Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 17 Nov 1932, 1, p. 2

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«* ue ts # Vn.“.”‘oo.oo t * / t /K e snn sn n snn ns 28228 ns *n a * s 2*, .00 .“ .“.O ..“ .N:".“.“.“ .“.“.“.“.“‘0%“ .“.“. %° °+ "®°°% # n’»’«’n‘n'“: #, % _%. o. ¢. 0. .0. _% _% #* .“.“.“.“‘“.“.0 * .00 *# + #+* *# .0 * ’. *, ¢ .. .. ## # # s ts 26. .® 0\“.00.“.1 Afternoon Tea 50c Supper from 5.30 p.m. Everybody Welcome ~46â€"4"7 Sss s s s s s s s s 5 s 5 e oo S s o o o o m o o * 883 35 258 4 ***#S * t** S * 44 CA .-A 40 04 4000 48 a*2 a*s a*s 1*22%0 a*m a*s 2t s 2% 2 2%, 2%, 1%, 1®, tu uts 2®, uts a*.2® ons a 2 2 a* 22 ns 282 282282 24224 282228228 29. 28. 1%, 1® a*22® 44 °04 46 + 6 * * 0000 0000_0006000000 0000000.000000030000000000000_‘0_000‘000000{00000000000‘900030000.03'000000000000000 000009 :\ E* * * *E ******t t 3 , * *, *Aua*, * *, * .t ?‘X‘n’u.o‘.’.‘u’?f3??0»3"3030’0000’00?03? # L""C t .% en onl e wl n ue ulc n ul o nalle Sn ns 3e a n onl o se aBle o dn s3 u0 bn a 20 ate atn i QQQMWWMMQ““O““ 41446 6 lbs. for 6 lbs. for GRAPES, Tokays B. GRENIER 42 Bannerman Avenue 6 lbs. for Clean, bone dry Jack Pine Stove Wood, per cord ...............$3.00 Clean, bone dry Tamarack, Stove Wood, per cord................ $3.50 CABBAGE per Ib. :..::.. For a limited time only we offer 24 x 24, 2 Its, Storm Windows at . . $2.75 MILK FED CHICKENS per Ib..:..::...}..,......l.....0...0. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES pieces, per Ib. SMOKED HAM, whole or half, per Ib. FRESH LOIN PORK SMOIb(E PICNIC AT YOUR SERVICE High Quality Lumber at Reasonable Prices Pork Shoulders Everybody Welcome Box Social and Dance TIMMINS LUMBER AND FUEL SALES CGO. SALE OF HOME BAKING AND FANCY NEEDLE AFTERNOON TEAâ€"3.30 SUPPERâ€" to be held in the Oddfellows‘ Hall on Monday, Nov. 21st at 8.30 sharp z=â€" * saud «i 4 s mll o 4 s M RAtAthth veuvevsusus The big event of the year! â€" Gifts Galore! Something for everybody! Under the Auspices of the St. Matthew‘s I WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30th ST. MATTHEW‘S CHURCH HALL Always in Stock United Church Basement Saturday, Nov. 26th BA ZAAR ONJUMEKS COâ€"OPERATIVE pices of Ladies‘ Auxiliary of Canadi 234 â€" SOCIETY, LIMITED *# O‘clock to be held in FISH POND in the 2C adies‘ Guild on vvvvvvvvvvvv '.“ .“.00 6“ '0 0.00 ‘0'..0 * .00 .00.“.. ICK ! asonable ol fer at. . $2.75 ove . .. . $3.00 tove j â€". .. ALES 60. Phone 425 ~46Gâ€" “:.‘0“0 *22%..%,.%8,.% a*2 28. 1%, .* o .00 .“ .0 *# .“ ‘0\ ind .00.“.“.“’“ cA A *A 0.“.00.0 “'oo:o # * #4 +4 #. * "® ** # + ** 4 4 ++ * # *4 + # * * °¢% tA t t % % ‘% “'00.“.“.“.“.“.“.“‘“.“ + «# +4 e € *# + ‘+ 4Â¥ % % “.00.“‘“.“.“. # # #* # # *4 + + *4 ¢4 4. _# *© *# * + 44404 #. * °+ #4 + + *# # © #+* e**s ## *..% “.“. + * # # #4 + ¢4 + 4+ # «+ .0 w# + 4 8 2a* m “.0..”.”.“. *# # slsb o 2t . .t ‘“.00.“. #* Â¥.#.4*, * * Telephone 101, South Porcupine ooooooooo CHICKEN HADDIE 1 Ih. tin, 2 for..::::..:....;: MAZOLA OIL 2 packages TEA, Our Own Blend pound...........;.;.. MACARONI 16 oz. pkg., 2 for 1‘s tin TOILET TISSUE 7 rolls for SEEDLESS RAISINS Ibs.,>:,. [3# LUX SOAP FLAKES, 3 pkgs WORK 30 TO 1.00 19 Appie Sauce Base 28c "BETTER BAKERS" SATURDAY SPECGIAL A Delicious [umuxvuuwu KX L JX L L ~~ AALCD * WE Ks © ons omm mm *: € 2 *%% * + * *o" 1 4 Cad #.% *# *# *# *# ++ *#. * “. *4 # + # *. * .“‘“ #4 +. La * +4 * *# *4 *.% #.% 4| 3 i + # ® i D:O P °4 DzO o 4 #+ ‘" # VC hy #+* N/ h ** V + *4 *+ # * *+ #® . *4 # [ The monthly meeting of the Timmins branch, Canadian Legion was held on Monday last in the Oddfellows‘ hall. There was a very good attendance of members present and much good busiâ€" ness was accomplished. The branch received two good communications, one from Mr. H. P. DePencier, enclosing his: annual gift to the relief fund namely, a cheque for $50.00 and the other from an old member of the branch, namely, Geo. Cole, now of Winnipeg, which carâ€" ried his dues for the year. Votes of thanks were passed to all those conâ€"| nected with Poppy Day and the Reâ€" | membrance Day parade and service.. The financial report shows the branch' to be