Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 23 Nov 1933, 1, p. 4

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REPORTER WANTED to HELP. WANTEDâ€"Furnitur for retail furniture store. previous â€" experience. THE TIMMINS PIPE BAND thank all thoss who heine HELP WANTEDâ€"Young man, must be energetic and willing to improve himâ€" self, to learn trade. Wages while learning. Bring references to Toronâ€" to Fur Shop, 41 Wilson Ave., Timâ€" mins. ~46p SEE THE MAGIC IRONING BOARD Salesman wanted, steady work. Apâ€" ply to 1 Spruce Street, South. Timâ€" HELP WANTEDâ€"Experienced tailorâ€" ess; also girl to learn trade, wages while learning. Apply to Toronto Fur Shop, 41 Wilson Ave., Timmins. ~41p FPOR RENTâ€"Apartment with all conâ€" veniences; central location; hot waâ€" ter heated; immediate possession. Apply to 85 Pine Street, South, Timâ€" mins. â€"38p POR RENTâ€"Two or threeâ€"roomed apartment, partly furnished; all conâ€" veniences; suitable for couple withâ€" out children. ‘Centrally located. Apâ€" vly to 53 Cedar Street, Ilorth, upâ€" stairs, Timmins. â€"~46p POR RENTâ€"Steam heated, newly reâ€" novated apartments; also two front offices and single room. Apply to Sky‘s, or Dominion Dollar Store, Timmins. ~41%0f FPOR RENTâ€"Threeâ€"rcomed apartment. modern conveniences; suitable for couple without children. Apply to 160 Spruce Street, South, Timmins. â€"47p FOR RENTâ€"Tenâ€"roomed house with all conveniences at 57 Elm Street, South, immediate possession. Apply to 524 First Ave., or phone 576â€"W, Timmins. â€"46 POR RENTâ€"Fiveâ€"roomed flat with woodshed and all conveniences. Reasonable rent. At 104 Fourth Ave. Schumacher. Apply to 9 Main Ave.. Timmins. â€"47p ~ FPOR RENT â€" Warm sevenâ€"roomed house with all conveniences and very nice basement; garage. Apply to 3 Elm Street, South, Timmins. ~4lp POR RENTâ€"Furnished fiveâ€"roomed apartment, comfortable, reasonable. Apply to 154 Elm Stree-* south, Timâ€" mins. ~47p FOURâ€"ROOMED HOUSE TO RENTâ€" On First Avenue, Schumacher; in good condition. Apply P.O. Box 93, Schumacher. â€"4"7 FOR RENTâ€"Sixâ€"roomed house with all convenniences at 170 Maple Street, South, Apply to 203 Elm Street, South, Timmins. ~41p FPOR ~â€"RENTâ€"Three or four heated rcoms, suitable for light housekeepâ€" ing; all conveniences. Apply to 52 Kirby Ave., Timmins. â€"4" FOR RENTâ€"Fiveâ€"ro all conveniences, Apply to 104% Ced Timmins. ed. To be held in the Hollinger Hall at 8 pim. On December 7th anoth»t Extra Big Whist Drive and Sociai evening will be held in the Hollinger Hall for Turkey and Fowl. ~46~â€"48p FPOR RENTâ€"Gocd warm sixâ€"roomeod house with lights and water. $20.00 per month. Apply to 118 Wilson Ave. Timmins or phone 177. â€"4"7 FPOR RENTâ€"Sixâ€"roomed house with all conveniences, garage and worxdâ€" shed. Nice location. Apply to 25 Way Ave., Timmins. ~451 FOR RENTâ€"Twoâ€"roomed shack, water and toilet in. Apply to.rear of 11 Main Ave, Timmins. â€"~47p FIVEâ€"ROOMED HOUSE FOR RENTâ€" All conveniences. Apply to 162 Pine Street, North. ~4"71 POR RENTâ€"Fiveâ€"rsomed house with toilet in. Apply to 614 Balsam Street South, Timmins. ~47â€"49p POR RENTâ€"Fourâ€"roomed furnished house. Apply to B. F. Lennan, 10 Eim Street, North., Timmins. FOR RENTâ€"Apartment, suitabl gentleman, on Third Ave. I optional. Phone 586, Timmins ply t mins Al k fo ticul HELP WANTED buxsint Mac 345 A N J roomed house with at 44 Sixth Ave. »dar Street, North, â€"4" next Monster e will be held shments servyâ€" ead ind id news of businesses Ststionery Advance Wes thei â€"~4" Board â€"~4"7 ~45p for, FOR RENTâ€"Warm : FOR SALEâ€"H Ave.; also lot Bargain for ‘Timmins. wWOOD FOR SaALS®â€"Dry mix $2.25 per cord or $2.00 in t lots. Dry Jackpine, $2.50 1 Dry Tamarack, $3.325 por to W. J. McDade, 87 Birc south, or phone 332, Timain wWOOD FrOR SALEâ€"A Daly, 110 Wilson Ave. ‘Timmins. POSITION aged 29, s several charge, des commendat to P.O. Box POSITION WANTEDâ€"G POSITION WANT allâ€"round butcher job. Strict teetot Maple Street, Sou Box 2419, Timmin POSITION â€" WANTED â€" Experienced maid Gdesires housework. Can do plain cooking. Write ‘to Miss E Stein, Matheson, Ont. â€"~4"p WANTEDâ€"Part or full time office work. Auditing and accounting at moderate prices. Write to P.O. Box 75, Schumacher. â€"41â€"48p POSITION â€" WANTED â€" Experienced butcher desires position as salesman or manager. Best of references. Writse to P.O. Box 704, Timmins. 