Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 30 Jul 1936, 1, p. 4

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SALI‘J ()l“ MINING LAND FOR RENT NUT“ ‘ E TU (‘R E DI'I‘ORS W In (hr manor «.l' the Estate of George ~ “influx-0n. law of the Town of Timâ€" min». in the District of Cochranc, mint‘r. (km-used. 175 th( \PARTMI h II. FAOE POUR DaLt‘ci at Timmins, Ontario. this Lii day of July. 1936. WILLIAM O. LA‘NGDON. Solicitor for the said DORA RAMOSCON. Ax I’o rc u; ' )me C 10' d A re a 33(‘ Tuesday, September 1, 1936 ‘-\rr;mgements may be made for enrollment by calling at the College oflice. Be a graduate of the Timmins Business Collegeâ€"It Pays an [N )lEM()Rl.-\M '11 Timmins Business College W1” OR FOR SALEâ€"New house at, 90 Montgomery ii )f FALL TERM FOR RENT Ram N! 1E the nature of the securi- ield by them. .otice that after the said ugust, 1936. the said Dora 1 proceed to distribute the said estate among the ed thereto, having regard laims of which she shall ad notice. and that the moscon will nbt be liable issets. or any part there- rson of whose claim she n have reecived notice. Timmins, Ontario. this OF CHARLES DALLEY on July 30th, 1926. of loving remembranc FOR RENTâ€"Beak d aid JE of the late George 3d on or about the 1936, at Timmins, :‘c required to send. 15th day of August. igned, solicitor here- con, executrix under a George Ramoscon‘ asses and descrip- r-ticuiars in writing statement of their iature of the securi- me jAI Mi 3] iv vcn under and by suncil dated Jum of Bob‘s Lake and and mining rights 336 and Da 'eniences. Apply , Schumacher. acres. m by public “to the 1 bu h flat. and convenience Concessior 11 :1 n1 heated, all 90 Montgom- 60-611) ha [EDI 'ed late I] Jane within rooms and 11a I] 31 of Cool I) OIIC 1H crec 59-60-61 f M! )8 met 10- L. Apply one 544. 59-60-61 )W )I Savin Spruce 60-61p Claims Bu ~re or tend- Int pricc Lance gms pr â€"60p 60p yril 60p be )n 0n Liberal-Pro; Conserva t iv Social Cred Comm De ferx' Premier Bracken May Lack Control of Manitoba House A brief life tion with at cast LOSTâ€"GOLD WATC er employc to coll'ect act in any against the late Adz died on or about. the 1935. at 'I‘immins. * are required to send. d-sliver to the um herein for Marian Rt ministratrix for the Ada Lena Fligg. thsi and full particulars claims}, uagc} statemc count "and the natur held by them, .if am: And take noticetl day otqffiggust.“ 1936 Roberts Dunlop wil gard only to the claims shall then have had no the said Marian Roberta not be liable for the said thereof to any person wl shall not then have rece: Dated at 'l‘immins. Ont cial ncx sug FOR SALEâ€"N SILVER SALE. beh Solicitor for th Dunlop. NOTICE is hm‘ hf." gin-n GORDON L. (‘OMISSIONG M WOOD FOR SALEâ€"4) LOSTâ€"One PROPERTIES FOR SALE; In the Mattvr of the Estutu of Ada Lona Fligg‘, late of the TOWN of Timâ€" mins, in the District of ('Ochrzmc. Widow, deceased. at NOTICE TO (‘REDITORS ii 3 more 20 Cherry, fir Avenue. 376 and be rewar lme ARTICLES N >R SA LE ina amar I'( ,1 1‘ WEE IUI‘EC WOOD FOR SALE jI 3X able for the said assets or so any person whose clain' t then have received notic at 'l‘immins. Ontario, this uly. AD. 1936. WILLIAM O. LANGDON )nl ha I] I‘lf UL l I' 3n BLACK ul D )wn 1C n iv: COT NOTICE ma sslv in ll LOST 11 IT Ll‘ OI OX PUPS Man Ir DI’O M Tl 1111 I] ari m if pre 3f K1 eed Dunlop W 441 321 i! Jack 58-59-60 11 11m 11 ch )p w: 31' pa Da MR and I] Hurlicultural Societies to Hold Picnic at Ncllia‘ Lake Weinor Roast at Barber’s Bay Enjoyed by A.Y.I’ to What Should he Judgment in a (‘asc lec This One :‘U‘ WELL-KNOWN CARD READER up- stairs at 86 Balsam South. Convince yourselves. Party engagements. Daily. 