wâ€' a): weâ€'~o‘â€"- WM‘ MONDAY FF'BRL'ARY IITII I935 mt: PORCUPTN‘E ADVANCE TIMIUNS DWI".A RIO ill it .stiié-liat eupboard. it to break down persons so another. the barriers that separ- little .lt‘all an old l)"comttiu and in 1 her most ed two with acquainted d'Ei'leinaiit that I 111111 (1111‘ Valued at $1 ltUltlll. l ' ' 1H 111111; the 111111 :..1'. 11-11111 -1 ‘ 1‘ V Y 1 New Fiction Added .. 1. 1 1 1 1 a e 0" rie I I) I I W 12 '.1111 «11111111111111 1»â€" 1 1 1- I 2 ’ . ‘I ‘i I I \ A\ l ' ' t0 '1th [11hrar‘ V y~*4( O 1 11H. 11:. K 1.15 1 1 1 l I " Q3“ - 1111 11:11 111111 1' 1 s1111111 1 ~ ,, s \ ‘_ _ ‘ | ‘ ‘ 315‘ I i \ 1’] A . II ' g ,‘ () . l A v‘ c . r \ “ .) ‘ k) :x 11H ltl llllltlltlll.s lit 1. (Y W 1 ‘3, 3 WW 0: [W 1,. 11 \1 ‘4 \ 1 I I . 1 l . 1 .. ' ) ‘ V . ‘ . . ‘. v0 “- ‘ ‘ I . (I, \\ ll(l(Ill(lll.\i'. \‘ llll' I11 11' ï¬l" ‘.\ 111‘1 1‘1 C‘il ‘ l 1 1 I I . I. I ' I ‘ ' 0. o ' ‘ I s \\ \ I‘1 '1 \ 2 I ' x 1' Sil'iHVllt‘l'l'lt‘S llV All Q't‘lil l'Iif't't‘I: wars beat - = 1- 11.1 11'11-11 11111: 1111: 11111114111 11111111111 lll1llll‘“-‘ 111111111 sun ~11. 221.11. 111.2 11111111.i111:'1'-‘ “"1 " ‘l‘ l I I II I " ' 1» ‘ ' ' . . F1171) )eth Haunt-11111, .1 1' .1'1t::’11'. «111.12 . 11 1'. 1 1111 the :erraee 111:1" weed 111131'1'“ 111111 2111 1111 1 1 .2. 1 1 I I‘ 1'1111\II"‘ S‘IIIIII ‘\‘I\\ -\I\ -I .1 l ‘ . 1. . ~. 1, . . l .1 31y i ' Il V11 I \1' I 'K" I A] ‘l \l‘“ 1 w 1‘ ' l)‘ ' y -- v 1 ‘2 1 ‘1 t 1‘ 2 , . - 21111 is a 1.12'111'1'1111 ls 11111~ 111:1 1511. 111111â€" .111... 1 11111.1. 1 .1- 1.1111\ 1 .1112 21.1~ ‘ . 111111111 )11111.1s_2, 1.. 11 1 s 1 1 SHIV}. ï¬t'llIl'I-I‘I- ('l"l“‘(l 11’. Ill" C'ltttteat; 111 .\l 11\."’tf 11:11? 1 '1‘ 1 11111' 1111'. (if mete cttt‘11'~112' in ‘11'; “1111111 teas godfather 1'11'11 trig-(1:1 . 2211'1‘. 1 1. 1'.' "11' 11".: 1 ‘11 “â€â€œâ€œâ€˜ Madam»- de .111112'1-3‘11- a' \'~1‘.1;11' 721.11- IL"1 .1111: 2111-1121 the Tzaized'.’ had UN“ 3 l'l‘I’k'Wl '11 him The i'eamn I loved l’ 11;: 12 11.111 1111i 121161 ‘ t 1 ' 21 1 1 IIIII'H' IIIIIIII'I'V l'I'II‘ H II†I'I‘“ III‘I'llI’I" Ci'tzs 1l“.'tl‘; d'l-Jrl- 1111'11' 111s111'1cui~'11ed '1‘11'†1 â€I “will†Madame 1"" l â€â€˜1‘ 11111111 {1' '111 the 1'11s'. .\ 1‘ ' 1 1" 1 “1‘11 1111 1‘1 “ 1 a: in- .; 17.11: 1111-1111. :11 2113112111114 ‘ .,.,,..\. 1'112'111'111 . ,\ â€mm“. 13.1... [,3 ._.,11; 11.131111 1;.~y- 11111111111 Autllgat. son and 1 you 111-1 111119 with the l" 1 11 11m: 1‘1 1‘ ~~ t- 2- r I I 1 l . 1 . ' . d , 1'“ ‘k' The t!‘tl!:'“('l\' caused the 11.11 .11. 11111-1111.: '. 11 ~‘l1"1 - 2: 111'- late notary. had be“ 1.1113011111111111that? , 311'11 1'1' ‘11." “‘1“ - ' ‘ 11 .\I1\ PziTw. 11' is" 1' 1'1 C‘ Jame» .â€" 3. 111.113 chateau 1. 1111 11111111-111121-111311.131 1 1111-11' trus'. Who had bought; “12; 1111.11» I111 " :11 21 :i-- 1\ ' 1111i 1 x1 -.-‘1 (1112111 -1'1-1..1~21 11' Plait-1' purehaser As the 111' 1111'11111 Châ€3 1'" ‘Ilh‘l'lll â€â€3“ ill" ‘l'I ""IIW'IH’I‘ aft-11' Il 3‘“ "1111111 1111111111111 '1 ‘3‘.\' much l l? ‘I " ‘ â€l" f I 1"T'1'1‘1‘1s1 ' - 1. , _ _ .2, 1,. ‘. -) ‘ l ..y, 1, 1 , ‘. . y . .. ‘ .' .1 ‘ . . . 1y )p.'!(1y' ( (11903111 “111111;“! “1121.111! (1‘1 111‘ .1 1l\ .\llt. 211) 1111C1 .111 11 ND it ll 11 l mllll '1'1“ {11‘ l11t‘ (.1111l \\ Product of the St. Lawrence Starch Co. Limited. Port Credit, Out. “1,. 11,. .11., ,.,. p... m F 22' " l . . ' , ‘ _ . .1 , ' 4 ‘ 1 ' 1 . , ‘ ' “ ' " l" ' 111- \'1,.111(11n_\'<j111\ Hat's 0113171'11 '.2‘lfltmlf l1 1-4111" 1111'1'. ,' N 1 â€111' 1.11““ #:11le 111' lill \\ '1 1l)(1 111.14 (llllllihit‘l' 11.111 ‘\11 11' 111 ‘ 1\1'1 ‘11- 11.. ‘ ._. ‘P‘Ix‘ I\ "illl1," i'l'nlillIriI ll' I'l(ll]ll 1 1 1 I - v t "1"†, ~ - t 1‘ I ‘l II 1 \ .l . , .o y- t 11 VI v 1 1 0 I \1 1 3 ' I ' ' ‘ ' 1l(‘i‘t'.