in sodund position. Then the' meeting: developed into a “You-tell-! "em" one. Several slight grievances| were aired and cleared away satisfacâ€"| torily to all concerned. Discussion gotl very lively at timées, but the spirit of : the welfare of the branch was behind‘ it all. Onenew committee was formed, ‘ namely a sketch committee and this| will no doubt get into action righti away. After the business a social hour | was enjoyed with several of the memâ€" bers. The meeting closed with the Naâ€" l brs. The meeting closed with the Naâ€"! tional Anthem. ! # | Perth Courier: Venerable Archdeaâ€" con Scott, of Quebec, in addressing a body of students, in stressing the necessity of being true gentlemen, drew from his pocket a wellâ€"worn New Tesâ€" tament and emphasized his point by substituting the word "gentleman" for the "charity" in Saint Paul‘s famous chapter. "A gentleman suffereth long and is kind. A gentleman envieth not. A gentleman vaunteth not himself. A gentleman is not puffed up. A gentleâ€" man doth not seek his own. A gentleâ€" man is not easily provoked. A gentleâ€" man thinketh no evil. A gentleman reâ€" joiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in trith." Sub Teamâ€"=C. MacDonald, 179 Prettie, â€"140; G. Doherty, 134; Cameron, 123; M. Humphries, 105. J. Bogie, 187; G. Everett, 174; O Ramsay, 167; V. McKinley, 167; FP. Mac Donald, 164; N. MacLeod, 160; G. Hughes, 158; M. Morrison, 157; M. Tackaberry, 157; E. Blyth, 154; J. Harâ€" ris, 163; I. Sime 162; V. Smith, 141; M MacIntosh, 140; E. Connor, 138; H. White, 136; W. McCcKelvie, 112; N. Thorburn, 111:; E,Ohlman, 105. Mconthly Meeting of Timmins Branch of the Legion Deals with Many Matters of Interest, Thanks Extended to Those Helping the Legion Last Week. Legion Hears from Generous Friends Organization of a Northern Ontario Liberal Association to include the elecâ€" toral district of Sudbury, Nipissing, Sturgeon Falls, Algoma, North and South Temiskaming, Cochrane, Kenora, Port Arthur and Fort William was proâ€" posed at a meeling of the North Bay Liberal Association Wednesday night of last week, and a committee of five men was appointed to further th plans. The. suggestion will be submittâ€" ed to the Northern Ontario delegates at the National Liberal Convention in Otâ€" tawa on November 18 and 19. AVERAGES FOR FIRST PERIOD OF THE TEACHER®© BOWLING Fresh, Picnic PROPOSAL FOR LLBERAL ARROCIATIOX FOR NORTH sh, Picnic 9 Style ib. c 21¢ 221C 230C 217C SAShCm "l Among those from out of town atâ€" | tending the Armistice dance here last iweek were Messrs G. Humphrys and Frank Lyle, also Miss Flack, of Kirkâ€" land Lake. Mrs. Bruce, of Matheson, was the guest of Mrs. T. A. Strain, during the early part of this week. | The Kitchener Rebekah Lodge are giving one Of their enjoyable euchre and bridge parties on Friday evening of this week. This is the first of these parties to be given this year.. At the Young People‘s Society on ;| Wednesday of last week the debate, 2| ‘"‘Resolved that men should learn 44q bhousehold science," was humorous as c well as instructive. Messrs Wagner 73 and R. McWilliams, Jr., took the negaâ€" "* tive while Misses McGavin and Walker had the affirmative, to which side the decision was given by the margin of one point. One strong point the ladies made was that if the men: 10lKk underâ€" stood household sciente better, there THE PORCUPINE ADVANCTE, TTMMINS, ONTARIO | __Miss Annie Bradley, a missionary from South Africa, was at the United Church on Monday evening and gave a | very interesting talk on South Africa showing about fifty different views of the various parts of that country and the natives in their different activities. | Her home is in Haileybury and she is | there on furlough now. A quiet wedding was solemnized in St. Joachim‘s Catholic church on !Thursday morning, November 10th, when Kathleen Margaret, eldest daughâ€" ter of Mrs. Leroy and the late Harry Lercy, of South became the bride of Mr. Edward McGarry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McGarry, of Coâ€" balt. The bride, who was giver in marâ€" riage by her