Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 17 Dec 1936, 2, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. moms. ONTARIO 'I'I-It'Rsmv Drt‘mmt‘tt rum 1.25»: .. â€"â€"-â€".â€"-vâ€"-m~â€"-_-â€"._._-_...._- ”...â€"..-...â€" -_ ..-._..-. 25.112332: Worried by Pimples E'l‘g'9har‘Ma“"r““"“L . 'l IIsnt-poom baking maxim-1.0111011 Down III ( IilitorIIiII. ‘4 tablespoons sugar and [Eczema . .- I ‘ 'FT‘I‘YII .\'I w l . .14’_.' I .__â€"_____._’.._- .... ; . ; ;_ - l l;' wot}: it' ._ III,» mfgawm I (omplexion l nhlemished In”; ; IIIIII' I melt'WI shortening after Six \\ eeks' of Krusehen ' I'M"? 1" ‘~*""'“"""'- ‘7“ flour. ginger, salt. bak" For the IIII3‘I two nears." writes :i'ikil.‘.\I1.lu n hm Irwtiei' and .3utini'. Beat. egg add .‘It'IIII‘Ifiill. :I‘I'. III-I" wit. entered with ; “NULL“ " ‘, Kid.“ A ;InoIIIs.3e.3. milk and shortening. Add hard piznnlm and rod t)ll>lt'l‘.l‘\. IIIIII I';";h‘i;m“”"m“ “imp" “ iitllllfls tII'I (iti‘: mixture and beat well. ‘ I‘..~II I.:Id 'I‘I-C' iI'IIII Hit. 121'; rink and IIII'e- . I“ ”l ‘5‘ I'll" 1‘" 1" Bake Izi Ii ho: iron. Serve with whip- ”'m‘» l il‘lt‘ti Whom. ("wane and Hillel. MY l'll WC: ”mm Iind sprinkle with nutmeg. ..iiiitiiiezI'.3 withwiz the ‘.3ligI!1tI'.3'I ‘etlez't‘ . With Mr»: 'WI .II 'iIIt For Those Who Like German Food IVIIwI'Is .‘U w'IIIIIeII. l ll.IIl‘Il‘lRll‘lV l VII-ended winter II: :1: 22' ;_ , ; . ; ;. 21w 131 -..1'-n .I IIIIII. .IIIII without; I”, In, It" 1'" " (“I") m Germany wmlgh“ 1‘ uni exaggeration. within ~ix weeks Int" ________________ __.__________ ____________________,______~__-_;_______. __ ! illm'“ 1* a Eir‘mi) Of persons Of 09mm“ 'fam- um}, unlit)”: ;, blemish; and I have “Till” ill .VU‘JY' 10““- .VOU ““1 b" “a!" not lltlll II \l‘gll (I: eI'I'eIiiIi \llll't‘ I take I 9 le , , ;,. . . ; .- . '.I'l.ll :II Itnd II good restaurant of the Krusehen 1' IgIII-III'I'I' et't’t‘f.’ llll)llllll 2 and l” ' N‘ ‘ft’ll‘l' "‘ I' u unc €011 eas (‘Iei'niIIn {N'De there. would no be without it AMI»: JA. ”\l“‘“"’ "”44 "l l‘ n I 'I I ' ~ -. ..I,_. Punules :In'l eI'zeInIi Iii'e fre'uen'l'. (Mim- l‘lsv 1'11””! Il 1 ' ' I . . I . . ‘Um,.‘nd". Indulge ”1.?Ile.lkmiu (imh I " '( III the blood»«ii'rIt'IILnt. . ‘. - ' "' ' . .'..I. ‘ lilll .\U .‘lillll‘l‘ “OW (‘l)l(l. \ llll .\(‘('llll l \\ (”TV H It 'll‘IIlII “\ l‘ll‘ll‘ll’l I (1. I III Ititt‘.l"“l“\l‘. '.‘\\‘\‘\\\ ; V l I. ---â€"ooa-o4-A‘A‘A‘IIW‘I‘I be 'Ih'II.3 reinetnh :eI' wlio .ire (Il;l‘\ll.