Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 23 Mar 1933, 1, p. 4

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HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"Six-roomed house; two lots; will sell, with furniture complete, for $1600.00 cash. Reason for selling, ill-health. Apply to 31 Holllnger Lane. -12-14p HOUSE FOR SAI bathroom; with for cash. or paym ed. Apply to 59 'I‘lmmins. WANTED-83; a fast-g: surnnce Company, re; W115 and district. bleman Experience not necessary Oppo: mcement Write B bury, Ontario. FOR SALE~R PROPERTIES FOR SALE MINING HOTEL AND RESTAURANT FOR. SALEâ€"Apply to 9 Pine Street. South, Timmins. -12-15 FURRIERS AND DRY CLEANERSâ€" Expert furrier from Toronto will re- model your old fur coats into jackets to your measurement; also collars and cuffs made up into new fur capelets for spring. Ladies bring in spring coats for dry cleaning at lowest prices. All work guaranteed. Toronto Fur- riers, Dry Cleaners, 41 Wilson Ave.. Tlmmlns. -10p GRACE BEAUTY PARLOURâ€"Marcell- mg, finger-waving. permanent wav- ing and manicuring. Ivy Foster, proprietor, 65 Bruce Ave, South Por- cupine. -7-15h BLANKETS CLEANEDâ€"And recarded soft as down. with all dirt discarded. Comforters cleaned and refluffed. Sinclair the Valet. 21 Fourth Ave., Phone 625, Timmins. -9tf SALESMAN DESIRES TO MAKE CONNECTION with Timmins or district firm. Best record and refer- ences. Apply to Box D. (3.. Advance Office. -12p CHILDREN FOR ADOPTIONâ€"Good homes desired {or children. boys and girls. Catholic and Protestant. ages 4 to 14 years. Any home desiring to adopt a youngster should have their clergyman write A. G. Carson. Supt. Children's Aid. Timmins, Ont. Mt: EYES EXAMINED FREEâ€"Glasses fur- nished in up-to-date mountings. At reasonable prices. Satisfaction guar- anteed. By Thos. Dodd, Optician. 4 Balsam Street, South, Timmins. -44tf DANCING SCHOOL â€" For children, tuition included, tap and ballet danc- ing, etc., very moderate fees. Write Mrs. Harold Burt, Box 948, or call at 17 Borden Ave., Timmins. 43-45ptf FOR RENT â€"â€" Thre apartment with all ences. Apply to 15 Timmins. NOTICEâ€"Will the party who ordered a Pontiac Coach cushion repaired. call for same at Fuller Auto Top, 89 Main Ave.. Timmins. ~12p MISS DOROTHY DODGEâ€"Maternity and general nursing; reasonable rates. By hour or day. Phone 466 or 24 Tamarack Street, Timrnins. -3tf FOR HENTâ€"Six-roomed hous wood floors. hot water and systems; all conveniences 8 age at; 59 Hemlock Street. . 55 Hemlock Street, Timmins FOR RENTâ€"S FOR RENTâ€"Seven-roomed flat, ba room and hot water tank; at Third Ave., Schumacher. Apply 13 Elm Street. South, 'I‘immins. 11 FOR RENTâ€"Tm water and ligt Balsam Stree‘ FLAT FOR RE rooms. all con catai. Apply Nm'th. 'I‘immix FOR RENTâ€"H FOR RENTâ€"'1“; above Hollinge Helflnger Scar: FOR RENTâ€"0 shack. Apply North. Timmm PAGE FOUR Mattaga phone 6! rooms. 1 Bath ro hardwoc location foundat Mattaga ing is 111 Hotel. ‘ decorate Street. 