THURSDAY, MARCH About the Killing of Sheep in Unorganized Townships Some weeks ago Th rod to a bill introduc tario Legislature wit purpose of extending the present law apply municipalities so th would accrue to organized territory. would seem to be a years past efforts ha, popularize sheepâ€"raisin Land. To those who with other sheepâ€"r? such as the Highlands North Country see adapted to be a sh Of course, it will be that the damage done not the only factor sheepâ€"raising in this haps, it is not even th fact. It does have it: and all interested w very pleased to think cap was to be remoyv faction, though, must premature, because U premature, bDecau legislation promi matter of fact i LIQUID 0 PASKWE Safe ... Pure.. 4i constant milk supplyâ€" always freshâ€"always ready for use. That is the assurance you get with "Dorothy" Evaporated Milkâ€"a pure doublyâ€"rich milk that will add zest to your favorite recipesâ€" enrich all cooking and beverages. Use "Dorothy" for every milk purpose. MITDNING o G O LD PAPER e PULPWOOD « RIGHT OF WAY CONSTRU: fresh : UroOcers, the Canada Pack ofhes tional nickel industry, of its activities, have won dustrics, its pulp an developments, the ra theseâ€"are vital factors came, of supply market wa the domes this land «c t ompa the wh wholesale Side by side wit agriculture and in serve the communit ship; 1st m.othis € and pro Northland. Man must | New Ontario‘ are vital f Northland tail t} t1C pwa CRA WLEY McCRACKEN COMPANY, LIMITED w {ON 1as grown actlvlty 1n id retail stores that ) RED LAKE GOLD FURTHER WORK gigantic power s _ daily lifeâ€"â€"all ch of Ontario‘s egan to fashion he homesteader Northâ€"sources »duce. A local copper mining Its lumber inâ€" nt t(o0 Cater to evement. The vth and exâ€" sion of its A|| mmunity, to s, had to be N 1 C KE L AILROAD \JINTENANCE iL n Mr. Kennedy, aming. It conâ€" aragraph. This itory â€" without sheep have by dogs, the e liable to the the amount of nd it shall not on to recover that the dog med to worry evelopâ€" natural e h a‘s name of reantile founda Ccterizes n Mines. Earâ€" i number of re visible in 1 high values. nactment as ‘ sheepâ€"raiser mt unless he 1e dogs damâ€" o be «able to It would apâ€" e should be m the case of he province th© municiâ€" would be of is of general cause of the ught to know be made of this country. ld Mines, Liâ€" at Red Lake old discovery ‘s to diamond viding finanâ€" ossfully, says B. St. Paul be in charge aying will 1 diamond ranted by Msatrea The New ov of the mile to on the to the posed or soft ball stage. Cool. Whe add vanilla and stir and bea thick enough to spread. Variations Chopped walnuts, coconut,. c figs, dates or nuts may be ac e‘ther the chocolate fudge or cream icingâ€"and a little maple 1 ing may be used instead of vartr the latter,. (Use about 1â€"2 to : fruit or nuts). Sour Cream Frosting 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup sour cream Few grains salt 1 teaspoon vanilla Cook sugar, cream and salt to ball stage (234 degrees FP)). Co lukewarm (110 degrees F.) Beat thick and creamy. Add vanilla. S; over cake and sprinkle thickly chopped filberts or thinly F nuts. moQ NADIA N OOKING CHOOL (Continued from Frage Maple Cream Frosti 2 cups brown sugar 2 tablespoons butter 3â€"4 cup top milk 1â€"2 teaspoon vanilla Melt butter in saucepan; and top milk, stir until su; solved, then bring to hoil r: cook to 234 degrees F. witho Orangeâ€"use juice as liquid; little grated rind. An extra spoon of butter may be used. egg yolk, raw, as part of the liqu richness and improves the color Maple flavouring, any of the such as almond, lemon, rose, etc. orange or lemon rind, vouring, etc., may be used to either butter or confectioner‘s i Peanut Butter Frosting 1 1â€"2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons peanut butter 2 tablespoons icing sugar 1â€"8 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons lemon juice 2 teaspoons orange juice 1 cup icing sugar (or enc spread). Cream butter and peanut bu gether until very light; work i tablespoons sugar, the salt, t fruit juice (both kinds if you to have them). Gradually bea cupful of sugar. I like the appearance given k ing cinnamon over top of roug! Chocolate use milk or cream and add the hot liquid to 1â€" chocolate (melted) or add 1 1 spoons cocoa to the sugar. Whipped Creamâ€"may be mi any butter icing, made rather ; cept juice flavouring). Pineappleâ€"use pincap liquid; add shredded pin few drops of lemon juice Mocha or coffee flavou! coffee infusion for liquid cocoa may be added and vanilla. Cocoanut â€" Use im shreds. Filbertsâ€"Halyveo, slice Hazel Nutsâ€"Chop ec Hickoryâ€"Chop Pecansâ€"Use selected coarsely. Pistachiosâ€"Blanch, t Walnuts (English)â€" chop coarsely. Walnuts (Black) ‘The above should t sprinkled generously o1 fore completely set. FRUIT FROSTINGSâ€"Crust berries, canned crushed p‘nea juice or other fruit juice may; Derries, canned Ccrushned p‘ne juice or other fruit juice ma as liquid; a little lemon juice their filavour. See flavours : ter Icing recipes. s Butter Icing 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons liquid (creg fruit julce or strong cof 1 