ruul V lbw" 01 1‘1“? I" ' Wide circles in town are extending Home at Dufault, Quebec sincere good wishes to Mr. and Mrs.‘ .___.._. .R. R. Stevens on the occasion of their Elsewhere in this issue will be ; recent marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens. found an account of a fire at the home both popular here, have taken up I‘E‘Si- of Emile Auger. Dufault, Quebec. in dence in town. They were married at which the wife and mother and her St. Paul's Anglican Church. Runny- three little children lost their lives. In I mede, Toronto, on July 5th. by ROV- the report in the other section of this Edward Morley. and after a honey- issue it says that Mr. Auger was badly moon in the South returned here. burned. and that a maid in the house. The bride was formerly M135 Georgina the only other person in the house at, D. Everett, daughter Of Ml'. B. Everett. the time of the fire, was also seriously Lakefield, Ont. the groom being RiCh- I burned, but that Mr. Auger and the . ard Reginald Stevens, son of Mr. andI inajd‘ Mimi Provonoskj. both in [he MTS. E. R. Stevens, Of Montreal. BOth hCSDital at Noranda. might recover. have been resident in 'Iï¬'mmins for sev- Later word from Noranda says that the eral years and With wide circles 0f maid is dead, and Mr. Auger is in friends here. The bride was for a num- ‘ critical condition. The burns sustained ber 01' years a valued member 0f the; by the girl. proved fatal, Mimi Provo- Central public school teaching staff. noski was the daughter of one of the Mr. Stevens is the district representa- iu-w settlers in the Dufault section and “VB 0f the Canadian Pneumatic T001 had been helping at the Auger home on Company. With headquarters in Tim- account of the illness of Mrs. Auger. [1111115. I _-â€"â€"_.â€"â€". Elsewhere in this issw found an account of a fire a of Emile Auger, Dufault. C which the wife and mothe three little children lost the the report in the other sect taste of punishment. Both pleaded guilty to ï¬ghting in a public place, and were each fined $10 and costs. One of the young men told the magistrate that he did not think he «the young man in question) had received his money’s worth. Ten dollars won't buy much these days. young man. Fifth Victim of Fire in Home at Dufault, Quebec halt both men THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE Gentleman Did Not Feel He (lot His Money’s Worth International Intrigue Adventure Romance If THURSDAY. JULY ma. mo .zmen evidt the Phone 1680 Coba )t Porcupine Brick and B'Oclk__$_upp|y youn Montrcal 'l‘oronto Halifax Saint John Winnipeg Vancouver ALEXANDER MURRAY (10. LIMITED at it Ask your 10ml dealer for particulars and folders The ï¬rst long instalment of this story. secured by The Advance as soon as the serial rights were available on this continent. ap- pears to-day. All these are brought to readers of The Por- cupine Advance in “THE GREAT LA- RUCHE." by that writer of great “thrillers" Sidney Horler. in court 'th me battle. 1g men got I'nique in Texture ITIIrivulled in Quality â€is! iuc'tive in Variety )me -â€"You can now have a completely modern home, built of genuine brick. at a very moderate cost. We invite you to inspect some of our homes now com- pleted, and when you are satisfied with our work. we will gladly give you a com- plete estimate, on any type of building you desire.....Build with brick for per- manencv. this issue will be of a fire at the home Dufault. Quebec. in Read it Now in this issue of Build a Brick Home fl Both pleaded ublic place, and 1 costs. One of us wee It see or write to us direct Ac air wo young and the :ording to !k at CD- med that rly hefty pleaded COMPANY Timmins Couple Married at Runnymede, Toronto There will be sincere sympathy ex- tended to Mrs. .105. Hisko. of Timmins. in the recent death of her mother. Mrs. Honorah O'Grady. The late Mrs. O'Grady died at her home at Barry’s Bay. Renfrew County. at an advanced age. Her mother’s death made the sec- ond bereavement in a few weeks for Mrs. Hisko. her brother. John E. O‘Grady, dying in St. Michael's hos- pital, Toronto, early in June. Second Bereavement in Course of a Few Wee WITH 63 Columbus Ave. Y. at, an advanced ath made the sec- a few weeks for Assisting W ll m work 1121 h I) in the actu of £1 The