*_Man Walking on Road Struck by Car and Digs Later in St. Mary‘s Hospital. Damage and Injury Resulted From Another Road Accident Near South Porcupine. Other South Porcupine and Dome News Mr. R. Langdon is building a very nice home at the west end of Powell avenue. He intends cc@-flon at the Mr. Harold Smith flew to Toronto this weekâ€"end to meet Mrs. Lanning @and daughter of Cochrane, who are reâ€" turning from a two months‘ vacation in Europe. They will fly direct to Ceochrans from Montreal. Don‘t forget the Eastern Star bridge party at the Masonic hall next Wedâ€" nesday night. Mrs. C. McIinnis left on Monday for Perth, Toronto and other points. She was accompanied by Billy who will atâ€" tend schcol in Toronto this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wood are on : vacation in Toronto and points south. The AY.F.A. sgems to have started | the fall session with a good deal of enthusiasm. On Wednesday evening ‘ about twentyâ€"five of the young people held a corn rsast at Sandy Point and a good time was had by all. South Porgupine, Sept. 11.â€"(Special to The Advance)â€"The death occutrred on Friday (10th) of the baby daughter of Mr. and m's George Kautman, aged exactly nine mon.ths Little Patricia had been \e ‘si:k with summer comâ€" plaint and d'S'sentery for some days, and in spite:, of every effort to save her life, including a blood transfusion, the little mite passed on on Friday at the h¢meâ€"of har grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kaufman, Crawford street. Sirsere sympathy is extended to | the young prents, who are left with cne older ch ld (Raymond, aged 2% years) to co ,1e them. The funeral . will take place on Sundsy afternoon at 2 o‘cock. from the house, â€" the Lutheran minister officiating. The schcol tennis tournament to de-l cide the winners and champions for the Hizh School took place this mom-; ing on the @ourts at the Dome. The resulting do bles champions are: Ar-’ thur Moyle ‘and Bill Murphy, boys‘ champions, and Marjorie Costain and Louise Kellow, girls‘ champions. Fatal Motor Accident Near. South Porcupine WW.% k for ; n on Fall and Winte Stretching and Limbering MARGARET EASTON SCHOOL OF DANCING Studio: 76 Maple Street S. Phone 1157 YA lSTEPS TO SUCCESS .. «t â€" ir bridge xt Wedâ€" nday for ats. She _will atâ€" inter. Toronto Lanning l VUAL LC Mi been . heme Mr: have ervill iLaks. Mrs the t |_ mr. National and Ballroom Spanish Castanet and Flamengo | Acrobatic Dancing "American Tap Rhythm Mr. and Mrs. Adamson, with Jean and returned on Sunday from holiday at Wasaga Bsach. They were by Mrs. Cassie, of Dunâ€" dalk, who will reside on Bruce avenue, and makes her home in South Porecuâ€" pine. Mrs. Price, of Cobalt, is visiting at the home of Mr. Roy Price, of Lakeâ€" view. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pearc2, who have been on vazation in Montreal, came hceme on Monday. Mrs. Ken Kilburn and children, who have been visiting Dr. and Mrs. Somâ€" erville, left toâ€"day for home in Larder Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rogers and Gerâ€" 2idine, of Etrachar avenue, have reâ€" turned from hcliday spent in Cobalt. Mrs. Bray, who has been visiting her native Szotland for the past two months, returned home this week. Mr. Pat Cole, of Dome Extension, left on Saturday for holiday in Vinâ€" ton, Que., and Detroit for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E; Pelkie,. with Miss Edna Dillon and Mrs. K. Deacon. left on Saturday for a vacation in Latchâ€" ford, Toronto and Niagara Falls, Mr. Cletus Bowie of Campbell‘s Bay is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Cahill. Mrs. Morris, of Kirkla:nd Lake, is a weekâ€"end visitor at the home of Mrs. A. Stevenson, Rae avenue. Little Jimmy Hall, of the Dome, is recuprerating from tonsilâ€"cpsration toâ€" in Tisdale hospital. Litile Mary Kemsley celebrated her ninth birthday She enâ€" tertaincd a number