10 till 10 pm. -60p ANYONE CAN EARN EASY EXTRA MONEY SELLING “Imperial Art" and "Windsor“ Christmas Cards. 1936 line now ready. Personal cards from $1.00 per dozen up; box assortments; gift calendars; Christmas wrappings. Every Agent should read the “Im- perial Art News" monthly. Write for Free copy and full information re- garding samples and commissions. British Canadian Publishing, Room 225 Wellington W. Toronto. IT rake Dore Man Charged with Murder of Prospector IB mina n {eh him a lesson. Lanctot, is re- d to claim that his quarrel yi~th iowski was due to an improper K made by Lhe old prospector on ',ot.'s young son. Mrs. Lanctot last left her four-months-old baby at :0 City iii the care of friends ‘and 3d L0 Noranda to be near her hus- at, this time. It is understood Lanctot will not receive his pre- ary hearing on the murder charge August 4th or maybe later. The riinary hearing will likely be at, \GENTS WANTED M ISCE LLA N EOUS h Th ll n ng the suggestion made at the ntetlng of the Ontario Horti- Societies in Toronto some go. the Horticultural Societies irt of the North have arranged a picnic at Nellie Lake. north is Junction. on Sunday next, 2nd. Timmins. Cochrane and Falls Horticultural Societies ng in the event, and a pro- of special interest has been It is expected that C. A. ‘ New Liskeard. a past presi- the Ontario Horticultural As- . will be present at the picnic, .s some other prominent horâ€" ts. All members of Timmins ural Society and their friends cordially invited to join in 1c. All that is required is to with a lunch and ready to em I. F Lanctot. merchant and 1'. who is charged with the of Frank Adamowski. a pros- ‘11 known in this part of the is remanded to this week on of murder when he appeared e. court at Noranda last week. and was until yesterday but ected that the case will be emanded Lanctot is said to 1 police that he shot Adamâ€" L did not intend to kill him ly to wound him in the arm :d man ll 16 ,lChE mb‘crs of the A.Y.P.A. of ; Church enjoyed a weiner )ers Bay last night. After d the fire for some time. playing games. they went If the. of Sudbury. appar- ian at a bargain, but just me out in a recent series ains to be seen. 10. who knows a bargain week purchased a motor It, may not have been motor cars. but it would : do you expect for $10? ? No! Well. anyway. started to drive his new police spotted him. The bou W1 W nanded. But when what is the magis- 1 man who has just, 0t. having markers? Id be given at least ve down to get, the how can you fine a markers on his car. 1y car. This ought se to worry the at- SD 936 1C IE I'E £116 mra .ied ma he t ma )OI ally lagistra1 t bough 1y have had tht ay a tried S€ him *kers. 936 aul m PORCH?!“ ADVANCE. 11mm ONTARIO I'C thoug )U charg plate . Lh tim new The Of ht, Atlanta Constitutionzâ€"It will be to tell when national decay has s« Some one will bring out, an electri box with no improvement. Miss Mildred Taekaberi‘y. teacher at. Mattagami public school. was bereaved this week by the death ‘of her mother. Mrs. John Tackaberry. who died at the family home at Lion‘s Head. Out” on July 27th. Miss Tackaberry was home for the summer vacation at, the time of her mother's death. