Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 15 Dec 1932, 1, p. 4

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ESE WANTEDâ€"haireller for Tlmmlns and surroundings to handle our lines of tobacco, pipes and novelties. Must have experience, and a small capital to carry on small stock for the local trade. Gan make good salary. Ap- ply to J. 0. Grant 8:. 00., 413 Sussex Street, Ottawa, Ont. ~50p WWYomg woman of good WAN’I‘EDâ€"Jhm Men to join our sell- ing s£53. Must be active and pro- ducers Experience in our line not neoessan; 'we will train you. Won- derful opportunity for the right men. Sea Mr; Hardy. Geo. Taylor Hard- WANTEDâ€"Four salesmen at once. for in and out of town; good earnings and good chance for advancement. Apply to Room B, Gordon Block, Tlmmins, between 8 and 10 am. and 7 to 9 pm. _ ~41tf WANTEDâ€"Two salesmen for Timmins district. Splendid opportunity for smart man. Apply to Robert Simps- ‘ son Company Mail Order Office, 35 HELP WANTEDâ€"Salesman and sales- ladiés‘ for house to hsuse canvass. Salary and commission. Apply to Box G. W., Advance, Timmins. -50p WANTEDâ€"A good strong girl for gen- eral housework. Apply to Mrs. E. M. Candie, Children’ 5 Shelter. Fourth Ave., Tlmmins. -50 FOR SALEâ€"Five-roomed house. well- flnidhed and warm, cement foundaâ€" tion; hot air furnace, and water in. Apply to 8 Wende Ave Tlmmins. 7'; -48-50p PROPERTIES \FOR SALE FOR » RENTâ€"Seven-roomed cbttage with bathroom, hot and cold water. wired for electric stove. Furnace in cellar, hardwocd floors; garage. Will sell if desired. Situated at 162 Maple Street, South. Apply to City Service Station, corner 01 Second Ava/and Cedar Street, Timmins. * -42p FOR RENTâ€"Good, warm shack; aflso lights, m water and furniture supplied, if necessary. Apply be- tweefi 4 and 6 pm. to 28 Columbus tare:- with local branch requires one mm: a; sand appearance to work‘. in this territory. Steady employmént. and help to close sales. Promotion for the right mun. Apply to Mr. Mc- Gowan. may Bros” United. 35 1mm Ave» Wins. --50 FOR RENTâ€"Five-roomed house at 69 Hemlock Street; all conveniences. and furnace in cellar. Apply to 186 Maple Street, North, 'Ifimmins. 50-521) FDR RENTâ€"Four-roomed house, easy to warm, modern conveniences. Ap- ply to 203 Cedar Street South, Tim- FOR RENTâ€"Two and three-roamed apartments. Apply to J. P. Roy. Planing. Mill or 201 Pine Street South, Timmins. ~50p FOR RENTâ€"Two, three or five-roamed apartments at. 39 Lake Shore Road. Apply to 68 Third Ave., Timmins. 47p FOR RENTâ€"Warm five-roamed apart- ment with all conveniences. Apply to Mrs. A. W. Plum-on, 51 Kirby Ave.. Tlmmins. ~49tf FOR RENTâ€"One-roomed furnished shack. Apply to B. F. Lennan, 10 Elm street north, Timmins. . -48tf schooling,age 20 to 30, for respon- sible once duty. Must be a. willing worker and pleasant temperament. Bl-llnqglst "preferred. Far appoint- ment' FOR RENTâ€"Four-roomed furnished FOR RENT - Beven-roomed house. with all conveniences. Apply to 162 Pine Street, North, Tlmmlns. «50p FOR» RENT â€" Three-roamed house, FOR RENTâ€"Hve-roomed house with all conveniences. Apply to 79 Pine Street, South, Timing. ~50p Third avenue. Avc., OR RENTâ€"Hve-roomed house, cor- ner of Mountjoy and Commercial Ave; also four-roomed hause at car- ner of Third Ave" and Balsam Street. Apply to 43; Third Ave" Timmins. 50 house. 4pply to B. F. Lennan, 10 Elm sti's'et north, Timmlns -43t. !. with all "conveniences. Apply to 5 Bu‘oh'fibtreet, North, Timmlns. -501.