PPE CE ECCE CCE CCC %%%%%* Nee o o w wl e o wl ue lc uoc ce unc in yo ud ons plapdindepdion en e adiaiin in Sullivan Newton 21 Pine St. N., Timmins Phone 104 Security See that your property is protected RESOLUTION 108 Noxâ€"Aâ€"Cold"= by sound Fire Insurance INSURANCE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION t N ST. CHARLES MILK Established 1912 It‘s better and you can prove it! Try the St. Charles way to better cooking. You will never be without it again whoun you see for yourself the delightful food it will help you to prepare. Borden‘s St. Charles is fresh, fullâ€"cream milk evaporated to double richness. From this smooth, concentrated milk you can work up favorite recipes to much finer flavor. Particular cooks find it the most economical way to put "creamiâ€" ness" in soups, creamed vegetables, puddings and cakes. They know definitely there is no other way to put such good flavor in cooking at so low a cost. EVEN the children know the fresh creamy flavor of Borden‘s St. Charles Milkâ€"in the tin with the Gold Cow Label. Give Me the Tin with the Gold Cw " choir num trel â€" Boy, In The Advance cilal reference was work done by the During the yvear in made proinmnpt answer but had too groat a grip to say ing or contents. The bui 30 by 40, and contents were loss." golf course. The ca1 not known and the â€" start before discovery in for the Timmins "Friday evening shortly after six o‘clock fire destroyed the planing mill building and equipment at the Holâ€" linger. The building was a metalâ€" sheeted one, standing by itself near the gramme by her good work as elocuâ€" ticnist. Mrs. R. Sims again delighted all with her finished and graceful dancing of the Irish Jig. An interâ€" pretative dance by little Miss Freda Collier brought down the house. R, R. Johnston showed his talent as conducâ€" tor during the evening, and Mrs. J. W. Faithful made matorial contribution to the programme‘s success by her excelâ€" lent work as accompanist. The Advance ten years ago says:â€" bury, S. Bailey ar still another very Miss S. Doan adde were Maying," given with spec Moore and J. T by Mrs. A. St worth were out remarkably iï¬ male quartette the eve on the Bridge: duets Master Moore, lighted solos. were NV 0‘ Mine," "Border P ent and h MADEF |(N CANADPA Willic S J . _ SKLC by he Mrs. T her LJY outs ance ten years ago spceâ€" was madsg to theé gcood the Ladies of Charity. ar in review, 120 children id The cause ( id the blaze ie cause of the fire is the blaze had a good covery. A call was put mins Fire Brigade who inswer but the flames grip to save the buildâ€" . The building, about AT HefTl "O, that We Two is a difficult selection talent by Mrs. J. K. Teffernan. The duets chouse and H. Unsâ€" ainding numbers on a Browne lastically wan, M y;. CG.â€" HX ce with rk as elocuâ€" ain delighted and graceful 2, An interâ€" n y," ‘"Mother [ary‘s" and with a talâ€" noctable apâ€" complete n corne it er, deâ€" pleasing Ne Two Conn On Tuesday evening, March 18th, 1924, at the arena in Toronto the Sault Greyhounds reversed the decision ol the previcus Saturday by defeating the Hamilton Tigers by a score of 8 to 3. This was the first time in the history of hockey in the North that a Northâ€" ern team won the Allsen Cup. The following is from The Advance of ten years ago:â€"*"The regular meetâ€" ing of the Caledonian Society of Friâ€" day evening last in the I.0.0.F. hall The following is from The Advan ten years ago:â€""All last week the fri clinics for children held at the Clin Room, Courtemanche Block, « Fourt avenue, were very largely astende Each afternoon mothers brought the children, and Mrs. Purvis, Publ Health Nurse, and Miss Hally, Provir cial Health Nurse, and Dr. W. J. Be. of the Provincial Board of Health, cor ducting the clinic, were about t busiest people in this busy town. T public seem to appreciate and valt these clinics." had been clothed; Christmas : was distributed to 36 families, and given to 160 children. There wer visits paid to the poor and the Five patients wore sent to the ho for treatment. Various expens connection with St. Anthony‘s ci and other good purposes tof $325.50. â€" The total expenses f01 y=â€"ar amounted to $1,244.16, this be‘ng raised by the ladies of thi ciety by holding euchres and .