Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 26 Jan 1933, 2, p. 6

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“There is an old 1): mining men that it I dollars to make a goi experience we would arr sion to read, “It, takes make a gold mine and z to develop it." more work this (level she is, often enough mine p.11 right, but spend a. lot of men ing Analyst that it takes z dollars to develcp a real g Some peopie seem to think pector goes out and simply gold mine and there you ar the moat: men'that develop a watch th gold mine Analst. ’01 for gold the restra the ‘aruc: Apart fro ticular m ml min! prominer current 1' or ill al M L"'10“: .icle PAGE SIX n'u‘ no be a ge though Analys contenti a! 'rom currc mines an number < One. f( s a Million Dollars to Develop a Gold Mine '03 back over the history of m ndm tendon he mix min 1d 3/0011 Instance many millic 11111 DC ma 1 mine. From and the expres- the Creator to million dollars ove ake 'I'E 9211 gold mine hink the pros rb amongst s a million ,x'cum JC 1C tho; agree with The Min- 1 million 1C : gen refers 1088 who uccessful mining 'ollars tc in mC ’rhap. f0 ances )E Ur. 38} 181‘ if 'al PE t0 Pembroke Sta ndard-Observer 2-» Years ago the business done by boys was trading in jackknives. Bartering on a big scale comes frsm Russia in pro? posing to trade oil for cattle, while in Hanover, Ont, a young man traded wccd .for a wedding outfit. If cash cannot be found there is no reason why' business should stop. Perry of Sout Smiley, of Peri Shawville; Jan field; Charles Burial took p12 cemetery at L: of The Pembroke Standard-Observer last week wrote as followsrâ€"“A well known and highly respected resident .of Murrell section of Clarendon town- ship died Sunday afternzon in the per- son of John Stewart. The late’ Mr. Ste- wart, who was in his seventies, was a prosperous farmer and an active member of the United Church. from which church in Litchfield the funeral was held Tuesday, Rev. E. G. Warren of Campbell’s Bay conducted the service, which was largely attended testifying to the esteem in which the deceased- was held. Besides his wife, he is sur- vived by two daughters, Mrs. Gearge Perry of South Porcupine: Mrs. John the necessary amour imagination in the f LATE J. STEWART, FATHER ig or sov'm PORCUPINE LADY I L trained 'UOl'l if n EU I‘h‘ ADDS RICH GOODNESS T0 SOUPS AND GRAVIES 3rd g're 'inde 'avorable Jopment us hope requiring 11E Besmes his wife, he is 5111'- vo daughters, Mrs. Gearge )uth Porcupine; Mrs. John 'erth; also five sons, Daniel, James and George. Utah- les and Gordon. Murrell. place in the United Church Litchfield." 18¢ if smarkab du BI nan If futurc M31 COI'I onlnlg ab] i! nden I 119 an nd in ll Pilots in the North, Very Resourceful Airmen Have to be on Their Toe: it Wrrr. All the Time. Home Inc dent's in the Can-er of Airman Bill Spence. qually HI) he W8 .9 years ntinual rent parts of the 1 Nsrth the airmen venturesome thin: Land ships at. fly 98388 n mt int! point field for 'has been “le adv n8 W8 IS 110‘ mm l‘f 111 lconsider ourselves as bush-whacking ’experts, were more impressed by our situation that the pilot or his helper. “When it came time to go to bed, that pair just rolled into their cider- gdowns without any more fuss than a :man hitting the hay at the Royal York. Bright and early in the morn-t ling they were up, had the fire going . and more caribou stew on the so. Then ‘ they went to work on the planerheated the oil. shoveled the undercarriage out: of the snow while we beat a takeoi! gangway for them. We all got aboard and away we went. just as nonchaiant as one of those Chesterfield smokers. It’s pretty hard to phase those fliers. They can pretty nearly make a plane, they certainly do a whale of a lot of hard. dirty work out in the cold Arctic. winds. They don't seem to mind con- ditions that would give a lumberjack the hump." “Bill spoke of a speculiar light condi- tion that prevails in the early winter months in Arctic regions. He called it, “flat light," highly deceptive even to a man walking on the ground, danger- ous to a pilot bringing down a. plane. It is sometimes hard for a flier to tell just exactly what his position is in relation to the pure white snowfleid,‘ when such light conditions prevail.’ He may put his plane down on what “Another plane was secured for the . s’ix passengers. On the hOp'from Cam- !eron Bay to Fort Rae. down the Cam- sell river. very bad flying conditions were encountered. A veritable blizzard blew up. the pilot was obliged to come !down close to the trees and, with the ' growing darkness was finally forced to earth The plane was brought up close ,i to the edge of the woods, all hands {piled out, a tent was run up, a fire Ibuilt. The prospectors had not antiw fcipated a. forced landing and had very an shape and the 1 how to straight: The pilot and carried it up to it on the stove to the plane, and flew away party. rough go turned t‘hf )RCUPINE ADVANCE. TWINS. ONTARIO Pilc ring y into Uhe far nort >t." When a pros}: mark, particularly north are Information gathered by theauthori- :1“er 1mm": .‘w’ m u“? 'l‘mmiwn ties was to the effect that Jan. 17th had 5 “83310“ 0f the said Townshipof Mk been selected as the date for a general f 3:33:1ng tgeeaggfishgmnzggf) '33:: v series of demonstrations throughout: Canada, the plan being to have what 3 more 01‘ 195$. , .,, , .. . +3. Parcel 4526, Sudbury West Section were termed hun ei marches n vari- . , , , , g 0 I Situate in the Township of Tisdalc ous councils, and on the several .pro- i, _ , , vincial governments as well as a. “grand; in the District of Cochrane and Prov- hunger march” on Ottawa. A little. ince C'f Ontario, granted by the CPOWI checking-up by the police in different i asocMining Lanfd, namely: The s?uth: Icentres where illegal activities were in E “"“t quarter 0 the 309th half 0 L0 ’ Number 'Ilwelve ( 12), in the Fourti ‘progress made it necessary to revisei the original plans and as a consequence i 0011095310“ or the said Tom“) m many places escaped zth-ese silly “de- j Tisdale, containing by admeasuremeni monstratiOns." Kirkland Lake, how- g forty and one-eighth (40.1.) acres more i or less. ever, did not escape. though it is hard; _ , to say whether this was due to lack of 'E Dated at Cochrane this 19th day 01 January, AD. 1933. touch with headquarters or to locali considerations. Some of the newspa-l JOHN 13- MA‘C‘KAY. pers refer to the “delegation" as being: '4'7' Sheriff, District Of Oochrane “jobless” or “unemployed_" This is {10th fair to the unemployed. The unemâ€" i lployed know that all possible is being! SHERIFF ’8 SALE OF done for them and there is no Mace in l Canada where they have caused trouble LANDS or acted in silly and irritating way? *â€" The outfit at Kirkland Lake calledf District of Cochrane themselves “United Fronters." but un-‘ ____.. der any of their many names they are1 To Wit: the same old thingâ€"a group of alieni Under and by virtue of a Writ of agitators and a few of their ignorant é Execution issued out of the district dupes carrying out a foreign political f Court of the District of Cochrane, and programme. They presented their “de-f to me directed against the lands and mands” to the council at Kirkland; tenements of Vicker’s Mines Limited. Lake, asking for non-contribu-tpry em- in the action of the Corporation of the ployment insurance ,everything free ? Township of Tisdale vs. Vicker's Mines and on toast, and no war with China. l Limited, I have seized and will offer It is the same old-stuff that various or- t for sale by public auction, at the Town- iganizations, or rather organizations un- ‘ ship Hall, South Porcupine. in the Dis- ,der various names, have been father- trict of Cochrane, on Tuesday the 2nd ing since communism was ruled out. y day of May, 1933, at the hour of 11.00 Reeve Gerald O'Meara referred to the] o‘clock in the forenoon, all the right, documents of the United Front as; title, interest and equity of redemption scurrilous and in answer to veiled, of the above named defendant. Vick- threats told the agitators plainly that! er's Mines Limited. in, to and out of they could not intimidate him or.‘ the following described lands and tene- cther members of the council. He! ments, viz:â€" pointed out that the council had no-; 1. Parcel 1703, Sudbury North Division; thing to do with most of the “dc-l Situate in the Township of Tisdale; mands” listed and that no time was in the District of Cochrane and Prov: igoing to be wasted in listening to' communist, red or pink oratory. When as Mining Land. namely: The north- the flrst delegation found the Kirkland east quarter of the south half of 'Lot Lake council was not overly impressed.