Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 23 Apr 1936, 1, p. 8

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Council Delegate to Toronto re Highway (Continued from Page One) bonds issued for road purposes would be repaid, the province would have received the sum spent many times over in additional revenue from the North. Discriminatitn Hinted "Many believe discrimination is ceâ€" in# show1n1," Mr. Langdon reminded the n'!gxisber of northern development, addâ€" that it appeared to him as if the “milk cow of Northern Ontario is not bzmg properly fed." iThe delegation decided to leave toâ€" and meet the others in Toronto. ile the matter was still under disâ€" cussion, Mayor Bartlieman â€" asked: "Would it not be sufficient for us to pass a resolution and wire it there, or do you think we need to send a reâ€" presentative?" "My personal opinion is that you should coâ€"operate with the township in every way. If they send a repreâ€" sentative, thenrn I Think you should. It‘s of very great importance to the lncrease he with a B i| is equipped and able to render careful, individual and satisfactory service. Consulit uor registered optometris. Evenings by appointâ€" m*anatl. Phones 300â€"301 Pii + C t . N BLUEBIRD rings today The George Taylor Hardware Limited as Authorized Westinghouse Refrigerator Dealer for our fourth consecutive year. We are pleased to announce our appointment During the past years, the Westinghouse Refrigerator has made many warm friends for us and has given us an opportunity of serving this community with the very best in electric refrigeration. We are particularly pleased, this year, to be able to introduce the most remarkable values we have ever offered . .. the new Westingâ€" house Golden Jubilee Refrigerator models. With new, streamlined beauty and a host of advanced features, these new models comâ€" bine the dependability of the Westinghouse Hermeticallyâ€"Sealed Mechanism and Dualâ€" automatic Protection . . . plus the Westingâ€" house Five Year Warranty. SEE THE NEW 1936 Jubilee Series Westinghouse REFRIGERATORS peperiess enselll gement ring,. w written quara REMUS OPTICALTDEPARTMENT leweller OUR . FOURTH YEAR As Authorized Dealer for Westinghouse 0h Stores and WarseBousesat Coba‘t, New Liskeard Swastika Kirkland Lake, Cochrane, Timmins, Ont.., Noranda, Que. ncrease her happmess with a BLUEBIRD EEEEEEEEE DIAMOND RING town." replied Mr. Langdon. ~*"‘I appreciate that. When Councilâ€" lor Cousins and I spoke to Mr. Heenan about that he told us that it would cerâ€" tainly be attended to, didn‘t he Mr. Cousins?" the mayor said. "He said if the estimates were proâ€" vided by March 31st," Mr. Cousins said. "I think we were informed they had been passed," his worship maintained. Mr. Cousins thought not. Mr. Langdon then read the corresâ€" pondence that had gone on between him, the minister, and Mr. Hamer, disâ€" trict enginger. ‘Th‘s was all published in a recent issue of The Advance and told of departmental plans for a paved rcad from here to South Porcupine 30 feet wide, with a 20â€"foot pavement from south End to Gold City or Pamour, also of the 100 foot wide boulevard the Holâ€" linger had ~asked the department to lay out from the new James street crossing to the mine. "Stock Excuseâ€"No Money‘" Near the clsse of the discussion, the mayor told of his experience with Mr. Heenan. "We found their stock exâ€" cuse was that they had no money. If they go on that way we‘re terribly Head Officeâ€"New Liskeard, Ont "A CHAIN OF SERVICE" id Warebonuses at Coha‘t New 1 u«al:automatic EA S Â¥ TERMS Phone 190 C 91( | fac Reeve Gallagher realizes that," Dr. Dayaaid. "but he feels that if enough pressure were brought t> bear the money could be provided. If delegates were sent it was pointed out that the first question the governâ€" ment would ask was "How much are you prepared to do in respect to your part of the road?" Tisdale, Dr. Day explained, did not want to take the lead for that reasonâ€"the road is almost entirely in the township. "In regard to us contributing," the "In regard to us contributing," the mayor said, "we would have to pay part of the cost of the road from here to Schumacher, except for a quarter of a mile. That‘s rather too much to ask." "There‘s no getting away from the fact that we do require a good entrance to this town," put in Mr. Langdon, "You‘ll be confronted with the problem some time." "I think they‘ll have to go right on to Ottawa," was Councillor Cousins‘ opinion, "the province told us last time that they had had no money from Otâ€" tawa for roadwork." T. N. O, is Interested In the end, all the members of the council were in agreement that a deleâ€" gate should go to Toronto and exert every effort toward getting a definite promise that the road would be properâ€" ly