Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 23 Apr 1936, 1, p. 2

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QlIldil Llilhk SAUSAGE _ Ib. 19c Perhaps you have your own ideas as to who should be Queen, Then you may nomingate her yourself. She need not live in Schumacher. An entry Every time yCtu big Schumacher held on June 231 chance to win trips to Europe c big prizes, but you ing the Queen of a chance of winn offered by the Li Queen will win Valuable Diamond Ring. â€" Other Prizes Offered by Schumacher Lions in Connection with lhg Community Carnival on June 23rd. Nominate Your Choice for the Carnival Queen PAGE TWCO Flower and Vegetable Seeds, 3 pkgs. â€" â€" T bl S 1 Free Running 6 d . C Salt 2 lb. carton C * Specialâ€"A Delightful Cereal Plewes‘ Oat Puffs »=> 9c Choice Tomatoes 3# 22c * Specialâ€"Glenwood Brand Choice Red Raspberries Rolled Chuck Roast Ib. 15¢ Rolled Sirlain Roast Ib. 21¢ Tomato Juice Marmalade Sliced Beef Bologna 2 lbs. 29¢ Smoked Weiners 2 Ibs. 35¢ Fresh Picnic Shoulders Ib. 17¢ Butt Roast Pork Ib. 19 Mealed Back Bacon Ib. 29¢ Prime Quality Beef Wt P AP LAAA PAAA LA P AL P PWPA P PA «lt . "'ol' § Eaton‘s for Good V alue 5 (SUNGLO Blend TEA . . . . . . 50c > :SUNGLO COFFEE . .:. . ... 25c ‘SUNGLO Blend TEA . . . . .. 50c§ SUNGLO COFFEE . ... ... 25c $ MN"",,',"J «t P P P PA P P PA P L P PP N""\ SHOULDER 1lb. 17¢ Loin, flank off Ib. 22%¢ Leg Roast Ib. 22¢ Stewing Veal lb. 9c FRESH PICNIC STYLE PORK Choice fresh VEAL EATON‘S Makes Spring Cleaning Easier With This Meat Specials for Friday and Saturday Specialâ€"Plain or Iodized Specialâ€"Eatonia Brand No. 2 sqt. tin Specialâ€"Silver Ribbon Brand Specialâ€"An Outstanding Sale of Orange PLANTING TIME IS HERE cket for the . blank for rnival to be |day‘s Pore t only have | candidate‘s e of return be e rer of other |if she shou ice in electâ€" |as a ladyâ€" ind give her | which case liamond ring j the day ar you | Here are the rules: need |â€" 1. Any young lady is eligibleâ€"regs: ntry less of the town in which she live blank for that purpose day‘s Porcupine Advanc candidate‘s signature on she‘ll be entered in the if she shouldn‘t win, she lay and bargain Rules Are 11 sh JEW EL There‘s always a need for shorteningâ€"piesâ€"cakesâ€"deep fryingâ€"so here‘s a special sale you will be quick to appreciate â€"on the popular Jeéewel Brand too! VY LiE 1 T HU NP JIUI I i a‘ T ON THIRD AVE TIMMINS Flour 24’ bag 7 9C Any Time is Baking Time Shortening he may be to the @: Purity l1arge 21/2 tins 1OC FPew All Purpose 32 02. jar ippea n large 1 Ib, print 1€ goour hrzsc PuRity $3 'Q'olm 1} bas AICK 5 pmOHNTO! oat1® 4. Non . Nominations n icial blank app reupine Advance ril l17th and Ap votes; 500 for ea ‘ts, and 500 addit ling in the Advan book. Money has he Lions for only ts in the book. Th Advar rie _ J a very big relief ; engaged a woman t the munifcent sa en DOOKk atestant is 500 votes. JY Palmolive Soap * k Bon Ami ;%Vfd‘g. Floor Wax ;.%% Neverâ€"Rub flnicrai Washins Soda s« FOR A PERSONAL BEAUTY BATH, DON‘T FORGET Gold Soap 6 1 25c Handy Ammonia * _ 5¢ Bulk Soap Chips 2 15c Atlas Lemon Ol M 17c Gillett‘s Lye Here‘s a cake #feature you will surely want to ltake homeâ€"feathery light choâ€" colate "devil‘s food" layers â€"â€"rich creamy icing and gensrously iced with a chocolate butter icing. Why bake when such a delectâ€" able creation can be had for so little? CAK E Pure Gold Change to a lighter Dessert Chocolate ]] JELLY Barker‘s freshly baked Powders pkee. 5¢ Layer lomination int to 2500 "Devil‘s Food" Assorted 1€ o be probl Cleanâ€"Up Sale Flowers Blooming in Gardens at South End 23¢ C i4 | _ Everybody in town has been sharing * / in the general suspense and final thrill Y P cf the rescue of the entombed men in \the Mooss River mine. Several people in town have heard of, or known perâ€" nnst sonallyâ€"Dr. Robsritson of the Sick They Children‘s hospital and have been offiâ€" praying for his safety. Dr. Smithâ€" 50 a taking charge of Dr. MclLaren‘s pracâ€" tice here this weekâ€"worked with him 1¢€ elieve It or Not! Flowers Also Blooming at the Dome. Much Interest in Moose River Mine Accident. Hugh Boyle Helps Out in Diamond Drill, Other News of south Porcupine and the Dome. I‘l Cooking Seedless Largeâ€"â€"â€"Seedless Fresh Fruits «< Vegetables TOMATOES Ib, :sc Grapefruit > for 25¢ â€"TREAT