Ni wa w 0 o ud se ue Te ol Te s be aleale Highly Successful Year for the Hollinger Mine in 1933 THURSD AY, MARCH 22ND. 1934 Goll M.ines, Limited, v sharenclders last weeok. 4 dent remarks in his report tors, the Hollinzer had a cessful year in 1933. The have grown in tonnage anc financial position :s imp prospoects are excellent. " of the ccompany have bee factory. Bullion Production Totalled $13,778,683 $5,737,176.00. _ Ore Reserves Gain in Value. Financial Position Improved. Predominently Canadian. 2527 Men Er The report ~of the president, N. A. Timmins, is in part as follows:â€" ‘"‘The ccmpany had a highly successâ€" ful year. The value of gold and silver produced was $13,778,683.49, and inâ€" terest on investments and sther income amounted to $161,760.99, making total income $12,940,444.48, applied as folâ€" lows:â€"General, and milling charges, $6,791,675.62; Domin.on, proâ€" vincial and municipal taxes, $699,â€" 7141.06; resorve for contingencies, siliâ€" cosis, etc., $453,248.77; depreciation, $258,602.80, leaving net profit from operations of $5,737,176.23; out of which the regular 13 dividends of 5 cents each and four extra dividends of like amount (85 cents in al) were paid, and $1,555,176.23 added to surplus. "The main items in genâ€" eral, mining and milling charges conâ€" bist Oof (®» pay. rcoll, $4,102,775.11; (b) material and supplies (practically all produced .and purchased in Canada) and miscellaneous, $2,278,967.97. "For the under review, the estiâ€" mated requirements for Dominion, proâ€" vincia‘ and municipal taxes amount to approximately $700,000.00, as against $527,000.00 during the preceding year, an increase of $173,000.00. "Shareholders will note that the company‘s interest in its subsidiary, International Bond and Share Corporâ€" ation, has been written down to â€"its actual vailue at the end of the year. "Shareholders will note that the company‘s interest in its subsidiary, International Bond and Share Corporâ€" ation, has been written down to â€"its actual vailue at the end of the year. Herctofore the cost of this interest has been set up in the balance sheet with a notation of the market value. That company‘s portfslio, as in the past, consists chiefly of listed securities which are readily marketable. The securities oï¬ your subsidiary, based on market value, are subdivided as folâ€" lows:â€"Lbonds, 20.4 per cent.; preferred stock, 7.3 per cent.; common stock, 72.3 per cent. The securities in other comâ€" panies and th> bonds by your company appear in the balance sheet at cost, which is considerably less than their market value. "Last year yO option on the Y in the Matacheow been actively fo "During the past year the policy of your management to explore and inâ€" vestigate outside properties has been continued. A competent field force has been constantly in tcuch with the developments in the various mining areas, and an option on the Brennan group of claims in Hislop township, Ontar.o, has been secured. "Last year your company tcok an option on the Ycungâ€"Davidson claims in the Matachewan district, which has been actively folowed up. A mill is now in course 6f erection and it is expected that the property will be in production in the early summer. A progress report by vour consulting enâ€" n°w in Course CI erection expected that the property production in the early s progress report by your cor gineer, Mr. Brigham, on t] and Youngâ€"Davidson claims of this report. "Hcllinge aominantly shares are 8000 shar sharehclders 4,554,362 shar the United 8 94 shareho 18,136 sha where hold aga.n }| tion o entire â€" The annual kept at this office. Fast and Efficient Service PHONE 761 P.0. BoOxX 1239 Upâ€"toâ€"dats Canadian Bank of Commerce Bldg. Timmins exXC l1 duri ndition Hcllinger Predominantly Canadian inger Consolidated remai President‘s Report Stockbroker Timmins 5, 1240 SAaRArC 6.844 shares. uiltin 11 at lLl 11n 3ute enginee *Ti nit The 4,920,000 among nearly follows:â€"7,050 . _Canada hold harcholders in 330,658 shares; t Britain hold 49, and in sther incoms« naking tota eir our general eer, and the bined efforts ‘the pre o the‘dire highly st Brennan part millin m, pro $699, sili yre lin mil > p 1932, $104 $90,520.80, Cap.tal â€"si 000.00; in tr $24,600,000.00 Current $166,069.28 ; 363.176: total Add du int Royal Munic Rovyal Munic Domir ci1es ting leayv th Rest ating ha t 18 it Su al ;z depr 58.603 t Balamsce Sheet at Det n Average Bullion Sales, at $11,556,( ivestmet AITM} Employe 7i8,683. Net Profit sain in Tonnage and roved. _ Shareholders Men Employed n 1933. 