| Number Six (6) in the Third Canoes: they left the hall and returned soon sion of the said Township of Tisdale, after with forty or so more aliens. The ; containing by admeasurement forty second group were given the same; and one-quarter (401) acres more or treatment as the first, Reeve O'Mearaf less. sayixg that while the council was: 2. Pagcel 2552, Whitney and Tiadale. ready to hear any citizens or consider; Situate in the Township of We any bona tide requests or suggestions! in the District of Cochrane and Prov-’ there was no intention to allow time to ince cf Ontario, granted by the Grown be wasted by propagandists of foreignt as Mining Land. namely: The smith- ,type. The second group of aliens had ' east quarter of the south half of Lot- no sooner “stormed” the council chain-i Number Six (3) in the Third Conces- ber than members of the Kirkland ; sion of the said Township of TisdaJe,‘ Lake police force as well as some pro-f containing by memat 49,111 flaw omoers tool; strategic positional and one»quarter (401) acres more or in the hall and saw to it that there: less. I was no chance for the “demanders” to } Dated at Commune this 191!) day of; start anything. ; January, AD. 1933. I ince of Ontario. granted by the Crown. Try The Advance Want Advertisements United Front. Members “Storm” Kirkland Council “'I‘hebiggest kick Bill got out of his trip was after they had reached Water- ways, the Alberta terminus of the air line from the Arctic. As they had missed the bi-weekiy train at that point. they decided to come out to The Pas. “There was a regular parade of provinces. We boomed acr035 Alberta. Saskatchewan and into Manitoba on a tail wind that sent us along at over 130 miles an hour. You never saw any- lthing like the way we whistled over these lakes. along the Churchill River. over Lac LaRonge, Amisk Lake and in- to The Pas. Talk about your magic carpets! And when we got there we had to run for a train. After that. things slowed down a lot. It was a grand trip,” said Bill, who gets his nickname “Whispering." on account of his habit of taking his listener to one side, carefully lowering his vice and communicating some particularly bright and impressive thought in a low tone. He does this even up around the Arc- tic Circle, where there could not pos- sibly be an eavesdromzer for a hundred miles or so. It's just one of those lit- tle precautions that a prospector gets into the habit of taking. Anyhow. Bill knows some grand stories and tells them well. It was a treat for instancej 'to see him going through the entire act 5 of cooking that caribou meat and its] consumption. 'He danced on the floor; to show how they kept their feet warm, i and he tossed the imaginary chunk of hot meat from ‘hand to hand, taking! an occasional cautious :bite at it.i When he described how young McMil- lan drivesa dog team, he went through! all the motions, even .to jogging around i the office you could almost 'hear the dog bark. Too bad Bill comes in only abut once a year.” , 3mg to Bfll. a man on ‘hla attention concentrs lhls step. wlll occaslo: Unto a depression and “Asked about wrath the Circle in early wlnt a great deal of bunk l on the subject. The n bet. he sald. was the l summer work. it was n pl‘ days were long, the clima country ideal for prospecti Northern Ontario men 17 in the field in the csurse were satisfied with it. It country. some low temperature but Without the gale-5.. 1 exertion at 50 below on account of the da frost-bitten lungs. it undertake ordinary ta: He and his partner w housed. had a good 31 burning wocd which th' out .difliculty along th "There w Great Lake to the Her is ten feet in ; pancake and why there haw undercut-”ages mg to am. a x [It] White throng throw be dre such mar and hell )fdhla W11 rom and 31' “OE W ll :s in the re comfor Imemade : 52 secured ' Shore. 1 IS in of MIC and They ha: Decembel hue undu nadvis ab! bu 'e. The ted. the All the 1d. met he year . grand ulc 90V DE 1d 2. Pages] 2552, Whitney and deale. Situate in the Townst of We in the District of Cochrane and Prov- ince cf Ontario. granted by the Crowu as Mining Land, namely: The south- east quarter of the south half of Lot Number Six ‘3) in the Third Ounces- sion of the said Township of Tisdale, cc ntaining by “measurement forty- and oneâ€"quarter (401) acres more or title, interest and equity of redemption of the above named defendant. Vick- er‘s Mines Limited. in, to and out of the following descrfibed lands and tene- ments, viz:â€" l. Parcel 1703. Sudhury North Division. Under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution issued out of the district Court of the District of Cochrane, and to me directed against the lands and tenements of Vicker’s Mines Limited; in the action of the Corporationof the: Township of TisdaJe vs. Vicker‘s Mines Limited, I have seized and will ofier for sale .by public auction, at the Town- ship Hall. South