Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 13 Aug 1936, 2, p. 5

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U 40 % 484 94488908484 8488404444848 44 4144 #448 44 640444464 444 06 4 404 Doing Excellent Work in Canada for the Blind Phone 32 64 Spruce St. South Timmins b 4004090606080 4 1099448 04 4444 644 % 04448 644 44446 % TOGUST 13TH. 198936 piisn® becau Cap dire visitec friend friend in the roble mIinC distr abl ha: uUres human SUPugg1es which, t« is consid en TREASURER‘S SALE OF LA FOR ARREARS OF TAXES ighteenth Annual Report of the Canadian N stitute for the Blind Gives Interesting Data Interest to Timmins and the North. â€" Review port for Advance Readers. AmMOU d 11 Mc COAL MORE HEAT FOR YOUR FUEL DOLLAR our variety of coal Algoma Cokeâ€"Welsh Anthraciteâ€"Pennsylvania Blue Briquettes â€" Alberta â€" Pocahontas â€" Buckâ€" @ # 0 004 %% 4# 0 % 0 0 % %% 4 44 of aAl 31 put ns PW 1P 1J mna Cokeâ€"Welsh Anthraciteâ€"P Briquettes â€" Alberta â€" Pocahont wheatâ€"Nutâ€"Slack and Steam h al 11 nual rep ia women are op ds and working plants in variou.; hat their total e: $1231,000. In the nstitute a simple pI 1 OP A WARRANT lirected. COAL AND wWOoDYARD AND oOFEFIC] 64 Spruce St. South unlike m ncealed be ippallin page . n that In i amendmet 1936, at the 17 )6 TlGCs ind 11 € 111 ¢#! np In the Township of Whiti 1J 1i A K N . W iT 11 st annu ind the inten hanc flicti 11 by 1 itional Inâ€" of Special of the Reâ€" District of Cochrane 1i vhi ki HIM 1 TC cide, P.Q. Huntsville "We can claim success when the day arrives when our machinery is so berâ€" fect that every blind Canadian capabl® of ‘being usefully employed has bren fitted into his proper niche: when the closest coâ€"operation exists between the Institute and the schools in which blind children are being prepared for partiâ€" cipation in the economic life of the ccuntry: when every destitute and disâ€" abled blind person will be adsquately ingâ€"Director, give the ground won to be achieved : "We can claim 1Ls NIn 1l1 ainadian In 2 T diers w! e th id offic( ‘Te of one ol LUie OoperalOIs, d at the most modern style of lle switchboard, is shown. comnection with the National Ofâ€" of the Institute, club rooms â€" are itain<d for the use of the Canadian ers who were blinded in the war. of the most interesting photoâ€" 11 1e BJ rcble <ad and what they hops to do can uggested in a condensed report h must devote most of its space to formal statemeont of its financial ion, but the fact that these schedâ€" and balanceâ€"sheets are bound up the lives of men and women se condition has always aroused the ise interest of their more fortunâ€" fellowâ€"citizens, mak*s the annual rt of the Canadian National Inâ€" te a doscument which absorbs the en m bearing date the 13 day of May, Township of Whitney, mentioned eby given notice pursuant to The oner paid I shall on Tuesday the by public auction so much of the 1 about the sale and collection of in add suffere three grama of lif efforts to c onsidered to ‘le, would i i hint of wh d and what ccested â€" in apron and d ) blind seam the most INnlLGTOSuiIIS fpMIJPLU® | VININLOIS @AIlG in the annual report Sshows |campaign commit {f these soldiers. There were apâ€"|ing ‘"Timmins Co ately one hundred and ninety | ing list is given:â€" an soldiers who lost their Sighl'conv(ncr; Mrs. P to war servics, but only three | Bocker, Mrs. A. F i addition to the loss of their‘ Chisholm, Mrs. J uffered an arm amputation.| Maxwoll, Mrs. H three "Superâ€"Amps," W. C. Dies| Pritchard, Miss F onto; S. W. Johnston of Lakeâ€" | Traver. The Sout .Q., and Whaley Austin Of | tee is:â€"Mrs. J. . ille, are shown in the illustraâ€" | Blood, Mrs. C. N hy got together at the reunion |Johns, Mrs. Frec Canadian Corps in Toronto twO0 | Vary, Mrs. W. W 8000 blind residen benefits to the Canadian blind sult of the activitits of the Inâ€" are incalculable, culled from the of Captain Baker, the Managâ€" JTICOLI Treast 1€ id 1€ rduate ind seamstresses are in conâ€" loyment and in a similar facâ€" nnipeg 11 blind girls are emâ€" few are employed in private One photograph in the anâ€" rt shows a young lady workâ€" teel plant in Hamilton; she is blind woman employ@d in a in the Dominion. For 15 id girls have operated the switchboard at the Institute‘s and in the annual report J. W. YOUNG, Reoeve, Township numâ€":;er Ol Ql adventure in 1 are man ; of the bl The ccumen enticn. TIgU in North Americ ult enough to f t 11 AI 11 graph the x different f them ari the mana Baker, bl ind a like e who guide the destiâ€" dian National Institute ‘e many men who know ‘ the blind from actual + National Council is n in a likeness of Sitr f Montreal, honorary he Institute and one inont figures in th: > a brief glimpse of ind the objetives still hcld no under Nationa .Ons 1 up of ationa Ah the i Institute employs f the Ontario School home teachers, and . The recerd of their mbat what is generâ€" be an overwheim‘ng l1 an encyclopedia; a2t they have accomâ€" they hope to do can a condensed report blind Mmil differen aging blinded ind in the a C superin division glind. these scnguâ€" are bound up and â€" women s aroused the tOI i the frie find means 1, but there A W ghted reâ€" ne of the e annual 11 blind uncil. In cointmnon~â€" rd of their t is generâ€" rwheim‘ng and thon auspices Institiite. n to the the THZ PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS ONTARIO ‘e nf Inst ‘~CLOI $20.85 38.50 21.33 M 0.98 7.15 of | vice 41 | drive that netted ; trouble makers. 