47p WADSWORTH TFURRIERS â€" Ladiecs, now is the time to have your coat looked after, while prices are. very low. Cleaning and glazing. We do all our own work; nc apprentices, Work guarantsed. 12 Balsam Street, North, corner of Fourth Ave., phone 896, Timmins. â€"~41â€"50p BRRRâ€"BLANKETSâ€"BRRRâ€" Blanket time is here again; have them cleanâ€" ed and carded to look like, new. Phone 625, Sinclair the Valet, 21 Fourth Ave., Timmins. ~376f CHILDREN FOR ADOPTIONâ€"Good homes desired for children, boys and girls, Catholic and Protestant, age: 4 to 14 years Any home desiring to adopt a youngster should have their clergyman write A. G. Carson Bupt. Children‘s Aid, Timmins, Ont 44t.1 grocery stock: for sale or ret someone to t: lished paying Martin, 164 P ROOM AND BOARDâ€"T‘wo large front rooms, suitable for two gentlemen; single beds; also one single room; all conveniences, including use of phone. Phone 957â€"W, or apply to 85 Balsam Street, South, Timmins. â€"~42tf ROOM OR ROOM AND BOA clean comfortable room, cen cated; all conveniences an phone. Apply to corner 0| and Sixth Ave., 53 Sixth A mins. BOARDERS WANTEDâ€"Room and board in private home, all conveniâ€" ences. $8.50 per week; washing and pressing done if desired. Apply to 67 Birch Street, South, Timmins. 38p ROOM AND BOARD rooms, ‘ for friends; centrally loc: 5 Birch Strest, South, I0O24d4. AL sonable, to Chapu or phone RUSSELL HOTELâ€"Room and board, with all modern accommodations. Rates $7.00 per week. Apply to 2 Wilson Ave., or phone 275â€"W., Timâ€" mins. ~1tf FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENTâ€" Clean and comfortable, $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00 per month. Use of kitâ€" chen and phone. Apply to 54 Fifth Ave., or phone 64â€"W, Timmins. POR â€"RENTâ€"Two .with board; steam ern conveniences, Possession on Dec to 202 Maple Stree 574â€"J. Timmins. ROOM AND BOARDâ€"Fo conveniences; in pr Miners preferred. Apply Street, North, Timmins. FPOR RENTâ€"Warm comfort suitable for two ladies or Apply to 173 Spruce Stre Timmins. girl, fond of children tion locking after ct evenings. Apply to 17 south, Timmins. calilon. . Timmins WANTED â€" Groc sober, hard worke irs experience, can Apply to butcher, ful teetotaler. ons 96. C SALEâ€"D r00G Jack ainville, Timminsg Ba asin| chr er children in to 174 Spruce St ~46G. AND BOARDâ€"Or room, centrally l iences and use . ‘Gom, cenlral i0 Tamarack Street nber ] South ted priv iest. â€" Wro Ont. 46â€"4 it in( m o0 men: > home. 161 Eim ~45ptf e 44 time to 8( ) P.0O man, with Tfull post Appl phon â€"47 T‘im it 11 iÂ¥ is hereby given that the List of Lands now liable for sale for Arâ€" rears of Taxes in the Township of Tisâ€" dale has been prepared and is being published in an advertisement in the Ontario Gazette, on September 2nd, September 9th, September 16th, and Notice is heroby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voters‘ List Act, by His Honour, the Judge of the District Court of the Disâ€" trict of Cochrane. at South Porcupine, on the 25th day of November, 1933, a: 10.45 o‘clock a.m. to hsar and deterâ€" mine complaints or errors and omisâ€" sions in the Vol:ers‘ List of the Townâ€" ship of Tisdale for the year 1933. Dated at South Porcupine this 8th day of November, 1933. Sale oef Lands for Arrears of Taxes Township of Tisdale, District of Cochrane, To Wit: thoses from linger Mine blood _ tran Mr. and Mrs, P. Jeffrey wish to than! all the many friends, including the hos pital and staff, for their kindness dur ing the illness of Mrs. Jeffrey‘s mother Mrs. J. B. McArthur. â€"4‘ BLACKâ€"In loving memory of a dea: wife and mother, Annie Bessie (Kent Black. (late of Schumacher and To reonto) who passed on November 23rd 1932. ind O R S ALEâ€"Elet CRYSTALI FIXTURE FOR SALEâ€" Apply 163 Maple Street, South. â€"46p POR SALEâ€"â€"Cheyv JR SALEâ€"Oil