YOUR "SWEET TOOTH" Gum Jellies, 2 Ibs. â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" 23¢ Assorted Biscuits, cream filled, Ib. 19¢ Maple Leaf Matches, 3 boxes â€" â€" 23¢ Eaton‘s Fruit Saline, 8 0z. bot â€" Big 5 Cleanser eason and sotight ied untimely, but v sucerded by othst oms Ala orcupint, . The Advan tlie gardens 0f Mrs. e and Myrs. Fell of Main Their little blue and yelâ€" re pushing up through the for the tulips that braved ind sought the sunâ€"they imely. but are beinz immeâ€" irded the ‘ snow is ough the Scarfe‘s French style Scarfe‘s floor finish A p 1 1J wea‘ner since flood situation gradually disâ€" e ssrems to 3e d the water is spring 18 water 18 are in L Porcuâ€" at one time. It was thrilling to that Schumacher men were he in the work at Moose River an following extract from a Toronto will also interest those of our t people who remember the Bovie thers when they were doing dia: drilling in the Porcupine:â€""North April 20thâ€"Hugh BoByle, manag the Canadian Longyear Ltd., wa sponsible for saving more than a time in getting diamond drills rescue workers at Moose River, On Wednesday diamond drill cor tors in Toronto reached Mr. Boy Haileybury by long distance telep They wanted two diamond drli information where they could be t Mr. Boyle told them where six dia drills could be located out of Glasgow, N.S., and where two o were within a reasonable distan the disaster." Friends of Mrs. S. A. Jones, 0 mercial avenue, will be glad t that she is much better and abl around again after being quite i daughter, Mrs. Harrison, of T visited her over the weekâ€"end a sister, Miss Walton, also of T pint pkgs. bars pint tins PHONE 901 1bs. 21¢ 14c 14c 25¢ 43¢ 49¢ 41c ill. He Toront« and he ouUl mo Lines have done extensive advertising of the service in the States, the attracâ€" tion of the Dionne quintuplets being featureg in the advertising. The schedâ€" ule is expected to last until Labour Day and if it proves profitable will be resumed next year, The Colonial Coach Lines Limited have all arrangements made to operate a modern bus service between North Bay and Montreal, the service to begin about June 19th. The buses will accomâ€" molate 29 passengers and will be equipped with reclining chairs and all modern conveniences, A franchise has been granted for the service by the Onâ€" tario Government. The Colonial Coach coun nort] Modern Bus Service from North Bay to Montreal jUuuauged guity and keeping liquor for Bruce avenue, wh preter was found ; to three months t the option of a fi TUunKkK, njured iwWarmetrs â€" Hall speakers spoke derstand the protest the dis Al ht artl will C# 0 0 0 0 0 00008 0 0 8 0 08 0 084 8 0 1 4 08 04 0 8 8 40904848 4 4 4 81 4 4 4 4 0 4 4 4 4 6 211 Phone 32 64 Spruce St. South Timmins i $ % 0 00000660 000 09 0004000090040 00080080 a ‘Ine winner of the new suit at| lark‘s Men‘s Wear with ticket No. 40 was Mr. J. Martiness. Police Court News ! Four drunks owned up to being so Tuesday‘s court and paid the u.sual' 1ie. One, however, protesied. His se was heard at length. The policeâ€"| an testified that he went into the| ‘mtral hotel here and saw this man| id another in .an inebriated condition id ordered both to go home. One mt, but the accused argued the point moreover he used "language" over it.| ) the constable took him to jail. The' protested that he was not unk, he staggered because he hadi jured his foot. However he was ad-’ dged guilty and paid his fine. For| ean, ostbi he p; 1 Mi raph Fou 1¢ i Sn Mtr. play 181 11 A1 urda . 15. re e by H. H. Co ident, John H. Johns: Sef 11 rug n 1y 1¢€ Algoma Cokeâ€"Welsh Anthraciteâ€"Pennsylvania Blue Briquettes â€" Alberta â€" Pocahontas â€" Buckâ€" wheatâ€"Nutâ€"Slack and Steam Coal. in f1r 11 Johns; SC comnmittee, W. Kellow, 1 team ha st three wee James Fell Milas Clark ng her an extended visit until completely restored to health. ". V. Gallagher left on Tuesday onto an business. Feorge Morgan, of Toronto, son C. B. Morgan, is up visiting his ‘other Jimnm, for two weeks. f{ilas Cla ind N. 0O uilly a@lll DAaAld his finge. JFOr liquor for sale a woman on ‘enue, who needed an interâ€" is found guilty and sentenced months hard labour without n of a fine. Her liquor was d her house made public for For driving without an operâ€" ‘nse a man paid $10 and costs is to be a vote taken iby the s of the Township of Tisdale aw to be prepared concerning wal of the franchise to the Ontario Power Co.