PAGE EIGHT ioys' flabby Jones Caps. tailored just like Dad's. Dunne- gals. pattern twccds, (:tc. Boys‘ pu per no Sweater: of Jcrsc; two and more. Boys' Junior Shirts for U or lad. Rtg: f:.::.:.:. 622.: Q 4...; .3 ESL z. 4:; .5qu .2: :3 3.1.7. .37.:._ ...::...L .19...»â€" with contrast trim \V ( brown or Met ribt “’0 ( W 81 Spat ‘ L K Men’ m'ev or f a“ trays Dept i055 Better quality Boys' W car will be found at Bowie’s and mothers will practice real thrift by purchasing the rmiluirements for their h o y :5 (luring-2; Bowie's 17th Anni- versary Sale. ons’ Sweaters SHERTS )9 BOYS’ CAPS DU “ pullover | product Ltd. Buy Mar IV Hullll9~ (“01135, c l-..\('H mall 31 yth ll'l‘ 79c for .49 (’lcaram'o of men's (wood (‘ups in Eaislern and Brill makf‘s. Various patterns and sizes EACH in Men}; fine Dress (ilwcs with a ribbed wool lining. Dome or gauntlet style. Just the thim,r for the cold winter days .............. Bit: ussortmvnt men's fine dress capeskin Gloves in English tan, way or cream. Clear- In silks In reversible effect (ler ends. ............... Men's finer knit ribbed wool IT’S NOT the years that count, but how you - spend them. We Have Spent Ours in IMPROVING ()UR SERVICE .‘uut S\\'eaters and SELLING QUALITY MERCHANDISE That Is ALWAYS A STRII)E AHEAD IN STYLE AND VALUE Quality Thirsty English Towels Q I] m 'd I] Men‘s Coat. Sweaters Cit Men’s Dréss Gloves Men’s Fine Imported Worsted Suits. A pro- duct of Fashion Craft. Men’s All Wool Wor- sted Suits. Broken slzes, clearlng ................ Men’s English Worsted Suits in Pattern or stripe effect. Tailored by Fashion Craft. .......... EXTRA PANTS $5.00 MPII'S Fine English ('oaliugs in Mecca: and ()vm'checks lmmacuatcly Tuilnred by Fashion Craft Men's Fine Silvcrtoncs in Overchecks and English Meltons Spm'ial Value Mrn‘s Fashion (‘raft Overcoats in Chinchilla", letons. Frt'ize ('loths‘ Regular or Storm Collars ('lcaring Lin“. Odd sizes ('hinchlllas and Silvortones Special Values Overcoats The Biggest Selection of ()vereoats in the Distrie shmeres or fine wool 200 PAIRS Men’s Fancy Pure Wool MENS’ SUITS Men’s Scarves Men’s Caps HOSE Neat b01 Ta 1.89 26.95 2.95 1.49 $1.00 pr. 14.95 17.95 24.95 27.95 16.95 19.95 590 55c Men" 11 ish Linen Hand- kerchiefs Lienume b'ur Maker’s name Values to $5.00 Men’s real fine sheer linen Handkerchiefs with hand- 1‘011ed borders. This is real value ........................................ Jay a They are Christmz I'E'cl Handkerchiefs Breaks. A Northern f or dural Men's Chopper Thumb Alas.- ka Horsehide Pullover Mitts Reg. $1.00 ................................ Men's Warren Knit pure wool Coat Sweaters in plain col' ours or border effect; Clearing; at. .................. Men’s, Gold Top pure wool W ork Sox. I500 Sale Opens: Friday, Oct. 22nd continues till Sat. Nov. 6th (0-day. l’re-eminence is not achieved by words or claims. It is the reward of consistent and distinguished service. The slow. solid growth of years of outstanding accomplishment. l’re-eminence demands more than originality; solid. dependable Quality is a factor. too. In more than seventeen years of merchandising history. Howie’s has never faltered in insistence on quality, not to sell at a price but primarily to give value first. By strictly adhering to the ideal of its founderâ€"that is why Bowie‘s can justly claim pre-eminence THE POIHT value supply Here Is Real Value! Men’s Hats all ah Fur Felt Hats. name withheld. ir 0r 2} pairs for JU'tt the kind for the winters. and built (‘oat h] plain col“ . Jthn'tï¬Tects. Breeks PINE ngvr Cloth for ADT' ANCE. W8. ONTARIO Ireâ€"Eminence. 1.00 3.79 69c .95 for Men's. pure w and dome tyl Windbreaker Anniversary Palmer's Hi-cut W01 Bootsâ€"Full double sewed sole with Mens all \\ 001 V Trousers 1n plain pattern effect. saving on these. waterproof weft Men’s all \x 001 tueed Trousers m various Shades. Clearing at. iFYUUSOVAin \aiuu1 :2:‘E)E; I‘ ' (1(111“ hhzukwa mi foo Men‘s :1†Vin-'11 \.H'1 7Frousvrsin ph1h1<q' f!) ]l" pattern eï¬XwQ. .\ rvui '8. sav1ng'<41 InusvflNnm._. 31811.5 plii'i' Wm»! ggipféu'l' and (101110 1.1-1.1. 9 qt; ‘IY‘ ‘1 ‘ _ ‘ WORK DEPT. Men’s Broadcloth Py j amas Men‘s Fine Initiallml Halldkk‘l'ChiL‘f 79c clearingr C. V. KEARNS, Nigr 1D Men’s Handkerchiefs Arruwwt ('2, Ears \ll [{cguiar Stock. N!) ‘2. for seconds or sub-staml’ds Sizes 11 in 17": mymzm:mmm _ mm ' in ‘cl 300 Guaranteed J.“ the [alt box Broken Lines and Sizes Men's Hard Col- lars clearmg Clearance COLLARS patterns with “mud or 9.95 fJiIL‘h TIMMINS a PHONE 329 15-A PINE STREET, NORTH The Ideal Giltfor him appru‘intv more than a Packard Elt‘rtrtt‘ Razor. They are smooth and kind tn the tam Start your payments now and buy on our Christmas Budget plan. What Would Any Man NO APPROVALS N0 CHARGES ON SALE MERCHANDISE Big assortment of men’s fine suede 0r ghwe leather Wmd- breakers. This is real valueL... made by Watson’s Men's Zipper Neck I’ullove1 Swze 1te1xsi11 111119 wool botany. Men’s Balbriggan Combinations, Men’s Leather Windbreakers REGULAR $1.00 QUALITY S'I‘OCK UP NOW FOR CHRISTMAS LIMITED A large assemblage of colours and patterns SDAY. ( 200 FORSYTH SILK NECK TIES 9 H For TUBE} 1 5.60 $1.25 E ac .95 .95 h 13