THURSDAY. AUGUST 23RD. 1934 The variety of colours available add; ed to its durability makes it an ideal floor and walnscot {01 kitchens pan ticulairly with the beautiful new style$ of sinks ' _ . i Below will be found series of weekly articl readers of The Advanc Bullders' Service Burea TILING AND ITS USES Tiling, which on account. of it tary quaiitics'has always been 1 for bathrooms, has in recent ycm into prominence for many othc poses in the home. Ordinary glass is referred to either Single or Double Strength still heavier sheet glass. 3-16" tl is available. but seldom used in sidential work. Of these three t) the Doublie Strength is most l‘requ ly used. Although no sheet glas entirely free from certain ilaws : as emall bubbles aiul sometime slightly wavy surface, this :5 ha discemable on such small lights. Violet Ray Glass for Sunruoms and Conservatories Violet ray glass is becoming more more popular for use in sick rooms places where the sun rays ul‘P neces: for persons who are. conï¬ned luck It is available in Star. and Double 1 mcndrthickness in sheet glass, 3181 plate glass, and certain types of fa glass. . ' Irrespective of ed. to eliminate penetration cxier glass embedded ii CIGARETTE PAPERS: Thé sun room ma _. . K _......_. , illflflllllflw h....".." ‘......I." . FLAT OR AUTOHAT BOOKLET -â€"ON| A T'LED / SHOWER MTH Every Sunday Midnight. Wednesday and Saturday from 9 till ? NO FINER; PURER, on BETTER GUMMED PAPERS MADE ‘ .4 Riverside Pavilion ‘ome and enjoy an evening of Dancing 9n the shores of the Mattagami River. GI $33 GLAZING QAZING found anot JIMMY MCFADDEN and His (.‘LUB ROYAL ORCHESTRA 3m If Jitney Dancing rain ash hav nï¬ncd indoors. nd Double Diao t glass. alsoin types of fancy IODE )LONIAL .her in the Jpplied [or the Home QN Ls sani- papular rs come b r ighi pu pes 'dlv U8 .1ch I‘E MIC 111‘ 18 The Northern News last weeks says: ‘ Recommendaticns regarding the oStab- : listment of a northern agricultural col- leges at Monteith have been forwarded to the provincial government at To-' route by the secretary of the South Cochraï¬e Liberal Association. The News Was informed to- day- Nothing is known here as to what action will be taken by Premier Hepburn or Minister of Education Dr. L. J. Simpson. Dras- tic changes were predicted by Dr. Simpson in his election speeches. for it was fairly well recognized at that time that the: East Sim- coe member would be the new educa- tional head if the Liberals were re- turned. He is a man of wide experience and has shown an active interest in the educational affairs of the province for many years. How he will react to the proposal of the northern Liberals is absolutely unknown. But the party officials here think it is an excellent idea and that if the government does countenance the departure at all Monâ€" teith is the ideal point at which to establish such an institution. It is a beautiful spot and with the already es- tablished High School Academy there. the college would have access to some of the conveniences already in exis- ‘ tence. According to reliable informants here it is not likely that anything tan- ;giblc will be done this fall but that if :the government does decide to accept {the proposal this winter. they will like- My g6 to work “in their usual business- {like manner." Considering Suggestion of Farm College for North The power company brings the lines to a point on the outside wall, from which point the electrical contractor is responsible for the complete wiring in- side. As any one circuit can not carry more than about 1.300 watts. a panel board distributes the main feeders into various circuits. the modern home gen- erally requiring three wires to provide a complete service. To indicate to-day's dependability upon electric services. consider the elec- tric range, refrigerator. washing ma- chine. lighting ï¬xtures. toaster, perco- lator, water and room heaters. radio, kitchen ventilating fan and a number of other appliances ad specialties. A transformer generally takes care of a doorbell and buzzer circuits as they require a lower voltage than lighting circuits. Vestibules and outdoor verandahs call for the quarry or heavier tile which is made to stand the weather and which comes in suitable colours for these positions. colourful scheme in keeplng with such a room. Hearths and Iaclngs for ï¬re- places are attractively treated with a choice of many beautiful colours and designs. energy. the number and location or cutlets. The Modern Home Requires Many Outlets Through the co-operation of electric power commissions and other power companies. it has been possible to approximate a standardization of fundamental rules for adoption in building by-laws. Allow for Future Conveniences The introduction of electric clocks has shown many householders the need for adequate outlets. Few homes were wired pmnerly for these clocks to be placed on mantels and in kitchens, and similar situations will arise again in future. . The ICgical time for the complete wiring of the modern home is during ELECTRICAL The deveIOpment within the past few years in the number and efficiency of electrically operated home appliances has involved a revision of the formerly accepted standards of house wiring in regard to the capacity for electrical it There is a sort of serious controversy going on at Kirkland Lake. A lady who claims the ability to foretell for- tunes as far as the law allows. says that she adv;sed some