30 it was a good tit ; police departmen most irresistable. From the progress noted may n but the acumulated resul of application to our ta: I can say without boas! daressed schools for the blir Quebrc and Ontari scientious efforts to the sightless people but th:serefforts we uncoâ€"ordinated. Wh responsible for the . Canadian National J uncoâ€"ordinated. Whin those whno were responsible for the organization of the Canadian National Institute said at the time: ‘Little is being done for the adult blind of Canada as a whole,‘ the stateâ€" ment was as close to the truth as any generalization of the kind could be. The vast majority of adult blind Canadians were without organization, without vices, without crganized help, without "Toâ€"day, whn we LAaKC a glance across the Dominion, we the Institute functioning in every vince and in the colony of NewfC land. We find scores of blind p working in offices, factories ant their own homes. We find men women, even in remote districts, ing to the Institute for home teac chances of employmsnt, opportu for tusiness., for advice and he! sentative offering kinds to minion, svery conceivable subject. Th: Ins has offices at many points and r sentatives scverywhere. We are, in offering and extending services ( kinds to ths blind people of the minion, whzsrever they are and | ever are their circumstances." ° The report lists the various of of the Canadian Naticnal Institul the Blind, as well as the provinci visions and the various advisor} campaign committees. Under the | ing ‘"Timmins Committes" the f( ng list is given:â€"Mrs. L. E. Do f escap? wretchedne ‘"‘‘*Toâ€"dGay,. Bocker, Mrs. A. F. Carrigre, Mrs. D. D. Chisholm, Mrs. L. Halperin, Mrs. D. Maxwoll, Mrs. H. Parnell, Mrs. T. E. Pritchard, Miss E. Sinclair, Mrs. H. L. Traver. The Scuth Porcupine commitâ€" tee is:â€"Mrs. J. Armstrong, Mrs. H. Blood, Mrs. C. M. Brocks, Mrs. W. J. Johns, Mrs. Fred Laforest, Mtrs. R. Vary, Mrs. W. W. Wilson. Thinks North Will Worry Along Under Toronto Rule In an editorial article last week The Haileyburian discusses the bad roads in the North and the recurrence of vince, is not startling it .ma There has bee North at vari recent year amaigamati ting down C 1i is a good strong protest made against any attempt to saddle Northern muniâ€" cipalities with a portion of the cost of the main highways, which seems to be the cause of Mr. Rowlandson‘s stateâ€" ment about the North being ready for secession. it can be avoided and we can continue to worry along under the adâ€" ministration at Toronto for a few more day 1 the cause Of ment about t secession, it C continue to v ministration . vears at least vith OY "It is true that the bulk of revenue rrived from tax©s in the North goes rst to Toronto, from where it is doled ut at the hands of the government ithout, we believe, a fair return to ie North in the way of expenditures )r development and improvements, but appears the best way is to keep amoring for our rights rather than ttempt to break away and duplicate ie expenses of administration. If there _ a good strong protest made against ny attempt to saddle Northern muniâ€" nalities with a portion of the cost of urn armoulth Her wed a renewa 11 ss noted may not be ‘umulated results of tion to our task is without boasting, vears ago, had an findin from i6 n hout boast‘ng, amaZ s ago, had anyone er to Organiza > Adult Blind in Ca probably not have kb there was no such 1€ an NatiCnai InstIiCl well as the provinac he various advisof imitteos. Under the Ths trend of things in has rather ben towards i and the consequent cutâ€" expenses. li g be 18 ve them Possibly | H. V . Ball, Mrs Carrigre, Mrs. D for home teachin Night forecas livelih i yoar the tempâ€" eral comparison condition, as far Ar s no such orâ€" tion â€" with th n Nova Scotia aAl i an even d ly the chief try out the : which sports ometlhAin r school rvices Oof : of the D the follov E. Dorwa parts wouldl the robot systeom adoptsd ‘by the De he expensesl partment of Highways for Ontario ha are high| the signal lights actuated by the pas f things in | sage of the vehicles themselves," sai en