Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 19 Dec 1938, 1, p. 1

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Twenty Prize Winners at Legion Chicken Stagette Has Three Fires on Thursday None Since Dust Ignites from Overâ€" heated Furnace, Causing Minor Fire on James St. Chimney Fire on Toke. There were three fire calls last Thursday and there have been none since. At 1.03 a.m. a celephone call was received from 37 James St. The occupant of the house fixed his furâ€" nace for ‘he night and for a mechanâ€" ical reason the draught did not funcâ€" tion, The furnace overheated during the night and dust which had collected in the pipes ignited. Damage was V aluable Prizes Awarded in Annual Event. As Usual the Stagette Was an Enjoyable Success, Proceeds to Proâ€" vide Christmas Hampers for Exâ€"Service Folk. Oddfeliows‘ hall. Games were played, and at 11.30 the draw was held. Wirners were as follows: L. Belliâ€" veau, A. Kirby, V. English, Harry Scarth, Marion McCain, Mrs. B. Mcâ€" Shane, J. Peddier, A. T. Boyd, Mrs. Bond, Mrs. Y. Slobasky, Mrs. E. Price, B. Thrasher, Miss Mary Brooks, Austin Dean, H. Martel, Mrs. Cooper, Ted Jones, H. H. Redden, L. Vedastoivel, H. Hughes. An announcement in The Advance last week, the Timmins High and Voâ€" cational School Bcard is offering the opportunity for night study in any of the subjec‘s now taken up at the High and Vocational School. Any inâ€" terested should leave their names, adâ€" dresses, and the subject or subjects in which ‘hey are interested, with Mr. J. M. Belarger, secresary of the High and Vocational School Board, 144 Pine St. S.. on or before Dec. 28th. Evening Classes at Timmins H. and V. Opportunity Offered for Night Study in Many Subâ€" jects. John Fred Robson, of Barric, was arresced this morning on a charge of deserting his wife. He will be returned to Barrie under a police escort which will come to Timmins from the southâ€" ern town for that purpose. Twolve men were in jail this mornâ€" ingz. Two of them were arressed on vagrancy charges. One drunk was arrested; one man for being in possession of wine illegally and one man for disorderly conduct. The latter was alleged to have shouted profanity in a public place. Police Warn Children To Keep off the Roads A large crowd atiended the event and . was quite apparent that the stagâ€" e was its usual success. The proâ€" eeds will go to make up baskets for eedy exâ€"servicem:n and their wives families. ‘ightâ€"Yearâ€"Old Boy Struck While Sliding on Hill. Danâ€" gerous Practice, Say Officers. Arrest Man Who Alâ€" legedly Broke Window in Goldfield Drug Store. . Arrest Barrie Man Toâ€"day. > annual Legzion chicken stagel‘t held on Saturday night in thg eclliows‘ hall. Games were played 2 sections 14 Pages n . Robt. Sinclair Wins _ EChe Dorcupins Mpantre A cribbage tournament that has been in progress for four weeks at the Fire Hall will end whien Dr. L. H. Durkin and Chief of Police Leo Gagnon play off for third place. Declared winner was Robert Sinclair and the man who won second place was George Pond. Has Been in Progress for Four Weeks. Police Chief and Dr. Durkin Play for Third Place. NNm"' * s P P C PP CAAA Schoo‘s close in T.mmins on Thursâ€" day, December 23, giving the pupils 11 cays holidays. Both High and Vocaâ€" tional and public schools and schools close on this day and open on Tuesday, January 3. Delightful Concert at Italian Church Largely Attended Event at Sacred Heart Church Durâ€" ing the Weekâ€"end. A large number of Italian people, as well as others from the district attendâ€" ed the presentation, which produced some of the best talent in the district. T‘wo plays and several solo selections were greatly enjoyed and due to the success of the event, it was decided that this would be imade an annual event. The two plays were produced by members of the Sunday School, and of the Young People‘s Society, who also played numbers on the accordion and the piano, and sang suitable Christmas selections. Closing on Thursday will allow most of ‘he teachers to reach their homes before Christmas. About ‘one hundred members of the societies of the Italian Sacred Heart Church took part in a wellâ€"conducted and delightfully arranged Christmas concert, presented on Thursday, Priday and Sunday evenings and Sunday afâ€" ternoon. Official Closing Date for Public and High Schools is Thursday, Dec. 23. Open January 83. School Closes Thursday Published at Timmins, Ont., Canada Every MONXDAY and THURSDAY Crib Tournament J.HL.A.