Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 18 May 1936, 1, p. 1

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al 81 by wil credscdad said. T solute admin! moast u have c uds memt mativ careful that th drafted by a an address d representativ« pany, to the 1 day night. "S quently full 0 dictions and ow delays, C Ba Lions Told Importance of Wills and Willâ€"Making The purpos was at appointing dé Youth Congr: fulfilled. Al B week and will erable amoun the problems paint no plcoyment situ; impress upcon tialities of th per chance t the second re gress and if t mobile, he wil If it is nects Best to Have Wills Drafted by a Lawyer, Speaker Says. Selection of Executors Very Important. Some Humorâ€" ous Aspects of Selfâ€"Made Wills Referred to. Under the chai Hardy, with Miss H: retary and R. U. Ma nett as ‘memsers c executive committee gun this week on th ting forth the aims the ttrms under wh. shall be made up. committeés, with Cli convener and Leo Ls aarr mas members, | week. Applications eny of them. the United C Finnish * €rs, Tuxis G Centre, Public Young Comm Retail Clerks‘ Club, and ithe ple‘s Associati C pDCOSSiDil In the backg clder peopleâ€" Catholic Wom: adienâ€"Francais be invited to m visory ‘board v to be present ccuncil. Their â€" The includ Imm@<diate a meéeting in drawing tp o a survey cof societies in 0 timate possik n Timmins the next few work has together eve; people in t} and clubs h: tention to h townâ€"wide oc Oobjective the centre. m©ny Form Council of Youth for the Town of Timmins Organization Completed Yesterday. _ Sixteen and Clubs Joining in the Movement. Lions, 1.0.D.E. and Other Societies Interested in Capacity. Vol. XXIL. No. 40 nce nbe m e l P A PA L TLA it iL in ult BPA APAL AP P AP AP AP A L P L PA s IHC Saim pre The Pioncer Paper of the Porcupine Established 1912 1s nect (Contit Serd Delesats 3 J AT T 1€ iL Individua Oltaw Walli Al WATER HIGH IN MATTAGAMI RIVERAAT THE PRESENT TIMTGE Aitnough it has been reported from Toronto that the Hon. T. B. McQuesâ€" ten, Minister of Highways in Ontario, is to visit the North this week, the exeâ€" cutive of the local Liberal assoc‘ation has received no word as to what day they are to expected him in Timmins. Mr. McQuesten is now in charge of road construction in Northern Ontario, following the abolition of the Departâ€" ment of Northern Development a few No Local Knowledge of Visit Hon. T. B. McQuesten Private Session of the Council Toâ€"night JMm 1€ ie On ‘lime for Crippled Children Here Toâ€"d; >rd MIL ae water ent time ral feet. irchase of Central School as Town Hall and Matter of Slaughterhouse to be Discussed. 11 mavins Ssuccession Dutil B o the ding e ublic an at the clinic A. W. Farmer 0o ospital, Toront ation of the K 1¢ et., â€"It WO Or ugnternouss qu ore the council haoped that by preposal from vate individuals perating such CC ellin Published at Timmines, Ont., Canada, Every MONDAY and THURSDAY hoped > done 1€ the counc Wedne of needy crippled child nb the Mattagami higher than us is said to be the f _replace it. MemBbt l board may be pt mseting. it was stat r of local :« on and in it 11 OY 16 same i xecuto iestion will alst for consideraâ€" 7 toâ€"night soms a company 0| s who are conâ€" a place will be 1 for consideraâ€" the Sick Childâ€" Through the )n W1l entra _1In many great deal #1 Societies Kiwanis, Advisory of iâ€"mad pluo i MembBetr 1A i VEeEnU i, 11 wits h the of LAiquor Th: Toâ€"morroy ed bec opeé no. tick fror Not Able to to be Sold mins to | T. N.0O. Bus Service to Matheson Pamore by End of May w{,?e'; ti?:;y _ *Â¥ L‘ Ry MarAkkLh "as«s 11 n narges on ow‘s Docket Get it Going by May 15th as Hoped. Tickets Straight from Pamour to Timmins, and Timâ€" amour, Through Arrangements with Dalton sengers or freight iys that touch the a‘:lway. n( the O 