Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 30 Jun 1938, 1, p. 7

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mit5 INIFC D€e on their way for a win. The squatty righthander for the Hollys was just getting into his stride however, and for the next six innings allowed but one hit, the runner being cut down at second on a double play. In the last two frames MciIntyre got Unable to rmtain or improve a threeâ€" run lead they jumped off with in the first inning, McIntyre were defeated in a postponed senior Temiskaming baseâ€" ball match by Hollinger‘ on Monday night by a score of 5â€"3. Thne game was played at the McIntyre bail emporium and when the Solomon gang gave Isâ€" tratti a fiveâ€"hit baptism for three runs in the first frame, it iooked as if the Macs might be on their way for a win. Promptly at 9.30 in t driving, approach and pi tion for juniors will be t members to start a sim ten o‘clock. At 12.15 luncheon will be servec taking part at the clubt The feature of the da will be a mixed twoâ€" which will commâ€"nce : Allows Five Hits and Three Runs in First Inning But Holds Macs Scoreless Thereafter. Hollys Tie Score in Third and Go On to Win 5â€"3. Mceintyres Use McShane and Sunderland. Istratti Pitches Hollinger To Smart Win Over Mclntyre Series of Events on Dominion Day Will Open With Junior Approach, Driving and Putting Competition at 9.30 in the Mcrning. â€" Three Senior Competitions Carded. css # With a series of events carded for;afternoon. The play will consist of both senior and junior members, holes and the sixtsen couples mins golf club will be a scene of dayâ€" | with the lowest scores, will qualify for long activity on the holiday toâ€"morâ€"| nineâ€"hole match play competition. VYOW . ,A nroge niimor ara AaÂ¥rmnAitart tA k+a®a Golf Club Tournament To Be lield Here All Day Friday TBUCRSDAY. JTNE 193282 Be Wiseâ€" *~</ Smoke White Owl Cigars ALSO DANCING FRIDAY NIGHT, JULY ist Big Holiday Dance Toâ€"Night Thurs. June 30 RIVERSIDE PAVILION ‘e oi in day‘s programime mixed twoâ€"ball foursome comm®nce at 1.30 in the be served to the clubhouse ) in inhe morning, a ind putting competiâ€" 1 be held, the senior a similar contest at 12.15 pm. a buffet ADMISSION BOTH NIGHTS $1.00 per couple ENJOY YOURSELF OVER THE HOLIDAY AT THE RIVERSIDE to the matchless music of ANDY CANGIANO AND HIS ORCHESTRA " contest at n. a buffet 0 all those "Where All Timmins Dances Prout, the leadâ€"off man for the Macs in the first inning, was fanned, but Normie Hann belted a line drive to left field that went for two bases. Cyâ€" bulski singled to score Hann but was nipped at second on a throw by Scarâ€" lett from centre field when he tried to stretch the hit for an extra base. Joe McDonald, McIntyre catcher who had a finger crippled recently, got back in the game in right field and followed Cytiulski with another single. Gil â€" bert, star centre fielder for the Macs, connected for another double but Mcâ€" Donald was held at third on a fast return from the outfield. Jake Quinn then walked to fill the> bases. On a scratch hit by ‘"Dusty‘" Baker that hit the pitcher‘s box and bounced high inâ€" George McShane was the mound seâ€" lection for McIntyre, but retired after pitching four innings. Ernie Sunderâ€" land finished the game and while he only allowed three safe blows, two were doubles that accounted for as many runs. j McIntyre‘s three rum lead didn‘t seem to phase the Hollinger sluggers and in the third inning they got to McShane for two doubles and a single, with a fielder‘s choice thrown in to tie the score. They added single runs in the fifth and seventh to win the verdict 5â€"3. two hits in each but failed to produce the necessary punch to score. In the ninth they had men on second and third with none out, but Istratti whiffâ€" ed the next two batters and Prout flied cut to centre with the tieing runs on the pathways. To Visit Cochrane It was announced