THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 23RD larly to $3.00,. Priced \o go now regardless of cost at must include in her wardrobe, makes Saturday they s now only go â€" U en o oo * d ie e c t iesd At 65¢ these are an CXâ€" t values.. All sizes, now aaly S iysam value! . Bul at 8 l B car S only 29¢ there shouldn‘t 8 99 ' Reg. to SKIRTS [J 8t 3@ l A. J. SHRAGGE Lmiteo 22 Third Ave.,‘ \ Ni | 171 ifi€ S10°€C, ACLIUAL 1004 B1.0 # en \\ sizes of much higher 3 | Bgautiful h a nod \ priced lings, but all (.J painted pure s :l K $ 29 Wooly fabrics, jaunty styles, that $ 95 only sizes in the lot. Best searfs that sold reguâ€" s every well dressed miss simply 1 . _The Most Stupendous h!_g;gha_ndise sacrifice Ever Witnessed in the North Country!! seb n in e en ism en en e en en n i To the first 10 customers Saturday morftâ€" ing at 9 a.m. sharp. No strings attached to it. Simply be one of the first ten cusâ€" tomers in the store at 9 a.m. and you pick . a dress Tor,anly $1.00. Regular $8.95 value. To the ing at to it. tomers Let the Breakfast Dishes wait and get here! DRESSES 4 ~A.Im. Simply in the M. SATURDA Y Exceedingly smart is just what you‘ll say when you see these new fall and winter frocks and values. Becomingly clever and daintily fashionedâ€"includâ€" ing every imaginable new material and colour. You choose freom our very best dresses in the store. _ Actual to $21.50 values.. All sizes, now aanly Dresses A big rush special, wool jerseys, silk crepes,. travel prints ete., etc. _ Never have the women and misses had a greater apportunity to buy the season‘s most fashionable dresses for such a ridiculously low price. You‘ll have to be herse when the door opens at 9 for these. Regular to $21.50 On sale at 9 a.m. If you‘re here early, you‘ll walk off with one of the season‘s headtiners in stylish crepe dresses for less than four dollars. Foremost designers created themâ€"styâ€" lists guarantee the shades to be the right thing for this seasonâ€"only the quantity is limited, so be here for a real "Shragge" bargain. Worth to $8.95 now only Another Headliner for 9 a.m. Saturd; Dresses Reg. $8.95 V alue Regularly to $8.95 33.85 Something no other store would attempt. Secores and scores of beautiful new, dazzling silks, crepe and satin dresses, worth $12.95. Every single variation of correct fall style and shade ruthlessly thrown on the bargzain block for only Dresses And Savings That Will Positively Thrill You! SAVINGS THAT STAGGER THE IMAGINATION! Regularly Do not confuse this with any ordinary sale. It is a complete Stock Adjustmentâ€"Involving many thousands of dollars‘ worth of this season‘s outstanding styleâ€"hits in COATS, DRESSES, SUITS, HATS, ETC., at prices shorn of all profit and part of the cost also in many cases. For many years this store has catered to the betterâ€"class trade of Timminsâ€"handling quality wearing apparel of a style standard, second to none, and now cireumstances over which we have no control, force us to throw our entire stock on sale at the mercy of the buying public in a determined effort to clear our racks and shelves at once! Prices have been shattered on ALL Lines, H real econemy interests you, yow‘ll be here Saturday promptly at 9.00 a.m. selling Starts Saturday, Sharp 9 a.m. ©1.97 . J. SHKRAGGE‘S LTD. V alues to $8.00 Regular to $1.95 Values In 2 variety of new colorings, newest styles While they last, each 35.85 Saturday Onlyv Beautiful quality, fine rayon silk gowns, slips and pyjam the new wanted shades, assorted sizes. Remarkable va only, each Silk Gowns, Slips and Pajamas AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONâ€"REGULAR 4A2~. $9.95 Raincoats * Broken lines a n d sizes of much higher priced lin»s, but all sizes in the lot. Best makes Saturday they go at 49~ Charming modesâ€"Exclusive designsâ€"Gay colours appear in these gowns and dresses, of satins, crepes, jacket typesâ€"New fashâ€" ions you won‘t see excelled for smartness or taste anywhere at such phenomenally low prices, Worth up to $20.00, now only EVENING GOWNS AND PARTY Reg. to $2.50 I{NG GOWNS AND PARTY Regularly to $20.00 is modesâ€"Exclusive designsâ€"Gay ippear in these gowns and dresses, , crepes, jacket typesâ€"New fashâ€" mz won‘t see excelled for smartness anywhere at such phenomenally s, Worth up to $20.00, now only THE POR ADVANCE, TTMMINS, CONTARITO Yes Mam! your unreâ€" stricted choice of any hat in the store, felts, fur felts, velvets. All head _ sizes. Newest styles and s h a d es Saturday they go at Regular to New plaid silk, pique _ trims, sizes. Saturda: While they HAT $ Choice of ‘entire stock Here‘s the spotlight attraction of the sale, the centre of the stage is directed to a showing of Coats with great big roomy fur collars and the new sleeve, fur treatments, fuily lined and interlined garments that are selling for actually far less than the wholesale cost. See this groupâ€" you‘ll find the answer to your desire right here. Priced at only $12.95 50°~ 50 Onlv That Were Regularly to $25.00 2 Only CHAAPPEL SEAL silk and assorted 9 a.m.. last. Beautiful h a »n d painted pure s searfs that sold reguâ€" larly to $3.00,. Priced \o go now regardless of cost at 090 mas. All values at Gauntiet and new slipâ€" on styles, asst. shades and sizes. â€"While they last, per pair a.m. Only Regular to $2.50 89~ Valueâ€"wise women will want to buy two and three at a time. Porch dresses, House dresses, Hoover types, all new. â€" Guaranteed washable, Sizes to 50. Saturday 9 a.m. sharp they go at House Dresses Regular $1 MOST ASTOUNDING SALE OF FASHIONâ€"RIGHT APPAREL staggering Belief â€" Baffiing Description â€" Defying Competition e Reg. to $2.00 Chamoisette Owing to the exâ€" Ireme reductionsâ€" No Phone Orders, No Approvals, No Charges, No Reâ€" funds or Ex â€" changes. All sales final! Notice!