~ â€" . James Doug.as, Brar‘ fovd, QO.H.A. president; Dr. H. G. Nash, of Sucbury, viceâ€"president, N.O.â€" H.A.; D. Sutherland, Haileybury, past prosident, N.O.H.A.; and W. A. Thompâ€" son, N.OH.A. secretary. In addition bhore wore many other hockey officials pressunt. E. W. Todd, manager of Laky Shore was introduced by R. J. Ennis, manazer of the McIntyre. "I thought we had a nice rink in Kirkland said Mr. Todd, praising the new arona, ‘"but ntw I know we are only ‘has beens‘." ~ Prior to the gamse the ssven teams lined up in a square on the ‘ce. Their coloured uniforms made an effeciivem Aableau. Next Meeting of Timmins Kiwanis, Tuesday, Dec. : The regular Clhristmas prosent meetâ€" ng of the Kiwanis Club was held to day, each of the members giving a preâ€" sent (not costing more than 15 cents) to some other member. Most of the presents were along humorous lines, the "grectings" accompanying thein being especially amusing. This Christâ€" mas feature is always an amusing and happy event at the Kiwanis Club here. The next meeting of the Timmins Kiwanis Club will be on Tuesday, Dec. 27th, being the annual Father and Son luncheon. An impressive list of NO.H.A. and O.H.A. officials were present last night when the new McIntyre Arena was opâ€" ened for <he first time for hocksy. The crowd which attended was large, a‘though the arena was not fillâ€" ed. They enthusiastically cheered the Pcrcup‘ne camp teams against Shore but all to no avail. Before <h> game the officials were intro¢cuced. They included, P. J. Mulâ€" qucen, life member O.H.A.; W, Hewitt, O.H.A. «secrm:tary; . James Doug as, manaer we had a sald Mr./‘ An Impressive | O.H.A. officials w« when the nsw Mc for i is first The crowd wt Open Arena for Hockey Lake Shore Manager Lauds New Arena. Says it is Better Than Kirkland Rink. Observance at Timmins of the "Feast of Lights" Chanukah, the Feast of Dedication, or the Feast of Lights, commemorate the victories. of JuCas Maccabaus and his brave Maccabesans who were able to force Palestine from the oppression and cyranny of Antiochus Epiphanes 2,102 years ago. After these noble vicâ€" tories the temple at Jerusalem was reâ€" dedicated. The dedication ceremony lasted eight days, and in remembrance candle lights ar> kindled in every Jewâ€" ish home at this season for a period of eight days. A very interscsting and wellâ€"conductâ€" ed Chanukah (Feast of Dedication) concen, was held yesterday afternoon by the pupils of the Timmins Hebrew School at the Hebrew Congregation B‘Nai Israel hall, Cedar St. Mr. M. J. Brovender, president of the Hebrew as chairman of the concert, which was under the diâ€" recrion of Miss S. Kroch, Rev. W. Lenâ€" der and Rabbi David Monson. Shop FE loncert Yesterday at Hebrew Congregation B‘Nai Israel Hall to Commemorate the Victories of Judas Maccabeus and His Brave Maccabeans 2,102 Years Ago. Before the N.O.H.A. meeting at the Empire Hotel on Saturday aftornon the Northern executive and the executives of the Ontario Hockey body who came up for the first hockey game in the new McIntyre Arena, in which Lake Shore met six Porcupine teams, had lunchâ€" eon together at the Empire Hotél. The Advance photoâ€" grapher caught the hockey executives just before they TIMMINS, ONTARIO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 19TH, 1938 Miszsos Carson â€" antlâ€" Lii2n Harkness have returned from Toron:o University to spend the Christmas and Nsw Year‘s holidays at their homes in town. enquiring Aas to be purch itself b2 of much to in *h it BP ACAC C P â€"AP CC P PCP PA «ts iL PPA Public Urged Not to Buy German Goods The crowds in Timmins on Saturâ€" day quring th> hours of the shopping rush had their attention attraclted to the sandwich men and the sleigh with rng s ©0 ie orlg purchased at this b2 of much effec rigin of the goods his season will in fect and may do lacksning of barâ€" sat down to lunch. From left to right, William Hewitt, secretary of the O.H.A.; Lorne Miller, of Noranda, Past President, N.O.H.A.; Dean Kester, Timnmins, N.O.HA. President; Angus Campbell, of the McIntyre, Past Preâ€" sident, N.O.H.A.; James Douglas, Brantford, O.H.A. Presid@nt; Mr. Schleigel, Immediate Past President, OH.A.; and W. A. Thompson, Secretary, N.O.H.A. lvax*'fl that â€" requests this year for Chri~mas hampers have bsen excepâ€" ticmnally numerous, and unless further help is forthcoming it would appcar ‘hat many families in nced will have to be disappointed this year. Mr. Neame feels that this would nc« be pleasing to the good peopis of Timâ€" | mins who are ready to do more than | just wish everybody "A Merry Christâ€" ‘mas."