5 Apply to couple p room. “Cf MISCELLANEOUS I llll‘llll "I IJII|I‘ '7 01' Mr. and MM. \\ . . \' A. . WANTED FOR RENT NURSING nger Bu me 1’ 11m convenlex Immediate roamed house. ha L water and heat nveniences and g ack Street. Apply )IT Elf e-room‘ed heated modem conveni- Mountjoy Street. ~12p tumty Dr a x 286. Ham )I Avenue who ordered al WOOD FOR SALEâ€"Jackpin K )D eating harc ‘mce bu 13p 13 14p BOARDERS WANTED â€"- fortable roam; all 11‘ Da Dis In the Estate of Pasquale lannarelli Roaming House Keeper. Deceased. the sisters : hcspital. the especially Dr Taylor. and NOTICE TO CRE DITORS WANTEDâ€"Girl with experience in hand-sewing. to .leai'n tailoring and fur work. References required; small wages and commission. Apply to Fur Shop. 41 Wilson Ave. Timmins. ~12 LOSTâ€"Lady‘s watch keepsake. Finder Adjt. Jones, Salvatic Ave., Timmins. POSITION WANTEDâ€"G work; can give referent Miss Elsa Stein. Mathes WANTEDâ€"Experienced man or wo man house to house canvasser, for 3.] established firm. Big money f 3r righ party. French speaking preferred Must have references. Apply in ow: handwriting to Box J. 8., Advance Timmins. -i: LADIES WANTED TO DO ing at home; gosd pay; charges paid. National M2 mg 00., Dept. 54, Montreal WOOD FOR SALEâ€"Dry slabs by the load; dry Jackpine, $2.75 per cord; mixed wood, $1.75 per cord. Good dry Birch $3.75 per 00rd. Apply to Chaput 85 Mainville, phone 377, or 118 First; Ave., Timmins. -48tf ROOMS AND BOARDâ€"The best of service, open day and night; reason- able rates. Venice Cafe, 19 Fourth Ave, under new management, R. J. Stone, Prop. -45-46tf RUSSELL HOTELâ€"Room and board. with all modern accommodations. Rates $7.00 per week. Apply to 2 Wilson Ave., or phone 275-W.. Tim- mlns. -1tf BOARDING HOUSE week. Apply to d. ROOM. WITH MEALS ences; use of phone. Geils, 7 Elm Street, 42-W. ROOM AND BOARD fortable rooms wit? FOR 8A LEIâ€"H: Mi‘ Apply min 00D FOR SALEâ€"Jackpine. $2.50; Tamarack. $3.00; dry slabs 'by the load. $4.00; dry Birch. $3.50. Apply to J. Daly, phone 441, 110 Wilson Avenue. -10tf DeSt Han 3081‘! POSITION WANTED ARTICLES FOR SALE CARD OF THANI'S and '81] L16 CARI) OF THANKS R ()0 M A N l) BOA R I) WOOD FOR SA LE d kir illnes. l 933 HELP WANTED mable any T. A. MACDONALD. Solicitor, Timm’ms. On JR 8A1 1nd .mrr 1U LOST n. Matheson. Ont m a. if n N11 Av 11y COD 20 )l‘ 11 ral house Apply t warm work sen anufactur I'E 16( 11 UBC Mar By 00 SEW- nce: Tim 11' her )m l3 am In the District Court of the District. of (Tochranc Th good: His Hone! Chambers. March, 1933 BETWEEN : Lher c Notice Upon the application of the plaintiff and upon reading the affidavit of Samuel Anderson Caldibick, and upon hearing what was alleged ‘by Counsel for the applicant. it is ordered. 1. That mailing a copy of the Claim and this Order ‘by Registered mail directed to the defendant at Timmins, Ontario. and by publishing this order together with the notice thereon en- dorsed in one issue of The Porcupine In the Second Division (Tourt 0f the District of Cochrane His Honour J. B Chambers. Thursd March, 1933. BETWEEN defendant M1 an appearance m ten days fr mg the Claim 3. IL is furt Mar McCRAE-BLACKâ€"Ir of Betty. who diec‘ itt FOR mm lam ICELY )R )OM f WANTED TO RENT. silence w< Sadly mi. Betty. who died on March 23rd 27. Also W. F. Black (Bill) whc ed Feb. 20m, 1920. Dearly loved brother and sister 01 y and Sinclair MacMillan. ~12; CARD 0F THANKS )I AEâ€"In loving memory of our Mother who passed away March 1927. RE IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM au laintiff’s claim is for $53.60 f M and delivered. Y 1X 11’ â€"-andâ€"â€" Michael Pierk 16 pn‘ 11' J. B. Monday .ctoria Sam Fishman rt 11H DI‘OCC pli ad m REN’I ROOMS ORDEI- lOl’lE N ISHED ROOM ay. but remember if ORDER Piekor Wic J. B. T. CARON 111‘ Dub J. B. T. CARON t1 if Jack and We. 64 the Robson Hudsor )I‘ 8Y8 Defendan Ba 11‘ if f Sum I‘imm 'm 11‘ 1f ving memory jar bli. very Plaintiff i may aid Wt 2f the Claim stered mail at Timmins, 2 this order Lhe ‘ affid >on 'O RENTâ€" $8.00. $10.00 ison. Nurse aff for their life of their h 111‘ ' equippe< Box W. V Judge in h day of Judge day avi I] N1 THE PORCL'PINE ADVANCE. “WINS. ONTARIO 11‘ I‘im 'ifth 12p of 12p 11' p Despite Despite the passing of a. yes -â€"Sadly missed by Husban‘ Daughter. Who shall Though th Memories ke WILFORDâ€"I Arthur Wilt FOR FOR RENTâ€"H FOR RI FOR SALEâ€"One Singer sewing mach- ine. $20.00 for quick sale. Phpnc 285-J-2, Timmins 12p POSITION WAN TEDâ€"A TOO LATE FOR CLASSI- FICATION visitors had to extend themselves to win. Also, it may be noted that wea- ther permitting Timmins intends to re- gain the trophy. Jerry Abrams and his classy rink won from A. W. Lang. 17â€"7. while Dr. Nee- lands ring was defeated 13-7 by H. Graham's rink. Both teams were tied in going into the final and a thirteenth end was necessary to decide the issue. Dr. Neelands made one and Abrams four in the extra end. In seeking to take back the Englehart cup Kirkland were not successful. Timmins rinks retaining the trophy by the margin of one. Grisdale‘s Kirk- land rink won. 16â€"10. while Dogget’s rink lost to Timmins 17â€"10. Everybody's Magazine:- Peter asked the applicant sion to Heaven how he gc man answered laconically, Kirkland Lake curlers on Saturday night were able to regain the T. N. O. curling trophy won two weeks before from Kirkland by Timmins curlers. It was a close contest, however. and the visitors had to extend themselves to win. Also. it may be noted that wea- ther permitting Timmins intends to re- Kirkland Lake Curlers Regained T. N. 0. Trophy Margaret Cassidy; Vera and Joyce Jendin; Freddie Mansfield; Gladys. Doris and Wesley Cooke: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Innes and Dorothy; Eileen. Cecilia and Trevor Johnson; Joe Townsend; Mr. and Mrs. J. Keene and family; Mr and Mrs. 0. Lloyd: Mr. and Mrs. J. Murphy; Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman; Mr. and Mrs. R. Stewart and family; Mr. and Mrs. Duxfield; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wallace and family; Mr. and Mrs. Wilf Jenkins and family; Mr. and Mrs. J. Bown and Gwen; Mr. and Mrs. Kahina and Margaret; Mr. and Mrs. J. Cowan; Kathrlne Waddle; Miss Veino Lindross; Mr. F. Gilbert; Miss E. Rush; Classmates of Room 10; Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford and family; Mr. and Mrs. Hazelwood and family; Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Macdonald; Mr. and Mrs. L. Staples; Florence, Muriel and Violet Harris; Ross, Steve and Lillie Funeral of Little Daughter girl. Marg Mr. Summ “Jesus Bid 1V 1‘! tc If Wholesale Produce Sales- man Wanted. adults pr: references Box 177. ‘ housekeeping. wit} Phone 586. Timmir Apply t Pimmir IT DC Appi mmins. "RAE-BI Mrs. J. ger Plate Shop; Boys