looked after. handicapped. It‘s extremely difficul to handle a situation of that kind. mayor said, of the cost Schumacher mile. That: Col. Mac Lang may join the party a North Bay, since the Timmins men in tend to inquire about the T. N. O. bus service, which they hope the railâ€" way will continue through from Pamâ€" our to Timmins. It is of vital importâ€" ance to the railway that the road be in good shape for bus traffic. Other council matters will be found in another column in this issue. Canadian asked permission to instal pumps at the corner of Wilcox and Hollinger avenue for George Deâ€" mers. This will be granted, the work to be supervised by the town engineer. Tax Complaints Several people complained about man owes $276 on last year‘s taxes anq will owe a total of $800 when this year‘s are due. The town has had to distrain tenants‘ rent several times in orderâ€"to collect rents, for the man is always behind. "He‘s a very difficult case to handle," the mayor said. The case will be fully discussed this afterâ€" noon. Horticultural Society Plan New Park (Continued from Page One) is not taxable. "Those are the facts," said the mayor, "and it ssems we have no other alternative." f iwul be Another complained about taXxX@tiOn | yopps on four lots on Cameron street. One| a‘ w had a barn on it and the taxes had | vye been raised on this. He thought they had be were too high, particularly as he used!ThiS w "When was it paid last year?" the! â€" on \\ 40 ’ S <\ 4 En ju€® Timmins THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS OoNTARIO mayor asked "We usual ask for it;" mused insert a comp at a cost of $1 council will di Ontarien repre To Publish In celebration Le Nord Ontarid this year in Fret Gem of the Nort A twoâ€"pags letter f1 bick, as solicitor for th the Ukrainian hall, as taxes. The place has I a church, it was state the place only four mo He had not appSaled h this yea like," t] lont as a half inch inches wide. insert a co I‘@q have thre them on my h: who hbhad been } for $20 a mon funds of the 1 been cut off, si man lived in can find anoth weeks," he told ford to keep h: to go on relief Another 1 tourist camy from the sa) still unable i ed somethin lars a day sc bills, he saic Payrclil as $10,401.14; F $13,.999.89. A were ordzrec Suggest Mystery in | Death at Frood Mine! tery in . C death of old sports Mine last quiry intC cause. Dt autopsy (0 was aAppio Â¥Aimey autopsy on T was apparent juries. Macgre ed at the McI known and 1C an emp Sudbury foot leve ter being on complained c stomach. He face where h There is a th kind of an a tNhough no any such ac The boedy noon to Russ Mr. and Mrs and the fune Club lineâ€"up, and was again on A champivnship team, the Sudbury team taking the championship from North Bay last fall. In hockey he starred on the Mine team. While at the MciIintyre Mine he was well known and highly esteemed in sport circles. Malcolm Macgregor, Young Sportsman, Takes ill Sudâ€" denly and Dies. _ Formâ€" erly at Mcelntyre. A reque mery told him I was just W ching up a VC told the counci woman ask year‘s taxe: been burned ) on othé WA n con _ _of M Dortsm TT 12 SO id DR. ROBERTSON‘s sONS HAPPY iaxXxpa y( t Lhere mE mection _ w ilcolm Ma ain, who di was taken Monday afterâ€" Ont, where his parents, George Macgregor, reside, ral seryvices were hold there neyvy lon 1nen| 5.00 f( ityre Mine and was well pular here, was recently of the Frood mine at e working at the 2\200- ie mine on Saturday afâ€" arift about four hours, he illness and pains. in the was taken to the surâ€" gied almost immediately. ry that he suffered some ident while at the ming, rticulars are known of Cl AT Afte be 10 Mauple 11 led, "Timmins, to be nine and ix and a half that the town be some mysâ€" 1 â€" the sudden regor, 22â€"yearâ€" I at the FProod sult in an inâ€" determine the performed an id that dsath toâ€"mo TTO W nat To tC id vertisem C NI 11 thniat nternal inâ€" nerly workâ€" 43 itive pagt Jmpia ind Fifth 2V weL worsHi 11 Ma s they Montâ€" ilding . 1935 e( if 1 WA yvant level (right), sons of Dr. D. E. Robertson, on: he caveâ€"in at the Moose River Mine on Hraham and Donald was taken just after that the imprisoned men had been reached Y OL 4.89 ‘Tel 1€ man.: :E been be his face Botween one and two o‘clock this morning the police took in charge a man who hag to be booked without name or other details, except that he was very evidently drunk, though most people would not think that was the worst that had happened to him. Not that he wasn‘t drunk enough! He was plenty drunk! Indeed, as one of the cfficers said, he could not be any drunker unless he had been a bigger Man Did Not Know How he was Injured 'L\j‘ Neither Could he Tell his Name or Anything Cna Brampton â€" Consgrvaior blood ‘but tomato juice," to