‘.1 ////I. III/l I \ \ (i Lill’ l'Il.IIII.... .11 l ‘ ‘ i I».. :l'l-IIFI .Ind pt‘llldps picklet (In ‘1 ‘3‘ l" “1‘“ ’“ll‘f‘ I l x 1 “ ' - - . , .. )(’)l§It‘ll.‘~. whit .'l 3.'I1;gi>li 10( _\ Ii'eti Ix Iii'e ;, III-II 'IIv \ 1' ‘. _ ;- ';;; :. . ;;; . . . . I . I .'.I o- we: 1.1.3.» .lll he IIIIt've oI'III11)i.- l . . - . . . . V» 1 I ease IIOstSSGb ‘ I’ ‘ki ,‘ ll 1‘ I, ' l 1 =IIIIIIIII- II, I..\,I.I II-IIIII IIII. .I-IIIIIII» r . . . . ., . \ mu lim It lull (It (hit (l).\l.. ‘-«0 t!‘- V I" 'I‘ 7‘ b ( §}- ' '1 ‘ ‘ . . , V ‘ t AAA it v ‘\ A ~ . ... A. .I , . " "'“1 “'_‘”‘ I ”I L 1‘ “mi 7”?“ KI'IIIII'hen bun» i1.'l;1 to keep the bad, . “H 1““; t t; 3'. ‘1“ . .; ; . --' .:):'II'.wur.3'. The w iite damage w11c1 I3 . . . I . . . , " ' ‘~" ' ‘ " ' ‘ . I . I . I . ()lglllm tun I,.I)111IIg, noimIilh .i n d ; ;. ; , P ; ; _ ; r; . 9 H , , , , ‘ . . , , ‘ SO 0331': [(i' £13 in! Mt llllx ltit \Imple ( llll) i ll” tltt‘lllh l0 llt‘ ' III paIIIILII- Ill (it'l'manfv' for the second III-IIIIIIII'I'. IIIII3. preventing the Iir'cumti- ”A“ M 1931. “A! “ ' ii 3 “ i N“ l" ( Illldllldn ( (Ml Ah“) Illlll ( Illlltlutl . . . . ,J,. I ; ., . . . ' ' , ,.. ; ' I” “it“ ‘; Illt‘ S}: 'I ‘. ‘ 'I: o SPIWCTI B ll .",.H(" \ll'. rnoon Bridge. Slillll‘ (Il‘t lllItll l)l;\h(_';\ ’ bitumen ;«Itttftl11l):)twef;1i110 “2:1. 11 In ; lotion III IIII. .lltlt \ III t..e blood. "M \Ziim hm“ :11"! H\\'A:'.:'.. “ 1;”: 1' lirlquettes. . ; ; | ), I “(i l mount;r III II eei III .3. on met; ...... --â€" . .I . ‘3“ h "by ‘9‘ \ h” [hhfl “"0 l H“ ih ‘ I)! ( ”I U giu'IIm pancakes or dumplinos or i“ 0' “" "1‘ ' "'1' " -.-- '__- '\ ... _ 1‘ ~_ "3’“; \' ..1. 1,9 ‘. Sid. l-‘i .‘ ‘ ‘ ‘1 ‘ “ ‘. ‘ii i v ‘ V v I. . :3 . ‘: '.“(itlnllll Ititd III-t .itoes. You may choose'bm’m J m} k M t H m Hm in" some ““"""“ l" 1‘ .:..: I \\ ”ifs” \NI) ‘3' ERIV‘N .'\\T”R.\(ITI“I >1.Ilt. .Iiid ‘.'.llllll.l Iiiid then the milk. . ; .. ; ; '1 “i 1 d Windmill?“ 5." [31'91-‘591‘3991‘911-1'I‘Iike .I i'II'IIIII'l ('Iike Iorni II.;-out two .Ind U“ 1”“ “mull. Rh.” L " ‘ .' 'f ' , , . . . I . . .; - .I, I . . . Q I. , lll'.'\ (It 11.3 kind In I. - . :.' t; ..I: 2. j ' ‘ .‘P \‘\|()I\ELIII\5 ,PI.I1..;.I. Will "1“ WW“ German l" oneâ€"IIIIII ii'.I'I1e~ III I1 'Ill 1d put in II vet; I‘ i i ; .. ; ; .V ; ; ;. _ .. N13“ RI‘ ‘1 \ I ~IIIIII~7 I xvi-tier .xt'hiiitzel. for which 'he ‘mm 1mm. H: I)“. dough. F111 “1111 ”9 1m” 11”" ‘1_I‘J“-“”‘“‘_f‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘ - Iran I (' Int“. 