of the family recently receiving $500.00 worth of Lake Shore stock that a lucky ticket would be in the family in connection with the re- cent Kiwanis Carnival draw. The family deny this absolutely and so there lts construction when each extension md outlet can be put in with the mini- are letters and interviews in the news- papers about it. Wonder if the lady who says-she can see mto the future foresaw the dispute now under way? the number and location of Bathroom lighting has been under criticism for a long time and the mod- em, indirect and spot lighting is the new vogue. Upper sketch shows in- direct lighting behind a moulding plac- ed near the ceiling. and the lower illustration is that of a plate glass winged mirrow with shielded lighting. This arrangement meets the modern demand for different but correct light- ing , Provide Adequate Telephone Facilities North Hopes that T. N.O. Enquiry is†Not. Political To ensure a complete electrical ser- vice. it is always advisable for the own- er to consult with his architect and electrical contractor. upon whose, advice he can depend with conï¬dence. Lighting Is No Long" Merely Illumination The modern conception of lighting extends beyond mere illumination. Light is now recognized as having colour. tone and other characters that make it a very important contributing factor in the architectual and decora- tive scheme of the home. Engineers of telephone companies willingly co-Operate with architects and electrical contractors in planning adequate wiring for a flexible telephone service. At the time of building, out- lets should be provided for in all rooms in which a telephone may be needed. If this provision is made, convenient service can be assured when required. For instance. if you have a guest com- ing. simply transfere an extension from. say the library to the guest room. where an outlet has been provided for the purpose. .An‘. EQltorial in, T1126 Halleybuiian last {EéE aaya:-â€" “19601511: 61 the North Cohritrv 1h genéralz Will jinn in the hope that the enquiry into the ‘Pecples Railway" will he conducted without any intention to make (pol tiCal capital. that it will be fair to all :91 connection with the xaigway and th‘at it will no t result in any great éhanges or reduc- tion in the service The T. 8.: N. O. has served the North -.well It has brought both fame and wealth to the province durgng its years of Operation. There have been times, 61 courso when it has appeared that the people were paying†too high for-this†service, when mum of cost and no lnconvoniences The owner. in justice to his home, should take the fullest advantage of these possibilities and expert advice is readily available for his guidance. it was considered that there might well be some lessening of the rates and some advantages offered on account of its being a publicly owned system. but taken in general. it has rendered satisfactory service and has been the great factor in the opening up of this important part of the province. For these'and other reasons it is hoped that there will be no great changes in the policy adOpted at the start of the T. N. 0., but that it will be permitted to continue for the future, as in the past, an integral part of life in the North. The value of the northern extension to Moosonee has been questioned, prob- ably with some reason. but then the whole. project was bitterly criticized at its inception. and heralded as only another extravagance which would never pay its way. and which might easily sink the province so badly in debt that it would never emerge. These criticisms have been proved quite groundless during the years that the railway has been in operation. and it may well be that the northern section will in time prove of as great import- ance as some of the other areas which have been Opened up. This will be a matter for the investigator to decide. Over a long period there have been no complaints of political favouritism in the affairs of the T. N. D. Em- ployees have been free to follow their own inclinations and have on occasion taken part in campaigns against the ruling party in the province. In many other ways the railway has been treat- ed purely as a public utility and there have been no charges of graft in its management. and it does not seem as if there would be any startling dis- closures made by the investigation." TALKING ABOUT NAMING ROAD AFTER QUINTI'PLETS If life is just one thing after another. news about the quintuplets is even more so. The latest is a proposal that the name “Dionne Highway." or “Quin- tuplet Drive." will be formally applied! to the road connecting the Dionne farm with Callander and Corbeil. The idea is to give a lasting memorial to the five babies born at the Dionne farm. The final decision in the matter of the naming of the road rests with Hon. Peter Keenan. Minister of Lands and Forests and Northern Develop- ment. Hon. Peter Heenan. being an Irishman will likely see that the road is called “Quintuplet†road or avenue. because he will know that such a name would be sure to be shortened by the public to the “â€an road. and Quinn is Irish enough to please any Irishman. Try The Advance Wm: Advertisement: m I‘ORCUPINE ADVANCE. TWINS. ONTARIO Another Re-Union is Planned for Cobalt Old-Timers of “Best Old Town of All Invited t0 Come Back Again on Labour Day, Sept. 3rd. Another Old-Time mg planned for Cob Sept. 3rd. or cours to approach the W hen years ago wher “best old