uncle, Mr. H. R. M. Turâ€" ner, was gowned in cream flat crepe made with tightâ€"fitting bodice ° and Lolero, her small turban, shoes and stockings all being in a matching shade. She carried a bouguet of rosebuds and liliesâ€"ofâ€"theâ€"valley. She was attended by Miss Gladys Watt, of Timmins, as bridesmaid, who was gowned in mauve satin with fur trimmings and carried. a bouquet of pink and white carnations. {' l The groom was attended by Mr. John Ingstrom, of Timmins. â€" Rev. Fat,herl Gelinas, of South Porcupine, was the officiating clergyman. After the cereâ€" mony a buffet breakfast was partaken of at the home of the bride‘s mother in south Porcupine. The happy young couple will reside in Timmins. 4 _ Messrs W. Wottom, president of the Dome Hockey Club, and Mr. A. Briden, who will coach the team this winter, were in North Bay attending the anâ€" nual meeting of the N.OH.A. last week. Miss Myra Cameron spent the weekâ€" end at her home in Latchford. Weddmg Thursday _ at South Porcupine ternoon and the evening. In the afterâ€"| With bigger attendance than ever noon the prize winners were Mrs. W. H. the Armistice dance given under the Johns, Mrs. F. Reynolds. In the evenâ€" | Auspices of the Order or the Eastern ing Mrs. T. J. Wright and Mrs. Cliff |Star, Porcupine Chapter, was an outâ€" carried off the prizes. standing success. It was held in the The Women‘s Auxiliary of St. Paut‘s| High School hall on Friday evening, Anglican Church are planning a supper | November 1l1th, with the Club Royal to be given in the Masonic hall South | orchestra supplying the music. Parties Porcupine, on November 30th. ]were there from all parts of the camp. Miss Annie Bradley, a mLssmna,ry A buffet luncheon was served by the from South Africa, was at the United |ladies, during the evening. _ Various Church on Monday evening and gave a | unique favours were supplied for the very interesting talk on South Africa | habppy revellers and although well on in showing about fifty different views of | were loath to hear the strains of the the various parts of that country and |were both to hear the strains of the the natives in theirâ€" different activities. | ‘Home Waltz" telling them it was time Her home is in Haileybury and she is ltO aepart. Mrs. M. Bessette was hostess to the bridge club and a number friends last week, entertaining both in the afâ€" ternoon and the evening. In the afterâ€" noon the prize winners were Mrs. W. H. Johns, Mrs. F. Reynolds. In the evenâ€" ing Mrs. T. J. Wright and Mrs. Clif carried off the prizes. » Misses Pearl Kennedy and Alma Laâ€" forest are spending a week with Toâ€" ronto friends. Mrs. S. King, of the ladies‘ departâ€" ment in S. Bucovetsky‘s store here, is leaving this week for their store in Kapuskasing. ' South Porcupine, Nov. 15th, 1932 Special to The Advance. + Messrs G. Newman and W. Lemon were visitors in the Queen Clty over the weekâ€"end. Armistice: Dance by Eastern Star a Great Success. Pleasing Event by Rebekah Loedge. Other South Poreupinge and Dome Items of Interest, ....... A iew ol a féew of the Turkeys at the Timmins Charity Turkey Stag las These turkeys covered the whole large stage. There will be as many 0o ty Turkey Stag on Dec. 9th, 1932. ViC THE TURKE\ the golice court for Tuesday two | drunks paid the usual fine; one speeder . jalso was fined. A charge of assaulting f !his wife against a local man was withâ€" |drawn; a charge of attempted suicide ‘| was remanded for one week. A boy | from the Dome was charged with reckâ€" _|less driving but the case was dismissed, even the complainant‘s testimony sayâ€" |ing that he was not going beyond posâ€" sibly twentyâ€"five miles an hour when i e collided with their milk wagon on !the Dome road last Saturday evening. The two occupants of the wagon were thrown: off but not hurt. One of the |occcupants had been holding a lighted {lantern in her hand but the driver | of the car did not see the wagon in the | middle of the road till he was so close i to it that although he put on the brakes and ran his own car into the ditch tryâ€" ling to avoid it, there was a collision in which the milk wagon was