of her small friends to a lovely birthday party and tea at the home of her parents, Mr. ard Mrs. Charles Kemsley, Dome Mr. Edwin Pirie, of Shawville, spent the weekâ€"end with his sister, Mrs. Gecorge Helmer, while in camp on busiâ€" end of the month. Ballet and Aesthetic ncorth, leff Sunday afternoon for a two weeks‘ holiday to visit her sister, Mrs. C. Gauthier, in Cornwall, and also to visit in Montreal. She will return home with Mr. Moncton‘s mother, from Engâ€" The ‘body was taken to Hunkin‘s funeral â€"parlours and was toâ€"day shipped to Sudbury, where the man‘s wife (he had only been married four mcx=‘ths) lives. Facts are not fully disclosed but it is thought that the man was hitchâ€" hiking, and approacthed too close to the front of the car. The driver stopped and did what was possible, but the genâ€" eral idea is that the man himself was at fault. This man was walking towards South Porcupine when the car struck him, the hsadlight catcthing his head and throwing him into the ditch. The driver, Richard Dainton, was not sericusly hurt. In the impact with the bus, Paul Panasuki of South Porcupine who was sitting by the door of the bus, was injured, his knee being hurt. Mr. Dainton is from Schumacher. Fatal Accident A fatal accident occurred around 9.30 p.m. on Thursday on the highway above Helmer‘s farm on Crawford strest, when Neikki Maki was struck by ‘a car, receiving injuries which caused his death in St. Mary‘s hosâ€" pital a few hours later. Mrs. Ranta, of Timmins, who was sitting with the driver, was shot through the windshield onto the highâ€" way, and was rushed to the Tisdale hospital where her condition toâ€"day is reported as fair. Th coups was proceding to Timâ€" mins from the Dome and hit the bus in a headâ€"on collision just as it turned int> the ‘highway at the foot of the Foleyâ€"O‘Brien hill. The wet clay at this spot may have caused the car to glide as the driver turned west. Motor Accident A serious accident oc:urred on the highway on Friday evening which inâ€" jured two pozsple severely, and smashed up a Chevrolet coupe besides damagâ€" ing the front door of one of Dalton‘s Mrs. Frank Findlay, of New Liskeard, was a welcome visitor in town last week. Mrs. S. Bartliett and daughter, of Toronto, are visitors at the home of Mrs. Vary, Buffaloâ€"Ankerite â€"Mine. with it a baby skunk. There are now sericus problems ahead of Commercial avenue, as it is feared that the skunk and its babies are located near that hen house for the winter. Incidentally, the hen was dead! Miss Genevieve Summers, of Timâ€" mins, has been appointed by the board of the Buffaloâ€"Ankerite school to téach this winter with Miss Margaret Lloyd. Schcol has not yet commenced for the children of this schol as the company is adding a wing and cement basement to the schcolhouse and the work is not yet completed. | and tbetween them they managed to gently move the animal on without inâ€" curring its severe displeasure. It nonâ€" in a quandaryâ€"either of two evils conâ€" fronted hereâ€"she must lose the hen or incur the disdain of the skunk. She did the next best thing: she ran for We are glad to report that Miss Lily Eva Rohrich, of Chicago, was present at the funeral, and cousin, John Kebs-' lering, of South Porcupine, his enly ither relative in this country, and the widow were the mourners. %: . 50 Six of his coâ€"workers, employew’d; he Paymaster Mine, acted as pall= South Porcupine, Sept. 12.