town" from all parts of the world came to Cobalt to enjoy again for a week or two the flavour of the early days when all men were like bro- thers. or so it seems through the mist of the years. In any event the Old Boys“ Re-Union at Cobalt in 1924 was an event never to be forgotten by oldâ€" timers of Cobalt. At the time there was a general demand that it be made an annual afl‘air. Yet in their hearts even those who talked about an an~ nual re-union knew that it could not be. The spirit of the old days could not be brought back like that. After the passing of the last ten years. how- evenâ€"and many will be start-led to think it is ten years agoâ€"it may be possible for a day to recapture the old spirit and re-live the early days again for one day or so. The Old-Timers' Re-Union at Cobalt on Sept. 3rd. is spSnsored by the 1.0. DE. The event is to be reminiscent of the early days. the main event on the programme being a drilling con- test. Hon. Paul Leduc of Mines in the He has lien specially and offlciate at tht 00K at them allâ€"ride them allâ€"cheek them point for pointâ€"Pontiac against the ï¬eld. And you will ï¬nd that only Pontiac, at or near the price, gives you all the major advancements listed above. No useless trifles here! Each one is a vital factor in improved performance and car personality. T rue, Pontiac presents one of the smartest air- stream designs of the year. True, ability, riding quality, safety, economyâ€"in fact every item of motor car desirability has been improved. But dependability remains, as always, Pontiac’s ï¬rst claim to your interest. Built into this car are long Jobalt. At the time there :11 demand that it be made afl‘air. Yet in their hearts who talked about an am on knew that it could not Marshall-Ecclestone Limited luc. the no‘ Hepburn G .lly invited the opening (halt held i-timc W {h the mls at the 01: n 1924 wa ten by old lat. After aars. how- Lartled to t may be re the old Minister zrnment. ) attend :eremon- T Immlns Day )3 il‘ strate how linked to 1 Ovcr one-c ulatlon is the period be relievet No Time to he Reducing the Acreage of Gold Now 33 timers v for him with th Catastrophic tural areas of lc ba in ibl ,Oll Fom Th how closely to nature's 1t. A visit to Cobalt on the n of a gathering of the old- would be a must ausnicious time 1 to begin a closer acquaintance 1e North Land. its mines. and 3:319 who have made its mines h I ‘ " M? (1.5.,- ~ I O N'IAC EEDNflMY 5min" uhic dryness in the agricul- of North America demon- closely human destinies are atui'e‘s moods and bounties. .iarter of the American pop- ireéily affected. In Canada when our relief burden will has been indeï¬nitely pro- 'U said to be ’sonality an department visit to ( hf make a special point. of It. would give him a Mon to the ample of 5 of the North. In few 11d hdbe able to get m as Northern Miner 9 has never visited 5 not, Likely to be )bable that he has acquaintance with of the North. ‘ d to be a man of ality and his atti 'VE peeple of the North as at a to doubt there t from all parts nd the event. lg camp of the y other mining as hundreds of list of citizens. little acquaint- ; The general seems fobnlt atti Prices of Pontiac cars, at factory, Oshawa. fully equipped (Freight and Govern- ment license only extra) begin at See the new models. Drive one. Learn easily you can own a big Pontiac Straight 1 We are prepared to make a liberal allowane your present car, and to talk over with yo1 new, low time-prices on the GMAC plan: life, satisfaction, expense- -free servic General Motors value. e the 5 but i the Hon very tudc bear Lh _ 00:30:930000096000090000909009000090009009." tracted by a second year of poor gran crops. It is exercising commonsense to as sert that. a country like Canada. 'over 0.060006 06¢ 00. ¢ 06 0000 069960000000060006090300.3090» extended ï¬nancially as it is. should promote the fullest development of such a fortunate asset' as its gold mines. Yet Ottawa has actually moved to hamper and handicap the mining of every orebody that can be made to pay wages. The government has actually eliminated millions of tons of on , Gold production at high prices for the. metal is something that hurts not a single Canadian. ngl} prices 1’01 Gold production at high prices for the metal is something that hints not a single Canadian. High prices fo'i wheat will make :bread dearer for city masses. ' Gold is one Canadian product that‘ can be sold freely abroad. without lot or hindrance. Almost everything else we dig grow or make has to ï¬ght, for a market. This is no time to be reducing gold Breaktast room furniture repainted in Lavqurr Enamel. more durahle and scrvicoahlc than nrdinar)‘ mmnwl um manufactured for the painting of Breakfast-mum furniture UPHOLSTERING and REPAIRING Chesterï¬elds. Davenport: and Occasional (‘halrs rc-covcrcd and who“! A Fine Choicc of Tapcstrics. Dining Suites. Bedroom suites. End iabics repolished. Pianos repolishod and your piano guaranteed to look ï¬rst left the factory. 9 Cedar Street North Easy GMAC Terms ALL WORKMANSIIIP (mAnAN'x‘m'm S. LESK E‘V Ontario s1031 pig: th typical ad it :cnox rdies! When ' w Rouy 11mm how ight. I) blindm on tr Radios. run. rvpaircd and h \\' )rimc H as new as when it If m This vnamol Is and is specially 11K ll t6 wtt. oxï¬lnaï¬ly mm as we ever Lorshlp. see .me mining? H h Phone 975 PAGE (‘0 to $200.00 ‘ludod diso'r- mcn. blind- }: cases 'and undcr ore ada (‘OIIY mother r being , and 300.00