Hartt came up ' here and met a representative gathering of. set- gtlers, members of the booming as- gsOOiation, and independent lumber-g imen and others. Major Hartt urged that withOut undue interference with the lumbering industry effort should be made to‘ assure, so 'far as possible the keeping open of the river. He sug- gested what he called “Government control" of the river as the remedy for the previous conditions and this sug- gestion was very strongly backed by the large and representative meétlng. After this year’s Sample of this “Gov- emment Control†the general opin- ion is that there should be “Govern- met Control†on the Mottagami‘ river every year.†' . W5 ,0. Smith, one“ of the real "old- timers of the Porcupine camp of the town, was honoured by the Timmins Oddtellom lodge, of which he was one of the charter members and a faithful and helpful and creditable brother since its instimtiony anti by. the Tim- Godin of 68 Fourth avenue, 1031; his life in the water. The lad, who. was not yet nine years of age, was play- ing with a nurhber of other lads along the cyanide dam back of Gillies Lake. ' Some of the boys had gone out on a log on which they would sit aStride and paddle with their feet. Young Eddie was playing in this way on the: log, while the other lads were amus- " ing themselves along the lake shore. The lad was alone at the tirne, the boys having come from another swimming hole and some of his companitms hav- ing passed him, and others~ being {be- hind dresSing. His chum, Freddie Hill, . son of Mr. and ‘Mrs. E. N.K,â€"Hill, ' 59 . Fourth avenue, noticed him-one min- ute on the log and the next time he;j looked that way Eddie was not ,bml sight. As the log was some distance 1 out in the water Freddie could not un- ; derstand where he had gone and en-* quired of another lad who was near- by but who could not speak ood Eng- lish and simply pointed to e water. A brother of the latter lad was hunt- ed up and explained his young broth-_. er meant that Eddie was in the wat- er. Freddie Hill, realizing what had happened, grabbed an old automobile tire" to use 'as afloat and Jumped m- to the water and attempted to locate Eddie. Although he failed to 'rescue his chum young Fred Certainly dis- played a courage and resource that would do credit to a boy twice his age. Other boys in the grOup in the mean- tirne notified seine who were worlï¬ng on an electric survey party, waded out into the water and after a brief search located the body of little Eddie God- in. The youngster was brought to shore and every possible effort made to bring life back but all was in vain. In the meantime the doctors and police were- notiï¬ed and were promptly on the scene. Skilled efforts to revive the child proved unavailing. " curred at a. small pool north of the compressor plant when _ _ Eddie Godln, the little gson’of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ten year ago the Kiawanis Club heard the story of mining told in very effective an dinformative wey by Mr. D E. Keeley, of the McIntyre Mlï¬e. Mr. Keejex was the speaker of the “day at Mondays luncheon of the Also Fitznotriok Travoltalk in Colour on Picturesque Udaipur. cartoon “BABY KITTENS†. Signing an agreement for the barter tredlng of cot- ton‘ for rubber is Joseph Kennedy, United States ambassador in London. She ceremony took place in the board or trade ofllces in Whitehall. Oliver Stan- Sunday, demght Monday and Tuesday . :17th and 18th : _ Friday, Friday Midnight, and Saturday . , » July 14th and 15th . l'ltll V VI: UULVt‘quuu With Fred MacMmy mil Chimes,†Buggies- PALACE LAST" SHOWING TODAY ‘ -- RICHARD DIX“ ' . .“MAN. OF :CONUEST’ TELEPHONE 560 KENNY BAKER in “THE MIKADO’.’ " KinWanis at “the Empire Hotel, .and' he reviewed ancient and modern me- ! thods of mining. He briefly but com- prehensively touched upon the history 1 of mining from the earliest days, pointing out that mining was a pro- fession followed with more or’less skill by the ancient Egyptians. - “There will be very‘ general regret in Timmins and district, †said The Advance ten years ago. “at the proba- bility of the Rev. J. D. Parks, leaving here early in September to take charge of a church in North Bay. The Rev. Mr. Parks- was the ,unaminous choice of. a meeting, ;of the congregation of St. Andrew’s United Church, North" Bay, to succeed the Rev. J. N. Pritchard, who has acCepted a call to Lethbridge, A1- berta. The Rev. Mr. Parks has receiv- ed the formal call and will likely ac-e cept, and will leave here to begin his» new. duties in September, “at North Among the local items in The ’Ad- ve‘nce ten years ago were: “Mr. B. V. Harrison, general manager of the Can- ada' NOrthern Power Co., ' and Mr. '.H C. Howard, publicity manager of the Nesbitt, Thompson Co. were visitors to Timmins this week. †“Mrs. P. Ham- ilton and‘ two- sons, Michael and rat-- rick. left this morning for a. prolong- “jed visit in England.†‘-~“Mr. ’and- Mrs. D. 3; Curtis and family motored here from Barrie, arriving here last night.†"Mr. J. B. Pare returned on Friday .after a three Weeks’ holiday in the south. On his return here he was ac- .eompanied by Mrs. Pare, the couple being married in Toronto recently and returning here to‘ take up residence on EHemlock street. ‘Hosts of friends here :will. extend Sincerest .good- wishes to Geils and Miss Margaret Geils are spending a. vacatiOn ‘at Wingham, Ont. and other points south. †“Mrs. W. 'Mccord and children left on Wednes- :day this week for Ottawa, Shawville and other points east for a holiday Visit,†‘fMiss Bertha Harrison, daugh- tar of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison, left on Saturday to visit relatives in New York for a few weeks. †“M1. Mark Ansara. for many years a bus- mess man in Timmins, but more re- ley. president of the board of trade, looks on. The American cotton and British rubber will be stored in each other’ 5 countries as emergency war stocks. NEW Low SUMMER ADMISSION MCLB AND FIRST RUN PICTURES Adults 25c â€"â€" MATINEE .â€" 011111111111 15c Adults 30c â€"â€" EVENINGS â€" (311111111111 20c Sainrday, sunday and Monday, Jul); 15, 16,17 matinee Daily at 2.30 p.111. ‘ Evenings 7.06 apt! 8.50. 9.31. Special Children’s Matinee every Saturday Momgn: it 1030 en. Children's Ticket 100 ‘ ' ; ' ‘ , Tuesday and Wednesday, July 18th and 19th DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAMME Alum TAMIROFF, ANNA MAY WONG, J. CAanLL NAISH GOLDFIELDS THURSDAY FRIDAY,- JULY ;3â€"14 THE THREE MESQUITEERS IN “RED RIVER RANGE†' ADDED SHORTS and Episqde No. 5 of the New Serial “TEE LONE RANGER†'A‘WHISPERING ENEMI’ES’? cently at Sault Ste. Marie is visiting town on business this week." ‘fMiss. Mary Darrell visited New Liskeard friends last week.†“Mr. and Mrs. Wm; Lindon rand daughter, or TorOnto. were I visitors here last week." "Mrs. P. Gog din left \on Monday morning on the annual excursion to Ste. Anne de Beaupre." ,‘erCand Mrs. E. T. Suth- erland, of St. Thomas, Ont... were Tim- mins visitors .laSt week. " ‘ “Mr.'- and Mrs. F. H. Bali motored to the south last week for a holiday. and- ~will visit friends at Barrie and other = points south. †“Mr. Geo. W. Ecclea stone. M P., Mrs. Eeelestone. arrd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bird. of Braeebridge were visitors to Timmins last. wee .†“Mrs. E. L. Longmore is on a holiday trip to the south.