â€"(Special o The Advance)â€"The funeral of Jeseph Rohrich, who met his death at he Paymaster Mine last week, took place on Friday at 10 a.m. from Hunâ€" gin‘s Funeral Parlours to the Cathalic where a requiem mass was said Burial of Man »whoâ€"Met Arrangements were â€" mada for ... the Presbyterial Executive which,, meets here early in October when officers are »xpected . from . Hearst,, Matheson, Monâ€" teith, Cochrammo ‘rom South; Porcupine and Schumachâ€" FuneralJ. Rohrich .: at South Parcup.me The next regular W.M.S. Auxiliary will be hsld,.on the second Thursday in October at three »‘olccok.. Visitors and inleresated friends are most cordially invited. â€", ._., ;;; At Waskesiu on Nighthawk Lake near Connaught, thirtyâ€"two Timmins irls. spent an enjcoyable and profitable ten dGays with Mrs. McCurdy. of Toronâ€" to as director. Mrs. Arthur Jackson, Presbyterial secretary of Christian Stewardship and Finance, â€"gave a most impressive talk on our stewardship of the: time, talent and money which has been given to 2ach one in trust; of our realization of God‘s ownership and of keeping faith. Just before the meeting closed, Mrs. Charbonneau on behalf of the Auxilâ€" ‘ary presented Mrs. H. L. Travers with 2 Life Membership in the W.M.S. Mrs. Travers hes given outstandingz service as secretary for many years. The memâ€" sers chose this way.of expressing their deep appreciation. Mrs. . Traver. was sompetely taken unawares but replied ‘eelingly and most fittingly. Tillicum, at North Bay, was atteik by Miss Jean Macdonald, presiden»t ‘of the Timmins groups C.G.I.T., while at Camp Lorraine, on Lake Temiskaming, were three girls from Timmins, Misses Jean Gordon, Kathleen McInnis and Ethel Bateman. Camp council at Normandale on Lake Erie for prospective leaders for CG.ILT. was attended ‘by 74 of the very brightest Canadian Girls in Trajn- ‘ng. _ In Hanna Township this year they have marvellous gardensâ€"and there is road work which means ready cash. At Fauquier where there are many backâ€" toâ€"theâ€"land settlers. from Oshawa disâ€" trict, they have a wellâ€"kept schoolâ€" house. : Miss Smyth brought along with her to the meeting mounted snapshots" of the various camps which proved most interesting. It was her privilege to atâ€" tend the leaders‘ camp with such splendid stafif, held at Vail‘s Point on Georgian Bay, a delightful spot owned by the Kiwanis Club of Cwen Sound. ~ In one place the boys all made milk stools. In:another they formed a boys‘ mouth organhand. :Net the:least, looked forward ~to part»of ~theâ€"school is the visiting in the homesâ€"homes in many cases sutch examples of courage and enthusiasm. . The splendid hospitality wh‘.ch enriched both the giver and reâ€" ceiver and fortibly brings home the thought, "We‘d love each other better i1 only, we. understood." ous. the way to Kapuskasing. They serve all alike, Catholic, Latter Day Saint, United Church, any who care to come â€"and apparently they all care. ;. Many worth . while projects,; e planned by the school and mtroduoed visit.rs. The president, Mrs. Monck; Ihâ€" troduced and specially welcomed ‘Mirs. Mustard as new mistress of the mafisé. Following the opening worship pet lod, Mrs, Coulson gave a most interest> ing and comprehensive report of the Presbyterial meeting in Hearst in June to which she had been the Timmins delegate. Mrs. Coulson‘s account of proceedings there made that meeting very real to those who were not privie, leged to attend. . Miss Susie Smyt.h W.M 5. worl;gq a.nd miss. onary-at-large for the North, tola scmething of her summer‘s work in girls‘ camps and vacation . schools, which play such‘a part in ‘the life of. ‘the community throughout, the North and which Miss Smyth with _A Tovneimp Aegs f“qï¬néfl? tall é?m}i Fauâ€" amen Aveâ€" ied ho MEA on W.M.S. Hear Re; of Unusual Int Reports on Presbyterigl Meeting, Summer Canips, Schools, etc., at Women‘s Missionary Society * * Ore of the Senior provincial campés, Death at Paymaster Lafl'c Week. 2p9 10 } Kelly acted as usher. s The bride‘s mother was attractively .attired ir navy sheer with corsage of ‘sweet peas, and was assisted in receivâ€" "ing by the groom‘s mother, who wore ‘A becnming gown of green crepe with corsage Of yellow roses. basket of sweet peas. The groom was attended by his broâ€" them ‘Mr, Gordon Davis, and Mr. Geo. (From Noerthern News) Ruth Yuella Davis, second daughter