“~. diltl ll1\ llltl' l l.llll11111. 111111‘11 )31 j ,1 1);};(111111111' lllt’ll‘llllltf â€(hp illll'fl 5111;). JR (1 in 11s b.“ l] 1111 “01“., 1111. t 1.1 1. .11 1.11 1 1 \\ .11 l 11 1 'JIVF F21†rl‘Il‘: .I‘T IJIBERJ I‘ld I.\"‘IQIIIA 'J li1li iIIII XII‘! (III( ll ill.(i (II‘IiIIl I) ‘ Ill], ’1 I - - 1 2 ' ( I II II I - - i .. l l -I l o . } ‘ l - v y l‘ 1 ‘V 1i . 1 1. ' “ an atti'acti21 3111'. 1.111111 They hem-2'11 '11. ' «1111111 ’1111 marquis 113.1 1.111 Pay-Lg the 1 yont1itu. siiiip111'i1y and 121111111 .11 1111111- ;>. ' 111'111 1'. 1 1 1 \1 11.11 (11‘ â€IRRINI. AT NORTH B.\\ Smith Ila 111'1-11'1'11'1 I' l'“) 1‘1 11- I'311 ‘.‘1'211' 1"? "“11. Mar 2111 (10-1-- . 1 11- - «1- .1 ' 1w 1 I 1 ‘1111" 11111 111111 0'- ° '1 1--s ‘ ‘1 l ‘1‘ 1 ' 1 ' ‘ l " ,1- ('11-,(1 it n,†“it, 1-K“ 1 \1.‘)1-\â€1,..1 l \, ' 4' ‘ .11- ll. llltlt‘ (1.11111. 1.11'111. 11. l 1-. id 11 131111141" .11 :1 2111111 2t (11; the ï¬rst 1112111 {1 1 k 1 -\t 11 -.1111. 11111111 ~.lC111 ill; -11 1 1 , ~1 11 1 1 â€"IIIIII__I III III I I "I ' I "I I“ I “I ' l I "'1 ‘I ' ' ' "II I I ‘1‘. ‘Y - ' ‘ 1 . 4 .. 1 1 1 11 ,1 1 '01- ‘ -'!- . . . 22 1- .~ -1 t 1 '11 1 v 11 ll â€I ,((;I . ’ ‘1. l‘I i 1. _ . 1")Il"l I‘ I I III I ( III I I IIIIIII II IIIIIII ltt‘FlIl‘y't' ('iI(lOk ll) 'il‘ llllllt‘ (I. ill" .\l.lI \1". -'.‘» :liiI'I'lil \_ li‘!"11:1'.' â€$111“. lllltl ‘1‘\n, ’lltlll llll t.\‘111i‘ 1Lllll1'1.) li'ht‘l\ lll 1*1lt'..\ 1l\\.11 11.111 ll 11' .l' l l. (l l 'I II I IIII' ' VII ' l V I. ‘ " ' 'I‘ I “I II I "I I I I ' III "I I ‘I‘ II 'I I" V 1" . t. \ , _ 'I 1 1 0 . . 16 \v‘ ‘ I - ' 1'21 '1! ...- ‘ v 1 “1"!“ M11 «1 MINIâ€! Imt 1%I1lsd1II‘-' 111115†. 1 1 }. ..H, II ‘III _ 11111;. d Friemont at 1811111 -I.1/..1i I112 ’ 11111 . 1111.111 appeared .;. «amine-1y , 1.11.1112. 11b: 11. 11-1 1111\1 11.11. and 11111’1111stlt, . =-11 .1~ ..1 «-1 1111 11 I I ' ‘ II A. i" '.I‘1'1I'I l .i IiIti :IIIA -1: I "‘I' .‘ Iv' 'y ‘ - '. l ‘ “ . i. 111g 0i Ntii‘ll 3115' Lil)“l'1tl." 111 ~' uteri-C Tu ‘ ll 1 hi 1‘ _ 1‘1 1 1 â€1111.). “1-1 â€1 â€â€˜11 ‘P'lml'I‘ lillstttlle sl1t‘ 1'1-(1t‘ll‘ .4 1111‘ 1'111111'1111 111 HI 1111' .111“. hp- guy.- 1131111111] 131 '.l lttl‘gr Itltll‘tl (ll Illf1"~ft‘1‘_\‘tll;1i (‘luxiu11111111'_111;1(le (11:1'1t s11: 1.11:111 11.1 .111 ‘ 1.111 111 I I: I 21"â€; I 111- 1r 1 I li'iT iiII( \' I(: lilill illl( "‘-..!:'11- ‘ .2" \I "" \1' '1 1v\t.V“ ‘i'! ~ \ 4 . i I I I I . 1' 4 1 1‘ . I l ~11 1. ~1- 1.. 1. I name II" (“I'llâ€""H ‘ I," "' 1.1111111! ( )1" I. 1. .I .-.... .... 1 1I . .1 11...... 1.1:... II.“ I I. I I'IIII‘I'II .. â€â€œ14“â€? “"1111 “'3‘“ “"15““ ill" 13"‘1 . 1113111111111: 1111122 1111?. She was wearinuzll’l‘ ilddlll'nllll} 21111101111111: 111 in.\ eyes llllls’t'h'tl 1 1 ’ â€â€˜1“3111-1 -l- - .~.Pntl()n I() 801‘.(-,. II (Illlldldai'I {"1- 11}Q.\14Av ltil _ \ Il, 1,14 . . -‘.l .1 l . 15.4.; Illi (lililll‘ 'l Ill);il(i, l); II,(lI\\ â€l I3‘il- ll(:i.lI it till) IllI‘lI(lll‘“\I l]"l]]' .‘\l'II:1(II'1’l 11"}. 4", (1 U, l\ 1.x}(‘k ‘111/1 1‘11111‘.(l ()‘l: '1. “A'L Ill]1‘\\ (ijl)ï¬(ill]g {‘I](i 9x1);ll)§1"i(l. 511(3! k!‘l\' 1 11,11. :l_|‘1 v ' .1 v . '1 \1 II ‘I l. 1' "’ ii I III :II 1"; ‘ ' I "--' (‘3 y ‘1! - l.‘ 7‘ '11) ‘2 ‘ 4 . 4 ~ \ - â€1| 4 . A \ » 4 1 I ‘ i ‘ ‘ 53‘9lt'C'UOII Hi .11" SIIII‘IC"011 hm“ I 4, .I I ,)‘III II W I ) I â€V II 11} 1 III‘ “I I' 'Im‘â€) “-“‘ 41.11.1111. 11 by 1111 beauty Raoul Semis IlH‘ llt‘i'k" 111111 l‘ll‘ “1‘1 the i'i'een 7rem 7h 1'1111k1\\'t>‘1l(l suddenly Withdraw 11111) 11113111,: 1‘. was lil"-,11't' .1: C1 11111111! . , , . . 1' I I. I tly' - I“ ;ttf )9 - \(. '2; ‘ 1‘ “ -,2 ‘ ‘ . l .1 ‘4 “‘.. ) 1 A. - ‘ 1 I I 1 _v I. . 1 . _. . I 4 ‘. ‘ I - H ' V ‘ Nil)l.