11;; mleeted {lll(l berl'etr tl.\' ;. lblL'I'D ("lit’t‘h‘l‘ Iinxttu'e; link" III II .3low to mt: home ‘1 “WNW“. b i ‘ i: E l{( (I Igu Lotâ€".44 2L and Sinker \‘i/(N ?“""R‘~‘i- ‘1 )1 “‘11 (“‘COVM' “mm” 000} (I‘I'I‘Ii I320 lit‘ill‘:‘t'> F‘Illil‘l'lilit‘lll in II ‘ the [Speaker 14min” “H.” i l 1‘1““ ‘. ‘ 1‘ *"l 111 lllll‘l'f‘fillllg ill-“mm“ Holden brown tor about one and one- yif\‘;“1H_”lg,HW wuij‘fi‘XVV‘ ; ‘ - ' ‘ - You will find good soupx with liv(I “WM”. hours ‘l..lt}l.\ .‘(itlél‘ltll ‘wIII II-H. I, ~ “iillllllilllllm ()1. ll0()(llt'.\ rl‘llfl‘fl d1? “Hid E'Ollllo pillH'al-H‘S i’I“)»'A1(;7“ki111’;)lti.\ttl- ll: I . I' ., ' , . . I;‘.I;)})l(".3 (:I' lllt‘ tumoun apple pilllCtlkl‘.‘ - ~ LII-1;“.Il'pguahngx. ‘ lll'dlII'. VI“ 5-" J01!“ w. Fogg lelted i ‘~.'.‘1'II;.'li is; >r't‘ved brown and crisp as it ‘ â€""""“"” ' «name. I‘I'oin the fire, rolled before FOHI‘ ‘ tIII'oler'nuIii. tltzur - tinilllllnlh' Sllldll‘l‘, lil‘llihl‘l‘ ;t‘;‘It‘:~. and (III into i»:â€"C'e.3 Iit the ttiblef . ' , , IOHII'I' .‘givourite des'K‘erts I‘ii'e cheer." :3}? 0‘ [HSDL‘l‘iOr (‘l‘(‘2'l\‘;\'. ”'9'“ 'l‘Iie llIIile'IIIIIi'IIII "lll.'§l)t‘(‘ltil' l". ("I'InI‘I’ «IE _ police lietiduIIIii't.i'.3 here I'I'I-I'I'Iet' 3nd new3' II tew days :12!) :II;:: 11:.» ' l‘hoiie 7‘25 lll(‘l‘. MIIJIII' l'ldeIi'Ii l.‘i'I.I'.e;' (‘1'- hzid passed IiwIiv Iit lib h..1iiie :11 Lumber, lenient, Building Materials, l‘oiil and (‘oke. Mine and Hill \‘upplies YIii'd Head ()Hiee .Ii'ul ‘I'rIi'd BI'IinelI ()tl‘II-e SI litimueher 'l‘iinniins Kirkland Luke ('Iike Iinzl ("I'If’fee kitchen. which go well pImm- ‘I‘.‘ItIi 'Ili" I'Xt'elleiit. coffee. , 9 (3mm) .lllil'“ _ I‘Iez'mIIn toods. have It. reputation for Pure and Lil'dlé‘ III'III‘III'I(~.3' into ('old' hiring, III'_II'v. It. 113 true that generous wiitei'. DrIIiiI Iind to everv two ('lll).\' ol' portion» we always served Iiitd. it' you ’ptitztto Iiilow one beaten egg; two llll)l('- ‘ '.'-.I>I1 1.) leave without beingsr too replete. spoons Ilotii' IInII .-llllll‘ll‘l it milk to Ido I11: indulge too liberally III the I'V'P‘lll‘dkt‘ II Mid butter. SeII~~oii with salt. . . . , . I , _ lord. anlliind. lute III {\‘Im Illl)'.'l' ' . . Ii - I IJI't‘Illl. wiug'n will tempt vou while vou . pepper Iii I: onion jllll'f‘ Dion bv table- E ;. . . . 35,-‘3;;::;§;,;.;.