Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 15 Mar 1937, 1, p. 5

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The subject of names always inâ€" trigues us. First position in the book is still held by Abco, which makes us wonder why someone hasn‘t called his property Aaron. Last of the active list is Zulu (which we can‘t at the moment think of anyone vpeating). The jongest name is Consolidated Mining and Smeltinz Company of Carada Limited, appropriate in view of its leading posiâ€" tion, while Auric, Limited, is the most economical in the matter of type. There is the usual inviting iist of wives, mothers, sweethearts and swters., ircluding Adeline, Alice, Aima, Baroara. Catharine, Diana, Elizabeth, Elspeth, Eva, Florence, Gertrude, Hazel, heena, Jcan, Mary, Olive, Patricia, Saliy, veiâ€" ma and Vio‘let. And for the ladies, there are Adrien, Albert, Allan. Ciarence, Cyril, George, Herbert, Jake, Carl, Lawâ€" rencse, Martin, Raymond, Roscos, Royv, Rufus and Thomas. Irishmen will be IrUiUSs ADC 1LNOMmaas. lrisNninen will be thrilled to find Casey, Hennessy, Kelly, Killarney, O‘Brien, O‘Connell, O ueary, £hamrocck and Sullivar, while the Sootâ€" tish readers will find Burns, Bruce. Aberdeen. Argyle, Kcott, Wallace, and a host of Mc‘s and Mac‘s. Great Ameriâ€" cans are Ccommemorated by Frankiin, Harrison, Jefferson, Lee, Lincoln, Perâ€" shing, Vandsrbilt and Washington. Many mining men seem to be stuâ€" Gold continues to dominate the book, with silver far in the rear. There are a couple of dozen copper and nickel companies, and one or two each of clay, silica, sulphur. asbestos, slate, oâ€" calt, chromium and radium. All proâ€" vinces but three are represented. Cften, as do also Lake and Tiblemon pcpular of names These camps could . ly in a few pages. Gold ccontinues to bhow many other carrying the nam Aerial and Aquar Wilson. This pcepularity pine. Where for sc aucers had liitle c now found rno few in the active sectic In the Porcupine Camp, Preston East Dome is driving from the shaft towards the west crzr2 zone indicated as over ons thousand Aféét in length, in diamond drilling. The east zone will be develâ€" oped later, The New Augarita property adjoiring has obtained favourable reâ€" sults diamond drilling. The Virita Interesting Review of Names of Mines (From Northern Miner) Do you know that Van Winikie is very much awake? That there is no hops of revival for cora, and that noâ€" thing has been heard of Ben Bolt for some years? Or that Catharine has changed her name, while the Champion has gone bankrupt? I{f you would ve abreast of the mining times, and xeep familiar with these and thousands of cther facts about the induziry in Canada, then you should have a copy of the 1937 edition of the Canadian Mines Hardbosk. Wives, Mothers, and Sweetâ€" hearts Honoured in the Names of Mines. In the Pat the Crowshor adjoining Alb firances and In the Long I paring for a Oro Plataw co simost a sh Sherrittâ€"Gordom in Manitoba is preâ€" paring for production by midâ€"summer. An offering of shares to shareholders at $2.75 per share has been announced. Alberta appears to have a crude oil producer on the plains, with the anâ€" nouncement of success for the Plains Petroleums‘ drilling test thirty miles east of Lethbridge, Turner Vailley reâ€" ported further success with the bringâ€" irg in of the Westside Well Lact reports on the Sunshine Wll, now nearing completion, southwest of Lethâ€" bridge, are favourable. imir Yankee Girl. Ontario mining interests now developing the old St. Euge~s mine are reported as well satisâ€" fied with their efforts to revive this famous lead producer of early years. 