Vol. XXII. No. 38 Langdon Langdon Presidentâ€"Austin Ncame Serretary-Treasurcrâ€"W. D. Forrester PO. Box 1059. Timmins. Ont. Monthly general meetings of the above branch will be helcl in the Legion Hall. Timmins Arch.Gillies,B.A.Sc.,0.LS. Ontario Land Surveyor Building Plans Estimates, Etc. Old P.O. Bldg.. Timmins Phone 362 ARCHITECT 7 Reed Block Timmins Wl‘lb TERN ( ANAl): Service The Pioneer Paper of the Porcupine. Established 1912 ROUTESâ€"TM Arthur. Om 'edar Street South Passage Tickets also on sale, good in:â€" (a) tourist sleeping cars at approxi- mately the per mile, plus regular berth fare. (ln parlor and standard sleeping cars at approximately l'-_-c per mile. plus regular seat or berth fare. S'I‘OPOVERS was rescued 0er "CENT PER MILE hone 1650 DEAN KESTER, K.(,.‘.. CHARLES H. KERR . .l. Turner Sons, Ltd. PETERBOROUGH, ONT. Agents Everywhere Barristers. Solicitors. Notaries 4 MARSHALL-ECGLESTONE BUILDING Barrister. Solicitor. Etc. Bank of Commerce Building Tlmmins, Ont. Bascmc We Manufacture and Carry in Stock Schumacher Hi many others “11 nkr-4nnnu --v___. TENTS BtANKETs Ask Your Local Dealer for Price: or send your outer direcg to Sleeping (Tar Privileges M FLAGS "FACK mos HAVERSACKS EIDERDOWN SNOWSHOES ROBES DOG SLEIGHS SKIIS 'I‘OBOGGANS DOG HARNESS TARPAUIJNS HORSE TENTS BLANKETS Barristers. Solicitors. Etc MASSEY BLOCK TIMMINS. ONT. and South Porcupine Anase Seguin AVOCATâ€"BARRISTER NOTAIRE Hamilton Block BARBER SHOP .‘anadian Paciï¬c l). Paquette, proprietor THREE BARBERS IN ATTENDANCE :mcnt Reed Block, Timmins e Satisfaction Sanitation TO ALL STATIONS IN Good in Coaches only A. CALDBICK ;\ l’l’ROX [MAT El. Y $1116 Reference .er High School and :thcrs on request. DE LUKE Architect AWNINGS )I Arm W6 rest. in accordance ed States lines. PU Timmins .m alive Jter being cast (bout. food. He nsurance policy ad enough Dm- Ontario 44-26 01‘ 44-26 Ont 14 Published at Timminn. Jnt.. Caulk. Eve!) HONDAY und THURSDAY â€""""" considerable .inson. tional relic! 1 who the reducuc Port and 88. “he lFinancial Position of the Province Detailed in \nnounce- ‘; ment ‘lade by the (lov.ernment New Plan in Govern- ’ ment to \cquaint the People \\ 1th the Financial Status of the Province. Ontario’s Balance Sheet Presented to Taxpayers surplus and an equally substantial debt reduction. is brought to the attention of the readers of The Advance with the publication of the government's financial statement for the fiscal yearl just closed. †I Subject to widespread favourable comment when Hon. Mitchell F‘. Hep- burn. Prime Minister and Provinciall Treasurer. presented his budget in the‘ Legislature. Ontario's showing of an 65-} timated surplus of $7,000,000 after pay-l ing a relief bill of $12.500.000. was con- sidered remarkable in as much as it represented the first balanced budget in Canada since the depression. The complete picture. as revealed in the figures of the published statement. slicws the actual surplus to be much larger than Mr. Hepburn indicated. namely $9,313,938; and this after taking care of a relief bill, not of $12,500,000 only. but of $13,270,000. This more than justifies the 'com- ments which have already been made. not only in regard to the successful financing of the province's business for a year. but also with respect to the re- .sulting effect on Ontario's position in the financial markets of the world. as I well as the substantial relief it becomes possible to give to taxpayers of all w hich e classes. Action of the Treasury Department in publishing the statement in the press is a departure in government procedure and one which is designed to give promptly all the facts of the Pay-As- You-Go policy to the persons most in- terestedâ€"the taxpayers. Unprecedented Surplus Examination of the statement now confirms the fact that the surplus is twelve times the surplus budgeted for a year ago and achieved while other provinces were striving to borrow to meet current, expenditures. This is the Discussing the decrease in funded debt. experts agree that it has been ac- companied by a change in carrying charges even more revolutionary than the turning over from a 1936 deficit of $13,000,000 to a staggering surplus. It is pointed out that in the fiscal year ending in 1934. 