\‘:<ln£./Tl‘1(llt1:f 111 '11"111112‘111C‘111l11011'~ "‘ “l' ""‘H' ‘:'" J ‘ U 1‘ Ii ' $11411 “mail l)lll‘itl\\ t 111.111~ .1.l 1111»; {1211-11 (111 ,1 {315111 51111111 .1\t1.._ ‘11-;12'111;1;1.H..n1. “M lnn‘l1' 51â€,. \k\' i <1 t‘mtliU itidtiiet‘eiit 11nd 12'1'11 hostile to l 'lll lll'. 1" l.\ l l.\l l'.l1 - . 1 x '1'1v' » ~11 =z‘ “ .1'11‘1.,'_\ ll .1.. .1111. . 1 ,1 9 1‘, .11.. . ‘ 1‘ ' " 1 - - 1 ‘ ‘ 1' . At times it seemed that those prr: exit 1" 11""l'1llfl lI‘I " M ' I H (I: ‘ .201 .d,» "‘ â€I'll "l ‘3 “‘l‘ Raoul she meets the marquis llIl‘Chl‘ll‘l .1 I ,.( “1mm,†,1“ m“ i wally the affectionate (‘111‘1' 01 one she had I III ‘I'I I ‘ II" 13' . I viIII "i I t I I 'I ‘ “‘ ' 1 - I. 1 y-v' I. 1'- I. l I . T" I 1 ‘ K j! 1 . apparently torch: tha' it was simply-1Ҡ'1 ‘l' ' '_ " l 1. 1111,» "‘ m' ' â€HI-‘- Rdlitldll U1 M111» Jillm'ml 111.;11 {rem 11111- 111121111111, 1111,11- (1.4.11, .1 1111--1' . ‘ spi ntanet usly 111111111 to call g‘dt'a‘. h 1'.l() t t f . ( . .t . a meeting to «111m: (lrl'gates At ‘l I†â€I†"I.“ â€I" “II I'I'IIIIII'II’I i 181nmâ€. 11112'1-1 oi V'u'tzlnmll 1'11“ â€â€m ‘ gotten swet thear' of d'Ii‘1""inmu Ilel â€I†mlm' "I'I'I 1"" M'II'IN'I I'E'IIIII CHIIOHSM 11101th 511100 111111111'12111l u p“ {n I “(u (I! I ' '~ 5‘ ‘ II P; Iâ€. i'i "'1 I' " I'I“ ("1‘1" ‘I - I 1' 11 ‘ - ‘(1 l' ' 2- . 01. 11 I I “I ' ' - lr 1'7 ‘1 2 - 1. ' ' ‘s’ 1,1 ‘ n ' ‘ I 1 times it It, ,k'd as i. the gathering "†(" 1'†‘ "‘ ’ I ‘(' " I‘ I“ ‘ 1830490†1"" ’l "l" ""‘“ i’l' â€â€˜1‘ â€"1" leains her name is Anfoiiine and utter .mont Imm‘m“ m†â€l" U†‘I m III“ '(I‘I' 11th:†(‘hllt‘llll Yllt‘ â€111111111S had Imm'lt‘l 4 t A h] 1 (‘ Id 1"]. \ I’ - I ....‘ . 3 ()Il ) ’ . . . l I ' I ‘ I ‘ II I ‘ I ' I I II I I I I . . . I I thought It “dB an elm-111m, M) mat-l1 H ' “mm“ her 11 l)t‘~lll()ll as his secretary. Raoul l 5'“ "(Ha I‘Um "" I'm 01 ‘l ‘Im'mflll lthe same imprt‘1ssion on Antonint‘, ap-l ‘1 S e) I†1 ln( 1 . ., ,. , . ,. 3 .. , -.-_-_.----_ .-._“--- "‘ - -1~11-\" 1- ) 1 ,1-~ 1_ . ° 11 ; '.1-1111'1'1 . excitement ‘I""I' “H“UI' †fiom apâ€" 1111.111 "0' """" I)†l (' “"‘l' reveals he is Ai'sene I.upine. L't'lltlt‘tlllllt “ ‘ ' 1111 lt‘taiina alternately tray and I1lt‘lilll‘11.i ..._. â€II '1. ' ' ""“l ' I I“ I "II ’ "'I '1'1I'1 7"11 ' â€"- 1‘ A"? ‘1 £1)'517 '1’ ‘I'l IiI I Iii l .' "' l"I i i 'I w . ‘ ‘. 1‘ l IIA v '1 ""1 I'l VIII '1 '1' v ‘1 I V.‘ ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ . v . I I I I 1. pearanc 'I' †""3“" (‘ " (11111.1 11111111 "‘ .11111111.1 ‘( 1“ ‘II‘ "†B“ "l‘ "1 1 II .' I“ I" "I†1' H ’ ' H I“ burglar. to Loui'2ille. d l‘.llt'lll(lll1 _ .‘111d. M .‘~‘ 11 H 1111-) 1‘11 N 111111: (I 111.1 la mass oi coiitiadictions. ,O\ (‘1 lll,llllll [(1115 ll lllt‘tl ltli I" ' I ' i I I ‘V ‘ I'II ' V‘ 1 I‘(- I" l'I. I‘ 7‘ ‘ l 'I (I I' '.' i'lI_ i l \ 4I It I - g» . ‘III 1 o- 9' I 1 (1' y- p 1 II ‘ ', . 1‘ 1 ' ~ the 2rr2 mist. I111 11 .211 wmd 1 -1 1111.1â€1 111M- '1 1, 111 111, â€111‘ 1- ll‘ 1111111 11211111. secretary. Because the secretary is 1111-3111113 11s 111112 1 11. 21111 know! ' 1 he tact was that. 11122112111' 11.111111' 1 IlIlll‘t’t‘ \ltllll I“ l‘Illtlll " Jig; â€2' ‘2‘ ‘l 'I v- ‘ . ‘7. _ ‘I I I .. ‘ -. . . 4’ l - 1 4 . _»_ _ , I it 111 I.) 11 1. by It. .1 I, V1.11 der tbligation to ’.aoul. 111,1 latt11 111â€" I \1. 1 t) 1, 1,1,..1‘ h,.,.,._1 11.113111“ A“- ‘ the 11 mutual tlllet'llnll and s) nip-111112.} l) ) l . x U’ 1 ‘ 1". .\ 1r ‘ 1 ‘ ; ‘-\ '1 . -‘ , .I y ‘ v o ‘ ' 1. . d v ‘ . . . ' . 4 ‘ .‘ . . , 4 ‘ 4 I 1 o a "n" 'I- H l â€l â€â€˜ â€I†mm m "1' duet-s him to give him the key 11) the 1111111111. And 1111-1 se1 what I2e ioundl was llIIl)C,1s.sll)l:‘ ioi them all at (1111 1 (l- l 5 l- l lԠl“ l W†1 1 l l 1 Discovers Serum to Kill Poison of Deadly Spider .._â€"..._...