Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 20 Aug 1936, 1, p. 8

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Sees Danger of Fire at South Porcupine tion to If tha Real Oldâ€"Timer Writes Onee More on Danger at Outâ€" skirts of South End. PAOGE EIGHT ie Editor Advance Loss by Fireâ€"You cannot afford a Loss so great but you can afford the Few Dollars that will Protect You Against the Loss! Attention without Obligation. Your Insurance Problems will Receive broal 31 First Avenue wave broadcasts SCHUMACHER HARDWARE Philco 3116X De Luxe*® with Automatic Tuning! Tune your favorite Domestic stations by station call letters placed as they are on an automatic telephone dial. Twir! the dial just once . . . and instantly you hear the station of our choice ... tuned with electrical precision! Other features include Philco Foreign Tuning System, Acoustic Clarifiers, Inclined _ Sounding _ Board, â€" Highâ€"Fidelity $295 Yone.. Less Acrial : . _ . 0. . _4 e se For a demonstration, phone your Philco dealer h be Philco covers all standard TAKES THE GUESSWORK OUT OF TUNING FOREIGN PROGRAMS Yolles Furniture 16 Third Avenue ;.;‘o-l;i--o;ly with Philco High â€" A4erial to insure greatest foreign reception ort O nmil All Philco models on display at our store. 2 Months to Pay and No Interest or Carrying Charges We Accept your Old Radio as Part Payment foreign . an , phone your Philco dealer New Philco Auto Radio $59.95 CUTTENâ€"FOSTER SONS, LIMITED and Furniture Company do Your possessions against 11 will Receive my Re dow tuning 1 19 our dial -50 h Schumache Distributors JLASILY ... quickly ... accurately ... the builtâ€"in Philco Foreign Tuning System brings you proâ€" grams from abroad! Overseas stations are named and located, in color, on the new Spreadâ€"Band Dial ... are spread farther apart ... enabling you to tune by name without guessâ€"work or delay. And remember ... by automatically tuning the Philco Highâ€"Efficiency Aerial, the builtâ€"in Philco Foreign Tuning System more than doubles the foreign stations you can get and enjoy! Reception of Domestic programs is finer and clearer, too. See the new 1937 Philcos now â€" and ask about the Easy Payment Plan. mart NOW ! e quite a help Surned and all lin 21 Modelsâ€"#37.75 to $295.00 TRADEâ€"IN ALLOWANCE â€"EASY TERMS things much on the far ribinct board ba TORONTO 7â€"tubes. 17 tuned circuits with Philco colour dial. 50 p.c. greater separation on short wave town was cleared. We don‘t wan‘t to ses south Porcupine have the same °xâ€" perience, th°refore it should be made as safe as possible, and that can be dons in a very short time and at very This week a number of noticts are being sent to subscribers of The Adâ€" vance reminding them that their subâ€" scriptions have expired, or are about to expire. Will you kindly take note of the little pink slip? Remember that to The Advance are payâ€" able strictly in advance, and if you don‘t advance the money there is no way for The Advance to know that you wish The Advance to advance to your address each week. The Advance is only $2 per year by mail, $3 per year delivered by carrier boy in town, or 25 cents per month, delivered. You will aitend to it at once? Many thanks! You don‘t want to miss a single copy of vour favourite newspaper? Well, vou Don‘t Miss a Number of Your Favourite Paper Pé (Here since the Little d Mothers. awa JC Phone 370 Biu quite REAL OLDâ€"TTMER. e May, 1909, and a friscnd _ Onés and their Fathers newsp Again. it two and in spite of a few bad Phone 748 1Y f the things experience. t puts the a half bilâ€" its age. it habits. INF ADVANCE, TTMMI NS, ONTARIO 3â€"R Fallsâ€" Monteith Road Now Passable in Dry Weather Mrs. Osborne Orr, who resided oniCCStS. A case of assault and a wage Connaught Hill for some years, leaving | Case were both withdrawn. here for Widdifield, is visiting in town.i Another improvement soon to be notâ€" The prisent home of Mr. and Mrs. | ed on Connaught Hill will be the enâ€" Orr is at Fraserdale. Mrs. F. C. Evans largement and beautifying of the house entertained on Monday for Mrs. Ori | of Mr. R. Stark, Work is to be begun at tea. on a cement basement immediately. Our The South Porcupine Fire Dcpart-l town is growing too ranidly for every mrnt had a teleohone call around 10| new house to be noted, but the northâ€" p.m. on Monday, that a big fire was |¢rn section in particular is building up raging in Timmins in a furniture and | daily, upholst®ry building, and the services And after years of wondering whethâ€" of South Porcupine and Schumacher|er the caimp justified the building of Fire Departments were requested. Ai homes that would last, we are now all general alarm was turned in and in} so certain that South Porcupine has quick time the small truck with six| a great future that owners of homes firemen was on the way, followed y |are imprceving, stabilizing, painting, cars with other firemen equipped and | and beautifying their property for lastâ€" ready for any emergency. It was found j ing endurance. occurred u6 team owned â€" made a wild c property alon stopped by a emplovee, was a spectacuiar Gashn thrC a day or two later. Mrs. N. Morns and C returned Monday from where they have been vi Iroquois Falls, Ont., August 20th, 1936.