\ 21th or unfurnished. Apply to m Pine Street, North. Tlmmlns. -50p £0156 Birch Street, South, m- HELP WANTED wST POSITION WANTEDâ€"Lady desires FOR RENT 7 and 8 pm., phone ctr-amino” manufacâ€" WV? ............ garme- mm; or am on Slp- mnemmm 409 t 4“.“ shack, fur- OPPORTUNITYâ€"For men and women to learn Beauty Culture and hair- dressing during the winter months. nght elm will open, beginning of the year. Complete course taught by first-elm expert Enroll now as only DO YOU WISH TO MARRY?â€"-Are you lonely and unhappy? Do you wish to marry and find contentment and a happy home? You may find your Ideal among our members. For full information write to Canadian Correspondence Club, P.0. Box 124, FIRST-GLASS TWO-HOUR MASSAG- ING DONEâ€"Men $1.50; ladies $1.25. Electric and hand. Apply to K. Jar- vis, side entrance of 9 Cedar Street. Ncrth. Timmins. -50-9p EYES EXAMINED FREEâ€"Glasses fur- nished in up-to-datb mountings. At. reasonable prices. Satisfaction guar- anteed. By T-hos. Dodd, Optician, 4 Balsam Street, South, Timmins. -44tf FUR COATS, CLEANED, GLAZED, DANCING SCHOOL â€" For children, tuition included, tap and ballet danc- lng, etc., very moderate fees. Write Mrs. Harold Burt, Box 948, or call at 17 Borden Ave., Timmins. 43-45;)“ WILL GIVE FREE USE of Electric Washing Machine in exchange for storage to reliable party. Phone 810, Tkmmins. ~50 FUR COATS CLEANED GLAZED RE- FOR SALEâ€"One baby carriage in good condition, with runners; one set *White enamelled bauby scales, 25 pounds; one baby walker and one baby play yard with floor. Apply to . 124$ Spruce Street, North, Timm'ins. -49-50p CHRISTMAS FUR BARGAWSâ€"Ex- pert furrier from Toronto, with 30 years’ experience in fur coats, re- styling, repairing, relining, scientific dry-cleaning; glazing to make coat look like new; fur collars for cloth coats made to order, also fur" caps; fur trimmings by the yard for dresses FOR SALEâ€"Sedan delivery half-ton George's Beauty Parlour, 78 Third FOR SALEâ€"One gramophcne and 12 records, one dresser, “walnut finish,” seven odd chairs and one full-sized mattress. A11 in good condition. Apply to 59 Fourth Ave., Tim- mins. -50p FOR SALEâ€"Mason and Risch piano, regular price $495.,00 for $249. 50. This piano is slightly used, but. is as good as when new. Very easy terms of payment. J. T. Heffernan, 46 Third Ave., Timmins. ~50 FOR BALEâ€"spring chickens. from four to six pounds. Apply to 258 Mount- ' joy Street, South, Timmins. -50p FOR Slumâ€"Complete kitchen outfit. including coal and wood range. Ap- ply to 69 Hemlock Street. -50 FOR SALEâ€"Two pair of 4-inch sleighs, one single sleigh and horse. Cheap for quick sale. Apply to 94 Main Ave: or phone 681, Tlmnuns. -47tr HONEYâ€"Mixed honey in 60 1b. tins, $250 per tin. Am'ber honey in 60 }b. tins, $2.25 per tin. F.O.B. Mount Forest. Ont. Sample Free. 430-521) FOR BALEâ€"Household furniture. Ap- ply to 19 Laurie:- Ave., Tlmmlna 50p FOR. BALEâ€"Bed and dresser. nearly new. Apply to rear of 10 Pine Street. work guaranteed by Sloma Tailors, phone 592, 69 Third Ave.. Tim- mlns. -10tr BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALEâ€"Apply 187 m Street, North, rear. -5op HIIDREN FOR ADOPTIONâ€"Good homes desired for children, boys and girls. Catholic and Protestant, ages 4 to 14 years. Any home desiring to adopt a youngster should have their clergyman write A. G. Carson. Supt. Children’s Md. Timmlns. Ont workmanship. Sinclair the Valet 21 Fourth Ave.. Phone 825. ~3tf garments. All work guaranteed. Ap- ply to