burners for cook stoves and heaters; Silent Glow and Interâ€" national, new models, installed and fully guaranteed. At a great reduction in price while they last. Apply to 84 Balsam Street, South, Timmins. â€"47p o Mrs. T‘immin © Of such 1st be had upon r puplication to me detault of the : ech am )pl: pl and Mrs. Gagnon wish to than from the Fire Hall and the Hol Detr ber SALEâ€"Brow SALLT to 16. COURT OF REVISION r remembered by Husband and mes. â€"4"] IN MEMORIA M 1\9 [ine who volunteered to give ransfusions for little Allan Also to thank Chief Borland many other friends who helpâ€" â€"41p work Hol] iblic ag acqluainlanceés neore. In ork and in other circles in Holiland held a ihgh plac: residence here, and for ns ecaus»e of the many frends wn and district, he is being ‘omed here on this visit. FRANK C. EVANS, Townsnip Trea Jayment., â€" J. Ave., Timmin in â€"~ton Dodge condition. rpo Tfousehold furniture ruce Street, South, Ba rown wicker bab baby crib; also k T list or advertisement n receipt o. postage e payiment of taxes id list, before Thursâ€" , 1933, at ten o‘cloc:: [ shall, at the said Council Chamber, Ontario, proceed to ‘ion the said lands ic arrears, together O ifé enfamel KICCNAE or wood, with wate ew. â€"Bargain. Appl Street, North, Tim uth, Dodge truck, $40.00 tion. Apply to 11 ith, Timmins. ~47 Ol¢ A v Bank‘ C Ont..‘ : iditior mdition. App 60 Vimy Roa Apply Timmins. miml °m e day or we t}? North, Ti WIin cabinet ruck Stred f â€" reas( T‘immin Porcupine eust., 1933 nly. Eas; Heffernan machin kitcher 35â€"4"7 shin 0 LW Tim Tin THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS,. ONTARIO NT otated, Canada $69,900,000. Oyr tion by of February improved 43 fered adverse crif in reply, to the t ing adverse trac steady increase i1 by hundreds of mi Without directly A. in the United presented statistic that Canada was improvement â€" in business volume w declared, "is makin which within rece by the now leading results thes assets of these cor cases resulted in a mation of their ins imposible at the moment the monetary policies of States, the Eurovean gold France and Britain‘s sterl Premier Announces _ Some of his Policies Pointing out that the Federal Govâ€" ernment now employed 18,000 men in work camps, the Premier in a tempetrâ€" ed criticism of the Rooseveltian policy as applicd to Canada, asserted tha Canada, with its geographical position and its large external debt, must exâ€" ercise "prudence" in considering any large programme of public works. Disceordant Monetary Policies He stated that "unhaopillyvy‘ it was xi IVCnl nIne p sower outout to 90 ind steel index a ‘aw cotton import:s "Better Uss but woul wWarr the apprC the gover viding fo tral bank ODbvicus ng institutions to lessen in our external monetary | A central bank, he cont also be able to give the "skilled and impartial fina and to regulate the volu with special relation to C: appSointmer mission to tions the e ganization ‘el the history of g with "the mena carrvyâ€"overs." 11eve, 111 altered : down to and sec polit:ical would b Con port incCcreast that las fo nMnIC ndep sbpecial : xternal trad he p ime m tioOn Oof n 000â€"wored cal cont In The United ng car for aid, ‘"for Canada test possible meas pendence and thi is properiy equip ‘*esting an nremier, â€" d over th 1e broadca rier Benn{ na riid, Canada‘s e end of â€"OY il ht, Touching on ublic Works Polic Matters Pro fir nC usly cails ncée, wh and imp on table Macmillan Commission referrinz to the World on nat t d by ren Al nsider an @iblishmen Drix 103 of million did al l 11 1I 1 I tunity +t« session ( e n if rial lutior Macm of dollars. ring to the N.R ‘s, Mr. Bennet! m g:ve to Camnâ€" an internaâ€" ing with outâ€" in influential inada C mdon W ttended, uld t prod had 1i warning: . avail my ay that a jarliament perâ€" ian policy rted that il position must exâ€" 11 Cl backin Octcio¢ 1] Jil1 pro ‘ a cen added: ment of :harteg: ter useâ€" se and | be bankâ€"|! said iations| am( tions." | will would | aibr« 1C o onl WJ credi larg pu in )€ ha LA alsâ€" tior nme. aat aC mJ A€ 1Y L 1 at _ _Her many friends in town and disâ€"| | trict will be pleased