edito is C. W. Ea with excepti He was the countx'; d-srstal all cla‘ 1C New Journal Issued to Beneï¬t Workers Th 111C “111(ilust1'ial to Assis cavernous m1 Explana tio toothless. its 01K not :lt mg Ber 8.01%. inc I‘V rkel )8] d“ k1 to Assist L21bou1',Fight Communism, 211111 Strive fo1 (0-01'101 211ti011. .l I' )1 V9 xplanatinn Adv n .1 l‘ 38 WH ALE TALES HARD to BELIEVE R A DOUBLE WEDDING TOOK PLACE IN THE MOUTH OFA WHALE. -â€"- ‘ CIHCAG0,0CT IS, I930 â€" m maumvc THE “1.6 mun HAVE cuoxeo To DEATH mum . ' ' 72> SWALLOW aw DRAMGE/ IT I] in Starting Lodge at Kirkland VVUI K( ekin CU he The: Hepb 1n Proba S.O.E ,1 I‘ ed )VBI‘D nd 'orL and the for un- between Cate for I] Aims Fight an cad of Leré ibilit m Tl NC 1le in a: rk iVE €11 IT kc 11 .l 1‘ ll I) I] THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. Tim, ONTARIO ts IS OSCAR AHLGREN FOUND DEAD AT HOME NEAR SUDBUR" Provincial police at Sudbury wer: called to Long Lake Sunday morning to investigate the death of Oscar Ahl- gren, pioneer resident of the district Ahlgren was found dead in his home by neighbours after they heard a shot The man was shot through the temple and a .22 rifle lay by his side. Provincial Constable Len Evans in- vestigated with Dr. P. E. Laflamme. :hiei‘ coroner, who decided no inquest would be held as it was obviously a case If suicide. m 1'6 n ma m Situation Misrepresented in Many Outside l’ape of high or low degree. Reports from Kirkland Lake suggest that Mr. Goode has met with much success in interest- ing the pSOple of Kirkland Lake in the formation of a $0.13. lodge there. It looks at present as if Kirkland Lake would soon have a lodge of the Sons of England and that the'lodge will start out with a large mémbership. A meeting has been called for to-morrow night to further the institution of the new lodge proposed for Kirkland Lake. Ah Vi! Goode has been defining these aims and objects aszâ€"To raise the standard of citizenship and perpetuate in this new land those memories and ideals of the Old Land that are the most treas- ured possession of Englishmen. whether ll pointed out at Kirkland Lake that there are a. large number of former members of the S.O.E. in that camp. as well as many others who have retained their membership despite the fact that Kirkland Lake is without a S.O.E. Lodge. In addition Kirkland Lake has many of English birth or descent to whom the aims and objects of the S.O.E. should make special appeal. Mr. Goode has been defining these aims and objects aszâ€"To raise the standard for the formation of a Sons of England Lodge in Kirkland Lake. It has been the tilt I] 211) suxclde. hlgren was a widower. his wife pre- aasing him in 1927. Born in Finland. was 58 years of aze. Lh The Advance Want Advertiseme n JI‘CE‘. O O permanently retam the I‘ragran Explanation 4â€"Pilo-t ï¬sh attach t .elves to the sides of a whale and hem to their feeding grounds. W h 1‘ he an IT .1 0t. h h court in Timmins." Of course, n: has asked for any investigation 0 police court of Timmins. Timmin‘ re court has been conducted Io. 25 years on a very high plane an: ig satisfaction to all interested ii‘ law and justice and good citizen- Jon felt I] Explanation mee that to 'ESE I‘immin 3 committee. should both be pre for any hearing of the alleged ac ions. In a word, the council wa -' to investigate any charges ther t be, or to have others investigat charges. but first they lnsiste: they should know the charges am the source of the accusation .st the chief of police. Councillor. :uggestsd a special meeting to (lea any charges, as soon as m: :95 were preferred. bably the worst misrepresentation a matter in any outside newspaper ,hat in The Toronto Telegram. .> it was said that Mayor Bartle- of Timmins, was in Toronto this .e situation here in regard to the police force has been badly mis- ESBIltEd in some outside news- rs. In many of them it is suggest- :e mayor went to Toronto to secure issistance of the attorney-gensral n to their f: dumb brute :sistance of the attorney-gen se the council had refused an 1tion. This, of course, is very the facts. The situation sin c at the last regular meeting ,lI‘E NCO/«ES ONLY FROM A w sacx “MALE/AND 4: wow» ABOUT #84 PER ounce Mm: useo mmwc nut/6M5! {.