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lynch and (12111 tcr Alice returned this week from a 1' iday at St. Catharines and Port I housie where they were with their and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Lynch of St. Catherines. Miss And Lynch is remaining there for the mainder of the summer. Mrs. S. R. McCoy and daughtor. Miss Phyllis McCoy. are leaving this week for Kirkland Lake to join Mr. and Mrs. T. M. White and son “Buddy.“ motor- ing on Saturday to Toronto and Orangeville. Misses Marion and Dorothy of Toronto. are the guests in u Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Irvin, Maplc north. Miss Ellen Gosselin, of North Bay is visiting her aunt. Mrs. Gossclin Cedar street, and other relatives ir Timmins. Noon weather forecast for Northern Ontario: Moderate northwest and west winds, partly cloudy. Friday. fair with stationary or somewhat higher tem- perature. W. T. Milliken is 0 South. Misses Anita and Loretta Go Timmins toâ€"day for an extends day to United States and other em places. Mickey McCann, South Porcupine hockey player who had his leg broken this spring while at work in the Dome mine, was able to leave St. Mary‘s hospital this week to return to his. home at South Porcupine. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin ( Binghampton. N.Y., were Timmins this week. Firemen have had just. one week. On Tuesday they wer Commercial avenue to put ouI ney fire. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Nethery. of Timâ€" mins. spent the week-end with friends in Toronto, returning home Tuesday evening. Mrs. W. W. Orr was called to E ville yesterday on account of the ious illness of her mother who rc there. Ralph Jackson of The A is spending a brief holiday in Kingston. Mrs. M. Yuule and daughu left (0-day for a short» vacati tawa. Mrs. P. T. Moi: daughter Jane. re a vacation at F( Mr. and Mrs. A. C daughter. Patricia. are Ottawa and Shawvillc. Mrs. E. D. Elli been visiting her Ellis. Born-wto Mr. and M 116 Wilson avenue, zu daughter. Bornâ€"L0 Mr. and Mrs 19 Lakeshorc road. on daughter. Mr. and Mrs. S. M Hamilton. were visitors the early part of the w Bornâ€"Lo Mr. and Mr ard, 56 Avenue road, < son. Mr. and Mrs. H. Harri this week from a trip to ( New York State. No. this isn‘t a picture of the '90's. It was snapped on Cedar street just the other day. On the front seat of his "bicycle built for .two" is Denis Lawley. 19-year-old son of Sidney Lawley who occupies the rear seat. Denis made the bicycle from a good “bike” he had and spare parts he picked up for about four dollars. With two good men pedallmg. it is possible to make almost twice the speed an ordinary machine makes. Denis says. TIM M INS’ FIRST TA N DEM ;ley. her son Ja turned this wee nwick. Ontario of Em daughu Dorothy Houlb. uesLs in town of N€ m s. Alfox m July ho Ad Jul Johnston friends .11 .