“I'= " 4‘First 0 e WIII3 II tzl'illllihull oi Cllt‘ .II:I~ Sir I. . .I 33' -. ' ; Iii'e waiting t‘oi' voui meal to be cooked 31y ontul3 into II In 111;: 11.111 with hot . l . . Cl‘i'iiS‘I'. 'Illlllll)l' (It "l"‘.I'.I-I-II l‘II '.: "' .' '.' "'5 I .. 5 a . in aid 1'. There 1.3 nothing like on ' t'IIt III)<.:1.I'. the (i'lllll (l oneâ€"hull int'h. ‘. ;. 7 .. .; ; . ; =-;.; '= 531* ? ed me” ; ; ; . .. ; . lies. ()I IIII' \Atfl‘ltl. and “II . x I __ . i.lll I In H: .‘vil‘llll . -.(‘.'Il.‘ilillill (‘II-I'I‘nIIn meal to .'3'Ii.t-i.3't_v your . Cook until we.. oiown. d and ('l‘lsél) IInd . . .. _ ; ; .. ._ , ,m )1 Lite (H K ; 1 m n z \ soldier hii11>1eII. .3I-I'...;,; I' . . I. , ....I- . r~;;;;;;' ~ Iit Itie III1(I vu ' ‘l e . s ' ‘ ’e '. 2: Hit It (. sii'Ii‘I.‘ '. . . . I "' - , . I ‘ l .‘ l H . . I . I .- ' . . . I11 the lndIIIiI lll'llll.‘ III .. . .-' ll rites ”ITS Joseph Render! Lintils. Meeklenburg’ Mylo ICIIIIvI'IuI'I: 1m». in llll‘ Bet] Si'nde . -':: ' g [6291' ”hit Strlet “indsor ()nt . . 1 ' I . I (up lt‘llllls I'II'Ie. II:I'I ‘ ‘ I (H.111 wu'ei' --_-____-_._.-_.-.__ . ‘ . ‘ I ‘ i I ) 1 111 U} Iiine Sll'i 31It. lie ll.l(l on 11 (untur- t‘El') (.It'e( .3III' )ll'i . " ' 1 ' .' I ' . , . A ‘ L I (Il.l{.‘\l.l().\ ”'l "13"" ""i‘ |ed by Polish i'ebeis IIIIII ("IIIIII'IIIIII'II 1.1 ".3 I nion '. min 'ed » ' I .I .I I, . .I ., v , _ . . ) ., 5 C . [’0' H ILLF LAD!“ I "01'1“" (ll‘tllll. l‘k"t‘llllltlli;\' lut'liitt II 112121;; .\‘(Itt.It: I :1qu (-elerv. (ile‘ll mm..- H Phone I!!!» -M’-~- -â€" ...â€"Wâ€" I)L‘t])t‘l‘.\ told the story oi whit-l1 II 1e 'in3 the hero. whit :‘I wok IILIII'I' . . .; i “‘Iour Veget table (.ompound helped me wonderfullv. Since I started taking it I have. no more pains or dizzy spells. I feel well and strong now. 1 eat well and sleep well and l l on do all my work. " V '1 - . '1 . . 01' live soldier.3 with l'llll's II-II'III'II at? ' i limit‘4‘l)‘.ioii Iioui' l"2l 'Ine I‘Ininutiizioii III‘ l)t)1li (his feet his breast. HI (1,4199; It“. _ ... ». _ . By James W, Barton. M.l).. Toronto ('III) vinegar in II Little Lone LJ'I' hosm ml 511“» mg. “The Union Jail-k. though 111‘._i>m)1‘_ : "”l’ W‘E‘WI' Ibugltis. (Iei'zilton plumber 1.3 in II. ("riâ€" is around me. Y”: ‘.\'lll m. m“ ”1.1.19” p ;.;. “I” i);\'.‘|l;|)sl.l MI.) “I. ('guu't-r 54M. M'Plfi‘l' tiezil ('ondition. Douglas was found by “no. “- vou shoot." m 5.)“. “I 1..IIII.;HI.;;' .\;1I:I .II ;II.:;I;II'. li.)ll})llllll\' :II 2113 (.‘ltflllt lf’llliis klllLl 503k SIOVGX'til llOllI’Slti'gijn ('l'l"\l'.