2 T mm ut t l BPA OAAA LA L L t s P P AP AP AP A P AP L P L AP LA *A § Along Canada‘s Mining Highway ““OOO”““W‘OOM * P PA AAL AL AL A P PÂ¥ â€"AL LCAE From British Columbia word comes nrotrerty liemt furthur east MONDAY, MARCH 10TH, 1937 Patricia district of Ontario shore Mines, with properties Albany River, have cbtained and are preparing for work. mpany of Carada Limited, in view of its leading posiâ€" Auric, Limited, is the most in the matter of type. the usual inviting ilst of Abeo to Zulu ‘t of names always i the township. is shared by Forcuâ€" ne yeurs the big proâ€" impetition, tnere are r than 33 Porcupines 1, and we don‘t znow concerns rot active . They range irom us to Whiiney and ms to appear less Great Bear ©, perhaps the mos: a few years ago. now /:e covered {ulâ€" 02 16 prCeâ€" oneration an{dl OWn $7.88 per day and the general averagze ] 0 in the mill is around $4.80 per shift. | Mining is, of course, hard work, labor | that demands fine physical condition. but it has its compensations. â€" The | j wages are good. The mining comâ€"| 1 panies are considerate of their men.| Some of them now are giving holidays | with pay, providing health insurance, | recreation centres. 1 Good wages and steady employment | for many thousands of miners explain the comparative prosperity of Northern Ontario. Timmins, Kirkland Lake and | ) many sinaller communities know their l C good fortune. i 2 p At Hollinger the foremen receive $8.40 | +857 per day, the shift bosses up to $7.90.| ] Diamond drillers‘ pay ranges from $5.20 | c0o to $7.36 per shift; machine runners,| $4.64 to $5.20; samplers get $4.64 to | O[f $5.20 and shaft men $5.92 to $6.40 PeY | hoidit shift. The lowest pay around the mile | Hfawk is $4 per day for mine clerks and their ship, pay runs as high as $5.36. Mechanits | fhat a generally are on the rate of $5.20 per quiet] day. Mill bosses range from $5.20 to | mont! $7.88 per day and the general averaze | an air Williamson Mines Being Geologized at Present It cites. as typical cases the wage figures from the Howey and Hollinâ€" ger mines. The average overâ€"all wage, with salaries excluded, in the Howey mine last year was $5.08 a day, the average for underzround work being some c the majJcYy now being geolcogiz nmre exploration work. Unâ€" gaer the proposed campaign what is deâ€" scribed as a mountain will be thoroughâ€" ly probed. and in this connection it is stated tliiat several sections will be cpened up within the next week or ten CGays. (From The Ottawa Journal) The Northern Miner, a Toronto pubâ€" lication, points with natural pride to the wages that are paid in the Ontario mining industry. ' The "hot spot" of new mining activi is still the Larder Lake Camp twen milés east of Kirkland Lake. At lea a dozen new mining enterprises ha received substantial financing and wi be actively operating in the field t early spring. Arjon is a new inco poration immediately adjoining Ke Addison on the west. John Roger wellâ€"known mining engineer, is prom nently identified. The Armistice Con pany, adjoining Arjon on the west. hi a drill being set up ready for drillin Barber Larder has a crew at wor with camp under construction. Adjoir ing Kerr Addison on the east is Che: terville Mines. Unconfirmed repor from the north are to the effect th: this Company has obtained a big width of ore in the first drill hole. Pelangio adjacent to the east, with one claim between is actively doing surface work. Wages and Conditions (Giood at Ontario Mines The nobility is woell represented. Inâ€" cluded are three Kings, two Mikados, five Queens, two Princesses, three Sovâ€" ereigns, two Monartchs, seven Premiers and a Duke, Bishop, Rajah, Naybob, Senator and Regent. There are also a General, an Amjassador nd a Maesâ€" tro. Three properites are Champions, 17 are Great, three are Greater, one is Ideal and another is Supreme. No less than 17 are Big, while one is a Giant and three are called Colossus. Three active ‘companies are modestly called Juniotr, Little, and Tiny. The Caradian Mines Handbook may be seccured either with paper binding at $1 per copy, cr wit‘i Deluxe binding at 2, The Deluxe