toâ€"day that a team from the local club will visit Cochrane over the weekâ€"end of July 10. All those wishing to make the trip are asked to sign a sheet that is placed on the bulâ€" letin board at the clubhouse. nineâ€"hole match play competition. A large number are expected to take part in the diff@rent events and good weather will be all that is required to make this annual event its customary siccess. afternoon. The play will consist of eighteen holes and the sixtsen couples with the lowest scores, will qualify for Direct from Edmonton Alta. One of the Best Bands in Western Canada. JERRY FURBER and his BLACK HAWKS ORCHESTRA It ssemed almost certain that Mcâ€" Intyre would score in the ninth, two hits and a passed ball putting men on second and third with nomne out. It Losinz control after two were out in the seventh, Sunderland walked Chrrevaty and Scarlett, the former scoring the last run of the game when Jack Darragh straightened one out for Singles by Cybulski and Joe McDonâ€" ald gave McIntyre men on third and first in the eighth with two out, but Gilbort whiffed the air on a third strike to blanket the chance of a score. Istratti won his own game fifth when he led off with a and scored on two long flies t field by Lawton and Cherevaty a double. The rally was over on the next batter, Rumoualdi grounding out to short. McDonald, left ror the Hollâ€" inger team, cracked a sizzling hit just inside third that went for two bases as the third inning started. After Isâ€" tratti fouled out, Lawton hit another in the same spot as McDonald for a double, the latter scoring with Hollinâ€" ger‘s first run. Cherevaty beat out a ground ball to third base for an inâ€" field hit and with runners on first and second Scarlett dumped an easy roller to McShane. The McIntym> nurler reâ€" covered the ball but made a wild throw to third base to get Lawton, who scorâ€" ed on the play, Cherevaty pulling up at third and Scarlett at second. An infleld out by Jack Darragh sent Cheâ€" revaty in with the tieing run, but Rumocualdi struck out, retiring the side. to the air, McDonald scored and all three runners were safe, feaving the bazs still clogged with two out. Ford fumbled Cooke‘s drive to second base and Gilbert raced home from third. Georg» McShane, the next batter, could have won his own game with a circuit clout when he came to bat, but fell by the wayside as a strikeout vicâ€" tim of Istratti‘s to bring the inning to an end. "Cy" Cybulski is seen crossing the plate in the first inning of yesterday‘s Ennis Cup game with the only run that the Macs were able to produce during the game. Catcher Anderson for Hargreaves is seen in the foreground waitâ€" Ladies 25¢ CYBULSKI SCORES ONLY RUN FOR MeINTYRE own game in the off with a double long flies to right THE PORCUPTINE ADVANCE ONTARTO The following is the draw for the different flights for the Timmins Golf Club handicap trophy: Championship Flight Karl Eyre and S. A. Wookey. W. H. Pritchard and Dr. Dupuis. W. Laidlaw and H. A. Munroe. Geo. Lake and Johnny Greer. The Geo. Lake Shield competition at the Timmins Golf Club finished last weekâ€"end and Karl Eyre is the holder of the shield for 1938 with Johnny Greer as the runnerâ€"up. L. Simard won the low net prize and V. Woodbury was the runnerâ€"up. Each will receive silver spoons. Zealbo started on the mound for Toâ€" burn to be replaced in the seventh. Don England went into trouble right away, putting three men on base with none out but managed to come out undamâ€" In the fisld, the diminutive shortâ€" stop with tlr» rest of the team playing good dball behind him, held the visitors to eight hits. seven chances, many of them difficult, without an error and started the double play which cut a Hollinger rally short in the eighth inning. Kirkland Lake, June 29.