Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 4 Feb 1937, 2, p. 6

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Should Oldâ€"timers Use Imagination? (By W. J. Gorman in "Grab Samples") The writer in converse, with a numâ€" ber of *the oldâ€"timer prospectors, learns to his surprise that they are far front being satisfied with the way things are going. They state that, while it is posâ€" sible to dispose of properties for share interests in new comparies to be formâ€" ed, no cash marks the transaction. In other words, the wherewithal for snare wire, beans and bacon is not forthcomâ€" ing and this, naturally, is rot a deâ€" | _â€"Phone 32 64 Spruce St. South Timmins % 88888888888 8888880808880 | _‘ sirable state Oof ailairs. The trouble, it would appear, is that the cldâ€"timers la¢ck imagination > in marketing their wares. In fact the prospeciors have fallen into the habit of deprecating théir discoveries. They speak in terms such as "moose pasâ€" ture" and "rabbit and as a reâ€" sult the general public is more or less disillusioned. In contrast is one A. F. A. Coyne of Montreal, who has organized what he calls "The Nipigon Gold Exâ€" pedition into Northern Ontario, Canaâ€" da." Ncte the terminology. It arouses the imagination, stimulates the idea of adventure into the forest, Moreover, in the text of the literature there is the plan to sell each subscriber "AN ACRE OF GOLD." Conipare that idea with the thought of "moose pasture" and cogitate cn which would be more efâ€" fective in releasing gelt from the pockâ€" ets of Scotchmen. The literature is raâ€" ther obviously designed for circulation in the British Isles, whetre notions of the wilds of Canada remain pristine and glamorcus. However, here are some of the details, To quote: "A certain price per acre is paid by you, you then become a subscriber to the expedition. There is no standard price per acre set, so that the price can fluctuate, thus the agreement can become valuable the same as any of the better class shares do. The agreeâ€" ment is assignable or transferable, but such trarsfer or assignment must be niade only after having sanction from Mr. Coyne in writing, so if when it does happen, that wide publicity as to the expedition begins to take place, 04000 004809080090 900480480040 00%0 0400# 44 # 4 4 4444 Would "Buy an Acre of Gold" be a Good Name for Part of a Claim? What Would Mr. Godfrey Say? y W. J. Gorman in "C The writer in convers r of the oldâ€"timer pro Algoma Cokeâ€"Welish Anthraciteâ€"Pennsylvania Blue Briquettes â€" Alberta â€" Pocahontas â€" Buckâ€" wheatâ€"Nutâ€"Slack and Steam Coal. W m. (i, Wood, Manager was incorporated to develop its holdings of approximately This property lies in direct line of strike of the Pamour, Ventures, Hollinâ€" 0) Matheson Township adjoining the Wilwood Gold Mine Limited Arwood Gold Mining Syndicate I hergoy subseribe for Mining Syndicate MORE HEAT FOR YOUR FUEL DOLLAR Room 5, Reed Block Wilwood, and Electra Mines in the eastern Porcupine Section Where an active campaign of both Surface Work and Diamond Drilling will be carried on. Subject to prior allotment our variety of coal Arwood Gold Mining Syndicate Arwood Gold Mining Syndicate COAL AND wWOoOonvYAaARD AND oFFICE 64 Spruce St. South .~ ame Address Capitalization $50,000 750 Units at $10 Per Unit "The price per acre Half acres are permissi scriber should enier in tion with the same and element of gamble, have to hack their wa fcrests to find out if we or nil. If you wish us t] in this spirit of adven everythirg to all concer we can all depend upo Mr. and Mrs. Coyne wil dgal all aroundâ€"and "official‘‘ confidential noticesâ€"â€"wi given as to the truth of the disc from nil to millions, to all holde the agreements. If the news is the ycu will have it, if the worst ec you will have itâ€"but this inform Wwill only be given from time to by Mr. Coyne to the original hc ard rot to the transferees, the ori holders of course are quite entitl convey their confidential inform to any friends or assozriates. You rely that, after having become a stcriber, that you shall receive time to time interesting and re informaticr as to the progress o expedition by letterâ€"including sibly photographs. AN ACRE OF GO of. organizirng an J gll, there are ple: mineralized North certainly spare . a extent it is antiC ACRE OF GOLD car a@eal of, money, henc your agreement rep: able value represent to your purchaser for the and a new agreement back your half acre, It stands to i1 there