Toronto Fur Shop, 41 Wilson Ave., Timmins. -50p truck. late ’29 model Chevrolet; in first-class condition. Looks like new. Cheap for quick sale. Terms if de- sired. Also two pound capacity Tole- do computing scoop scales, in gOOd condition. Apply to PD. Box 974, Tlm-mins. . ~50p POSITION WANTED Ak'rmms W MISCELLANEOUS St. Matthew‘s A..Y.P.A wish to ex- tress their hearty thanks and appre- ciation to their many friends for gifts and talent, towards the Olde Tyme Fayre and supper and entertammant. WWW aided materially to- r ' ~‘a pleasing success. ~50 COUCHâ€"In loving memory of. our dear little daughter, Pamela, who passed away on December 15th, 1929, aged 10 months and 2 weeks. Safe-(tom this world of sorrow. Gathered while young and fair. Our darling sleeps near the Saviour. Oh, may we meet her there. â€"’-'-Ever remembered by Mama, Daddy and Derek. ~50!) COUCHâ€"In loving memory of our dear little granddaughter, Pamela, who passed away on December 15th, ' 1929. aged 10 months and 2 weeks. Some day, some ‘time, our eyes shall see Our darling’s face in memory, I And God shall link the broken chain Still closer when we meet, again. â€"-Fondly remembered by Grandpa. Grandma and Auntie Gladys. -50p WOOD FOR SALEâ€"Clean, dry Jack- pine, $2.75 per cord or $2.00 per three cord lots, Tamarack $3.50 per cord. Apply to W. J. McDade, 67 Birch Street, South, or phone 332, Tim- mins. -47ptf WOOD FOR SALEâ€"Dry slabs by the load, dry Jackpine, $2 .75 per card; mixed wood, $1.75 per cord. Good dry Birch $3. 75 :per cord. Apply to Chwput Malnville, phone 377, or 118 First Ave., Timmins. -48tf WOOD FOR SALEâ€"Any length, prices reasonable; also team of horses, will work by day or small jobs. Apply to 271 Birch Street, North, Timmins. ~47- 49p FOR SALEâ€"Real .nice, clean and dry flre wood, reasonable price. Apply to J. P. Roy, Planing Mill, on phone 221, Tlmmlns. -47-49p WOOD FOR SALEâ€"Dry slabs, by the load, $3.50; dry J'ackpine, 16-inch, $2.75 per cord. Apply to J. A. Daly, phone 441, 110 Wilson Ave., Tim- WOOD FOR SALEâ€"ZO-inch, suitable for furnace or box stove; 16-inch white and "black tblrch. Also 4 and 16-§oot.long wood, haul self, 11- miles out. Apply 75h Kirby Ave. -49p WANTED TO BUYâ€"A Singer sewing machine, second-hand; must ‘be in goofi'WOrking condition, and reason- ably-priced; family or tailor machine. Apply to Toronto Fur Shop, 41 Wil- ROOM AND BOARDâ€"Come and en- jC-y a home-like dinner and suppgr ' on Christmas Day at the Mont Royal Hotel. See our Menu on the front window. Also boarders wanted; large warm room and first-class board. $7.00 per week and up. Mrs. J. P. Lafrance, Mont Royal Hotel, 11 Cedar Street, South, Timmins. -50p ROOM AND BOARD â€" In private house, Without any children; all con- veniences; also including use of phone. Call 957-F or 85 Balsam Street, South, Tlmmins. ~48p TWO ROOMS FOR RENTâ€"Single and double room with all conveniences. central. Apply to 6 Balsam Street, FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENTâ€" Clean and comfortable, $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00 per month. Use of kit- chen and phone. Apply to 51.- Fifth Ave., or phone 64-W, Timmlns. -45tf WHY NOT TAKEâ€"The opportunity to stay at. the Windsor Hotel while you are in town, you will share the home atmosphere while you are a long way from home. You will find all what; you‘re wishing. Two-roomed apartments, double and single rooms. Hot and cold running water. in every room. All modern conveniences. -39tf ROOMS FOR RENTâ€"By the week or month, hot and cold water in every room. Apply to Lady Laurier Hotel. 