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stables and family f | Special to The Advancs i have returned from Nellie Lake, where The Ansonvilleâ€"Monteith road, closed| they camped last week. since spring despite protests of mot‘.)r-{ Bill Brydge, Kirkland Lake, visited ists, has been repaired to the extent| with his family here over the weekâ€"end. where it is passable in dry weather. The; Three young men from Gaspe, who big holes have been filled with gravel.! were enjoying themselves well, but too and although the road has not yet besn| noisily, at Porquis Junction were graded it is no longer necessary for the| brought to the Falls Monday aftern>on mot>ring public to detour via the rough,] by Provincial Constable Allan Stringer hilly and much longer Porquis Junction| at the request of T. and N. O. police, road. During wet weather the condition |and booked on intoxication charges. of the road is still highly unsatisfactory| They will appear before Magistrate E. since clay is being laid on the surface, |R. Tucker this week and may have the making it very clippery. One car turnrdlsignal honour of being the first to be arcound on the dangerous Meadow Creek|tried in the municipality‘s new courtâ€" hill Tuesday evening during the rain. |room in the town hall building. A car driven by Harry Whittingt:n, ooo ie on Monteith, and owned by C. S. Jessup,| TY The Advance Want Advertisements Iroquois Falls, was badly @2MAG@A WAE | <â€"oâ€"â€"o on mm Whittington lost control and the car; iNE turned over, near Monteith, Saturday morning. | Some Repairs Made. Several Car Accidents in Iroquois Falls District. Three Runaways at Falls Recently. Other News Items from Iroquois Falls and District. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wynes and family have returned by motor from Huntsville, where they spent a week. Miss Shirley Faler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Parker Faler, who spent the summer visiting with relatives in Minnesota, returned with them. A car allegedly stolen recovered by Provincial Stringer, abandoned on plains near Nellie Lake held for the owner. When the steering kn driven by Baxter Mc Falls, broke Tuesday aft careened across the roa with the local garbage wagon. the horses was slightly injured damage done to the garbage McNeil narrowly escaped inju the wagon tongue crashed windshield, close to his face. He is a boy, not a girl (as we inadverâ€" tently had him). Mr. James Cattarello, who has bseet in business with a poolroom on Golden avenue for a number of years, has sold his business this week to Finns who will operate the business in the future. Mrs. Wm. Brooks is on vacation in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McLellan leave on Wednesday for a week‘s holiday touring the Ottawa Valley. Dr. J. Barry, whom all will rememâ€" ber as practising here for some years, is in town from Toronto visiting old acquaintances. summer cottage on Lake Watabeag, on vacation. Miss Cecile Nault, Miss Katie Lowe and Jack McCracken are spending a week‘s vacation at Lake Watabeg. South Porcupine Fire Brigade Honours Member end picnic not f; tional in the and put so much time and energy into the training of the members, we recogâ€" nize that we have exceptional ability in musical talent here and a masterful leader to cring it out. We were proud of our band, and of its leader and would like them to know that we conâ€" sidered the performance on Sunday a credit to our town. Marriedâ€"By Patl naught Station on Chartrand to Mage of Conmaugzht. Mrs. Proulx ing he Mrs., Dewar, mother of Mrs. O Proulx, of Truro, Nova Scotia, is visitâ€" ing her daughter in South Porcupine Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dunstan, of Norâ€" anda, were the guests of Mrs. Libby at Golden City over the weekâ€"end. Our apologies are due to the new little baby at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Sutherland who arrived last week. He is a boy, not a girl (as we inadverâ€" n ce wWwagot ittempte Proulx, of