is anyvy gold discov able value re each subscribe ly in this wa: prone to s azres, exce tion. One dsal all around Now. why have timers thought ( â€"why, in Quebec y for 50¢ an acre pet turnover‘! Another i ue" you can sell possibly half of ar acre for more than you paid for you! one acre, so be in porket, your capita returned and still hold the valuable other half. a new azreement is issuec these azreemen otment. Each unit exchangeable for 300 shares in a Company to be formed. ilers Of Ccourse are qul vey their confidential iny friends or associa that, after havings be rumour zx .lost or extert o spirit 1g tC all d Phone 1910 varying rumours the gold discove portion ntici i1 l YVeal be w uable consi beware of ; the expec ie . will no of his act demand "valâ€" y half of an paid for your ie boys $500 the 1 > half aAacre . to you for reason that ered to the . that ONE the origin ent ground link of the rst equall iformatio expecdition | ibscribe compt [ sellin blic? O 111 nmillions of luck mea thi hat squa hArill A. D. DesRoches Sec.â€"Treas. fror liabl tim lader mits in the Arwood Gold Hugh McGregor Steven, 37 years old, died in Toronto ten years ago. He hac come to Timmins in 1911 to take a job with the Hollinger as mining engineex. He had stayed there until war broke out when he joined ‘the Canadian Enâ€" gireers. In 1919 he had returned to the big mine and until 1926 was a popuâ€" lar member of the staff. On resigning e had one to Toronto. The funeral was in Hamilion. The North Bay Despatecn, a newspapâ€" er that had been published there for 35 years, ceased publication ten years ago this morth and left the Nugzet in vhackers should note is the concluding entence of the prospectus. After all, i little social twist to the invitation to oin in the financing of the expedition loesn‘t hurt. ing mace, ore res id mill heads were One of those R.C orth" was ‘heard 21 in i8 n n 6n 442 eP a *n en es n o en s * u'ouoofloonoo?u'ouoo"’u’? THE PORCUPINE ADPVANCE, TTMMINS, ONTARIO the field alon« a job office. The first white woman resident of the North Bay died just ten years ago this week at the azo of 87. She had gone North with her husband in 1882 to make a farm where the Gateway City now stands and had lived there to see the railways come and the town spring into being. She was survived by ten children, as well as a number of grandâ€" children and greatâ€"grandchildren. Rouyn was asking incorporation of the Quebes government ten years ago this week. The town planned to have six wards. A petition asking that a new post office be built hére was being circulated ten years ago and was being widely signed. Everyone thought the quarters in which the postal service was housed in those days ware much too cramped. J. Valiquette, one of the early prosâ€" pectors who made his home in Timmins died here ten years ago in his 50th year, following nâ€"attack of typhoid fever. Burial was in his home town of PBuckingham, Quebec. The Victorian Order of Nurses was doing good work here ten years ago, It was revealed at the annual meeting in 1927, although the V.O.N. nurse, Miss Elliott, had been here only two months. P. Dougall was president of the local V.C.N. then. P. Dcugall addressed the Kiwanis ten years ago after his return from Szcotland. Conditions weren‘t so good then in the Old Land. Industrial unâ€" rest, coupled with unemployment and low wasges, was having its effect. Shipâ€" yards on the Clyde were all idle, Mr. PDougall said. Eugene Charter, an employee of the Hcellinger, died ten vears ago this week pC ago. She was survived by three daughters, Mrs. Cornthwaite, and Misses Ingrud and Sylvia. Frank L. Roy, residernt of Timmins for â€" many â€" years,. died â€" hereâ€" earlyâ€" in February, 1927. e was 52 years old and left his widow and family surviyvâ€" News from South Porcupine ten years ago included a suggestion that North Bay Trappers and Owen Sound Greys would be invited to play exhibiâ€" tion games at the South Porcupine skating rink. A Mines League fixture between the Porcupine Hockey club and the McIintyre. Porkies won 11â€"3. he death ‘cf Mrs. Eli Hakala, 50 s of age, occurred here ten years . SBhe was survived three gchters, â€"â€" Mrs. Cornthwaite, and The plant was sold for Schumacher youtr celsior Club, of t! Church, put on a pi ten years ago. Stars Percy Shippam, An: Beatrice Mills, Robe: Cormish, Gordc Craig and Willi A bright yo! Mike Kulick, w husband at the Forcupine, ten alion papers wel was taking part and he waited c she refused