damaged. The car also was damaged but none of the coccupants were hurt. The magisâ€" trat said #t was doubtful whether a lantern carried by hand in the wagon could be seen on a snowy nigat and dismissed the case. The driver has a reputation in camp for being a very careful driver and it is fortunate that he was not going at a greater speed or. more injuries might have been receivâ€" ed by some of those concerned. I The box lacrosse for the season . wound up with the two final games of the threeâ€"game schedule arranged beâ€" tween Dome and South Porcupine Junâ€" iors. The Dome won Wednesday‘s game in a score of 6â€"1 but were defeatâ€" ed on Friday, the latter score beip for South Porcupine. Wedn game, while featuring snaripy was snappy in an unpleasant manner, too, some of the Dome jy@ungsters| showing nasty tendency to tal back to the referee over his ions. In every case it just meant longr banishâ€" | ment as it always does in isport. It crosse l entirely absent in s game. The offenders probably behind the lines that no matter great his Bornâ€"In South Porcupine on Wedâ€" nesday, Nov. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. David Laine,â€"a son. Mrs. W. W. Wilson is visiting friends in Barric. The Oddfellows of South Porcupine and the Dome are putting on a grand euchre, bridge and dance next week in the I1.O0.0.F. hall here. It promises to be one of the best things of the seaâ€" son. Fine prizes are being given and a snappy orchestra will supply the music. Watch for the posters to get the exact date. Miss Ruby Naish has gone to Toronto to visit her sisters there for two or three weeks. would be more modern appliances bought with whith the work could be done. The boys thought that thorough reégime of household tasks would do more to keep a woman slim and girlish than a. system of physical training would. The meeting for this week is in charge of Mr. B. Saunders. | 4 2# .A +4 o‘o‘oxnoooxoooo ooonooooooz. y Stag last year as photographed in St. Anthony as many or more of just as fine tutkevys at the T # # evles # La # # w# * *# #* # *# w# + *# w4# C L ## # *# festes ow *# * #* w uy *# * . .* .00.“ ## #, # *# # *# # '00:“ #*# # vetes The Advance made brief reference last week to the fact that W. R. Rinn had been called to the South owing to the death of his mother, Mrs. J. W. Rinn, who passed away at Tottenham, where she had been visiting her son, Harry Rinn, formeriy of Timmins. Under the heading, "Beloved Creemore Mcother Passes at Tottenham," The Creemore Star last week gives full parâ€" ticulars of the sad event, as folloOows:â€" Mrs. J. W. Rinn "It was rather a remarkable coinc!â€" dence that Mrs. Rinn, as did her late husbhand, pass from this life on her birthday. Her death occurred on Friâ€" day morning, November 4th, at the Death of Mother of the Rinn Brothers W. R. Rinn, of Timmins, and Harry Rinn, Formerly of Town, Bereaved by the Death of Their Mother, Mrs. J. W. Rinn. season in laying a good foundation for proper sportsmanship in the boys, their methcd of play being at all times stressed more than the goals which they made and selfish tactics at all times beirg condemned. They have sriint much time grooming these youngsters and making them into good clean sportsmen. 'player too dacking in selfâ€"control to master his desire to give his own opinâ€" ions on the field. The younger he knows it just can‘t be done the better for him and his teamâ€"mates. The lineâ€" ups were much the same each night viz.:â€"Dome Christie, goal; Creed, Shuâ€" milak; centre, Doran; rover, Woods: home, E. Richardson and Millions; spares, Clement, Hughes, Libby, Mitâ€" chell, McGinn, Costain, Parsons, Mcâ€" Lean. South Porcupine:â€"goal, McKay:; defence, Cattarello, Laffin; centre, Mcâ€" Cann; rover, G. Burns; home, Stranges and Miller; spares, J. Miller, Haneberry, Myers, Dagenais and Starr. W. Mcâ€" Lean and S. Burns handled Wednesâ€" day‘s game; T. Foss handled Priday‘s. Helmer and Schneider were in the f town lineâ€"up for Priday. On Wednesâ€" day McLean scored nearly as soon as he stepped into the play. . Then Stranâ€" ges evened but Millions came