PAGE EIGHT in at publi with than mam Tax Sales Should Always be Properly Advertised within the nu Gaze have new: date mea: land the x mm mim palit sale. th of p vert: the and an c sale Insur ï¬on, PCcug John HQW TO KEEP COOL An be Build YourSelf Up. 3;; Jr H Why continue to pay for heat that goes up the chimney? .‘Nhen you cook with electricity heat waste ends because the power is only on WHEN YOU NEED IT. It is the cheapest form of fuel and the most efficient. The cost is less than a cent a meal per person. Cook With electricity for economy; for a clean, cool. comfortable kitchen. Cook with electricity for tastier meals prepared With far less trouble anti for dishes that last longer because their full nourishment value is retained. Come in and see YOUR electric range today. You can have it for as little as 85 down and $3 a month. CANADA NORTHERN POWER CORPORATION, llMll‘ED COOK with ELECTRICITY for less thanj Cent I Meal per Person At f pleasant- whcn you 'c you will 1y cooler. thirst, but .- Agents: | ronto. 2C Controlling and Operating N U RTHI-ZRN ONTARIO POWER COMPANY. LIMITED NORTHERN QUEBEC POWER COMPANY, LIMITED anallyâ€"â€" vill keep :cm and elimina- and 60c. EU m method of advertising in the Ontario Gazette is barren of results, that it is hard to undél‘Stale‘ Why the various municipalities do not demand a change in the act, which will eliminate the Ontario Gazette from the list. The Ontario Gazette (issued by authority of the Ontario Government) of August 4th. contains some 193 solid pages of tax sales. representative of various parts of Ontario. at top advertising rates, and it .5 a safe bet that not one per centi'of the'people of the munici- palities affected see a copy of the is- sue. By the' same token. newspapers published in those municipalivles lose that business to Government competi- tion. which; at the same time. is acknowledged to have no advertising value." parts of Ontar rates, and It 2.5 a per centi'bf the' panties affected A couple of years ago there were several cases of gas being stolen from parked cars. This is a form of theft that means loss of money but the in- convenience sometimes is a more seri- Cus matter. The thefts were stopped here by catching the culprits. or some of them. and dealing with them stern- ly. At New Liskeard recently several standing cars were robbed of gasoline. The police caught a party of young men who said they came from Pem- broke. The youths were caught -al-- most red- handed. A sentence of ‘hirty days each to the two who seemed to be responsible- for the thefts w 11 impress on them and on others that the steal- ing of gas is a- dange r015 practice. 'l'ne young men had a rubber hose and other equipmwtï¬ï¬Ã©ciafly desrgneri for robbing?- carrot *gasohne THIRTY DAYS' SENTENCE CHARGE OF STEALING GAS Dates of the Canadian National Exâ€" hibition this year are Friday, August 24th to Saturday, September 8th. Fourteen days and nights of education and recreation. It is clean, wholesome and captivating. Your YOU CUT COOKING COSTS when you Some 10,000 Justices of Peace in On- tario are to be retired in one fell swoop under the reorganization. Tweive magisterial districts are set up in Old Ontario under the scheme, and six in Northern Ontario. Not Objectionable to North The new system is likely to meet with fairly general favour in the North. At ï¬rst glance it appears to extend the system that has worked so well in the North to a plan that embraces all Ontario. The fact that the two ma- gistrates of the North, 8. Atkinson. of Haileybury, who -for over 25 years has dispensed real justice in a large area of the North. and E. R. Tucker. of Cochrane. who has been the eflicient and fairminded magistrate for the northern section of this area, have been retained in their places. will pre- dispose the people of the North to a belief in the good faith of the depart- ment in the new plan. Extended Jurisdiction Under the new scheme, magistrates will have provincial-wide jurisdiction and will travel from court to court in a manner similar to that in which supreme court judges cover the various assizes No magistrate will carry on any other business. His is a full-time posi- tion. ' “But I wish to emphasize that our chief aim in this reorganization is to increase efï¬ciency of the administra- tion of justice in Ontario," he said. North Land Magistrates are Retained Under New System Both Magistrate Atkinson and Magistrate E. R. Tucker (.