C Mi. and Mrs. Gilbert Davis, and Lawscn Cavis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gecrge Davis, Kirkland Lake, were ;mnited in marriage at a very pretty wedd‘ng: at the home of the bride‘s {parents Government Road West, at 4 Cc‘clock Saturday afternoon, September 4,., Rev.. W. R. Clements. of Swastika Uniled Church was the officiating Ccergyr an Giladioli, asters, roses, ; @s®and other lateâ€"summer flowers uued' to decorate the home and | ade an attractive setting for the cereâ€" gn sgc'noe!s. f Further measures taken by the local Bcard of Health include the antiseptic spraying of all pupils of the convent atterded by the patient and the investigation: by the medical officer of health of all nonâ€"attending pupils at The District Forestry Department have everything in readiness to speedily move the young patient to Toronto Sick Children‘s Hospital,, should treatment at that institution become necessary. Wedded at Kirkland Lake, C to Reside in Timmins how the disease was contacted. _A sample of spinal fiuid has been forwardâ€" ed to Toronto for analysis. C:agnosed as paralysis late Wednesâ€" day :iternomn, a rush order was sent to Toronto for serum to combat the disease and late ‘Wednesday evening a plane landed with a supply at Conâ€" naught. The serum was brought to Cochrane by special motor car and the serum was administered m)mediqately. Stringent regulations wereâ€" enforced by the local Board of Health in preâ€" catutionary quarantine and the nhouse in which the young girl lies is guarded day and right in an efl’ort to halt the spread of the disease. Cochrane, Ont., Sept. 11thâ€"In reâ€" sponse to an urgent call to Toronto when an infantile paralysis case deâ€" veloped in Cochrane Wednesday, a quantity of serum was rushed from the cuthern Ontario city by airplane. Only four hours elapsed from the time the telephone call was made until the serum arrived via plane to Connaught and special motor car to Cochrane. j Unable Find Contact Authorities have been unable to trace source of contact in the case of infanâ€" tile paralysis. The victim, an eightâ€" yearâ€"old girl, named Savard, and her family were unable to give any light on‘ Th brids, given in marriage by her at ; was charming in a gown of hwmght blue velvet with halo hat to patch. ard carried a bouquet of Ameriâ€" an Beauty roses. She was attended by er sister, Miss Edna Davis, who wore Iovely frock of rose romance velvet nd matching turban, and carried Talâ€" sman rcses,. Little Miss Kathleen Kelly, owned in pink organdie, made A harming flower girl and carried a Virginia Jubilee Singers, famous radio.andâ€"concert artists, who delighted Timmins crowds at two previous apâ€" pearances, are to be at the <United Church this evening and toâ€"morrow evening, under the auspices of the Unitâ€" ed Church Choir. NJ lover of music or the finest entertainment should miss the Virginia Jubilee Singers. The conâ€" cert each night commences at 8.15 p.m. Serum Rushed by Airplane to and from There to Cochrane by Moâ€" tor Car. Infantile Paralysis ~Patient in Cochrane Jubilee Singers Here and Toâ€"morrow 3 JS J f¢ Adeal Hardware Co. Ltd. n d sc =â€"â€" Licenses Obtainable Here â€"â€"Also a Complete Stock of Hunting Suppliesâ€"â€" 62 Third Avenue The Ideal Hardware is a paradise for Hunters > when selecting your Hunting Equipment. We have made careful purchase of every item you will nesd to make your hunting trip a success this seagon, so don‘t forget to stock up and get your license and necessary equipment at the Ideal Hardware. Th plan, which has received the careful consideration and favourable comment of a gcod many ardent deâ€" vo‘ees of the game, would ‘be to unite the Porcupine and the Kirkland Disâ€" trict League in one. There have been some good games in the camp this season <but. attendance On Saturday, September 25th, the Northern Ontario Football Association will meet in Timmins. That