at the end of the month to position with a large and ir firm in Montreal dealing in m and supplies. At the regular meeting of the band on Mond Mr. Wolino‘s resignation was and accepted with very keer In The Advanc F. J. Woino, for popular and su Timmins Citizen: @000000000000000000000000000000000000000.0000000000000000000000000000000000 0% @686 Ah. One pad kills flies all day and every day for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 pads in each packet, No spraying, no stickiness, no bad odor. Ask your Druggist, Grocery or General Store. wWHY PAY V THE WILSON FLY PAD CO The large group abov tion of the Canadian picture were in the j and Kirkland Lake o (l@o. Liake, publishel 35 Kimberley Ave., Timmins We Deliver Phone 298 or 169 1# 4@Â¥ Â¥ 00# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 4 0 0 44 0040400 04444 49 4 9 8 4 4 44 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 9 4 0 00 0 40 006090 6008 4 8 4 4 0 4 9 9 8 % 6 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHY PAY MORE? Butter, No. 1, per Sugar, 10 Ibs. PLAIN Quaker Oats, pkg. Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. QUAKER Soap Flakes, 2 pkgs. Pears. 3 tms â€" â€" > 276 Peas, No.4,3 tins â€" â€" 25¢ Sliced Pineapple, 3 tins â€" 31¢ ONTARIO Sweet Corn, 3 tins â€" â€" 25¢ Sweet Pickles, 27 oz. jpar 21¢ Coffee, per Ib. PACE FOUR PRINCESS STANDARD QUALITY Tea, per Ib. EMPIRE MEAT MARKET MOTHER PARKER ORA N GE Marmalade, 4â€"Ib. parll â€" 45¢ 3 CI1NIZET end of otatoes, 90â€"Ib. bag TEN YEARS, AGO IN TIMMINS * o Podtolis sn P Redles oR ds o dts stosl * Y *% /Â¥ tC C c TD ha > es n | W CC Values Effective WED., THURS., FRL SAT. From data in the Porcupine Advance Fylese Week} 11 it Hamilton, Out ader of ihne leaving town 1 to take a en regrel most effi imnportant nachinery *‘ monthivy day night ) received e members and their ladies attending ewspaper Association. Practically all ng the North Land last week, visitin /.. At Tiummins they were the guests ldvance, while in the evening the v is a public one. ‘"‘There was a said The Advan came by road rig ida. â€" Itâ€"was a C1 10 a bee cient and many other will be gre Flor four IUNE 8TH to 11TH inclusive. . ~2°8C¢ 50¢ 1€ 1 The Advance ten years ago, °UH ie by road right through from Fl It was a Chevrolet coupe, and F n on tour for three months, maki trip north by easy stages. T rida car reached here shortly af r on Monday afternoon and left be greatly missed and th very general regret at his : leader of the band he h: and maintained the band st organization of its kind reatly JC years azo 1O 1 for St. Ma ent were ent »> desire to | reatest servic MclIinnis w appreciated in town Mr. . sed and ther easy stages. 1nc here shortly after rnoon and left on Milk, 3 tins â€" â€" Salt, per box _â€" â€" Corn Starch, 2 boxes Wax Paper, each _ â€" Miracle Whip, 16 07. jar SCHNE DER‘S Plum Jam, 4â€"Ib. pail Sliced Bacon, per Ib. Ivory Soap, 4 bars _ â€" Tomatoe Juice, 5 tins Corn Syrup, 5â€"lIb. pail DOROTHY or CANADIAN MAID FACIAL Balogna, 2 lbs. 100â€"FPT. ROLLS ROLL FILLE Round Steak, per Ib. Veal, per Ib. /isiting Timmins on ] iests during the day the visitors were guc leme Hams, per ill of th« WE m O built in Th D1 he In WEEKLY NEWSPAPERMEN AND LADIES VISITING TIMMINS LAST WEEK. I duced." said one {erman, on 1ne Annuail seil field meset for Dist Ontario, was held vears ago. Thirtee _ convenâ€" wn in t on lay of Mr seven inche those trout that fist You know, one of th but for which proof duced." said one well Mt._PF. ~~N. â€" W1A iught one of thi re ird al P. N. Whaley ten years ago one of the finest speckled trout ken in this North It was at Wawaitin by Mr. Whailey as entered in The Star contest iumim>r. This beauty weighed pounds and was just 232% from tip to tip. Many oldâ€" ishermen who saw this trout its â€" capture . enthusiastica‘ly that for size and quality it was o beat. "It looks like one of rout that fishermen tell about. morning for the south again. ty from Florida were greatly d with the North Land. They a most interesting. couniry, ccause it was so different ‘rom though they found the weathâ€" h behind the honour at a banquet given by the Timmins board of trade. Mrs. Geo. LaK the ladies in the party at luncheon on Friday. While some of the ladies in the accompanied their husbands who are newspaper publlshexs or editors, other workers in the newspaper business, several of them being publishers of new 1€ »rmen tell about se that get away can not be pro known local fish local 1ï¬ atch ten y > weather in this time of 19¢ iC alb 19¢ ® )C HE PORCUPINE ADVANCER, THWMINXs, ONTARIO and showed