439,325.79. ral Manager‘s Report rt of the general mana Ba Milling Resalts d 111 I )€ 1 4 1 ) t | L] (1 JY( cA )1 ( c i 6 :‘ 11 ()] 4 1( A n 01 an{d al Â¥"9 4 2 J valble P . U1Dd.00 M\ Â¥ $ t (A Intert tock, $ T Companl _ â€" | lll)n ()1} \’Il $163,700 .0( C 22A (1°2 id in bank $205,â€" £22,696,â€" I 1 ] Q . 4 AA w VanCc:, :‘:l $650,.855.20 s 1» m t? K'l 2A 111 UTAIINIL, d1,201,~ $19,607.99; ed interest, " 1 y J ) mnationai bond and :".:'}‘ o l)) *() ‘5, at COSt, W DGE PRICED RIGHT AMONG LOWEST PRICED CARS 1€ 41 @ixes Deducted ibi Liabilities A<set y+â€"+ t ) 1 4 * [ t eveiqpâ€" y 1 # # " ) *Â¥ 4o 3 *E Y . T1 ds NJ tw > % y t 2 4 $ .!.A,\- total, 444 ngâ€" Results Durir i1 A Y 0.00 and silver proâ€" B83, which with s and other inâ€" ht total returns 444, from which and â€" mining axss and royalâ€" serves for conâ€" tc., of $453,249, ig profit before After deductâ€" Lhe amount Of shows net operâ€" let.ion of $5,995,â€" depreciation to 3 the company wages payabl iabiliti: the fit and served f3 $440.,000.00 14,266,789.19 488,105.70 13 778 683 .49 AI rofit and s well as YÂ¥ C in ,152,089,23 828.61 property $25.000 26,064.93 43,420.60 77.1769.97 Hders| "Development.â€"Expl 1933 | backfilled areas has be a large number of com 133 | loweâ€" grode, but profit e sheet' been developed. : â€"â€" "As noted whove, t the block from. 2,750â€"4 $22.490,â€"| confined to developms d from| additional $3,0006,030 c in 1933,| grade was put in sight r 1933, "The extension of th r comâ€"| west, mentioned in the h C t from iluation leaving unpaid, $186,â€" Lr mploy issued #*" 1 fif} 944.29 131.88 Kn' | Average tons | Per cent. pos ! Average valu per CzZ. "Cur ore reser cember, 19383." sa "consisted of 6,4 value $48,430.4 age value of $ figures compare w the 3ist of Decem value of $45,492,07¢ age value of $7.5. calcuiations dealin the statutory pric $20.67 per oz., has basis of value, anc ore grade as used â€" tinued." ‘"*‘The Mill changes in t year, but be in a decrc:ase * s ing "The Mine.â€"During ations have been car levels from surface to t Bulow the 2,750â€"ft. levi cperations are confined on‘y. 34 per cent. of came from above th Duringzg th fill were ; General Manager‘s Remarks THIS LOWEST PRICE DODGE Has Allâ€"Steel Body, Floating Power, Hydraulic Brakes, ‘"Floatâ€" ing Cushion" Wheels, Perfected 7â€"point Ventilation, Free Wheelâ€" ing, Quiet Gears, Oilite Spring Inserts, Airwheel Tires and Coilâ€" Wind Windshield. priced ca preciate v Dodge is the lowest MANY LOWEST PRICE CARS LACK MANY COF THESE FEATURES 16 H mpa l Imnerial Motor Sales, Distributors., 59â€"61 Third A ve., Phone No. 3, Timmins, Ont. Po p C U pi in e H a rd w are a n d F u r ni it uU r e C /0 n ft6. 0 ‘sink nnie 1J This New Lowest Priced Dodge is Bigger, Faster, More Rugged Than Ever Before! 1t Has 114" Wheelbase and 77 Horsepower . .. Another Bigger Dodge Has 117 Wheelâ€" base and 82 Horsepower 400 op Hyv in 11 6 miles of good Brennar Propt 1 11 uns Davidsot Ti SAFFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES ON DODGE Dealers, South Poreupt ne, Ont. in Hisitp pert ).¢ | b $ 2 Try The Advance Want Advertisement*s sSWASTIKA YOUTH WON BOTH sINGLE AND DOUBLE DOG DER FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 3rd and 24th TWO FEATURES "Strangers‘ Return® and "Employees Entrance" id Mascioli Theatre, Schumacher WEDNESD. wb wot Midnight Show Sunday, March 25thâ€"Playving preview on "I COVER THE WATERFRONT®" are depend amsond orebsdy, whic de and has t] common with MOXDAY AND TUESDAY., MARCH %6th and PRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MARCH 30th and 31st te€ "I COVEK THE W ATERFRONT nds, SsSPCon Midnigsht Show Wednesday at 11.30 p.m im U r the auspi( Kiwanis. two miles, i n which i as this lin AND THURSDAY, MARCH 2*8th and 29th at the car : @itly ika scl and ds auspict € s lik and PAM ven n min i th Steel bridges. Steel buildings, Steel stronger, steel is safer and will last 1€ sod has had t Report on Milk Samples in Township of Tisdale N. Klin Mrs. Mrs. M. Worker: s. M. Kinn rkers‘ Past Helmer Pa:s Helmer Nt mM ive way to steel nyone building ts y# * he report of W. A. of branch laboraâ€" Ontario, on milk e township of Tisâ€" 30,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 3,000 2,000 5,000 50,000 3,000 40000 4,000 2 000 power above. tand a PACE FTVE i and ia Butter Pat c per cent ) 2. spilled 3.0 8.6 are 3. 4 solids