1C1 WA will nc mmins ill be C 11 [IMMINS, ONTARIO, MONDAY, MAY 18TH, 1936 1I between th is been guar work‘ng me 01 Ma SUITH M ha it ] j Premier Hepburn and Hon. J. C. Elliot Here 1Jo; day., May 26th Tuesday, May 26th, to be 12 paA be MA $1050. This amoun if all do their psa esigned to give an ‘n missed in the g opportunity to cor ajor Hillier and hi 1€ lti{)i‘l Army Tag Day : soon after, the shot being j i heart. Wm. Bleakley., over 70 ; who recently applied for ‘ sion, is under arrest and w |\ ed with murder. It is said the men qu some land. A riflie was used in the s ast regular meeting of the cil Jlast week the Timmins Army was granted permisâ€" i a tag day in town on Tuesâ€" 6th. This is the regular yearâ€" held by th> Army in Timâ€" held by Army a part of the yearl nnection with the campaign. Bach ; 1€ th ind BCm e1d inada with to contribu ind his staf il IJp}1€ ave on I o part‘c unavoidable y wWwho ma eneral can 11 11 and dis Lb Bickell . "IL IPâ€"Vyearâ€" i Timâ€" proceâ€" annual ‘ar thse by ith» mM ha Four Reported Lost in th>| the Night Hawk Lake Area All Curlers to Meet Here This Evening Will Be Big Year for Local Club.â€" "Timmins _toâ€" be Seene of T. N. 0. Bonâ€" sniel. organize and Mtr. ‘GI ported lost in They have b Old Man Said to Have Used Rifle During Quarrel. "~ A man named Denning aged about 55 was shot through the breast yesterday about 10 o‘clock at Matheson, dyving n. Bleakley, over 70 years of agt recently applied for old age pen is under arrest and will be charg ith murder. is said the men qauarrelled ove 11 used in the shcooting dir 211 orius left toâ€"day tql ct a complete search" n and three sons reâ€"! bush near Connaught. missing for a couple npot ave been his trip rab i Ccoupie lLuring t left mainly | special tion‘ng of noon, from pupils of th speaker on 2.30 to 3.30 be arranged night at 117 Wils gutted the interiot cccupied by D. PB started, Mr. Bast Published at Timmins, Ont., Canada, Every MONDAY uand THURSDAY One Real Fire and Eight Other Calls Yesterday At the High and Vocational school, summer tests are under way although it is likely that special notice will be taken of Empire Day in the morning assemble of students, it will be imposâ€" sible to devote the entire day to study of the Empire. Nearly $1000 Damage Done Last Night in House Fire on Wilson Avenue. Weekâ€"end a Busy Time for the Timâ€" mins Fire Brigade, Chicfly with Chimney Fires. One False Alarm. Empireâ€" Day Timmins public by special activil in which advant bership in the | stressed. To Observe Empire Day at Schools Here Piay in a mixed foursol at 1.30 o‘clock. Members who wish tc this first club event of asked to sign their nam bulletin board. Emphasis to be Made of Adâ€" vantages of Membership in _ the, Empire, h Mayv Official Opening at Golf Club on May 25 Members will Play V Foursome as First Event of New Season 0f dusine instalme1 business payable taken im Report at Moosonee of Some Indians Starving Amalt rdd=ed Chief John Nakoutchee Brings Word to Moosonee. R.C. M. P. Constable Provides for Help for Indians. John Wapano Found Dead Along Coast of James Bay. Indians Tried to Live on Fish. First Instalment of Taxes 'L Due on or Before Mayv 28 A} 1€ ‘ranged for the High Telephoned Fal noted iddenl f the schr on Empit mnIne $1,.000 dam J UIl 1 l d in The instalmen it Wwas anno mixed foursonr antages of Canada‘s memâ€" ie British Empire will be iid Ba morning, the the teachers, 7 to 230. the junior ools will hear a special re subjects, while from imilar programme will the senior pupils. ind Vocational school, ind separate s all througt «€u AaXx( ilu 11 on M eacnhnet zard t 2 wWas dGong venus when home owned n. How the held on Monday nnounced toâ€"day id Lhe WOrK is ers, who give to the funcâ€" In the afterâ€" celebrated in ) pa il VIn ake part in ‘ season are on the club led t to begin liinmins Monday, Mixed Club x) chools ie day mem~â€" wA last fire and fTire 1a 0 DL iroum 61 LaAkesnore road for another chimney blaze. At 12.25 p.m.. there was a call to 200 Spruce street north and at 240 one to 20 Wilcox street. On Saturday at 1050 am. th:re was a chimney fire at 172‘% street south, and at 1.00 p.m. there was a call to 17 First avenue, where the building of a fire in a stove that was not conâ€" nested to the chimney caused a lot of Last Thursday still holds the departâ€" ment‘s record for business. In all, there were 14 alarms in the one day, all for chimney and stove pip»> fires. The call was then traced to 9 Feldmanâ€" row, the houses on the west side of the Mattagami river, in Mountjoy township. This irformation was turned over to the provincial police who invesâ€" tigated and found th> house empty. The telephone there was in working orâ€" der, but the doors of the place were wide cpen, so that anyon»> might have gone in ang given the false alarm. J. G. Garecipy, formerly of Timmins, where he went to school as a lad, but in recent years of the far West, startâ€" ed duty on the Timmins police force on Friday evening. He has had valuâ€" able police experience, serving six years with the R.CM.P., much of the time in the Yukon. He walked urmxil exhausted, then dropped on the road, finished. Another tragedy of the backwoods! Sspair 1t for At help i panies New Man on the Timmins Police Force on Friday It was found out afterwards that his family ~couldâ€"onlyâ€" kill=â€"asout â€"one»smal meal of fish each day, at most. In deâ€" spair the Indian started from his cam|> of that region, John Wanano, : fcund dead along the coast of Jaui Bay, his body already buried unde snowbank, 18 miles from Attawapis Post, and only about one mile from Indian camp and food. Had it not b for his snowshoss sticking cut of snow, his body would not have b fcung until after the thawâ€"out in spring. Ir eith« The Ekwan River inland Indians who depend almost entirely on otter and beaver to gain their living, believing that they were not supposed to kill any of these animals this wint:r, huntâ€" ed and trapped for foxes along the coast. As fox is scarce this winter, they killed next to nothing. As these Indians coulq not obtain supplies from the companies, after havâ€" ng failed to pay their fall advances, thry migrated up Ekwan River, 100 miles, to the Little Ekwan, with the hope of killing enough fish to see them through the rest of the winterâ€"a next to impossible thing with only the one fish net available for each family. The report goes on that, a few woeeks later, on of the usually best hunsters of that region, John Wanano, wa; In the absence of Dr. Tyrer, Governâ€" ment Agiont here, the popular and able Constable Hopkins, RCM.P. took matâ€" ters in hand and sent authorization to the chiefs of posts of that district to do all they could to relieve the situaâ€" tion. Mcoosonee, Ont., May 1 clal to The Advance. The Indian Chisf of John Nakoutcheg, came some time ago to repor starvation of the India charge. Ir 14 received sim the oth‘r tr WO milnlu msaisam street north, Two Fires in Two Minutes he morning at 11.55 there <Â¥ fire at 53 Pine 118 miles distant, for in food supplies from the comâ€" ME tmalt BP P AP LAAA LAAA A >AAA 4A ALâ€"A angd § layv af y alternoon a a second fire idditional eqi e was demon received from fire had got i wind and rec telephone an JY AJ T @ SsIngl enue, the n case th 1Y ) to report the the Indians un 3 P late: iill â€" W@Dano, _ wWwa the coast of Jaine ady buried under : Y 1T}M TY ce who house empty n working or. e place were 2 might have Attawapiscat o â€" Moosonet the state of i2r‘m he need in Timâ€" ala quirl y road. control emical.

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