of ‘"nothing, affairs of th as much he actually sleey slows down b ing about 4 ture goes dov pressure goe during compl about what beat, â€" breat] blood pressut actually @ZS CIt Sif all compl and get a dividua Anis mu they night their kill them, their mind Ii might cians and less about For ch mals, m spent in who feel i1 some! ncluding he BÂ¥ James W. Barton, M.D leep, and In these d T Don‘t Worry About )1 Imperial Motor Sales, Distributors, of PBours That Boup Toront reflected â€"from who buy them rces Business Men of South to Visit the No: uty \Annuwal Report of the Canadian Radio Comm. an N Ns Then . . . drive this new Dodge. Enjoy the newest developâ€" ment in driving ease, "Synchromatic Control." All major driving operations . . . steering, brakes, shifting, clutch . .. have been simplified, made effortless. AKE a look at this new Dod 4 line, every angle. And tha detail, inside and out. The int ment and luxury. Po r C Up in e )6 HERE IT IS â€" THE NEW VALUE DODGE â€"z% e Asolicle e riced right down among the lowest riced carsâ€"yet it‘s Bigger, Faster, More Beautiful than Ever. NEW Msqgliede /?wé 11 Y or aew â€" construction in Montreal and tation CRCO was Hardware Furniture Co., Dealers, South Porcupine 1{ C LC new Dodge. There‘s style in every And that style is reflected in every The interior plainly speaks refineâ€" £ PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO moved forehead told the Two Months in Jail for Shooting Callers at Doot DIRECTOES FOR THE BIDGOOD KIRKLANTD h Ct]l ad sta ire ordi had â€"â€" 59â€"61 Third Avenue, Phone 3, Timmins they had reportsd the inc ‘onstable J. Brown, of the On vincial Police. He had rc gunshot pellet from Lamorie and then investigated. H czaurt that the accused, Mar tated he had fired three ‘ne visitors away. mt Now Ride Cradled Between the Axl« ana new mu springs end Bid 1V 1 F distrib ht mas lli¢ engine mountin Then try the "Airglide Ride." It‘s literally like gliding. Dodge has a steadiness and roadability not even approached before. It keeps on a even keel at all times. Hugs the road. Skims smoothly over rough spots. Takes sharp curves safely, even at high speeds. curves sately, even at high speeds, All made possible because Dodge engineers have found the secret of equalized weight distribution on all four wheelsâ€"with superâ€"flexible springs to absorh road shocks and the New Dodge "Rideâ€"Levelator" to eliminate An )n On atetyv Changes Foretold in Monteith Academy N I Try The Advance Want Advertisements h m allâ€"steel ind other Do 1VCE Imeyr /2.â€" DODUGE +909 th )1 ti1 inta tes F] »atim n bydraulic situation can readily be har stitutional anm mSopy I1 11 es No Reason for Any Alarm Over Gold Decision BLACK CO Â¥ER â€"â€" O The BLUE COVER â€""EGYPTIEN Only the The Newâ€"Value Dodge is powered with the Dodge "Red Ram" engine. It‘s silky smooth, with traditional Dodge dependability, Built to last, to save money, no matter how fast you drive. A saving of 15¢ to 20¢ on every dollar you spend for gas is now possibleâ€"with even more astonishing oil economy‘! in FINEST sooKx 1 whiC made J ) A rran pendable service 20 years c could create such se today to drive C Dodge unequalled â€" in i will prevent such efâ€" advised, hoewever, the in my opinion, very ed by means of a conâ€" idment. While it has SURPRISTNG LOW PRICI Sprag enius of a manufacturin T lC nufacturing orgamzation such as experience in building fine motor stounding dollar forâ€"dollar value new Dodge. I\ V othing to add but license. DELIVERED IN TIMMIN®S If its reputation for hâ€"me, Patrolman Ho investigate: Horgan â€" porch and reported a snoring volubly., "Just the woman told the who it isâ€"my husban Huntin 1. t3ld the â€" my husband repot under ier the porch of her Horsan was sent to zran looked under the ed a man asleep and Just leave him alone," the officer. "I know r:â€"When a woâ€" illed police headâ€" 1 strange nolses eéec nto T hould sa decisizcn. s where legisâ€" ession, special ecalled to meet LT iceivable that ult of an adâ€" uce the price , level of $385 f $20.67," the his wculd inâ€" ts most cherâ€" re course of ts many unâ€" e no reason ould sacrifice _ nothing t: amendmen y short time could prcb ess in forty PAGE THREE L DE the problem nstituticsnal doubt that _ by threeâ€" be obtained