‘ll‘ n x'vturm ‘rnwall aIT er. Hester ion in 0t! visi (laying 1am Mi call us home 11.1 .1 chim ll Alldl't he re 6th Mcn holi )uth ic id )al ill) .111 E111 in h in I] ! Forty-four . lGunes Lake-Pore. Gilbec Hugh Pam Lamaque Leiteh Magnet Lake . Matachewan Cons. Moffatt Hall New 6 Mmmac . ,. Poxcupine Creek. . chcupine Goldxeef i Vimy _. Young Davidson Siscoe iTeck Hu Tobum Ventures Wayside iWright 1 !White E Base Metals Bidgood Big Missouri Bra Bankfielcl . . Canadian Pandora Casey Contact There nearly wasn't a ball game yes~ terday. Up until near game time. the Porcupine club had not posted its Te- miskaming Baseball League guarantee Ncranda Omega Porcupine Crown . Preston East Dome Premier Read Authier . . Red Lake Goldshorc ano . Robb Montbray San Antonio Slmwkey Sherritt Gordon Casey SummiL De Santis Delnite McVittie G1 McWatLers Mining Cor} Mcneta‘ Nipissing Night Hawk Ball (lame Nearly Called hut .Porkics Pay in Time Hardrock Hollinger Howey . Hudson Bay . International Nickel Jackson Manion ‘ . Kirkland Lake ‘ Lebcl Oro .. .. Lake Shore Lee Gold MMMMM M uttalo Ankerite anadian Malartic astle Tremewcy ent-ral Patricia _ “enu'al Porcupine ‘oniaurum amour lyma ickle mcLeod CockshuLt, mito‘aa and Eastern Intyre Kenzie Rod Lakl Millan Gold . Vittie Graham WatLers Il€ it 'l‘o-day’s Stocks Homnger Metals Hughc idatcd Chibougamau If C row Hargreaves Iagle )1] rporation aboll Unlisted Listed 120.00 8.00 84 10 1.10 Bid 77 16 50 1.81 53.50-53.85 58.25-58.85 6| 34 19 140.00 42.00A 3.02 59 HA Asked 50.75 60 62 20 30 00 57 1.80 ! kindly and hearty in‘ 225'and Mrs. W. C. Rob 10‘43 Timmins, to any frorr 8.10 ' North who may visit -- u 4 i call on than and mu 3 acquaimanceship. Mr. skcd | were for years reside __ IMF. Roberts was on L1 1n Hiere. while Mrs. R0b( 4.60 16 10 16 1.47 9.30 1.15 20': 1.50 25 7.70 1.28 67 4. '70 1.03 7.40 8.50 11 1.75 1.43 198 2.60 4.10 2.22 3.46 4.25 6.30 1.80 63 1.07 3.30 1.61 31 1.86 86 30 95 61 30 70 were prepa however. i] goods, 21 dr ed with re his case c : letter was ' the man a] The letter abandoned To Attend the Jubilee of Johanm‘shuru South Afric police court cases L number of boys were charge of stealing a said to be the proper named Adelman. T the form of old 'M px'cpcrty. The you This year Johannesburg. South Af~ rica. will celebrate its fiftieth anniver- sary, the city having been founded in 1886 on the Witwatersrand. after the discovery 01' gold there. In its 50 years Johannesburg has grown to a city well over 310.000. Reference works give the population as 170,543 white and about 140000 Nrgio One description of the city says :â€"â€"-“Johannesb1ng is the sf‘at of Witwatersrand University. and has a cathedral. an observatory, a museum, parks. and sports and recreation grounds. Buses and street cars furnish transportation within the city and to and from the many attractive residen- tial suburbs." The programme for Johannesburg‘s The J ubllec hcre, whilc Miss Fear town's mc young ladi guflty v) t suspended ‘ they pay to been stoknl 200d behav one a dents world In ‘ Ti'mmins many former 11 who would like nesburg Jublls: planning to go. Whine, a pionee W( Ch th no May Cancel Convictions of Yuung‘ Men at Cobalt There is a in Cobalt in r coul the White, a pioneer of Hi ing camp. but a form South African minim From South Africa Loler toler at bel and lik ; from Tenders to be marked Tender on Sidewalks. Sealed. and left. in Town Clerk’s Office; Tenders 'l‘nwn 01 Sidewul; RemusWOptical Dept. Speeifiieatinn, Plans and Profiles, may be seen, and form of tender received at. office of Town Engineer after August 3rd, 1936. ‘5. M 17 Pine St. N. 1(1 If bu dri Nothing that money eould buy would repluee your eyesight. Take care of them now before it is too late! Have your eyes examined. th dvrs will he rcvcivcd by The (Torpuratinn of the rn of ’I‘immins for the ('onstrm'tinn nl' (krmcnl :walks up until August 10th. 10:56, at 5 pm. 1c en tent b( earty invitation from Mr. C. Roberts. formerly of any from this part of the my visit Johannesburg to and renew old times and ship. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts rs residents of Timmins. was on the Hollinger staff Irs. Roberts was formerly McCarthy, among the popular and esteemed here. II' Z€ 118C 311C Jar 11‘ n‘ 1( iv a t u Som )un unusual situat to same conncc there. Recently here. Recently a .= convicted on the quantity of goods. '-ty of a gentleman he goods were in ining Corporation 11;: men pleaded a, and were given on condition that ds alleged to have .- bonds for future )1' which the boys In the meantime. on with the same d1 I) I] .end 3 of them ur thsc is W. W Porcupine min resident in Lh omcs 111 181 eld I'll m en is the swat ity. and has y, a museum, recreation cars furnish city and to :Live residen- SI'I‘LN CE. Registered ()ptomvtrist I] n from Mr 1 the same :k is charg- )ds. When mm C‘ 1‘ U H here are Lh Africa 3 Johan- hcm are The fact showed 01'] 1011 ituation )C U l'( sburg‘ audin VC 1')“ ll L}]( the 1i f 21 11.00 a.m.â€"Sundayg School and Adult Bible Class. 2.15 p.111.â€"Dome Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.-â€"Evening Service. There will be a service held in the Golden City schoolhouse Sunday after- noon al 2.15 pm. ('orncr Elm Street and Sixth Avenue livv. E L. lloinonon. Minister ltcsidcnco. 16 Elm St. North. 7.30 p.m.â€"»Public Worship in Finnish Rector: Rev. (‘anon Onshir Sunday Servicc 10.00 armâ€"Adult. Bible « 11.00 a.m.-â€"â€"Morning Pm 3.00 p.111.â€"Sunday Sclu 4:15 p.111.-â€"Baptisms 7.00 p.m.â€"-Evening Pm; Holy Communion on 1521 month, at 11 a.m.: on :m 7 p.m.; and on 5th Sunday th WE (Cor Fourth and Cedar Aves.) Ministerâ€"Rev. Bruce Millar, B.A.. 10.00 a.m.~Sunda_v School. 11.00 a m.â€"â€"â€"Mox'ning Sox'vi "Without Chr 7.00 p.nl.â€"â€"Evemnq Wors “Looking: at. 111 You are (V’ordially lnvitu Rev. Murray (1‘. ' Msicloxlce 83 FirsL Ave 11.00 21.111 1pm) to :ommon h )0 8.00 Rev. A. I_ llcinom‘n. Minister Res. 16 Elm St. North. Timminx. ()0 p.m.â€"â€"Public Worship in South Porcupine United Church in the Finnish language. The United Church, 'l‘immins )roughly and if 1L the goods were :’ boys will likely ndecl sentence 'wi 50 and that they Church Directury Svrvit'r Finnish United (‘hurch South Porcupine Timmins "‘innish United (.‘hurch Trinity United (‘hurch St. R’latthmv’s (‘hurch U nith Church South Porcupine, ()nt. THURSDAY. JULY 3013:1936 H. E. MONTGOMERY A (‘m'dial Welcome to All One Hour Servicm~ C011 A cordial wolvumv to all ;\ cordi The House 0f Friendship Svhumachor N1 mag Lraig Public angua “Christian Subject: “Handicap urray (I‘. Tait. Minister 3 First A\'e._ Phone 1087 Sunday August 12nd. 1936 Subjm‘t : TN. .al u with us U l n welcome to all at Phone 190 mw g: at thv Cross." lnvitrd to “'orship (‘u‘s'hing' Services “I u 11‘ indm 15L Sunday of 3rd Sunday. at .ay, at, 8.30 am. ray< :1100 11‘15Lia11 :1 _\'( 111 hip Clerk :151 Subj( g‘me int, ion show .bandonoc ILA” l..'l‘h 1W k Tl'mbl bj( mm" 1 with I“) )V( 11

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