to know that Mrs. |J. B. McArthur is making the best of recovery from her recent iliness, .:i it i The annual bazaar under the ausâ€" | pices of the Ladies‘ Aid of the Timâ€" fmins United Church was held in the basement of the charch on Saturday |last and proved a very noteworthy success. It was known this year as a | Bungalow bazaar and the plan of the bazaar followed the idea of a furnishâ€" | ed bungalow, the result being very atâ€" | tractive and pleasing. There were the rcoms of a bungalow, kitchen, living lroom. bedroom, each being elegantly furnished and arranged and the artiâ€" cles for sale being tastefully displayed in the several rcoms. The general efâ€" fect was very pleasing. The furnishâ€" | ings for the rooms of the bungalow were loaned by the Marshallâ€"Ecclestone firm and gave a fine masis for the carrying out of the bungalow plan. The displays of articles for sale, canâ€" dies, fancy work, needlework, useful larticles, Christmas gifts, and novelties | was very creditable to the effort and cess from the view of the general pubâ€" lic, and so it is particularly gratifying to know that it was equally successful financially, netting the ladies a neat sum. The afternoon tea served, as usual was a noteworthy feature of the event, while the supper, true to the form of years, was an extra special. enterprise of the ladies of the Ladies‘ Aid. The event was specially well patronized. It proved a complete sucâ€" Inflation would be a bad thing for tl{ey ‘;nay ge Canada, and must be avoided. th> strike if Public works programme of large exâ€"| led the men tent to be inaugurated in all provinces.} is understoo Central bank to be established, with | at Cochrane new bank bill forecast. l nprozcitv fhny Bungalow Bazaar by the Ladies‘ Aid Big Success ine government, ho said, could not deal lightly with its constitutional power to issue currency. ‘"The position we have maintained," he stated, "durâ€" ing the depression is sufficiently sound to enable us to take immediate advantâ€" age of that more enduring confidence which will come when world exchanges are stabilized." The same forces over which the world conference could exercise no control had made stabilization impossible last summer and now made it "impossible, or at any rate, in our judgmen:, unâ€" wise" to embark on large public spendâ€" ing policies. Sound policy just now was to assist the provinces and to proâ€" vide for the work camps but to delay large exnenditures. "While at the moment it is difficult to forecast with any degree of assur-' ance what the future will be," Mr. Benâ€" nett declared, "the steady improvement of the last few months in our opinionl warrants the view that we may be abls with the return of spring to undertake reasonable policy of public works in every province of the Dominion that will substantially assist in stimulating private enterprise, increase purchasing power, provide employment and hasten the return to prosperity." The outstanding points in Hon. Mr. Bennett‘s address may be summarized as follows:â€" Gold reserves shown to be greatly in excess of requirements and so warrant-i ing additional currency to be issued. The gold resarves of the Dominion of Canada amounted, on the last day of| October, to over $69,900,000, which would warrant the issue of over $279,â€" 600,000 of currency. Dominion notes outstanding were $174,000,000. "A porâ€"| tion of the balance, in any event, may be available for our necessities," he said, "but it must be limited to such an amount and used in such a manner as| will not injure our credit at home orl motr 1 down by the world economic conâ€" ‘nce, this would warrant an issue of c than $279,600,000 in currency. ninion notes outstanding at the end Jetober totalled $174,900,000 or more n oneâ€"third less than the amount currency which the government ht issue and remain within conserâ€" ive lines. e said, could not ts constitutional y. ‘"The position _he stated, "durâ€" sufficiently sound y improvement| After the Smooth Rock Falls strike in our 0pinion| started the men in the Abitibi region ve may be able| out from Ansonville joined in the s to undertake| strike, These men left the camps and ublic works in | went in to Ansonville The Smooth Dominion that| Rock Falls bushmen went in to Cochâ€" in rane. At Cochrane there are three or ase purchasing| four hundred men being cared for at mt and hasten| two vacant hotel buildings in the town. 3 f These buildings have been fitted un s in Hon. Mr.] temporarily for the men. They say »e summarized| they are pooling their resources to maintain the shelters, but as most of o be greatly in' them are without resources, it seems that id so warrant-‘ for food and other purposes they must to be issued.