~% ”(311' Bdnkfjpld‘ ll .‘IlilllOll a i i ‘ . l” "1"" ““1”" Cover, 11”“ 0001‘: 111 Slim? j tour milex west -:>I' (Iezuldton. with both >w.It 1' until lentils are tender, but still ; It‘vl‘l I'rom'n and unable to walk Until 5â€"â€" .._....._. __._â€"â€" l I l l l l l l i l l . . . ; t COliimtllick H) 11“ {hp -\(li1il(i- jnizyiiuq-I‘I :li‘. . .' LI -.' ll.tllf_1l"\ll (ill llllll i)ktlll»\ ill. “ Ely dOHE Y()l) lt'\ ihlS “19(11- bv his courageous attitude i'I-I'Iis d to ‘ .:LI 21': . 1:1- >.i'.d IHUI‘HI bid-11:4 llll‘l cine? 98 out ”f '00 “(mien R“- l ‘ ' ' ‘ . . I'» _ . . . . I (1.1. (.... 5 port Benefit. (.et a bottle from ('lll'l'f' out the exet'ution '.\l-.I;Ioi' (‘reIteI' ' ;. _~ w .I_.- d It ~l ' , ' ' l l l l l I .- 1;. .. , .. . . , .. ourdru ist 'l‘.Ul)AY. IIIIltl liitll .HlileI. F1} (ilCUi ball. DOli'i two week 219.1) l)0llf_, ld» “‘le It 1)lllllll)(‘l‘1“d\ d \Oll Ul \ll l‘CiI'IIil‘li (fl-(“.19 J p 1;; ‘1 .'~. The in III up”; 11;: y g2 'lll'll t'risp and light brown. Add onions III little Ling LIII mints and has ie- ll” Bmmm H9 M31. Id ll;lt)ll"il(ill' [lie 2. '- I‘ t."Il'lit'(l, leltl INN: 5mm .Iiid ('t'lei'v and cook three minutes. i te ntij. ( pi 11((l 1111 ottite In (‘IeiIildton ' .Sp;1nkle with flour and stir tiiitil well: WH~9- I ~. ,-_ I . ... I'II- , ; , , .. ,, . p .I' - ”“Mll- Add 1‘1“"15Ihe‘m‘11‘d 59”? “WP .NOl'Llll‘l'll NIIw'.3:~«“'ioII ('III'It warn went to renew (jeiIeI'III I"I,)I\ll.\'t‘ll(i :1: ; ' . - r I . ' l‘ "*1 ”1'” l" “P :,.:1Ii1'- (,i' towl, or us It luncheon dish. ' - ' "=1“ . .I‘II :‘y. I" 'II' ‘ l" " , . w . . . . . . . . ~ - "3 II'" '- " ' l' l' *' 'l~“'j ”1”“ (“k9 JII('k MIitliie.3oiI .3IIId when we asked wounded. Major Cl""tl>;\' llitCl DI'I'II lil , z. .1.» the patient 1.3 no IIIIIIm (l."~t 9;;p.;I 111 my II; .\’ll.\' IiriI: .»::' _. .. I. .I'::::I-.1111«..I11 tllill ('un butter I i t l . . - '. him it‘ there W‘ls Iinvthing more one for -I (~on3'i(lerub‘e 1)("'t(1tl IIIIIi III (:“ll'l ~ - ' e Ill) II) 70tt"111"t'1' '1' . -i I ‘ - . I , ‘ " . ‘ ' ‘ * '- "'5 H I . . . ~ ' t t - Itllllllills' l)t'1"t't1IlItI I. I!' B L \( K H I: \ i) S I’lllllllr': ’ -':'I " .-.I.:. . II: II. that ("Iii I'uII .3IIUIII' . i ‘ I I lYDIA E. PINI'IIIIIM'S merit w'IIi Iii ditlei'ent Itinm oi ll()>‘llll« ' ‘- . 'Htm. lizlltttie .~'t:dII-~~13 tilt‘ If. VEGETABLE COMPOUND _ ‘ ; ; , ‘ M . . ; q. ..I .I ,- ‘. ‘1I1\ ‘ ' lI ' ' - - l1t‘5111}(1 was, ‘I\'lLll [no 1113.: III'III" “HM-I} '.. I I I . .. .. I. I I .