â€"(Special to The Advance)â€"Led by Nerts. Parent, hardâ€"hitting shortstop, Toburn‘s T.B.L. nine Hollinger 7â€"3 in an Ennis Cup feature here tonight. Parent hit two home runs, with a man on base each time, to score four of his team‘s tallies. Karl Eyre Wins the Geo. Lake Golf Shield for This Season Johnny Greer Runnerâ€"up for Shield. L. Simard Won Low Net Prize and V. Woodbury the Runnerâ€"up for This. Draw for the Different Flights of the Timmins Golf Club Handicap Trophy. Lawton, 1b. Cherevaty, 3b Scarlett, cf. Darrage, rf. Rumualdi, ss. Oltsan, c. Ford, 2hb. McDonald, 1f. Istratti, p. Toburn Vanquish Hollinger By 7â€"3 Score At Kirkland Johnny Oltean, Hollinger catcher, with a bulletâ€"like throw, nipped Joe McDonald and Clusty Baker off first base with perfect pegs to the bag. Both runners had reached first as lead off men in the third and fourth inâ€" nings and were all set to go down on a sacrifice when Oltean called for two pitchâ€"outs and caught them cold. Needâ€" less to say, thr two incidents didn‘t go down very well with Manager Soloâ€" mon and the two victims slunk to the sidelines like sheep. The win places Hollinger within one game of the group leading Porcupine team, while the loss shoves McIntyre down another rung on the ladder into the cellar. Timmins Team Unable to Hoeld on to Firstâ€"Inning Lead of T‘wo Runs. Dorey Forced to Retire in the Seventh After Allowing Nine Hits, Incuding Two Home Runs by Parent Toburn Shortstop. was at this point that Istratti xeallv produced his bag of tricks and fanned 1 two pinch hitters, Fred Callery and Lefty Zampell. Bill Prout hit a long fly into centre field that Scarlett gathâ€" ered in to end the game and leave the tieing runs stranded. Second Flight J. D. Brady and R. Asseiltine. M. Urquhart and Dr. Kinsman H. C. Scarth and F. WooCbury. J. M. Douglas and C. F. Black, R. E. Yorke and P. Partitt. J. Pulutti and F. Grahnam. A. W. Pickering and H. E. Sloan. J. H. Sandwith and O. Atkins. Geo. Ross and J. Dominico. First Flight C. G. Kemsley and E. L. Longmore K. J. Smith and J. T. Jackson. Chas Kerr and J W. Dougherty. J. W. Fogg and J. R. Hall. L. Simard and W. Adams.‘ J. P. Dick and J. Grady. J. P. Burke and E. B. Weir. J. Tait and V Woodbury BOX SCORE Hollinger AXDB > Hâ€"PO â€" A 35 ing for a return of the hit by Gilbert that sent Cybulski in from third. Umpire Walter Coleman is seen at the right f the picture. Hargreaves won the game 51. ) aged The departmental examinations at the district High and Vocational schools were completed on Wednesday at ncon, and the pupils will receive their results some time in August. The entrance examinations, taken by studâ€" ents who were not promoted on their year‘s work, were completed on Wedâ€" nesday afternoon, and the results of these examinations are expected to be announced in a few days. Schumacher Timmins United Tuxis Grads »6o. Matlhi®_ws Finnish United Tuxis . Y PS Concluded Departmental Examinations This Week round 1 before Julyv 3rd Holling Toburn was replaced eéenth.. â€"Both were from his had a triple. Ssummary Errors, Ford, Istratt, Cooke, Mcâ€" Shane. ‘Two base hits, HKann, Gilbert, Lawton, McDonald, Istratti, Darragh. Stmuck out, by McShane, 6 in four inâ€" nings; by Sunderland, 2; pby Istratti, 8. Bases on balls, off McShane, 0; 6off Sunderland,; 5; off Istrattl; 2. Double plays, Cherevaty to Ford to Lawton. Passed balls, Cooke. Left on bases, Hollinger, 8, McIntyre, 7. Time of game, 2 hours. Officials, Frank Frawley, plate, Steve Carnanan, bases. Hollinger ..........003 010 100â€"5 7 2 McIntyre | 300 000 000Oâ€"B3 10 2 Istratti and Oltean; McShane, Sunâ€" @rrland and Cooke. Prout, 3b. . Hann, ss. | Cybulski, 1b. McDonald, rf. Gilbert, cf. Quinn, 20. Baker, If. Ccoke, c. McShane, p. Aâ€"Sunderland, p Bâ€"Callery Câ€"Zampell Aâ€"Sunderland relieve fifth inning. Bâ€"batted for Cooke J. G. Sipprell and D. B. White. B. Megill and R. E. Delahunt. P. H. Carson and J. Goldring. First round to be completed on or Dorn:sy was hit nine times before he as replaced by McNulty in the sevâ€" ith. Both