- -- Scientist Finds Means to (‘ ounteratt Black- “i dow Spider. Venom More Poisonous than Rattlesnakes Overcome in Laboratory Tests. 1-13. _.- Black-widow†spider (female) Dr. Fred â€Amour of Denver extracting poisonous venom from lilaek~ widow spider. By CENTRAL PRESS CANADIAN I)eiiver. Col. Feb. '1‘.-Wliat is belieV- person was bitter. Rev-1111 such bites-1 ed to be the iii'st highly potent. anti- have proved i'atal. yencm serum against the bite of the: "Dozens of people have been bitten; deadly black widow spider has i'ecentlyl by these >IIl(lt'l‘\ while puking grapes. been perfected by Dr. Fred D'Amourltomatoes. etc The harvester. tinw'it-f 0f Ill“ Ullll'l"l'Slt-l' (ll Dt'l‘d't‘l'. tingly clutched a spider while picking, The impt'ii'tanee oi" Dr. D'Amourls grapes from the vine. The moment discovery comes at a pi'opitizfus time. the hand cjiitacted the frightened For with last year's drouth throughout i spider. the latter sank many western states these deatli-deal- into the flesh." ing spiders b1'ame numerous. How Poison Spreads This.comb1ned with the fact that the The bite i not painful. and i'aint black widow spider's yeiifin is more marks ot'ten disappear l)1-toi'1 ‘he re- p01sonous~-weight tor weight~-'1han Cutting pain 1." 11111. rattlesnake venom. ntakes the spidei al- 1);; 1)'A11111.11- 1=1~:pl:1111< “I‘t‘tllt‘i Illt‘iIL1t't‘ 111.111. the rattler For i "Within 1111 11:111' 11:- .~.1.1 after '.h-1 bite. the rattler is seldom, if ever. found in [111.1 11( 1m 11 >1‘l'z’1t’fl 22'11‘11. intense pain thickly populated 111;.1 ns Then. too land Cuï¬wmg An almost unbearable the rattler warns his victims. which is in...“ 11.1mm“ the extremity bitten. and "101'? than “11‘ “Wk†1‘ SINCIPI' CW“. l‘iocalixes 111 the 111)(l«‘1111“11 muscles. as "‘5 N'N‘millt‘ \Iklml‘ lwell 11 in the back and chest. Spasn:s Screntists t'alltli spidei Latrodcctttsl and untold stiiiei'ine, follow Tilt“ 3d“- mactans It 1-111 '..11'111'.>11111‘1}.', Jek-black,(1011111141 walls become board-like in spider Wllll a l).lll('K)Il-lll\'t‘ abdomentmply 11911-1111,; .1lltl my 1.11.111 Inusclpg Its long. slender leiis wilt-1' ‘.1 span oil contract 1.111111111112' that it is difï¬cult 1W3 mall" â€I more lt'or the victim to breathe. alicc'ezl. 11nd the vic- 111por 1-111 also are common attacks . . 1 . the 111111111 221-; "'Ihe hr. 11‘. 11 tun may lie 1:1. 11 Cir-.11) Nausea and vomit 1.111; “The true 1111111.:e1' dow spider 1-» 111.1? spider's yicioxiszir-ssfl l)1' from prompted by 111113 I,)'Aniotir say a! 111111122 These "In fact. the~e spate-1's .1111 11111111 and.i It death dies 1111'. X‘Q'ilIIlllg ll‘i 1" 211111;;1‘2' i.t‘-~ 11‘. (RIP II'IIl 'llt‘ ‘. ‘.(‘lllll lll'11'2' llt' '.V1 1 . 1,11 1:‘("()\'(‘I‘1Ilg. preaching 111111-11 11111-11111 its .llllllllli.\ 111n~5 Dr 1113111111111" 1'1141'1o2'e1'y mlll' be I 1 . .I awares ‘ worth flit‘1‘.1'-ï¬.:l‘1tl'~ '11 t'lti‘nai's to the agit- 1 I s ‘ ' . 1 . . " ‘ “For instance. ~112‘ei'111 cases have. been 1 11111.11'111 world 1111311111, 1 1' 111111111. cases reported lately where 1.111 21c11m was 111.121- Devil 111311 11 11111111143111 the bill?†111 TONE '1'11- spate." 11112'11115 1.111141. 1\t".\'. 1111111 1-nt11 2'111-1 1111.211111'1- been ll‘OIIl 'llt‘ bedroom C‘1‘till‘1g '0 tile D1111 1171'11‘113111‘ 1111 «11s ‘11:) \Kt 11' (1‘1‘01‘1‘111‘1 Upon 1 ‘llitm '1‘: 11:". ":1»- pair-1' 1111 '.‘111'11 111.1- 1»: 1.131111 '.1. spit-1' 4-4“. I~°.~2~1~§~1~21°2~~2~.~I~I~21~2~i~1~.~2~:~. ~I~ 2~2~Z~Z~Iw2~2~i~2~t°v:~:~. 11.†:~I~2~:~1~2~2~1 ~€~1.~°““2°“31 0.0 0;. k. 0:. ‘1‘ A T ea and Sale at H e Bakin " om '1 .2 g .x. 0:. 1 , ‘ ‘ . ‘ â€". .1 of. .. L 1' C‘ 11:1 . H111: '- «11 1:11 Lana-s (1:11:11 11: 5' .\ 1113’11'“ .(__.;-.1(111 .;. :. .;. .;. x 0;. ' ‘ . ‘1 1) .