Thone T HURS DA Y BULLETIN lTimmins Business College OOD FOR PROPERTY FOR SALE TERR YX Hamilton Bit ROOM AND BOARD «l CAÂ¥AÂ¥STER TKR N1 11 ledal aput imm which begins Tuesd: 1an MacDor Timmins Business Colleg 1 employed entre hekt Supervising â€"IPrin ck. Timmins, Ont »School in onable Mainy phone M in the day time, attond our NXNIGHT 1C mab rapiit pil rincip 34 M Golden Mint A 1 ‘TOWNSHIP OF TISDAI Dis! NORTHER N TELEPHONE COMP HOUSI by M HELEF With the issue o Advance semiâ€"week! rates for want advt: advt with )t April 23rd, MISCELLANEOU®S \I OF REGISTRATIONC( BYâ€"LAW NO. 428 1| sn All Towns on > Ransacked, Though Nothing Known Stolen Jms is Holmes, Cobalt. rves 78th Birthd 11 1O CREDITORS 1O RECOMMEND THE CANCER FUND Term lancing Class VOTE MAY 1 OF LOCAL OPTION FRIDAY, APRIL 26 rt Thoma n from All D S ro TORONTO ano H ARDROC K 0. RLY. and NIPISSING CENTRAL RLY. Hynd . â€" HAM 1L STOX. Ki stin stion $ LABOUR TROUBLES MAY TIE UP WESTERN COAST TRAFFIC Highgrade Samples from Week‘s Run of the Prc NEW WINDSOR SOGN TO TAKE PLACE AMONG LARGE CITH CENSURE BY LEAGUE CAUSES FEELING INX GERMAN CITY SsAY HUEY LONG DECLARES wWAR ONX "UNITED STATT 1Â¥ 1» T1 esidenc f Onta HORLEY HOUSE FOR SALE ANYTIME NOW, SAYS PREMIER xays from Morth Bay VC EMIER sSAYS TO BE NO MORE COLONIZATION SUBSIDIES 9L id up to TUESDAY, APRIL 30th om all Agents of _ Vipissing Central Railway, and H n M 11 1A K NIAGARA F ALLI ‘enetaons. Port Ho Huntsvill [TAAN DOM T off MA ® pved w :mms i\ omm i; ... nsm i4 1i omm 1i is esmm |j (| ammmmes || (| mm () i omm .| | (| / omm |â€" || omm | | omm i | | () mm (i |\ smm i ommc i (; i omm (1 j smm i( omm nc || ammems i mss s Funeral on Monday of Mrs. E. Blodget{ Jacket Frocks and Dresses . . . $19.75¢ 19â€"21 Third Ave. S‘am Bucovetsky, Ltd. (Holly Stores) 4* 4* *4 * * t * 5L181 4* * t * * * > Preâ€"Easter Even Special Easter Prices ler shopping will pay you monts beginning April nd those well p1 D Street North, Ttimmi 1€ juipment their lal Bucos §$7.09° §$9.75 11 Timmins |3