42.62 cents out of every dollar cf revenue was required to meet the interest account. New. less than 26 cents out of the revenue dollar is necessary for this purpose. which means that instead of 57 cents remaining for the benefit of the people, there is avail- able a sum of 74 cents. . Attention is directed to the fact that the Treasury Bill debt has been low- ered by $12,000,000 and that the aver- age rate of interest is half that standâ€"l ing on the books in July, 1934. ‘ Another fact which is stressed is that 15-year money was obtained at home at the most favourable rate re- ceived by any province in a quarter of a. century. Bonds with an average ma- turity of 16': years. it is pointed out were sold at a cost of about 3‘:‘l~. the two issues reflecting the high credit enjoyed by the Province. Social Legislation Acclaimed Many of the budget announcements have been enthusiatsically acclaimed throughout the province by reason of the widespread benefits they represent. The highest commendation has been forthcoming from municipal councils as a result of the granting of a provincial subsidy to municipalities equal to one mill on the tax rate. At the same time, these councils have been enabled to re- duce taxation as a result. of the Pro- xince having relieved them from con- tributing to the cost of old age pen- sions and mothers“ allowance. The government's sympathetic attitude. so far as social legislation is concerned, is also reflected in the Premier's state- ment, endorsing the Dominion Govern- ment's decision to gram 1.)cnsions to l‘opresentix 51.900000 2‘ greetec In the “1 PE At. the same time. there has been considerable rejoicing over the addi- tional relief to rural municipalities in the reduction from 5 to 4‘"? in the in- terim rate charged under the Munici- pal Drainage Act and the Tile Drain- age Act. and the lowering of service charges tor Hydro to runners Political observers recall that even during its period of careful retrench- donal relief to m he reduction iron amt. rate charge: wal Drainage Act. we Act. and the )ll balance a redt IE 01' lance sheet of a business In ery person in Ontario is in- noteworthy for a substantiai nd an equally substantial debt , ts brought to the attention aaders of The Advance with ication of the governments statement for the fiscal year and wit 08:1 Farmers Will Benefit 'intod out also that. 1' six 1 year 80.000 and a the 1e governme ling 11 DIE .thu "u r1 ver $1,000.000 a year these commercial rresponding loss in IE required to mee 1156 1'31 ve ice W 3 in revenue c have been othe which have bee 1 on every ham 4O 111.158 11161 f0 anners' . there which tax idi ment. the government. did much to case conditions. one of the first, steps having been to abolish the tax on school children’s examination papers. During the coming ye: mated. there will be ca tures of 331935.000 to p ment. $14,587,000 going extensions and 32.6501 buildings. At the same iii ment is budgeting for $2,282,000 after allowing relief. The budget has been generally ac- claimed as "an honest and sound pub- lic accounting." it, being pointed out that. the province could have recorded a surplus of twenty millions instead of seven if direct relief costs had been capitalized. 1f A year ago. it is recalled. MI‘. Hep- burn made the. following statement: “With the saving of interest and a. con- sequent reduction in the costs of gov- ernment. we shall be able to carry the blessings of good government into the homes of the humblest man and wo- g the coming year. it was 'mtl there will be capital expendl 331335.000 to provide employ Sound Public Finance Empire Grocery and Meat Market. 25 Kimberley Avenue lug..- W ______......â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" THESE SPECIALS ARE ON SALE AT THE rouowfï¬c STORES: 'l‘immins, Ont. 'l‘immins, ()nt. A '1u,.1:~m-1:U 333 I’II‘.‘ SUN 1. S m 1‘. F'. F‘aldman 110 Pine Street Sout! Nick Blahey 48 Third Avenue and 71 Sixth Avenue 9.1 Grocery and Meat Market 73 Sixth Avenue O. Oharette 110 Holnnger Amme Abramson's Grocem 95 Sixth Avenue. G. Gustini 24 Second Avenue Geo. Boychuk 88 Sixth Avemw N. Barrette :0 Moumjoy Street $2,650,000 for public ame time. the govern- ng far a surplus of lowing 511000.000 for Andrews. Grocer 3 Toke Street TIMMINS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 13TH. 1937 Jos. Bel WTIson recalled. Mr. Hep into highway )0 for public ,ar Avenue Kirkland Man Sent. for Trial on Charge of Murder Tom Romanchuk. 