- .)r 00 i \ g ' h . v 1. 1 2;. \\ edntsda}. Alternoon. l'ehruai) 1.1111. 1.1.1.) .1. .0 0:. x .3. z .0 at the home of I~ll'.\‘. S. A. Caldbick its Hemlock From 3.00 p.m. to 1'1.th p.m. 0â€. St reel. 0.. .0 0 O .:.†H Faded-'.e’rï¬ut q 0 O O o o o o o o o o o o O a a O .0 o o o o ' t o o o o o o o c o o a o o o o o o o â€o o 0 O O O .0. 00â€..“booooounocoooouoouflunu onoonnnnnufluu O.†00:00 .0 0 0 O 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o I. o o I o o v o o o O o ‘.....O..O.....O..O.‘9'...‘..... .0...“ o. 4...... O â€O “0. Mai Ilse-«w '1' MG "' 'Il,"" , 1-. . v- ‘ - - ‘ ' ‘N‘I’flï¬- 1.0161 Ck “11-56va ,.,..1 . . > , 1.. .. 1... . v “vow; his poison i'anUs? houi s.- 2,1le11 rd: mtg: await-fr? “1"“ II.’ 7 “($723: L... ‘II'II‘I'M‘I “ 3,11,11,11,â€...1†, :maruuis' quarters whil- the 11111-1' 1 I Iw'm' H Tm†'I’IllIlul'IIIII'I†UV HHIhIlawav, Raoul i'inds an old phozouranh iard O'Hamloii. 1Roman times when'u- I‘Ilisabeth Hornain and, the £{()(l.‘ 11111111! and the huinbl (‘1al1-f the (1.111] singer was one 1.t' d‘Ir'li'len‘ivnt I‘lu‘mi‘ '“HH'IH'I'I “'1'†‘Ilniudlllflh lmanv loves. A girl who Hamil recap-- III'IIII I'IIIII'IW' I'IIII'†by B' I" BUWVI iiizes as Antoiiine :<.ips into the mar- ‘11,, 'W'II'P'I†m-V‘II' â€I minus mi I'i'm‘Iftiuis' apartment while he is there and l and e11tle l‘ll.\'l.lt’l'.\’ . .. 1takes a phott‘igraph 1mm 11 set-1'11 l "'Wild SI'I'IIII'NI'I'II'I'I' 'III A'IP’ICI'I' i drawer. 'l'hev talk and she shows art-at I'mIRIIH' I'MHL’I'I'I'I "3"â€: an 'I'mmhiiear when 12111â€"111111111111111111- 311.1. Paul. ""_','I."\" 7‘ .. ' .. . . lWhen the girl and Raoul leaze th- ."1'I l-Iotn.‘ b5 "hm" IM'I’W'II' 1" marquis" quarters they iind 811; Paul which a huiitintz' horn plays a lll‘t)1lIlII-’un(i my“) “111,,“ waiting outside Raâ€" III-I-IjI.)IZI‘I:I}-"I (11,11111.1;.“ by (ti'ilible W“; out. tussles 11.1111 all tour as 11111 1311-2 . . . 1 - - 1 . (mappears. llll':..‘ oi them run and â€"111"- _ .. ilie seizes 131%" Paul only to 111111 114'- is “HOIIW' ‘I N'I‘II“ ._b-V I‘Im'm' 'Valthex. relative oi the dead Elizab'th IISU'IIII'III" by Huck. II‘OW story). 'Valtht-x Hornain. who he knows l;- 'I‘wo iioii-iictioii books added "MI"bleeding" the marquis 1m. money. “if" “â€4"“ _ ‘_ 1Nei~1t day Raoul tells Cotti'ville he is The Fir-.1 Rats-rs, by Harold Dear-1 1ng his New“, i'lat. born. illow not. to commit arson in‘ i CNOVV GO ON WITH 'ITIF STORY» "..._.- CHAPTER 11 THF‘. CHATEAU oi' Volnic tained its venerable aspect. crowned with great red turrets. but many at the shutters now hunt,r dil1‘1pidated train the Iiitei'estiiiu 1. Einbi'oit'lei'y CPi'1'ii'ti1-1ely ten 1. 1 England. “Dictionary of ,by Mary ’I‘homas. fed and clearly writ SiliClllIh illusti'at-1 . still 1‘: ~ ‘Woman Thought to he Dead 1 ~(lC7 11'? ytHi'." S1111- withdrew 111111 her room and 2 would oit. ll ti_2 to 1.11110111 the inysn 1.1 '1" ,1 9 .. ..1, “., 11. ,1 (mm, running; downstair.~. C‘i'C‘ssed â€H.311 .1111oiiint. and 1.1111111. 11.21111. at 1111. tt'i‘i‘ac“ and joined th marquis. holding would “‘3- 4 up her t'aee tor his kiss. 1011 ie the image oi your mother. ._- . . , . . _‘ .7 11 can see her in your smile; her smile Uh. goditnhei 101' I suppose you 7, 7 , . .. 1 , , ('.ltlllgPCl 1111' whole expression. \lli. want 1111- local. you 111111 1111 . . . . _. . y .. . ., . . 1. ‘71 Antonine resented his speakins: oi :11 happy! I1.2ei_2thinizs so lo2eiy heie, 1 . .. . her mother. and always cnanged the and _\'C,‘11111‘ so 1.101111 to me. I seem to . -. , _ .. subject. no he told her of the trace-(iv lhave Milli“ into iaiiyland. , . ‘ . .. ' . 4 . 4 -at Vo.nie and the (team ot Elisabeth liIlIIII 1IiII1II. IIIIII'. 1.. 