15 Cedar St. South. Timmms. 49-52. ROOMS FOR RENT â€" Comfortable rooms in heated apartment. Phone w-w or apply to m Pine Street. North. Timmins. -50p songigveq .OOMS AND BOARDâ€"The best of service, open day and night; reason- able rates. Venice Cafe, 19 Fourth Ave, under new management, R. J. Stone, Prop. -45-46tf OR RENTâ€"Room and board. large room suitable for two gentlemen; single beds; miners preferred; all conveniences including use of phone. Apply to 3 Elm Street, South, Tim- CARD OF THANKS ’ IN MEMORIAM ROOM AND BOARD WOOD FOR SALE IN MEMORI AM WANTED -47tf -50p The Haileyburian last week ‘sayfâ€" “.Mrs J. W. Splane, an old resident at Haileybury. has gone to W, where she will nuke her home with her son. Melvin. " FOR ,RENTâ€"Five-roomed furnished house. Apply to 16 Kirby Avenue, - Timmins. :50p TOO LATE FOR CLASSI- FICATION. The By-law provides that the re- spective owners or lands abutting on the stopped-up portion of the Highway shall have the privilege of purchasing the soil and freehold-of the stopped-up portion of the Highway lying opposite their property within thirty days after the final passing of the By-law, after which time the Council may sell to any other person at the same or a greater price. Dated at Timmins, this 12th day December, AD. 1932. agenfi, who cl'ahns that his land Will be prejudicially affected by the By-law. and who applies to be heard at aéfheet- ing of the Council to be held at the Town Hall, Timmins, on the 9th day of January, 1933. at four o'clock in the afternoon. Before finally passing this Bil-law the Council will hear any person per- sonalp' or by his counsel, solioifibr or Take notice that the Council of the Town of Ti-rnmins has considered a By-law stopping up that portipen of Broadway Avenue abutting Lats 611 to 616 inclusive, Plan M- 30 Sudbury. and providing for the sale of the soil and freehold of the stopped-up pertion, subject to the reservation of minerals by original owners, to the respective owners of the lands abutting thereon, according to law. , . Proposed By-Law Number 421, 35: By- Law for stopping up part of Broad- way Avenue and for selling the sur- face rights thereof. -50-52-1 Dated at South Porcupine this 12th day of December, 1932. 11m 90m ADVANCE. Before finally passing this By-law the Council will hear any person per- sonally, or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, who claims that his land will be prejudivclally affected by the By-law, and 'who applies to ‘be heard at a meet- ing of the Council to 1be held at the Township Hall, South Porcupine, on the 9th day of January, 1933, at 7.30 o’clock in the afternoon. Take notice that the Council of the Township of Tisdale has considered a By-law stopping up that portion of Birch Street lying North of First Ave- nue, according to Plan M-34 (Sudbury) (Schumacher Tciwnsite) and providing for the exchange thereOf for the sur- face rights of Lot Number 24 and part of Lot Number 25 in the said sub- division, for the purpose of providing a direct approach from First Avenue to the Temfiskaming and Northern On- tario R-ailwa'y Station and the McIn- tyre plant. Notice of promised By-law Number 399, a. By-law for stopping up part of Birch Street, Plan M-34 (Sudbury) (Schumacher Townsite), and for ex- changing the surface rights thereof. WESLEY ASBURY WILSON, Administrator, 387 Ambrose St, Port Arthur, Ont... by his