pleasing progress and deâ€"| velopment along all lines. ‘ In The Advance ten years ago: new company recently formed and- known as the Northern Ontario China | Clay Corporation is expected to dn much in assisting the developing cf the country north of Cochrane. For long time there has been talk of the possibilities of the china clay industry but the matter has hitherto ended in talk. The Northern Ontario China Clay Corporation, however, appears to be ready to do something in practical way. At the present time the comâ€" pany is arranging for financâ€" ing, shares being offered the publisc, and a prospectus issued covering the various features of the enterprise. There is general agreement that there is a large and profitable field for such an d Sn omm e mm n cen enc an omm znc u. . mm io industry, provided there is sufficien the product, and the promoters of enterprise are quite confident that only are the deposits of large ex but also that they are of unust fine quality." At police court ten years ago Ms trate Atkinson assessed one young | $25.C00 and costs for reckless dri The reckless driving consisted ch in running the auto on the side for a block or two, this being a fo( voung fellow‘s idea of somet yvyoung smart Th The big event at South Porcupine ten years ago was the children‘s dress ball, given by Mrs. R. B. Simms ‘juven:le pupils in the High School hall. It opened with the grand march led by two winsome tots, Dulcie Bell and Myra Cantor, and was followed up with a very interesting group of dances, all the children being wonderfully adapted for the parts they performed. The full total of a donzen lives was recorded in the North Land ten years is part of a letter wrilâ€" Bradette, M.P. for this to comments made by 11 vears ago. "Sir:â€"] n years ago Magisâ€" ssed one young mar or reckless drivin« mss consisted chief; ito on the sidewal) this being a foolisi dea â€" of _ somethins very satisfacâ€" was received by the shareâ€" It dealt witn arch 31st, 1928, on Woodâ€"| mar ervice for | s relatives | wore tian tm e cess h1 b_\" 11 of ago as directly to _ dIsa st accidents. The 12»;$ Kiwanis â€" hotel ten Mr. C. aG WNAICAh UAGQ IISLb OQOL IIUIIIUVCIS® Wado suvull)" fully and pleasingly presented. Among news of local interest in Tlic Advance of ten years ago were: "Reyv. J. D. Parks is in Toronto this week attending the United Church ence there."" "Mayor E. L. Longmore is on a trip to Toronto and other poin ts south." "Miss Wilfred Chenier reâ€" turned home on Monday from Cobait after attending the funeral of heyr father."‘ "Mr. A. J. Shragge, who took ill suddenly on Sunday, is in Montreal this week for specialists‘ treatment. Mr. Shragge‘s son, Jerome, who is also in a Montreal hospital with pneumon.a is making splendid progress to oreâ€" COvVvEe ery New Liskeard, June 8.â€"A qiuet, pretâ€" ty June wedding was solemnized here Wednesday afternoon, when Mary Elizâ€" abeth, daughter of Mr. and Myrs. P Stewart, Clinton, Ont., was united in marriage to Frederick G. Smith, Timâ€" mins, son Oof the late Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smith, Newcastleâ€"onâ€"Tyne, Engâ€" land. Rev. T. E. Holling of the United Church officiated at the ceremony. Attired in a powder blue suit with navy blue accessories and wearing a corsage of Talisman roses and lilyâ€"ofâ€" theâ€"valley, the bride was given in marriage by William Wright. She was attended by Miss Evelyn Pollock, who wore a suit of beigs with brown acâ€" cessories and a corsage of roses. The groom was attended by J. B. Robinson. Later a wedding party was held at the "Caragana" on Lake Shore Drive which was beautifully decorated with roses and lilvâ€"Oofâ€"theâ€"valley for the ocâ€" The popular young couple who are well known here, later left for a honâ€" eymoon in the south. They will take up residence in Noranda, Que., upor. their return. North Bay Nugget:â€"If nothing else, the probe into Hydro power contracts is affording the people an insight into the Hepburnâ€"Roebuck relations before and after the great parting of ways. Such friendlv friends! Wedding at New Liskeard on Saturday Afternoon Lake entertained the party simply thers were actual teT ular eal‘s a| Keddit papers CE )1 ‘ting of the held at th o with the | in the cha present. At indirectiy tracea». z from swimming the day were Mr. Liskeard, and Mr. Marie, both of but pleasing adâ€" Mr. Byam told s and aims of the the nair, i Amon Bï¬ato above was taken in front of the handsome new W. H. Wright building, the ne of The Globe and Mail Those attending the convention were shown through Th and Mail building and were much impressed with its magnificent accommodation remarkable plant. The picture is reproduced through the courtesy of The Globe a ong ths? ere Mr. and Mr. both of @3111 Iroquois Falls, Ont., June 6.