111111111 is. .JI‘IIIII'I'I‘II iront l imagination. ‘ l" â€â€˜l' “m" l" ( ml aoout 50â€" 'I‘liey lunched tottethei'. waited on by ls: li'â€"-â€"--I say the little. i'oi' you‘re not very 1111 widow guardian. j""’llllllllll"1llâ€l" At 12210. Audig'at. arrived to take coi- i A rlldt’lth ('I'C'1"--'--“fl 111-11 lktC‘C‘ llr= >111“ I'<’- tee with them and go over the inven- I’pied; tory tor the sale by auction that was "But I‘m 110: 111‘: intt'restine Sllbject to take place at tour that afternoon 111 lm (“13112.1lbtlilt‘ill. And the present is one oi‘ th. reception rooms of the éall that. matters. 11' it could only last. chateau. {W’dl‘ll‘lll'lifl . 4 1. Maine Audisat was a pale young 1 “311.11“? Sll(’lll(llll 1’1?" . . man, shy and awkward. precise and i “fl-“I I’i'l'ill‘w the Chdwml" bt‘lllt: iiei'vtrus. He would interlard his con- {said by auction this afternoon. and to- versation with verse of his own com- 1 III orrt 1w ’aris. ) I I ‘ ' i ' 1 l ‘11 " ' ' I ‘ ' I (\C‘Ilm‘s’ W 5113-1 l) â€M 1“ position. out l always added to his quo- ‘ - l- 'l - __ 1 . .. Ii on._2 221 could stay th1 aii Hum)“ “As than ROUSCS â€[11ng “10 “ ake windows, tiles were missing. and the â€1,, poct says “â€" . 1arden paths WOW â€W’l'l'll†“ll“ “PMS-ii" 5†l""t'1-"I “"1"“ and ("1"‘l1lllm‘4 i9“ "‘ elant-ing at Antonine in humble hope. , A 'I'IIP'IICI'. â€I'm Mz'I‘I‘I'I' Ont. says -. Mm" the majestic pile M "â€â€œl†lay “III 1 IIII III IIOIIIIIJI . . - .. . . Antonine but up with his manner- ‘that while ll'lf‘IlCls‘ sat around the bedtbtn'ied under the mantle oi ivy whiciii .lllt‘ llldlï¬llH-f ’11'11111111t ‘1 “110m 51†isms for a long time. but at. Last {1103' 1111 Mrs. (Lorne Owl Sr. on the Indian { veiled the very shape of its towers and laid her hand (in 1115 .L1\i‘1)111 11150111 igm on her nerves to such an extent 1Re<erye neai M: tsse2 the supposed dc- .duitgeons. . . l “MU‘I- NC)†I‘Cilllï¬' 5011 ll; that she 1.05,. abruptly, leaving the 122:) gceast'd woman astonishtd them all by: The chapel terrace 1:11 which Elisa.i . 'ies. lm airaid I mus1. Why (12' e1 linen [0 their coffee. and wandered oil '1'isinu' ii'om her bed. EDEN“ Hornain had sung on 111p (my (1115mm I bought it on the spin of the into the erounds l 811-: had been apparently dead lm‘lher death was almost completely hid- lincineiit i‘i'om my friends the de J-ou- ‘ D ‘ 1 ‘ . ‘ .1 1 ,‘six hours. and mourning Indians had den by the mass of veg-(111111» (11:11 1111(1 12.111-s. I've only been here about a (toxen A5 .1110. 110111 I211 .IIII IIIIII alipitlmc rclt. :(fihnp to the wake from Cutler. ilIICligi'own up around and over it. Pimps. and 111..“ 01112 on fl‘lnu visits the (ctiit2aid filltd witnpeope 22111: 32113113' other neaiby Indian villages . To right- and 11111 at the massive . SC, as I need maney rta her badly just gradualh GISIDPISPCI â€1L0 $101191 0“ 1 f . . . .. . - . 1 . 1. 1 1 lH‘ZI‘ICP and in the 0a1 den The2 were 13/1118. Owl lr now on the road to I‘f“;<_1,attrw'ay' 1n the park walls. lai'u sign; 110“. [W dtcided 10 5‘“ 1"“ Pmâ€- 1. , . , ., . .. .. : . . ~. . -. 1- -. mustl2 well-toâ€"do (ountn folk. trades HUW‘IB. :ooai'ds proclaimed that the C'lltllt'tltltL'1ll-‘\ .1 iniiaCle happ'lb - H‘ .- ' . -, ‘ ,. , , ‘ I MII‘I' Um “I“ â€â€˜7†examined 3“†“'31" was for sale and have details 111' th- l added smiling. “But as you love it. so I t)‘:ople â€Um â€11‘ I‘PlBthUlmB [OWNS tSUDIX-l-‘tél (“will DY :1 physician. and: property with its outbuilding-4. i'ai'ms :lllllt‘ll there. there may be a 11.11 (1.1811(111lechounltty IIIIIIIIIIIIISIII)I-IIIIIII;IIII1 gapparently llild 11"1’ “("911 (‘f‘l'iiï¬t’d dr‘i'lCl-i pastures and all that :1})1)("1‘l£llllt‘(l th 1111- 3 ensure y living here.