To encourage public interest in Band Music the Consumers Coâ€"operative Society has arranged a COMPETITION for the Bands of the District. â€"A cup has been donated by the Society to be competed for annually. Final possession of the prize goes to the Band winning 3 times. Entrants already include the: displayed in the Consumers Store Window, corner Fourth and Birch North Brookfield Butter » 26¢ n s mt SHORTENINC Apex Strawbherry Jam CHERRIES PLUMS, _ PEACHES, Sports â€" Games â€" Races â€"{Tugâ€"ofâ€"War â€" Refreshments. _ Admission FREE to Everybody Don‘t take chances on Cheap Canned Goods 0{ Inferior Quality.â€"We Sell the Best! Cornflakes â€" â€" 2 pkgs. THESE SPECIALS LAST THE WHOLE WEEK! QUALITY BRAND Peas, No. « on omm ommmenay on mmen s on on omm m m w sSUTGAR CRISP China Oats â€" â€" â€" pkg. 31¢ Bran Flakes â€" â€" pkg. Prunes, med size â€" 1b. ROBINHOOD Raisins lomatoes â€" COUNTRY CLUR, Choice Band Contest epper â€" â€" of Successftul 5 Yeal'S Coâ€"operation TIMMINS CITIZENS BAND TISDALE BAND COCHRANE BAND Pure Ground BLACK ANTD‘ WHITE Na.4tins 2 tins sSquat Tins laad ® No. 1 size, 2 tins 25¢ LOMBARD, TIPâ€"TOP Picnie Brand Pink Salmon l { ") tm 11¢ 2tins â€"an easy lunch Choice FPRY THIS product 1 t he. m al 2C AANZ AL 4A J pure vegetable duct made by e ma‘kers of Crisco. 2 Ibs. 27¢ z\hs’nluu'ly pure 39C 32~:0%6, J2AF > tins 27¢ 2 tins 23¢ Tin 16c Jelly Powder 3 pkgs 23¢ Old English Mints Ib 17¢ KRA ET Cheese â€" %1b.pkg. 14¢ All Sorts LUSHUS sSCOTTISH COâ€"OPERATIVH HEREFORDâ€"CORNED Chipso, large pkg. _ 21¢ P. G. Soap 10 bars 34¢ Comfort Lye 2 tins 19¢ Saniâ€"Flush â€"â€" tin 21¢ l B ‘ e d n b . (â€" LIBBY‘Sâ€"23 o%z. size Tin Beef Shave Cream s Squat Tin CANDIES The Consumers Coâ€" opeldtlve Society, Ltd., invites all the consumers of the District to join in celebrating 1t~,l*M* TH ANNIVERSARY. The day is August 16th, a GALA DAY OF FESTIVITY at the Free Bus Service from Consumers Stores °* y GALA DAY and PIC Idle Hour Park, Mattagami Kiver Arge 2 tins 27¢ LARGEF TUBE Â¥> a x E. 42e (Road via Wende Ave and Daiton‘s Field) Secure your Bus Tickets from the Stores equal of formance tonal po with pre See this amazing nes though it has 6 tubes, 1 equal of 8â€"tube Worldâ€" formance. In sensitivity, tonal power and qualit with previous radios sel to $50 more. The ne De Forest Crosley mode! The gr history! S De Forest tubes Performance equal to previous models at $120 to $130! Dr FOREST CROSLEY RADIO â€" Q9Q95 THE PORCUPINT ADVANCE, ONTARIO Brandâ€"New, 1937 6â€"Tube Modeis VAl 1t it The Coâ€"operative Method is the Legs Of Lalnb * L lb' zgc'sum'unm per D. 10; im .« m‘ m: m oc R()llnd Steak P s : s s k â€). 22(. R)dSt Beei('ï¬u,u WRAPPED (. Bacon â€" â€" ic Vi€ Sirloin Steak â€" â€" Ib. 25¢ es tw s fl1-Bone Steak s 1x -lh .)7(: Sm()ked l)lcnl(.s 5':)‘:-:â€â€˜]’1:_\1 2';{. sCHNEIDER‘S °_ _ per Ib. Loin Veal Chops â€" Ib. 27¢|Midget Rolls â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" 29¢ We Handle only GOVERNMENT GRADED QUALITY MEAT THESE SPECIALS LAST THE WHOLE WEEK ! ITS CANNING SEAS Corn Syrup Macaront, De Luxe, 2 pkgs .......... Minute Tapioca, pkg. .................. Junket Ice Cream Mix, 2 pkgs..... Eno‘s Fruit Salts, housechold size Fruit Jars, small â€" doz. $1.14 Fruit Jars, large â€" doz. $1.29 Certo â€" â€" â€" .=~‘.â€" bottle 26¢ MEAT SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK EDWARDSBURG 2 Ib, tin Guaranteed Coâ€"op quality. «. Flavour pre served in vacuum jat Ib. LIPTON‘S TEA seo maser Ib. Mc FRY‘S COCOA â€" â€" â€" % lb. tin 20¢ BAKING POWDER Ts on amC Premium CHOCOLATE ****** 23c Hires ROOT BEER â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" 3lc¢ ibh. 29¢ ih. 22¢ Ib, 25¢ ib. 2i¢ Ib. 27¢ Coâ€"op Coffee Grand Concert Riverside Pavilion Aug. 16th, 8p.m. Concert at So. Porcupine Programme includes varied Musical, Vocal Numbers Porcupine District Pipe Band Porcupine Welsh Miners‘ Choir and other interesting numbers See Thursday‘s Issue for particuâ€" lar information res Celebration Band and Instrumental Music Guest Speakers include:â€" Mr. W. C. Good, president Coâ€"operative Union of Canada. Arena, August 18th,â€"8.00 p.m. 17¢ 79¢ *R VJV ie â€"0p e * preâ€" Ejar. th MOoNDAY. AUGUST 10TH, 1934 Best! Ib. Mc ib. tin 20¢ maoilc 28q per lb per Ib -' 30 P