edition is inscribed with the owner‘s name in gold without extra charge. Northern Miner Press, Limited, TCronto, are the compilers and pupâ€" lishers, In Quebec, the area to the north of Noranda, is particularly active. Waite Amulet has anrounced reâ€"openingz, Powell Rouyn is reportinz favourable underground results. Rouyn Reward has already cC:tained favourable results in its first diamond drill hole. Quebec Viking adjoining is preparing for work. Brownlee is doing further drilling and q@quemont rumours on reâ€"opening are heard. Pontiac Rouyn financing is now under negotiation. In â€"Cadilla Cadillac has . the first level., dian mini amconz m derts of history, for the company names include Blake, Cleopatra (dorâ€" mant ftr many years), Columaus, Gaâ€" brielle, Gladstone, The Queen of Shepa, Rizchelieu, Robin Hood, Salisoury and not to mention Jupiter and Poniliac. For the nature stuauent there are birds and animais galore. Unâ€" der the former heading there are the Bluebird, Bluehawk,. Cardinal, Goose, Gull, Oriole, Raven, Falcon, Mallard ard several varieties of eagles. Animals i1»:lude the Beaver, Badger, Coon, Fox, Fawn, Bufifalo (a gcod sized herd), Bull Dog, Oiter and Tigser, as well as the Contaur and Unicorn. In the Kirkland Lake Camp, Federal Kirkland‘s diamond drilling campaign is only nicely started. A drill is being set up to the north of the Sylvanite border. belween is a Martin Bird A nV AXAdvics i Mir TYEA ison without par milnin dillac Township, has ore showing Brubaker histor; 2 men purC s are Champions, 17 re Greater, onre is is Supreme., No less hile one is a Giant ed Colossus. Three ire modestly called orâ€" the â€"compat e, Cleopatra (do rs), Columo>us, C he Queen of Shep onfirmed reports o the effect that ained a big width K exposures are nreparatory to alcon, â€" Mallard eagles. Animals ger, Coon, Fox, ized herd), Bull as well as the of William i on «/ Net Profit of $6,644 svou>c . at Coniaurum Mine 1 l CA@Anaâ€" ectation â€"â€"Advt. ; â€"WOrK, Adjoinâ€" impsey old at JTOm1l~=~ Comâ€" navet d wil 1d b »ining CJI11~ ibâ€" ! ayproval. to. Annual and special general meetin rio shareholders will be held at Roya fY:rk Hotel, Toronto, on March 22. Diamond Drill Work on _ _ the Mylamague Property I hoiding over 500 acres in the Night Hawk Lake section of Thomas Townâ€" | ship, East Porcupine District, report ! that a diamond drill campaign has (zeen quietly carried cut over the past two months, in order to prove the results cbl.ained by former operators. i Considerable work has been done and money spent on the property and the results recently chbtained have brought 1i <o a particularly interesting stage. I is understocd, that a public offering lwill be made in the very near future. Now that develcpment work at depth is so well advanced, the board of direcâ€" | tors sees no need to keep the authorized csapital of 6,000,0C0 shares and a byâ€"law | reducing capital to 3,000,000 shares will | 3e submitted to shareholders for their The area surrounding large granâ€" cdicrite dome on the western part of the property is being drilled with noies also ‘ceing snotited to trace the extenâ€" sion of a previous occurrence interâ€" cepted in hole 4, at a devth of 430 feet and which returned a gold content of $§21.70 over a width of 10 feet. A surface vein has been exposed on the eastern end having a width of ten feet and in which free gold has been ascertained. Plans call for the drilling of this immediately weather conditions permit. Â¥VÂ¥ncent Ryan, consulting engineer visited local officials of Mylamague (Ccold Mines Limited, over the weekâ€"end and reports that both diamond Gdrill machines are back in operation after some delay due to warped piping caused by heavy overburden. The area surrounding large granâ€" Ceépled in hole and which reti §21.10 over a w A surface vei Considerable Work Done on the Armont Night Hawk Lake Are: Property Showing En couraging Results. Crease in vaiue. ~At end of 1936, broker resorves stoodâ€"at 171,645 tons of 5.2 dwis. per ton, against 200,067 tons of 4.4 dwts., at the end of 1935. Stcping methods are being changed from shrirkage to cutâ€"andâ€"fill and as a result Jroken reserves will gradually diminishn. Market value of marketable securiâ€" ‘Jes now stands at more than $1,000,000. Sinze this amount is larger than necesâ€" sary, shareholders are being asked to autharize directors to pay dividends out cf the funds derived from company‘s cperations, notwithstanding that the echn‘cal surplus account may be inâ€" sufficient to cover any such declaraâ€" tion. to $612,846 and accounts, dividends and interest receivable, of $15,106. Current liabilities totalled $74,278, leaving workâ€" ing capital at $1,011,528. Thayer Lindsley, President, lx,pOltln-" o shareholders, says, owing to the preâ€" paratory nature of the exploration proâ€" gramme during the last year, the unâ€" arcken ore reserves were again reduced. Broken ore reserves were somewhat reduced in tonnage, but did not deâ€" crease in value. At end of 1936, broker resorves stood at 171,875 tons of 5.2 dwis. per ton, against 200,067 tons of 4.4 duwts., at the end of 1935. Stcping methods are being changed from shrirkage to cutâ€"andâ€"fill and as a result Annual report of Corniaurum Mines for 1936 shows company had net profit $6,644 transferred to surplus account, br.nging this item to $18,447. Net proâ€" fit for 1935 amounted to $30,947. Net return from ‘bulliorn was $1,373,â€" 388, from which was deducted $1,111,986 for Coperating and administrative exâ€" penses, leaving operating profit of $261,â€" 402. Nonâ€"operating revenue brought total to $291,257. Provision for taxes took $10,.232, and depreciation and deferred development amounted to $276,004, leaving net profit of $5,022. Profit realized on sale of securities was $1,622, bringing totai net profit for year to $6,644, as above. exzept in the final stage refined metal. Thus the turn from several vrodu wcrking lower crade extending the life cf the Plans to Pay Dividends. Will Reduce Company‘s Capital. Balance sheet shows current assets of £1,085,806, including cash at $246,270, bullion settlements cutstanding ~at $114,544, investments at cost amounting reC pC To Review Recent Trends of Metallurgical Practice trial research to fin.\ new uses for them | Ashley has done much to about new| Brett . mehods for the extraction of metals| Base Metais frtm their ores. according to Professor| Big Missouri J. U. McEwan of MrGill University who! Bankfield ir a paper beiore members of the Cana-! Bidgced dian Institute of Mining and Metaliurâ€" Beailtie Officials of Armont Gold Mines, Ltd rouucts are recovered. Ihnus Canada ias recently becom» an important proâ€" ‘ucer of pure cadmium, selenium and ellurium, metals lost by forme;s meâ€" hods of treating zns and other ores. Because Of the increasing scale of nvestment in plant and equipment reâ€" uired for base metal production, and ecause of the large tonnages oi ore 11 C e metals | ‘ar 100 pet e produce: use Of Tnf2 iarge tonnages Oi ore ted, every effort was being made to ce costs. Operations are often only ible when mors than one product +9 : @nt. pure ire meetin Te roly ible s are not increased stages of proqucing the increased reâ€" roducts permits the ‘Tade ores thereby f the mine. ic refining. By new metal byâ€" ible and demand THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. TIMMINS, ONTARIO al | ‘Try The Advance Want Advertisements Trenching and Test Pitting at Wickstead Gold Syndicate stead Gold Syndicate, near Lourkes. Ont. Results of this work are described as highly encouraging. A a depth of ten feet in a test pit on a vein which returned low values on surfaize, a section of well mineralized quartz was coming into the pit. The guartz is reported to be about 36 