Parent‘s cirecuit clouts Church Softball League Standing batted for Cooke in ninth. batted for Sunderland in ninth (Advar slants while Zealbo also Mcelnityre 200 010 000Oâ€"3 8 220 O02 10xâ€""I 11 I‘n Oot Ved4 M na Engraving ) i. Shane in With Black striking out fifteen and allowing six scattered hits Timmins Juniors defeated Iroquois Falls here Monday night in a scheduled Temisâ€" kaming League game by thne score of 14â€"2. Smith and O‘Meara, who dished them up for the Falls, were hit hard, but seven errors by their teammates didn‘t improve things. Timmins were charged with four misplays and on the The NOQOLTA. was organized reâ€" cently at Cochrane and will include clubs along the T. N.O., including branch lines from New Liskeard to Cochrane and along the CN.R. from Cochrane to Hearst. Up to the present time the clubs that have affiliated are: Cochrane, Hearst, Smooth Rock Falls, Kapuskasing in the northern zone, Timmins, McIntyre and South Porcuâ€" pine in the central zone, and Kirkâ€" land Lake, Larder Lake and New Lisâ€" keard in the southern section. The three districts will hold individual competitions and the winners of each will participate in the big tournament at Kapuskasing for Northern Ontario honors. While the organization is just in its infancy, it is hoped that next year North Bay, Pamour and other clubs in the North will affiliate with the organization, winners to compete in the rgular Ontario champlonships. The local zone tournament, which opens at the courts of the three Porâ€" cupine clubs on Friday, will be conâ€" tinued on Saturday and Sunday. 4 Black, Pitching for Timmins, Registers Fifteen Strikeâ€" outs in Nine Innings. Timmins, South Porcupine and Mcâ€" Intyre, members of the newlyâ€"formed Northern Ontario Lawn Tennis Assoâ€" ciation, will commence a zone tournaâ€" ment here tomorrow to decide winners to take part in the big district compeâ€" tition for the Harold A. Wilson Trophy at Kapuskasing on July 30, August 1 and 2. Junior Team Defeat Iroquois Falls 14â€"2 Zone Tennis Tourney to Start Friday Poreupine Cluos to Comâ€" pete for Right to Enter N.O.LT.A. Competition. For three innings Zampell had been going nicely but a misjudged fly on the leadâ€"off man for Hargreaves in the fourth started the fireworks that eventually lost the game. Cookson hit a high fly into short centre and Norâ€" mie Hann raced out from short in an effort to get under the ball. At the same time Gilbort was coming in from centre. In the ensuing mixâ€"up Gilbert got his hand on the ball but failed to hang on to it. Forti, Kirkland Lake shortstop, was the next man to bat and on the first pitch he plastered a long drive out to the fence in left ceontre for a home run, scoring Cookâ€" ston ahead of him. Jennings came next with a lone single and got a free ticket to second on a wild pitch. Periâ€" goe and Anderson flied out to but Schonfeldt, who went into catch at the start of the second inning, blastâ€" ed out a sizzling double to score Jenâ€" nings and crossed the plate himself with the fourth run of the inning when Kelly sniped a clean single. McElroy, the next batter, was thrown out at first leaving ‘Hargreaves in the lead, 4â€"1. Successive singles by Cybulski and "Mike" Kelly, burly rignthandsor for the Kirkland Lake aggregation, set the Macs down with a meagre soven hits and in all but the first inning was givâ€" en rare support, two double plays cutâ€" ting off potential rallies by McIntyre in both the eighth and ninth innings. In the ninth particularly, the Macs had men on first and third with one out but Sunderland, batting as a pinch hitter, hit into a double play that put the quietus on any hopes the locals might have had for a Frank Merriwell finish. McIntyre scored their one and only run in the first inning.. The first two men up were thrown out at first but Cybuilski, the next batter, hit a lively bounder to short. Baldwin made a perfect pickâ€"up