“ 0mm" â€UL†. ' I , m‘U' “I" . "K . She had been visited once during a to. l She looked at him inquirinuly. Ht" Come “f†"1 cuiiosit}. I‘m,“ AaCCOlCllllg WWO “"‘Pk-‘I â€111%" b3" 51 Massey 1311.1’8Fl Ever since. three months ago. theleciztinutd. lockingly: to Mam" Audigats “Emma“: â€â€˜91:“ it'lflll. who did not think her scI‘iOHh‘ll's boards had gsne up and notices had "My dear Antoniiie. ever since the day 11113111011131 about 1‘ “079†bona-ï¬Je bm' ’ ill. but ai'tt-r she appt aied to have died.' appeared in the local press. the chateau 131111311 yestm'day, young Audigat has “'5 present ' :her relatives 11111.1‘111'1111111' (lid not. ("rmâ€"5 gates had often been opened to receive b15111 positively buzzing round! I know Antonine came upon some visitors Tsider a doctor of any 1151‘. 2 pro spectivt purchasers. Widow Leâ€" , he‘s 1111i mut h to lock at. but I can see making the most of the opportunity oi ’ She had been laid out in L’lflH‘l . .._.____.__.__.._._...___. - gcltnhes on a bed. The coiiln had been fordt'i'ed i'rilm an undertaker in Massey,l :ut had not arrived. and the wake was: in pi't‘igress. when she suddenly sat up‘, in bed and demanded what all the i'uss' was about. . .¢â€"â€"â€"â€"mn .â€"_ ‘..â€"._..â€" Big Game Plentiful in Abitibi Preserve '(lame Vlaiden efer to‘ \loose Deei l0\e Lyn\ 1 . ' ‘2 , S j 6‘ ; whose 'l‘i'aclts he. has Seen: in Ahitibi Game Preserve A d'spatt'h i'i'om Iroquois Falls saysl ithat Ed. Olayesci newlyâ€"appointed lIIIImII warden l(')1' Abitibi district told l the Iioquoi> Falls and Dis' iict Rod and . Gun Club. at their Febitiai'y meetinaf . iii the Canadian Legion but. that. there .now >1" ems to be t'oiisiderable big, game: 1 in the Abitibi C1'-122'n Game Preserve ' ' Us Campy,“ his been in'tkin†1),.†1 OR 1935, Oldsmobile offers a low-priced, Hydraulic Brakes ~~~ Enclosed Tire and Lug- ‘ A . 4 2 l 1 . ( ,1 " . "(111-1 11,191. 1110,, ,1. ‘he lll'i‘“""\’t‘ 'llld h“. 90-horsepower Six, and a lOO-horsepower gage Compartment-“Centre Control Steering }. ‘..“ t‘l't'C'llI'I" \‘l"l'1\‘ M “(Hum)“, mp1“: ; Straight Eight... more beautiful than any pre- â€"-~ All-Silent Syncro-Mesh TransmiSSion â€"â€" 11“. b'nind'ti'lr-s III-11' ha. .I \ , n I‘ll 1.1,; ; vious models. . . more brilliant in periormance Fisher No-Draii Ventilation and Increased C. l 1. ‘ 1 ‘ '1 H 1 L 2 ‘ . . . ‘ . . ‘ number 1"i mm se 1nd deei tr '11111 s many l ‘ ‘ ‘ more 'aV'Sh m improvements. Economy ' ' ’ demonstrate m a mammal way - . I I l _ . why Oldsmobile is known as “The Car That 10‘ ‘- ‘Nlr‘ â€11d (-11“ ll'll-‘i CHIC k. Tlli'l ‘1 Establishing the value measure for 1935, Old". Has'Everything 1. 1111’. he says. 11‘) 11111111111 01' AI‘CIIC' mobile has solid steel, “Turret-Top" Bodies by ' l l isi'otise. or. at. least. h~ ha~ seen nonel l .MrOlavesz’iii had heard i'epor's that been engineered into these new cars. Knee- 11'abbits were disused 'sut has 15. 311 no; Action, proved and now improved, combines evidenCe at such disease. Other mem-l with the Ride Stabilizer to provide superior bers reported that rabbits 111: y shot in riding ease. ‘the Falls were deï¬nitely diseased. Th» club decided to write 111: Min- i.~:.-1' oi ("1111111- and Fisheries tl'iaiikint'. the (122'1'1'nm1-nt for 1h:- i'e-apponit- men: of 1111 Ci'.‘ I’.\t"t"l' T"; sticcezd Over- sf'et’ David Ste-wart. 1‘1pptiiii'1ted last usprinu ant withdrawn in July. and 1'1 indicate to the lit-1.1111111 the splen- did manner in 1.111111 .\i:' Oiaveson is 1ai'1'yinc out his duties. H'.' has a dog team and has already made Ill‘)\ 11. 1.11 "" as 50 miles into 1111- woods The matter of 11nplzeati1'iiis for .ish I‘ *o be depasttec 11‘. district st: ~11ms w as tilisi'ussed. I: was decidd to :mmedt- 1111-12' .