at 83 '1 nuc. Schumacher; Mr. and Mr Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jc artm tric stov: ply to the COC IN MEMORIAM IN M E M 0 R [A M : gene pref err Mm and Mrs. W. Robson D. MCC l‘wo lar g. with .ed at ph 2ral, in private home red. Will furnish cit desired. Write to RC phone 158-W. Timmin from I Wreath U may 193 5 Mar.” I: am and Ne a! 1a pupils Work: FOODI SI fr 1V _When St 91' admis‘ there, 'tht llie: Willi‘ Moll ‘; Glady: '. and Mr: zen. Cecili Townsend III 31' )1 1i 1t 213 HS ht )1 of the counl the railways the trucks payment for VOTING EVERY TWO YEARS “'(H’Ll) SAVE MITCH MONEY present tension paper mian Soutl‘ very en'vir must order sylvania. this week say that Mrs. Su- san Millar. 81 of Downington, and her daughter, Mrs. Geo. N. Moore of Tim- mins. Ont.. were injured on Monday night of this week at Downington when run down by an automobile driven by Chief of Police Chester Glisson. Accor- ding to the Downington chief of police the two ladies stepped from the curb directly in front of the car. Word re- ceived last night from Downington was to the effect that Mrs. Miller is very seriously injured. Mrs. Moore is suf- fering from a sprained arm and also from severe shock. Mrs. Moore was in Downington on a visit to her mother there. and Mrs. Geo. Moore and Mother Struck by Car and Injured ip‘ nd l 1H any mo 1 .l the ten 9 ews; dio “I ADD I‘HE ANT AND THE BUTTERFLY ll der W8. FROM THIS NE‘VSPAPERS )l‘( p m I] FAIR ('0 M PETITION tches from Downington. Penn- . this week say that Mrs. Su- lar. 81 of Downington, and her n g the $13.9( ,or Lruc definite )1 ll IT nd busc the use LC i( tl‘ am vmmpeg Free Press; 'uck and motor bus re- ite and very useful ex- transportation facilities The competition with ould be on a fair basis, I buses making proper 10 use of the highways ir due share of taxation. upon Thoma Mur 1L Ot a spe: de Lh dumn: 1C Lwa Journal), to think that the ,s own. It hasn't. iio broadcasts has newspapers, is in newspapers before In most cases it is [(110 by the news- special committee the whole Muni- ring the next re-' 1 the Legislature LS Jutten (Cons.. peaking to second :ipal_ Act amend- . . that would save any: amount of Hamilton, I find years it has cost year. The city 3 is elected for 07 governing the .hese are elected school board for J utter «From the Border Cities Star) The Hon, Leopold Macaulay present: the best reason of all why it is not like- ly that the people of Ontario will b( converted to Socialist doctrine. Hu- 'man nature stands in the way. he points out, and human nature doesn't .change rapidly. "Can you imagine,“ he asks, “3,300.00 people working for thc state and not for themselves, when Wt can't make 600,000 motorists drive as. 'they should? I can't." Last week-end the majority of going on the special excursion Moosonee were from Cochrane Fraserdale. The weather was exc« and those going on the trip agree it was a delightful and intere event. The excursions to Moosone continuing each week-end d March and April. | Cobalt relief committee has another new ruling in regard lief vouchers. Now the voucher be valid at any store the recipic sire, except that families on rel owe store bills must take the v to the merchants in whose do are. One of