\l .‘XIHl lll lIIt (‘i'eI:i; .. I' . 1:.ri , 7:::- .\?l::;II‘ l 1'! "1"" L. " II' 'Ii '32.; I _ .. . .I ~ . . . . . .III I. . -. I '.-. liltlll too often. was wnIIt. Fire Clll-E‘l Kut-el-Amiii'u. where he we 3.-\'ei'eII' and patient alike tlt'It “' - imttld .~'1v Iii-"III: lire t'tllltiPI'.» W‘lS not uneXIet'ted.‘ II .1 . III‘IIIIIIIII'I'IV tlltlt‘ ls' I H . I .. " " lI' ' " Get two lIlllllt‘\ oi [)l‘l‘l)\llll‘ .. .14..» Add «. l I l . . .. . I . l. until I.1I (.t..I1.II;. (1.. ,II.I.I potv'dei ti'oni tour (llllggixl. sp1in~ _3 ; : z; ; 1‘ ".1' in kle on It hot, wet ('lolh and rub the ‘ ‘ l'zu'e briskly. liverx lIIIu'khe.id will he (li33olved. The one sIIil'e. sure llflli ~iInIIle IIIII to remove -. .- hluekhendx I lilttet't LII .el l'x lilil . l . (821:3 mun": 1121111 In (2111:: 1‘ (it the hmâ€" inning I'Imr IvIu- III ”Pill”! lI‘IIIIi'IInâ€" it! I It IlILl. V :‘ '~ i " I ‘ ~ ‘ . ) ‘l)) A):7) l ~ . , llUllllOS ((llrlnt (i1(( ( ”1_(I"»_ ”1‘1 I‘ill' “HIUIHI 1) “\M Lil'il'ml I'ot‘ei' .I'i‘vit'e .l 1' . "Itllll ll , .’ I Si‘llll :\)â€"(it"\' ill) lill '- (“l ) tloui' ‘ 9 ‘ 9' _ I ; r ‘1 ‘ W: ten I;.IIII I~ ;)tl'.~t'll. 1. mm i'idizitt NV”. “)1, I“ 1-“. ”HM,“ V - ' man the >IIIIIIIIII'11 III the shoulder lieud 91mm“); 11 “1...“; _. . 1 teaspoon vaiiillai. : “a V” ‘ ‘ 9‘ ' m; U 9 H; .. II. . . . ‘ ' W “ ‘i‘ “"4 “ "I ‘l ”“5“” n l and how In'III'li III l‘l 1. ...' Is .uiix' iiiiik I ~ ' " l . i l 7. i : ‘ to line vII'IIi' 11.IIIII- : ., .t'IiI I1:l~ i l 1.; I , ... . ... 1, . . ., IIII- 4" C‘:'e.1ni butter with sugar. Add well3 if‘ylti'u‘iiljj;(h‘iwi'if'lifuid {NM} \ .I:_'i.II.II .I.I_I nun w.1I1(.13 in ttit'ei LYdla Le 80%“Walker II Ii: >"IIIIIII'21 I ()ll ie‘ii'tex' the ')'.lll‘.. Send LN”. rum“, A... 1;,“ ill" .31.‘Ii‘i})'IIII11.~I .Ii ('IIiIt'ei (Iiite it i.» lIll)l"Ill'_\' m (.51., . known“; A”; I .. . I r I . , t‘.‘-iill)il.‘.’lt‘(l In tkie ..istomi 'h the: 92m”; .347 VV:':~I 3.. N; em“. KN()( BERS CF AVI‘IQl H‘Y A\l) 01' [‘0 DAY :2; . “me12. 39»- ()l uppllllt N x;- - IIIIIII'IIIIII. II Ieeltng oi 111 $.- .Ii'IIi wrenem over I .ie «tomiuh râ€"e .Ii‘Id .'-‘I\'l‘lllllf.: (II Iiiiklex Iii (I ' e.et 1:;I.~~ it di'IIwn (\11)l“.( iIIon' skull)“. skill. Howeter “Indttzw titin" 1.3 Ieullt l IIIIIII be tiixt'tive red one I or <vn1ntomx III); )eIIi l 'litmI. I~ :I-i-I-II (.Iu'nviiulzt A' No Relief When Men Will Not Accept Work ()ll'ered ills". week Kllllll‘l‘i'l‘: ‘IIIe .tomIII'II Is 01153 (II ('Ii.