_ ‘The Anvanre acroos uith‘ 2 zmm Stores Open Nights This Week Community Christmas Tree at Finnish United Church irg doath occurred at Haileybury on sa urday morning of Miss Legendre, of 67 Sin‘h Ave., remains being shipâ€" pec, to Timmins on Saturday afternoon. Fureral services wer» held this( Monâ€" day) morning at 9 o‘clock from St. Anthony‘s Reoman Catholic Church. ChAris stores tracti in th goods Freparaticons for the annual~ Comâ€" mun‘‘y Christmas Tree celebreiions for the PFinnishâ€"spsakinz residents of the Porcupine Camp are in full swing. The Community Christmas Tree celo>braâ€" tions in the Timmins Finnish Uniled Church will open with a short Chriaâ€" mas sorvice at 7 pm. nexs. Sunday (Christmas Evening) and after a short program armanged by the church and Claus w mas Chf( Usual Plan Followed for Convenience of Customer: | OWn ning: Many Requests for Christmas Hampers Those Willing to Help Pro vide the Need Should No tify Mr. Neame, It will be well worth anyone‘s while o make a trip around the local stores. "uneral of Miss Legendre Held Here This Morning Mtr. Au owing the plan adopted here for l years past all the stores in are remaining open in the eveâ€" this week for ‘he convenience of Lmas shoppers. Stocks in the _ are particularly large and atâ€" ve and there is large choice here e way of gifts and Christmas i arranged by tl organiz organizations ame informs The Adâ€" pI @I itions, â€" Santa ribute Christâ€" Published at Timmina, Ont., Canaeda. Every MONDAY and THURSDAY Eric Rudd, aged eight, of 63 Elm St. N., narrowly escap»d death at noon when he was struck by an automobile and dragged ten feet. Miraculously the boy, who was struck by the car and dragged between the wheels, was not in any way injured. He got up and went home to lunch. Eric and four other small boys cam» ciut of the yard of the Central School at noon. Thsy wiarted to cross Pine St. about forty feet north of the interâ€" section of Pins and Fourth Ave. _ _ Al boys saw the car coming. Four of them drew back h/ the young lad who was struck apparent{ly thought he could cross the road before the automobile roached that oint. He was No charges will be laid againcs the driver of the car, police said after the accidems, as no blame could be placed on the car or driver for the accident. Dragged Ten Feet by Car, Boy Not Injured The driver of the car, Miss E. Harkâ€" ress, of 108 Tamarack St., got the automobil»> and she and a poâ€" lice officer, Angelo Guolla, who hapâ€" pened to be on the corner, extricateu the boy. They were surprised when he was found to be uninjured. Eric Rudd Struck at Noon Toâ€"day While Crossing Road on Way Home From School. Thrown Three Feet and Dragged Ten But Gets Up and Goes Home to Lunch. No Charges Against Driver, pact thrt Then cver him betweren Adjournment in Cases of Couple Held at Haileyâ€" bury. Deromse and the girl have been held in Jail since their arrest of November 19 and have been unable to raise bail. They are charged jointly on seven separate charges of defrauding rural residents in the area west of New Lisâ€" keard of monies said co aggregate a total of more than $1,000. When the extent of their operations is known this amount may be doubled, police say. A number of other victims of the racket are known ¢to the authorâ€" ities, tiut refuse to come forward and charges because they are shameâ€" ful of having bit at such an old racket. Since the arrest of Derome and his atvractive companion here several cases of a similar racket in ‘other parts of the province have been unearthed. 111 ~Hailleybutry, Dec. 17.