â€" Henryâ€"*"*Contemptible Henry to Hepburn. "Pu "Riffraff" â€" ‘"Come cro the peopie O OUI reminds us of th )1 11 :CO i1 U 16 gh w urt: ind 1k cers said, he could not be any nker unless he had been a bigger 1. he had fallen down or n beaten up, for he had a lump on face near the eye that kept getting er all the time. A doctor was called _ put a few stitches in a cut near eye, but nothing could be done ut the swelling which was what is inically known as a "dandy." The 14 Pine St. N. c OoLner ICILIC Juvenile C be charged ut a few <stitfches in cut nefir ye, but nothing could be done the swelling which was what is ically known as a "dandy." was not able to give his name or ss or anything. He was apparentâ€" ‘inn. After he had received medical tion he was given a bed for the so far there is only on for next Tuesday‘s court, aises look like four drunks with the bump had a other fellows. ral cases in regard to traillQ an{ y safety are bookeq for the nex One man is charged with hav fective lights on his car, two ar d of failing to stop at intersec There are a couple of breaches 0 rking byâ€"law. One man‘faces F _of having defective lights on hi ‘he town police are keeping uj campaign to make the street Castorla â€" â€" â€" â€" 232C Moth Balls, per Ib. â€" 8e Mineral Oil, 16 oz. â€"â€" 39%¢ Epsom Salts, 1 Ib. â€" â€" 9¢ Fellows Syrup _â€" MothFlakes â€" â€" â€" 8¢ 2 50c bottles Pepsodent 69¢ Lactogen â€"â€" 79¢ and $1.79 ivenile Court next week ten boys charged with causing property . They were caught throwing at the curling rink and doing » thereby. The oldest of these 15 years of age, there is another 14 years, one at 13, three at 12 ind four at ten years. They were by the police at 4.45 p.m. on throwing stones at the curling id thus causing damage. ral cases in regard to traffic and me Ontario irio AaAre governe old school yvard! CURTIS DRUG CO. bie» cut,"â€" 88 Pussyfooting ross" â€" and are governed only one 0 s court, but â€"â€" _ "NOlL red id Hepburn cur."â€" said iffic and the next ith havâ€" two are intersecâ€" Ja up Temperatures UlThis wWEeCK low, considering that April gone. Monday, max. 31, mi day, max. 26, min. 18; Wedr 35, min. 12; last night‘s ar eight o‘clock this morning snow this week so far ] |an inch and threeâ€"eighths llight flurries from Monda i nesday. Weather to be Fair to Moderate, W armer "The weather will be fair to moderâ€" ate and warmer," was the cheerful news from the weatherman this morning. He said there might be light rain or showers over the weekâ€"end, but on the whole, he believes there will be general improvement. Light Rain or Showers may be Expected During the Weekâ€"end, Says Weatherâ€" man. Campbell‘s Peaches, 2 for 31l¢ Toilet Tissue O‘Cedar Polish i2 35¢ Po rk Bean § 20 9¢ Blue Bird Suvgar, 10 lbs. bb¢ Floor W OQOntario Bimore"â€"standard â€" Quality No. 2 tin P VCUdAl 1 Ulloll botrle Cleans as it Polishes" All the profits back to youâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Bring in your CASH COUPONS for period ending December 31st for vyour Dividend. Or otatoes AI vour furniture iry uvlated es this week have been ng ithat April has nearly y, max. 31, min. 23; Tuesâ€" min. 18; Wednesday, max. last night‘s minimum 13, this morning 20. week so far has totalled 28 ozr. tin Wincarnis _ Zambuk Blood Purifiers Stomach Powder Burdock Blood Bitters Facelle Tissues, 400 for Lyons Tooth Powder â€" Noxema Cream Soap SCAN\A ALANA AURAN® AULSONA ANTON\IA AnoAN\RA 4 rolls 23¢ Ib., tin ; fell in o Wedâ€" bag for minent as a lawyer, mining man, and leading Liberal, died at the Toronto General Hospital on Tuscsday of this week from pntumonia. He had been ill only a week. He caught a heavy cold while attending the funeral of a friend anq pnsumonia developed. At the time of death the late Mr. Parker was chairâ€" man of the management committee of the Ontario Liberal Association. He was defeated as a candidate for the Houss of Commons in 1925, but continued to take an active and earnest interest in politics. He was a close personal friend cf Premigcr Hepburn. A lover of music, a keen aviation enthusiast, a leader in financial and industrial concerns, not to mention his active part in poliâ€" tical matters, he was a man of wide and varied interests. PERCY PARKER, PROMINENT LIBERAL, TORONTO, PASSES Try The Advance Want Advertisements sShoulder Veal Chops â€" 23¢ Roast V eal, Ib. 15¢ W. R. Percy Parker, Toronto Chuck Stew Beef, Ib. 7c¢ Roast Beef, Ib. 22¢ Roast Beef, Ib. 13¢ â€" Shoulder Roast Pork, Ib. 19¢ Cabbage, Ib. â€" 7¢ Green Shankless Smoked Pienic, per Ib. Zlc Rhubarb, 2 bs. 21¢ THHURSDAY. APRIL 23RND, 193( Ask your local agent (no one can serve yO better\ or 217 Bavy Stree (Elgin 3$471) Toronty Tic 29¢ 89¢ 49c 89¢ 23¢ 27¢ Me Di

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