~e.3 where In "I It i' "l ’ I ‘{ n ' i . . . ii) ((111; old,“ 11ll(| }}. Inxyll (Va)]1]_")l '\.I’: llll])I.-.lI)lt .HIlllt 9‘; I)“ 1 mm film IWIJII tlit‘w III'I'I 1.: ("I the .HOIIII ‘n I l'I’II men were iti)lt'-lliti1t‘(l IIIII: Elli ' i.(“t‘t-\l Ili.(i (1. 'll .I» l l . [Ml l- l _. I . . .; _ ;.;; ‘ 9 . ‘.‘ ~A- I \‘ . II ' .v . ' v " - ' he ' .. .' "illii iI i ' I. ILII'I. ; ~. _ ; . II)” (I. 11 {HP 1;“: ' " i ‘. ‘ 4 ‘ . . . . (lie .'l)lll;‘t“llll Iii f " 9‘ I; ; Wt". l; '3 ' '3 ‘.I(*IIIII‘II'I‘.Y 1.3 (ill ; ' ' I. a. 1 L; E I (I21I"i';I'1I.I11'I"It Itsd I'.I- two men mun I'II'IvI-d :3" lit: the !.I('7 ll'I'. I if! II~ IIIW't. l :e (il:‘\( ()‘II i‘e (I bv ll l(l\i\‘H})l \Kil'li -'.'I" .' I'lll‘ 'llll l‘.‘ for Everyone III'I'I'I'IIIIIgI' til I'I})t'!‘.IfitIII tIIittl II: III; , . Ii.ItI l,Il».\I(l.IlI_I ; INI- // i ‘7 .l ,. Iii.(l ARAâ€"Ill! -' I'. ..II III .Iii I ' GRATTAN O’LEARY’S '.':I.‘ll;)1'l.l.: . BROADCAST . .13 I'I‘lwi'ted In The ‘ .‘ ) '. ('II'IIT‘I'“. it"€)l't' ( K( I I in ) A -/ I ) 1 London, I‘I".‘Iet.v.'~I , ; H _ . ‘I'o It," to 6 i'ilill‘l‘l‘ ‘.. iI'I" «~99; ~- - .. .. -- ,. ' .' ' " t (.Illli’i'. - 1:10 HEATING PAD The household was aroused when in bygone days a caller IInnoUnI-I-d her arrival by using this early type of knoeker. 'l‘hr- ‘..Ii‘i‘II".\" III-tit'e for announcing Nothwith3‘IIiiIdin; I . _ "J‘ at It l .i,.(~' ”(I l' ‘Iie III't'I'IIII «I: must» IIIICI CIillei's (It a ”M‘M‘ 0' "'I-l' I’ by t‘ron'. (loors'. {her picturesque about (tom the.\' are in constant tee ('II'I'II~I:.I-I'.. . ' .3Iiotiid then: minim I‘Iiil to be noticed in small 1101159.” 01.99“... m“... dwelling Wu.» 1I1-- kiiocker. Previously the .3liout of arrivals was sufficient. . . - ‘ ' MADEIII by; the ('l('.)il(l.\ o: dust raised by the. wrought Iron kiIt‘1(.'kI.-:;- .. . :I:.~Iit '- _ »; _ CANADA lime-2m btii'dtn .11 Id the tumous horses sign and \R'Ol'kll’l‘dlldlllj.) III .:Ilt"lt‘lll time» sole method 01 Itnnotizx'iny ‘ SANDWICH TOASTER WAFFLE [RON Knuckles as Knockers guests. But more otter; .' . ELECTRIC CLOCK $3.50 up $3.95 up Writ. .Itiv Hill! I times dwelling in an ornament and tLII- II 54-95 UP .~l".'.i¢"lllt'll'.\ (‘Illllt’ .I':ou:. and walking found also. but in 1131’ 1:1.3';):("II(;1'II.3 llil'lll. .I.3 wI-l; as l‘llllllL‘ was :1 form of travel. For a large house .I knot'ker >(‘Lll‘Ci’lf ,. . . . .. , . , Some ineti'IIId.» (I: announcing arrivals sufficient to make ,: fi‘lillili loud (21th Lil ; f. I he”? 