cup or more icing sugar Flavouring Cream butter very light, 2 tablespoons sifted sugar, (sc quid will then blend in better ally add liquid, sift in icing : stiff enough to spread and (Thorough beating gives a icing). cake TO DECORATE CAl COLOURâ€"Pure vegetable may be used to tint any v Tint a small portion of icing then work into main part. icing, tint the beaten egg. colours very delicate. Nutmeats Almonds (salted)â€"use ered or halved. Almonds (browned)â€"cho halve before browning. | thin layer in cake pan an moderate oven, watching ca Brazilsâ€"sliver leng without browning. Plain Confectioners‘ Frostin Put into a bowl 2 tablespoons (milk, cream, fruit juice or stron fee), sift in icing sugar until righ sistency to spread; add fiavourit the liquid is heated first, it wil the "raw" flavour from the sug:? Chocolate â€" Mel boiling, water. C thinly over white Grate chocolate Cinnamonâ€"Sift ed frosting. Colored Granul kle lightly over t Cherriesâ€"Ux Iuittlercd nAnp glace: | Cashewsâ€"Salt aft wisc. Candied rose «( "Bpecial Occasion Candied Fruit I Chocolate "Sho over icing. bottled or glace; 1 Also coloured pine Gum Dropos or Miscellancous anulat pineapple fBowerâ€"sha P 12Â¥ Frosting ) CAKES table co. iny whit AI LT it byt ifI f1 11 Â¥a asing Parm â€"News Letter OES the idea of getting real CHEVROLET quality â€"at the lowest price for any car in Canadaâ€"appeal to you? Then see the new Chevrolet STANDARD SIX models at our showrooms today! They‘re big and rugged in appearance, and in fact â€" smartly styled in the new windstream manner with Bodies by Fisher. They‘re wonâ€" derful performersâ€" with a generous offering of those famous riding and driving features that make the Master Dependable 6â€"Cylinder Cushionâ€"Balanced Engine . . . Longer, Wider Fisher Bodies . . . Windstream Styling . . . Bigger, Safer Brakes . . . Improved Noâ€"Draft Ventilation . . . Easy GMAC Terms . . . Octane Selector . . . Drumâ€"Type Tire Cover . . . Closed Modeis Wired for Radio. Â¥ ariet1es n Experin thern 1ArPiL it U mA CHEVROLET n every variety Cf leéStuce Northern Ontario, but the able ones for their quality eâ€"leaf kind, Early Curled 1 Grand Rapids; for the 1, Iceberg, New York and the latter being a little the two preceding ones. ce is usually left until the full size and solid. A long is the best tool for use in ig of the crop and usually ext to the ground are left T imming 1 lettuce the plants ed or set to about 10 the row in rows of 18 "or horse cult.vation, ould be 30 to 36 inches tâ€" cultivation ‘without 17 1J V ch friable soil but any kind of so.l, loam to clayâ€"loam d manure, preferâ€" it the rate of 10 to »lemented with 400 ilizer per acre conâ€" it. of nitrogen and ic acid will assure ut the best quality. ise, lettuce should r in hot beds, and garden when the l1 ; before Transâ€" s hardened off hen seeding is e done as early worked which etween May 10 ) five leaves. d be allowed efore transâ€" Wheat in Nortnern Ontario If we accept the fact that in good farm management all the fodder and gra‘n which are necessary for the feedâ€" ing of live stock and poultry should be grown on the farms, we have to admit that not enough wheat is produced in Northern Ontario. Wheat produced in Northern Ontario has milling value as good as in any part of Canada and, for the feeding of live stock, it is unequalled by any other grain. When price of hogs is $10.00 per hundred weight it has a cash value of from $1.00 to $1.50 per bushel, while the oats have a value of 60 to 90 cents per bushel. It may form a fairly large proportion of the grain ration for milch cows and replace entirely the bran and middlings in the laying mash for layers, besides being a very large part of the scratch grain. The Dominion Experimental Station Series Chevrolet the most revolutionary value in the lowâ€" price field. And they cost less for gasoline and oil, less for tires, repairs and upkeep than any other car you can buy! Don‘t all these facts point to this one inescapable conclusion: If you want to save on your next car, and at the same time own a car of proved quality, you should see the new STANDARD CHEVROLET firsi/ The economical and delicious table syrup Ontario for economical transportation C..54 B Orn 5y rU" qpwAROSBup; ) has been testing a great number of ‘\'arictits since its establishment fn 1916, and over a number of years the Garnet has been found the most satisâ€" factory and is being recommeng@‘d. For distr.cts farther south, where the growing season is longer, the Huron ‘ and Reward varieties are reported to | do very well. However, Huron is a late ‘variety and its milling quality is not as !good as the latter, hence if an early ‘and good milling variety is required. ‘Reward or Garnet should be selected. plet whie mig inv; h il M fontreal Gazette:â€"A Montlreal judge ruled that a man can take three our drinks and still remain in comâ€" e possession of his faculties at the ‘el of an automobile. Such a rule ht apply in one instance and be ilid in others. The safest rule for automobilists whilst driving is that drink would be one too many.. LIMITED, MONTRE A L nourishing sweet for the whole family