would be the time to suggest a plan which might have the effect of retrieving the public irterest in soccer, which, if ors may Judge by the attendance at games in the camp this season, has been pracâ€" tically lost. The final league soccer standing, which was released yesterday, put Dome at the top of the list with 13 points. Second is MciIntyre. This means that Dome and MciIntyre will play off for the league title: McIntyre, in secâ€" ond place, garnered eight points and Hollinger got three. Dome scored nineteen goals during the season and was scored itgzainst nine times. The McIintyre team scored 16 goals and ‘had 10 scored against it. Hollinger scored six and had 21 Doms McIntyre Hollinger Following is the standing showing games played, won, lost and tied. Dome and McIntyre Play League Title Last week‘s winners were: 1st flight, Mrs. (Dr.) Harrison; 2nd fiight, Mrs. Pickering; 9 holes, Mrs. Weir Next Friday afternoon is C. L. G. U. and final rounds for the Robinson trophy and 9â€"hole spoon competition. Dome Leads Standing With Thirteen Points, McIntyre Next With Nine. Dome Scored Nineteen Goals There was an excellent turnout of players for, ladies day on Friday in spite of the threatening rain. Most of the ladies finished although there were several slight showers. Afternoon tea was enjoyed. 'I'he winners of the balls were: 1st flight, Mrs. Sippx ell; 2nd, flight, Mrs. R. Langdon South Porcuâ€" pine; 9 holes, Mrs. Harkness. Ladies Day at the Golf Club Friday Winners of Events. Next Friday Afternoon C. L. G. U. and Final Rounds Robinson Trophy. ~ _ *‘ TTIMMINS LADIES LIBERAL ASSOCIATION H. Chateauvert All Ladies are Cordially Invited _ MONDAY, SEPT. 13TH. â€"68 o‘clock In the Ladies Committee Rooms 11% PINE ST. SOUTH MEETING (Steven‘s Bowling Alley) Ammunition of All Kinds Hunting Knives Haversacks, Tents Cooking Utensils Woodmen‘s Hatchets, Etc. Season Opens September 15 The Cochrane District Firemen‘s Asâ€" soc‘:ation will meet on Seyit. 30. Meetâ€" ing place will be Iroquois Falls. Try The Advance Want Advertisements If the two leagues combined there would be eight teams playing. The league includes the Sons of England, the Sons of Scotland, Wrightâ€" Hargreaves, Lake Shore and Noranda. In the Porcupine camp there are the three mines, Doms, MciIntyre and Holâ€" linger. Before the plan could be put into effect there are a great many details that wculd have to be worked out. McIntyre â€" and Wright-Harg*vaes meet toâ€"day in what should be ripâ€" roaring ball game. The contest is quite likely to be a pitzher‘s battle between Goldsmith and Goldsmith, who was chased from the box by the heavy hitting Mac batters in the first game of the series at MciIntyre park, has provided ‘plenty of reason for Ike Solomon and his team to have headâ€" aches and there is no reason to believe that he won‘t be in good form toâ€"day. Goldsmith lost only one game in thirâ€" teen starts and that was the first game here. When he pithed again, in the third game of the series, he allowed the Macs only two hits. They may have better luck against him today. Here‘s hoping. DISTRICT OF COCHRANE FIREMEN TO MEET SEPT. 30 However, if it meant a revival of interâ€" est in the game, it would be worth the asscciation‘s while to get busy and find ways to overcome the difficulties. It is felt by a gcod many fans that the uniting of the two leagues would revive inlerest in the game. It is a well known fact that the fans will turn out to see an outside team play when they will stay at home when two local terams ara compsting, despite the fast that the local teams citen give the best exhikitions. has, to say the least, been very poor. Disccunting the official passes and Anâ€" nie Oakleys, whit‘h do not make a jJingle in the cash box, there have been not more than twenty fans at some of the best games of the season. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH, 1937 Phone 216