« entertainments. ‘"The annual r of the Ladies of Charity shows a useful and kindly work being don the community in very capable generous way," said The Advanc the time. By all means, own a home a mark of your success : it‘s ; fort and pleasure and it‘s a guard against financial re The Home Builders‘. Annual exbhaustively with modern h« their design, construction, ment, furnishing and landsc 67 designs, 278 illustratio foor plans, exteriors and int Artistically a n d *substa bound. One dollar post paid HOME BUILDERS‘ SERVICHI BUREA U 177 Jarvis St., Toronto (Z ‘tion, land: strati nd in . i ry th poi atoe ated Mi pleasani consister tantial)l Se apit THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Make cor ed Milk It Better iquid. For coughs and colds. _ tinued "His innumerable friends will be pleasâ€" ed to know that Mr. F. J. Wolno, leadâ€" er of the Timmins Citizens‘ Band, is making the very best recovery after his recent coperation at the hospital here. It is expected that he will be out again in a few days, better than ever." ‘"Mr. F. Risk, Worshipful Masâ€" ter of Timmins Orange Lodge, was the delegate from Timmins to the annual meeting last week at Brantford, Ont., of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, West LO.L, Mr. Risk left here on the 10th, returning on Sunday, the 16th. The next annual meeting of Grand Lodge will be held at North Bay in 1925." "Mr. S. L. Bradley, one of the best known of the pioneer citizens of Cochâ€" ranec, has purchased a homestead ncear Williamsburg, Virginia, and has movâ€" ed there with his family. Mr. Bradley was the first town clerk of Cochrane and has also held many other public positions with credit to himself and benefit to the community. He has rant. .V much n removal Land.‘"‘ "Mr. T. A. MacDonald, Employment Supervisor of the Abitibi Power Paper Co., and Mr. Alec Dewar, editor of the Broke Hustler, Iroquois Falls, was visitors to Timmins yvesterday." Among the local and personal items in The Advance ten years ago were the following:â€""Mr. J. W. Fogg writing from Jacksonville, Florida, last weok says:â€"‘‘Finished my golf tournament yesterday. ‘Sailing for New York toâ€" day. A little snow storm would be O.K. here toâ€"day; it is getting so warm.* Will be back about the 20th." "Mrs. Geo. Howe has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Mitchell at Latchford." ‘"There was a big crowd and a happy time at the masquerade dance at Schuâ€" macher Monday evening. St. Patrick‘s costumes were in the ascendancy an« there were many good ones. First prize for best fancy dress was won by Mr. R. Hoggarth. Miss Helen Monette won first for ladies‘ fancy costume. Among the comics, Maggie and Jiggs" were among the most amusing and funâ€"provoking. Woilino‘s orchestra furâ€" nished the best of music.‘" So notes The Advance of ten years ago. Drantlits tanks carried on the hose wagon and even this not sufficient to assure the extinguishing of the fire. It was one of the cases where chemical was the thing to use, and the firemen no doubt regretted the fact that they had not chemical equipment on the proposed motor truck for this particular fire. Prompt response to the call and good work by the brigade prevented the fire reaching any sericus proportions bu* about $50.00 damage was done to the house and contents before all was sate again."