but threw the ball over the first baseman‘s head and the Mcâ€" Intyre runner went/to second. Joe McDonald drew a walk and Gilbert followed with a sharp single that adâ€" vanced both runners With the bases full "Pusty‘"‘ Baker popped an rasy roller to Kelly, which the latter fumâ€" bled and Cybulski scored. With the pathways still crowded, Elias popped an easy fly to second base for the third out. Wrightâ€" Hargreaves Victors Over Ike Solomon‘s Squad Smashing the offering of "Lefty" Zampell for four hits, including a homâ€" er with one on in the fourth and addâ€" ing another marker in the seventh, Wrightâ€"Hargreaves dofeated the luckâ€" less McIntyre champions of last year in an Ennis Cup game last night at MciIintyre stadium by a score of 5â€"1. Visitors Get to "Lefty" Zampell for Four Runs in Fourth Inning and Add Single Run in Seventh to Win 5â€"1. Kelly Lets Locals Down With Seven HMits. Macs Score in First Frame on Two Errors. ces mm m o o mmmmes : mm ~mmesmege on o Timmins came right back, with one in the fifth two in the sixth and three in the eighth to win the game by a wide margin. Timmins are in {undisâ€" puted possession of first place in the group with three straight wins and no lisosses. The teams:â€" Iroquois Fallsâ€"Goulet, Klotz, Clark, Porter, ‘Lavardure, Dawson, Miller, Brcwn, Smith, O‘Meara, McLead. Timmins â€" â€"A. Black, Stonehouse, Copps, Cordick, McIinnis, Van Rassell, McMahon, Deâ€" LaFranir, C. Black, Webb, Roy, Bastien. Try The Advance Want Advertisements Errors, Baldwin, Kelly,, McDonald, Giibsrt, Bak>r,. Home: runs, Ferti. Threeâ€"base ‘hits, McElroy. ‘Twoâ€"base hits, Schonfeldt, Ferti. Struck out, by Kolly, 3; by Zampell, 4. Bases on balls, off Kelly, 1; off Zampell, 1. Double plays, Kelly to McFlroy to Perigoe; Mcâ€" Eirsy to Cookson to Perigce. Left on bases, Wrightâ€"Hargreaves, 7; McInâ€" tyre, 6. Wild pitches, Zampell. Time of gamse, ons hour, 45 minutes. Hargreaves 000 400 100â€" 8 McIntyre 100 000 000â€"â€" 1 Umpiresâ€"Waiter â€" Coleman, plate; Steve Carnahan,. basrs. Aâ€"batted for Elias in n Bâ€"batted forCooke in : summary Errors, Baldwin, Kelly Giibsrt, Bak>r,. Home Threeâ€"base ‘hits, McElroy hits, Schonfeldt, Ferti. S Kolly, 3; by Zampoll, 4. . B off Kelly;.l1: off Zampel whole the tion. The local squad started: early and at the end of the second inning were leadâ€" ing by 8â€"0. The Falls accounted for a single tally in their half of the third and added another in the fourth to end their scoring for the> evening. Prout,.3Dâ€"... Hann, ss Cybulski, 1b McDonald, r Gilbert, cf Baker, 1f Elias, 2b Cooks, c Aampell, p Aâ€"McShane Bâ€"Sunderian McElroy, 2b Reilly, 3b Cookson, cof Perti, If Jennings, rf Prrigos, 1b Anderson, c ( Schonfeldt, c Kelly, p . Baldwin., ss. With one out and a man on first, in the eighth, Joe McDonald hit into a double play and the same thing hapâ€" pened in the ninth with first and third cccupled by McIntyre players. McDonald gave McIntyr» men on | and second in the sixth with none but Gilbert flied out to centre, B; forced McDonald at second and P popped an easy fly to first base. McElroy, leadâ€"off man for ; greaves in thy> soventh, smashed a triple between left and centre and ter the next two hitters had lined to Normies Hann at short, Perti got second extraâ€"base blow of the night when he doubled to left, scoring Mcâ€" Elroy. Jennings then flied out to Hann who made all three putâ€"outs of the inning. YOU CAN TELL EROLLED THIS "SMOKE" WITH VOGUE _ PURE WHITE ond in th bert flied McDonald 21D cf 8 88 BOX sSCORE Wrightâ€"Hargreaves AB â€"R â€" CE iffair wa 38 MceIntyre 34 208 ntyr> men on first xth with none out, t to centre, Baker . second and Elias to first base. _ man for ‘Harâ€" th, smashed a long ind centre and afâ€" tters had lined out short, Perti got his llow of the night 1 in ninth inning. in ninth inning mediocre exhibiâ€" a« * m ww

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