Extra Innings as Moneta Beat Macs. *)9 17(â€"10. atftter l‘ enâ€"~a| a:--:’ lie at End of Seventl uie ied ce * L B Maces Blov . + t mds hi s Use plenty of Chi can be procured at MHousecholders usin; bo!! it for at least All Outside Toilets proof. Wrap PROPERTY FOR SALE i1ome «h HOUSEHOLDE POSITION WANTED O DRESSMAKING 1 } 1() 1 least 20 minutes. | dorw Toilets must be made fyâ€" | C°" By Order of and ba THE BOARD OF HEALTH ) pulling WANTEDâ€"Reliable woman : position as cook in hotel ant, capable of taking full age in paper rbage Can covered Chloride of Lime which d at the Town Hall free. using well water musi NTISHED STORE FOR SALE stock and fixture e. Apply Box R. ‘ ‘e, Timmins. 52â€"53â€"{ 3 B i1Sst, one or rooms for man and onal, in good private nly, Apply Box 250, â€"53â€"54p ImIt PIANO. Appl CONFECTIONERY ALE and store and nt. Equipped with mb râ€"roomed,. furnished B. P. Lennan, 10 Eim idio, in exe ind Apply size 24‘ x 32 ness. Apply a outh Porecupine hC App taking fu s and pas Box B.H quarter Adjoins TY Map Din 10 balâ€" 53â€"54; Appl HIir JY 53 â€"©4 *L ¢ llent | Mr: 54t 541 541 JY sit! TOWNSHIP of TISDALE â€"L4p 18€, 4p b lo 46 vacation t bury to ti Mr. Miller new radio ns where : Miller‘s mer ho daug} COnt:. Alleged New Racket in Advts for Church Clocl nave Toronto friends. 11 Mrs. R. M« s spending | Toronto. Mr o join her o1 Revision will sit it Porcupin in the f Bornâ€"to M 16 Spruce str LOST min WOoOD FOoR Phone 8289â€" at 71 Mair OOD FOR SALEâ€"D $3.75; dry Birch $3. $3.25¢ dry Mixed Wood : Dat« PIlC appe sment NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION Mainville, 11f Phone 377. Girer With the issue of Advance semiâ€"weekl} rates for want advts been simplified. _ | advts now are 1e per with a minimum of (35¢ if charged). re ‘VIs Middl Dubt« lling R. Mor »turned + whe; Want Ads A KW WOOD FOR SALE forenoor uly, 193 ul H«¢ McPF 1¢ avovC ord How the Death of Some May Save the Lives of Many CHARGE MOTORCYCLIST WITH SPEEDING ON STREET .aw Offices Close at 1 p.m. Saturdays and Wednesdays Rioting Resumed in Belfast This Week § MISCELLA NEOUS Wour Other 1I ded. _ Schools Public Buildâ€" Down. Troops . CUNNINGHAM A. HAMEFTON irivers, must obâ€" for the safety of| _ through tre . ~6t. Thomas estimate how 11 rd Chronicle ronto a 1 10 ocked Salley said to have han 50 miles to the curb. he judge" on that cyclists, issued by the ‘T‘C Law Associaâ€" ‘ took id 1€ word THE SKIN Heals Boi LwWo mf a polic arrest C the heads the Royal rith rifies, them ha nen 1D and the}Claude ich Satâ€" | drowni n Mn h han fhc L Scores sidences burned onalists Ireland, trouble but it as over. e broke 5 clashâ€" thrown in Bel tartin ntuall red 5.. TEMISKAMING AND NORTHERN w | ONTARIO RAILWAY ‘~ ) THE NIPISSING CENTRAL RAILâ€" | wWAY COMPANY t} roop Everm tor 3 Tickets will be honour car equipment on payn sleeping car f Tickets valid to retu ing date Commencing Friday, July 19th, and continuing each Friday throughout July and August. 11 shore muct to the shore thie 1 in th Man of Twentyâ€"six Drowns at Clute School Picnic 1ic, held a f Cochratr Tousigna meC muct that noon this recov burn: QUEEN‘S MEDICAL STAFF MAY HAVE CURE FOR CANCER Little Mr. and severely Schumachet Frieqmans Moneta Dome . Mcintyre Hollinger Baby Makes Fine Recovery From Severe Scalding 1 vourel t a di Trag Coachk Excursion Mcintyre Meets Dome in Soccer Saturday Ni when ACdl A L3 g it A MILk FROM N. O. and N Stations MciIntyr harn ik 1¢€ boa and Return ert they â€" field i: I1 Men‘s Softball at mak homie pa M rom w 1PiI 1Al al Ma 1€ J. W whii it ment ply to Loca nge, cheery id homelike v appointed 1 bedrooms osite home istoric surâ€" leeping regular GOVERNMENT CANCELS THIS NOTICE OF DISMISSAI Wedding of W and Miss olds are Infectious Weather Not the Causc PT; Haip; . R, MeVittice Nora Gosselt AT I1 PISTON RINGS § PISTONS, PINS § New Ontario Machine Works Cor. Spru UOmiot 2 ¢ Thic Toilet T per roll * IV Tomato tins. 3 f. ( hlckon Haddic Lrco qt. rardt ro herkins Motor In SCHUMACHER PHONE 712 LV large Timmins 260 A J W addington More Hope Now Held for Recovery of Mrs. Shechan it "Special" sunkis Oranges, lat s1ze, dozen DU Smoked Picni per Ih, ............ Shankless Rolled Ribs of Beef per lh. . Shoulder Pork Roast per Ib. .....;. per Ib,. Veal Stew onsumo Pork ausages ihs, > > _ RECTORY FOR CHURCH 0F QOUR Laby aAtT NORAND thes 35° 35° 16 254 PPJ}