â€"Adjournment in the preliminary hearing of Thuibe Deâ€" rome and Margaret Montreal couple held in custody here on charges of fraud and obtaining money under false pretences in connsection with a picture frame racket, was granted for another week by Magistrate S. Atkinâ€" son in ‘police court when a Crown w‘sâ€" ness from Montreal failed to appear. Deromse and the girl have been held in Jail since their arrest of November 19 and have been unable to raise bail. They are charged jointly on seven separate charges of defrauding rural Further Remand in North Fraud Cases be fair and warmer and in the next few days it will be moderate and light snow, he said. Noon forecast:â€"Fair and cold Tursâ€" day, partly cloudy and somewhat mildâ€" On Thursday was 23 degrées 30 and 8 below 22; Sunday, 14 morning tempe and last night‘s low zero. "Fair and warmer," was the word this morning from Mr. S. Wheeler, Hollinger weather expert. Today will Fair and Warmer is Word Weatherman Sees Moderâ€" ate Weather For Next Few Days. Light Snow Coming. Banquet Given O.H.A. and N.O. H.A. Officials Interesting Event on Occasion of First Visit to Porcupine Camp of Heads of the O. H. A. Conference Here saturâ€" day Between N.O.H.A. and O.H.A. Officials. ruck um pe him thtr ncoming Oll ys 1Tnf Car coming. drew back h/ the younsg Lruck appareni{ly thought s the road before the aiched that point. He was n, Trhe force of tshe imâ€" im three or four coming car passed right 2 was lying on the rcad $4DC ing ar sed Trignt the rcad n caught rigged ten The Mentyre FC. Ladies Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. P. Hunter on Wednesday evening. Whist was p‘ayâ€" ed, and the prize winners were: 1:¢, Mrs, Cyril Davis; 2nd Mrs. Bob Kellar: ard, Mrs. J. Izatt,. After the cards Mrs. Hunter served a nica lunch and a very enjoyable social evening was spent Schumacher A. D. S. Club Enjoyed Whist Other News Items from Schumacher. The Consumers Coâ€"operative their whist drive in the Croatis on Friday evening. Whist was and the prize winners were: Ladi Mrs. W. McKenzie; Z2nd,â€" Mrs Jones; gents, lst, Mr. J. McKenzi Schumacher, Dec. 19 The Advance»â€"Thrp AD the home of Mrs. John ond Ave., on Thursday was payed and the prize 1#, Mrs. James Scullion; Johnson; 3rd, Mrs. J. O‘T the cards Mrs. O‘Leary s lunch. Mr. Miro Gaucci. Low score, Mrs. V. After the cards a nite lunch was served and the rest of the evening was spent in dancing. Afser the excellent dinner had been enjoyer chere were brief addresses by soms of those present. Some of this part of the programme was broadcast over the local station. Among those expressing their keen pleasure as being present and complimenting the McInâ€" tyre and the community on the notâ€" able new arena were: Mr. P. J. Mulâ€" queen; Mr. Douglas, president of the O.MHMA.; Mr. W. A. Hewits, secretary O.H.NX.; Lorne Millar, Noranda; Max Silverinan, Sudbury; E W. Tod, manâ€" ager of the Lake Shore Mine. Mr. Hewitt said that there were not many artificial rinks in Ontario, and the new one presented by the McInâ€" tyre would certainly be appreciated and would help all hockey. Mr. E. Tod expressed his appreciaâ€" tion and that of the Lake Shore Mines and Kirkland Lake for the kindness and hospitality shown the Lake Shore team on this occasion. He complimentâ€" ed R. J. Ennis and his associates on what they were able to accomplish for sport and the community, and spoke in higzghes¢? terms of the elegant new arena which eclipsed everything in the North. Mr. R. J. Ennis general manager of the MclIntyre, expressed the pleasure of all at the visit of the QO.H.A. and N.O.H.A. officials and hoped it would add to the progress of good sport in the North. Mr. A, H. Cooke suggested there should be a word on this occasion from Mr. Angus Campbell who was the first president of the N.O.HA. and for so mnvany years active and helpful in the (Continued on Page Two) H.A.; D. Sutherland, Haileybury, past NOH.A.; Max Silverman, Sudbury. They were joined here by Mr. Déan Kester, of Timmins, presiâ€" dent of the N.O.H.A. For the first time in the history of hockey in the North, officials of the O.H.A. came up here last Saturday and conference with N.O.H.A. officials in the camp, the occasion for the visit being chiefly to be present at the first hockey masch to be played in the magâ€" nificent new McIntyre Community Building at Schumacher. Those comâ€" ing here for the event were: Mr. Dougâ€" las, Brantford, president of the O.H.A.; wWw, Hewitt, Toronto, O.H.A.; Mr. Schleigel, Preston, immediate past president OH.A.; P. J. Mulqueen, life member O.H.A.; W. A. Thompson, North Bay, secretary N.O.H.A.; Dr. H. G. Nash, Sudbury, viceâ€"president N.O.â€" ! yeit t â€"AP P AP... P P P AC PC PP Single Copy Five Cents The Pioneer Paper of the Porcupine. Established 1912 â€"(Gpecial â€" to 5. Club met at O‘Lzsary, Secâ€" WiI CY 21 ner itlian hall as played MJ1 Whist Afer held

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