‘ The Advance ten years ago had the following:â€""Thursday last Timmins would have found the proposed comâ€" bination chemical and hose motor truck of special value. An alarm was sent in from Box 51, the fire being at Mrs. Lawlor‘s, Elm street.. The blaze was caused by fire getting in a joint below one of the chimneys. It was neccessary to use both small chemical tanks carried on the hose wagon and even this not sufficient to assure the A. F. Brigham, C. G. Williams occupied the chair. The financial statement ot the club was read, showing a small balance to the club‘s credit. The elecâ€" tion of the officers for the ensuing year, resulted in the reâ€"election of last year‘s directors, Messrs A. F. Brigham, K. J. Ennis, J. W. Fogg, J. P. Taillon and C. G. Williams. D. Mackie was reâ€"elected captain and J. H. Bacon as viceâ€"captain for this season. The secretaryâ€"treasurer and the various committees are appointed by the direcâ€" tors. It was decided to raise the fees this year to $25.00 for men and $12.50 for ladies. This makes an increase of three dollars over last year‘s fees." decic # ““. of Haileybury High School. Under the. terms of the Fellowship she will lea»el in the autumn for Oxford, England where she will conduct a research on. hn dn cce scientific tendencies in Oxford durmg, _â€""""'â€"â€" the 13th and 14th centuries. It 1s‘0"1 CcOoOMPANY SA confidently expected that the research MET AT NORTH work of Miss Sharp will result in maâ€" popape terial contributions to British thoughtl Nerthern _ Ontari on the subject of scientific study in the | ASents of the Canad 13th and 14th centuries at Oxford." | Ltd. gathered to 1 hss n 2o aativen uy cspinc.__._A. : hncad oOofMIG * * 0 «* 00.00 iuinprove ablets. For Grippe and Flu dn ds Nn 3 n e t i t t c en s S m c e uc zn Sb e m tw ez ty i en o ze uid e n zse m y Ernest Mallette, of Osseo, on the Elk Lake branch of the T. N. O., was bound over to keep the peace for the next two years when he was convicted t by Magistrate Atkinson at Haileybury last week on a charge of aggravated -,assault, laid by his wife, Mrs. Florence | Mallette. No order was made as to costs, as it developed Mallette is on reâ€" ; lief, and the court‘s disposition of the Bay, presided. T. G. Belich, accountâ€" ant at North Bay, assisted Mr. Young. Salesmen present were: L. D. Jones, Sault Ste. Marie; R. A. Domorest, Sudâ€" bury; J. R. Becks, North Bay; and W. C. French, Timmins. Agents included: Tom Passmore, C. Byrnell and E. Madigan, North Bay; T. Robertson, Cochrane; R. Kent, Timâ€" mins; P. Bcoucher, Anscnville; K. B. Bainbridge, New Liskeard; W. MclLean, R. McNee, and E. Stinscn, Sudbury; M. Clark, Thessalon; M. J. Tracey, Little Current; C. McDonald, and D. McColeman, Sault Ste. Marie. BOUND OVER TO KEEP PEACE AFTER ASSAULT ON QIL COMPANY sSALESMEN MET AT NORTH BAY SATURDAY et [HE CURTIS OPTICAL CO. rthern Ontario salesmen and s of the Canadian Oil Companies. gathered to receive instructions the head office and indulge in a ‘al business discussion at the Emâ€" hotel at North Bay on Saturday Yard _ BCHUMACHEKR Fhone 425 48 s netestvetse*s ncluded: Tom Passmore, C. d E. Madigan, North Bay; on, Cochrane; R. Kent, Timâ€" Boucher, Ansocnville; K. B. . New Liskeard:;: W. MclLean, It can pe Contrast beings .. protect it! im1EBA IS ALL g % The ameba, the lowliest of all o s mals, has no particular sight 0 perceive light by every portion of its simple | t it with the complex sight mechanism of hu . and consider the great scientific efforts mat Stinson, Sudbury; n; M. J. Tracey McDonald, and D Ste. Marie. ct manager, North i. Belch, accountâ€" Open Evenings case is contingent on acoc ing his wife and three ch band and wife, who have ated for the past two we vised to get together aga Hobbs: Do you your income thes Dodds: Good hc ill I can do to live the sunshir table. Safe. mbatitutes W. T. Montgomery No. 1 Cedar Street North Come in and Seq Moderately Priced and Guaranteed Wake up your Liver B OFF GOLOUR? HOW IS YOUR LIVER? Goldfield Drug Store THURSDAY. MARCH 2°2ND, 1934 SPRING SUITINGS Pine Street North Ontluingent on accuseda supportâ€" vife and three children. Husâ€" 1 wife, who have been separâ€" the past two weeks, were adâ€" get together again. Do vou managt o i t tA e ul | Sold at the days? ivens, no! Why, within my eredit! â€"â€"ExChaq lif Without Calome Our â€"Wonderful to live within 11 it