45 years old and formerly poolroom operator at, Cobalt. was committed some days ago for trial before judge and jury on a charge of the murder of his wlfe. Rosie Roman- Medical and other evidence at the hearing suggested that the murder fol- lowed a party in celebration of the Greek Orthox Church Easter. Roman- chuk's wife is said to have hit, her hus- band over the head with a bottle. though police doctars could ï¬nd no marks on him of such usage. The doc- tors told of the ï¬nding of the woman dead when called to attend a “sick woman." At the time of the arrival of medical assistance, Mrs. Romanchuk is man in this province." Am in deliver- ing his budget address in March. he remarked: “We turn our faces, not toward the shadows. but toward the sun. and View in that directicn a brighter and happier day for this great land.†said to have béen dead three or four hours. Her collar bone wae broken. a number of ribs fractured and other in- juries; sustained. Superior Gmcery A. J. McMillan and H. J Mike's tMike Ayoub 69 Commercial. cor. R proprietors. 44 Commercial Avenw Moneta Pron'sion Co. 121 Pine Street South Spadafore Bros. 113 Rina Street South Pardon Laflamme 41 Third Avenue D. Lamairie Co '21 Wilson Avmue J. LaPalme 137 Main Avenue Sl‘xankman Bra 92 Third Avenru J. Kyle 173 Pine Stree Henri Morin _- Wilson Avenu d H. Johnstm Rea, Train N0. -17 Delayed at Haileyhury Recently the Haileybury. May 13 Advance)-â€"-When the be diverted Lemporar necessary because on Lra ute quite t.nexpec-.e:11y. me mum momma. A long treight. train. also headed 1101th. was on the main line. minus its engine and two cars. which had gone into the siding to pick up a tank cat. There the mishap occurred and the treight engine was sut off from outside by the derailed car, being unable :here'ov to move the test of its complement When the passenger train came along, its locomotive was requi- sitioned for the p111p;se and. atten some trouble. it got the freight cars out of the wax C11 to the passing track. Rest 01 the job 11215 completed two hours or so latei b1 21 mecking crew 110m Engle- so 121 hart fnusually Interesting and Timelâ€"yâ€"Topic at the Kiwanis (‘luh on Monday. King Given Status of Bishop at Time of Coronation. Anointing the Head Most. Important Part of the Coronation. SW1 Work South Porcupine, ()nt. Worke Cor. Dom 1'81 Schumachcr. ()nt. Purdor -s' Co-Operative of Ontario. Limited 04 Third Avenue 46 Nick B I..aflammt rative 01' Limited 101K Boundar Publuhed u Timmim. Ont.. (1:th Every IONDAY and THURSDAY Archdeacon Wocdall also emphasized a point little known. that the King. by being anointed by three Archbishops of the church. is given the status of a bishop as well as that of a king. The speaker also pointed out numerous simi- larities between the Coronation of the King of England and the Consecration 01' a bishop in the Church of England. The bishop is crowned with a milre. while the king is crowned with a crown. He emphasized the fact that so few people realized that themost important part of the Coronation is the anoint- ing of the head with oil, a covenant between himself and the nation. As a final remark. Archdeacon Woodall re- minded his listeners that ‘the King is chosen by the people. and they can make or unmake him. and stated 03- currences in the past when this had happened. Archdeacon Woodall. who was intro- duced by Kiwanian W. O. Langdon. traced the origin of the Coronation ser- vice from Biblical times when Solomon was anointed King of Israel. He also touched upon the influence of the Anglo-Saxons in the ancient corona- tion services. and spoke of the pomp and display brought in later by the Norman period. fitâ€"av. Bruce Mmarr extended to Arch- deacon Woodall the hearty Lhanks of the club. and in conversation following the address. it was spoken otaby club members as a very interestmg and time- ly topic. Former Cobalt Resident Passes Away in Scotland Cobalt. May 13â€"iSpecial to The Adâ€"} Wheelâ€"Friends of the family here 3 have been advised of the death by ac-' cldent in Scotland of Captain James. Blnny. for a time after the War a. resi- l dent of Cobalt. and a man who had a. distinguished recar-d with the air forces‘ daring-the operations on the old west,- Ern‘ from. Catitai'xfï¬ihny‘ w, killed: iii a car crash. but. no details are avail- I able. The late Captain Binny was about. 