inches wide but the mineralization is spread over a greater wid‘th. No samples have been assayed as yet, but a fair grade is indicated from panrings. Ancther test pit on an old showing ftrom which free gold was obtained over a narrow width on surface, has proven the structure to te widening. While insufficient work has been done on the property to prove its posâ€" sibilities, cfficials are of the opinion that it lhm@s a good chance. Porcupine Lake Gold Mines Registered in the U.S.A. The Securities Exchange Commission of the United States has notified Porâ€" cupirne Lake Gold Mining Company Limited that the Company‘s registraâ€" ticn statement filed with the Commisâ€" sion has been declared effective as of Pebruary 8th, 1937. Darwin .. y A De Santis Ee â€"â€" Delnite ...... ~â€"â€" Delwood: ... â€"â€" Empire ... 10 Jowsey Denton . ts â€"â€"â€" Gale. â€"Gold .............2.. Pss Gillies Lakeâ€"Porc, ... 56 5 D Hallnor::...... f Â¥ â€"â€"â€" Huzh Pam . â€" Kerr Addison â€"â€" Lamague ... ... =>09.00 Magret Lake . â€"â€" Ossian. ........‘.... . o Moifatt Hall (new) 9 O‘Leary 16 Porquin is T Presdor ;.....;.... e Porcujine Creek umts 10000 Porcupine Lake ........... 40 Porcupine Goldreef ... 3 Porcupine United 12 Wosd Porc. units A crew of men has been carrying on for the past few months, trenching and test pitting on the property of Wickâ€" VAMMY .i Ycung Davidson Albany River Brerngold ; Canadian Pandora Canusa (nsw) Shawkey * h §Sherritt Gordon . ot. Anthony*.....:.. Scuth Tiblemont . Sullivan ... : Suc:ury COlltdCL Siadacona..;....:....7, Ssylvanite SIiSs20C Ti Teck Hughesâ€"... Toburn z> Ventures.;...;....., Wayside‘............... Wright Harvxemeb Whiite Ragle ........ MacLeod Cockshutt ... Manitoba and Eastern MclIntyre ... McKenzie Red Lake M-Ml]lax‘ Gold McVittie Graham . McWattcrs ......... t Mining Cor poxatlon Moneta ... â€".....;... s Night, Hawk ... Noranda .....: O‘Brien COmega . PiIQncer........ 5. 40 Porcupine Cr eek units 100 00 120.00 POrCUpINECâ€"AOTOWIE | on 6% Freston East Dome.................;; ul BM Read Authier J Red Lake Goldshore Pickle Crow Roche Long Lac San Antcnio 1Joime Eldorado Falconbridge Francoegur ... , God‘s Lake Glenora Granada Goldale Greene Stabell Gunnar Hardrock Hollinger . Howey | Hudison Bay International Nicke Jackson Manion . Kirkland Lake Le‘bel Oro Lapa Cad Lake Shore Lee Gol!ld Little Lon Macassa Buffalo Aukerite Canadian Malarti Castle Treheway Central Patricia Central Porcupinc Con :aurum Consolidated Chibougamau Darkwater Toâ€"day‘s Stocks _ Unlisted Listed 16 6.65â€"7.00 ...... 6.79 1,38â€"1.40 4.35 11â€"12 13â€"13 Asked 3.15 9.20 3.00 14.50 51‘ B 3754 71.50 40.25 1.64 19 17.50 8.15 A1;.01 :70 3.95 5.35 5.65 3.10 2.80 7.60 1.05 3.30 D.145 835 7.40 405A 3.70 1.73 1.15 ... 82 1.95 1.00 [1Â¥] As at December 31, 1936, ore resorvosl cthe totalled 290,940, averaging .18 oz. per| will ton in gold. An additional quantity,| stit made up of three partiallyâ€"outlined| are blocks above the first level, and one beâ€" | tica tween the second and third levels, is| Mctr classed as probable ore, totalling 111,193 | Law tons with average content of .157 oz.i pieyr gold per ton. Gand At the yearâ€"end, preparation of stopes | that on the second level, was proceeding| 2"° rapidly and stoping had started on a| tD¢ small section of core shcoot designated | 4nd as No. 2 Eâ€"1, which has length of apâ€" | USe proximately 450 feet and width of 40|R feet. Grade has run 30 per cent. higher ) peri than estimated from drilling results. | type Uniil such time as stopes on second ; repo level are sufficiently advanced. bulk of| cver tonnage will have to be made up from | How broken core reserves. ‘ {tlhes Develcpment work durin consisted of 352 feet of sh 1926 feet of drifting, 622 fe cutting, 164 feet of raising, : of sox holing. eC ing bank overdraft 0o and wages payable an 698, and reserve for t Practically all