15 the “fidc” l-‘Ufli" 9 SC 0f ClCClrlcal gifts "" smart, we. need (I Running on a door with to be heard In (ll.\’.ttl;f liill‘lb oi the i' l attractive. year-round useful Intinitl gifts -â€"- priced from as 'tiie but“ kII'IIkLe\ or the nailed fist of home. Even If I~ eoult‘: It. would Illliiil'v IIMAKE YOUR RAD'O [LUKE NEW . a. q n q o . . o o I ., I" . . , H \3” , ‘ c_ v . .F I‘ s It‘: fill. ‘ All-3:.)- .. _ ; r ;. _; I .. ; . (IIIIIIII'... III .1 home to the door. bours to find agreeable. ..ez. ten 3, immersion heaters. toasters, curling irons, vibrators, ’I‘LIII-I-I 122.3:ead of a knocking With The knocker». ho“’"”" “I." in” my electric razors and ntim rous oti erg. Si mnlifv your Christmas ILI‘I'III'k‘I'I-s II large li‘Oll ring was hung on emergency use when elet'trII' bell. are 121' CIOOI‘. II 'III thi3 was drawn GUL and out Of commisei Oil and are 001:: (main‘. .u (i u; til. with It thud on the door. and smart ornaments. So pontilai are I I ) ' I' t "I' r x l "' ’ r" " ‘ i - i F ‘ ‘ Th C g T yl 1 t ( .\\' UV) \ VORTHERN 10“ ER ( ()RPOR ATION, LIlVIITED lJ .11...(.I..I we 21015-net this .kxiocker. they that, smallktIOCl-ter.3t(1.chamber . e 1601‘ e a 01‘ al’ ware J I. :II large :‘III: limited iiziii W3: driven Into boudOIrs, dens. 0r situate.» Iize n.3ed ii. , Head Officeâ€"New Liskeal’d. 0|”- t-, l; r I III III "It. 7.. ' '. 'e I' not MW 01" ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ..le I.oIIr l.l. 1C. a pOeI Ion hat the ring many homes T1195 3 9 ~- I “A CHAIR OF SERVICE’ Iwoud :trilze It and {I've a resounding namcntal but useful 21(.'C‘P.‘$.'~C)I'lff.'~. and ’ r ' U _. ; thump Th“. e device; were the first are erd as such Branch Stores and Warehouses at Cobalt, hen LirIrItIIrd. S.‘.I.t,.‘~,i.ll{I1, ‘ ' . . .. ' ' tie, ochrane, Tlmmlns, Ont, Nomi II Que. 3’11} twill KP“ lib. Wt? kl‘IOW tnem todav. ‘COPYI'lghL, 1936. BY 7‘1”». Bed 3.9th , ) Klfklind L3 C c 1" . ' Bm‘ and Know?“ mm 1m" 1' [1101185 000-301 Immins ICANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC (0.. GENERAL ELE( TRIL‘ RA \‘I)l()’l()‘\\ Distributed and Sold B) shopping the electrical gift way. Controlling and Operating NORTHERN 0VT.\Rl0 l’l)\\'l-'.R (”OMPANY LIMITED NORTHERN QL'EBEII PUWER (OMPANY LIMITED

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