‘RADE PERFUMES Wh st. prohibitive price. It is user ’ly as a ï¬xing agent in the manu ire of 'Lhe most expensive and deli perfumes. not as an odor itself. bu rmanently retain the fragrance. if ed the ccume: He wi‘ of the LO am 51068 01 a Whale and guide to their feeding grounds. Whale: imb brutes and it is only due it ict that water constitutes four- of the earth’s surface, they haw .ble Lo survive. should that, t, king to have ointed to in 11 ‘he skew] 311 in .pos: Company 18H form at 15 which has been known to in two with one might ketch is. from an acttal possession of the Paciï¬c. pany. whose active cap- ?olossus" will soon be on inv BEE Ambergris is a sub in the intestines of arcity accounts for it a price. It is use roy :couan for it It is use in the manu hf 11111â€) may 'iLs C0111] imply 11g of need and Lll( €111 11‘ )f Plans for the Zone Le be held at Child's Bea 16th are nearly complet Nsame. zone president, 5 Not only members of Legion branches of Um are being arml the children. Legion branches welcome to attend vice men and UN Plans Being (‘ompletod for Legion Zone Picnic 110W Fourth Big Mme for Frame Building: Here in Inclusive Admission TO ALL EVENTS 'l‘he Frood 'l‘ig‘ers reeently defeated Ulster United for the Natii Championship and to date this y 'ar have only been defeated once. the only Soccer team to visit here this year from outside the N.().l“.A 6.00 p.111. at Tm: Jildil' 11‘ SPECIAL BASEBALL FEATURE McIntyre VS. Porcupine “Dome†Children’s Races Special (‘unlos A1 -1. 15 p. m. \lclII1yro \Iill plzu l’unupino in a regular "I. B. L. ï¬x1urv. \ios’ arv now mw game ahead so this “ill he a crucial II1I11Ie. in 1hr ovenin the Illl‘k. From ( mmins in It )1 wk 11' ld CIVIC HOLIDAY MONDAY, AUG. 3rd ha H O\'( U‘ TRACK AND FIELD EVENTS FOR ALL St rm n 11' I't l! Danc Ing if ()1 EXHIBITION FOOTBALL MATCH ban (Ill 1111 (specially built dunvv floor in Gordon Archibald’s ()rvhc-stra thm L11"? also 2 1mili£ Music by the Tisdale Band a1 h if on picnic I! Il Ll‘ m 1H 11 .5 week. madiun Rac m lstil for Lad it"s U 11‘ Schumacher I hi Rel; M time the company wi Paree and Show you seen on the gay lbc :rc he :11! (SI Spruce St. South 'l‘immins 000000000000‘00OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO um. nu mmmxum .wn 0mm: Phone 0 0 0 2 o Amateur (‘untest I' (‘hildren at i’zlla oooooooooooooooooov90000609909900oooooooooooo¢ooooooo Mldod Att1'21cti1 101110011 with “Stop! Look 9 ' ‘V (1111111211137. l' K On w in the . 1k and Liste (1 scenes. {11' Apple.“ [1‘ new songs. If 21 7‘8 IT 1y Mart in t1 Blue Briquette wheat-â€" A] 11 ll] Raves; MORF YUl'R l‘ 0n 11‘(‘ “The Dana the “Waltz of 11 l“l{ ‘- have only been defeated unee. This will he dance 5U) md 1:42 01‘ stage show. This my will take you to Gay , you the kind of show 1y boulevards in- the 'his is perhaps the host pqrtoire of th? “Stop! !" Co. Among the feat- ll picLu 1‘6 0|" It Drilling Contests Lug Sawing {DAL II“. Hl'I.\'I‘ FUR I’l'l'Il. HHHAR l \.|'H“\ (II (0.†.Vl n’day .md lunrlws will he served all day on “I? ground N0 mod to leave for meals. n and comedy hits. . Will Rogers in re. “In Old Ken- H Refreshments the 1tur< \Nli â€VI ‘Is’. nd \Mt h W I‘hi Welsh Anthracite -- Alberta â€" Poca' 10111 pr Vt 1t 1‘12 sp 11.9 will b l 01' are 1‘ t,‘ V‘ eat- 1nd and .‘l 1 M il 11‘ IC- be 11 U the same family. escaped with mine injuries. Mrs. J. O. Boyeur and Mrs. 1 BoisverL. both of Kapuskusiiig. we: taken to Sennebreimer hospital by passing motorist. Twenty-five stiirlu were required to close. a wound in Mr Boyeur’s head and 30 stitch-es were r1 quired to close. a wound in Mrs. Boi: verL's head. Mr. Boyeur. the driver. and thr small children, Aurora. 7; Paul. 4; :1: Rim, 2. escaped with scratches. Aft treatment at the hospital the injur women were taken to their honw. 'l‘“ u Kapuskasing “'0an Injured in Autu Accidvnf )1 .11 n h Tax Included 1y ni 11 mph W -\nd '0 m â€" Pocahontas 4 md Steam Coal h n bl 11‘ 'en om gm women were ser 1 car in which m at a tire and tumb‘ one mile from O other occupants. ul 119 family. escaped W ° maun will also l'ldzu‘ matim Natiunal Lem-glu- Mlu‘tking’ Fantasia Nail Driving u ll W 1111111 con also m p lt-E’Ul‘ con com pet-Pd 1n Pennsylvania on wil be the ll Kick-011' at 30 1i W PAGE THREE i! ll‘l Wt 110111 SUCK- U 'UI‘ ll ht ll ll :11) A116