Solicitor. . W. J. MATTHEWS, 410 Whalen Bldg, Port Arthur, 99- tario. ~ ~48-50 TO‘VNSHIP OF TISDALE I. cucncr, ueucaseu. i t Notice is hereby given that any per- sans having claims against the Estate of Eleanor Elizabeth Wilson, im at the Town of Timmins in the District of Cochrane, who died on the 2591 day of September, 1932, are required to for- ward their claims, in triplicate“,~ duly proven, to the undersigned Administra- tor on or before the slat day of Decem- ber, 1932. And notice is furturetggiven that after the said date the undersign- ed Administrator will proceed to dis- tribute the estate having regard only to such claims of which he then has notice. Dated at Port Arthur. Ontario, this let day of November, 1932. - All persons but: any chums against the estate oi manna convex-w. late or the Settlement 01 Schmnad'ier in the District at We, Miner. who died on or about. the 19th day of Oc- tober, 1932. are required 00 send par- ticulars a! the sum in writing to the undersigned Solicitor for the Adminis- tratrix. on or before the 220:! day of December, 1932, after which date the Administratrix will distribute all assets of the estate having regard only to such claims as she shall then have had Dated at Timmdns this 25th '63? of November, 1932. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Eleanor Elizabeth Wil- son, late of the Town of Tlnunlns in the Distgict of _ Cochrane, 7ch T. A. MACDONALD. -48-50. Solicitor, Timmina, Ontario. [gymnasium Guam-nay, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Teacher, Deceased. TOWN OF TIMMINS Mayor H. E. MONTGOMERY. NOTICE 0‘ u. I. are FRANK C. EVANS. g." Butter hall, “pr" was just as annoyed about the loss of the overcoat as if it were going to cost him money, and that in addition he was Scotch. It was a good overcoat, and he could not understand how it could have been taken by mis- take as there was no coat left in its place. The cap lost was not so serious a matter. and may have been a mis- take. “If the fellow who took that overcoat from the Turkey Stag, either deliberately or by mistake, does not return it to Canadian Industries, 11 Fourth avenue, within 48 hours imme- diate steps will be taken to secure the overcoat and the punishment or the man taking the coat,” Manager La- prairie says. Overcoat ancLCap Taken from the Turkey Stag “There were only two casualties at the Turkey Stag this year,” Manager Lapairie told The Advance this week. He went on to explain that a. cap and an overcoat had been taken from the hall the night of the stag. Although the Turkey Stag does not take any re- sponsibility for articles lost from the Take notice. that a meeting of the supporters of 'I‘lmmina Separate Schools will be held in St. Anth’ony s School, Sixth Avenue and Spruce Street North, on Wednesday. December 28th. 1932, from 7.30 to 8.30 pm for the pur- pose Of Nomination. and Election of Separate SchoOl Trustees. And take notice further that in the event of a poll being required. the same will be held in St. Anthony’ 5 Parish Hall, on Wednesday. January 4th 1933, and will be open between the hours of 10 am. and 5 pm ~50-51. Hollinger Consolidated Gold Milies Limited v _â€"â€"râ€"--' ' (W “I- vu “IV '5“. “a! ”.1 WP. 1932. on which due cheques will be mailed to shareholders of re- cord at the close a! business on Rte 15th day of Decent)”. 1932. A regular dividend of l p.c. has been deem on the Capt“! Stock of the gunma‘ny. payable on the Slat day of Notice to Separate School Supporters Dated the 8th day of December. 