â€"to supply l power to Tisdale. Further ill be forthcoming later. were presented at the last eeting for a new subâ€"division MORE HEAT FOR YOUR FUEL DOLLAR meeting at w log on O‘Brien 1e dwelling O 11 1‘ ng People‘s Society of the ir‘ch is planning to produce ie High School on Thursday, t will be real comedyâ€"under "Here Comes Charlie‘‘"â€"and be no slow minutes, we are The cast will include Mrs. NDon Miller. Mrs. Savel and BXNCK h Ccalied to c funds, etc. T administration replaced on t held it th r children sday, May â€" the . Do our vatriety of coal 1s been eks und: and Mr. Covey, of aff, were present on the Railway Teleâ€" t Haileybury. ises are being built n avenue and ons COAL AND wWoOoDvaAarRrn» anpn oFFICEH 64 Spruce St. South 1}; viceâ€"president taryâ€"treasurer, A Wattam, W. M:â€" . Costain. â€" ‘The gen training fotr under the tutelaze which w« being so the usual ed.. His 1e policeâ€" OYl )ple| Pack Leader Joyce Hu ingycond Class knots and It} Elaine Leiterman demon in | laying to a group. rcâ€" Brown Owl continued ‘erâ€"|practice with the seven F evâ€" | will try Ist class tests in ty uch |an association group of ex evâ€" | sont. be| A lively game and a n ft." | game were much enjcayed. ub-' Birthday songs were s ind ; Munro and Gladys Kellow ‘ers| Brownie Squeeze closed 11 a.m,~â€"Subjectâ€"*"Cry Aloud." 7 n»m.â€"Subjectâ€"Fourth in s Important Questions. "Who is My Neighbou The 1.0.0.F. and their friend: our guests at this service, and a welzome is extended to all. Rev. Murray C Residence 83 First . mervices sSsunday (Cor Fourth and Cedar Aves.) Ministerâ€"Rev. Bruce Millar, B.A., RD 11.00 a.m..â€"Morning Worship Subjectâ€"Thoughts on the Chrisâ€" tian Life. Recior: Revy. Canon The First Dome Mine Company of Gorl Guides met at headquarters in Community hall for their weekly meetâ€" ing. Patrol drill and inspection taken by the Lieutenant, was follawed by a general disscussion of the work already undertaken and First Class requireâ€" ments Margaret Munro gave her Patrol a nicely done chart iNlustrating "furâ€" ther knowledge of Guide Laws" Marâ€" | jorie Costain had a thoughtfully plannâ€" ed chart illustrating "Health Laws" for decsration of her Patrol Corner. Pifteen Guides resceived their 1st year Service Stars. 10.00 a.m.â€"Adult Bible 11.00 a.nyâ€"Morning Pr 3.00 p.m.â€"Sunday Sch 4,15 p.m..â€"â€"Baptisms 7.00 p.m.â€"â€"Eyvening Pri Holy Communion on 1: moinith, at 11 a.m.; on 31 7 pm.; and on 5th Sunda ‘ophically, reform him Chicago Tribun a thousand has tt who‘s willing or at Regular Pazsk meetin Mine Brownies Monday in the Commu The meeting opened w monial in which the changed into little whit mischievous Boggart. Magic Charm and tens become Tweenies â€" help of Brownie Magic. Fairy Gold was taken knitting needles and Brownie, and they will mg. * mervice bcars, Mr. Uren continue the Guides had a t bandaging practics. Sesond Class Revi y the cther Guides. The Company dis: making an afghan 1« Guides at camp. TY made of knitted sq\ knitting an ounce ( <quares joined into he afghan. June Countryman. and Jo ind wil Church Directory The United Church, Timmins d will be enr Horseshoe and T‘rinity United Church United Church South Porcupine, Ont. St. Matthew‘s Church a.m.â€"Bunday School and Aduit Blible Class. pm.â€"Dome Sunday School. pm..â€"â€"Evening Service, The Mouse of Friendship Schumacher a.m.â€"Adult Bible Cl a.m,â€"-Moming Prayvye p.m.â€"Sunday Schoo p.m..â€"â€"Baptisms CC Leader Joyce Huges took Seâ€" lass knots and Senior Sixe Leiterman demonstrated table S im d dA I Liift Bein ening Wor Important Brownies the luck able to t not arg ie L aAre white kittens by a irt. Following the FPairy Ring the kitâ€" nmnies again with the Th Cushing, B.A Services A pril t] 31 passed I ~nHext 0 take him philo irgue, oppose 0 NC iit, Minister Phone 1087 Ambtul OmE nursery rhymf( d _ Semaphore Brownies who wo weeks with xaminers preâ€" riends will be ind a cordial) hn a T We the idea of use of thei ian woauld be ecach Guide ol, and the to ~complete McDonnell tenderfsot meeting. ecd:â€" meeting. Sunday Sunday at 8.30 ne mian in get a wife hall. new cer( for Jean the First held on 16 n( work w NT 0) of

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