| be securing assistance from some other Dominion Of | source. The men at Ansonville are beâ€" he last day oflâ€"ing cared for on somewhat similar 100,000, which | plan. Despite the large number of men of over $279,â€" | thus gathered at Cochrane and Ansonâ€" ominion notes| ville there has been no disorder and 0,000. "A porâ€"| this is winning sympathy for the strikâ€" ny event, may| ers. Some of the alien agitators have ecessities," he} been busy underneath, it is said with ted to such an ! the purpose of making trouble, but so i a manner as| far have not met witii success. Others it at home or| of the leaders of the alien element are trying to worm their way in so that bad thing for| they may get credit for the conduct of the strike if it succeeds. The man who ie of large °Xâ€"| led the men in the Kapuskasing strike all provinces.; is understood to be directing the men ablished, with‘ at Cochrane, and urging on them the | necessity for keeping public sympathy t | by good conduct. He assures them that by the | if they do they will win the strike on I the merits of their cass. A compromise 18 SUCCQSS' offer of three to five cents per stick ider the aus.| Pulpwood is understsod to be refused of the Tim.: CODSideration by the strikers who insist s held in the| 0h the 5¢ rate as the lowest possible to on Saturday| ACcept. The board rate is also requestâ€" y noteworthy| ed to be reduced from 90 cents to 75 his vear as a| cents. A compromise proposal of $35 e plan of the| Per month straight wages has been of a furnish.| Suggested, but the company has not yet being very at.| Shown desired change from the varyâ€" here were the| iDE scale of $26.00 to $35.00. Although citchen, living| police from all over the district have ing elegantly| been called to Smoqth Rock: Falls, and the arti.| Cochrane and Ansonville, there has ully displayed been no approach to disorder, nor do. he general efâ€" the police think there will be any unâ€" The furnish.| less attempt is made to start strikeâ€" the bungalow ; breakers at work. There are pickets rallâ€"Ecclestone | out now around all the camps. _ At masis for tha| bresent the men are just quietly sitâ€" inFralmws nilan" | Ling. tight. * * 4 * * 4 \ t %, 4 i i4 i4 t | Try The Advance Want Advertisements émxxxxxxxxxsxsssxsamcssssssxsxxxsxxxxsssssxssxxxsagg S‘tnkmg Bush Men Add to Their Number During the week there were four fire calls. Three of them were for chimney fires and the other to 83 Comâ€" mercial avenue for an oil stove. In none of the four cases was there any damage done. Between six and nine hundred bush workers are now reported as on strike in this part of the North. The strike has spread from Smooth Rock Falls area to the Abitibi camps near Anâ€" sonville and also to the camps along the C.N.R. out from Cochrane. It is reported that many of the settlers along the CN.R. have also refused to cut or deliver more wood for the price now pald. As noted last week the Smooth Rock Falls camps went out on strike, claiming the pay inadequate and conditions bad. The men domanded similar terms to those granted recently at Kapuskasing by the Spruce Falis Co. By the way it may be noted that the report of the men going cut again on strike at Kapuskasing is not true. the mistake likely arising from the confusion of Smooth Rock Falls and Spruce Falls. Further Camps in Abitibi Area and Along the C.N.R. are Now on Strike. No Disorder of Any Kind. Polling Subâ€"Division Polling Subâ€"Division Polling Subâ€"Division Polling Subâ€"Division Polling Subâ€"Division Polling