ng her d Mr. and inda. wer ader to :;ring it ou f our band. and of Thos resentation Made to Joe Millar on Eve of Marriage to Miss Dorothy Johns. South Porcupine Proud of its Band. Other Items from South Porcupine and the Dome 1€ be¢ ail to perfc banc banc . the ome Jessup spent as tak so muC ed by wW. Crot l1d dash from ilong Qambnige tree._ Joe¢ C 16 ho 10 were [attaga: be stri rmance reu] anc d as it now is was nonâ€" old Goldfields band havâ€" scattered. Since Mr. A. G. aken over the leadership 1iuch time and energy into of the members, we recogâ€" naway in town recentiy,} day afternoon when a y W. Crotin, Ansonville, ash from the T and N. O. ; Cambrige avenue until| ree. Joe Cashmore dairy painfully injured recently by the team drawing the n they ran away and he stop them,. and a horse, . Smith, Montrock, made! dash through the town : ‘ering knuckle of a car kter McNeil, Sturgeon esday aftern>on the car _the road and collided garbage wagon. One of lightly injured and some aInmnl ruck Lake, and Only A u 1i daughter Pats: om North Bay n Sunday with the Gelinas ust 18. Special lInas at Conâ€" t 16thâ€"Emile riumtures, both it Rouyn was Officer Allan the blueberry vonsumers unday could i the excepâ€" Tisdale band few months is was nonâ€" ‘ when gh the iT his on Three young men from Gaspe, who were enjoying themselves well, but too noisily, at Porquis Junction were brought to the Falls Monday aftern>on by Provincial Constable Allan Stringer at the request of T. and N. O. police, and booked on intoxication charges. They will appear before Magistrate E. R. Tucker this week and may have the signal honour of being the first to be tried in the municipality‘s new courtâ€" rcom in the town hall building. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Carruthers with Mr. and Mrs. J. Watson, all of Ottawa, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carâ€" ruthers, Main street. At Tuesday‘s police courtâ€"which was cver in ten minutesâ€"one drunk paid $10 and costs, while an old offender paid $50 and costs. For consuming liquor in other than private premises a man paid $25 and costs. A speeder (lady) paid $10 and costs. A man charged with reckless driving had his case withdrawn. Another paid $10 and costs. A case of assault and a wage case were both withdrawn. ‘ And after years of wondering whethâ€" er the camp justified the building of homes that would last, we are now all so certain that South Porcupine has a great future that owners of homes are imprcving, stabilizing, painting, and beautifying their property for lastâ€" of Mrs. James Morris Adams, William Adam at the Church The bride was charming in a lovely gown of whitse satin and picture hat and carried a bouquet of roses and liliesâ€" ofâ€"theâ€"valley»s She was attended by her sister, Miss Alva Sweeney, who wore a pretty model of blue silk with hat to match and carried a bouquet of roses. The flower girl was little Babe Hanâ€" nigan, who was dressed in pink and carried pink flowers. William Chennette was the groomsâ€" Popular Couple Wed at Church Nativity at urd ing. The mal is s Margaret Sweeney, Reg. N., and Wm. Adams United in Marriage. Abo opet The The TIP TOP TAILORS UTST ANDING British Woolens 5 Pine Street South event wa Society 2 of Margaret, daughter weeney of Timmins, to son of Mr. and Myrs. of Lanark, was hold f the Nativity on Satâ€" aer McManus officiatâ€" ril ure of the South Forcupine Store of the ty. The Society this week cbserved its fif: marked by a concert at South Porcupine on >3 has stores at Timmins and Schumacher. HAND CUT and TAILORED TO YOUKR MEASUKL You‘ll like this season‘s fabrics from Britainâ€"the smartest array of select woolens we‘ve shown in years. There are hundreds of themâ€"and your favâ€" ourite, weave, pattern colour is there, To make your Tip Top Clothes worthy of these outstanding woolens . your unrestricted selection is handâ€" cut and tailored to your individual meaâ€" surement by skilled craftsmen. Thus, you are assured of perfect, comfortable At. MmidAn Mrs. Marys een a set in Sudbury Star:â€"Now an ¢ finds that radio waves continue infinity. Of course this was suspected of radio .jokes. Guelph Mercury:â€"Things might get better, too, if we gave less thought to what the world owes us, and more to what we owe the world. are incorporated just as you wish it. In fact everything is done to make your Tip Top Clothes truly vours,. â€" Unrestricted selection at one stardard price Stvle trends from the world over THURSDAY. AUGUST 20TH, 19 Phone 1145 Aan :unCt! d Mrs. L #, tt Elliot! ngineer on into already

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