†“Mr. and Mrs. ‘J. 1 T. Morton, Ur. Visited their parents in Haileybury and North Cebalt last week." “Mrs. J. Richard is one of the‘ Timmins residents attending the pil- grimage at Ste Anne de Beaupre this " week.†“Mrs. Lloyd and son, Jack of] Niagara Falls, _N.Y., are visiting Mrs.i Lloyd’s sister, Mrs.- P. T. Moisley.â€Â§ “Mr. J. R. Gordon, of Toronto,- was a~j visitor to Timmins last weels, being: greeted here by hosts of old friends who knew him years ago when he was, one of the pioneer business men of the North. †“Mr and Mrs. Ed. pritehard and Masters Arthur and Brace left‘ last (week for the south.†Mrs. Pi'it- :_chard will visit her mother who is ill iat Toronto. while Mr. ' Pritchard and the boys‘ went__ on to __Brockville for a {holiday with .. relatives there."- Picture: at Cartier Captures Glory 5 of the“ Great North Thrills, Interest, Humour in Drama Written by Jack London. background of mighty mountaiï¬s and fabulous California lakes is. Monpgram’ s “KING OF CHINATOWNâ€? TELEPHONE 531 ,' ~ ; “Wolf Callâ€, the Jack London story iwhich plays at the Cartier theatre on Friday 4 and Saturday of this week. ' “Wolf Call†is the story of Mike Vance millionaire playboy whose father, tired of hangovers and headlines, sends him to the Canadian northwest for 113- generation. _.° Mike is told to investigate condit- ions at the Vance Radium; Mine, but he falls in love, with Towanah, thé In- (nan maid; and spends most of his days With her. . But. Towanah loves Mike, and sets reheat. to help him find himselfr She introduces him to her. father Dr. Mc- Tavish, who has invented a new pro- cess for. reducing radium. and with the heip of the priest, Father Devlin, Tow- 'anah gets Mike interwed in the mine to the extent that he is determined to have his father keep it. But. the mine superintendent Car-.- son is in league ‘ with a radium syn- dicate which wants to control the rad- ium output. to keep the prices high so Carson battles Mike at every turn. A thrilling climax ensues as Mike attempts to fly to New .York to pre- vent his father from selling the mine, and Carson attempts to stop him. John- Carroll is excellent as Mike, and invests his role with vigor and person- ality. His singing voice, one of . the E ‘ ~ W ' Plus: Qomnumuy Sing No. Was-222- «mmw¢w¢«mwmwwm _‘M ANNUAL SUMMER FR ° i :+ Ticket. outs-manna from Molsley a 3.1:. Third Ave... sum Fowler, . Sky may, or any member of The Lions ~ Club. "- RIVERSIDE PAVILION Friday, July 14th; 1939 . Barring â€"-JUDY GARLAND. MICK! ' SOPHIE TUCK!E SflORTSâ€"“Plctoflal No 2†Adults. ............ 25c Adults ....... 1 Children ..... . ...... 10c Children 15c 1 There Will be Sunday Midnight snows under on; New Com- 1 munlty Pricesâ€"Only at Midnight Shows, e .jï¬nc will 119.1 charged 250, " 1 STARTING OF NEW SERIALâ€"WEDNES. THURSDAY “FLAMING FRONTIERS†» Musw BY Bufl’alo-Ankerite Orchestra ADMISSION $1.50 PER COUPLE . Friday and Saturday, July 14th and 15th “THOROUGBREDS DON’TQ... LY†Sunday Midnight, Monday and Tuesday Juiy 16th, 17th and 18th . “DOUBLE WEDDING†‘ Starrinx- WILLIAM rowan aha mam Loy Starring annoy gun and o. nzuav-mmn Semi-4W6 mo was No. a?" dad: Buster Keaton in we '1- mon- ma WEST†FOX NEWS 9.30 P.M. TO ? TELEPHONE 173 EMF] finat in Hollywood, is dismayed in We good- numbers. Movita. plays Towanah with appear and shows: “mat acting ability especially ‘ in the \ dramatic Mum‘s American“ ï¬ancee; and Guy Usher, as his crusty gather. George Washer directed “Wolf Call†from the screen play by Joseph West: Others outstanding in the cast in- clude Peter Lynn as the priest, mther Devlin; Polly Ann- Young as Natalie i vm RosuER, Rid.’ EYESIGBT SPECIALIST For Appointinent Phone 1877 BUCOVETSKY BLDG. 33 Third Ave. 5 r. 1. Timmlnl EYES mum“ cusses“ rrrtw Scientiï¬c n.“ m m. an Works» the Glob†4:? :«M~:“:*M