Subâ€"Division Polling Subâ€"Division Polling Subâ€"Division Polling Subâ€"Division Polling Subâ€"Division Polling Subâ€"Division Polling Sub Division Po‘jlling Subâ€"Division Polling Subâ€"Division Dated at South Porcupine this 1 46 â€"4"7 In the event of a poll being required the following will be the poll â€" ing places:â€" I hereby give notice that the Annual Meeting for the Nominations of Candidates for the office of Reeve and Councillors for the Township of Tisâ€" dale for the year 1934 will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEEETINCâ€" Between the Hours of One and Two o‘clock in the Afternoon FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24th FRANK C. EVANS Clerk of Municipality of the No No No No No No No No No No No No SOUTH PORCUPINE â€"A to Dâ€"Public School â€"E to Hâ€"Public School, â€"I to Nâ€"Public School, â€"O to Zâ€"Public School, A to Lâ€"Public School, M to Zâ€"Public School, A to Dâ€"Public School, E to Gâ€"Public School, H to Kâ€"Public School, L to Oâ€"Public School, P to Sâ€"Public school, T to Zâ€"Public School, 314 Pine Street South 31 Toke Street, Gillies I 5th da Free fuel has been struck from the relief list of the Sault Ste. Marie public welfare board. It is required that all recipients of relief must cut their own firewood or do without. This action was taken when it was found that 169 persons who had been issued cutting permits made no move to help themâ€" selves to this extent. Another hunâ€" dred have entirely ignored the opporâ€" tunity to s2cure fuel at the cost of their own labour, only. The show itself will be more than worth while. At the sams time it should not be forgotten that the St. John Ambulance on its own merits and notable useful service to the town is deserving of the general support of all classes of people. It is pointed out by the promoters that the admission fee has been kept so low that nearly everybody will be able to attend and bring the who‘le family. fact that in "The Haunted House" things go screwy with "Sambo." He got out of one jam and into two more. "It‘s a novel show" is one summary. Both the "Internaticnal Minstrels‘" and "The Haunted House" are directed and staged by Mrs. Helen Meyerhoff, and are being sponsored by the St. John Ambulance Brigade for three days and a Saturday matinee:â€"Thursday, Nov. s0th, and Friday and Saturday, Dec. Ist and 2nd. The promoters of the International Minstrels and the Haunted Houses, to be given in St. Anthony‘s parish hall on Nov. 30th, Dec. ist and 2nd, undeor the auspices of St. John Ambulance Brigade, assert that the productions will have a special appeal to every type of theatreâ€"goer. The cast of 40 people is said to be about the best ever gatherâ€" ed together in this part of the North. The Minstrels are described as of unâ€" usual interest and featuring laughter and wholesome fun. The show will bring back the old day in Dixieland with Mammy and her pickaninis There will be good singing, the most attractive of Gancing and new and funny jokes that will keep the audience in a regular tearful state of laughter. Following the Minstrels, thore will be several vaudeville spz2cialties and then the intensely interesting comedy, "The Haunted House." This is referred to as "that good old hokum knozskout comedy." Reference is made to the fact that in "The Haunted House" things go screwy with "Sambo." He got out of one jam and into two more. Internstional Minstrels and the Haunted House INEXPERIENCED CARTAGE AGENTS WHO AfRr:E NOT PROâ€" PERLY INSURED AND LICENSED WHYC RISK YOUR GOO0ODS WITH For Better Service Call Star Transfer Phone No. 427 No. 7 Spruce Street South LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING CRATING STORAGE and SHIPPING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23RD, 1933 cial Commercial Vehicle License and Load Insurance in Timmins We have the only moving van licensed by the Ontario Governâ€" ment with the proper Provinâ€" School School School, School. Eout‘i Porct South Porc: Dome Mines Dome Mines Schumacher Houth South Por roOrcupint Porcupine Porcupine Tisdal 4J

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