45 years of age and unmarried. and formerly was a resident of Western Canada. Born in Dundee. Scotland. he! had been in India and during. his ser- 1 rice with the aerial arm had included two crashes among his experiences. He was the younger brother of the late W. J. Binny. former postmaster here: who died suddenly in Toronto a few; weeks ago, and of A. D. Binny. whol served for several terms on the Cobalt, town council. Mrs. James Smith, wifcl (‘1 the well-known Ottawa musician, is! a. sister. i Imp ressive Events at Finnish Church Special Comnation‘ a 11 (1 Mother's Day Se1vices on Sunday. The seating capacity was again triedl to the limit at the Coronation and Mothers' Day services on Sunday at the Finnish United Church in Timmlns. ' The United Church of Canada Order of 1 Service to mark the Coronation of King | George VI followed in Finnish lan- guage. Also a message from The Right Reverend Peter Bryce, D.D.. Moderator of the United Church of Canada, was read by Rev. A. I. Heinonen. the minis- ter. in the Finnish language. The Mod-- erator will be present personally at the ‘ Coronation in London at Command of the‘ King. Rev. A. I. Heinonen in his short message on the meaning of the Coronation spoke on the words: “Let him not come alone to his hallowing"-â€" and lead the congregation in the act ofi solemn rededication to the service of! Almighty God. “The deepest need of our stricken world is that men should ie-enthrone faith in the God the Father oi our Lord Jesus Christ in the only position it can rightfully occupy, at the centre of all our life. There lies our ï¬nal hope of Peace. Security. Righte- ousness. and Brotherhood." he said. , At the Mothers’ Day part of the ser-| \ice. Rev. A. I. Heinonen gave a mes-' sage on the “Virtue of Womanhood as the Rampart Wall of Christian Cana- dian Civilization." The Senior Church Choir assisted very acceptably at the services and rendered two special an-i services and rendered them in keeping with occasion. The back wall of â€11 corated with a large Sudbury Starâ€"As if Hollywood didn't. have troubles enough. They say Shlrley Temple has begun to suspect who that curly-headed child star ls. the church was d= .wo special an- hc spirit of the Empire Block Timmins 14-26 Chiropractor and Elcctro Thcrapist CONSULTATION FREE Diseases Peculiar to Womcn Gordon Block Phone 1615 W. I). Cutxhbertson, I.P.A. CONSULTING AUDITOR Trustee under The Bankruptcy Act Room 2 Marshall Block Telephone 611 Timmins. Ont. Wrap all Garbage in paper. Keep your Garbage (fan covered. Use plenty of Chloride of Lime which can be procured at the Town Hall free. Householders using well water must boil it for at least 20 minutes. All Outside Toilets must be made fly- proof. l’.0. Box 1591 Dr. S. R. Harrison .1 (Jordon Block Specialized Business Training Classes 7 o'clock Monday. Wednes- day and Friday nights. 6 Balsam St. N.. Timmins. Ont. Phone 228 Box 677 -41-53 ALSO '1'†Hamilton, Smithvillc, Dunn- ville, Welland, Buffalo. Gait, Woodstock, London, Guelph, Kitchener, (Ihatham, Wind- sor and Detroit. AND RE'I‘I'KN PRICE THREE CENTS Credit. Reports Collections Accounting and Auditing 6 Balsam Street North. Timmins Phones 270-228 P.0. Box 1747 -39-2 Swiss Watchmaker Graduate of the Famous Horological Institute of Switmrland Third Avenue Tickets Good in Coaches Only No Baggage Checked Children 5 years and under 12 Half Fare Tickets to Buffalo and DerolL sold sub- ject to awengers meetmg the Immi- grat on Requirements of USA For complete Information and Tickets Apply to Agents T. N. 0. and N. C. Rly. M rs. Summers, Supervisor Studioâ€"101 Cedar N. Timmins. ()nt Welland Tr says what he 1 be much or a DR. E. L. ROBERTS PORCUPINE CREDIT O. E. Kristenson GOING. Thursday, May 13 CHIROPRACTOR X-RAY NEUROCALOMETER Bank of (‘ommcrco Building PHONE 607 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 60 THIRD AVENUE Phone 640 W. L. GREENIIHHC TORONTO Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat The Listz Pianoforte School of Music Porcupine School of Com mercc Piano. Theory. Rhythm Band, Recitals Sunday, May 16 RETURNING L'l’ Tl) (By '1‘. N. 0. train No. 2 and Connections; ATTENTION HOUSEHOLDERS F. BAUMAN Corporation Ltd. anadian Paciï¬c Phone 1565 G. N. ROSS SPECIALIST By Order of THE BOARD OF HEALTH Second Section Trim Phone 1365 all“ me 'l'() Timmins, 0m. ~17-43p 'l‘immins. Ont Empire Block Timmins Phone 1048 5 man only ,er he won‘t