‘ontinue Duties under New Scheme Inaugurated by Attorney-General Roebuck. Ten Thousand Justices of the Peace Dismissed. Description of New Districts. Last week at Toronto Hon. Arthur W. Roebuck. the new Attorney-Gener- al announced a new system of magis- trate's courts under a plan that means a complete reorganization of the magis- terial system. Under the new order. 48 magistrates will take care of the work previously done by 138 magistrates. in territory outside of six large cities. By the same token, 90 magistrates lose their jobs. Some 10,000 Justices of Peace in On- tario are to be retired in one fell swoop under the reorganizatLon. Nor will any magistrate be permit- ted to hear complaints. take informa- tions. issue sommonses and warrants. All this preliminary work is to be tak- en caie of by paid justices of the peace, to be appointed. Six. large cities have been undisturbâ€"' ed. “I found it simpliï¬ed matters to leave them out of the re‘organiZation." said M1. Roebuck in issuing his" state- ment. “Not that I think they are perfect by any means,‘ 'he added. The Attorney-General declared the saving effected by the reorganizatIOn will be approximately $50,000 a year. “The selection of magistrates has no reference to the political viewpoints of the men." Mr. Roebuck explained. “I actually do not know the politics of the magistrates retained. They were chosen on the recommendation of a committee composed of I. A. Hum- phries, Deputy Attorney-General. Col. W. W. Dennison. Inspector of Legal Offices. and Chief Crown Attorney J. W. McFadden of Toronto." One of the magistrates in each dis- trict will be designated “senior magisâ€" A Long Winter is Before You-- Take m PORCUPINI ADVANCE. TIMMINS. ONTARIO i: Never-Die Tonic trate." He will have charge of th Itinerary of the magistrates in his dis trlct, subject to the approval and direc tion of the inspector of legal ofï¬ces. “There are at present in Ontari< over ten thousand justices of th peace," Mr. Roebuck points out “These justices will be retired, and ii future there will only be the justice of the peace set up in this scheme They will be men of standing in m community. have some idea of th problems of the people generally, an: be able to give good sound common sense advice, as part of their duty i to consider whether information should be taken or not. and whethe warrants or summonses should issue. Districts Outlined' The announcement by Mr. Roebucl outlines the twelve magisterial district in Old Ontario and the six in Norther) Ontario. District 1 comprises the counties of ESsex,__ Lambton and Kent, population 205,799. W. A. Smith, Sandwich, to be senior magistrate. with two other magistrates and J. A. Hanrahan, of Windsor, as deputy. District Zâ€"Elgin. Middlcsox, Oxford. Perth' and Huron, pOpulation 225.112; 3'. Ha‘wkshaw as senior magistrate and two .sther magistrates to act. District 3â€"Brucc. Grey, Duffcrin and Wellington, population 169,194; F. Watt, as senior magistrate. and two other magistrates. District 4â€"Brant. Wat folk, population 138,623 as senior magistrate, “ magistrates. District 5â€"Wentworth, Halclimand Lincoln and Welland. population 182,- 347; J. C. Massie as SCII'ZOI' magistrate. and Alex Fraser, of Niagara Falls alsc selected as magistrate. District 6â€"York, Halton. Pccl. popu- lation 268,279; Wm. Keith. of the County of York, to be retained. and another to be selected to act with him; L. J. C. BULL for county P001 also to bc ietained to take over all the work for Peel and Halton. District IOâ€"Renfrcw. Lanark. Carle- ton. Frontenac, Prince Edward, popula- Ottawa, chief magistrate; two other magistrates. "District 7â€"Ontario. Simcoo, Musko ka, pOpulat'ion 152,076; C. Jef'fs. Barrie