1932. FRESH HAM Whole or Half, lb. . Fresh Boston Butts 'l ‘l c PORK SHOULDERS, lb .......... per lb. Fresh Picnic Style PORK SHOULDER DIVIDEND NUMBER 285 Monday Our Prices fire Léw! Come and pick your bird early and other Pduitry arri’ving Cor. Birch St. 8; Fourth Ave. I Toluphoqo 101, South Porcupine of Government Inspected FRESH AND SMOKED .‘ONJUHEKS coJOVEKATIvE , "532‘ SOCIETY, LIMITED CARLOAD Assistant-Mann LEAVE YOUR cumsnus CAKE ORDER EARLY Secretary. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WE DELIVER ' Gold Nugget Rebekah Lodge have planned for a social evening to be held directly after the regular lodge busi- ness this (Thursday) evening, the hos- , tesses for the occasion being Mesdames Keene. Leek hnd Sears. All members and visitors will be welcome. Remem- ber, it is this evening, Thursday, Dec. 15th. Born-quanday. Uecember 12th, (0 Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Groulxâ€"a son. (Joseph Lucien Real). Mother doing well but baby passed away. December 14th. . The stores in 'I'lmmlns this year have a noteworthy array of all sorts of souls suitable for presents for Christmas. Never were better articles or a greater variety to choose from. Shep early and often! On Thursday. Dec. 8th, a. very pleas- ant time was had in the Moose Hall where a. dance was held under the aus- pices of the Men and Women of the Moose. Sullivan and Ormston, Merry- makers Orchestra, provided the music, and a delightful lunch was served. -There is sun time to procure per- sonal Greeting cud: for Christin” :t J. '1‘. Hefleman‘s. 48 Third Ave., Tim- Bomâ€"At. St. Mary‘s hospital. M- mins. on Friday. Dec. 9th. 1932. to Mr.- and Mrs. W. J. mm. of Schu- rumbaâ€"twin boys. 12c 14c Creamery Fresh Thompson Seedless RAISINS, 2 lbs. .\ .......... SHELLED WALNUTS. 1/; lb. package ................ California Seedless ORANGES, dozen ............... Bordeaux Halves PRESERVED GINGER V; pound package ........... Victory Sweet RELISH PICKLE, 2 jars 25¢ Fancy Pack ' LOBSTERS, 'A’s tin ....... Victory Sweet FRUITSANDVEGETABLES S gzi'll‘éUP, large battle ........... 216 g Clark’s 18 oz. tin PORK BEANS, 3 tins ....... “BETTER BAKERS” Orange Bars [58%. 296? 2- lbs. 51¢ g SATURDAY SPECIAL . Toasted Cocoanut North ay firemen have _b en re- pairing broken toys and makiig new toys for the youngsters, Who ‘would omerwise have no Christmas joys of this kind. The North Bay firemen have nothing on the Timmin‘s firemen who have been doing the same good work in their time 03 duty.‘ ' There will be very general sympathy to the bereaved widow and family in the death on Tuesday of this week of David Auger, for ten years a. resident of Timmins. The death took place at St. Mary' 3 hospital after an illness of only about a. week. At the time or his death the _la;te Mr. Amer was 53_ years of age. He leaves to mourn his loss a widow and seven sons and three daughters. Another daughter died about six months ago. He also is sur- vived by his mother, Mrs. Louis Auger. and five brothers all of BathurSt, N..B The funeral will take plabe to- mor- row (Friday) morning at nine o’clock to St. Anthony’s church. Death on December 13th of David Auger, Timmins fli‘ormerllz'I coal‘ducted by rs. ate Your Patronage Solicited The ideal place. for the businessman’s lunch. m u. snsfiiffinl Restaurant and Boarding House Best of Meals and Service Warm and Comfortable Rooms ”TS’ ..... 23¢ .......... 27¢ E 490. 23c S 5' the I?

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