- 1111 11: 1'1t1piica'it’1iis for speckled ------- -1ii'1d lake :iou small mouth black bass and picker-l The club wzll request that Fish Culture Branch biologists (x- 1 amine a number 0: lake's in the district 111311111111: Lady Maud- Lake. Island A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Lake. Andezsc. 1L1'1k1j-. Mods“ Lake. 8 1b « 111:: :11 1' 1 es. I‘Jm ‘ H _ Lik was: authorized to pro- . Lake and 'Ii‘a,‘ 1-3.9: .924- . titlst (czd 1.21:11 plans tor .1 competition in w hhic prizes 22:11 be awarded for the largm i‘ish c1111 1: lecitiinateiy 1n the regular season. Arkansas Gazett1'1'-â€"~I't'd be break H‘ior the girls1f "permanent†waves had, the (111121 3.1112' of ".'1'-1npoi'ai"1."' taxes PHONE 670 D .-. '...-.‘4,. -- m warmflwem wuw‘n'w _;,4,,.,.' ,‘Sv...’;.-'1bl.1-¢£‘,I'i.‘-¢ ‘ I‘ 4414' o. .T'N'rrI; :5:th ' ""~- 2141‘“. .1 HAS EVE RYTHING†A 90 l-IORSEPOWEB SIX . . . A 100 HORSEPOWER STRAIGHT EIGHT Fisher. Complete insulation against sound has Many other advancements . . . AR THAT Come to the showrooms and see the new models. Look once more to Oldsmobile as ex- emplifying the advanced trend in motor cars. Check carefully what you pay against what you get . . . {or Oldsmobile has scored againl J 1' , 4 a .u .- ------------------ .-.. 111. ...... ..... Marshallâ€"Ecclestone Ltd. H PONTIAC â€"â€" BUICK â€"- OLDSMOBILE Minute. (‘1-1'11111'11'11111 11: 131111.11111. 1:.1 1 1 l 111 13s 111111111112 r1711. 1111' 121 1.1.111 liiiitlis 1111111111 1111- .11. states '11111 11: ‘illl‘ Aslil13' (Mill 112'1 111'1'12' 3111111311111 22:1'. maintained. but 2.1111111 way ~11 111-12111..1: I lower due to larger proportion oi 111111-- i'eed being; (ll11\\'ll from the west 21-111 {During the quart 1' 111111111 In. 1.21-2'1 tinilled oi average til‘ttt’lt' 111 11111; 1:111:11- pt‘t' ton. and built-1n 1~lllgllll"l"1?.\ 1-1111- l1tained 15.1113 tine nun-1w» 2.1111111 11' I $110,060, Dealins: with mine duel-1p .int'nt. the 1'1-p11i't says: "auaiii 121- 111121- to report (11111,,‘1111 11111 112-1117». 111 111-~ velopnient w'le: " Work t':>ii:111 tied 111 . low giade on all '1- 1'1-1-21. ()Wlllli I11 (‘11:--- i Cl“\'t'lt'1)lllt‘lll. Ill-- reserve , Metal: l\'lit1~ 3 11'12'1-1111111'111111 I satisi'at'toi'y iesults in been made 111 rty oi active with 17-112 11 last -1 Monarch 111'11 thiads have 1.11“ At the prop: int: (,‘orporatlt'iii. iwork was carried out {1151‘ l l lappointiiiu results. New ore was dev- ‘and adjacent to th- We-i Jody. Dill'llltt’ the quarter. 2.11.173 11111.- oi' ere were milled and about 1.511111 ton: added 1.) broken ore 3'1'-~-"'\t'>~. :‘2'Iill~ llieads 112'11‘11a11d $1.451 per 1111‘. 111111. 1-4 -' t'eiil.. 7111c. and 1-19 ounces sil2'1-1' ‘ per ton. Pi'tduetion included 3.13111 tens. 1 had concentrate (“tillltlllilllgl‘ 131.1151 p-i cent. lead and 31.11131} ounces silv i'. and 5.2312 tons zinc court-111111111 1'1111t111111n11 ’1 (31.4 per cent. itiiic. '1'11111 (ij,H'1‘t1'llt;1 costs were 82.130 p. 1' 1(11. ‘1, General (lt‘VC'l-Oplllt‘lll worl: was coin tinned at, Noi'metal MllllllL’, ('Cll'l)1)l‘11~- tion. Some additians weie made 111 1 calculated tzi'e i'es'x-i'ye and :1: .hair 4 was deepened to 11:11) tee: ; . At I_.tl‘â€"ltlll:1 (told Mine-1. llerb 11:11:11. Manitoba, main control 11nd 111111111111 ~ ineiit oi Minins; ()orp'ii'atioii. ClI'llilllL; was carried cut. on the 11:11) and 51111â€" {(1111 levels. opening 11111111 21111 ("111111â€" tioiis. Results 111.1111). continued 111- 2'1'111.pnient. IVIant'l‘iestei Uiiioii:---A‘iitl 11:11111- have ; fame thrust up 11 them by quantum-1;. ' -â€"-â€"Wv r". '1. 111111111 s 1'- ruomit 11. '- 1" .2 I; t.- ’1 l 1 1 , l ‘1 i I 5 -v.-v,‘.-nâ€â€"1»~ \z . d .1 .. “-151... 1,:. 1. st» â€0"" - 2 v TIMMINS