seniox magistrate; two other magis trates. ' District 8+Nortlit1'mcrla11c1‘. Durham. Pet'erboiough, Victoxia Halibux ton population 99 861; O. A. Langley Pete:- borough.seni01 magistxamte with two other magistx ates. District 9â€"Hast.,ngs Lennox Adding tori, Frontenac Price Edwaxd popula tion 127,494; E. J. Butler, Bellcvillc senior magistrate. District llâ€"Lecds. Grenvlllo. Dun- das, pOpulation 61.500; Geo. A. Wright, Brockville, senior magistrate. with an- other magistrate to be appointed. District 12â€"Glengariy. Prescott. Rus- sell, Stormont. population 89,730; two magistrates to be appointed. Northern Ontario Districts The six districts for Northern On- tario are given below exactly as an- nounced by Hon.‘ Mr. Roebuck in his statement last week:â€" District XIII ‘fThis district is in New Ontario and comprises the districts of Haileybury and Cochrane. The papiilation is 69.- 372. The number of cases tried in 1933 was 5.133. “In Northern Ontario the scheme must be made much more elastic, and acoardlngly. the magistrates will selec: the places at which courts will be held “Selgfried Atkinson. of Haileybury. has been selected as the sen-LOi' magis- trate. together with E. R. Tucker, of Cochrane. Both of these magistrates have been travelling in this country, District XIV "This district comprises the judicial district. of Nipissing and the eastern portion of the district of Parry Sound. The population is 42.034. The num- ber of cases tried in 1933 was 1.304. “C. S. McGaughey, of North Bay. has been selected. with the services of S. Weegar ‘ “This district comprises the districts of Sudbury and M and the western portion c Sound. The population is There were 2,657 cases tried in 1933. devoting work for “J. S. McKesscck, of been selected as the sen The other magistrates ar ton of Parry Sound. I“ Gore Bay. and T. H. V leau. “The services of of Copper Cliff a with. mI'l'rls district compris district of Algoma. Tht 32.296, The number of the year 1933 was 1.266. “A. Elliott of the 800. has been selected as the senior magistrate. and E. Arthurs. of Espanola. as 4qu magistrate. J. A. Cousineau J. J. Wilson The services of J. R. Bradbw their whole time 1. number of years District XVI District XV Sound. I“. W d T. H. Wolf! cuio with Stur Burk Mr. Roebuck terial districts x in Northern 31‘ ma 00 and N0 J. R. Blake 1 two other )pu magiscr: D. Brou “OI M >flices. Ontario jud heme. n the f the r. and .ry 01.3}; il‘ It OI. N U C v o',‘ 0-. .0 N o O c .0 Blind River and N. H. Peterson of Bruce Mines. will no longer be required. District XVII “This district comprises the judicial districts of Thunder Bay. Kenora and Patricia. The population is 67.182. There were 2.574 cases tried in the year 1933. “It has been decided that a'new magistrate must be appointed to take care of the cities of Fort William and Port Arthur. “The services of 001. S. C. Young of Port Arthur. will be retained. also those of J. A. Kinney of Kenora. Col. Young will take care of the cases around the head of the lakes and easterly, and Mr. Kinney will handle cases at Kenora and on the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway. “The services of William Falling and W. W. O’Brien of Fort William and Port Anhur. will no longer be required. yc as they are too old for their work. “The services of R. H. Pronger and H. E. Holland will also be dispensed with. District XVIII “This district comprises the judicial district of Rainy'River. The popula- tion is 131,571. The cases tried in the year 1933 were 267. “.H L. Cruso of Fort Frances will be retained in ofï¬ce" .. The Forty Magistrates Retained The following are the forty magis- trates retained under the new plan of Hon. A. W. Roebuck. the new Attorney- General in the Hepburn Cabinet:â€" W. A. Smith. Sandwich. $4,000 per year. J. A. Hanrahan (deputy). Sandwich. $2.500 per year. C. S. Woodrow. Sarnia. $3.000 per year Alexander Flaser Niagara Fall‘ $3 ,000 per yeax - William Keith Toronto. $3 000 pc pc ye .VE Year year ye .V( yc year W. A. F. Campbell. Port Hope, $3.000 p01 vear. E. J. Butler, BelleviLle $3, 000 p8! yeax. W. K McGregor, Pembroke. $2.500 per year. G. R. Boucher. Ottawa. $3,500 per year. 