back with ancither. Hughes, Richardson, Laffin and McGinn were the bad boys of the first session. Woods and Richardson made the tallies of the second. Doran and G. Burns held down the penitents‘ bench,. Doran and McLean tailied for Dome in the third. McLean, Parsons, Myers, Richardson and Haneberry all were disciplined in the third. On Friâ€" day M. Miller grabbed first honours. Then Libby won his laurels by a nice angle shot for Dome. Doran made it two; Schneider tied the score; E. Richâ€" ardson got Creed‘s rebound for another and passed to Doran later for the fourth; Stranges evened matters for town; then in quick succession Mike Miller put them two ahead. Those gracing the hoosegow were Cattarello, Doran, Richardson, Stranges ° and Schneider. Codaches Lowry and Foss have been particular throughout the PREACHERâ€"REV. JAMES HALL, of Ottawa Subjects:â€"11 am.â€""Paul‘s Concention of the Lord Jesus Christ," 7 pm.â€""‘The Word of the Cross." N.B.â€"Meéetings are being held nightly during this week, addréessed by Pastor Hall. Come and bring someone with you. o\\oo # . _# w _ _# U s 0 n s i s 6 eP c 2t s 2 a 2t c M * 1 8. .# .. .# U us is ts s 28 s P 2 29 2 2P 2 22 * 2. 2 * 1 29 ..# . 2® r§\o fio\o.‘flo%o‘uoc.‘%tnz\o ralealaslaatast ateatectonteatestaatnatecatestnetests + Special Anniversary Services SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20th, 1932 40 Second Avenue *#*, weleatest # + w# # 4 ## + # #4 #* * * ##* ®# # @4# ® 4 *4 ##* ®# # #* ## *# # yetes! 6+ *# *# eetesive? oX *, # ## ® *# #* # + #* # La #4 w # *# ®, + *4 #* + + *4 *22®%, 0..0 *, w ## *# # ## + # ##4 # # ## # *3 The Free Press; Winnipeg:â€"High lights in history, Nineteen twentyâ€" nine: bonds,. Nineteen thirtyâ€"«two: vagabonds. "Following her death her body was brought to her old home in Creemore where the funeral service was held on Sunday afternoon. It was a beautiful autumn day, and besides her friends in Creemore, others came from Toronâ€" to, Orillia, Elora, Thornton and Tottenâ€" ham to pay a final tribute of respect. Of her cwn family, all were present exâ€" cept her son Ira of Regina. The service was taken by her late minister, Mr. W. A. McKay, BD., who spoke comforting words from part of the 23rd Psalm, "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil." The profusion of flowers which covered the casket conveyed their sweet and silent messages of love, sympathy and respect. At her own request her pallbearers were the same as for her late husband, fie., John Jones, Jo¢ Miller, Joe Weir, Hugh Fraser, David Fraser and A. R. McLaren. Interment was made in the family plot in Creeâ€" more Union cemetery." "The deceased, whose maiden name was Hester Ann Silk, was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Silk, pioneer settlers of Melancthon townâ€" ship where she was born on November 4th, 1864. On March 3rd, 1886, she married Joseph W. Rinn and lived for some time at Black Bank, Ruskview, and for a short time at Oakwood. The family moved to Creemore in 1899. She was a most dqdevoted wife and mother and a kind and thoughtful neighbour. A member of the Methodist Church, later the United Church, she was always ready and willing to do her share in all the activities of her church. She raised a large family and their sucâ€" cess in life has been no doubt a result of her careful and thoughtful training. The children who survive her are: W. R. of Timmins, Angus of Prescott, Harâ€" ry of Tottenham, Ira at Regina, Mrs. M. H. McKnight (Katherine) of Toâ€" ronto, and Mrs. C. W. Dunstan (Libby) of Owen Sound. home of her son Harry, at Tottenham, aged 68 years She had not been in good health for several months and folâ€" lowing her husband‘s death on July 17th, last, she left her home in Creeâ€" more and went to live with her son, where, despite tender nursing, her strength slowly ebbed. She peacefully passed to the other shore. Write P.O. Box 1939, or Phone 164 Washing Machines Repaired it your home, by expert mechanic Reasonable Prices and Work Guaranteed thony‘s parish hall. the Timmins Chariâ€" All Makes of

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