Porcupine. in the Dis- trict of Cochrane, on Tuesday the 2nd, day of May. 1933, at the hour of 11.00 o‘clock in the forenoon, all the right, Situate in the Township of Tisdale in the District of 'Cochrane and Prov- ince of Ontario, granted {by the Crown as Mining Land, namely: The south- west quarter of the south half of Lot Number 'Dwelve ( 12), in the Fourth Concession of the said Township of Tisdale, containing by admeasurement forty and one-eighth (40') acres more 01 less. Dated at Cochrane this 19th day of January, AD. 1933. Situate in the Township of Tisdale in the pistrict of Cochra-ne and Prov- ince of Ontario, granted by the Crown as Mining Land. namely: The north- east; quarter of the north half .of Lot Number Twelve (12) in the Thirdflon- cession of the said Township of Tisdale, containing by admeasurement thirty- nine and threeoeighths (392) acres more or less. 3. Parcel 4526. Sudbury West Section. To Wit: Under and by virtue of a .Writ of Execution issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario, and to me directed against the lands and tenements of Harland Development and Mining- .Company Limited, in the action of the Corporation of the Township of Tisdale vs. Harland Development and Mining Company Limited, I have seized and. will offer for sale by public auction, at the Township Hall, South Porcupine, in the District of Cochrane, on "Tues- day the 2nd day of May, 1938, at the hour 0g 11.00 o'clock .in the iorenoon, all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the above namedde- fondant. Harland Development and out. of the following described landsand tenements, viz:â€" ‘l. Parcel 4524, Sudbury West Section. Situate in the Township of Tisdale in the District of Cochrane and Province of Ontario. granted by the Crown as Mining Land, namely: The south-east quarter of the south half of Lot Num- ber Twelve (12) in the Fourth Conces- sion of the said Township of 'Tisdale, containing by admeasurement forty. and one-eighth (40;) acres more or less. mourn 1‘0 CREDITORS DEAN WE. Marshall-Ecclestone Building, Solicitor for the Executors. . «1-6 not be liable for the said 353813 01' any part thereof to any person or persons cf whose claim notice shall not have been received by it at the time of such distribution. Dated at Timmins, Ontario. this let day of January. AD. 1933. m h In the Matter of the Estate of James showan. late of the Township of “Male. in the District 0! Cochran. :Rchumacher I’mt Office). Account- ant. deceased. 31' nd Parcel 4525. Sudbury West Section And take notice that after such last entioned date the said executors .will oceed to distribute the assets of the id deceased among the parties entitl- i thereto. having regard only to the aims of which it shalt-then have .110. :e. and that the said executors will at be liable for the said esteem or any at thereof to any person or persons 1c SHERIFF’S SALE OF LANDS m W8! District of Cochrane nm JOHN D. MAOKAY. Sherm, District of Cochrane mars ' is hereby given pursuant to 51 of the Trustee Act. 3.8.0. hamer 150. that all creditors ers having clams or demands the estete of the said Me: who died on or about the 8th lanuary. AD. 1933. at the town fins. are requested on or More day of February. 1933. to send prepaid or deliver to Dean Kes- citor for the executors of the . and Testament of the said de- ;heir Christian names .and sur- addresses and descriptions. the flowers. in writing. of their a statement of their accounts; nature of the security. 1! any. natur hem. ‘Powassan News:â€"â€"Lowell Thomas told the story over the radio a few nights ago that should have special .avpeal to newspaper men these days. The office boy rushed into the editor’s den and said: There’s a man outside whomyshchasn'thadavhingtoeat for six days! " the editor answered: “Bush him in here. If he can get along six days without food perhaps he can tell us how to keep this paper going another week.” Dated January Situate in the Township of Bristol in the District of Cochrané and Pro- Vince of Ontario, granted by the Crown as Mining Land, namely: Mining claim P. 9393 as shown outlined in red on plan of survey by Ontario Land Sur- veyor. Charles V. Gallagher. dated 4th July, 1923, of record in the Department of Lands and Forests, a copy of which plan is attached to and forms part of the Letters Patent, containing by ad- measurement (0 1-10th acres more or less. of which plan is attached to and forms part of the Letters Patent, containing by admeasurement 35 4-10ths acres more or less. Ilaâ€"Parcel 4408. South