'ar. S. B. Arnold. Chatham. $3,000 tar. E. S. Livermore, St. Thomas. s 1' year. 'ar E. C. Spereman, Owen Sound. $3.000 r year. F. Watt. Guelph, $3.500 per year. J. R. Blake, Galt, $3.500 per year. J. J. R. Weir. Kitchener, $3.000 per a: ar 81‘ 3.1' Elf i114$§z~£§vï¬tk ...u......u..?w if J. C. Bull, Brampton. $3,000 K. Crclghton. Oshawa, $3.000 Jefls, Barrie. $3,500 per year. F. Bick, Cannington, $2.500 per R. Casement. Madoc, $2,500 per Hawkshaw. London, $3,500 per Makins. Stratford, $3,000 per Walker, WaLkerton, $3,000 pc Massie, Dunnville. $3,500 Langley. Pcterboro, $3.500 per as $3 .000 Bronchitis. and Fortify Yourself against Colds and per per per per per The Royal (‘ity for the letting of Good Positions out “1: Winds tlcn. sor at the in Electr steen, W-lndso: other inquiry deputy police County, as c0 Electric inquh zic, former m cial corporath year per year I" year year 306009009990“ $6000OONOOOOOOWOOOOOO909900960O OOO YE year. Dr. Lorne Tyrer, M year. pc 990909990900090900.00000000â€â€OOOOQOOOOOOOO90609900 La 110 year J udgir The. Am ‘etting governmen “The new Ontari d by Premier 1V. Aberal. has been ar Joh EII‘ 31' yea 1‘ D. Br Arthu Elliott roar. S. MCI‘ Local and Long Distance Hauling (RATING, STORAGE snwmm; plum 501' d We have the only moving van licensed by the On- tauio Government with the proper Piovincial Commeicial Vehicle License and Load Insumnce in Timmins. Phone No. 427 \mherstburg which is nea “’IH' RISK YOI’R GOODS WITH INEXPEKIENCEI) (HART/HEP AGENTS WHO ARE NOT PROPERLY INSURED AND LICENSED A. Wri Kinney. K Mc( Youn K11 STAR TRANSFER I‘ll nm 11 I] FOR BETTER SERVICE - CALL ario Government. head- Mitchell F. Hepburn. rn generous in handing its supporters in the L. says a daily publica- appointment was that Odette. Tilbury manu- Ictor of the government His salary is $10,000 appointments include . attorney, of Windsor. ’ to investigate the Nia- mission and the Temis- thorn Ontario Railway. ne; Paul Martin. Wind- n associate council for l of the Ontario Hydro- ssion; Stanley Spring- 1ttorney. counsel in an- and J. A. Hanrahan. 11111 i The Goldfield Drug Co. .ll Clt St he leybur '1 f) W'mchc l‘hel'S‘ when obs :â€" rk at the Hydro- ron Ross McKen- a. Windsor ï¬nan- L0 be purchasing h 1'81] ,, $2.500 per year. Marie, $3,500 per Lhur 11K )ll ilk allowing from Windsor; On- rstburg. is just. an it. comes to ICC, $500 per 500 pt $3.750 .md $3.000 $3.500 p€ 3.500 300 pc 300 pc or year. .000 per 500 pc SSCX per per per 000 500 N0. 7 Spruce Street South J. M. Consolidated Mines. Limited. on August 12th shipped gold bars Nos. 4 and 5 to the Royal Mint at Ottawa. according to a report from D. M. Thompson, manager. The consign- ment was sent as far as Sooux Lookout by airplane. The two bars weighed 65.298 028. and 159.467 ozs. respectively. Charles Taylor. of St. Catharines. vice-president of the company, has just returned from a visit to the property and expresses himself as being highly pleased with conditions there. Charles Taylor. of St. C: vice-president. of the company returned from a visit to the PATRICIA AREA PROPERTY SHIPS T‘VO MORE (iULl) BARS agent for the Ontario Hydro-Elect Commission at a salary of $8.000 year. according to members of 1 executive committee of the Essex Cou ty Liberal Associiaumi. Anthony Marentette. reeve of Sandwich wi township. has been appointed ch beer and wine license inspector 1 Essex County. His assistants are E: Langiois. of Riverside. and Gem Hanrahan. of Windsor." Round trip between any two points; in Canada at regular one-way fare and a quarter. To leave destination up to midnight Tuesday. September 4. 1934 from Noon. Friday, August 31. until Noon. Monday. September Labor Day Information and fares from your Local Agent Canadian Paciï¬c THURSDAY. AUGUST 23RD. 1934 REDUCED F ARES Association. An Lhony reeve of Sandwich We as been appointed chi me license inspector (I I. His assistants are Ea Riverside. and Goon f Windsor." Return Limit Going D m for rl‘ 1r! )f