towards| A. V. Armstrong, who is supervising th equent cutâ€" | installations throughout Ontario. "Traf i detectors are placed well back fron of revenue| the signalâ€"equipped intersection, ith North goes| Passage of the vehicle establishing e it is doled | contact with the control mechanisit government| this assigning the right of way b r return to| mfans of fhe standard traffic signal xpenditures| â€"ESreen, amber and red. The safet ements, but| ard timeâ€"saving factors are particular is to keep|ly noticeable where there is a marke rather than| in the volume of traffi( d duplicate| The trafficâ€"actuated signals also tak jion. If there| advantage of breaks in the traffic flow ade against | thus permitting cross traffic to use th herm muniâ€"‘ intersection without irritating delay." the cost of This rcbot system is also being instal seems to be| led near Stoney Creew, Ontario, wher son‘s stateâ€"| the No. 8 and No. 20 provincial high W C who wer on Satu1 to year startling 18 years I think uUunlicl «iO inaâ€" been an up dozen f felt preâ€" facl ad ind Al in " d 12 diâ€" ind 1¢€ New Robot Traffic ’fI‘I;’ ii' Device Now Adopted SX The first installation has just gone into operation at Niagara Fails, Ontaric at the Bridge and Victoria int*rsection, believed to be one of the most dangerâ€" ous in Canada in that this presents a network of railway and street car tracks Motorists and street car riders who become annoyed at encountering a red light when there is no crossâ€"street trafâ€" fic in sight and who feel that this is an unnecessary waste of time, will shortly have this source of annoyance removed by a new robot system which, according to tests, reduces accidents, facilitates traffic flow, and lessens the municipal cost of traffic control. This new trafficâ€"actuated control system has been adopted by the Deâ€" partment of Highways for Ontario and its use will be standardized throughout the province at heavy traffic intersecâ€" tions as an important step in the Deâ€" partment‘s new highway safety proâ€" gramme. as well as two intersocting highway that are thoroughfares for a heavy flow of tourist motor traffic to and from Canada and the United States. Ingenious System of Lights Endorsed by the Dept. of Highways as Part of the Safety Campaign. "Whereas the present signal changes are on a fixed time sch ways cross; and a streets, near Newm: strgetls, near NéwmarkKeLl, i ilyâ€"used traffic artery lead ronto to Muskoka and 0 vacation areas. Tist ins also being made at Otta nipeg. The system is in intersections in Montreal vey shows, the accidents at these duced 59 per cent The principal feature is t proaching a red light are right of way immediately â€" fic on the other thorought: the intersection. Waiting cars en the right of way and proceed first break in the opposing traf right of way reverts at the firs tunity to the thoroughfare or the continuous traffic was inti ystem 13 n Montre: he numb poit far uniess ction, blishin nechan vVen P light dule, 11 id he 5{} €ince inter India and China Take Up Soccer in Real Earnest not able to gi paid tribute gavea much had expected, t11 A 1 Clear B.C,. Fir Vâ€"Joint; Gyproc; Hardwood Floorâ€" ing; Vâ€"Joint and Shiplap; White Pine Featherâ€" edge; Clear Fir and Pine Doors in Stouck Sizes; Sash in Stock Sizes. tC Y ard Schumacher Phone 725 Lumber, Cement, Building Materials, Coke, Mine and Mill Supplies of John W. Fogg Limited 13 jresent 3] ¢ \‘\\\‘\9 is Q\\akc with vitami® @ Fout extra features make Quaker Corn Fiakes befter valueâ€"moneyâ€"back guarantee of better flavour printed on every package; waxâ€"wrapping and tripleâ€"sealing; enrichment with the health vitamin "D"; and a coupon exchangeable for valuable merchandise in every package. No other corn flakes give you these features . . . yet Quaker Corn Flakes cost o more! Rough and Dressed Lumber 1l1 77 ¢ LC a f C f th their n is mannel @iry delay S11 di aturday, wa: that will be ‘ation. The C oc and LNnhey were best, And they | Hamilton Spectator: opponents, who|sunâ€"blistered moderns ; splay than th*y | it might not have been ® "if the neckâ€"toâ€"knee bat 11 Complete stock of id Office and Yard Timmins Phone 117 T‘l deal of was th ang and markabl!t Their pi 11 ayed thsi 1 Monday tween T he‘ ( 4 ¢| w1 ate a%X Ct D underst 110 111 th grapt ~as$s rry. Added ilful dribb an 1 I 611” arC $S 1 m their wards ; Olyvymyp * for every purpose CfL 1 V at Branch Office Kirkland Phone 393 m a 1 l Coal and ind it , prevailed the halves. ootball team in Calcutt® ed a merited heir unbeatâ€" d 21 games avo won all drawn. The a, Germany, , Argentina trong sides. mary effort aln valuable 111 91 India will the irprising if plucky acâ€" Ti KIng LNDAt bad idea it byâ€"law aat th of _ out ng that 1Dr(} en 11

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