East Cochrane Situate in the Township of Bristol in the District of Cochrane and Province of Ontario, granted by the Crown as Mining Land, namely: Mining claim P. 9392 as shown outlined in red on man of survey by Ontario Land Sur- veyor, «Charles V. Gallagher. dated Jidy 5th, 1923, of record in the De- partment of Lands and Forests, a copy Situate in the Township of Bristol in the District of Cochrane and Pro- vince of Ontario, granted by the Crown as Mining Land, namely Mining claim P. 9586 situate in the said Township of Bristol as shown outlined in‘red on plan of survey by Ontario Land 'Sur- veyor, Charles V. Gallagher, dated July 11th, 1923. of record in the De- partment of Lands and Forests, a copy of which plan is attached to and forms part of the Letters Patent. containing by admeasurement 444-10ths acres more or less. 10.â€"Parcel 4407, South East Cochrane Situate in the Township of Whitney in the District of Cochrane and Pro- vince of Ontario, namely: The south- west part of the south part of broken lot number twelve (12) in the Second Concession of the said Township of Whitney being Mining Claim P. 6873, containing by admeasurement 29 acres more or less. 9.â€"Parcel 4404, South East Cochrane .Situate in the Township of Tisdale in the District of Cochrane and Province of Ontario, granted by the Crown as 'Mining Land, namely: The surface rights of lots numbers five (5) and Five-hundred-andmleven (511) , as shown on Plan 'M-20 (Sudbury), now deposited in the Office of Land Titles at Cochrane. 8.-â€"Paroel 965, Whitney and Tisdale Situate in the Township of Tisdale in the District of Cochrane and Pro- vince of Ontario, granted by the Crown as Mining Land, namely: Lot number one-hundred-and-tlhirty- seven (137) as shown on Plan M-lO (Sudbury). now deposited in the Office of Land Titles at Cochrane. 7 .-â€"Parcel 2247, Whitney and Tisdale -'Situate in the Township of Tisdale in the District of Cochrane and Pro- vince of Ontario. granted by the Crown as Mining Land, namely: The north- east quarter of the north half of lot number one (1) in the First Conces- sion of the said Township of Tisdaie, containingby admeasurement 391. acres more or less. 6.â€"Parcel 772, Whitney and Tisdale UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a Writ .of Execution issued out of the District Court of the District of Cochrane. and to me directed against the lands and tenements of A. E. Phillips in the ac- tion of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Tisdale Va. A. E. Phillips. 1 have seized and will offer for sale by public auction at the Township Hall. South Porcupine in the District of Cochrane. on Tuesday the 25th day of [April l933. at the hour of 11.00 o’clock in the forenoon. all the right. title. in- terest and equity of redemption of the above-named defendant. A. E. Phillips. in. to and out of the following described lands and tenements. viz:â€" l.â€"Parcel 2073. South East Coolirane Situate in the Town of Tim'mins in the District of Cochrane and Province of Ontario. granted by the Crown as Mining Land. namely: The surface rights of lots numbers one-hundred- and-seven (107) and onealuindred-and- eight (108) as shown on Plan M-26 (Sudbury). now deposited in the Land Titles Office at Cochrane. 2.-~Pareel 2167. Whitney and’ Tisdale Situate in the Town of Timmins in the District of Cochrane and Province of Ontario. granted by the Crown as Mining Land. namely: The surface .rights of lots numbers 180. 181. 182. 183 and 184 as shown on Plan M-33 (Sud- bury) now deposited in the Office of Land Titles at 'Cochrane. 3.--Pareel 2939. South ‘East .Cochrane Situate in the Township of Tisdale in the District of Cochrane and the Province of Ontario, granted by the Crown as Mining Land, namely: The south-east quarter of the south half of lot number one (1) in the Second Concession of the said Township of Tisdale, containing by admeasurement 39.acres more or less. '5.â€"Parcel 738, Whitney and Tisdale Situate in the Town of Timmins in the District of Cochrane and Province of Ontario. granted by the Crown as Mining Land namely: The surface rights of lots number thirty-six ‘36) and thirty-seven (37) as shown on Plan M-26 (Sudbury), now deposited in thevOffice of Land Titles at Cochrane. 4.--Parcel .737, Whitney and Tisdale To Wit WAY. JANUARY m. 1933 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS District of (‘ochrano at Cochrane this 18th day 01 AD. 1933. JOHN D. MACKAY. Sheriff, District of Cochrane of

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