to at eight s ing the ‘T‘re _# niinselli. The fire just been : ten vyears for turnin The Advar Hodgins were among those attending the big annual motor show at Montreal last week." "V. M. Bowie and Co. have moved to the handsome new store at 35 Third avenue (Dalton‘s new store), where the firm is more cenilally locatâ€" ed and with better opportunity for the display of their good stocks of men‘s clothing, furnishings, etc." "A sentence of two years and ten lashes was imâ€" posed on Alphorise Lauzon, of Oiltawn, by Megistrate Weegar at North Bay on Saturday last. Lauzon admitted atâ€" tempting an indecent assault on a fiveâ€" yearâ€"old child. Magistrate Weegar askâ€" ecd the prisoner if he had ever been in an asylum and when Lauzon answered in the negative, the magistrate suggesâ€" ed that the asylum would be the plac: for him. The imposition of the lashn will be found to help materially in keéping down this type of insanity. General experience with such cases Jjustifies the magistrate in adding ths lash to the prison term." "Bornâ€"in Timmins, Ont., on Saturday, January 29th, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. John Powâ€" erâ€"a sor." "Bornâ€"in Timmins, Ont., on Saturday, January 29th,,. 1927,â€" to Mr. and Mrs. A. Depatie, Balsam street southâ€"a son." "Innumerable friends here will be pleased to hear that Mrs. C. R. Murdcck, who has been taking medical treatment at Guelph, is makâ€" ing good progress to recovery." "A barred rock hen in North Bay las week laid an egg said to measure seven inches by nine inches. There were three yolks in the egg. This is enough to discourage the ordinary hen." ‘"Lass week, cwing to the melting snow on the steps, the stairs to the basemen: of the Gordon bleck were in bad conâ€" aition. There is cousiderable traffic on these stairs on account of the fact they lead to the public library and to Carson‘s barber shop. Three ladies fell o these stairs last week while on their way to the public library. One ofi these was Mrs. J. W. Faithful who susâ€" tained injuries to her shoulder throughn the fall. The absence of a railing on these stairs make them dangerous in certain weather. In view of the large public use of the stairway, it would apâ€" pear to be well to alve a hand rail on éach side, so as to minimize the chances for an ugly fall." be sorry to learn that Mr rin of the Hollinger office s hospital at Montreal. Goo his early and complete re retutn to Timmins will be sincere." "Mr. R. LeHeup spector, returned last nigh ronto where he was on | the Children‘s Aid Society trict." ~‘"‘Messrs H. J. Mart Hodgins were among thos cals included Says Land Settlement Best Aid to Unemployed Hon. John Bourque, Provincial Minâ€" ister of Public Works for Quebec, said lately that the government favoured return to the land movement to help sclve the unemployment situation in the province. Speaking at the annual meeting of 1¢¢C the Eastern Townships‘ Associatec Boards of Trade and Eastern Town ships‘ Settlement Society at cn the immigration question and un employment, Mr. Bourque declared tha ‘"‘the of this province is deâ€" "the government of this province is de termined to leave ro stone unturned t remove, in so far as it is humanly pos sible, the plague of unemployment." He said that though "some seeme to favour organized immigration unds( a plan of government firanced an supervised settlement" it was his opir ion such a scheme would only unemployment and improve busine: temporarilyv. Improevement wC he said, "as long backing these imm assist in the ccmmer trial development of : "In all justice to 0 unemployed it would : to embark upon an int of immigraticn at th the minister conclude support." within a would swe ployed. Past tinued erants Literary Digest:â€"Eikichi Tatsuguec was arrested in Tokyo, Japan, charg with killing more than 1000 cats. I with killing more than 1000 cats. H¢ had been using their stretched skin: for the drumheads of banjoâ€"like "samiâ€" sens." "Every cat looks like five yen t me." he stated. wifle â€" at pierced fo again poini id and this ti fe wa expemencd that the were uns ante. in The â€"â€""*His to leat n and when Lauzon answer gative, the magistrate sugges he asylum would be the pla The imposition of the la found to help materially doewn this type of insani experience with such cas the magistrate in adding t the prison term." "Bornâ€" m to accom into her Then nort ill¢ the usua unskilled 1€ 118 ila A C (eiÂ¥] WCuUultl Oof it g people of the Ex e Timmins Unite iÂ¥ "Profit and Loss DH n} @ants co L hne M robabl 14 prC JvernmE 21 1I An ) t na COT 11 the in ale oo «Pnate aBnete afe 12e atn ate afe ce ateate ate ate afe abe 53e a 3e a en ce a 2e a 2e abe c 20 0 l en n t Says Youth Should be Trained in Mining © bu T( me Hopeful Words for the Mining Industry by Hon. Chas. McCrea. eir pa cad 0 16 me€ 16 1C1 only s. The universities are dcing their e in the training of young men in science of metallutrgy and mining. cperating companies themselves > through mutual organizations deâ€" d their money and the knowledge heir techrical staffs to improving modern methods of the associated stries. Ard classes for prospectors, of which is now in session in Sudâ€" ‘, are conducted under supervision xperts to disseminate valuable inâ€" concerring elementary nistry and geology, as well as idenâ€" ation of minerals, all of which is d to save the searchers for metals h time and energy in locating deâ€" toctecfecte®ts #* #* vete«} # # ie ## ## *# + b# *# # ## ## #4 ##* *# + ## # * *,,* #*4 * # ## ®#* @ ## natex #. * 00‘ ## #* w #* *,,* .... ## #* ## * + ##4 ## ## ## # C *se Children Laurentian Ski Club Ontario Ski Championâ€" ships to be held at North Bay, Saturday and Sunâ€" day, February 20th and 21st, 1937. 1I roing Datesâ€"Friday and Saturda Feb. 19th and 20th is nro doubt that the future at things in store for mining. so essential for its wellâ€"being pable men be trained to take airt in the developmert that is f Northern Ontario and many arts of Canada. As Mr. McCrea the North Country can absorb nt of Canadians for generations â€" demand {ill. T AIl T. N. 0. Stations Cochrane and South Including Branches, also from N. C. Rly Points NORTH BA Â¥ Return Limitâ€"Monday, February 22nd, 1937 For Fares, Departure Time, and Further Information AppIy 1 Local Agent. Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railw: The Nipissing Central Railway Company of the great preâ€"~Cambrian tecting valuable deposits, ard 1s winning from mother earth ‘s it contains, is an advanced Mining men well appreciate ntialities of the wide spaces ntialities of the wide space: ch Carada has been favoured continually aiming at greatel ‘ of the men who will in fuâ€" s be called upon to dirsct th the overcrowding of some s. a factor to which the deâ€" gave undoubted emphasis, sasisfaction in the prospect vocation of mining., growing ‘ and more important in the f the Dominion, is destined o exhaust the available supâ€" 1â€"trained men but most likely lemand that it may be diffiâ€" Bargain Coach Excursion TrapM advances ol Une past aere appears the possibility of competent men to fill ositions in the industry, investigation and produscâ€" . T. W ALRLEHR §S§11 ind years of age and under 12 when accompanied by Half Fare. b wit ore Tickets on Sale at h xplorin or powâ€" relinquishment r of mines, but re â€" erthusiastic cture being reâ€" eral kingdom mining indus n extent tha! it Ing,., Lfl? IfC e view th s of the pa Tickets Good in Coaches Only ‘ing the widt pre«Cambriar encouragin 5 of som minin In fac Attraction Y‘ : ank sitic rom Regular Stations Onlyv To Notable Broadcast Series Starting Sunday, Fob. 7th Mot cCOA aran Mon prosperity. 10 sponsor will "Canada 19 paration for a who is produ worked on the programme for SIX montlis, having travelled as far as Furope to complete arrangements for the broadcasts. Three radio control rocms will be necessary in Montreal, including one specially‘ built for the broadcast. This installation will be equal to that of a moderatelyâ€"sized radio station. The various units composing each broadâ€" cast will be fed to this control room arnd synchronized as a complete show for the network. Its facilities are such that twoâ€"way conversation will be posâ€" sible between the control rcom and any part‘of the world where programme material may . originate. ‘The Montréal announcer may interâ€" view anyore taking part in the proâ€" gramme. "Canada 19 daemonstration clan radic en alan radio engineers, ject matter will of Canadians the fact goofl year to live in C THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4T} e new programme will comt rinment brought from othe he world with a large orch nmnatiece company and sing rea ind MA Mini ilble iCINng lt 1Or Lt iny of Canada the prozrammâ€"« roimn CKCGTIT lon T â€"~ will of the ineers, mational uppermost 1S dor VE 11 ol or Imperi ibility of ) comin en undd tl vardian ‘eat old it im( il niquec Panaâ€" pl

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