â€" (Spe cial to The Advance)â€"In deep appre ciation of their splendid. association during the past six years, the Iroquoi Falls BRand sponsored a banguet an farewell gatherine in the Devonshir Falls RBand sponsored a farewell gathering in the Restaurant, on Saturday bid gcodâ€"bye to their m Bandmaster, Mr. A. Doal leaving here shortly. Als< two members of the band and Albert Sandrin. Their leaving here will greatly af fect the community, for by their de parture the band will cease to contin ue. Labour Day, the First of July, an many cther festive occasions will no seem the same without the band, an there will always be something lackin for the music lovers here. Honour Bandmaster Iroquors Falls Band A most delicious turkey dinner, with all the enjoyable trimmings, was served to the members, and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The meal was prepared by Mr. Morrison and his staff, and was termed as tasty beyond words. Possibly no one will feel the effect of breaking lup this unit, as much £s Mr. Delean, who organized the band six years ago, and since that time has tirelessly continued to coâ€"operate with the members. He taught all his newâ€" comets individually, donating all his spare timse to this great cause. Those assembled wished Mr. Delsan and the two Sandrin boys every sucâ€" cess in their nsew venture, and hoped that at some early date they woula again b> able to renew their acquainâ€" Other News from TIroquois Falls and Daistrict. sIX years ago tirelessly con the members comets indiv spare timse to Following < took Mrs. Sec her home in day, June 3rc Mrs. Robinson was born in Boal view, Ontario, and whilé still an it fant, had come to Porquis Junctio where she has remained for the pa 20 ~years. Funeral preparations were Funeral preparations were laker care of by the R. W. Smith funeral parlours, Ansonville, the fluneral being I1>ld on Sunday, June 5th, from the Porquis Junction United Church, whers Rev. D. Tempany, of Cochrane, conâ€" ducted the service. ducted t Interm:« tion cem Pall bearers were T. Graham, C Arnott, S. Graham, M. Whitmill, . Kyde, and C. Hutson. Surviving Mrs. Robinson are: M Robinson, husband; one daughte Olive; father and mother, Mr. and Myi William Hilts, of Kelso; three siste: Mrs. G. Graham, Latchford, Mrs. Graham, Toronto, Mrs. Percy Bigia Kelso:;: one brother, Mr. J. Hilts . Kelso. ITNOSe asse ind the two ‘ess in their hat at som igain be abl ance. Interment w tion cemetery. Pall bearers Arnott, S. GI Kyde, and C. Attending the funeral were the surâ€" vivors, and Mr. A. Robinson, North Bay; Mrs. T. Knight, Feronia; Mr. and Mrs. G. Granam, Latchford: Mrs. H Disher, South Porcupine, and Mrs. T. J. Coghlan, of Cochrane. Obituary g a lingering illness, death Secord Robinsqn. aged 29, at in Porquis Junction on Friâ€" Aa s heir much A . Doalean it the Porquis Jun( rn, WAo 1i leaving are Mtr. Arthu vonshir ning, t admir»; who i take funer id i1 QuC ed. Convocation : delivered by Dr.: H. A. of Quzsen‘s Theological ston,‘ and awards and year‘s work <~will be p1 the course of the da; presided over by Dr. principal of the Albert n the Bi inspirin whaen histor Closing 80th Year of Albert College June 9th in litional €£PmMmOn On Sunda To Albert levil ting the THURSDpAY. 9TH High Seas 4 CRUISES ‘\ WeA Y AS LOW AS 75 ROUND TRIP SAILINS {som MOXKTREAL 16, 26â€"Mug. 5, 15 to NEW YORX and RETURN with reservyatiuns hA . ‘or â€"further information apply Local Agents or toâ€" Canadian Paucific Steamships, 87 <Main St. W. North Havy. OUnt. @ NINE glorio thrilling nights swWinming, S deck sports, t carefree comn A whole day and evening in New York to shop and see the sights . . . the ship your hotel. No passports needed. Duchess or Fltboll rest and relax @Aw;@fl G’)aa/p Man Famous transâ€"Atiantle liner â€"â€" 30. G00 tons displazsement idge Stre Dr.â€" K. W in your vacation around e of these four romantic ir / by" Dr.. " Biart the Albert Colleg ervice ant on th AfS ... . sSnip YOur No passports needed. at old Quebec on iy home,. Make your W AI ilx1ies, musiC, iny. Or simply in the sun. Unit is days and prize the new home gh The Globe dation and its 114 vocation day lasses in the be graduatâ€" Iress will be nt, principal )llege, Kingâ€" izes for the nted during proceedings, rt Howard, be and Mail nts culmin 1. Thiursday tended ront of notable iching the Ccin § W marked tTAâ€" s held hurch, prin ts