produ came from above the f L. Wells, mine manag 1936 efforts were inten panding the ore positic level to the extent ¢ Curent assets at $23,103, including c and settlements ou and sundry account Current liabilities | 2Provision preciation ; Operating costs and admi expenses totalled $359.383, w operating profit at $59,795, with $78,827 in 1935. Nonâ€"ope: come of $1568 brought total to Net relurn ed to $419.1" in 1935. Los higher deve!l mondâ€"drillin Deficit cf $1466 for t] Dec. 31, 1936, is revealed report of Matachewan Mines. This compares w of $4279 in the previous Matachewan Consolidated Shows Deficit for Year i bove VeLl ~bo (the Ext irding a mill in ONE RIDE will prove that Chevrolet‘s completely new Valveâ€"inâ€"Head Engine gives more powerâ€"more smoothness â€"more performanceâ€"with low gas and oil costs never before equalled by any fullâ€"size car! One ride will win you forever to the matchless Chevrolet comfort of *Kneeâ€"Actionâ€"balanced weight â€"wider seatsâ€"extra head, leg and elbhow room! One ride and you‘ll never take less than Chevrolet safety . . . the safety of selfâ€"energizing Hydraulic Brakesâ€"and entirely new Unisteel Turret Top Bodies by Fisher, with Safety glass in every window! Take this Chevrolet ride today., Get behind the wheel and get the facts. Low monthly payments on the General Motors Instalment Plan. *On M ast on and resulted reducin rom me‘lail sal , compared wi for year resu ament, mining 128 we Xints 1 intensified towar osition below the nt that detisio taxe h anGIt 11 velopme { $146¢ the ann onsolida Timmins Garage Co., Lamited Service Garageâ€"Ansonville 253 Dulinon $20,.240, NDA CrC 11 1 11 ial Canadianâ€"Produced Radium known for Its High Quality Egrimentli holdin oL raVs rted to VeIr ently scient um produced in Canada is exâ€" i@ally free from mesothorium and impurities, Dr. G. C. Lawrence .1 members of the Canadian Inâ€" cf Mining and Metallurgy, whu a V t‘ _ Comme investigsa tion Ter STOCK .BROKERS Timmins, 19 Pine Street North Toronto Kirkland Lake 299 Bay Street 34 Government Rd. Doherty Roadhouse Co. racdium h ill¢ Market Quotations broadcast each day at 12.20 noon and 5.30 p.m. Direct private wires for fast and aceurâ€" ate quotations and executions in all of the Canadian Inâ€" and Metallurgy, whu s8th annual convenâ€" nt Royal hotel in cirt>â€"15th~~ «~17th,.â€"Dr. Accurate Markets and Executions in a â€" newlyâ€"discovered neutrons, which are certain â€" advanitages treatment of cancer. rOt seom likely tnal 1 replace radium as ne the method for needles for use in nd will point dut cial uses of radium ad; among these are aws in steel casting > too thick for the V Local Phones 1200 and 1201 1A V Members Toronto Stock Exchange Commision basis only Unlisted Stocks Mining Stocks Industrial and Public Utility Stocks Bonds cCe) YALYEâ€"INâ€"HEAD HIGH COMPRESSION ENGINE PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES KNEEâ€"ACTION GLIDING RIDE WITH SHOCK PROOF STEERING LRowestâ€"Priced *7 4.5 UNISTEEL TURRET TOP BCSDIES BY FISHER FISHER NOâ€"DRAFT YÂ¥YENTILATION Mr. Durcan argued that Mr. Gooderâ€" ham, as a member of the defunct legal firm, was responsible for the ‘"negliâ€" gent" acis in 1927 of the late; BR I. Towers, a member of the firm when he died in 1930. Mr. Towers was deâ€" scribed as promoter and soliciter of the Quartsite Company in the present acâ€" tior l.y its trustes in bankruptcy. Is Leg F..C., contended at before Chief Justice action of Manitoul against M. R. Good« legal firm of Galt, Towers. [(on Master De Luxe Models) radium is much more adaptable for the treg than either Xâ€"rays or WITH ALL ibject t its stencegraphe "dummy" direct 1 of a new com SAFETY G In Every Window egal Firm Responsible for Acts of il firm Oshaw a ew com 16h t addit h more convenilent and the treaiment of cancer rays or neutrons. pher

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