the first municipalitie: North to strike the 1933 tax Haileybury. The tax rate at bury this year will be 60 mills f lic school and 77.54 mills for 5 school supporters. The Ha: taxes are payable in three instz May 5th, July 5th and Sept. 5t separate school rate is a fracti mill lower than last year. W. S. Hallett. plant superintendent of the Northern Ontario Power 00.. who was operated on last week at St. Mary’s hospital, Timmins. for appendicitis. and who was seriously ill for some days, is now much 'improved and progressing very favourably to recovery. Mrs. Ethel M. Keene. Vice of the Rebekah Assembly 0 left on Wednesday for Torm she will attend the executiv of the Rebekah Assembly. It is understood that waring, rector of St. Iroquois Falls. is leavin to take a. charge in t1 country. Wilford D. Hardy, branch audit in spector for the Northern Ontario Powe Co.. accompanied by Mrs. Hardy, whl have been spending some time hen the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hard) left last week for New Liskeard. last week and The Advance. S - . ~ . c””””””’II’IIII’III’IIIIIII’II’I””IIIII”””A CAN’T CHANGE HUMAN NATURE C b\‘\\\\' THE MOOSE ANNUAL DRAW AN D DANCE 3\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\“\9 83““‘ Stubs must he attached to Tivkots for the Draw. FRIDAY. MARCH Z-Ith that Rev. Mr. Ma St. Mark‘s chur Will be postponed until or separat Haileybm nstalment .. 5th. Tr nt 1C( Ontari 3. whez late Hail nt 11‘ we ar durin UC n tha h (1c N11 an I’f h ILmal ( urlers Win i in ( ur limr Events would Spam. the res Confer: change WC inc Cha Hig-hh Urades S‘amplos from \\ cck’ s Run of the Press Pl (.‘mo. S. Drew Wins in the Finals for the Whit: A. H. M. McC )ut h “I and A \‘V I'Dlil'R‘ mu if {UNIT avix N New , E. Dela Dr. Port 38.000 ,000 du ll mot! I'( I‘HURSDAY. MARCH 2330. 19: ll ('clrstunc Cup. A. G. (‘ars Wins Woo-Skips Competition (Brand Finale (‘ompoution Now on. 11 N l' iish onion. rt William Time 10 to the general i! 11' n )f and a asulms is. Brow: '. Blac In SD I)“ .0 p refe 11‘ Smith elahur. Mun MC( 31' I. S. McGuix mm. H. E. \ Brit inn [ark sz Len years it nuch as our I‘LLINIINA'I‘I'ID IN H'NHHK ”()(‘KI‘JY SERIES D‘ G. McHug nieson. W. 3. J. Mum McInnis, . ,lt .bacco News : n son: nty of the Ir m W 11+ )f Mill . W L1 alifornia IE iin rma n W. W. 1mpbell â€"Americanism: Shud- ruin because we . spend billion for education; ng two and a. quarter Sbates:â€"Despite our .‘ht that money is the :here are times when belief it is the jack of Dom M. S Dunn tc W Waddlc Dye, A. Hattie WhiLc is mostly Ireland and story. But nd Irishmen who stew without the M. Wynne. Geo h M. Widdifleld. H Abrams, E. Nord Montgomery ll 1ckman. 0. Far Ill 16011. R I‘rcmbla)‘ Recordzâ€"How te that awful has cost them annual pension x. W. R. Dodge Imers- up were: L Hattie. Chas l'( Tanner rung contests. the vice-Skip‘s 1'11] ruse lzpatrick. Dr :cordim unoced W. L. Booth Burke W. H. Burns McGrath )usc. W. MC â€"-Exchange Mchmis. G =st1y Ireland I]. he conu 3 cup. rand finalc inter: )Ul' )cke y I‘E ’ckey fans lave been Sudbury's haw CFC 1r )U!‘ Redmcn '5! team (“arson Johnson Eddy w} what. a ‘room Lowe in Dwyer Heath Fold- an '1 t ‘ueo )l'f. pcll )n he

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